// Project DTC Messages // Category DTC process status // *************************************************************************** 9DC9C33D-ADE5-469f-8F18-DAC2D836657D g_TraceDTCProcessStatusGuid #typev TRANSACTION_MANAGER_STARTED 11 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%3!-10d! ;time=%4!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;;%"TM Identifier='%18!-50s!'%" ;%"MS DTC started with the following settings: Security Configuration (OFF = 0 and ON = 1): Network Administration of Transactions = %12!-1d!, Network Clients = %13!-1d!, Distributed Transactions using Native MSDTC Protocol, In bound Network Enabled = %14!-1d!, Out bound Network Enabled = %15!-1d!, Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP) = %16!-1d!, XA Transactions = %17!-1d!.%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 bNetworkAdminEnabled, ItemUlong // 12 bNetworkClientsEnabled, ItemUlong // 13 bNetworkInboundEnabled, ItemUlong // 14 bNetworkOutboundEnabled, ItemUlong // 15 bTipEnabled, ItemUlong // 16 bXaTransactionsEnabled, ItemUlong // 17 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 18 } #typev TRANSACTION_MANAGER_STOPPED 12 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%3!-10d! ;time=%4!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;;%"TM Identifier='%12!-50s!'%" ;%"The MS DTC service is stopping.%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 12 } #typev CHECKPOINTING_STOPPED 13 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%3!-10d! ;time=%4!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;;%"TM Identifier='%12!-50s!'%" ;%"MSDTC is suspending the checkpointing of transactions due to lack of activity%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 12 } #typev CHECKPOINTING_STARTED 14 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%3!-10d! ;time=%4!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;;%"TM Identifier='%12!-50s!'%" ;%"MSDTC is resuming the checkpointing of transactions %"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 12 } // Added more information in the supportability DCR. Added a new trace in case we have trace files that contain both // old and new traces. #typev TRANSACTION_MANAGER_STARTED_2 15 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%3!-10d! ;time=%4!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;;%"TM Identifier='%23!-50s!'%" ;%"MS DTC started with the following settings: Security Configuration (OFF = 0 and ON = 1): Network Administration of Transactions = %12!-1d!, Network Clients = %13!-1d!, Inbound Transactions = %14!-1d!, Outbound Transactions = %15!-1d!, Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP) = %16!-1d!, XA Transactions = %17!-1d!, MSDTC RPC Security = %18!s!, Account = %19!s!, Firewall Exclusion = %20!-1d!, Transaction Bridge Installed = %21!-1d!, Filtering duplicate events = %22!-1d!.%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 bNetworkAdminEnabled, ItemUlong // 12 bNetworkClientsEnabled, ItemUlong // 13 bInboundTxEnabled, ItemUlong // 14 bOutboundTxEnabled, ItemUlong // 15 bTipEnabled, ItemUlong // 16 bXaTransactionsEnabled, ItemUlong // 17 RpcSecurity, ItemWString // 18 AccountName, ItemWString // 19 bFirewallExclusion, ItemUlong // 20 bTxBridgeInstalled, ItemUlong // 21 bFilteringDupEvents, ItemUlong // 22 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 23 } // Project DTC Messages // Category DTC process status // *************************************************************************** 715E95BB-FC0A-4442-950B-9D1D1F1F964B g_TraceDTCTraceSettingsGuid #typev TRACE_SETTINGS 11 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%3!-10d! ;time=%4!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;;%"TM Identifier='%18!-50s!'%" ;%"Trace Configuration (OFF = 0 and ON = 1): Tracing Of DTC = %12!-1d!, Tracing Of Transactions = %13!-1d!, Tracing Of Aborted Transactions = %14!-1d!, Tracing Of Long-Lived Transactions = %15!-1d!, Tracing Of All Transactions = %16!-1d!, Max Limit on Memory Buffers = %17!-1d!.%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 bTraceDTC, ItemUlong // 12 bTraceTrans, ItemUlong // 13 bTraceAbortedTrans, ItemUlong // 14 bTraceLLTrans, ItemUlong // 15 bTraceAllTrans, ItemUlong // 16 dwMaxBuffers ItemUlong // 17 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 18 } #typev TRACING_STARTED 12 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%3!-10d! ;time=%4!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;;%"TM Identifier='%12!-50s!'