MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $8|x|x|xڡQ}xڡRwx|x/xڡWsxڡV}xڡOtxڡU}xڡP}xRich|xPEdNOPT"  "`AVh$D@ N`.text֚ `.data@.pdata$@@.idata @@.rsrc@@.relocD@B`PRNOPT,NBаp2.0.0WudfCoInstaller: No action taken for NULL driver [%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d.%02d.%03d] t'0  @5.K.lTو'0 '0 u'0 '0 NULLError - Found more than one UmdfService directive creating a service with the same name but with different parameters. The install section names are "%s" and "%s". UMDF Service %s is already installed - removing existing settings in preparation for setting new ones. Error clearing configuration for UMDF service %s - %s. Error - could not open key for UMDF service %s - %s. Configuring UMDF Service %s. Error configuring UMDF Service %s - %s Aborting device installation due to error configuring services. Error configuring device parameters - %s WUDFError creating Device Parameters\UMDF registry key - %s. Error setting %s value in UMDF parameters key - %s ImpersonationLevel%s set to %d Error setting %s value in WUDF parameters key - %s MethodNeitherActionKernelModeClientPolicyDirectHardwareAccessRegisterAccessModeFileObjectPolicyFsContextUsePolicyHostProcessSharingEnabledHostTimeoutSecondsUmdfDispatcher%s set to %s DriverListWudfSvcWinUSBFileHandleError allocating details structure - %s. Error getting details about driver being installed - %s. Error retrieving device instance id - %s. UmdfServiceOrdererror finding key %s in section [%s] in INF - %s. Error opening UMDF service database - %s. Error opening registry key for device - %s. Using "Win7" service configuration Using "Vista" service configuration "Pre-Vista" OS not supported Final status: %s (unknown)IncludeError getting fields of Include directive online %d of %s - %s Error on line %d of included INF %s - %s Imported INF file %s according to Include directive on line %d of %s. NeedsError getting fields of Needs directive online %d of %s - %s Error in section [%s], line %d, Needs %s directive - %s Imported section [%s] according to section [%s] line %d, Needs directive. Error in section [%s] - duplicate %s directive found on line %d. Error in section [%s] - duplicate %s directive found. error reading section [%s] key [%s] in INF - %s. error with section [%s] key %s in INF - key must contain at least one service name. error with section [%s] key %s in INF - key contains empty field (# %d) - empty fields are not allowed. UmdfServiceError in section [%s] UmdfService key - could not read service name - %s. Error in section [%s] UmdfService key - %s is an invalid UMDF service name. Error in section [%s] UmdfService key - could not read install section name - %s. UmdfLibraryVersionError reading section [%s] key %s - %s. Error reading section [%s] key %s - duplicate key found on line %d. error in Section [%s] key %s - version string %s is invalid. Error: failed to retrieve UmdfLibraryVersion error in Section [%s] - minimum-version %u.%u.%u is greater than that of the UMDF package installed on the system (%s). Only the highest version co-installer should be invoked by the INF (though you still may copy lower version co-installers). error in Section [%s] - error processing installation of service. %s SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WUDF\ServicesError opening device instance registry key - %s. anonymousidentificationimpersonationdelegationUmdfImpersonationLevelRejectCopyUmdfMethodNeitherActionRejectKernelModeClientsAllowKernelModeClientsUmdfKernelModeClientPolicyRejectDirectHardwareAccessAllowDirectHardwareAccessUmdfDirectHardwareAccessRegisterAccessUsingSystemCallRegisterAccessUsingUserModeMappingUmdfRegisterAccessModeRejectNullAndUnknownFileObjectsAllowNullAndUnknownFileObjectsUmdfFileObjectPolicyCanUseFsContextCanUseFsContext2CannotUseFsContextsUmdfFsContextUsePolicyProcessSharingDisabledProcessSharingEnabledUmdfHostProcessSharingUmdfHostTimeoutSecondsError processing section [%s] key %s line %d - %s Using I/O dispatcher %s. Error processing section [%s] key %s - value %s not recognized as valid option. Error processing section [%s] key %s - duplicate key found on line %d Error processing section [%s] key %s - %s The specified key was not foundA duplicate entry was found<no error text>status(%X) %serror(%d) %sStringCchPrint failedGetDriverDetailsData: unable to allocate data structure - %s GetDriverDetailsData: SetupDiGetSelectedDriver: %s GetDriverDetailsData: SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail: %s Error