# Localized 08/22/2013 12:25 PM (GMT) 303:4.80.0411 Resources.psd1 # # Remote Desktop Management Localization File # ConvertFrom-StringData @' ###PSLOC start localizing # # General # PromptCaption=Do you want to continue? ResourceTypeUnknown=Unknown ResourceTypeRemoteApp=RemoteApp programs ResourceTypeRemoteDesktop=Remote Desktop WrnWildcardNoMatches=No matches found for {0}. InvalidAccount=Failed to convert account {0} to a valid SID. CannotDetermineCollectionExists=Error occured while determining if a collection with the same name exists. CannotCreateCollectionAlias=Error occured while generating a valid collection alias for use. InvalidLocalUser=Current user is not a domain user. # # Deployment check messages # DeploymentDoesNotExist=A Remote Desktop Services deployment does not exist on {0}. This operation can be performed after creating a deployment. For information about creating a deployment, run "Get-Help New-RDVirtualDesktopDeployment" or "Get-Help New-RDSessionDeployment". SessionDeploymentDoesNotExist=A Remote Desktop Services session-based desktop deployment does not exist on {0}. This operation can be performed only after creating a session-based desktop deployment. For information about how to create a session-based desktop deployment, run "Get-Help New-RDSessionDeployment". VirtualDeploymentDoesNotExist=A Remote Desktop Services virtual machine-based desktop deployment does not exist on {0}. This operation can be performed only after creating a virtual machine-based desktop deployment. For information about how to create a virtual machine-based desktop deployment, run "Get-Help New-RDVirtualDesktopDeployment" ValidationInprogress=Validation in progress... InstallationInprogress=Installation in progress... ConfigurationInprogress=Configuration in progress... DeploymentInprogress=Deployment in progress... VerificationInprogress=Deployment verification in progress... RemovalInprogress=Configuration removal in progress... GatewayDoesNotExist=Deployment does not contain an RD Gateway server. WebAccessDoesNotExist=Deployment does not contain an RD Web Access server. # # Add/Remove server # WarnRemoveServerMessage=Removing server from the Remote Desktop deployment. Do you want to continue? SessionDeploymentTypeNameString=session VDIDeploymentTypeNameString=virtual desktop # # RDMS Heart Beat # RdmsRoleNotInstalled=The RD Connection Broker role service is not installed on server {0}. RdmsServicesNotRunning=The RD Connection Broker server’s status is unhealthy. The following services are not running: {0}. RdmsServerIsNotActive=The RD Connection Broker server’s status is not active for management. The current active server is {0}. Refer to the active RD Connection Broker server for all management operations. # # Certificate # InvalidCertificateRole=The specified Remote Desktop certificate type is not valid. Valid Remote Desktop certificate types are RDGateway, RDWebAccess, RDRedirector, and RDPublishing. WarnCreatingAndConfiguringCertMessage=Creating and configuring certificate for the role: {0}. Do you want to continue? WarnConfiguringCertMessage=Configuring certificate for the role: {0}. Do you want to continue? CertificateLevelUnknown=Unknown CertificateLevelNotConfigured=NotConfigured CertificateLevelUntrusted=Untrusted CertificateLevelTrusted=Trusted CertificateNotConfigured=Certificate is not configured for the role {0}. # # General Validations # VerifyingInput=Verifying input... InvalidFqdn=The specified FQDN {0} is not valid. InvalidPath=The specified path {0} is not valid or not accessible. InvalidPfxFile=ImportPath {0} is not a pfx file InvalidHostname=The specified server name {0} is not valid. InvalidServerNameFormat=The server name {0} is not a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Please specify all the server names in FQDN format. ErrorCode=Error # # User Group general errors/warnings # UnableToMapSid=Unable to convert SID to a valid account name.\nSID: {0}\nError: {1} InvalidUserGroup=The specified user group {0} could not be mapped to a valid SID.\nError: {1} InvalidUserGroupNoErr=One of the specified user groups, {0}, could not be mapped to a valid SID. # # Custom RDP Properties # GetCustomRdpPropertiesInvalidCollectionError=Unable to get custom RDP properties for collection {0}; the collection does not exist. GetCustomRdpPropertiesWmiError=Unable to get custom RDP properties for collection {0}.\nError: {1} SetCustomRdpPropertiesInvalidCollectionError=Unable to set custom RDP properties for collection {0} on RD Connection Broker server {1}; the collection does not exist on that RD Connection Broker server. SetCustomRdpPropertiesWmiError=Unable to set custom RDP properties for collection {0} on RD Connection Broker server {1}.\nError: {2} SetCustomRdpPropertiesForBrokerSuccess=Successfully applied the custom RDP properties to RD Connection Broker server {0}. SetCustomRdpPropertiesInvalidBrokers=Unable to set custom RDP properties for collection {0} because one or more RD Connection Broker servers are unreachable or misconfigured. Remove these servers from the deployment by using the Remove-RDServer cmdlet, and then try again.\nUnreachable RD Connection Broker servers: {1}\nMisconfigured RD Connection Broker servers: {2} SetCollectionCustomRdpPropertyFailure=Unable to set custom RDP property on RD Connection Broker server {0}; failed on attempt {1}. Error: {2} UpdateCustomRdpPropertyFailure=Failed to update the custom RDP settings on RD Connection Broker server {0}, please remove it from the deployment and try to re-add it. UpdatingCollectionCustomRdpPropertyOnBroker=Updating custom RDP properties for collection {0} on RD Connection Broker server {1}. # # Licensing # InvalidLicenseServer=The server(s) '{0}' are not valid license server(s). InvalidLicensingMode=The specified licensing mode is not valid. Valid licensing modes are Per Device and Per User. LicensingModeNotConfigured=The licensing mode is not configured. Configure the licensing mode by specifying Per Device or Per User. WarnChangingLicenseSettingsMessage=Changing license settings of the Remote Desktop deployment. Do you want to continue? # # RDSH # CollectionDoesNotExist=Collection {0} does not exist. ErrorWmiSessionCollectionServer=Error looking up the session collection server.\nError: {0} ErrorWmiDrainModeRDSessionHost=Error allowing new connections for RD Session Host server {0}.\nError: {1} ErrorWmiRemoveRDSessionHost=Error removing RD Session Host server {0} from the collection {1}.\nError: {2} ErrorWmiAddRDSessionHost=Error adding RD Session Host server {0} to the collection {1}.\nError: {2} ErrorCreatingRDSHCollection=Failed to create the session collection. NoServersInRDSHCollection=The session collection {0} does not have any RD Session Host servers. RDSHCollectionNotFound=No session collection {0} was found. ErrorDeletingRDSHCollection=Unable to delete the session collection {0}. RDSHNotFound=The RD Session Host server {0} does not exist in this deployment. RDSHAlreadyExistInCollection=The RD Session Host server {0} already exists in another collection. RDSHCollectionAlreadyExist=A session collection with the same name already exists. RDSHNotFoundInCollection=An RD Session Host server {0} does not exist in this collection. RemoveRDSessionCollectionCaption=Warning: Removing session collection... RemoveRDSessionCollectionMessage=The session collection {0} will be removed. Do you want to continue? RemoveRDSessionCollectionMessageWhatif=The session collection {0} will be removed. RemoveRDSessionCollectionServerCaption=Warning: Removing the RD Session Host server from the session collection... RemoveRDSessionCollectionServerMessage=The specified RD Session Host server will be removed from the session collection {0}. Do you want to continue? RemoveRDSessionCollectionServerMessageWhatif=The specified RD Session Host server will be removed from the session collection {0}. # # RDVH # VirtualDesktopDoesNotExist=The virtual desktop {0} does not exist in the virtual desktop collection {1}. VirtualDesktopRemoved=The virtual desktop {0} is removed from the virtual desktop collection {1}. FailedToRemoveVirtualDesktop=Failed to remove the virtual desktop {0} from the virtual desktop collection {1}. RDVHCollectionAlreadyExist=A virtual desktop collection with the same name already exists. DeploymentExportLocationQueryFailed=Getting deployment properties: Failed (Error: {0}). For more information, see the event log. SetDeploymentExportLocationSuccess=Setting deployment properties: Succeeded. \nExportLocation: {0} SetDeploymentExportLocationFailed=Setting deployment properties: Failed (Error: {0}). For more information, see the event log. GrantOUAccessSuccess=Granted access for {1} to organizational unit {0}. FailedToGrantOUAccess=Failed to grant access for {1} to organizational unit {0}. Verify that the current user is either a domain admin or has proper permissions on the organizational unit.