%" ;%"MSDTC is resuming the tracing of long - lived transactions%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 12 } #typev TRACING_STOPPED 13 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%3!-10d! ;time=%4!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;;%"TM Identifier='%12!-50s!'%" ;%"MSDTC is suspending the tracing of long - lived transactions due to lack of activity%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 12 } // Project TM Messages // Category Summary Level Transaction // SubCategory Client related messages // *************************************************************************** 0B9B7BB9-E1AD-4657-8D90-736FA3B79492 g_TraceTMXactsClientGuid #typev TRANSACTION_BEGUN 11 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"transaction has begun, description :'%15!s!'%"" #typev AT_RESTART_COMMITTED_TRANSACTION_FOUND 12 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"committed transaction found during dtc restart. Description = '%15!s!'%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 Guid, ItemGuid // 12 ThreadId, ItemUlong // 13 TimeStamp, ItemTimestamp // 14 Description, ItemString // 15 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 16 } #typev RECEIVED_COMMIT_REQUEST_FROM_BEGINNER 13 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%15!-50s!'%" ;%"received request to commit the transaction from beginner%"" #typev TRANSACTION_COMMITTED 14 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%15!-50s!'%" ;%"transaction has got committed%"" #typev TRANSACTION_ABORTING 15 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%15!-50s!'%" ;%"transaction is aborting%"" #typev TRANSACTION_ABORTED 16 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%15!-50s!'%" ;%"transaction has been aborted%"" #typev TRANSACTION_READ_ONLY 17 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%15!-50s!'%" ;%"transaction is read only%"" #typev TRANSACTION_IN_DOUBT 18 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%15!-50s!'%" ;%"transaction is in_doubt%"" #typev ABORT_DUE_TO_CONNECTION_DOWN_FROM_BEGINNER 19 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%15!-50s!'%" ;%"connection to the beginner went down%"" #typev ABORT_DUE_TO_TRANSACTION_TIMER_EXPIRED 20 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%15!-50s!'%" ;%"transaction timeout expired%"" #typev RECEIVED_ABORT_REQUEST_FROM_BEGINNER 21 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%15!-50s!'%" ;%"received request to abort the transaction from beginner%"" #typev RECEIVED_ABORT_REQUEST_FROM_NON_BEGINNER 22 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%15!-50s!'%" ;%"received request to abort the transaction from non beginner%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 Guid, ItemGuid // 12 ThreadId, ItemUlong // 13 TimeStamp, ItemTimestamp // 14 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 15 } // *************************************************************************** // Project TM Messages // Category Summary Level Transaction // SubCategory RM related messages // *************************************************************************** 75F91E0E-D50C-47c9-B06F-3F2013E9DA73 g_TraceTMXactsRMGuid #typev RM_ENLISTED_IN_TRANSACTION 11 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%18!-50s!'%" ;%"resource manager #%16!d! enlisted as transaction enlistment #%15!d!. RM guid = '%17'%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 Guid, ItemGuid // 12 ThreadId, ItemUlong // 13 TimeStamp, ItemTimestamp // 14 ResourceNum, ItemUlong // 15 TransResourceNum, ItemUlong // 16 RMGuid, ItemGuid // 17 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 18 } #typev RM_VOTED_COMMIT 12 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"resource manager #%16!d! voted commit for transaction enlistment #%15!d!%"" #typev RM_VOTED_ABORT 13 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"resource manager #%16!d! voted abort for transaction enlistment #%15!d!%"" #typev RM_VOTED_READ_ONLY 14 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"resource manager #%16!d! voted read-only for transaction enlistment #%15!d!%"" #typev COMMIT_REDELIVERY_ACKD_WITH_REENLISTMENT_COMPLETE_FROM_RM 15 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"commit redelivered to resource manager #%16!d! for transaction enlistment #%15!d!