; Copyright (c) 2011, Microsoft Corporation [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" Class = Net ClassGUID = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Provider = %MSFT% DriverVer=09/30/2011, [ControlFlags] ExcludeFromSelect = * [Manufacturer] %Ralink% = Ralink, NTamd64.6.1 %Qcom% = Qcom, NTamd64.6.1 %Gigabyte% = Gigabyte, NTamd64.6.1 %Conceptronic% = Conceptronic, NTamd64.6.1 %Surecom% = Surecom, NTamd64.6.1 %Asus% = ASUS, NTamd64.6.1 %Amit% = AMIT, NTamd64.6.1 %CNet% = CNet, NTamd64.6.1 %Huawei-3Com% = Huawei-3Com, NTamd64.6.1 %Askey% = Askey, NTamd64.6.1 %HP% = HP, NTamd64.6.1 %Buffalo% = Buffalo, NTamd64.6.1 %ZyXEL% = ZyXEL, NTamd64.6.1 %Sitecom% = Sitecom, NTamd64.6.1 %Netopia% = Netopia, NTamd64.6.1 %Philips% = Philips, NTamd64.6.1 %Zcom% = Zcom, NTamd64.6.1 %AboCom% = AboCom, NTamd64.6.1 %EnGenius% = EnGenius, NTamd64.6.1 %Edimax% = Edimax, NTamd64.6.1 %AL% = AL, NTamd64.6.1 %Planex% = Planex, NTamd64.6.1 %Samsung% = Samsung, NTamd64.6.1 %Billionton% = Billionton, NTamd64.6.1 %D-Link% = D-Link, NTamd64.6.1 %I-O% = I-O, NTamd64.6.1 %Linksys% = Linksys, NTamd64.6.1 %Corega% = Corega, NTamd64.6.1 %Ovislink% = Ovislink, NTamd64.6.1 %ALLWIN% = ALLWIN, NTamd64.6.1 %Hawking% = Hawking, NTamd64.6.1 ;******************************************************************************************* ; specific entries ;******************************************************************************************* [Ralink.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %Ralink.DeviceDesc% = RTWLANWR.ndi, USB\VID_148F&PID_2573 %Ralink.DeviceDesc% = RTWLANR.ndi, USB\VID_148F&PID_2671 %Ralink.DeviceDesc% = RTWLANR.ndi, USB\VID_18E8&PID_6238 ; MSI %M6877.DeviceDesc% = RTWLANRNP.ndi, USB\VID_0DB0&PID_6877 %MA874.DeviceDesc% = RTWLANR.ndi, USB\VID_0DB0&PID_A874 %M6874.DeviceDesc% = RTWLANR.ndi, USB\VID_0DB0&PID_6874 %MA861.DeviceDesc% = RTWLANR.ndi, USB\VID_0DB0&PID_A861 %M4600.DeviceDesc% = RTWLANR.ndi, USB\VID_0DB0&PID_4600 ; %GMEWLGRL.DeviceDesc% = RTWLANR.ndi, USB\VID_1631&PID_C019 ; %Amigo.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_0EB0&PID_9021 ; ;widetell %Ralink.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN_C2.ndi, USB\VID_7167&PID_3840 [Qcom.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %Qcom.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_18E8&PID_6196 %Qcom.DeviceDesc% = RTWLANR.ndi, USB\VID_18E8&PID_6229 [Gigabyte.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %Gigabyte.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_1044&PID_8008 %Gigabyte2.DeviceDesc% = RTWLANR.ndi, USB\VID_1044&PID_800A [Conceptronic.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %Conceptronic.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_14B2&PID_3C22 [Surecom.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %Surecom.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_0769&PID_31F3 [ASUS.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %ASUS.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_0B05&PID_1723 %ASUSGEN.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_0B05&PID_1724 [AMIT.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %AMIT.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_18C5&PID_0002 [CNet.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %CNet.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_1371&PID_9032 [Huawei-3Com.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %Huawei-3Com.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_1472&PID_0009 [Askey.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %Askey.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_1690&PID_0722 [HP.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %HP.DeviceDesc% = RTWLANR.ndi, USB\VID_15A9&PID_0004 [Buffalo.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %Buffalo_00D8.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_0411&PID_00D8 %Buffalo_00D9.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_0411&PID_00D9 %Buffalo_0116.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_0411&PID_0116 %Buffalo_0137.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_0411&PID_0137 [ZyXEL.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %ZyXEL.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_0586&PID_3415 [Sitecom.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %Sitecom_9712.