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record for %wZ ------ status wraps around physical memory Error in config record for %wZ ------- Interrupt status overlaps regular registers Comparing it to %wZ ------- already in the device list ------- PortAddress is %x ------- Interrupt Status is %x ------- BusNumber is %d ------- BusType is %d ------- AddressSpace is %d Error in config record for %wZ ------- Register address overlaps with ------- previous serial device Error in config record for %wZ ------- status address overlaps with ------- previous serial device registers Error in config record for %wZ ------- status address overlaps with ------- previous serial status register Error in config record for %wZ ------- register address overlaps with ------- previous serial status register Configuration error for %wZ ------- Same multiport - different interrupts Matched to %x Becoming sharer: %08X %08X %08X Setting DTR for %x Clearing DTR for %x Setting Rts for %x Clearing Rts for %x Processing DTR flow for %x Removing DTR block on 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of %wZ Kernel debugger is using port at address %X Could not map memory for device registers for %wZ Could not map memory for interrupt status for %wZ DoesPortExist test failed for %wZ disabled port %wZ as requested in configuration \Device\SerialEnter SerialAddDevice with PPdo 0x%x MultiportDevice*PNP0502*PNP0501for device %x Sharing I/O port for device %x Sharing interrupt for device %x Globally sharing interrupt for device %x SerialRelinquishPowerPolicyEnablePowerManagementpDevExt: Interrupt %x ------- OurIsr %x About to connect to interrupt for port %wZ ------- address of extension is %x IoConnectInterrupt Args: Interrupt %x OurIsr %x OurIsrContext %x NULL Vector %x Irql %x InterruptMode %x InterruptShareable %x ProcessorAffinity %x FALSE Couldn't connect to interrupt for %wZ Connected interrupt %08X resource pointer is %x TR resource pointer is %x SerialIoResourcesIndexDisablePortForceFifoEnableRxFIFOTxFIFOMaskInvertedShare System InterruptPortIndexIndexedClockRateTL16C550C Auto Flow ControlPortAddressInterruptSerialSkipExternalNamingDosName is %wZ Couldn't create the symbolic link for port %wZ SERIALCOMMCouldn't create the device map entry ------- for port %wZ Couldn't register class association for port %wZ Couldn't set class association for port %wZ In SerialUndoExternalNaming for extension: %x of port %wZ Deleting Link %wZ Couldn't delete value entry %wZ SetPowerD0 has IRP %x H\$UVWAVAWHH@e83HLHZEHEc$8:u Hg$H#{$HDLi-,YAA+A+A+A+A+tiA+tA;D9sH6!D9sqIGHI6Mǹ LPL H)D9s)Mw8IOH<*H)LH+`}D9tEHX [LIa$<H$H#{0AD9sqIGLXL0Hi"t;WA-PA+A+aA+A+A+A+A+t?A; { IGD9`Mg8LHLHs-{IG8Ht$@IGHD$HH$`LD$@H@H^$r_D9s#Lǹ 3HOH$pH^NWLpA>}\H#3EH#M3HNH"Lǹ w03H0OHL$H" aHE33HHH$%2HHLLA@AD9xu HHHHȃ``tL$33vMuuHHHLoLD9xu HHHH uL$33MD9xuH4D $$4HD9xu HHHHȃ``tL$33LAuEuH%H$L$H HH$3\LHD9t2L$339LD9uHH:E39KHHLD DHt38KHh LD` Ht`KD8I u DI[H@ Lǹ Dg0Lg83HLH!@ t+H!LNjHH E3E33Ld$ JH LNjHK@ AH [RJ3H\$xH0A_A^A]A\_^]H(HHAE3LJ ILAE8au IH I;uI;tD8gt E8gul HD2H(@SH HE3D9xuHHHHD $HHHH ƃaD2H [H\$Hl$Ht$WH 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processed by this ------- invocation of startmask Perhaps another mask irp was found in the queue ------- %x/%x <- values should be the same WaitIrp is invalid ------- IsrWaitMask: %x ------- CurrentWaitIrp: %x %x irp was already marked as cancelled %x will become the current wait irp The isr still owns the irp %x, mask location is %x ------- and system buffer is %x The isr owns the irp %x, mask location is %x ------- and system buffer is %x %x occurred prior to the wait - starting the ------- completion code for %x Set mask location of %x, in irp %x, with system buffer of %x Canceling wait for irp %x >SerialWrite(%X, %X) >SerialStartWrite(%X) H\$Hl$Ht$WH HH >H H0DNHfD 0DAfD0ACOMX3H0Hu -D|03Hx DHVH i0$H e0H00H i0HH'0H09a0tH[H `gHGhHG0HHH OHHHHQHHHH HH[HGpHHHzHHlgHHHH H^HH_HHDH(HHl$8Ht$@H\$0H _H\$UVWATAUAVAWH$HpH.H3H`3HLNACOMXHt$@t$[L[\[z[[[[[[\jY&\4\D\T\n\\\\\\]$]8]V]p]z]]]]]]^,^F^`^|^^^^PY OriginalFilenameserial.sysj%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.18437DVarFileInfo$Translation @@X"@"@(*+!4#)(,-\The kernel debugger is already using %2. While validating that %2 was really a serial port, a fifo was detected. The fifo will be used. User configuration data for parameter %2 overriding firmware configuration data. tDisabling %2 as requested by the configuration data. `Unable to create the symbolic link for %2. dUnable to create the device map entry for %2. dUnable to delete the device map entry for %2. There is a serial mouse using the same interrupt as %2. Therefore, %2 will not be started. There was a serial mouse found on %2. Therefore, %2 will be assigned to the mouse. Another driver on the system, which did not report its resources, has already claimed the interrupt used by %2. pNot enough resources were available for the driver. The baud clock rate configuration is not supported on device %2. The hardware locations for %2 could not be translated to something the memory management system could understand. The hardware resources for %2 are already in use by another device. No memory could be allocated in which to place new data for %2. While validating that %2 was really a serial port, the interrupt enable register contained enabled bits in a must be zero bitfield. The device is assumed not to be a serial port and will be deleted. While validating that %2 was really a serial port, the modem control register contained enabled bits in a must be zero bitfield. The device is assumed not to be a serial port and will be deleted. While validating that %2 was really a serial port, the interrupt id register contained enabled bits in a must be zero bitfield. The device is assumed not to be a serial port and will be deleted. dWhile validating that %2 was really a serial port, the baud rate register could not be set consistantly. The device is assumed not to be a serial port and will be deleted. xSome firmware configuration information was incomplete. No Parameters subkey was found for user defined data. This is odd, and it also means no user configuration can be found. pSpecific user configuration data is unretrievable. On parameter %2 which indicates a multiport card, must have a port index specified greater than 0. On parameter %2 which indicates a multiport card, the port index for the multiport card is too large. \The bus type for %2 is not recognizable. xThe bus type for %2 is not available on this computer. The bus specified for %2 does not support the specified method of interrupt. lUser configuration for parameter %2 must have %3. The user specified port for %2 is way too high in physical memory. The status port for %2 is way too high in physical memory. The status port for %2 overlaps the control registers for the device. The control registers for %2 overlaps with the %3 control registers. The status register for %2 overlaps the %3 control registers. The status register for %2 overlaps with the %3 status register. The control registers for %2 overlaps the %3 status register. Two ports, %2 and %3, on a single multiport card can't have two different interrupts. tParameter %2 data is unretrievable from the registry. While validating that %2 was really a serial port, the contents of the divisor latch register was identical to the interrupt enable and the receive registers. The device is assumed not to be a serial port and will be deleted. xCould not translate the user reported I/O port for %2. Could not get the user reported interrupt for %2 from the HAL. Could not translate the user reported Interrupt Status Register for %2. Could not report the discovered legacy device %2 to the IO subsystem. HError writing to the registry. Could not report device %2 to IO subsystem due to a resource conflict. The serial driver detected a hardware failure on device %2 and will disable this device. 'dO%v3er'"۵fL4 Ml MUI MUI en-USp@ 0@P