%"" #typev ABORT_DUE_TO_CONNECTION_DOWN_FROM_RM 16 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"connection to the resource manager #%16!d! for transaction enlistment #%15!d! went down%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 Guid, ItemGuid // 12 ThreadId, ItemUlong // 13 TimeStamp, ItemTimestamp // 14 ResourceNum, ItemUlong // 15 TransResourceNum, ItemUlong // 16 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 17 } #typev AT_RESTART_COMMIT_REDELIVERY_NEEDED_TO_RM 17 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"commit redelivery needed for transaction resource #%15!d! at dtc restart. RM guid = '%16'%"" #typev AT_RESTART_TRANSACTION_IS_INDOUBT_HAS_RM 18 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"indoubt transaction has transaction resource #%15!d! at dtc restart. RM guid = '%16'%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 Guid, ItemGuid // 12 ThreadId, ItemUlong // 13 TimeStamp, ItemTimestamp // 14 TransResourceNum, ItemUlong // 15 RMGuid, ItemGuid // 16 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 17 } #typev RM_ISSUED_PREPARE 19 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"prepare request issued to resource manager #%16!d! for transaction enlistment #%15!d!%"" #typev RM_ISSUED_COMMIT 20 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"commit request issued to resource manager #%16!d! for transaction enlistment #%15!d!%"" #typev RM_ISSUED_ABORT 21 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"abort request issued to resource manager #%16!d! for transaction enlistment #%15!d!%"" #typev RM_ACKNOWLEDGED_COMMIT 22 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"received acknowledgement of commit request from the resource manager #%16!d! for transaction enlistment #%15!d!%"" #typev RM_ACKNOWLEDGED_ABORT 23 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"received acknowledgement of abort request from the resource manager #%16!d! for transaction enlistment #%15!d!%"" #typev RM_COMMIT_DELIVERY_FAILED_DUE_TO_CONNECTION_DOWN 24 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"received connection down on commit request to resource manager #%16!d! for transaction enlistment #%15!d!%"" #typev RM_ABORT_DELIVERY_FAILED_DUE_TO_CONNECTION_DOWN_NO_RETRY 25 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"received connection down on abort request to resource manager #%16!d! for transaction enlistment #%15!d!. No retries will be made to deliver this message. RM will learn outcome during recovery%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 Guid, ItemGuid // 12 ThreadId, ItemUlong // 13 TimeStamp, ItemTimestamp // 14 ResourceNum, ItemUlong // 15 TransResourceNum, ItemUlong // 16 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 17 } #typev RM_ENLIST_FAILED_CONNECTION_DOWN_FROM_RM 26 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"attempt to enlist the resource manager failed because the connection to the resource manager went down. RM guid = '%15'%"" #typev RM_ENLIST_FAILED_LOG_FULL 27 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"attempt to enlist the resource manager failed because the log was full. RM guid = '%15'%"" #typev RM_ENLIST_FAILED_TRANSACTION_PAST_ACTIVE 28 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"attempt to enlist the resource manager failed because the transaction had already aborted. RM guid = '%15'%"" #typev RM_ENLIST_FAILED_TOO_MANY_ENLISTS 29 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"attempt to enlist the resource manager failed because the limit on number of maximum enlistments has been reached. RM guid = '%15'%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 Guid, ItemGuid // 12 ThreadId, ItemUlong // 13 TimeStamp, ItemTimestamp // 14 RMGuid, ItemGuid // 15 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 16 } // *************************************************************************** // Project TM Messages // Category Summary Level Transaction // SubCategory Child Node related messages // ************************************************************************** 3C6DE2F3-BF53-461f-B199-2E2D1C24C5ED g_TraceTMXactsChildGuid #typev TRANSACTION_PROPOGATED_TO_CHILD_NODE 11 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"transaction propagated to '%16!s!' as transaction child node #%15!d!