; ; Copyright (c) 2005 Microsoft Corporation ; ; All rights reserved. ; ; File Name: ; ; tsprint.inf ; ; Abstract: ; ; tsprint; a ts specific driver printer of a monolothic xps driver ; [Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" Provider=%Msft% ClassGUID={4D36E979-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Class=Printer DriverVer=06/21/2006,6.3.9600.19592 [Manufacturer] %Msft%=Msft,NTx86,NTia64,NTamd64 ; ; the name "Remote Desktop Easy Print" is referenced ; from the code. the name below must be in sync with the code ; that also means its not localizable; or we need some programatic ; means to get this name at runtime to choose the driver to install ; [Msft.NTx86] "Remote Desktop Easy Print"= TSPRINT_FILES [Msft.NTia64] "Remote Desktop Easy Print"= TSPRINT_FILES [Msft.NTamd64] "Remote Desktop Easy Print"= TSPRINT_FILES [TSPRINT_FILES] CopyFiles=tsprintFiles DriverFile=mxdwdrv.dll ConfigFile=tsprint.dll ; although we dont really need datafile, looks like the client side ; of the printer installation fails if we dont specify any datafile ; so lets make printer installation happy by specifying a datafile. DataFile=tsprint-datafile.dat CoreDriverSections="{D20EA372-DD35-4950-9ED8-A6335AFE79F5},XPSDRV.OEM" [PrinterPackageInstallation.x86] PackageAware=TRUE CoreDriverDependencies={D20EA372-DD35-4950-9ED8-A6335AFE79F5} [PrinterPackageInstallation.amd64] PackageAware=TRUE CoreDriverDependencies={D20EA372-DD35-4950-9ED8-A6335AFE79F5} [tsprintFiles] tsprint.dll tsprint-PipelineConfig.xml tsprint-datafile.dat [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir=66000 [SourceDisksNames.x86] 1 = %Location%,, 2 = %Location%,,,\i386 [SourceDisksNames.ia64] 1 = %Location%,, 2 = %Location%,,,\ia64 [SourceDisksNames.amd64] 1 = %Location%,, 2 = %Location%,,,\amd64 [SourceDisksFiles] tsprint.dll = 2 tsprint-PipelineConfig.xml = 1 tsprint-datafile.dat = 1 [Strings] Msft = "Microsoft" Location="RDPrint Driver Location"