[Strings] L_UseCscript1_ErrorMessage="This script should be executed from the command prompt using CSCRIPT.EXE. For example:" L_UseCscript2E_ErrorMessage=" CSCRIPT %systemroot%\system32\SCREGEDIT.WSF " L_UseCscript3_ErrorMessage="arguments" L10400="View registry setting." L10440="Registry has been updated." L10450="You must restart the "IPSec Policy Agent" before the change will take effect." L10500="Parameter" L10510="Expected 3 parameters." L10520="Parameter type mismatch" L10530="Parameter type mismatch expected DWord." L10540="Parameter type mismatch expected string." L10565="Value not set." L10570="Value should be either 1 or 4" L10575="Value should be either 1, 2, or 3" L10580="Value should be either 0 or 1" L10590="Value should be from 0 through 65535" L10600="Invalid switch - run scregedit.wsf /? For the list of supported switches." L10610="You do not have permission to modify the registry." L10780="fDenyTSConnections" L10800="To activate:" L10801=" Cscript slmgr.vbs -ato" L10802=" " L10803="To use KMS volume licensing for activation:" L10804=" Configure KMS volume licensing:" L10805=" cscript slmgr.vbs -ipk [volume license key]" L10806=" Activate KMS licensing" L10807=" cscript slmgr.vbs -ato" L10808=" Set KMS DNS SRV record" L10809=" cscript slmgr.vbs -skma [KMS FQDN]" L10810=" " L10811="Determine the computer name, any of the following:" L10812=" Set c" L10813=" Ipconfig /all" L10814=" Systeminfo.exe or Hostname.exe" L10815=" " L10816="Rename the Server Core computer:" L10817=" Domain joined:" L10818=" Netdom renamecomputer %computername% /NewName:new-name /UserD:domain-username /PasswordD:*" L10819=" Not domain joined:" L10820=" Netdom renamecomputer %computername% /NewName:new-name" L10821=" " L10822="Changing workgroups:" L10823=" Wmic computersystem where name="%computername%" call joindomainorworkgroup name="[new workgroup name]" " L10824=" " L10825="Install a role or optional feature:" L10826=" Start /w Ocsetup [packagename]" L10827=" Note: For Active Directory, run Dcpromo with an answer file." L10828=" " L10829="View role and optional feature package names and current installation state:" L10830=" oclist" L10831=" " L10832="Start task manager hot-key: " L10833=" ctrl-shift-esc" L10834=" " L10835="Logoff of a Terminal Services session:" L10836=" Logoff" L10837=" " L10838="To set the pagefile size:" L10839=" Disable system pagefile management: " L10840=" wmic computersystem where name="%computername%" set AutomaticManagedPagefile=False" L10841=" Configure the pagefile:" L10842=" wmic pagefileset where name="C:\\pagefile.sys" set InitialSize=500,MaximumSize=1000" L10843=" " L10844="Configure the timezone, date, or time:" L10845=" control timedate.cpl" L10846=" " L10847="Configure regional and language options:" L10848=" control intl.cpl" L10849=" " L10850="Manually install a management tool or agent:" L10851=" Msiexec.exe /i [msipackage]" L10852=" " L10853="List installed msi applications:" L10854=" Wmic product" L10855=" " L10856="Uninstall msi applications:" L10857=" Wmic product get name /value " L10858=" Wmic product where name="[name]" call uninstall" L10859=" " L10860="To list installed drivers:" L10861=" Sc query type= driver" L10862=" " L10863="Install a driver that is not included:" L10864=" Copy the driver files to Server Core" L10865=" Pnputil –i –a [path]\[driver].inf" L10866=" " L10867="Rename a Network Adapter:" L10868=" netsh interface set interface name="Local Area Connection" newname="PrivateNetwork"" L10869=" " L10870="Disable a Network Adapter:" L10871=" netsh interface set interface name="Local Area Connection 2" admin=DISABLED" L10872=" " L10873="Determine a file’s version:" L10874=" wmic datafile where name="c:\\windows\\system32\\ntdll.dll" get version" L10875=" " L10876="List of installed patches:" L10877=" wmic qfe list" L10878=" " L10879="Install a patch:" L10880=" Wusa.exe [patchame].msu /quiet" L10881=" " L10882="Configure a proxy:" L10883=" Netsh winhttp set proxy [proxy_name]:[port]" L10884=" " L10885="Add, delete, query a Registry value:" L10886=" reg.exe add /?" L10887=" reg.exe delete /?" L10888=" reg.exe query /?" L10889=" " au1="Automatic Updates - Manage Automatic Windows Updates " au2="These settings can be used to configure how Automatic Updates are applied to " au3="the Windows system. It includes the ability to disable automatic updates and " au4="to set the installation schedule." au5="/AU [/v][value]" au6=" /v View the current Automatic Update settings" au7=" value value you want to set to." au8=" Options:" au9=" 4 - Enable Automatic Updates " au10=" 1 - Disable Automatic Updates " ar1="Terminal Service - Allow Remote Administration Connections" ar2="This allows administrators to connect remotely for administration purposes." ar3="/AR [/v][value]" ar4=" /v View the Remote Terminal Service Connection setting" ar5=" value (0 = enabled, 1 = disabled)" cs1="Terminal Service - Allow connections from previous versions of Windows" cs2="This setting configures CredSSP based user authentication for" cs3="Terminal Service connections" cs4="/CS [/v][value]" cs5=" /v View the Terminal Service CredSSP setting" cs6=" value (0 = allow previous versions, 1 = require CredSSP)" im1="IP Security (IPSEC) Monitor - allow remote management" im2="This setting configures the server to allow the IP Security (IPSEC) Monitor to " im3="be able to remotely manage IPSEC." im4="/IM [/v][value]" im5=" /v View the IPSEC Monitor setting" im6=" value (0 = do not allow, 1 = allow remote management)" dp1="DNS SRV priority - changes the priority for DNS SRV records" dp2="This setting configures the priority for DNS SRV records and is only useful " dp3="on Domain Controllers." dp4="For more information on this setting, search TechNet for LdapSrvPriority" dp5="/DP [/v][value]" dp6=" /v View the DNS SRV priority setting" dp7=" value (value from 0 through 65535. The recommended value is 200.)" dw1="DNS SRV weight - changes the weight for DNS SRV records" dw2="This setting configures the weight for DNS SRV records and is only useful " dw3="on Domain Controllers." dw4="For more information on this setting, search TechNet for LdapSrvWeight" dw5="/DW [/v][value]" dw6=" /v View the DNS SRV weight setting" dw7=" value (value from 0 through 65535. The recommended value is 50.)" cli1="Command Line Reference" cli2="This setting displays a list of common tasks and how to perform them from" cli3="the command line." cli4="/CLI" reg0="/au,AUOptions,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update,REG_DWORD,REG_DWORD" reg1="/ar,fDenyTSConnections,System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server,REG_DWORD,REG_DWORD" reg2="/cs,UserAuthentication,System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp,REG_DWORD,REG_DWORD" reg3="/im,EnableRemoteMgmt,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PolicyAgent,REG_DWORD,REG_DWORD" reg4="/dp,LdapSrvPriority,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters,REG_DWORD,REG_DWORD" reg5="/dw,LdapSrvWeight,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters,REG_DWORD,REG_DWORD" reg6="/cli,none,none,none,none" switch0="/au" switch1="/ar" switch2="/cs" switch3="/im" switch4="/dp" switch5="/dw" switch6="/cli"