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_0DF6&PID_9712 %Sitecom_90AC.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_0DF6&PID_90AC %Sitecom_0024.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_0DF6&PID_0024 %Sitecom_0027.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_0DF6&PID_0027 %Sitecom_002F.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_0DF6&PID_002F [Netopia.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %Netopia.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_148F&PID_9021 [Philips.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %Philips.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_0471&PID_200A [Zcom.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %Zcom.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_0CDE&PID_001C [AboCom.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %AboCom_B21B.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_07B8&PID_B21B %AboCom_B21C.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_07B8&PID_B21C %AboCom_B21D.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_07B8&PID_B21D %AboCom_B21E.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_07B8&PID_B21E %AboCom_B21F.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_07B8&PID_B21F %AboCom_AB01.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_2019&PID_AB01 %AboCom_3415.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_0586&PID_3415 [EnGenius.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %EnGenius_3701.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_1740&PID_3701 %EnGenius_7100.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_1740&PID_7100 [Edimax.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %Edimax_7318.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_7392&PID_7318 %Edimax_7618.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_7392&PID_7618 [AL.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %AL_3C10.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_14B2&PID_3C10 [Planex.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %Planex_AB50.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_2019&PID_AB50 [Samsung.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %Samsung_4471.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_04E8&PID_4471 [Billionton.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %Billionton_0120.DeviceDesc% = RTWLANR.ndi, USB\VID_08DD&PID_0120 [D-Link.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %D-Link_3C06.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN_C3.ndi, USB\VID_07D1&PID_3C06 %D-Link_3C03.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN_C3.ndi, USB\VID_07D1&PID_3C03 %D-Link_3C04.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN_C3.ndi, USB\VID_07D1&PID_3C04 %D-Link_3C07.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN_C3.ndi, USB\VID_07D1&PID_3C07 [I-O.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %I-O_093D.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_04BB&PID_093D [Linksys.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %WUSB54GC.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_13B1&PID_0020 %WUSB54GR.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN.ndi, USB\VID_13B1&PID_0023 [Corega.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %Corega_002E.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN_C1.ndi, USB\VID_07AA&PID_002E [Ovislink.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %Ovislink_2573.DeviceDesc% = RTWLAN_C4.ndi, USB\VID_1B75&PID_2573 [ALLWIN.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %ALLWIN.DeviceDesc% = RTWLANR.ndi, USB\VID_8516&PID_2571 [Hawking.NTamd64.6.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %Hawking_0007.DeviceDesc% = RTWLANR.ndi, USB\VID_0E66&PID_0007 ;******************************************************************************************* ; specific entries ;******************************************************************************************* [RTWLAN.ndi.NT] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.CopyFiles AddReg = Common.reg, RTUSB_OS61.ndi.NT.reg Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL BusType = 15 ;USB CopyFiles = NT.CopyFiles *IfType = 71 ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211 *MediaType = 16 ; NdisMediumNative802_11 *PhysicalMediaType = 9 ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11 [RTWLANWR.ndi.NT] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.CopyFiles AddReg = Common.reg, RTUSB_OS61.ndi.NT.reg, WMMEnable.reg, RemoveFlag.reg Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL BusType = 15 ;USB CopyFiles = NT.CopyFiles *IfType = 71 ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211 *MediaType = 16 ; NdisMediumNative802_11 *PhysicalMediaType = 9 ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11 [RTWLANR.ndi.NT] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.CopyFiles AddReg = Common.reg, RTUSB_OS61.ndi.NT.reg, RemoveFlag.reg Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL BusType = 15 ;USB CopyFiles = NT.CopyFiles *IfType = 71 ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211 *MediaType = 16 ; NdisMediumNative802_11 *PhysicalMediaType = 9 ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11 [RTWLANRNP.ndi.NT] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.CopyFiles AddReg = Common.reg, RTUSB_OS61.ndi.NT.reg, EnableNewPS.reg, RemoveFlag.reg Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL BusType = 15 ;USB CopyFiles = NT.CopyFiles *IfType = 71 ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211 *MediaType = 16 ; NdisMediumNative802_11 *PhysicalMediaType = 9 ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11 [RTWLAN_C1.ndi.NT] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.CopyFiles AddReg = Common.reg, RTUSB_OS61.ndi.NT.reg, Customer1.reg Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL BusType = 15 ;USB CopyFiles = NT.CopyFiles *IfType = 71 ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211 *MediaType = 16 ; NdisMediumNative802_11 *PhysicalMediaType = 9 ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11 [RTWLAN_C2.ndi.NT] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.CopyFiles AddReg = Common.reg, RTUSB_OS61.ndi.NT.reg, WMMEnable.reg, RemoveFlag.reg, CountryRegion_C1.reg Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL BusType = 15 ;USB CopyFiles = NT.CopyFiles *IfType = 71 ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211 *MediaType = 16 ; NdisMediumNative802_11 *PhysicalMediaType = 9 ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11 [RTWLAN_C3.ndi.NT] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.CopyFiles AddReg = Common.reg, RTUSB_OS61.ndi.NT.reg, Customer3.reg Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL BusType = 15 ;USB CopyFiles = NT.CopyFiles *IfType = 71 ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211 *MediaType = 16 ; NdisMediumNative802_11 *PhysicalMediaType = 9 ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11 [RTWLAN_C4.ndi.NT] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.CopyFiles AddReg = Common.reg, RTUSB_OS61.ndi.NT.reg, Customer4.reg Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_REMOVABLE | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL BusType = 15 ;USB CopyFiles = NT.CopyFiles *IfType = 71 ; IF_TYPE_IEEE80211 *MediaType = 16 ; NdisMediumNative802_11 *PhysicalMediaType = 9 ; NdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11 ;******************************************************************************************* ; services sections ;******************************************************************************************* [RTWLAN.ndi.NT.Services] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.Services AddService = netr7364, 2, General.Service, common.EventLog [RTWLAN.ndi.NT.HW] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration [RTWLANWR.ndi.NT.Services] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.Services AddService = netr7364, 2, General.Service, common.EventLog [RTWLANWR.ndi.NT.HW] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration [RTWLANR.ndi.NT.Services] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.Services AddService = netr7364, 2, General.Service, common.EventLog [RTWLANR.ndi.NT.HW] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration [RTWLANRNP.ndi.NT.Services] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.Services AddService = netr7364, 2, General.Service, common.EventLog [RTWLANRNP.ndi.NT.HW] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration [RTWLAN_C1.ndi.NT.Services] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration AddService = netr7364, 2, General.Service, common.EventLog [RTWLAN_C1.ndi.NT.HW] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration [RTWLAN_C2.ndi.NT.Services] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration AddService = netr7364, 2, General.Service, common.EventLog [RTWLAN_C2.ndi.NT.HW] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration [RTWLAN_C3.ndi.NT.Services] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration AddService = netr7364, 2, General.Service, common.EventLog [RTWLAN_C3.ndi.NT.HW] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration [RTWLAN_C4.ndi.NT.Services] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration AddService = netr7364, 2, General.Service, common.EventLog [RTWLAN_C4.ndi.NT.HW] Include=netvwifibus.inf Needs=VWiFiBus.PnPFilterRegistration ;******************************************************************************************* ; common regs for NT ;******************************************************************************************* [Common.reg] ; ; WirelessMode ; HKR, , WirelessMode, 0, "3" ; ; Channel ; HKR, , Channel, 0, %CHANNEL% HKR, Default, Channel, 0, %CHANNEL% ; ; Use Ofdm rate in adhoc mode ; HKR, , AdhocOfdm, 0, "1" ; ; Country Region G Band ; HKR, , CountryRegion, 0, "0" HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion, ParamDesc, 0, %CountryRegion24G% HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion, type, 0, "enum" HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion, default, 0, "0" HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum, 0, 0, %CountryRegion24G_0% HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum, 1, 0, %CountryRegion24G_1% HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum, 2, 0, %CountryRegion24G_2% HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum, 3, 0, %CountryRegion24G_3% HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum, 4, 0, %CountryRegion24G_4% HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum, 5, 0, %CountryRegion24G_5% HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum, 6, 0, %CountryRegion24G_6% HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion\enum, 7, 0, %CountryRegion24G_7% ; ; Country Region A Band ; HKR, , CountryRegionABand, 0, "0" HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand, ParamDesc, 0, %CountryRegion5G% HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand, type, 0, "enum" HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand, default, 0, "0" HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,0, 0, %CountryRegion5G_0% HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,1, 0, %CountryRegion5G_1% HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,2, 0, %CountryRegion5G_2% HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,3, 0, %CountryRegion5G_3% HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,4, 0, %CountryRegion5G_4% HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,5, 0, %CountryRegion5G_5% HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,6, 0, %CountryRegion5G_6% HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,7, 0, %CountryRegion5G_7% HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,8, 0, %CountryRegion5G_8% HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,9, 0, %CountryRegion5G_9% HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegionABand\enum,10, 0, %CountryRegion5G_10% ; ; Radio On/Off ; HKR, , Radio, 0, "0" HKR, NDI\params\Radio, ParamDesc, 0, %RadioOnOff% HKR, NDI\params\Radio, type, 0, "enum" HKR, NDI\params\Radio, default, 0, "0" HKR, NDI\params\Radio\enum, 1, 0, %Disable% HKR, NDI\params\Radio\enum, 0, 0, %Enable% ; ; IEEE80211H ; HKR, , IEEE80211H, 0, "0" HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H, ParamDesc, 0, %IEEE802_11h% HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H, type, 0, "enum" HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H, default, 0, "0" HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H\enum, 0, 0, %Disable% HKR, NDI\params\IEEE80211H\enum, 1, 0, %Enable% ; ; CarrierDetect ; HKR, , CarrierDetect, 0, "0" HKR, NDI\params\CarrierDetect, ParamDesc, 0, %CarrierDetect% HKR, NDI\params\CarrierDetect, type, 0, "enum" HKR, NDI\params\CarrierDetect, default, 0, "0" HKR, NDI\params\CarrierDetect\enum, 0, 0, %Disable% HKR, NDI\params\CarrierDetect\enum, 1, 0, %Enable% ; ; SmartScan ; HKR, , SmartScan, 0, "0" HKR, NDI\params\SmartScan, ParamDesc, 