MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $w.}}}TD}}TD}}}}TD}}TD}}TD}}TD}}TD}}Rich}PEdTLPT"  0@-`A0@X.text `.data @.pdata @@.idata@@.rsrc@@.reloc@Bfiu{@~p000`p0 @ `  ` ``` )*0,,0--.. //@1`112P? p@`TLPT%YM@l<5OaEҩ,OatFF<NULL>NULLDriver object (%p, process: %u) createdDestroying driver object (%p, process: %u, thread: %u)..Waiting for IScanServiceNotify proxy object (%p) to be finally released..Wait for IScanServiceNotify proxy object (%p) to be released completeCWIADriver::~CWIADriverError in %s (%u):WaitForSingleObject failed (0x%08X, err: 0x%08X), IScanServiceNotify proxy status unknownCloseHandle(m_hScanServiceNotifyDestroyed) failed, err: 0x%08XDriver object (%p, process: %u, thread: %u) destroyedCWIADriver::drvInitializeWia%s..Invalid parameter(s), hr = 0x%08XFailed to allocate BSTR DeviceID string, hr = 0x%08XFailed to allocate BSTR Root full item name string, hr = 0x%08XFailed to create the Driver Item Tree, hr = 0x%08XdrvInitializeWia, %d client(s) are currently connected to this driverFailed to read the scanner status, hr = 0x%08X[please use the WDK tool WiaTrcVw.exe to record and view the full driver log]Application session successfully initiatedIWiaMiniDrv::drvInitializeWia 0x%08XCWIADriver::drvInitItemPropertiesInvalid parameters were passed, hr = 0x%08XFailed to read WIA_IPA_ITEM_FLAGS property, hr = 0x%08XIWiaMiniDrv::drvInitItemProperties called for Root..Failed to initialize root item properties, hr = 0x%08XFailed to retrieve the current driver item to initialize, hr = 0x%08XFailed to get the item name, hr = 0x%08XFlatbedFeederAutoUnsupported item, hr = 0x%08XIWiaMiniDrv::drvInitItemProperties called for Flatbed..Failed to initialize the flatbed item's property set, hr = 0x%08XIWiaMiniDrv::drvInitItemProperties called for Feeder..Failed to initialize the feeder item's property set, hr = 0x%08XIWiaMiniDrv::drvInitItemProperties called for Auto..Failed to initialize the automatic input source item's property set, hr = 0x%08XScan ticket validation for Feeder failed, WIA properties cannot be correctly initialized, hr = 0x%08XScan ticket validation for Flatbed failed, WIA properties cannot be correctly initialized, hr = 0x%08XScan ticket validation for Auto failed, WIA properties cannot be correctly initialized, hr = 0x%08XIWiaMiniDrv::drvInitItemProperties 0x%08XCWIADriver::ValidateScanTicketInvalid argument, hr = 0x%08XFailed to get item type, hr = 0x%08XCannot validate a scan ticket for the Root item, hr = 0x%08XCannot obtain WIAS context for Root item to read WIA_DPS_USER_NAME, hr = 0x%08XFailed to get private Root driver item context data, hr = 0x%08XCannot load the IDS_VALIDATE_SCAN_TICKET string from resources (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XCannot load the WIA item name string from resources (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XFailed to generate and validate a scan ticket for item (must honor all: %u), hr = 0x%08XInvalid ValidateScanTicket response, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update image information properties, hr = 0x%08XCWIADriver::drvValidateItemPropertiesFailed to retrieve current driver item context data, hr = 0x%08XOut of memory, hr = 0x%08XFailed to create WIA property context to validate %u properties, hr = 0x%08XFailed to validate format properties, hr = 0x%08XFailed to validate region properties, hr = 0x%08XFailed to validate image information properties, hr = 0x%08XFailed to validate feeder specific properties, hr = 0x%08XFailed to validate remaining properties using wiasValidateItemProperties, hr = 0x%08XwiasFreePropContext failed, hr = 0x%08XScan ticket validation for current item properties failed, hr = 0x%08XIWiaMiniDrv::drvValidateItemProperties 0x%08XCWIADriver::drvWriteItemPropertiesAcquisitions are not supported from the Root item, hr = 0x%08XScan ticket validation failed, hr = 0x%08XIWiaMiniDrv::drvWriteItemProperties 0x%08XCWIADriver::drvReadItemPropertiesFailed to update WIA_DPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_STATUS and/or WIA_DPA_CONNECT_STATUS properties, hr = 0x%08X<empty string>Failed to update WIA_x_SCAN_AVAILABLE_ITEM properties (%ws), hr = 0x%08XIWiaMiniDrv::drvReadItemProperties 0x%08XCWIADriver::drvAnalyzeItemIWiaMiniDrv::drvAnalyzeItem, this method is not implemented or supported for this driverCWIADriver::drvGetDeviceErrorStrIWiaMiniDrv::drvGetDeviceErrorStr, this method is not implemented or supported for this driverCWIADriver::DestroyDriverItemTreeUnlinking WIA item treeFailed to unlink WIA item tree before being released, hr = 0x%08XReleasing IDrvItemRoot interfaceException 0x%08X when calling Release on the Root item, item no longer valid, hr = 0x%08X%s failed, hr = 0x%08X%s succeeded, hr = 0x%08XCWIADriver::BuildDriverItemTreeBuilding Driver Item Tree....Driver not fully initialized, cannot create Driver Item Tree, hr = 0x%08XFailed to read configuration parameters from scanner, hr = 0x%08XFailed to initialize WIA_FORMAT_INFO array, hr = 0x%08XRootFailed to allocate memory for the root item name, hr = 0x%08XFailed to create the WIA root item (hr = 0x%08X)Failed to create WIA flatbed item, hr = 0x%08XFailed to create WIA feeder item, hr = 0x%08XFailed to create WIA auto item, hr = 0x%08XCWIADriver::drvDeviceCommandWIA_CMD_SYNCHRONIZEFailed to delete the current DIT for WIA_CMD_SYNCHRONIZE, hr = 0x%08XFailed to re-create the DIT for WIA_CMD_SYNCHRONIZE, hr = 0x%08XWIA_CMD_DELETE_DEVICE_TREEWIA_CMD_DELETE_DEVICE_TREE called when no DIT exists, hr = 0x%08XFailed to delete the current DIT for WIA_CMD_DELETE_DEVICE_TREE, hr = 0x%08XWIA_CMD_BUILD_DEVICE_TREEWIA_CMD_BUILD_DEVICE_TREE called when DIT already exists, hr = 0x%08XThe requested WIA command is not implemented or supported by this driverIWiaMiniDrv::drvDeviceCommand 0x%08XCWIADriver::drvGetCapabilitiessti.dll,-1001Failed to add WIA_EVENT_SCAN_IMAGE to the list of capabilities, hr = 0x%08XFailed to add WIA_EVENT_SCAN_PRINT_IMAGE to the list of capabilities, hr = 0x%08XFailed to add WIA_EVENT_SCAN_FAX_IMAGE to the list of capabilities, hr = 0x%08XFailed to add WIA_EVENT_SCAN_OCR_IMAGE to the list of capabilities, hr = 0x%08XFailed to add WIA_EVENT_SCAN_EMAIL_IMAGE to the list of capabilities, hr = 0x%08XFailed to add WIA_EVENT_DEVICE_CONNECTED to the list of capabilities, hr = 0x%08XFailed to add WIA_EVENT_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED to the list of capabilities, hr = 0x%08XFailed to add WIA_EVENT_POWER_SUSPEND to the list of capabilities, hr = 0x%08XFailed to add WIA_EVENT_POWER_RESUME to the list of capabilities, hr = 0x%08Xsti.dll,-2000Failed to add WIA_CMD_SYNCHRONIZE to the list of capabilities, hr = 0x%08Xsti.dll,-2005Failed to add WIA_CMD_DELETE_DEVICE_TREE to the list of capabilities, hr = 0x%08Xsti.dll,-2006Failed to add WIA_CMD_BUILD_DEVICE_TREE to the list of capabilities, hr = 0x%08XdrvGetCapabilities, application is asking for Commands and Events, we have %d total capabilitiesdrvGetCapabilities, application is asking for Commands, we have %ddrvGetCapabilities, application is asking for Events, we have %dIWiaMiniDrv::drvGetCapabilities 0x%08X (%u events, %u commands)CWIADriver::drvDeleteItemThis item cannot be deleted, hr = 0x%08XIWiaMiniDrv::drvDeleteItem 0x%08XIWiaMiniDrv::drvFreeDrvItemContext 0x%08XCWIADriver::drvGetWiaFormatInfoError reading current WIA_IPA_ITEM_CATEGORY, hr = 0x%08XdrvGetWiaFormatInfo called for Feeder..drvGetWiaFormatInfo called for Flatbed..drvGetWiaFormatInfo called for Auto..drvGetWiaFormatInfo called for Root..drvGetWiaFormatInfo called for an unknown item, assuming Root..drvGetWiaFormatInfo called for a NULL item context, assuming Root..Unexpected, the format array must be initialized first, hr = 0x%08XIWiaMiniDrv::drvGetWiaFormatInfo 0x%08XCWIADriver::drvNotifyPnpEventPnP event notification received for device ID %wsWIA_EVENT_POWER_SUSPENDFailed to unregister scan destinations for WIA_EVENT_POWER_SUSPEND, hr = 0x%08XWIA_EVENT_POWER_RESUMEFailed to reinitialize the WSD challenge, hr = 0x%08XFailed to unregister scan destinations for WIA_EVENT_POWER_RESUME (refresh), hr = 0x%08XFailed to re-register scan destinations for WIA_EVENT_POWER_RESUME, hr = 0x%08XFailed to re-enable WIA events for WIA_EVENT_POWER_RESUME, invalid event handle, hr = 0x%08XFailed to re-enable WIA events on WIA_EVENT_POWER_RESUME, hr = 0x%08XWIA_EVENT_DEVICE_CONNECTEDWIA_EVENT_DEVICE_DISCONNECTEDWIA_EVENT_CANCEL_IOIWiaMiniDrv::drvNotifyPnpEvent 0x%08XCWIADriver::drvUnInitializeWiadrvUnInitializeWia, the client connection counter decremented below zero. Assuming no clients are currently connected and automatically setting to 0drvUnInitializeWia, %d client(s) are currently connected to this driverdrvUnInitializeWia called with NULL item context parameter (!!!); still, request completed, hr = 0x%08XIWiaMiniDrv::drvUnInitializeWia 0x%08X;jeCwJ@J0܆TA'/鏞J p A0 ([ 7wHbm\OaE;jeCwJ@J0;jeCwJ@J p`fP?iu{@~pp000&Or>aPC4A ;jeCwJ@J0A /C6aKFN49Msķ_I;jeCwJ@J %Anzzo0޺d1O BYsOaEnzzo;jeCwJ@J ;jeCwJ@JB;jeCwJ@J N>d1O _ޗlMP' @p ) *0,,0--.. // @1`112 p%ws\%wsMakeFullItemNameFailed to allocate memory for BSTR full item name, hr = 0x%08XFailed to get full item name from parent IWiaDrvItem, hr = 0x%08XCreateWIAChildItemFailed to add the new WIA item (%ws) to the specified parent item, hr = 0x%08XFailed to create the new WIA driver item, hr = 0x%08XFailed to create the new WIA item's full item