\nError: {2} TestOUAccessSuccess=Test access for {1} to organizational unit {0} is successful. FailedToTestOUAccess=Failed to test access for {1} to organizational unit {0}. InvalidDomainOrOU=The specified domain ({0}) and\\or OU ({1}) is not valid. UserProfileDiskLocationNotExist=The location {0} does not exist. UserProfileDiskLocationNotWritable=The currently signed on user cannot create files in {0}. UserProfileDiskLocationInUse=The specified user profile disk location {0} is already configured for another collection. LookupTaskWmiError=Error looking up patch information for {0}: {1} RemoveTaskWmiError=Error removing patch for {0}: {1} TaskNotFound=Patching task ID {0} not found CreateTaskWmiError=Error creating patch: {0} CreateTaskAlreadyExistsError=Patch with given ID already exists: {0} ModifyTaskWmiError=Error modifying patch: {0} InvalidLocalStoragePath=The local path {0} is not a local drive-based path. Specify the path in the format DriveLetter:\\Path. UnreachableVmhostLocalPath=The local path {0} is not accessible to the RD Virtualization Host server {1}. InvalidSmbSharePath=The specified SMB share path {0} is not valid. Specify the path in the format \\\\ShareHost\\Path. UnreacahbleSmbSharePath=The specified SMB share path {0} is not reachable. Verify that the path exists. UnreachablePath=The specified path {0} is not accessible. Verify that the path exists. VmNamePrefixAlreadyExists=The specified virtual machine name prefix {0} is already in use. Please specify a unique virtual machine name prefix. CreatingRdvhCollection=Creating a virtual desktop collection: {0}... AddingVmToCollection=Adding virtual desktop {0} to collection... AddUnmgdVmFailed=Failed to add virtual desktop {0} to collection. Check that this virtual desktop is configured properly and is not in running state. CreateRdvhCollectionFailed=Failed to create the virtual desktop collection. Error: {0} DeleteRdvhCollectionFailed=Failed to delete the virtual desktop collection. Error: {0} DeleteMgdVmFromCollectionFailed=Failed to delete virtual desktops from the managed virtual desktop collection. Error: {0} DeleteUnmgdVmFromCollectionFailed=Failed to remove virtual desktop {0} from the virtual desktop collection. Error: {1} AddVmToRdvhCollectionFailed=Failed to add virtual desktops to the virtual desktop collection. Error: {0} DeleteVirtualDesktopFailed=Failed to delete virtual desktops from the collection. RdvmCollectionNotFound=No virtual desktop collection was found. SpecifiedVmCollNotFound=The virtual desktop collection "{0}" could not be found. GetVirtDesktopFailed=Failed to get virtual desktops. Error: {0} RemovingVirtDesktopFromCollection=Removing virtual desktops from the collection... CollectionDeleted=The virtual desktop collection was successfully deleted. SpecifyVmAllocation=Cannot add an existing virtual desktop to a managed virtual desktop collection. Instead, specify how many virtual desktops to add for each server by using the VirtualDesktopAllocation parameter. SpecifyVmList=Specify a list of already existing virtual machines to be added to the unmanaged virtual desktop collection. RecreateErrorNotManagedVmCollection=This virtual desktop collection cannot be recreated because it is not a managed collection. RecreateErrorNotSharedVmCollection=This virtual desktop collection cannot be recreated because it is not a pooled virtual desktop collection. VmCollectionNotFound=The virtual desktop collection for {0} could not be found. Error: {1} VmCollectionPropNotFound=The virtual desktop collection properties could not be found. VmCollectionProvPropNotFound=Provisioning properties for the collection could not be found. ErrorExportFailed=Failed to export the virtual desktop template. FailedToSaveVmCollProp=Failed to save