[Strings.0409] ; Localizable strings MSFT = "Microsoft" ASIX = "ASIX" AX88772.DiskName = "USB2.0 to Fast Ethernet Driver Diskette" AX88772.DeviceDesc = "ASIX AX88772 USB2.0 to Fast Ethernet Adapter" AX88772A.DeviceDesc = "ASIX AX88772A USB2.0 to Fast Ethernet Adapter" MSI.DeviceDesc = "MSI USB Network Controller" Nokia.DeviceDesc = "Nokia Connectivity Adapter for USB to LAN AD-73" MVCI.DeviceDesc = "SPX-MVCI" AX88772B.DiskName = "USB2.0 to Fast Ethernet Driver Diskette" AX88772B.DeviceDesc = "ASIX AX88772B USB2.0 to Fast Ethernet Adapter" AX88772C.DeviceDesc = "ASIX AX88772C USB2.0 to Fast Ethernet Adapter" LenLan.DeviceDesc = "Lenovo USB2.0 Ethernet Adapter" SpeedDuplex = "Speed & Duplex" AutoSense = "Auto Negotiation" 10Half = "10 Mbps Half Duplex" 10Full = "10 Mbps Full Duplex" 100Half = "100 Mbps Half Duplex" 100Full = "100 Mbps Full Duplex" NetworkAddress = "NetworkAddress" FlowControl = "Flow Control" Disabled = "Disabled" Enabled = "Enabled" TxEnabled = "Tx Enabled" RxEnabled = "Rx Enabled" TxRxEnabled = "Rx & Tx Enabled" WakeOnLinkChange = "Wake on link change" WakeOnMagicPacket = "Wake on Magic Packet" WakeOnPattern = "Wake on pattern match" VLANID = "VLAN ID" TCPChecksumOffloadV4 = "TCP Checksum Offload (IPv4)" UDPChecksumOffloadV4 = "UDP Checksum Offload (IPv4)" TCPChecksumOffloadV6 = "TCP Checksum Offload (IPv6)" UDPChecksumOffloadV6 = "UDP Checksum Offload (IPv6)" IPChecksumOffloadV4 = "IPv4 Checksum Offload" AutoDetach = "AutoDetach" UseEeprom = "Use EEPROM Setting" WolLinkSpeed = "WOL Link Speed" 10mFirst = "10 Mbps First" MaskTimer = "Mask WakeUp Event Timer" 0sec = "0 second" 4sec = "4 seconds" 8sec = "8 seconds" 12sec = "12 seconds" 16sec = "16 seconds" 20sec = "20 seconds" 24sec = "24 seconds" 28sec = "28 seconds" ARPOffload = "ARP Offload" NsOffload = "NS Offload"