name, hr = 0x%08XFailed to allocate memory for BSTR storage item nameInvalid parameters were passedwiasGetDriverItemPrivateContextFailed to get the WIA driver item from the application item, hr = 0x%08XAllocateTransferBufferFailed to allocate memory for transfer buffer, hr = 0x%08XQueueWIAEventFailed to queue WIA event, hr = 0x%08XFailed to read the WIA_DIP_DEV_ID property, hr = 0x%08XFailed to get the Root item from child item, using wiasGetRootItem, hr = 0x%08XFailed to read WIA_IPA_FULL_ITEM_NAME property, hr = %lxCWIAPropertyManager::SetItemPropertiesCWIAPropertyManager::SetItemProperties, wiasSetItemPropAttribs failedCWIAPropertyManager::SetItemProperties, wiasWriteMultiple failedCWIAPropertyManager::SetItemProperties, wiasSetItemPropNames failedCWIAPropertyManager::SetItemProperties, failed to allocate memory for property arraysCWIACapabilityManager::InitializeCWIACapabilityManager::AddCapabilityAllocateCapability failed to return a valid pointer, hr = 0x%08XCannot allocate memory for capability, hr = 0x%08XFailed to copy source string (%ws) to destination string, hr = 0x%08XFailed to load the device capability name string %u from resources, hr = 0x%08XFailed to load the device capability description string %u from DLL resource, hr = 0x%08XCounted %u capabilities (%u events, %u commands), recorded %u..CWIACapabilityManager::AllocateCapabilityFailed to allocate memory for WIA_DEV_CAP_DRV structure, hr = 0x%08XFailed to allocate memory for GUID member of WIA_DEV_CAP_DRV structure, hr = 0x%08XFailed to allocate memory for LPOLESTR (wszName) member of WIA_DEV_CAP_DRV structure, hr = 0x%08XFailed to allocate memory for LPOLESTR (wszDescription) member of WIA_DEV_CAP_DRV structure, hr = 0x%08XFailed to allocate memory for LPOLESTR (wszIcon) member of WIA_DEV_CAP_DRV structure, hr = 0x%08XCWIACapabilityManager::FreeCapabilityInvalid parameters were passed, caller attempted to free a NULL WIA_DEV_CAP_DRV structureCWIACapabilityManager::GetCapabilitiesNo capabilities to returnCWIACapabilityManager::GetCommandsNo commands to returnCWIACapabilityManager::GetEventsNo events to returnInternal device communication object created (%p, process: %u, thread: %u)Internal device communication object (%p, process: %u, thread: %u) destroyedCWSDDevice::InitializeFailed to re-initialize device communication interface, hr = 0x%08XFailed to initialize device communication interface, invalid device path argument, hr = 0x%08XCoCreateInstance(IFunctionDiscovery) returned a NULL m_pFunctionDiscovery, hr = 0x%08XCoCreateInstance for IFunctionDiscovery failed, hr = 0x%08XFailed to obtain the Function Instance for the device %ws, hr = 0x%08XFailed to read the PKEY_PNPX_GlobalIdentity device property, hr = 0x%08XDevice global identity: %wsFailed to open the Property Store for the current Function Instance, hr = 0x%08XFailed to create a WSD WFD Control object, hr = 0x%08XDevice %ws is WiFi Direct. WiFi Direct devices are not currently supported via this driver, hr = 0x%08XFailed to check if the device is WFD, hr = 0x%08XIFunctionInstance::QueryService(WSDScanProxy, IScanService) returned a NULL IScanService* with hr = 0x%08XIFunctionInstance::QueryService(WSDScanProxy, IScanService) failed, cannot activate ScanProxy, hr = 0x%08XIScanService::QueryInterface(IScanServiceEvents) returned a NULL IScanServiceEvents* with hr = 0x%08XIScanService::QueryInterface(IScanServiceEvents) failed, hr = 0x%08XWSD Scan Proxy successfully activated (process: %u, thread: %u)Failed to register for device status notifications, hr = 0x%08XFailed to create IWSDEventingStatus proxy object, hr = 0x%08XCannot retrieve the computer name (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XCannot load the IDS_SCAN_DESTINATION string from resources (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XCannot load the IDS_PRINT_DESTINATION string from resources (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XCannot load the IDS_EMAIL_DESTINATION string from resources (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XCannot load the IDS_FAX_DESTINATION string from resources (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XCannot load the IDS_OCR_DESTINATION string from resources (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XCannot allocate memory for the scan destination name, hr = 0x%08XCannot allocate memory for the print destination name, hr = 0x%08XCannot allocate memory for the e-mail destination name, hr = 0x%08XCannot allocate memory for the fax destination name, hr = 0x%08XCannot allocate memory for the OCR destination name, hr = 0x%08XFailed creating the scan destination name for %ws, hr = 0x%08XFailed creating the print destination name for %ws, hr = 0x%08XFailed creating the e-mail destination name for %ws, hr = 0x%08XFailed creating the fax destination name for %ws, hr = 0x%08XFailed creating the OCR destination name for %ws, hr = 0x%08XDevice communication interface successfully initialized (process: %u, thread: %u)Device communication interface initialization failed, cleaning up.. (process: %u, thread: %u)Driver not loaded by the WIA service, ScanProxy not activated (process: %u, thread: %u)CWSDDevice::GetFunctionInstanceFunctionDiscovery object not initialized, hr = 0x%08XDevice path not initialized, hr = 0x%08XReleasing the current FunctionInstance object..Provider\Microsoft.Base.PnPIFunctionDiscovery::CreateInstanceCollectionQuery(%ws) returned a NULL IFunctionInstanceCollectionQuery* with hr = 0x%08XIFunctionDiscovery::CreateInstanceCollectionQuery(%ws) failed, hr = 0x%08XIFunctionInstanceCollectionQuery::AddPropertyConstraint(PKEY_PNPX_ID, %ws) failed, hr = 0x%08XTRUENotPresentIFunctionInstanceCollectionQuery::AddQueryConstraint(PROVIDERPNP_QUERYCONSTRAINT_NOTPRESENT) failed, hr = 0x%08XIFunctionInstanceCollectionQuery::Execute returned a NULL IFunctionInstanceCollection* for %ws, hr = 0x%08XIFunctionInstanceCollectionQuery::Execute for DevicePath %ws failed, hr = 0x%08XIFunctionInstanceCollection.Item(0) returned a NULL IFunctionInstance* for %ws with hr = 0x%08XIFunctionInstanceCollection.Item(0) for %ws failed, hr = 0x%08XFound Function Instance for device %ws (process: %u, thread: %u)Failed to find a Function Instance for device (process: %u, thread: %u)Uninitializing the device communication interface..Unregistering device event subscriptions..CWSDDevice::UnInitializeFailed to unregister for device events, hr = 0x%08XFailure in %s (%u) (note: device appears to be disconnected):Clearing eventing status callback..Failed to unregister for device status notifications, hr = 0x%08XShutting down challenge interface..The driver is forced to shut down unable to unregister all device event subscriptionsReleasing ScanServiceEvents object..Releasing ScanService object..Releasing FunctionInstance object..Releasing FunctionDiscovery object..Releasing WSD WFD Control object..Freeing memory for scan destination names..Freeing memory for scan destination tokens..Device communication interface successfully uninitializedCWSDDevice::ReadScannerConfigurationScanProxy not initialized, hr = 0x%08XRetrieving ScannerDescription..RetrieveScannerElement(%ws) failed, hr = 0x%08XRetrieveScannerElement(%ws) returned a NULL data pointer with hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLFindBestLocaleMatch(ScannerName) failed, hr = 0x%08XFailed to copy the scanner name (%ws), hr = 0x%08XnoneScanner name [lang: %ws]: %wsWSDXMLFindBestLocaleMatch(ScannerInfo) failed, hr = 0x%08XFailed to copy the scanner information (%ws), hr = 0x%08XScanner info [lang: %ws]: %wsWSDXMLFindBestLocaleMatch(ScannerLocation) failed, hr = 0x%08XFailed to copy the scanner location (%ws), hr = 0x%08XScanner location [lang: %ws]: %wsRetrieving DefaultScanTicket data..Default resolution: %d x %d DPIRetrieveScannerElement(%ws), no default MediaFront | Resolution reportedRetrieving ScannerConfiguration data..RetrieveScannerElement(%ws) returned invalid data, hr = 0x%08XDevice does not support either a Platen or ADF source, hr = 0x%08XScanner configuration is missing global device settings, hr = 0x%08XdibDevice reports support for the DIB formatexifDevice reports support for the EXIF formatjbigDevice reports support for the JBIG formatjfifDevice reports support for the JFIF formatjpeg2kDevice reports support for the JPEG 2000 formatpdf-aDevice reports support for the PDF-A formatpngDevice reports support for the PNG formattiff-single-uncompressedDevice reports support for the TIFF uncompressed single-page formattiff-single-g4Device reports support for the TIFF G4 single-page formattiff-single-g3mhDevice reports support for the TIFF G3MH single-page formattiff-single-jpeg-tn2Device reports support for the TIFF JPEG TN2 single-page formattiff-multi-uncompressedDevice reports support for the TIFF uncompressed multi-page formattiff-multi-g4Device reports support for the TIFF G4 multi-page formattiff-multi-g3mhDevice reports support for the TIFF G3MH multi-page formattiff-multi-jpeg-tn2Device reports support for the TIFF JPEG TN2 multi-page formatxpsDevice reports support for the XPS formatDevice reports a format not supported by the driver: %wsDevice does not support any of the file formats required by the driver, device is not supported by driver, hr = 0x%08XAutomatic document size detection: %uDevice supports scaling: [%u, %u] on x-axis, [%u, %u] on y-axisThis scanner does not support 100 percent scaling, WIA scaling properties are disabledDevice supports brightness: %uDevice supports contrast: %uDevice supports rotationRotation: %u degreesPlaten installedADF installedADF supports duplexDevice is not equipped with platen or ADF, device is not supported by this driver, hr = 0x%08XBlackAndWhite1Platen supports 1-bpp BW color modeGrayscale4Platen supports 4-bpp grayscale color modeGrayscale8Platen supports 8-bpp grayscale color modeRGB24Platen supports 24-bpp (8-bps) RGB color modeNo required file format support, platen support for 4-bpp grayscale is disabledNo required file format support, platen support for 8-bpp grayscale is disabledNo required file format support, platen support for 24-bpp RGB color is disabledNo required file format support, platen support for 1-bpp BW color is disabledThis scanner does not support any required color modes for Platen, Platen is disabledUnable to read supported color modes for Platen, Platen is disabledReadScannerConfigResolution (Platen)ReadScannerConfigResolution(Platen) failed, hr = 0x%08XPlaten maximum size: %u x %uPlaten minimum size: %u x %uInvalid document size limits for for Platen, Platen is disabledADF supports 1-bpp BW color modeADF supports 4-bpp grayscale color modeADF supports 8-bpp grayscale color modeADF supports 24-bpp (8-bps) RGB color modeNo required file format support, ADF support for 4-bpp grayscale is disabledNo required file format support, ADF support for 8-bpp grayscale is disabledNo required file format support, ADF support for 24-bpp RGB color is disabledNo required file format support, ADF support for 1-bpp BW color is disabledThis scanner does not support any required color modes for ADF, ADF is disabledUnable to read supported color modes for ADF, ADF is disabledReadScannerConfigResolution(ADF)ReadScannerConfigResolution(ADF) failed, hr = 0x%08XADF maximum size: %u x %uADF minimum size: %u x %uInvalid document size limits for for ADF, ADF is disabledPlaten supports the DIB formatPlaten supports the TIFF uncompressed single-page formatPlaten supports the TIFF G4 single-page formatPlaten supports the TIFF G3MH single-page formatPlaten supports the TIFF JPEG TN2 single-page formatPlaten supports the TIFF uncompressed multi-page formatPlaten supports the TIFF G4 multi-page formatPlaten supports the TIFF G3MH multi-page formatPlaten supports the TIFF JPEG TN2 multi-page formatPlaten supports the JFIF formatPlaten supports the EXIF formatPlaten supports the JPEG 2000 formatPlaten supports the JBIG formatPlaten supports the PNG formatPlaten supports the PDF-A formatPlaten supports the XPS formatADF supports the DIB formatADF supports the TIFF uncompressed single-page formatADF supports the TIFF G4 single-page formatADF supports the TIFF G3MH single-page formatADF supports the TIFF JPEG TN2 single-page formatADF supports the TIFF uncompressed multi-page formatADF supports the TIFF G4 multi-page formatADF supports the TIFF G3MH multi-page formatADF supports the TIFF JPEG TN2 multi-page formatADF supports the JFIF formatADF supports the EXIF formatADF supports the JPEG 2000 formatADF supports the JBIG formatADF supports the PNG formatADF supports the PDF-A formatADF supports the XPS formatNo data type support for all data sources, all bitonal compressed formats disabled for deviceNo data type support for all data sources, all JPEG compressed formats disabled for deviceNo available Platen or ADF data source, device is not supported by driver, hr = 0x%08XCWSDDevice::ReadScannerConfigResolutionReadScannerConfigResolution invalid parameter, hr = 0x%08XNo available resolutions for WidthNo available resolutions for HeightReadAvailableResolutions(Read X resolutions)ReadAvailableResolutions(Read X resolutions) failed, hr = 0x%08XReadAvailableResolutions(Read Y resolutions)ReadAvailableResolutions(Read Y resolutions) failed, hr = 0x%08XUnable to read optical resolutions, support for WIA_IPS_OPTICAL_xyRES disabledCWSDDevice::ReadAvailableResolutionsReadAvailableResolutions invalid parameter, hr = 0x%08XResolution: %u DPIInvalid resolution: %dAvailable resolution array emptyDefault Resolution Index: %uOptical Resolution: %uCWSDDevice::ReadFullScannerStatusParseScannerStatusSummary failed, hr = 0x%08XParseScannerCondition failed, hr = 0x%08XCWSDDevice::ParseScannerStatusSummaryInvalid parameter, hr = 0x%08XScanner status state: %wsIdleProcessingStoppedUnknown scanner state (%ws), selecting ProcessingScanner status state reason: %wsAttentionRequiredCalibratingCoverOpenInternalStorageFullLampErrorLampWarmingMediaJamMultipleFeedErrorNonePausedUnknown scanner state (%ws), selecting NoneCWSDDevice::ParseScannerConditionScanner status condition ID: %uScanner status condition name: %wsInputTrayEmptyInterlockOpenUnknown scanner status condition name (%ws), selecting NoneNULL scanner status condition name pointer for an active condition elementScanner status condition component: %wsADFFilmMediaPathPlatenUnknown scanner status condition component (%ws)NULL scanner status condition component pointer for a valid condition elementScanner status condition severity: %wsInformationalWarningCriticalUnnkown scanner status condition severity (%ws)NULL scanner status condition severity pointer for a valid condition elementCWSDDevice::RetrieveScannerElementwscn, %ws) returned an invalid pXmlName, hr = 0x%08XGetWsdDomElement(%ws, %ws) failed, hr = 0x%08XExecuting IScanService::GetScannerElements(%ws)..IScanService::GetScannerElements(%ws) returned a NULL pointer, hr = 0x%08XIScanService::GetScannerElements(%ws) returned an unexpected element: %ws, expected: %wsIScanService::GetScannerElements(%ws) failed, hr = 0x%08XIScanService::GetScannerElements(%ws) did not return the expected element, hr = 0x%08XIScanService::GetScannerElements(%ws) failed, NULL data pointer, hr = 0x%08XCWSDDevice::FillInDocumentParametersMustHonorAll: %uInvalid argument (basic), hr = 0x%08XUnsupported item context for call, hr = 0x%08XInvalid argument (extended), hr = 0x%08XError reading current WIA_IPA_DATATYPE, hr = 0x%08XError reading current WIA_IPA_DEPTH, hr = 0x%08XFailed to get private driver item context data, hr = 0x%08XError reading current WIA_IPA_FORMAT, hr = 0x%08XError reading current WIA_IPA_TYMED, hr = 0x%08XError reading current WIA_IPA_COMPRESSION, hr = 0x%08XApplication asked for DIB, not supported by device, trying PNG..Application asked for DIB, not supported by device, trying EXIF..Application asked for DIB, not supported by device, trying single-page G4 compressed TIFF..Application asked for DIB, not supported by device, trying single-page uncompressed TIFF..Unable to convert required DIB from another file format, hr = 0x%08XUnsupported file format, hr = 0x%08XDocument parameters - format: %wsError writing Format->DocumentFormatWKVTypeValue, hr = 0x%08XError reading current WIA_IPS_PAGES on the Feeder item, hr = 0x%08XDocument parameters - images to transfer: %uError reading current WIA_IPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_SELECT on the Feeder item, hr = 0x%08XADFDuplexError writing InputSource->DocumentInputSourceWKVTypeValue, hr = 0x%08XUnsupported item category, hr = 0x%08XDocument parameters - input source: %wsError reading current WIA_IPS_PAGE_SIZE on the Feeder item, hr = 0x%08XError reading current WIA_IPS_PAGE_WIDTH on the Feeder item, hr = 0x%08XError reading current WIA_IPS_PAGE_HEIGHT on the Feeder item, hr = 0x%08XError reading current WIA_IPS_MAX_HORIZONTAL_SIZE on the Flatbed item, hr = 0x%08XError reading current WIA_IPS_MAX_VERTICAL_SIZE on the Flatbed item, hr = 0x%08XDocument parameters - document size auto-detect: %uDocument parameters - document size auto-detect: -Document parameters - input media size: %u x %uDocument parameters - input media size: -Error reading current WIA_IPS_BRIGHTNESS, hr = 0x%08XDocument parameters - brightness: %dError reading current WIA_IPS_CONTRAST, hr = 0x%08XDocument parameters - contrast: %dDocument parameters - scaling: %u x %u%uError writing Rotation->RotationWKVTypeValue, hr = 0x%08XDocument parameters - rotation: %wsError reading current WIA_IPS_XPOS, hr = 0x%08XError reading current WIA_IPS_YPOS, hr = 0x%08XError reading current WIA_IPS_XEXTENT, hr = 0x%08XError reading current WIA_IPS_YEXTENT, hr = 0x%08XError reading current WIA_IPS_XRES, hr = 0x%08XError reading current WIA_IPS_YRES, hr = 0x%08XInvalid WIA_IPS_tRES (%u x %u DPI) and-or WIA_IPS_tSCALING (%u x %u) valuesDocument parameters - scan region (x, y, w, h): {%d, %d, %u, %u} Document parameters - resolution: %u x %dUnsupported WIA_IPA_DATATYPE value (%u), hr = 0x%08XDocument parameters - color mode: %wsFailed writing MediaSides->MediaFront->ColorProcessing->ColorWKVTypeValue, hr = 0x%08XDocument parameters - must honor format: %uDocument parameters - format not specifiedDocument parameters - must honor images to transfer: %uDocument parameters - images to transfer not specifiedDocument parameters - must honor input source: %uDocument parameters - input source not specifiedDocument parameters - must honor rotation: %uDocument parameters - rotation not specifiedDocument parameters - must honor input size: %uDocument parameters - input size not specifiedDocument parameters - must honor exposure: %uDocument parameters - exposure not specifiedDocument parameters - must honor scaling: %uDocument parameters - scaling not specifiedDocument parameters - must honor color processing: %uDocument parameters - color processing not specifiedDocument parameters - must honor resolution: %uDocument parameters - resolution not specifiedDocument parameters - must honor scan region x offset: %uDocument parameters - scan region x offset not specifiedDocument parameters - must honor scan region y offset: %uDocument parameters - scan region y offset not specifiedDocument parameters - must honor scan region width: %uDocument parameters - must honor scan region height: %uDocument parameters - scan region not specifiedCWSDDevice::ValidateScanTicketFailed to fill in document parameters for the current item, hr = 0x%08XValidateScanTicket, job name: %wsValidateScanTicket, no job name specifiedValidateScanTicket, user name: %wsValidateScanTicket, no user name specifiedValidateScanTicket, job info: %wsValidateScanTicket, no job information specifiedExecuting IScanService::ValidateScanTicket..IScanService::ValidateScanTicket failed, hr = 0x%08XCWSDDevice::RegisterForDeviceEventsFailed to unregister for all subscribed device events, hr = 0x%08XGetWsdDomElement(ScanDestinations) returned a NULL pScanDestinations, hr = 0x%08XFailed to retrieve ScanDestinations element name, hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement(pScanDestinations) returned a NULL pDestinationsElement, hr = 0x%08XFailed to create the ScanDestinations element, hr = 0x%08XScanFailed to create scan destination: %ws, hr = 0x%08XScanToPrintFailed to create scan for print destination: %ws, hr = 0x%08XScanToEmailFailed to create scan for e-mail destination: %ws, hr = 0x%08XScanToFaxFailed to create scan for fax destination: %ws, hr = 0x%08XScanToOCRFailed to create scan for OCR destination: %ws, hr = 0x%08XSubscribeToScanAvailableEvent returned a NULL pOutElement, hr = 0x%08XSubscribeToScanAvailableEvent failed, hr = 0x%08XSubscribed for ScanAvailable eventsRegistered scan destinations:Scan: %wsPrint: %wsE-mail: %wsFax: %wsOCR: %wsParseScanDestinationsResponse failed, hr = 0x%08XResponse for ScanAvailable subscription request parsed okSubscribeToScannerStatusSummaryEvent failed, hr = 0x%08XSubscribed for StatusSummaryChange eventsSubscribeToScannerStatusConditionEvent failed, hr = 0x%08XSubscribed for StatusCondition eventsSubscribeToScannerStatusConditionClearedEvent failed, hr = 0x%08XSubscribed for StatusConditionCleared eventsSubscribeToScannerElementsChangeEvent failed, hr = 0x%08XSubscribed for ElementsChange eventsCWSDDevice::CreateScanDestinationInvalid arguments, hr = 0x%08XScanProxy (events interface) not initialized, hr = 0x%08XGetWsdDomElement(ClientDisplayName) returned a NULL pClientDisplayName, hr = 0x%08XGetWsdDomElement(ClientDisplayName) failed, hr = 0x%08XGetWsdDomElement(ClientContext) returned a NULL pClientContextName, hr = 0x%08XGetWsdDomElement(ClientContext) failed, hr = 0x%08XGetWsdDomElement(ScanDestination) returned a NULL pScanDestination, hr = 0x%08XGetWsdDomElement(ScanDestination) failed, hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement(pClientDisplayName, %ws) returned a NULL pFirstElement, hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement(pClientDisplayName, %ws) failed, hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement(pClientContextName, %ws) returned a NULL pSecondElement, hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement(pClientContextName, %ws) failed, hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLAddSibling failed, hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement(pScanDestination) returned a NULL pDestinationElement, hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement(pScanDestination) failed, hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLAddChild(pScanDestination, pFirstElement) failed, hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLAddChild(pScanDestinations, pScanDestination) failed, hr = 0x%08XCWSDDevice::ParseScanDestinationsResponseInvalid DestinationResponses parameter, hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLFindNextSibling(DestinationResponses) failed, invalid XML response, hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLGetFirstChild(DestinationResponses) failed, hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLGetFirstChild(DestinationResponse) failed, hr = 0x%08XInvalid DestinationResponse element, hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLGetValueFromAny(ClientContext) failed, hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLGetValueFromAny(DestinationToken) failed, hr = 0x%08XInvalid ClientContext and-or DestinationToken element(s), hr = 0x%08X%s, client context: %ws, destination token: %wsInvalid ClientContext element in DestinationResponses data, hr = 0x%08XCannot make a BSTR copy of the %ws destination token (%ws) returned by WSDXMLGetValueFromAny, hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLGetNextSibling(DestinationResponse) failed, hr = 0x%08XSubscription for ScanAvailable apparently succeeded but failed to return all destination tokens, hr = 0x%08XCWSDDevice::UnRegisterForDeviceEventsScanServiceEvents object not initialized, hr = 0x%08XIScanServiceEvents::UnsubscribeToScanAvailableEvent failed, hr = 0x%08XUnsubscribed for ScanAvailable eventsIScanServiceEvents::UnsubscribeToScannerStatusSummaryEvent failed, hr = 0x%08XUnsubscribed for StatusSummary eventsIScanServiceEvents::UnsubscribeToScannerStatusConditionEvent failed, hr = 0x%08XUnsubscribed for StatusCondition eventsIScanServiceEvents::UnsubscribeToScannerStatusConditionClearedEvent failed, hr = 0x%08XUnsubscribed for StatusConditionCleared eventsIScanServiceEvents::UnsubscribeToScannerElementsChangeEvent failed, hr = 0x%08XUnsubscribed for ElementChange eventsNot all event subscriptions were unregistered, hr = 0x%08XCWSDDevice::CreateScanJobExecuting IScanService::CreateScanJob..CreateScanJob failed to return a valid response, hr = 0x%08XCreateScanJob failed (hr = 0x%08X, GetOperationFault: 0x%08X)IScanService::CreateScanJob, new job ID: %uCWSDDevice::BeginRetrieveImageExecuting IScanService::BeginRetrieveImage..IScanService::BeginRetrieveImage failed to return a valid IWSDAsyncResult* pointer, hr = 0x%08XIScanService::BeginRetrieveImage failed (hr = 0x%08X, GetOperationFault: 0x%08X)CWSDDevice::EndRetrieveImageExecuting IScanService::EndRetrieveImage..IScanService::EndRetrieveImage failed to return a valid IWSDAttachment* pointer, hr = 0x%08XIScanService::EndRetrieveImage failed (hr = 0x%08X), executing IScanService::GetOperationFault..IScanService::EndRetrieveImage returned no data, hr = 0x%08XEndRetrieveImage failed (hr = 0x%08X, GetOperationFault indicates 0x%08X)QueryInterface(IWSDInboundAttachment) returned a NULL *ppInboundAttachment, hr = 0x%08XFailed to retrieve IWSDInboundAttachment interface from scan response data, hr = 0x%08X%s, hr = 0x%08XCWSDDevice::GetDestTokenCannot find a correct scan destination token for recorded event, hr = 0x%08XFailed to copy scan destination token name, hr = 0x%08XCWSDDevice::CancelJobExecuting IScanService::CancelJob(JobId: %u)..IScanService::CancelJob(JobId: %d) failed, hr = 0x%08XIScanService::CancelJob(JobId: %d) failed (hr = 0x%08X), no job or no data, returning S_FALSECWSDDevice::GetOperationFaultExecuting IScanService::GetOperationFault..IScanService::GetOperationFault, no fault, returning S_OKIScanService::GetOperationFault returned no fault code, returning generic E_FAILIScanService::GetOperationFault returned no subcode, returning generic E_FAIL-IScanService::GetOperationFault returned fault code: %ws, subcode: %ws, reason: %wsIScanService::GetOperationFault failed, hr = 0x%08X, returning E_UNEXPECTEDIScanService::GetOperationFault indicates no data (WIA_ERROR_PAPER_EMPTY): %wsIScanService::GetOperationFault indicates operation was cancelled (S_FALSE): %wsIScanService::GetOperationFault indicates: %ws (translated to E_FAIL)CWSDDevice::OpenPropertyStoreFunction Instance not initialized, hr = 0x%08XIFunctionInstance::OpenPropertyStore returned hr = 0x%08X with a NULL property store interface, hr = 0x%08XIFunctionInstance::OpenPropertyStore failed, hr = 0x%08XCWSDDevice::ReadDevicePropertyIPropertyStore::GetValue failed, property may be not supported, hr = 0x%08XIPropertyStore::GetValue returned no value (VT_EMPTY), property may be not supported, hr = 0x%08XIPropertyStore::GetValue returned an unexpected PROPVARIANT type, hr = 0x%08XCannot make a copy of the value returned by IPropertyStore::GetValue, %ws, hr = 0x%08XCWSDDevice::InitializeChallengeInterfaceGetSystemDirectory failed (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08X\WSDCHNGR.DLLStringCbCat(%ws, %ws) failed, hr = 0x%08XLoadLibrary(%ws) failed (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XWSDCHNGRInitializeGetProcAddress(%s) failed (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XWSDCHNGRShutdownWSDCHNGRRegisterDeviceToChallengeWSDCHNGRInitialize failed, hr = 0x%08XCWSDDevice::UnInitializeChallengeInterfaceWSDCHNGRShutdown failed, hr = 0x%08XCWSDDevice::RegisterDeviceToChallengeInvalid IFunctionInstance pointer, hr = 0x%08XRegistering device to challenge..WSDCHNGRRegisterDeviceToChallenge failed, hr = 0x%08XChallenge interface disabled or not initialized, hr = 0x%08XDevice registered to challengeCWSDDevice::SetEventingStatusCallbackExecuting IScanService::SetEventingStatusCallback to set the eventing status callback..Executing IScanService::SetEventingStatusCallback to clear the eventing status callback..IScanService::SetEventingStatusCallback failed, hr = 0x%08XDevice is connectedDevice is disconnectedCWSDDevice::CreateWFDControlUuidCreate failed, hr = 0x%08XUuidToString failed, hr = 0x%08X@urn:uuid:%wsStringCchPrintf failed, hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLCreateContext failed, hr = 0x%08XWSDCreateDeviceProxy(device id: %ws, local address: %ws) returned an invalid IWSDDeviceProxy interface pointer, hr = 0x%08XWSDCreateDeviceProxy(device id: %ws, local address: %ws) failed, hr = 0x%08XQueryInterface(IWSDWFDControl) returned an invalid IWSDWFDControl interface pointer, hr = 0x%08XQueryInterface(IWSDWFDControl) failed, hr = 0x%08XClientErrorJobIdNotFoundScanDestinationsScanDestinationClientErrorNoImagesAvailableDefaultScanTicketIF|2Gb;QClientContexte[<#Oz&AaUjLCjDestinationToken+ǐ,EqpMH2DLSZ^ScannerStatusScannerConfigurationb3H#37xScannerDescriptionv5w%6"ClientErrorJobCancelledDestinationResponsesClientDisplayName) C]f,)Ց&uCWIADriver::InitializeRootItemPropertiesCannot read WIA_DPS_USER_NAME from the Root item, hr = 0x%08XCannot load the IDS_CLIENT_INFORMATION string from resources (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XCannot retrieve the local machine name (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XCannot allocate memory for the additional client information, hr = 0x%08XFailed creating the client information for %ws on %ws, hr = 0x%08XClient for this session: %wsItem CategoryFailed to add WIA_IPA_ITEM_CATEGORY property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XAccess RightsFailed to add WIA_IPA_ACCESS_RIGHTS property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XDocument Handling CapabilitiesFailed to add WIA_DPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_CAPABILITIES property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XDocument Handling StatusFailed to add WIA_DPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_STATUS property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XConnect StatusFailed to add WIA_DPA_CONNECT_STATUS property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XFailed to read the PKEY_PNPX_FirmwareVersion device property, hr = 0x%08XFailed to generate an empty value for the unsupported FirmwareVersion property, hr = 0x%08XDevice firmware version: %wsFirmware VersionFailed to add WIA_DPA_FIRMWARE_VERSION property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XFailed to read the PKEY_PNPX_ServiceId device property, hr = 0x%08XService ID: %wsService IDFailed to add WIA_DPS_SERVICE_ID property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XFailed to read the PKEY_PNPX_ID device property, hr = 0x%08XDevice ID: %wsDevice IDFailed to add WIA_DPS_DEVICE_ID property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XGlobal IdentityFailed to add WIA_DPS_GLOBAL_IDENTITY property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XFailed to read the PKEY_PNPX_Manufacturer device property, hr = 0x%08XDevice manufacturer: %wsDevice manufacturerFailed to add WIA_WSD_MANUFACTURER property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XFailed to read the PKEY_PNPX_ManufacturerUrl device property, hr = 0x%08XDevice manufacturer URL: %wsManufacurer URLFailed to add WIA_WSD_MANUFACTURER_URL property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XFailed to read the PKEY_PNPX_ModelName device property, hr = 0x%08XDevice model name: %wsModel nameFailed to add WIA_WSD_MODEL_NAME property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XFailed to read the PKEY_PNPX_ModelNumber device property, hr = 0x%08XDevice model number: %wsModel numberFailed to add WIA_WSD_MODEL_NUMBER property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XFailed to read the PKEY_PNPX_ModelUrl device property, hr = 0x%08XDevice model URL: %wsModel URLFailed to add WIA_WSD_MODEL_URL property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XFailed to read the PKEY_PNPX_PresentationUrl device property, hr = 0x%08XDevice presentation URL: %wsPresentation URLFailed to add WIA_WSD_PRESENTATION_URL property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XFailed to read the PKEY_PNPX_FriendlyName device property, hr = 0x%08XDevice friendly name: %wsFriendly nameFailed to add WIA_WSD_FRIENDLY_NAME property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XFailed to read the PKEY_PNPX_SerialNumber device property, hr = 0x%08XDevice serial number: %wsSerial numberFailed to add WIA_WSD_SERIAL_NUMBER property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XFailed to initialize the scan available item name, hr = 0x%08XScan available from %wsScan Available ItemFailed to add WIA_WSD_SCAN_AVAILABLE_ITEM property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XFailed to add WIA_DPS_SCAN_AVAILABLE_ITEM property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XCWIAPropertyManager::SetItemProperties failed to set WIA root item properties, hr = 0x%08XwiasWritePropStr(WIA_DIP_DEV_NAME, %ws) failed, hr = 0x%08XwiasWritePropStr(WIA_DIP_DEV_DESC, %ws) failed, hr = 0x%08XnetworkFailed to initialize the server name, hr = 0x%08XwiasWritePropStr(WIA_DIP_SERVER_NAME, %ws) failed, hr = 0x%08XReadDeviceStatus: State_Idle, STI_ONLINESTATE_OPERATIONALReadDeviceStatus: state %u, STI_ONLINESTATE_ERRORReadDeviceStatus: StateReason_CalibratingReadDeviceStatus: StateReason_AttentionRequiredReadDeviceStatus: StateReason_InputTrayEmptyReadDeviceStatus: StateReason_CoverOpenReadDeviceStatus: StateReason_InterlockOpenReadDeviceStatus: StateReason_LampErrorReadDeviceStatus: StateReason_LampWarmingReadDeviceStatus: StateReason_MediaJamReadDeviceStatus: StateReason_MultipleFeedErrorReadDeviceStatus: StateReason_InternalStorageFullReadDeviceStatus: StateReason_PausedReadDeviceStatus: Condition_CalibratingReadDeviceStatus: Condition_CoverOpenReadDeviceStatus: Condition_InternalStorageFullReadDeviceStatus: Condition_MediaJamReadDeviceStatus: Condition_LampErrorReadDeviceStatus: Condition_LampWarmingReadDeviceStatus: Condition_MultipleFeedErrorReadDeviceStatus: Condition_InterlockOpenReadDeviceStatus: Condition_InputTrayEmptyCWIADriver::UpdateDeviceStatusFailed to read the scanner status to update required properties, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_DPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_STATUS property, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_DPA_CONNECT_STATUS property, hr = 0x%08XCWIADriver::InitializeChildPropertiesCWIADriver::InitializeChildProperties, invalid parameters were passed, hr = 0x%08XCWIADriver::InitializeChildProperties, failed to get private driver item context data, hr = 0x%08XCWIADriver::InitializeChildProperties, WIA item was created by applicationFailed to get the WIA item type, hr = 0x%08XPlanarFailed to add WIA_IPA_PLANAR property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XThe scanner does not support any of the required file formats on this source, hr = 0x%08XThe scanner does not support any color combination supported by this driver, hr = 0x%08XData TypeFailed to add WIA_IPA_DATA_TYPE property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XBits Per PixelFailed to add WIA_IPA_DEPTH property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XChannels Per PixelFailed to add WIA_IPA_CHANNELS_PER_PIXEL property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XBits Per ChannelFailed to add WIA_IPA_BITS_PER_CHANNEL property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XCurrent IntentFailed to add WIA_IPS_CUR_INTENT property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XFormatFailed to add WIA_IPA_FORMAT property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XMedia TypeFailed to add WIA_IPA_TYMED property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XPreferred FormatFailed to add WIA_IPA_PREFERRED_FORMAT property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XBMPTIFJPGJP2PNGPDFJBGXPSFilename extensionCould not allocate the file name extension property value, hr = 0x%08XFailed to add WIA_IPA_FILENAME_EXTENSION property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XCompressionFailed to add WIA_IPA_COMPRESSION property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XItem SizeFailed to add WIA_IPA_ITEM_SIZE property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XHorizontal Optical ResolutionFailed to add WIA_IPS_OPTICAL_XRES property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XVertical Optical ResolutionFailed to add WIA_IPS_OPTICAL_YRES property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XHorizontal ResolutionFailed to add WIA_IPS_XRES property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XVertical ResolutionFailed to add WIA_IPS_YRES property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XHorizontal ScalingFailed to add WIA_IPS_XSCALING property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XVertical ScalingFailed to add WIA_IPS_YSCALING property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XMaximum Horizontal Scan SizeFailed to add WIA_IPS_MAX_HORIZONTAL_SIZE property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XMaximum Vertical Scan SizeFailed to add WIA_IPS_MAX_VERTICAL_SIZE property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XMinimum