# ---------------------
# ---------------------
# -----------------------------
# -----------------------------
# -----------------------------
# -----------------------------
data _system_translations {
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
# ultimate fallback text
# Execute/Script and Write for handler
ExecuteWritePermissionsCheck_Title=Grant a handler execute/script or write permissions, but not both
ExecuteWritePermissionsCheck_Problem=The attribute 'accessPolicy' in the handlers section under path '{0}' is set to allow both Execute/Script and Write permissions.
ExecuteWritePermissionsCheck_Impact=By allowing both Execute/Script and Write permissions, a handler can run malicious code on the target server.
ExecuteWritePermissionsCheck_Resolution=Determine if the handler requires both Execute/Script and Write permissions, and revoke the one that is not needed.
ExecuteWritePermissionsCheck_Compliant=The IIS Best Practices Analyzer scan has determined that you are in compliance with this best practice.
# Expired Certificates
ExpiredCertificatesCheck_Title=Make sure that your certificates are current
ExpiredCertificatesCheck_Problem=SSL Binding '{0}:{1}:' has a certificate that has expired, or will expire in 30 days. The certificate has thumbprint '{2}' and is located in store '{3}'.
ExpiredCertificatesCheck_Impact=An expired certificate becomes invalid and can prevent users from accessing your site.
ExpiredCertificatesCheck_Resolution=Renew the certificate or choose a new certificate for the site.
ExpiredCertificatesCheck_Compliant=The IIS Best Practices Analyzer scan has determined that you are in compliance with this best practice.
# notListedIsapisAllowed should not be true
NotListedISAPIsAllowedCheck_Title=The configuration attribute 'notListedIsapisAllowed' should be false
NotListedISAPIsAllowedCheck_Problem=The configuration attribute 'notListedIsapisAllowed' in section 'system.webServer/security/isapiCgiRestriction' is set to true.
NotListedISAPIsAllowedCheck_Impact=Any unlisted ISAPI extension, including potentially malicious extensions, will be allowed to run.
NotListedISAPIsAllowedCheck_Resolution=Set 'notListedIsapisAllowed' to false and add each ISAPI extension to the list of allowed extensions.
NotListedISAPIsAllowedCheck_Compliant=The IIS Best Practices Analyzer scan has determined that you are in compliance with this best practice.
# notListedCgisAllowed should not be true
NotListedCGIsAllowedCheck_Title=The configuration attribute 'notListedCgisAllowed' should be false
NotListedCGIsAllowedCheck_Problem=The configuration attribute 'notListedCgisAllowed' in section 'system.webServer/security/isapiCgiRestriction' is set to true.
NotListedCGIsAllowedCheck_Impact=Any unlisted CGI extension, including potentially malicious extensions, will be allowed to run.
NotListedCGIsAllowedCheck_Resolution=Set 'notListedCgisAllowed' to false and add each CGI extension to the allowed list.
NotListedCGIsAllowedCheck_Compliant=The IIS Best Practices Analyzer scan has determined that you are in compliance with this best practice.
# Application Pool should not be priviliged
AppPoolIdentityCheck_Title=Application pools should be set to run as application pool identities
AppPoolIdentityCheck_Problem=Application pool '{0}' is set to run as an administrator, as local system, or to 'Act as part of the operating system'.
AppPoolIdentityCheck_Impact=The application pool can execute high-privileged code, including potentially malicious code that can negatively affect your server.
AppPoolIdentityCheck_Resolution=Set the application pool to run as the application pool identity.
AppPoolIdentityCheck_Compliant=The IIS Best Practices Analyzer scan has determined that you are in compliance with this best practice.
# Custom errors should be set to LocalOnly or Custom
CustomErrorsCheck_Title=Hide Custom Errors from displaying remotely
CustomErrorsCheck_Problem=The errorMode attribute of section '{0}' [path:{1}] is set to Detailed.
CustomErrorsCheck_Impact=Users browsing to your site or application could see some privileged information that is contained in the detailed error pages being sent remotely.
CustomErrorsCheck_Resolution=Set the Custom Errors 'errorMode' to 'DetailedLocalOnly' or 'Custom'.
CustomErrorsCheck_Compliant=The IIS Best Practices Analyzer scan has determined that you are in compliance with this best practice.
# Basic Authentication should not be used without SSL
BasicAuthSSLCheck_Title=Use SSL when you use Basic authentication
BasicAuthSSLCheck_Problem=Basic authentication is enabled for configuration path '{0}' but it lacks a required SSL binding.