the collection properties. FailedToScheduleVmCollRecreate=Failed to schedule a Recreate operation for the managed virtual desktop collection. ScheduledVmCollRecreate=Successfully scheduled a Recreate operation for the managed virtual desktop collection. To check the job status, use "Get-RDVirtualDesktopCollectionJobStatus." FailedToGetStatusNotManaged=The job status of a virtual desktop collection cannot be retrieved because it is not a managed collection. FailedToGetCollectionState=The job status of a virtual desktop collection cannot be retrieved. Error: {0} FailedToGetStatusNotShared=The updated status of a virtual desktop collection cannot be retrieved because it is not a pooled virtual desktop collection. FailedToGetRecreateProps=Failed to retrieve pending Recreate job properties. FailedToGetJobReport=Failed to retrieve job report. PDAssignErrorNotPDPool=The specified virtual desktop collection is not a personal virtual desktop collection. ErrorNotPDPool=The specified virtual desktop {0} is not in a personal virtual desktop collection. InvalidUserName=Specify a correct user name in the format domain\\user. FailedToFindVirtualDesktop=Failed to find a virtual desktop with the specified name {0}. Specify a valid virtual desktop name. FailedToFindVirtualDesktopWmi=Failed to find a virtual desktop with the specified name {0}. Specify a valid virtual desktop name. Error: {1} VirtDesktopNotAMemeberOfSpecifiedPool=The virtual desktop {0} is not a member of the specified virtual desktop collection. UserAlreadyAssigned=The virtual desktop is already assigned to user {0}\\{1}. FailedToRemovePDAssignment=Failed to clear current desktop assignment. FailedToSetPDAssignment=Failed to set the personal virtual desktop assignment. SetPDAssignSuccess=User {0} has been assigned the personal virtual desktop {1} in collection {2}. PDAssignErrorNoCurrentAssignment=User is not assigned any personal virtual desktop in this collection. RemovePDAssignSuccess=Successfully removed personal virtual desktop assignment. FailedToGetProvXml=Failed to generate provisioning XML. ErrorEmptyVmList=Specify at least one virtual machine for the unmanaged virtual desktop pool. VirtDesktopAlreadyAMember=The virtual desktop {0} is already a member of collection {1}. CentralStorageCanNotBeEmpty=The CentralStoragePath parameter cannot be empty for this storage type. InvalidSanStoragePath=Specify the central SAN storage path in the format DriveLetter:\\ClusterStorage\\VolumeX\\Folder. InvalidUnattendFilePath=The unattend answer file path is not valid; please specify the full path to the unattend answer file. FailedToLoadUnattendFile=Failed to load the specified unattend answer xml file; verify that it is in the correct format. InvalidUnattendNoCompName=Specify an unattend answer file without ComputerName. InvalidUnattendNoDomainJoin=Specify an unattend answer file without domain join information. InvalidRdvhFqdn=Server name {0} is not a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Specify all server names in FQDN format in the -VirtualDesktopAllocation parameter. InvalidRdvhRoleNotFound=Server name {0} could not be found on the RD Virtualization Host servers in the deployment. Specify the correct server name in the -VirtualDesktopAllocation parameter. InvalidRdvhRoleNotFoundGeneric=Server name {0} could not be found on the RD Virtualization Host servers in the deployment. FailedToFindMasterVm=A virtual desktop template named {0} could not be found. FailedToGetMasterVmInfo=Failed to validate the virtual desktop template. Error: {0}. \nVerify that the virtual desktop template is sysprep generalized, in stopped state, and connected to the network, and that it has at least 1 GB of RAM. ErrorMasterVmNotGeneralized=The specified virtual desktop template is not sysprep generalized. ExportRootNotFound=The virtual desktop export path could not be found in deployment properties. ExportRootInvalid=The virtual desktop template export path {0} is either invalid or unreachable. Please make sure that the path is reachable or specify a different virtual desktop template export path using Set-RDVirtualDesktopTemplateExportPath. FailedToCreateFolder=Failed to create folder: {0} \nError: {1} FailedToGetComputerObject=Failed