0, %SmartScan% HKR, NDI\params\SmartScan, type, 0, "enum" HKR, NDI\params\SmartScan, default, 0, "0" HKR, NDI\params\SmartScan\enum, 0, 0, %Disable% HKR, NDI\params\SmartScan\enum, 1, 0, %Enable% ; ; WPS Device Name ; HKR, , WPSDevName, 0, %WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR% HKR, Default, WPSDevName, 0, %WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR% ; ; RaCoInstaller Options ; HKR, , RaCoInstOpt, 0,"00000000" ; ; EnableNewPS ; HKR, , EnableNewPS, 0, "0" [RemoveFlag.reg] HKR, , SafelyRemoveOff, 0, "1" [WMMEnable.reg] HKR, , WMMCapable, 0, "1" [EnableNewPS.reg] HKR, , EnableNewPS, 0, "1" [Customer1.reg] HKR, , WPSDevName, 0, %WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1% HKR, Default, WPSDevName, 0, %WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1% [CountryRegion_C1.reg] HKR, , CountryRegion, 0, "1" HKR, NDI\params\CountryRegion, default, 0, "1" [Customer3.reg] ; ; D-Link Request ; ; WMMCapable HKR, , WMMCapable, 0, "1" ; Enable TX Burst HKR, , TXBurst, 0, "1" ; FrameAggregation HKR, , FrameAggregation,0, "1" ; DLSCapable HKR, , DLSCapable, 0, "1" [Customer4.reg] ; ; For Ovislink ; HKR, , TurboMode125M, 0, "1" ;******************************************************************************************* ; DestinationDirs ;******************************************************************************************* [NT.CopyFiles] netr7364.sys,,,2 [SourceDisksNames] 1 = %INSTALL_DISK_STR%,,, [SourceDisksFiles] netr7364.sys = 1,, [DestinationDirs] NT.CopyFiles = 12 ; system32\drivers subdirectory on NT DefaultDestDir = 11 ;******************************************************************************************* ; NT specific ;******************************************************************************************* [RTUSB_OS61.ndi.NT.reg] HKR, Ndi, Service, 0, "netr7364" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, "ndis5" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, 0, "wlan,ethernet,vwifi" [General.Service] DisplayName = %General.Service.DispName% ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_AUTO_START% ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\netr7364.sys LoadOrderGroup = NDIS [common.EventLog] AddReg=common.AddEventLog.reg [common.AddEventLog.reg] HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll,%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\netr7364.sys" HKR, , TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7 ;******************************************************************************************* ; Strings ;******************************************************************************************* [strings] ;************************ ; Non-Localizable strings ;------------------------ MSFT = "Microsoft" Provider = "Ralink" Ralink = "Ralink Technology Corp." Qcom = "Qcom Technology Inc." Gigabyte = "Gigabyte Technology Corp." Conceptronic = "2L (Conceptronic)" Surecom = "SURECOM Technology Corp." Asus = "ASUSTeK Computer Inc." Amit = "AMIT Technology, Inc." CNet = "CNet Technology Inc." Huawei-3Com = "Huawei-3Com Technology Co., Ltd." Askey = "WLAN" HP = "Lite-On" Buffalo = "Buffalo Technology Inc." ZyXEL = "ZyXEL Communications Corp." Sitecom = "Sitecom Europe BV" Netopia = "Netopia, Inc." Philips = "Philips" Zcom = "Z-Com, Inc." AboCom = "AboCom Systems, Inc." EnGenius = "EnGenius Technologies" Edimax = "Edimax Technology Co., Ltd" AL = "AL Tech." Planex = "Planex Communications, Inc." Samsung = "Samsung Electronics CO., LTD" Billionton = "Billionton Systems, Inc." D-Link = "D-Link Corporation" I-O = "I-O DATA DEVICE, INC." Linksys = "Linksys,a division of Cisco Systems,Inc." Corega = "Allied Telesis K.K." Ovislink = "Ovislink Corp." ALLWIN = "ALLWIN" Hawking = "Hawking Technologies, Inc." ;******************** ; Localizable strings ;-------------------- Ralink.DeviceDesc = "RT73 USB Wireless LAN Card" Qcom.DeviceDesc = "RT73 USB Wireless LAN Card" Gigabyte.DeviceDesc = "Gigabyte GN-WB01GS USB WLAN Card" Gigabyte2.DeviceDesc = "Gigabyte GN-WI05GS mini WLAN Card" Conceptronic.DeviceDesc = "Conceptronic 54Mbps USB adapter" M6877.DeviceDesc = "802.11g Mini Card Wireless Adapter" MA874.DeviceDesc = "802.11g MiniUSB 2.0 Wireless Bluetooth Combo" M6874.DeviceDesc = "802.11g MiniUSB 2.0 Wireless Bluetooth Combo" MA861.DeviceDesc = "802.11g USB 2.0 Stick" M4600.DeviceDesc = "802.11b/g