BasicAuthSSLCheck_Impact=If you use Basic authentication without SSL, credentials will be sent in clear text that might be intercepted by malicious code.
BasicAuthSSLCheck_Resolution=Use Basic authentication with an SSL binding, and make sure that the site or application is set to require SSL. Alternatively, use a different method of authentication.
BasicAuthSSLCheck_Compliant=The IIS Best Practices Analyzer scan has determined that you are in compliance with this best practice.
Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable _system_translations -filename WebServer.psd1
# ------------------
# ------------------
# Function Description:
# Creates the Document element for the Xml Document
# Arguments:
# $ns - Namespace Name
# $name - Name of the document element
# Return Value:
# returns the created document element
function Create-DocumentElement( $ns, $name )
[xml] "<$name xmlns='$ns'>$name>"
# Function Description:
# This function will add the Server Manager module so that Roles
# can be queried
# Arguments:
# None
# Return Value:
# None
function RoleQueryInitialize
Import-Module ServerManager
# Function Description:
# This function will remove the Server Manager module after the Roles
# have been queried
# Arguments:
# None
# Return Value:
# None
function RoleQueryShutdown
Remove-Module ServerManager
# Function Description:
# This function will check to see if the specified role is installed
# Arguments:
# $roleId - Id of the Role
# Return Value:
# $true - If Role is Installed
# $false - If Role is not Installed
function IsRoleInstalled ( $roleId )
$roleInstalled = $false
# Use the Server Manager CmdLet to obtain detail about Role
$Role = Get-WindowsFeature $roleId
if ( $Role -ne $null )
$roleInstalled = $Role.Installed
function getExecuteAndWritePermissionHandlers
$objects = @()
$objects += get-webconfiguration '/system.webServer/handlers[(contains(@accessPolicy, "Script") and contains(@accessPolicy, "Write")) or (contains(@accessPolicy, "Execute") and contains(@accessPolicy, "Write"))]' -recurse
if ($objects -ne $null)
foreach ($o in $objects)
$xpathQuery = $o.ItemXPath
$commitPath = $o.PSPath
function getExpiredCertificates
$result = @()
$sslBind = get-item iis:\sslbindings\*
foreach ($b in $sslBind)
if ($b.Sites -eq $null -or $b.Sites.Count -eq 0) {continue}
$p = join-path "cert:\LocalMachine" $b.Store
$p = join-path $p $b.Thumbprint
$cert = get-item $p
if ($cert.NotAfter -le ([DateTime]::Now).AddDays(30))
$result += $b
if ($result -ne $null)
foreach ($b in $result)
$ip = $b.IPAddress
$port = $b.port
$hash = $b.Thumbprint
$store = $b.Store
function getNonListedIsapiAllowed
$moduleInstalled = get-webconfiguration "/system.webServer/globalModules/add[@name='IsapiModule']" MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST
$moduleEnabled = get-webconfiguration "/system.webServer/modules/add[@name='IsapiModule']" MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST -recurse
if ($moduleInstalled -ne $null -and $moduleEnabled -ne $null)
$test = (get-webconfiguration /system.webServer/security/isapiCgiRestriction/@notListedIsapisAllowed MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST).Value.ToString().ToLower()
function getNonListedCgiAllowed
$moduleInstalled = get-webconfiguration "/system.webServer/globalModules/add[@name='CgiModule']" MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST
$moduleEnabled = get-webconfiguration "/system.webServer/modules/add[@name='CgiModule']" MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST -recurse
if ($moduleInstalled -ne $null -and $moduleEnabled -ne $null)
$test = (get-webconfiguration /system.webServer/security/isapiCgiRestriction/@notListedCgisAllowed MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST).Value.ToString().ToLower()
function getAppPoolPrivilegedIdentity
$ad = [adsi] "WinNT://$((get-item env:\computername).Value),computer"
$admins = $ad.Children.Find("Administrators","group")
$badPools = @()
$sysPools = get-webconfiguration '/system.applicationHost/applicationPools/add/processModel[compare-string-ordinal(@identityType, "LocalSystem",false())=0]/parent::node()' -pspath MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST
if ($sysPools -ne $null)
$badPools += $sysPools
