Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable _system_translations -filename UpdateServices.psd1 # # ------------------ # CONSTANTS - START # ------------------ # $RoleUpdateName = "UpdateServices" $RoleUpdateDBName = "UpdateServices-DB" $RoleUpdateWidName = "UpdateServices-WidDB" $RoleUpdateServiceName = "UpdateServices-Services" $UpdateServicesDefaultPort = 80 $UpdateServicesAssemgblyPartialName = "Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration" $UpdateServicesURL = "http://{0}:{1}/SelfUpdate/" $WyukonInstanceName = "MICROSOFT##SSEE" $DefaultDatabaseName = "SUSDB" $WSUSRegistryKey = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Update Services\Server\Setup" $SkipLanguageCheck = $false $XmlDocumentNamespace = "" # # ------------------ # CONSTANTS - END # ------------------ # # # ------------------ # FUNCTIONS - START # ------------------ # ############################################################################################# # Function Description: # Creates the Document element for the Xml Document # # Arguments: # $wsusInstalled - A value indicating whether wsus is installed on the machine. # # Return Value: # returns the created document element ############################################################################################# function CreateXmlDocument( $wsusInstalled ) { # # Set the Target Namespace to be used by XML # [xml] "$wsusInstalled" } ############################################################################################# # Function Description: # # This function will add the Server Manager module so that Roles # can be queried # # Arguments: # # None # # Return Value: # # None ############################################################################################# function RoleQueryInitialize { Import-Module ServerManager } ############################################################################################# # Function Description: # # This function will remove the Server Manager module after the Roles # have been queried # # Arguments: # # None # # Return Value: # # None ############################################################################################# function RoleQueryShutdown { Remove-Module ServerManager } ############################################################################################# # Function Description: # # This function will check to see if the specified role is installed # # Arguments: # # $roleId - Id of the Role # # Return Value: # # $true - If Role is Installed # $false - If Role is not Installed ############################################################################################# function IsRoleInstalled ( $roleId ) { $roleInstalled = $false # # Use the Server Manager CmdLet to obtain detail about Role # $Role = Get-WindowsFeature $roleId if ( $Role -ne $null ) { $roleInstalled = $Role.Installed } $roleInstalled } # # # Initializes the environment/variables to collect WSUS configuration data # # # # None # # # # True if initialization is successful otherwise false. ############################################################################################# function initializeEnvironment { $updateServicesAssembly = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName($UpdateServicesAssemgblyPartialName) if($updateServicesAssembly -ne $null) { # Delete the variable in case the script is executed multiple times from the same runspace if(test-path variable:\updateServer) { del variable:\updateServer -force } new-Variable -name updateServer -value $([Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::GetUpdateServer()) -scope Global -option readonly $true } else { $false } } # # ------------------------ # SCRIPT MAIN BODY - START # ------------------------ # # # Initialize to perform querying Role information # RoleQueryInitialize # # If WSUS installed, we need to discover data related to that # $wsusInstalled = (IsRoleInstalled $RoleUpdateName) -and (initializeEnvironment) # Create a new XmlDocument # $doc = CreateXmlDocument $wsusInstalled # # Role Information obtained. # RoleQueryShutdown $doc # Invoke submodels # if ( $wsusInstalled ) { $wsusDBInstalled = ((IsRoleInstalled $RoleUpdateDBName) -or (IsRoleInstalled $RoleUpdateWidName)) if( $wsusDBInstalled ) { Invoke-BpaModel Microsoft/Windows/UpdateServices -SubModelId UpdateServices-DB } $wsusServiceInstalled = (IsRoleInstalled $RoleUpdateName) if( $wsusServiceInstalled ) { Invoke-BpaModel Microsoft/Windows/UpdateServices -SubModelId UpdateServices-Services } } # # ------------------------ # SCRIPT MAIN BODY - END # ------------------------ #