; -- NETSERV.INX -- ; ; File And Print Services. ; ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" Class = NetService ClassGUID = {4d36e974-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Provider = %Msft% DriverVer=06/21/2006,6.3.9600.16384 [Manufacturer] %Msft%=MSFT,NTamd64 [MSFT.NTamd64] %MSServer_Desc% = Install.ndi, MS_SERVER [Install.ndi] AddReg = MSServer.ndi.AddReg Characteristics = 0x0000 ; no characteristics [MSServer.ndi.AddReg] HKR, Ndi, ClsID, 0, {7F368827-9516-11d0-83D9-00A0C911E5DF} HKR, Ndi, Service, 0, LanmanServer HKR, Ndi, CoServices, 0x00010000, "LanmanServer" HKR, Ndi, ExcludeSetupStartServices, 0x00010000, "LanmanServer" HKR, Ndi, HelpText, 0, "@netcfgx.dll,-50003" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, "winnet5" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, 0, "tdi,netbios,ipx,netbios_smb" [Strings] ; localizable Msft = "Microsoft" ; Component description MSServer_Desc = "File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks"