;++ ; ;Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ; ;Module Name: ; ; vms_vspp.inf ; ;Abstract: ; ; VmSwitch driver INF file for vSwitch protocol edge of the driver ; ;-- [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" Class = NetTrans ClassGUID = {4D36E975-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Provider = %Msft% DriverVer=06/21/2006,6.3.9600.16384 ; ; Comment CatalogFile for CBB, the ';' will be removed when makefile.inc ; creates the INF file locally. ; ;CatalogFile = vmdrivers.cat [Manufacturer] %Msft% = MSFT,NTx86,NTamd64 [MSFT.NTx86] %VMSVSP_Desc% = VMSVSP.ndi, VMS_VSP [MSFT.NTamd64] %VMSVSP_Desc% = VMSVSP.ndi, VMS_VSP [VMSVSP.ndi] AddReg = VMSVSP.ndi.AddReg Characteristics = 0x80 ; [VMSVSP.ndi.AddReg] HKR, Ndi, HelpText, 0, "%VMSVSP_HELP%" HKR, Ndi, Service, 0, "VMSVSP" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, "noupper" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, 0, "vmnetprotocol" [VMSVSP.ndi.Services] AddService = VMSVSP, , VMSVSP.AddService, VMSVSP.AddEventLog [VMSVSP.AddService] ServiceType = 1 ;SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER StartType = 3 ;SERVICE_DEMAND_START ErrorControl = 1 ;SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL ServiceBinary = %12%\vmswitch.sys [VMSVSP.AddEventLog] AddReg = VMSVSP.AddEventLog.AddReg [VMSVSP.AddEventLog.AddReg] HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x20000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll" HKR, , TypesSupported, 0x10001, 7 [VMSVSP.ndi.Remove.Services] DelService = VMSVSP [Strings] ; ; Non-Localizable ; Msft = "Microsoft" DiskDescription = "Microsoft vSwitch Extension Protocol Installation Disk" ; ; Localizable ; VMSVSP_Desc = "Hyper-V Virtual Switch Extension Protocol" VMSVSP_HELP = "vSwitch Extension Protocol"