to retrieve computer object from the server: {0} FailedToGetComputerObjectWmi=Failed to retrieve computer object from the server: {0} \nError: {1} FailedToSetFolderPermission=Failed to set permissions on folder: {0} \nError: {1} ErrFailedToQueryRunningJob=Failed to query the running jobs for the virtual desktop collection. ErrProvJobAlreadyScheduled=The operation cannot be performed on the virtual desktop collection because a provisioning job is already scheduled. ErrVmCollectionRequiresUserGroups=You specified an empty list of user groups to which to assign the virtual desktop collection. The collection must be assigned to at least one user group. FailedToCancelCollJob=The collection job could not be stopped. Error: {0} ErrCollectionJobCancelInvalidState=The Stop operation is not possible in current collection state: {0} ErrStartTimeGTLogoffTime=Verify that the StartTime is earlier than the ForceLogoffTime. MovingVirtualDesktop=Moving virtual desktop {0} from server {1} to {2}. This may take a few minutes... MovingVirtualDesktopSucceeded=Moving the virtual desktop succeeded. MovingVirtualDesktopFailed=Moving the virtual desktop failed. Refer to the event logs on the source server. EnsuringGoldCacheExists=Verifying that a copy of the virtual desktop template exists on the destination server {0}... MoveOperationRequiresCredentials=The virtual desktop move operation on the remote server requires credentials. RemoveVmCollMsg=The virtual desktop collection {0} will be removed. RemoveVmsFromCollMsg=The specified virtual desktops will be removed from the collection. RemovePatch=The specified patching task will be removed. RemovePatches=All patching tasks will be removed. NoAssignedPDFoundInCollection=No personal virtual desktop has been assigned to any user in the collection that you specified. SpecifiedPDNotAssigned=The specified virtual desktop has not been assigned to any user. WrnAutoAssignNotApplicable=Auto-assignment of a personal virtual desktop is not applicable for this collection type. WrnGrantAdminNotApplicable=Administrative privileges cannot be enabled for this collection type. RemovePDAssignmentMsg=The personal virtual desktop assignment for user [{0}] to virtual desktop [{1}] will be removed. ErrReadingConcurrencyFactor=Failed to read a concurrency factor from RD Virtualization Host server: {0}\nError: {1} ErrSettingConcurrencyFactor=Failed to set a concurrency factor on RD Virtualization Host server: {0}\nError: {1} ErrInvalidConcurrencyType=Concurrency value type "{0}" specified for {1} is unexpected. Expected: "System.Int32" ErrInvalidConcurrencyRange=Concurrency value {0} specified for {1} is out of range. Valid range: [1..5] SettingConcurrencyFactor=Setting concurrency factor on RD Virtualization Host server: {0}... UnsupportedVirtualDesktopTemplateOption=Parameter "{0}" is supported only for managed personal virtual desktop collections. ErrSettingReuseVmAdAccount=Failed to set the Reuse Virtual Desktop property on RD Connection Broker server: {0} \nError: {1} ErrReadingReuseVmAdAccount=Failed to read the Reuse Virtual Desktop property from RD Connection Broker server: {0} \nError: {1} WrnOUAccessNotGranted=Access to organizational unit {0} is not granted. ShouldContinueOUAccessNotGranted=Access to organizational unit {0} is not granted. Do you want to ignore and continue? # # UserVHD Share ACL # GetFolderPathWmiError=Error retrieving the folder path: {0} GetComputerWmiError=Error retrieving the computer name for {0}: {1} GetComputerError=Error retrieving the computer name for {0} FolderPathStatusInvalid=Folder path status is not valid: {0} FolderPathTypeInvalid=Folder path type is not valid: {0} FolderPathNotShareFormat=Folder path type is not in a UNC format. ModifyACLFailed=Warning: ACL on folder {0} could not be modified. ErrReadingIdleVmCount=Failed to read Virtual Desktop Idle Count from RD Virtualization Host server: {0}\nError: {1} ErrSettingIdleVmCount=Failed to set Virtual Desktop Idle Count on RD Virtualization Host server: {0}\nError: {1} ErrInvalidIdleVmCountType=Virtual Desktop Idle Count type "{0}" specified for {1} is unexpected. Expected: "System.Int32" UpdateVmCollMsg=All the virtual desktops in the virtual desktop collection {0} will be updated with the specified virtual desktop template. FailedToGetVirtualDesktop=Failed to retrieve the virtual desktop {0}.