USB Turbo Wireless Adapter" GMEWLGRL.DeviceDesc = "RT73 USB Wireless LAN Card" Surecom.DeviceDesc = "802.11g 54M Wireless LAN USB Adapter" ASUS.DeviceDesc = "ASUS USB Wireless Network Adapter" ASUSGEN.DeviceDesc = "802.11b/g USB Wireless Network Adapter" AMIT.DeviceDesc = "CG-WLUSB2GO, corega Wireless USB Adapter" CNet.DeviceDesc = "CNet Wireless USB dongle" Huawei-3Com.DeviceDesc = "Aolynk WUB320g USB Wireless LAN Card" Askey.DeviceDesc = "WLAN USB Wireless LAN Stick" Amigo.DeviceDesc = "802.11G Wireless USB Card" HP.DeviceDesc = "USB Wireless 802.11 b/g Adaptor" Buffalo.DeviceDesc = "BUFFALO WLI-U2-SG54HP" Buffalo_00D8.DeviceDesc = "BUFFALO WLI-U2-SG54HP Wireless LAN Adapter" Buffalo_00D9.DeviceDesc = "BUFFALO WLI-U2-G54HP Wireless LAN Adapter" Buffalo_0116.DeviceDesc = "BUFFALO WLR-UC-G Wireless LAN Adapter" Buffalo_0137.DeviceDesc = "BUFFALO WLI-UC-G Wireless LAN Adapter" ZyXEL.DeviceDesc = "G-210H 802.11g Wireless USB Adapter" Sitecom_9712.DeviceDesc = "Sitecom Wireless Network USB adapter 54g WL-113v1.002" Sitecom_90AC.DeviceDesc = "Sitecom Wireless Network USB adapter Turbo g WL-172" Sitecom_0024.DeviceDesc = "Sitecom Wireless Network 54G-Turbo WPS USB adapter WL-212" Sitecom_0027.DeviceDesc = "Sitecom Wireless Network USB Adapter 54G Turbo WL-177" Sitecom_002F.DeviceDesc = "Wireless Network USB Adapter 54g-Turbo WL-178" Netopia.DeviceDesc = "Wireless USB Card" Philips.DeviceDesc = "Philips USB Wireless Network Adapter" Zcom.DeviceDesc = "802.11b/g USB Wireless Network Adapter" AboCom_B21B.DeviceDesc = "Hawking HWU54DM Hi-Gain Wireless-G USB Adapter" AboCom_B21C.DeviceDesc = "RT73 USB Wireless LAN Card" AboCom_B21D.DeviceDesc = "802.11b/g Mini Wireless LAN USB 2.0 Adapter" AboCom_B21E.DeviceDesc = "802.11b/g High Gain Wireless LAN USB Adapter" AboCom_B21F.DeviceDesc = "WUG2700 USB Wireless LAN Card" AboCom_AB01.DeviceDesc = "PCI GW-US54HP" AboCom_3415.DeviceDesc = "G-210H 802.11g Wireless USB Adapter" EnGenius_3701.DeviceDesc = "EnGenius 802.11b/g Wireless USB Adapter" EnGenius_7100.DeviceDesc = "EnGenius 802.11b/g Wireless USB Adapter" Edimax_7318.DeviceDesc = "Edimax 802.11g Wireless USB Adapter" Edimax_7618.DeviceDesc = "Edimax 802.11g Wireless USB Adapter" AL_3C10.DeviceDesc = "802.11g USB Wireless LAN Card" Planex_AB50.DeviceDesc = "PCI GW-US54Mini2" Samsung_4471.DeviceDesc = "Samsung WLAN USB Stick" Billionton_0120.DeviceDesc = "RT73 USB Wireless LAN Card" D-Link_3C06.DeviceDesc = "D-Link DWA-111 Wireless G USB Adapter" D-Link_3C03.DeviceDesc = "D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G122 Wireless USB Adapter(rev.C)" D-Link_3C04.DeviceDesc = "D-Link WUA-1340 USB Adapter" D-Link_3C07.DeviceDesc = "D-Link Wireless G DWA-110 USB Adapter" I-O_093D.DeviceDesc = "I-O DATA WN-G54/USB Wireless LAN Adapter" WUSB54GR.DeviceDesc = "Wireless-G USB Network Adapter with RangeBooster" WUSB54GC.DeviceDesc = "Compact Wireless-G USB Adapter" Corega_002E.DeviceDesc = "CG-WLUSB2GPX" Ovislink_2573.DeviceDesc = "Airlive WT-2000USB" ALLWIN.DeviceDesc = "ALLWIN Wireless LAN Card ¡VAWM50G-US" Hawking_0007.DeviceDesc = "Hawking Wireless-G USB Adapter with Removable Antenna" INSTALL_DISK_STR = "Wireless 11g USB Installation Disk" General.Service.DispName = "RT73 USB Extensible Wireless LAN Card Driver" ; ; Parameters ; CountryRegion24G = "Country Region 11G" CountryRegion24G_0 = "#0 (Channel 1 - 11)" CountryRegion24G_1 = "#1 (Channel 1 - 13)" CountryRegion24G_2 = "#2 (Channel 10 - 11)" CountryRegion24G_3 = "#3 (Channel 10 - 13)" CountryRegion24G_4 = "#4 (Channel 14)" CountryRegion24G_5 = "#5 (Channel 1 - 14)" CountryRegion24G_6 = "#6 (Channel 3 - 9)" CountryRegion24G_7 = "#7 (Channel 5 - 13)" CountryRegion5G = "Country Region 11A" CountryRegion5G_0 = "#0 Ch(36 - 64,149 - 165)" CountryRegion5G_1 = "#1 Ch(36 - 140)" CountryRegion5G_2 = "#2 Ch(36 - 64)" CountryRegion5G_3 = "#3 Ch(52 - 64,149 - 161)" CountryRegion5G_4 = "#4 Ch(149 - 165)" CountryRegion5G_5 = "#5 Ch(149 - 161)" CountryRegion5G_6 = "#6 Ch(36 - 48)" CountryRegion5G_7 = "#7 Ch(36 - 165)" CountryRegion5G_8 = "#8 Ch(52 - 64)" CountryRegion5G_9 = "#9 Ch(34 - 46)" CountryRegion5G_10 = "#10 Ch(34 - 64)" RadioOnOff = "Radio On/Off" Disable = "Disable" Enable = "Enable" IEEE802_11h = "IEEE802.11h" SmartScan = "SmartScan" CarrierDetect = "Carrier Detect" CHANNEL = "1" WPS_DEVNAME_DEF_STR = "Ralink Client" WPS_DEVNAME_CUSTOMER1 = "Corega Client"