Horizontal Scan SizeFailed to add WIA_IPS_MIN_HORIZONTAL_SIZE property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XMinimum Vertical Scan SizeFailed to add WIA_IPS_MIN_VERTICAL_SIZE property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XInvalid resolution and-or minimum and-o maximum scan area size values, hr = 0x%08XHorizontal Start PositionFailed to add WIA_IPS_XPOS property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XVertical Start PositionFailed to add WIA_IPS_YPOS property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XHorizontal ExtentFailed to add WIA_IPS_XEXTENT property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XVertical ExtentFailed to add WIA_IPS_YEXTENT property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XPagesFailed to add WIA_IPS_PAGES property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XPage SizeFailed to add WIA_IPS_PAGE_SIZE property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XOrientationFailed to add WIA_IPS_ORIENTATION property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XPage WidthPage HeightBrightnessFailed to add WIA_IPS_BRIGHTNESS property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XContrastFailed to add WIA_IPS_CONTRAST property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XRotationFailed to add WIA_IPS_ROTATION property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XThresholdFailed to add WIA_IPS_THRESHOLD property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XPreviewFailed to add WIA_IPS_PREVIEW property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XShow preview controlFailed to add WIA_IPS_SHOW_PREVIEW_CONTROL property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XSupports Child Item CreationFailed to add WIA_IPS_SUPPORTS_CHILD_ITEM_CREATION property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XPhotometric InterpretationFailed to add WIA_IPS_PHOTOMETRIC_INTERP property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XDocument Handling SelectFailed to add WIA_IPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_SELECT property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XSheet Feeder RegistrationFailed to add WIA_IPS_SHEET_FEEDER_REGISTRATION property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XPixels Per LineFailed to add WIA_IPA_PIXELS_PER_LINE property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XNumber of LinesFailed to add WIA_IPA_NUMBER_OF_LINES property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XBytes Per LineFailed to add WIA_IPA_BYTES_PER_LINE property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XBuffer SizeFailed to add WIA_IPA_BUFFER_SIZE property to the property manager, hr = 0x%08XCWIAPropertyManager::SetItemProperties failed to set WIA item properties, hr = 0x%08XCWIADriver::UpdateImageInfoPropertiesCWIADriver::UpdateImageInfoProperties, invalid parameters, hr = 0x%08XFunctionality not supported on this item, hr = 0x%08XDIBnot DIBInvalid image info parameter(s): %u PPL, %u lines, %u BPL (compression: %u, %ws), hr = 0x%08X, DIB translation modeImage information: %u PPL, %u lines, %u BPL (compression: %u%ws)Computed: %u BPLFailed to update WIA_IPA_PIXELS_PER_LINE, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_IPA_NUMBER_OF_LINES, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_IPA_BYTES_PER_LINE, hr = 0x%08XScan available from ADF (%ws)CWIADriver::UpdateScanAvailableItemNameScan available from ADF (%ws) - no ADF detected, information not recordedScan available from platen (%ws)Scan available from platen (%ws) - no platen detected, information not recordedScan available from film (%ws) - no film item available, information not recordedScan available from unknown input source (%ws) - information not recordedFailed to update the scan available item name, out of memory, hr = 0x%08XCWIADriver::UpdateScanAvailableItemPropertyFailed to initialize an empty string in lieu of a scan available item name, hr = 0x%08XwiasWritePropStr(WIA_WSD_SCAN_AVAILABLE_ITEM, '%ws') failed, hr = 0x%08XwiasWritePropStr(WIA_DPS_SCAN_AVAILABLE_ITEM, '%ws') failed, hr = 0x%08XK -4!*4!6*hB|4! uV۶Y[V @Y[ -@ K % a %a ʙulʙLlI6Lr&I6r&9 9  vcoFc1oF 7#1!7#"#t $t %&&N&'g(og)3Oo*73O+'7,'-. / 0 12۶3m4u353AllSettingsSupportedIsSupportedDataTypeCombo: invalid index (%u)CWIADriver::ValidateFormatPropertiesInvalid parameters, hr = 0x%08XError reading current WIA_IPS_CUR_INTENT, hr = 0x%08XInvalid format property value(s) requested, hr = 0x%08XUnsupported color combination, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_IPA_DATATYPE, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_IPS_CUR_INTENT, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_IPA_DEPTH, hr = 0x%08XUnsupported bit-depth, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_IPA_CHANNELS_PER_PIXEL, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_IPA_BITS_PER_CHANNEL, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_IPA_COMPRESSION, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_IPA_FORMAT, hr = 0x%08XUnable to allocate memory for new file extension, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_IPA_FILENAME_EXTENSION, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_IPA_TYMED, hr = 0x%08XCWIADriver::ValidateRegionPropertiesError reading current WIA_IPS_ORIENTATION, hr = 0x%08XError reading current WIA_IPS_PAGE_SIZE, hr = 0x%08XInvalid WIA_IPA_ORIENTATION value, hr = 0x%08XInvalid WIA_IPS_PAGE_SIZE value, hr = 0x%08XUnable to retrieve dimensions for the current document size, hr = 0x%08XwiasUpdateScanRect(max width = %u, max height = %u) failed, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update valid WIA_IPS_PAGE_SIZE values, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_IPS_PAGE_SIZE, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_IPS_PAGE_WIDTH, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_IPS_PAGE_HEIGHT, hr = 0x%08XUnable to update the extent limits to match the new document size, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update valid WIA_IPS_XPOS, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update valid WIA_IPS_YPOS, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update valid WIA_IPS_XEXTENT, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update valid WIA_IPS_YEXTENT, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_IPS_XPOS, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_IPS_YPOS, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_IPS_XEXTENT, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_IPS_YEXTENT, hr = 0x%08XCWIADriver::ValidateImageInfoPropertiesCWIADriver::ValidateFeedPropertiesWIA_IPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_SELECT validation failed, only one value can be set at one time, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update valid WIA_IPS_PAGES, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update current WIA_IPS_PAGES, hr = 0x%08XCWIADriver::NonDelegatingQueryInterfaceUnsupported interface (0x%08X, 0x%04X, 0x%04X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X), hr = 0x%08XINonDelegating::NonDelegatingRelease, deleting main driver object (%p, process: %u)..CWIADriverClassFactory::QueryInterfaceIClassFactory::Release, deleting driver class factory object..CWIADriverClassFactory::CreateInstanceNULL outer IUnknown* and not requesting IID_IUnknown, hr = 0x%08X (CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION)IClassFactory::CreateInstance, created main driver object (%p, process: %u)Failed to allocate WIA driver class object, hr = 0x%08XCWIADriver::QueryInterfaceNULL outer IUnknown*, hr = 0x%08XCWIADriver::AddRefNULL outer IUnknown*, returning 0CWIADriver::ReleaseDLL_PROCESS_ATTACH (process: %u, thread: %u)DLL_PROCESS_DETACH (process: %u, thread: %u)DllGetClassObjectFailed to allocate WIA driver class factory object, hr = 0x%08XClass not available, hr = 0x%08X (CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE)EP5~ܤ2i^N/u>_CWIADriver::CheckHostProcessGetCommandLineW returned an invalid command line string of length %u characters, hr = 0x%08XGetCommandLineW failed (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XStringCbCopy(%ws) failed, wszCommandLine, hr = 0x%08XRunning in the WIA service process (%ws, %u)Not running in the WIA service process (%ws, %u)CWIADriver::RegisterForDeviceEventsCreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL) failed (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XFailed to create IScanServiceNotify proxy object, hr = 0x%08XFailed to register for device events, hr = 0x%08XCWIADriver::InitializeDeviceConnectionFailed to initialize connection with scanner device described by %ws, hr = 0x%08XFailed to register scan destinations for driver instance described by %ws, hr = 0x%08XFailed to initialize WIA_FORMAT_INFO arrays, hr = 0x%08XFailed to initialize the WIA driver capability manager object, hr = 0x%08XCWIADriver::InitializeIStiDeviceControl::GetMyDevicePortName failed, hr = 0x%08XInitializeDeviceConnection for DevicePath %ws failed, hr = 0x%08XIStiUSD::Initialize 0x%08XCWIADriver::GetCapabilitiesDevice capabilities: 0x%08XIStiUSD::GetCapabilities 0x%08XCWIADriver::GetStatusSTI_ONLINESTATE_OPERATIONALSTI_ONLINESTATE_OFFLINEIStiUSD::DeviceReset 0x%08XIStiUSD::Diagnostic..CWIADriver::DiagnosticInvalid argument (buffer: %p, size: %u bytes (needed: %u), error: %u bytes (needed: %u)), hr = 0x%08XSTI_DIAGCODE_HWPRESENCE..Unknown basic diag code requested: %uFailed to read the scanner status (hr = 0x%08X), returning STIERR_DEVICE_NOTREADYSTI_ONLINESTATE_ERROR, error status: 0x%08X, returning STIERR_DEVICE_NOTREADYFailed to parse the scanner status (hr = 0x%08X), returning STIERR_GENERICDevice not present, returning STIERR_DEVICE_NOTREADYIStiUSD::Diagnostic 0x%08XCWIADriver::EscapeThis method is not implemented or supported for this driverIStiUSD::Escape 0x%08XCWIADriver::RawReadDataIStiUSD::RawReadData 0x%08XCWIADriver::RawWriteDataIStiUSD::RawWriteData 0x%08XCWIADriver::RawReadCommandIStiUSD::RawReadCommand 0x%08XCWIADriver::RawWriteCommandIStiUSD::RawWriteCommand 0x%08XCWIADriver::GetLastErrorIStiUSD::GetLastError 0x%08X (%u, 0x%08X)CWIADriver::GetLastErrorInfoIStiUSD::GetLastErrorInfo 0x%08X (%u, 0x%08X)-k imgsvcwiaservc.dllFx(Np)PCWIADriver::GetNotificationDataCWIADriver::ScanAvailableEventCWIADriver::ScanAvailableEvent, invalid parameter, hr = 0x%08XScanAvailable event received for %wsCWIADriver::ScanAvailableEvent, unknown client context received: %ws, hr = 0x%08XFailed to make a copy of the scan identifier %ws for the scan event, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update the scan available item information, hr = 0x%08XSetEvent(WiaEvent) failed (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XCWIADriver::ScannerElementsChangeEventCWIADriver::ScannerElementsChangeEvent, invalid parameter, hr = 0x%08XScannerElementsChange event received, scanner configuration change: %u, default scan ticket change: %uCWIADriver::ScannerElementsChangeEvent, warning, scanner configuration changed after the Driver Item Tree was initialized!CWIADriver::ScannerElementsChangeEvent, warning, default scan ticket changed after the Driver Item Tree was initialized!CWIADriver::ScannerStatusSummaryEventCWIADriver::ScannerStatusSummaryEvent, invalid parameter, hr = 0x%08XScannerStatusSummary event receivedCWIADriver::ScannerStatusSummaryEvent, ParseScannerStatusSummary failed, hr = 0x%08XCWIADriver::ScannerStatusConditionEventCWIADriver::ScannerStatusConditionEvent, invalid parameter, hr = 0x%08XScannerStatusCondition event receivedCWIADriver::ScannerStatusConditionEvent, ParseScannerCondition failed, hr = 0x%08XCWIADriver::ScannerStatusConditionClearedEventCWIADriver::ScannerStatusConditionClearedEvent, invalid parameter, hr = 0x%08XScannerStatusConditionCleared event received, condition id: %uCWIADriver::JobStatusEventCWIADriver::JobStatusEvent, invalid parameter, hr = 0x%08XJobStatus event received (without a subscription)CWIADriver::JobEndStateEventCWIADriver::JobEndStateEvent, invalid parameter, hr = 0x%08XJobEndState event received (without a subscription)WSDAPI: SubscriptionRenewed(%ws)WSDAPI: SubscriptionRenewalFailed(%ws), hr = 0x%08XWSDAPI: SubscriptionEnded(%ws)CWSDDevice::SubscriptionEndedStringCbCopy failed, hr = 0x%08XDevice ended subscription for ScanAvailable eventsDevice signals subscription end for ScanAvailable, not currently subscribedDevice ended subscription for ScannerElementsChange eventsDevice signals subscription end for ScannerElementsChange, not currently subscribedDevice ended subscription for ScannerStatusSummary eventsDevice signals subscription end for ScannerStatusSummary, not currently subscribedDevice ended subscription for ScannerStatusCondition eventsDevice signals subscription end for ScannerStatusCondition, not currently subscribedDevice ended subscription for ScannerStatusConditionCleared eventsDevice signals subscription end for ScannerStatusConditionCleared, not currently subscribedWSDAPI: SubscriptionEnded: unknown subscription (%ws)WSDAPI: SubscriptionEnded: subscription action (%ws) not for %ws namespaceWSDAPI: SubscriptionEnded: no subscription action specifiedIScanServiceNotify proxy object created (%p, parent: %p, release event: %p, process: %u, thread: %u)CScanServiceNotify::~CScanServiceNotifyIScanServiceNotify proxy object (%p) destroyed with a reference count of %uIScanServiceNotify proxy object (%p, parent: %p, release event: %p) destroyedCScanServiceNotify::QueryInterfaceDeleting IScanServiceNotify proxy object..CScanServiceNotify::ReleaseCScanServiceNotify::Release: SetEvent(ReleaseEvent) failed (0x%08X)CScanServiceNotify::Release, final release without a release eventCScanServiceNotify::ScanAvailableEventIScanServiceNotify::ScanAvailableEvent(%ws) - no handler, hr = 0x%08XCScanServiceNotify::ScannerElementsChangeEventIScanServiceNotify::ScannerElementsChangeEvent - no handler, hr = 0x%08XCScanServiceNotify::ScannerStatusSummaryEventIScanServiceNotify::ScannerStatusSummaryEvent - no handler, hr = 0x%08XCScanServiceNotify::ScannerStatusConditionEventIScanServiceNotify::ScannerStatusConditionEvent - no handler, hr = 0x%08XCScanServiceNotify::ScannerStatusConditionClearedEventIScanServiceNotify::ScannerStatusConditionClearedEvent - no handler, hr = 0x%08XIScanServiceNotify::JobStatusEvent - no handler, hr = 0x%08XIScanServiceNotify::JobEndStateEvent - no handler, hr = 0x%08XIWSDEventingStatus proxy object created (%p, parent: %p, process: %u, thread: %u)CEventingStatus::~CEventingStatusIWSDEventingStatus proxy object (%p) destroyed with a reference count of %uIWSDEventingStatus proxy object (%p, parent: %p, process: %u, thread: %u) destroyedCEventingStatus::QueryInterfaceWSDAPI: SubscriptionRenewed(%ws) (no handler)WSDAPI: SubscriptionRenewalFailed(%ws), hr = 0x%08X (no handler)WSDAPI: SubscriptionEnded(%ws) (no handler)ScannerStatusSummaryEventScannerStatusConditionClearedEventScannerElementsChangeEventScanAvailableEventScannerStatusConditionEventRIzcz@*M8VX0GjvOx2VsErHEXa_ExtractImageInfoFromCreateScanJobResponseColor mode reported by device: 1-bpp BWColor mode reported by device: 4-bpp grayscaleColor mode reported by device: 8-bpp grayscaleColor mode reported by device: 24-bpp (8-bps) RGB colorUnsupported color mode reported by device: %ws, hr = 0x%08XImage information reported by device: %u PPL, %u lines, %u BPLInvalid image info parameter(s) reported by the device: %u PPL, %u linesComputed: %u BPL (uncompressed data)Cannot compute BPL, unknown bit-depth and/or image width_VerifyFinalDocumentParamatersFinal document parameters - format: %ws (override: %u, used default: %u)Final format (%ws) different from requested format (%ws), hr = 0x%08XFinal document parameters - format: not reportedFinal document parameters - color processing: %wsFinal color mode (%ws) different from requested color mode (%ws), hr = 0x%08XFinal document parameters - color processing (front side): not reportedFinal document parameters - color processing (back side): %wsFinal color mode on back side (%ws) different from requested color mode (%ws), hr = 0x%08XFinal document parameters - compression quality factor: %u (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - images to transfer: %u (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - input source: %ws (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - input source: not reportedFinal document parameters - film scan mode: %ws (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - content type: %ws (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - input media size with: %u (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - input media size height: %u (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - input media size: not reportedFinal document parameters - contrast: %u (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - brightness: %u (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - sharpness: %u (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - exposure settings: not reportedFinal document parameters - scaling width: %u (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - scaling height: %u (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - scaling: not reportedFinal document parameters - rotation: %ws (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - rotation: not reportedFinal document parameters - scan region x offset: %u (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - scan region y offset: %u (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - scan region width: %u (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - scan region height: %u (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - scan region (front side): not reportedFinal document parameters - scan region x offset (back side): %u (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - scan region y offset (back side): %u (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - scan region width (back side): %u (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - scan region height (back side): %u (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - resolution width: %u (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - resolution height: %u (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - resolution (front side): not reportedFinal document parameters - resolution width (back side): %u (override: %u, used default: %u)Final document parameters - resolution height (back side): %u (override: %u, used default: %u)CreateScanJob response missing required DocumentFinalParamatersCWIADriver::drvAcquireItemDataInvalid transfer flag parameter requested, this driver supports only stream-based