getting size of name of install section - %s Error - complete install section name is too long. Error - section name is greater than %d characters - max is %d - cannot continue. Error getting name of install section - %s .WdfError creating complete section name (%s%s) - %s ReadWdfSection: Checking WdfSection [%s] error Section [%s] not found in inf %s. error locating section [%s] in inf %s - %s error Section [%s] is empty. SetupOpenInfFile failed: InfFileName %s SetupOpenInfFile failed: ErrorLine(%d) in InfFileName %s SetupOpenInfFile failed: %s WdfCloseInfFile: invalid handle %p WDFServiceBinaryDriverCLSIDError reading Section [%s] key %s - %s. Error reading Section [%s] key %s - duplicate found on line %d. Error reading Section [%s] key %s - value cannot be empty. UmdfExtensionsError reading section [%s] key [%s] in INF - %s. Error with section [%s] key %s in INF - key must contain at least one Extension service name. Error with section [%s] key %s in INF - key contains empty field (# %d) - empty fields are not allowed. Internal error reading Section [%s]. error in Section [%s] key %s - CLSID string %s is not a valid guid. HostProcessGuidError processing section [%s] key %s - duplicate directive found on line %d. Service descriptions do not match: names are not equal - %s vs. %s Service descriptions do not match: minimum versions are not equal - (%d,%d,%d) vs (%d,%d,%d) Service descriptions do not match: image paths are not equal - %s vs %s Service descriptions do not match: CLSIDs are not equal - %s vs %s (not specified)Service descriptions do not match: Host Process Guid settings are not equal - %s vs. %s Service extension lists lengths do not match: - %d vs %d Service extension %d does not match (order matters): - %s vs %s ImagePathComCLSIDHostProcessGUIDError setting %s parameter for service %s - %s WdfMajorVersionWdfMinorVersionError getting the length of '%s' Error incrementing %u Error adding %u to %u String too long: %u > %u Error allocating buffer of size %u - %s Error concatenating strings - %s WdfExtensionsCreated marker file %s. Error - could not create marker file %s - %s. 0(null)ServicesActiveError opening service controller - %s. Error opening service %s - %s. Error querying configuration of service %s - %s. \SystemRoot\Adjusting binpath for service %s to allow start at boot. Error getting length of binpath for service %s - %s. Error creating binpath for service %s - %s. \SystemRoot\%sChanging binpath for service %s from %s to %s. Binpath for service %s already allows service to be loaded at boot time. Error setting new configuration for service %s - %s. Service %s is already running. Error starting service %s - %s. Error waiting for service %s to start - %s. Service %s started successfully. \system32\drivers\Msft_User_%.*s_%02d_%02d_%02d.Wdferror: ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW on line %d `(5RSDSc´PI)}oWUDFCoinstaller.pdbH\$H|$3HBLH=WDDGILEx)IDMtf99t HHuHtML+DLExQIK CDI+t5HI+MLH+Mt ftfIHHuHu HAzf9H\$H|$ALMCMK SUVWH83HBHH=WGx;HZIC MHLËICxHH;wuf,^f,^zHtf.H8_^][H\$WH LT$`3MHD$PMJDOEJ$EB(DIBfA;z*IB8AR(AH IB@8vuHt.IJt IBH#I;BtMB0AAуHA!MB0AAуHA AB*ED;rCAz$Az(IzIzfA9z*v,AB*IJ0AA+3ALcI1QH\$0H _H=dt3L dL^HH 3H%T~H(H dHu3~H%jdH(H(u uH(H\$WH0IILʃt3?u>LD$ HI ؅uHD$ &HG=u}H U붋_uYH_HtNH[HtEHKhEuHShH `"HKXO;HЋ#HShH L8"3HOHt/H\$@H0_HHXHpHxLp UHxHH\H3HpHHL$PE3fDt$`B}T$\DD$ZD$^DT$XD\$P\$VDL$RD$HT$@DD$8DT$0D\$(LHL$`׉\$ 8HHHL$`HfD94AuH;HHL$`HCLH+@HD$`HfD94XuH;L{HL$`HCH+H3fD`C}tHL$`3"}$}HpH3JL$I[IsI{ Ms(I]H\$3HBAI;DAWEGEx>DHt*L+L+IHtAft fHHuHuHAzHtfH\$A@UHHpH,[H3HEE3MtHHfE9@u E MMH ,aLMH)LMIEADUHEHLHEHEHE8HE HELEzHMH3HHp]H\$Hl$VWATAVAWH0HYMLHHLt$`HSHD$`AE3I@2HD$ PzLDt$`uBI@ zHSH HSI{tN H gHSH .IH^3@t(`t3@HӻD$(`td$(HxLCLK8?HHIHttH ȿHHH\$hHl$pH0A_A^A\_^ËH pH HSLH H\$UVWATAUAVAWHHPE3LHL}XAHEPHE3HD$@HEXE3HD$8H#_IHD$0D$(D|$ x؅s}Pu4HMXdyuH0Iy댻TyHUXH؅tH 8AL-L%D8 t9HMXHw$EE3IDt$(Ht$ "x؅DIID8(t@HMXL-9Hw,IEE3Dt$(Ht$ w؅RDIID80t@HMXL-Hw4IEE3Dt$(Ht$ w؅ DII>D88t@HMXL-Hwt9HMXHEE3Dt$(Ht$ u؅u|DH^IHOhHHHfD9IcAMH+MtGH=w?HIAHtfD9 t HHuHtHH+WIH$IcWIHHjHu@HH;rAIGH7H;rHAI&jIE3ɋ؅ HIH;rAIH$H yH$L;rL+AMIcH$L$AD; AunHFH;rHAIxsHHHuAIxRHI@HhtE3LHt+L3H*EE3A}H$L$ uGH6H;wAx)H$D$(H`AE3L|$ lrI)tH8A_A^A]A\_^][HXHQH3HD$@3MtHHfA9@u E ML$(H WT$,HLL$ IEHAHD$ HHD$8 HD$0qHL$@H3?HXLECHHHVQH3HD$0H WICMKIC؃d$,AD$(2qHL$0H3=?HHH\$LD$UVWATAUAVAWHHPE3L0MHALeLerLHuxH )pLHIEtH eLHEXE3E3HIHD$ quxLMXLEHItH H7pqHHt\D L`D`L`D` D`$D`(D`,D`8D`MuIHILuPHGHIuLC IW H W HKPgHK FgHK(Du CD} DeDuD}DeD;u1 CD;u! 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