$servicePools = get-webconfiguration '/system.applicationHost/applicationPools/add/processModel[compare-string-ordinal(@identityType, "LocalService",false())=0]/parent::node()' -pspath MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST
if ($servicePools -ne $null)
$priv = [Microsoft.IIS.Powershell.Framework.LSAUtility]::GetUserRights("LocalService")
if ($priv -contains 'SeTcbPrivilege')
$badPools += $servicePools
$servicePools = get-webconfiguration '/system.applicationHost/applicationPools/add/processModel[compare-string-ordinal(@identityType, "NetworkService",false())=0]/parent::node()' -pspath MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST
if ($servicePools -ne $null)
$priv = [Microsoft.IIS.Powershell.Framework.LSAUtility]::GetUserRights("NetworkService")
if ($priv -contains 'SeTcbPrivilege')
$badPools += $servicePools
$specificUserPools = get-webconfiguration '/system.applicationHost/applicationPools/add/processModel[compare-string-ordinal(@identityType, "SpecificUser",false())=0]/parent::node()' -pspath MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST
foreach ($pool in $specificUserPools)
if ($pool -eq $null) {continue}
trap {
$userName = $pool.processModel.userName
if ($userName.Length -gt 0)
$adUser = $ad.Children.Find($userName,"user")
$isAdmin = $admins.IsMember($adUser.Path)
if ($isAdmin -eq $true)
$badPools += $pool
$priv = [Microsoft.IIS.Powershell.Framework.LSAUtility]::GetUserRights($userName)
if ($priv -contains 'SeTcbPrivilege')
$badPools += $pool
if ($badPools -ne $null)
foreach ($o in $badPools)
$name = $o.name
function getCustomErrors
$moduleInstalled = get-webconfiguration "/system.webServer/modules/add[@name='CustomErrorModule']" MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST
if ($moduleInstalled -ne $null)
$badSections = @()
$badSections = get-webconfiguration "/system.webServer/httpErrors[@errorMode != '' and (compare-string-ordinal(@errorMode, 'DetailedLocalOnly', false())!=0 and compare-string-ordinal(@errorMode, 'Custom', false())!=0)]" MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST -recurse
if ($badSections -ne $null)
foreach ($o in $badSections)
$xpathQuery = $o.ItemXPath
$commitPath = $o.PSPath
function getBasicAuthSSL
$moduleInstalled = get-webconfiguration "/system.webServer/globalModules/add[@name='BasicAuthenticationModule']" MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST
$moduleEnabled = get-webconfiguration "/system.webServer/modules/add[@name='BasicAuthenticationModule']" MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST -recurse
if (($moduleInstalled -ne $null) -and ($moduleEnabled -ne $null))
$result = @()
$enabledSites = @()
$enabledSites = get-webconfiguration "/system.webServer/security/authentication/basicAuthentication[@enabled='true']" MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST -recurse
if ($enabledSites -ne $null)
foreach ($s in $enabledSites)
$p = $s.PSPath
if ($s.Location -ne $null -and $s.Location -ne "")
$p += "/" + $s.Location
$flags = get-webconfiguration "/system.webServer/security/access/@sslFlags" $p
if ( $flags -ne $null )
try {
$arr = $flags.Split(",")
catch {
if ($arr -contains "Ssl") {continue}
$result += $s
if ($result -ne $null)
foreach ($o in $result)
$name = $o.PSPath + "/" + $o.Location
function main($document)
$execWriteHandlersText = getExecuteAndWritePermissionHandlers
if ($execWriteHandlersText.Length -gt 0)
$poolPrivText = getAppPoolPrivilegedIdentity
if ($poolPrivText.Length -gt 0)
$isapis = getNonListedIsapiAllowed
if ($isapis.Length -gt 0)
$cgis = getNonListedCgiAllowed
if ($cgis.Length -gt 0)
$errorMode = getCustomErrors
if ($errorMode.Length -gt 0)
$expiredCerts = getExpiredCertificates
if ($expiredCerts.Length -gt 0)
$authSsl = getBasicAuthSSL
if ($authSsl.Length -gt 0)
# ------------------
# ------------------
# ------------------------
# ------------------------
# Initialize to perform querying Role information
$WSWebInstalled = IsRoleInstalled "Web-WebServer"
# Role Information obtained.
# Set the Target Namespace to be used by XML
# Create a new XmlDocument
$doc = Create-DocumentElement $tns "WebServerComposite"
import-module WebAdministration
# If WSWebServer installed, we need to discover data related to that
if ( $WSWebInstalled -eq $true )
main $doc
# ------------------------
# ------------------------