MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $}.....{fA..{fG..{fD..{f@..{fY..{fC..{fF..Rich.PEL iY!  f;@EPu<0DP9\Lt@.textef `.dataj@.idatal@@.didat t@.rsrc0v@@.relocD|@B;DEIJ\``ps@sPs`spsssss iY.,:,.@ADVAPI32.dllGuidLevelFlagsCircularSizeWERDIAG: Verifier.dll loaded. Enabling Autoverifier. WERDIAG: ProcessStartupSettingsUpdate failed. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: FDR will be enabled WERDIAG: Stopping Autoverifier WERDIAG: Stopping FDR WERDIAG: AutoVerifier: Failed getting current user registry path. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: AutoVerifier: Path is: %S Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\Plugins\AutoverifierWERDIAG: AutoVerifier: Subkey is: %S WERDIAG: AutoVerifier: could not open settings key. NTSTATUS: %08X AutoverifierEnabledWERDIAG: AutoVerifier: could not read enabled flag. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: AutoVerifier: Enabled flag: %u \Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error ReportingWERDIAG: Failed opening registry key. NTSTATUS: %08X ErrorPortWERDIAG: PluginsNtGetRegStringValue failed. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: SignalStartWerSvc failed NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: NtQuerySysInfo(ErrorPortTimeouts) failed. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: WaitForWerSvc failed %08X. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: WaitForWerSvc timed out, failing the call with NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: RtlAllocateAndInitializeSid failed. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: NtAlpcConnectPort failed. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: NtAlpcConnectPort timed out, failing the call with NTSTATUS %08X WERDIAG: NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort failed. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Service returned failure status. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Failed getting current user registry path. NTSTATUS: %08X Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution OptionsWERDIAG: Handle to registry key is null WERDIAG: Failed getting process name. NTSTATUS: %08X AutoverifierAutoVerifierCountWERDIAG: Failed reading key value. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Failed writing registry value. NTSTATUS: %08X OriginalBucketAutoVerifierTimeDurationWERDIAG: Failed creating timer thread. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Failed deleting autovefier enabled flag. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Failed writing key value \Registry\Machine\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session ManagerImageExecutionOptionsWERDIAG: Not disabling HKCU IFEO look-up because its statically enabled. WERDIAG: Thread failed to wait for the specified time; Disabling autoverifier. NTSTATUS: %08X verifier.dllWERDIAG: Failed obtaining verifier.dll handle. NTSTATUS: %08X VerifierForceNormalHeapWERDIAG: Failed obtaining VerifierForceNormalHeap function address. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Failed switching to normal heap mode. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Verifier switched to light mode \KernelObjects\SystemErrorPortReadyu: AnT DWERDIAG: Invalid params WERDIAG: Arithmetic overflow WERDIAG: OOM WERDIAG: Failed creating FDR thread. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: GetTraceLoggerHandle failed WERDIAG: GetTraceEnableLevel failed WERDIAG: GetTraceEnableFlags failed WERDIAG: Internal provider enabled for Level %u, Flags %lu WERDIAG: Tracing disabled for internal provider WERDIAG: Provider not registered. RegisterTraceGuids failed with %d WERDIAG: Internal provider: FDR did not start yet; Message lost WERDIAG: Failed determining string length. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Memory allocation for event failed. WERDIAG: Internal provider failed to log message. Win32 error: %08X WERDIAG: Internal log message WERDIAG: Failed reading the session settings of updating the process ID. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Failed parsing settings string. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Failed to enable logging. HRESULT: %08X FDR startedWERDIAG: Failed enabling trace provider. Win32 error: %08X FDR Tracing SessionWERDIAG: Invalid arguments: Log path cannot be null WERDIAG: Unable to allocate %d bytes for properties structure. WERDIAG: Failed copying string buffer. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: StartTrace failed for the internal provider. Win32 error: %08X WERDIAG: Failed enabling internal trace provider. Win32 error: %08X WERDIAG: Invalid args: The pair string cannot be null WERDIAG: Failed obtaining string length. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Invalid format: expected '='. WERDIAG: Invalid args WERDIAG: Failed getting string length. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Failed copying string. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Invalid arguments: Buffer or separator character cannot be null WERDIAG: Invalid arguments: String buffer cannot be null WERDIAG: Failed obtaining the length of the input string. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Out of resources allocating memory for string buffer WERDIAG: Failed making a copy of the original settings string. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Failed copying characters to pair buffer. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Invalid argument: GUID structure cannot be null WERDIAG: Invalid arguments: pointer to settings structure cannot be null WERDIAG: Invalid argument: settins string cannot be NULL WERDIAG: Failed extracting next token from settings string. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Failed extracting next pair from the current token. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Error parsing current pair; Ignoring pair and continuing parsing. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Failed updating settings; Parsing continues. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Log file size was not specified; Logging will not be enabled WERDIAG: Failed reading session settings, cannot delete log file. HRESULT: %08X %s_%dWERDIAG: Failed appending process ID to log file name. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Failed deleting file. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Session settings and/or FDR layer were not deleted successfuly. HRESULT: %08X Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\Plugins\FDR\CurrentSessionAppPathWERDIAG: Failed reading string value from registry. NTSTATUS: %08X Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\LayersFDRWERDIAG: UtilRemoveAppCompatLayerFromList failed. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: PluginsNtSetRegStringValue failed. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Failed opening session registry key. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Invalid arguments; pointer to string buffer cannot be null SessionSettingsWERDIAG: Failed reading FDR settings value from registry. NTSTATUS: %08X LogPathWERDIAG: Failed reading log file path value from registry. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Get current process ID failed ProcIDWERDIAG: Failed writing process ID to registry. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: StartFDR failed 0x%x FDR_FLUSH_MESSAGE%s-%dWERDIAG: Failed concatenating strings. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Failed creating event. Win32 error: %08X WERDIAG: Failed setting event. Win32 error: %08X WERDIAG: Flushing done, done signal sent WERDIAG: Unexpected event response or failed waiting for event DFԓ@+f9vKtdgWERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed creating AppRecorder thread. NTSTATUS: %08X Local\{DF2B7FCA-C5B0-4638-A4AD-59F7F76CE540}WERDIAG: AppRecorder: ProcessStartupSettingsUpdate failed. HRESULT: %08X %d-AppRecorderEnabledWERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed creating apprecorder event name string. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed creating event. Win32 error: %08X WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to get temp folder path. Win32 error: %08X WERWERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to get temp file name. Win32 error: %08X .AppRecorderData.xmlWERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to create temp file name. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to create apprecorder temp file. Win32 error: %08X WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to register the log file with WER. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to get system folder path. Win32 error: %08X \psr.exeWERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to create UAR executable image path. HRESULT: %08X %s /start /output %s /gui 0 /recordpid %d /stopevent %s /sc 0 /noarc 1 /waitonpid 1WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to create UAR process command line. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to create UAR process. Win32 error: %08X WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed getting current user registry path. NTSTATUS: %08X Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\Plugins\AppRecorderWERDIAG: AppRecorder: AppRecorder settings key is not present. NTSTATUS: %08X AppRecorderEnabledWERDIAG: AppRecorder: AppRecorder enabled flag is not present. NTSTATUS: %08X AppRecorderCountWERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to get current process name. Win32 error: %08X WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to open App Recorder layer key. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to get application appcompat layers. NTSTATUS: %08X AppRecorderWERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to update application appcompat layers. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: AppRecorder: Failed to update App Recorder run count. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Invalid parameters WERDIAG: SizeTAdd failed. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Arithmetic operation failed. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Insufficient resources %s\%sWERDIAG: Key: %S WERDIAG: Out of resources allocating memory for key information structure WERDIAG: Failed extracting registry value %S. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Failed writing to value %S. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Failed writing to value %S. NTSTATUS %08X WERDIAG: NtQueryInformationProcess failed. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Invalid size returned. NTSTATUS: %08X WERDIAG: Registry value %S is not of type string WERDIAG: Failed determining string buffer length. HRESULT: %08X WERDIAG: Failed with integer overflow \5RSDSiZ"ItWerDiagController.pdbUV3FW;Qpuoxu)ȡp t t=xtDhjW yPh jW5ph`jh%x luZ95xu.hjh tBP̐%2=tu)hjhYYu M_^]̋UV3F} ujVj9u u=ȇuuVu45ȇuU Mq^] ̋USV33fEWE]P]f]Ȑy PhS|uh jh0Whjh E3ɋAPSu,yPh믋MEP,.yPhX뒃}u3FVhjh9]t u̐9]tEPĐSEP_^[]̋U4 3ʼnES3fEV3 Wf3ɍPSSA]f+PĐyVhTSh P0 y Vhj;z yVh3WjPjsy Vhy VhTuSPhSPPWWWWWWWjjEPy VhDžu!jhRP65#3WPPPPhPPPPy VhuSPhHhP jP4@ hDž PhDž8PjP4 DžPhhW3WPPW Phx3t+9}hWhVhWhtd0S3Sp3ۃtt̐t DM_^3[/]̋U,S33VWhSh]]]]؉]fE]f]]fc3 EPȐyVhShE3PSuXA'EPĐyVhT뿋EuhSh f9u,y Vh{EMQPS'xEPPuSe'uMEPlm)y Vh}v"MGPl7*y VhMEPg,]xS x 1CVAMEP(yVhU}vajhig3Vu1EPhhhDVVVVVj5xyVhPjh8w1uPuPmyPhjh3td0Sjp}t u̐}t u̐}t u̐_^[]̋U3VW3fEE}P}}f}}ȐyVh!E0PWujY{%yVhTWhyM,Wg(yhWh OE3PWWA!%x1MEPx/'x9}thjh 9}t u̐9}t u̐9}tEPĐWEP_^]̋U 3ʼnESVWu33WfE}f}fE}f}TyPhWShXEPEPEPWWXyVhtMhEP\EPWEPu`yVhuuj֋yVh$WShdWS M_^3[+]̋U 3ʼnEE M-VuWRWRPQ@u<~B 89t+)1CVAt UP M_3^[*]̋UV3tv x=3t-S]W++ٍt ft fJu_[ut3f^]̋U4SVWjFXjHfE3XfEEEE؍EPhEEP}ԉ}܉}}xGÄujƙhRP,EUÍM#PWuu̐_^[]̋U3ʼnESVWjE3PSjWx9]tSSSSSSWxF3}SSEPhuFM3;_3%?^[(]̋U SVW3}^9} UQff;u+=Y;3;r d0SWpdE 8uh,WhS3PW+3Ƀ f9 j ZtEf9t}tf9t fMjh*Vh u"Fftj Zf;u;t v 3f9Fu3ftf3@j Zf9u3f6h Wh] ;t3d 0Wq;hWhW _^[]̋U VW3EPE}PWh\WWWWWj}}xyVh<Wh_^]̋UEtHh(P uuhtjh ^SRP؄uh55uhjh PPhjh[3]̋UQQVW(E-P3@WW8xEPjh-WhJ} tPh`Wh_^]̋UQ SVWuhjh E PAyPhjhEE6d0Wjpd؅uh(WjS(E{f3-C,EPC4h PCC0A(S55tPhXjVhjVd0 Sjp_^3[]̋UQQV3WEh PWE(, $' EPEPyVh6EPyVh uyVhP jh QQ'3}tud0jp}tud0jp_^]̋UQS3V3EW9v[{uG$G P7wj3GtQh jhFE@E;r_@^[]̋USVW3E ;{9}uh!Wh WMEPyVhWhjE P`xҋE EE=MAPEd0Wpd}u uh8!P뛋uVjW%׋MEx 2zB,-uB(}JlB@Bpx@bDBuh%Wd0hWpdEȅuh4$Wh d0hWpdEЅuh4$Wh o]9>E܋Pj;J}}3}}૫3td0SWp}؍EPj,Mx|]؅tDuЋˋ}VWyPhp&EPEPVWyPh&jh}uujY}̋}̋uă>t!3&Vh &Wh]؃BEԅt G32Vh%Wh3h'Wh @td0SWp}tud0Wpud0WpEЅtPd0WpƋM_^3[J]̋U0S33VWMԍ}ثىMfMMM3fEEPEPyVh`'ShA::d0hjpd؅u!h4$Ph }d}p Wh'hSUy Vh'SEPjjEPuEE3ɉE܍EԉMPE@MMEEPĐEyPh(jhuyVh8(jh3td0Wjp}tud0jptd0Sjp_^[]̋U$SV33WfEލEuuPfu]u}ȐE(PVujYy VhTjMEP,)]u̐E)PjujYjxMEPyVh뒍EPQMyVh*jh}b}t 3f9tMWy Vh\*$SEPEPu3?Vh@)3Phy}t'SEPEPu}t u̐td0S3Sp}3ۋEtPd0Sp}td0WSp_^[]̋U3VWfE3E}P}f}ȐE(PWu yVh*Wh uP9}t u̐_^]̋UV3W3fE}}f}9E9E EPȐE(PWujYX yVhT~uM +yVh@+`u M+yVh+Bd@ uh+Wh @3M,PyVh(,Wh9}t u̐h*Wh W_^]̋U<3ĉ$8SVWL$yVhh,jh`d3hSp d0pduh4$Sh Vh,h,hW"yVh,ShWSSS8u<Ph,pL$ÅtT$09u@Iu%HP(=uYL$3ɅɁwQV4uV0u:<Ph$-Sh@.h-Sh@hX-Sh d0WSp$D_^[31]̋UE V3t=vWx7S]3WxEPuWS|x;wu z3f{_[ tM3f^]̋U3tvWx} vWu uQ t3f]̋UW3t'E SVu+tft fNJu^[uz3f_] ̋U3tvWxhuQ t3f]̋UES3ۅt3VWˋf9tNuuWt x+8_^Wyt[]̋U W3}}}tRVEPEPWh`WWWWWjxyVh-Wh9}t uD^_]̋U 3ĉ$ SVW3D$$j@VPމt$,t$|$ 3 8.V33f$WhfD$tf$f$f$,VjWW8u @yPh.WSdp $h.hPyVh/WSt$PWWW8؅u9<Phh/Wh<2$$Ph(u<Ph/D$hPWh/$P$u<Ph0oD$hP hP0L$l y Vh0WhjWjh@$Pu<Ph0 PDjjD$pPy Vh 1$xVPu<Php1h1֍$|xyVh1I$P PPD$pP$Ph02$hP#yVh2WhD$D$ DPD$$PWWWWWW$P$Pu2<Ph(3Wh<~5*9|$tt$D|$9|$tt$D|$t ySD$ _^[3x ]̋UV3W3fEE}P}f}ȐyPhp3>9>L>h>t>?#?=????@t 0000I0d000000011-171E1Q1e1x11111122+2:2J2[2z22222222222223!303?3y33333333344&4@4N4]4h4444444445 55)5;5I5Q5[5c5555556667A7\7t7}7777Q8a8m888"939Q9\9h99999:::+:0:6:@:M:[:f:n:t:z:::::::::;;/;5;?;L;\;l;y;;;;;;< <<#<+<4->=>s>>>> ???'?4?H?T?`?m????PD0 00P0]00000001131K1X111111122B2t22222233;3333344-464L4U4d4o4x44444445575C5O5q5}5556:6G6666666677077777788+8<8e8r88888888@9H9a9t999999":/:<:H:V:t::::::;;5;A;U;e;;;;;;;<<'<9>#>/>E>>`L80E0Q0]0x000 11@1H1`1z1111111111 22%2+2;2@2Z2}2222222222333,3M3Y333333333B4L4]4m4{4444444<5F5V5r5555555556-6T6`66666O7q77777778(8B8U8a8t99999:-:::V:e:r::::::::;;$;{;;;;;;;< <<_>V>b>>>>>??,?@?R?t??????px0 0'000<000000000001 1111'1/151>1C1I1S1]1m1}11111111233#3A3Q3a3q333333333<4H4 0 1000 0000