download, hr = 0x%08XFailed to read WIA_IPA_ITEM_CATEGORY property, hr = 0x%08XAcquisition not supported from the Root item, hr = 0x%08XFailed reading WIA_IPA_ITEM_NAME, hr = 0x%08XFailed reading WIA_IPA_FULL_ITEM_NAME, hr = 0x%08XCannot obtain WIAS context for Root item to read stored client name (WIA_DPS_USER_NAME), hr = 0x%08XCannot load the document name string from resources (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XCreateEvent failed, hr = 0x%08X, err: 0x%08XCannot get a correct destination token for recorded event, using normal on-demand scanMulti-pageSingle-page%ws transferDriver must convert scanned image(s) to DIBFailed reading WIA_IPS_PAGES property for Feeder, hr = 0x%08XPages to scan: %u (0 means all)Image files to process: %uJob name: %wsUser name: %wsJob info: %wsDocument name: %wsProcessing scan event for scan identifier: %ws, destination token: %wsOn-demand scanFailed to retrieve IID_IWiaMiniDrvTransferCallback interface, scan failed, hr = 0x%08XMemory allocation for transfer parameters failed, scan failed, hr = 0x%08XMemory allocation for transfer buffer failed, scan failed, hr = 0x%08XCreateScanJob (%ws) request failed, hr = 0x%08XCreateScanJob returned invalid data, scan failed, hr = 0x%08XDocumentFinalParamaters not match requested DocumentParameters, scan failed, hr = 0x%08XFailed reading image information from CreateScanJob response, hr = 0x%08XFailed reading WIA_IPA_NUMBER_OF_LINES, hr = 0x%08XFailed reading WIA_IPA_BYTES_PER_LINE, hr = 0x%08XFailed reading WIA_IPA_PIXELS_PER_LINE, hr = 0x%08XFailed reading WIA_IPA_COMPRESSION, hr = 0x%08XMulti-page file, estimated file size for raw uncompressed data: %02.2f KB (%u BPL, %u lines per page), %u page(s)Multi-page file, estimated file size for raw uncompressed data unknown, number of pages unknownSingle-page file, estimated file size for raw uncompressed data: %02.2f KB (%u BPL, %u lines)Unable to estimate file size (compression: %u, %u BPL)Scan job ID: %uScan job token: %wsInitialize GDI++..Failed to initialize GDI+, hr = 0x%08XBeginRetrieveImage (%ws) request failed, hr = 0x%08XResetEvent(hRetrieveImageComplete) failed, err: 0x%08XWait for RetrieveImage completion..WaitForSingleObject (RetrieveImage completion) failed, scan failed, hr = 0x%08X, err: 0x%08XIWSDAsyncResult::SetWaitHandle failed, scan failed, hr = 0x%08XEndRetrieveImage failed, scan failed, hr = 0x%08XIWiaMiniDrvTransferCallback::GetNextStream returned S_FALSE (0x%08X), transfer must be canceledIWiaMiniDrvTransferCallback::GetNextStream returned WIA_STATUS_SKIP_ITEM (0x%08X), transfer must be skippedIWiaMiniDrvTransferCallback::GetNextStream returned an unknown success value, hr = 0x%08XIWiaMiniDrvTransferCallback::GetNextStream failed, hr = 0x%08XTransfer callback: WIA_TRANSFER_MSG_STATUS, 0 bytesIWiaMiniDrvTransferCallback::SendMessage failed, hr = 0x%08XIWiaMiniDrvTransferCallback::SendMessage returned unknown success value, hr = 0x%08XDiscarding data to skip the current image file transfer (%u)..Failed direct (to be discarded) image file transfer from scanner, hr = 0x%08XStarting new indirect DIB file transfer (%u)..CreateStreamOnHGlobal failed, hr = 0x%08XFailed to read the image file attachment from the scanner, hr = 0x%08XFailed to convert scanned image file to DIB, hr = 0x%08XDevice reported %u x %u pixels image to last ValidateScanTicket, the real image is %u x %u pixels.Possible image transfer failure on the application end!Failed to update WIA_IPA_PIXELS_PER_LINE to %u, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_IPA_NUMBER_OF_LINES to %u, hr = 0x%08XFailed to update WIA_IPA_BYTES_PER_LINE to %u, hr = 0x%08XSingle-page file, estimated file size for uncompressed data: %02.2f KB (%u BPL, %u lines)Failed to transfer the converted DIB file to the WIA stream, hr = 0x%08XStarting new direct image file transfer (%u)..Failed direct image file transfer from scanner, hr = 0x%08XFile transfer complete (WIA_STATUS_END_OF_MEDIA)Transfer callback: WIA_TRANSFER_MSG_STATUS, transfer complete, %02.2f KB total (%u)IWiaMiniDrvTransferCallback::SendMessage(WIA_TRANSFER_MSG_STATUS, transfer complete) failed, hr = 0x%08XIWiaMiniDrvTransferCallback::SendMessage(WIA_TRANSFER_MSG_STATUS, transfer complete) returned unknown success value, hr = 0x%08XTransfer cancelled from WIA application..Transfer failed (hr = 0x%08X), abort scan job..IWSDInboundAttachment::Close failed, hr = 0x%08XSuccessfully processed %u image file(s)Shutdown GDI++..All image files successfully processeddrvAcquireItemData, running out of paper, returning S_OK..drvAcquireItemData, running out of paper, returning WIA_STATUS_END_OF_MEDIA..drvAcquireItemData, running out of paper, returning WIA_ERROR_PAPER_EMPTY..drvAcquireItemData, problem reported by device, returning hr = 0x%08X..Failed to decode the scanner status, hr = 0x%08XTransfer callback: WIA_TRANSFER_MSG_DEVICE_STATUS, error: 0x%08XTransfer callback: WIA_TRANSFER_MSG_DEVICE_STATUS, no error handler for error 0x%08XIWiaMiniDrvTransferCallback::SendMessage(WIA_TRANSFER_MSG_DEVICE_STATUS, 0x%08X) failed, hr = 0x%08XIWiaMiniDrvTransferCallback::SendMessage(WIA_TRANSFER_MSG_DEVICE_STATUS, 0x%08X) returned unknown success value, hr = 0x%08XCloseHandle(hRetrieveImageComplete) failed, err: 0x%08XScan job successfully completedIWiaMiniDrv::drvAcquireItemData 0x%08XCWIADriver::ReadInboundAttachmentFromScannerIWSDInboundAttachment::Read: STG_S_BLOCK, recoverable timeoutIWSDInboundAttachment::Read: end of media, data transfer from attachment completeCWIADriver::ReadInboundAttachmentFromScanner: Read retry cancelled do to WIA_EVENT_CANCEL_IO EventIWSDInboundAttachment::Read failed, hr = 0x%08XIWSDInboundAttachment::Read caused a possible buffer overflow (%u bytes over %u limit), hr = 0x%08XIWSDInboundAttachment::Read returned S_OK but no dataIStream::Seek(0, STREAM_SEEK_END, NULL) failed, hr = 0x%08XIStream::Write(%u bytes) failed, hr = 0x%08XTransfer callback: WIA_TRANSFER_MSG_STATUS, %u bytes, %02.2f KB total (%u)IWiaMiniDrvTransferCallback::SendMessage(%u bytes written) failed, hr = 0x%08XIWiaMiniDrvTransferCallback::SendMessage(%u bytes written) returned unknown success value, hr = 0x%08XTransferred %u bytes, %02.2f KB total (%u)CWIADriver::TransferConvertedFileInvalid WiaTransferParams::lPercentComplete parameter (%d), reset to 0Resuming progress indicator from %uIStream::Seek(0, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL) failed, hr = 0x%08XIStream::Read: end of media, data transfer completeIStream::Read failed, hr = 0x%08XIStream::Read caused a possible buffer overflow (%u bytes over %u limit), hr = 0x%08X+Zh `dWSDXMLGetFirstChildInvalid argument(s), hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLGetFirstChild failed, hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLGetNextSiblingWSDXMLGetNextSibling failed, hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLFindNextSiblingWSDXMLFindNextSibling(%ws) failed, hr = 0x%08XWSDXMLNameCompareInvalid argument(s)WSDXMLNameCompare(%ws, %ws), both Space or both Uri pointers are NULL, comparison succeededWSDXMLNameCompare(%ws, %ws), just one Space or one Uri pointer is NULL, comparison failedWSDXMLNameCompare(%ws, %ws) failed, NULL pointer%ws-%ws%ws-%ws-%wsWSDXMLFindBestLocaleMatchGetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME) failed (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XGetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME2) failed (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XGetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME) failed (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XGetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SSCRIPTS) failed (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XStringCbCopy(%ws) failed, hr = 0x%08XGetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SNAME) failed (0x%08X), hr = 0x%08XStringCbPrintf(%ws, %ws, %ws) failed, hr = 0x%08XStringCbPrintf(%ws, %ws) failed, hr = 0x%08XGDISTATUS_TO_HRESULTGDI+: Gdiplus::InvalidParameterGDI+: Gdiplus::OutOfMemoryGDI+: Gdiplus::InsufficientBufferGDI+: Gdiplus::AbortedGDI+: Gdiplus::ObjectBusyGDI+: Gdiplus::FileNotFoundGDI+: Gdiplus::AccessDeniedGDI+: Gdiplus::UnknownImageFormatGDI+: Gdiplus::NotImplementedGDI+: Gdiplus::Win32Error, last error: 0x%08XGDI+: Gdiplus::ValueOverflowGDI+: Gdiplus::FontFamilyNotFoundGDI+: Gdiplus::NotTrueTypeFontGDI+: Gdiplus::UnsupportedGdiplusVersionGDI+: Gdiplus::GdiplusNotInitializedGDI+: Gdiplus::WrongStateGDI+: unknown Gdiplus::Xxx status code (%u)InitializeGDIPlusGdiplus::GdiplusStartup failed, hr = 0x%08XShutdownGDIPlus_GetEncoderCLSIDGdiplus::GetImageEncodersSize(%ws) failed, hr = 0x%08XFailed to allocate memory for the encoder info, hr = 0x%08XGdiplus::GetImageEncoders(%u encoders) failed, hr = 0x%08XNo %ws encoder found in %u available GDI+ encoders, hr = 0x%08XConvertImageFileToDIBImage::FromStream failed, hr = 0x%08XInput image is %u x %u pixels, %u bpp, %u BPL (estimated) on outputIncorrect image dimensions reported by GDI+ (%d x %d pixels, %d bpp), hr = 0x%08Ximage/bmpThe GDI+ %ws encoder appears to be missing or improperly installed, hr = 0x%08XImage::Save(%ws) failed, hr = 0x%08X:??I@Y@BzD_(D5RSDS7qEAHH EDpH ZHDLsH +PI;tAtHILLH\$PHl$XH|$hHHt$`H0A_A^A\H\$Ht$WH H5H3HHHt rHHHHHt qHHHHspHt qHH{xHKPHs8Ht qH{PH{@HK0HsHt qH{0Ht$8H{ H\$0H 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