%"" #typev CHILD_NODE_VOTED_COMMIT 12 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"transaction child node #%15!d! '%16!s!' voted commit%"" #typev CHILD_NODE_VOTED_ABORT 13 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"transaction child node #%15!d! '%16!s!' voted abort%"" #typev CHILD_NODE_VOTED_READ_ONLY 14 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"transaction child node #%15!d! '%16!s!' voted read-only%"" #typev AT_RESTART_COMMIT_REDELIVERY_NEEDED_TO_CHILD_NODE 15 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"commit redelivery needed for transaction child #%15!d! '%16!s!' at dtc restart%"" #typev AT_RESTART_TRANSACTION_IS_INDOUBT_HAS_CHILD_NODE 16 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"indoubt transaction has transaction child #%15!d! '%16!s!' at dtc restart%"" #typev CHILD_NODE_ACKNOWLEDGED_COMMIT 17 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"received acknowledgement of commit request from transaction child node #%15!d! '%16!s!'%"" #typev CHILD_NODE_ACKNOWLEDGED_ABORT 18 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"received acknowledgement of abort request from transaction child node #%15!d! '%16!s!'%"" #typev CHILD_NODE_ISSUED_PREPARE 19 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"prepare request issued to transaction child node #%15!d! '%16!s!'%"" #typev CHILD_NODE_ISSUED_COMMIT 20 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"commit request issued to transaction child node #%15!d! '%16!s!'%"" #typev CHILD_NODE_COMMIT_DELIVERY_FAILED_DUE_TO_CONNECTION_DOWN 21 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"received connection down on commit request to transaction child node #%15!d! '%16!s!'%"" #typev CHILD_NODE_ISSUED_REDELIVER_COMMIT 22 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"commit redelivery request issued to transaction child node #%15!d! '%16!s!'%"" #typev CHILD_NODE_COMMIT_REDELIVERY_FAILED_DUE_TO_CONNECTION_DOWN 23 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"received connection down on commit redelivery request to transaction child node #%15!d! '%16!s!'%"" #typev CHILD_NODE_COMMIT_REDELIVERY_ACKNOWLEDGED 24 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"commit redelivery request successfully acknowleged by transaction child node #%15!d! '%16!s!'%"" #typev CHILD_NODE_ISSUED_ABORT 25 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"abort request issued to transaction child node #%15!d! '%16!s!'%"" #typev CHILD_NODE_ABORT_DELIVERY_FAILED_DUE_TO_CONNECTION_DOWN_NO_RETRY 26 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"received connection down on abort request to transaction child node #%15!d! '%16!s!'. No retries will be made to deliver this message. Child node will learn outcome during recovery%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 Guid, ItemGuid // 12 ThreadId, ItemUlong // 13 TimeStamp, ItemTimestamp // 14 ChildNodeNum, ItemUlong // 15 ChildNodeName, ItemWString // 16 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 17 } #typev REPLYING_ABORT_TO_QUERY_ABORT_REQUEST_FROM_CHILD_NODE 27 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%15!-50s!'%" ;%"Child node queried about transaction abort. Transacton was not found, so we presume abort. Replying aborted to child node%"" #typev REPLYING_RETRY_TO_QUERY_ABORT_REQUEST_FROM_CHILD_NODE 28 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%15!-50s!'%" ;%"Child node queried about transaction abort. Transaction was found, so outcome not known yet. If transaction commits, parent will redeliver commit on separate connnection. If transaction aborts, child will get abort reply when it retries later. Replying retry child node%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 Guid, ItemGuid // 12 ThreadId, ItemUlong // 13 TimeStamp, ItemTimestamp // 14 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 15 } #typev TRANSACTION_PROPOGATION_FAILED_LOG_FULL_LOCAL_TM 29 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"failed to propogate transaction to child node '%15!s!' because the log of the local transaction manager became full%"" #typev TRANSACTION_PROPOGATION_FAILED_NO_MEM_LOCAL_TM 30 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"failed to propogate transaction to child node '%15!s!' because of lack of enough memory at the local transaction manager%"" #typev TRANSACTION_PROPOGATION_FAILED_TOO_MANY_CHILDREN_ON_LOCAL_TM 31 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"failed to propogate transaction to child node '%15!s!' because the limit on the number of children has been reached at the local transaction manager%"" #typev TRANSACTION_PROPOGATION_FAILED_LOG_FULL_REMOTE_TM 32 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"failed to propogate transaction to child node '%15!s!' because the log of the remote transaction manager became full%"" #typev TRANSACTION_PROPOGATION_FAILED_NO_MEM_REMOTE_TM 33 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"failed to propogate transaction to child node '%15!s!' because of lack of enough memory at the remote transaction manager%"" #typev TRANSACTION_PROPOGATION_FAILED_CONNECTION_DOWN_FROM_REMOTE_TM 34 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"failed to propogate transaction to child node '%15!s!' because the connection with the remote transaction manager went down%"" #typev TRANSACTION_PROPOGATION_FAILED_TRANSACTION_PAST_ACTIVE 35 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"failed to propogate transaction to child node '%15!s!' because the transaction is past the stage where new children can be added. Some possible reasons include, client might have already called commit or transaction might have got aborted.%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 Guid, ItemGuid // 12 ThreadId, ItemUlong // 13 TimeStamp, ItemTimestamp // 14 ChildNodeName, ItemWString // 15 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 16 } #typev CHILD_NODE_ABORT_DUE_TO_RESTART_OVERFLOW 36 "pid=%10!-10d! ;tid=%12!-10d! ;time=%13!-25s! ;tx_guid=%11!-40s! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%14!-50s!'%" ;failed to update the restart info for a subordinate, because it was too large to fit in the log. The transaction will be aborted." { ProcessId, ItemUlong // 10 Guid, ItemGuid // 11 ThreadId, ItemUlong // 12 TimeStamp, ItemTimestamp // 13 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 14 } // ************************************************************************** // Project TM Messages // Category Summary Level Transaction // SubCategory Parent Node related messages // *************************************************************************** 92AA39C6-6F52-4677-B297-8A2E8C19ED2A g_TraceTMXactsParentGuid #typev TRANSACTION_PROPOGATED_FROM_PARENT 11 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%17!-50s!'%" ;%"transaction propagated from parent node '%15!s!', Description = '%16!s!'%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 Guid, ItemGuid // 12 ThreadId, ItemUlong // 13 TimeStamp, ItemTimestamp // 14 ParentNodeName, ItemWString // 15 XactDescription, ItemAString // 16 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 17 } #typev VOTING_COMMIT_TO_PARENT 12 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"child node votes commit to parent node '%15!s!'%"" #typev VOTING_ABORT_TO_PARENT 13 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"child node votes abort to parent node '%15!s!'%"" #typev VOTING_READ_ONLY_TO_PARENT 14 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"child node votes read-only to parent node '%15!s!'%"" #typev AT_RESTART_TRANSACTION_IS_INDOUBT_HAS_PARENT 15 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"indoubt transaction with parent node '%15!s!' found at dtc restart%"" #typev RECEIVED_PREPARE_FROM_PARENT 16 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"child node received prepare request from parent node '%15!s!'%"" #typev RECEIVED_COMMIT_FROM_PARENT 17 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"child node received commit request from parent node '%15!s!'%"" #typev RECEIVED_ABORT_FROM_PARENT 18 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"child node received abort request from parent node '%15!s!'%"" #typev ABORT_DUE_TO_CONNECTION_DOWN_FROM_PARENT 19 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"child node received connection down from parent node '%15!s!'. Transaction is aborted.%"" #typev INDOUBT_DUE_TO_CONNECTION_DOWN_FROM_PARENT 20 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"child node received connection down from parent node '%15!s!'. Transaction is in-doubt.%"" #typev PARENT_REPLIED_ABORT_TO_QUERY_ABORT_REQUEST 21 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"child node received abort to transaction query status from parent node '%15!s!'%"" #typev PARENT_REPLIED_RETRY_TO_QUERY_ABORT_REQUEST 22 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"child node received retry to transaction query status from parent node '%15!s!'%"" #typev RECEIVED_COMMIT_REDELIVERY_FROM_PARENT 23 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"child node received commit redelivery request from parent node '%15!s!'%"" #typev ACKNOWLEDGING_COMMIT_TO_PARENT 24 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"child node achnowledging the delivery of commit request from parent node '%15!s!'%"" #typev ACKNOWLEDGING_ABORT_TO_PARENT 25 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%16!-50s!'%" ;%"child node achnowledging the delivery of abort request from parent node '%15!s!'