[Strings.0409] ; Non-Localizable strings Msft = "Microsoft" Atheros = "Qualcomm Atheros Communications Inc." Gigabyte = "Gigabyte Technology Corp." ATHR.Service.DispName = "Qualcomm Atheros Extensible Wireless LAN device driver" DiskDescription = "Qualcomm Atheros Sample Driver Disk 1" TransmitBuffers = "Transmit Buffers" ReceiveBuffers = "Receive Buffers" NetworkAddress = "Network Address" scanTimeValid = "Scan Valid Interval" shortPreamble = "802.11b Preamble" shortPreambleEnable = "Long and Short" shortPreambleDisable = "Long only" rssiThrHigh = "RSSI Threshold" rssiThrHighNormal = "Normal" rssiThrHighMin = "Min" ;radioEnable = "Radio On|Off" ;radioEnableOn = "On" ;radioEnableOff = "Off" scanTime = "Roam Time (sec)" roamRssiA = "Roam Time Threshold (db)" WirelessMode = "Wireless Mode Selection" WirelessMode11bgOnly = "802.11b|g" WirelessModeAuto = "Auto" adhocchannel = "Adhoc channel Selection" bkScanEnable = "BackgroundScan On|Off" bkScanEnableOn = "On" bkScanEnableOff = "Off" radioEnable = "Radio On|Off" radioEnableOn = "On" radioEnableOff = "Off" bt30 = "802.11 Bluetooth High Speed" bt30enable = "Enable" bt30disable = "Disable" roamRssi11A = "roamRssiA" roamRssi11B = "roamRssiB" roamRssi11BOnly = "roamRssiBOnly" roamRateA = "roamRateA" roamRateA6M = " 6Mbps" roamRateA9M = " 9Mbps" roamRateA12M = "12Mbps" roamRateA18M = "18Mbps" roamRateA24M = "24Mbps" roamRateA36M = "36Mbps" roamRateA48M = "48Mbps" roamRateA54M = "54Mbps" roamRateBOnly = "roamRateBOnly" roamRateBOnly1M = " 1Mbps" roamRateBOnly2M = " 2Mbps" roamRateBOnly5M = " 5Mbps" roamRateBOnly11M = "11Mbps" roamRateB = "roamRateB" roamRateB1M = " 1Mbps" roamRateB2M = " 2Mbps" roamRateB5M = " 5Mbps" roamRateB6M = " 6Mbps" roamRateB9M = " 9Mbps" roamRateB11M = "11Mbps" pcieAspm = "pcieAspm" pcieAspmOff = "L0s Off, L1 Off" pcieAspmL0sOn = "L0s On, L1 Off" pcieAspmL1On = "L0s Off, L1 On" pcieAspmL0sandL1On = "L0s On, L1 On" wModeSelect = "Wireless Mode" wModeSelect11bonly = "11b only" wModeSelect11b = "11b" wModeSelect11g = "11g" wModeSelect11n = "11n" wModeSelect11nbg = "11n(2.4GHz) and g and b" wModeSelect11na = "11n(5GHz) and a" wModeSelect11abgn = "11abgn" wModeLegacy11a = "11a only" wModeLegacy11bonly = "11b only" wModeLegacy11bg = "11g and 11b" wModeLegacy11abg = "11abg" antennaSwitch = "AntennaSwitch" antennaSwitchAuto = "Auto" antennaSwitchA = "Antenna A" antennaSwitchB = "Antenna B" Auto = "Auto" 5GOnly = "5Ghz Only" 2GOnly = "2Ghz Only" 11DModeSwitch = "11d Mode Switch" Enable = "Enable" Disable = "Disable" WepTkip11n = "WepTKIP 11n" PowerSaveMode = "Power Save Mode" Off = "Off" Maximum = "Maximum" Normal = "Normal" 802_11d = "802.11d" smpsDynamic = "Dynamic MIMO Power Save" AdHoc11n = "AdHoc 11n" AdhocMode = "AdHoc Mode" roamPolicy = "Roaming Policy" roamPolicyVeryHigh = "Very High" roamPolicyHigh = "High" roamPolicyNormal = "Normal" roamPolicyLow = "Low" roamPolicyVeryLow = "Very Low" roamPolicyVeryHigh2 = "5.Very High" roamPolicyHigh2 = "4.High" roamPolicyNormal2 = "3.Normal" roamPolicyLow2 = "2.Low" roamPolicyVeryLow2 = "1.Very Low" GreenTx = "Green Tx" GreenTxEnableOn = "On" GreenTxEnableOff = "Off" htMode = "802.11n Bandwidth" htMode20 = "20MHz Only" htMode2040 = "20MHz|40MHz Auto" ; Localizable strings ATHR.DeviceDesc.0013 = "Qualcomm Atheros Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.001A = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5005G Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.001B = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5006X Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.1030 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5002G Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.2030 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5002G Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.1031 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5002X Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.2031 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5002X Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.1041 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5004G Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.2041 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5004G Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.1042 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5004X Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.2042 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5004X Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.1051 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5005GS Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.2051 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5005GS Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.1053 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5005GS Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.2053 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5005GS Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.1061 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5006GS Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.2061 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5006GS Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.1062 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5006XS Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.2062 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5006XS Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.1065 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5006G Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.2065 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5006G Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.3061 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5006EGS Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.3062 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5006EXS Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.3063 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5006EX Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.3065 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5006EG Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.2055 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5007G Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.3067 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.1071 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5008 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.3072 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5008X Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.3091 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR928X Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.2091 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR922X Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.30A1 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.30ABLT = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9002WB-1NG Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.30AB = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9002WB-1NG Wireless Network Adapter #1" ATHR.DeviceDesc.30AD = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9002WB-1NG Wireless Network Adapter #2" ATHR.DeviceDesc.2A371A3B = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9002WB Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.30AE = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5008WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter #1" ATHR.DeviceDesc.30AF = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5008WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter #2" ATHR.DeviceDesc.30A7 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR2427 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.10CF = "IEEE 802.11a|g Wireless LAN Adapter (A)" ATHR.DeviceDesc.1737_g = "Linksys Wireless-G Notebook Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.1737_bg = "Linksys Wireless A+G Notebook Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.1737_abg = "Linksys Wireless A+G PCI Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.0044 = "Linksys Dual-Band Wireless A+G PCI Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.1013 = "11b|g Wireless LAN Mini PCI Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.2013 = "11a|b|g Wireless LAN Mini PCI Adapter II" ATHR.DeviceDesc.3013 = "11b|g Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.4013 = "11a|b|g Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.5013 = "11b|g Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Adapter II" ATHR.DeviceDesc.6013 = "11b|g Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Adapter III" ATHR.DeviceDesc.0032168c = "11b|g|n Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Express Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.0033168c = "11a|b|g|n Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Express Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.90001385 = "NETGEAR WN711 RangeMax Wireless-N Expresscard Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.4B001385 = "NETGEAR 108 Mbps Wireless PC Card WG511T" ATHR.DeviceDesc.5D001385 = "NETGEAR RangeMax(TM) Wireless PC Card WPN511" ATHR.DeviceDesc.4D001385 = "NETGEAR 108 Mbps Wireless PCI Adapter WG311T" ATHR.DeviceDesc.4F001385 = "NETGEAR Double 108 Mbps Wireless PC Card WG511U" ATHR.DeviceDesc.04061468 = "LAN-Express AS IEEE 802.11g miniPCI Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.04071468 = "LAN-Express AS IEEE 802.11a|g miniPCI Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.04231468 = "LAN-Express AS IEEE 802.11g PCI-E Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.F6D3000 = "Belkin Wireless A|G Desktop Network Card" ATHR.DeviceDesc.80111799 = "Belkin N1 Wireless Notebook Card" ATHR.DeviceDesc.G650 = "D-Link AirPlus DWL-G650 Wireless Cardbus Adapter(rev.C)" ATHR.DeviceDesc.G520X = "D-Link AirPlus Xtreme G DWL-G520 Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.G520 = "D-Link AirPlus DWL-G520 Wireless PCI Adapter(rev.B)" ATHR.DeviceDesc.AG520 = "D-Link AirXpert DWL-AG520 Wireless PCI Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.AG530 = "D-Link AirPremier DWL-AG530 Wireless PCI Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.G630 = "D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G630 Wireless Cardbus Adapter(rev.D)" ATHR.DeviceDesc.G510 = "D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G510 Wireless PCI Adapter(rev.B)" ATHR.DeviceDesc.AG650 = "D-Link AirXpert DWL-AG650 Wireless Cardbus Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.AG660 = "D-Link AirPremier DWL-AG660 Wireless Cardbus Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.G680 = "D-Link AirPremier DWL-G680 Wireless Cardbus Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.G550 = "D-Link AirPremier DWL-G550 Wireless PCI Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.AG660B = "D-Link AirPremier AG DWL-AG660 Wireless Cardbus Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.AG530B = "D-Link AirPremier AG DWL-AG530 Wireless PCI Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.G650P = "D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G650+A Wireless Cardbus Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.G520P = "D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G520+A Wireless PCI Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.WDA1320 = "D-Link WDA-1320 Desktop Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.WDA2320 = "D-Link WDA-2320 Desktop Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA520 = "D-Link Wireless 108G DWA-520 Desktop Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA620 = "D-Link Wireless 108G DWA-620 Notebook Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.CWNA2330 = "D-Link WNA-2330 Notebook Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.CWNA1330 = "D-Link WNA-1330 Notebook Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.CG650 = "D-Link AirPlus Xtreme G DWL-G650 Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.CG630 = "D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G630 Wireless Cardbus Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA642 = "D-Link DWA-642 RangeBooster N Notebook Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA645 = "D-Link DWA-645 RangeBooster N650 Notebook Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA542 = "D-Link DWA-542 RangeBooster N Desktop Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA547 = "D-Link DWA-547 RangeBooster N650 Desktop Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA652 = "D-Link DWA-652 XtremeN Notebook Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA552 = "D-Link DWA-552 XtremeN Desktop Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA643 = "D-Link DWA-643 Xtreme N ExpressCard Notebook Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA556 = "D-Link DWA-556 Xtreme N PCIe Desktop Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.3070 = "Gigaset PC Card 108" ATHR.DeviceDesc.3071 = "Speedport Gigaset 54 Mbit" ATHR.DeviceDesc.800118CB = "Gigaset PC Card 300" ATIWC.DeviceDesc.ATICB = "Allied Telesyn AT-WCC201g Wireless Card Bus Adapter" ATIWC.DeviceDesc.ATIPC = "Allied Telesyn AT-WCP201g Wireless PCI Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.2A5F103C = "Foxconn 802.11 a|b|g|n Wireless System Adaptor" ATHR.DeviceDesc.500011AD = "HP 802.11a|b|g Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.500111AD = "HP 802.11b|g Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.1000168c = "Qualcomm Atheros 802.11 a|b|g|n Dualband Wireless Network Module" GIGA.DeviceDesc.E914 = "Gigabyte GN-WI03N (mini) PCI WLAN Card" GIGA.DeviceDesc.E915 = "Gigabyte GN-WP02N PCI Express WLAN Card" GIGA.DeviceDesc.E916 = "Gigabyte GN-WI06N (mini) PCI Express WLAN Card" GIGA.DeviceDesc.E815 = "Gigabyte GN-WM02N Express WLAN Card" GIGA.DeviceDesc.E801 = "Gigabyte GN-WLMA102 Cardbus WLAN Card" GIGA.DeviceDesc.E811 = "Gigabyte GN-WMAG Cardbus WLAN Card" GIGA.DeviceDesc.E814 = "Gigabyte GN-WM01GT Cardbus WLAN Card" GIGA.DeviceDesc.0013 = "Gigabyte GN-WIAH (mini) PCI WLAN Card" GIGA.DeviceDesc.E901 = "Gigabyte GN-WI01HT (mini) PCI WLAN Card" GIGA.DeviceDesc.E911 = "Gigabyte GN-WIAG|GN-WPEAG (mini) PCI WLAN Card" GIGA.DeviceDesc.E912 = "Gigabyte GN-WP01GT (mini) PCI WLAN Card" GIGA.DeviceDesc.E913 = "Gigabyte GN-WI01GT (mini) PCI-E WLAN Card" GIGA.DeviceDesc.E917 = "Gigabyte GN-WI07HT (mini) PCI-E WLAN Card" GIGA.DeviceDesc.E918 = "Gigabyte GN-WS50G (mini) PCI-E WLAN Card" GIGA.DeviceDesc.E9191458 = "Gigabyte GN-WS53HN Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.7141144F = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9281 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.7136144F = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9280 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.E006105B = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5B91 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.655211AD = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5B92 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.CM9 = "WNC CM9 Wireless LAN mini-PCI Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.1ACE = "TP-LINK Wireless N Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.00341B0A = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9281 802.11b|g|n WLAN HMC Network" ATHR.DeviceDesc.2063 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5006 802.11a|b|g WiFi Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.3096 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5009 802.11a|g|n WiFi Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.5E001385 = "NETGEAR WPN311 RangeMax(TM) Wireless PCI Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.0036 = "11b|g|n Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Express Adapter II" ATHR.DeviceDesc.0037 = "11b|g|n Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Express Adapter III" ATHR.DeviceDesc.309917AA = "11a|b|g|n Wireless LAN Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.7163144F = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9283 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.E01F105B = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5B93 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.663111AD = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5B95 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.660311AD = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5B97 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.661711AD = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5B125 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.E04A105B = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5B116 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.661811AD = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5BWB225 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.E051105B = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5BMD225 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.311711AD = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5BWB222 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.E059105B = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5BMD222 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.30A4 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9287 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.2099 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9227 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.D05B10FC = "I-O DATA WHG-AGDN|CB Wireless LAN Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.30B0 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9002WB-2NG Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.ospsim = "Qualcomm Atheros Osprey Simulation Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.ospemu = "Qualcomm Atheros Osprey Emulation Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.osprey = "Qualcomm Atheros Osprey Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.938x = "Qualcomm Atheros AR938x Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.9485 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.1111 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR1111 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.9580 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9580 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.3119 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.D3067 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5007 802.11b|g WiFi Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.D30A1 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 802.11b|g|n WiFi Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.D30AB = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 802.11b|g|n WiFi Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.0300T = "TP-LINK 300Mbps Wireless N Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.0301T = "TP-LINK 150Mbps Wireless N Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.3B001106 = "VIA 802.11b|g|n PCIe Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.00231931 = "Option GTM67x PCIe WiFi Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.11951A3B = "Qualcomm Atheros AR1111 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.21001A3B = "Qualcomm Atheros AR1111 WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.D3118 = "Dell Wireless 1506 802.11b|g|n (2.4GHz)" ATHR.DeviceDesc.D3119 = "Dell Wireless 1703 802.11b|g|n (2.4GHz)" ATHR.DeviceDesc.H3067 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5007 802.11b|g WiFi Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.H2063 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5006 802.11a|b|g WiFi Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.H3096 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5009 802.11a|g|n WiFi Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.H30A1 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 802.11b|g|n WiFi Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.H30AB = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 802.11b|g|n WiFi Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.H30A4 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9287 802.11b|g|n WiFi Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.H3197 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9287 802.11b|g|n WiFi Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.H3116 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9382 802.11a|g|n WiFi Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.H3112 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9380 802.11a|g|n WiFi Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.H3119 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 802.11b|g|n WiFi Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.H3118 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 802.11b|g|n WiFi Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.946x = "Qualcomm Atheros AR946x Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.H3335 = "Qualcomm Atheros AR9462 802.11a|b|g|n WiFi Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.956x = "Qualcomm Atheros AR956x Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.H9565 = "Qualcomm Atheros QCA9565 802.11b|g|n WiFi Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.E031105B = "Qualcomm Atheros AR5B195 Wireless Network Adapter" ATHR.DeviceDesc.E068105B = "Qualcomm Atheros AR956x Wireless Network Adapter" ;/* Enable these if VLAN or 802.1p is to be enabled */ ;PriorityVLAN = "Priority & VLAN" ;PriorityVLANDisabled = "Priority & VLAN Disabled" ;PriorityEnabled = "Priority Enabled" ;VLANEnabled = "VLAN Enabled" ;PriorityVLANEnabled = "Priority & VLAN Enabled"