%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 Guid, ItemGuid // 12 ThreadId, ItemUlong // 13 TimeStamp, ItemTimestamp // 14 ParentNodeName, ItemWString // 15 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 16 } #typev PARENT_ABORTING_DUE_TO_RESTART_OVERFLOW 26 "pid=%10!-10d! ;tid=%12!-10d! ;time=%13!-25s! ;tx_guid=%11!-40s! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%14!-50s!'%" ;failed to update the restart info for the parent node, because it was too large to fit in the log. The transaction will be aborted." { ProcessId, ItemUlong // 10 Guid, ItemGuid // 11 ThreadId, ItemUlong // 12 TimeStamp, ItemTimestamp // 13 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 14 } // *************************************************************************** // Project TM Messages // Category Summary Level Transaction // SubCategory Operator related messages // *************************************************************************** 6BBFB565-408B-407c-A3E9-AC917DB411D6 g_TraceTMXactsOperatorGuid #typev OPERATOR_RESOLVE_COMMIT 11 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%15!-50s!'%" ;%"operator resolve commit%"" #typev OPERATOR_RESOLVE_ABORT 12 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%15!-50s!'%" ;%"operator resolve abort%"" #typev OPERATOR_RESOLVE_FORGET 13 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%13!-10d! ;time=%14!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%15!-50s!'%" ;%"operator resolve forget%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 Guid, ItemGuid // 12 ThreadId, ItemUlong // 13 TimeStamp, ItemTimestamp // 14 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 15 } // *************************************************************************** // Project TM Messages // Category Summary Level Transaction // SubCategory Non transaction specefic messages (i.e. messages which are relevant to transactions but which are pertinent to multiple transactions) // *************************************************************************** 9708D2D4-C019-4c50-B671-6E166CE710F3 g_TraceTMXactsGlobalGuid #typev EXPORT_SESSION_CREATION_FAILED_BAD_TMADDR 11 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%3!-10d! ;time=%4!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;;%"TM Identifier='%12!-50s!'%" ;%"failed to create export session because the address of the remote transaction manager was malformed%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 12 } #typev EXPORT_SESSION_CREATION_FAILED_NET_TX_DISABLED 12 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%3!-10d! ;time=%4!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;;%"TM Identifier='%13!-50s!'%" ;%"failed to create export session to child node '%12!s!' because network transactions have been disabled at the local transaction manager%"" #typev EXPORT_SESSION_CREATION_FAILED_NETWORK_FAILURE 13 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%3!-10d! ;time=%4!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;;%"TM Identifier='%13!-50s!'%" ;%"failed to create export session to child node '%12!s!' because of network failure%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 ChildNodeName, ItemWString // 12 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 13 } #typev TRANSACTION_PROPAGATION_FAILED_TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND 14 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%3!-10d! ;time=%4!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%14!-50s!'%" ;%"failed to propagate transaction to child node '%13!s!' because the transaction could not be found. Some possible reasons include, client might have already called commit or transaction might have got aborted due to timeout.%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 Guid, ItemGuid // 12 ChildNodeName, ItemWString // 13 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 14 } #typev RM_ENLIST_FAILED_TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND 15 "pid=%11!-10d! ;tid=%3!-10d! ;time=%4!-25s! ;seq=%10!-10d! ;eventid=%2!-40s! ;tx_guid=%12!-40s! ;%"TM Identifier='%14!-50s!'%" ;%"attempt to enlist the resource manager failed cause the transaction could not be found. Some possible reasons include, client might have already called commit or transaction might have got aborted due to timeout. RM guid = '%13'%"" { SequenceNumber, ItemUlong // 10 ProcessId, ItemUlong // 11 Guid, ItemGuid // 12 RMGuid, ItemGuid // 13 TMIdentifier ItemWString // 14 } // ***************************************************************************