\nError: {1} DefaultPatchPluginName=Default Patch plug-in ErrSettingHostConfiguration=Failed to set "{0}" on RD Virtualization Host server: {1}\nError: {2} InvalidHostConfigurationSetting="{0}" is supported only for managed virtual desktop collections with rollback enabled. StopProvJobMsg=The provisioning job for this collection will be cancelled. ModifyRollbackEnableFailed=Failed to modify the Rollback property of the collection.\nError: {0} # # Workspace # GetListOfConnectionBrokersFailed=Failed to obtain list of RD Connection Broker servers. GetListOfRDWAServersFailed=Failed to obtain list of RD Web Access servers. NoWorkspacesInRDMgmt=No workspaces found on RD Connection Broker server {0}. SetRemoteWebConfigFileFailed=Failed to update web.config on {0}. SetWorkspaceNameFailed=Failed to update workspace name. GetWorkspacesWmiError=Failed to get workspace objects on RD Connection Broker server {0}.\nError: {1} WriteWorkspaceWmiError=Failed to update the workspace on RD Connection Broker server {0}.\nError: {1} UpdateBrokersInProgress=Updating RD Connection Broker server {0} of {1}... UpdateRDWAsInProgres=Updating RD Web Access server {0} of {1}... SetWorkspaceBadServers=Unable to set the workspace name; one or more of the RD Connection Broker servers or RD Web Access servers in the deployment is unavailable or misconfigured. Remove these servers from the deployment by using Remove-RDServer, and then try again.\nUnavailable RD Connection Broker servers: {0}\nMisconfigured RD Connection Broker servers: {1}\nUnavailable RD Web Access servers: {2}\nMisconfigured RD Web Access servers: {3} SetWorkspaceOfflineRdwa=Could not determine the existence of the RD Web Access web.config file on server {0}.\nError: {1} SetWorkspaceMissingWebConfig=Could not find the RD Web Access web.config file on server {0}. # # PublishedDesktop # NoPublishedDesktopsAvailable=No published virtual or physical desktops found. GetPublishedDesktopsWmiError=Error retrieving published virtual or physical desktops: {0} WarnUserRemovingAllPublishedAppsWhatif=Allowing virtual or physical desktops to show in RD Web Access will remove all your published RemoteApp programs. WarnUserRemovingAllPublishedApps=Allowing virtual or physical desktops to show in RD Web Access will remove all your published RemoteApp programs. Do you wish to continue? WarnUserTitleRemovingPubApps=Warning: Removing published RemoteApp programs... RemovingPubAppsInProgress=Removing published RemoteApp program {0} of {1}... UpdatingDesktopInProgress=Updating the virtual or physical desktop connection... # # Firewall enable/disable # FirewallDisableFailedError=Failed to disable the firewall on virtual desktop {0}. FirewallDisableFailedWmiError=Failed to disable the firewall on virtual desktop {0} due to a WMI error. \nError: {1} FirewallDisableFailedErrorCode=Failed to disable the firewall on virtual desktop {0}. \nError: {1} FirewallEnableFailedError=Failed to re-enable the firewall on virtual desktop {0}. FirewallEnableFailedWmiError=Failed to re-enable the firewall on virtual desktop {0} due to a WMI error. \nError: {1} FirewallEnableFailedErrorCode=Failed to re-enable the firewall on virtual desktop {0}. \nError: {1} # # Start Menu Applications # NoVMsFoundInCollectionError=Could not find any virtual desktops in collection {0}. VMNotFoundInCollectionError=Could not find any virtual desktops named {0} in collection {1}. NoSessionHostsFoundInCollectionError=Could not find any RD Session Host servers in collection {0}. NoRunningSessionHostsFoundInCollectionError=Could not find any RD Session Host servers in collection {0} that are accepting connections. StartMenuPreparingVmInProgress=Preparing virtual machine '{0}' to allow retrieving available applications... RetreivingAppsInProgress=Retrieving available applications... # # GateWay Deployment Property Errors # GetGatewayUsageFailed=Failed to obtain RD Gateway Usage property. \nError: {0} GetGatewayNameFailed=Failed to obtain RD Gateway Name property. \nError: {0} GetGatewayAuthModeFailed=Failed to obtain RD Gateway Authentication Mode property. \nError: {0} GetGatewayUseCachedCredsFailed=Failed to obtain RD Gateway Use Cached Credentials property. \nError: {0} GetGatewayPropertiesWmiError=Failed to retrieve RD Gateway properties: {0} WarnChangingGatewaySettingsMessage=Changing RD Gateway settings of the Remote Desktop deployment. Do you want to continue? ErrorCustomGatewayProperties=Your gateway mode is "{0}", but you attempted to update one or more of the following RD Gateway properties which can only be modified when the gateway mode is "Custom": {1}. ErrorMissingCustomGatewayProperties=The following RD Gateway properties are required when gateway mode is "Custom": {0}. # # RemoteApp Publishing # LookupCollectionWmiError=Error looking up collection info: {0} GetRemoteAppsWmiError=Error retrieving the RemoteApp programs: {0} GetFtasWmiError=Error retrieving file type associations: {0} SetFtaDoesNotExistError=The specified file type association cannot be modified because it does not exist.\nCollection name: {0}\nApp alias: {1}\nFile extension name: {2} InvalidAppObjectError=The object for RemoteApp program {0} is corrupted; it refers to a non-existent collection: {1}. InvalidFtaObjectError=The object for file type association {0} is corrupted; it refers to a non-existent collection: {1}. TSGetIconResolveEnvVarError=Error resolving environment variables in the icon path:\nComputer name: {0}\nIcon path: {1}\nError: {2} TSGetIconError=Error retrieving icon contents:\nComputer name: {0}\nIcon path: {1}\nIcon index: {2}\nError: {3} TSGetIconNoIconFound=Could not find the specified icon:\nComputer name: {0}\nIcon path: {1}\nIcon index: {2} InvalidIconPath=The specified icon path {0} is not valid. Specify a valid icon path. RemoteAppValidIconRequiredError=RemoteApp programs must have a valid icon, but the icon you specified does not appear to be valid. RemoteAppInvalidAlias=The specified AppAlias, {0}, is not valid. Specify an alias that is at least 1 character and does not contain any of the following characters: {1} RemoteAppInvalidDisplayName=The specified DisplayName, {0}, is not valid. Specify a name that is fewer than {1} characters and does not contain any of the following characters: {2} RemoteAppInvalidAppPath=The specified AppPath, {0}, is not valid. Specify a valid file path. RemoteAppInvalidFolder=The specified Folder, {0}, is not valid. Specify a folder name that is fewer than {1} characters, is not '.' or '..', and does not contain any of the following characters: {2} RemoteAppInvalidFolderLowChars=The specified Folder, {0}, is not valid. Specify a folder name that does not contain special characters. RemoteAppDoesNotExist=The specified RemoteApp program does not exist.\nCollectionName: {0}\nAppAlias: {1} NewRemoteAppDoesNotExist=The newly created RemoteApp program does not exist.\nCollectionName: {0}\nAppAlias: {1} ConfirmRemoveRemoteAppMsg=RemoteApp program '{0}' in collection '{1}' RemoteAppAlreadyExistsError=A RemoteApp program with alias '{0}' already exists in collection '{1}'; specify a different alias or collection, and then try again. CouldNotFindRemoteAppByName=Could not find any RemoteApp programs that matched DisplayName '{0}'. NewAppPreparingVmInProgress=Preparing virtual machine '{0}' to allow publishing RemoteApp programs... GetAppIconInProgress=Generating the icon for the RemoteApp program... PublishingAppsInProgress=Publishing the RemoteApp program... UpdatingAppInProgress=Updating the RemoteApp program... GetFtaIconInProgress=Generating the icon for the file type association... UpdateFtaInProgress=Updating the file type association... ErrorRdshOffline=Cannot reach RD Session Host server {0}.\nError: {1} ErrorRdshMisconfigured=Could not find any instances of WMI class {0} on RD Session Host server {1}. ErrorInvalidSessionHostsCollection=Unable to modify publishing settings for collection {0} because one or more of the collection's RD Session Host servers are unreachable or misconfigured. Remove these RD Session Host servers from the collection by using the Remove-RDSessionHost cmdlet, and then try again.\nUnreachable RD Session Host servers: {1}\nMisconfigured RD Session Host servers: {2} ErrorInvalidSessionHosts=Unable to modify settings, because one or more RD Session Host servers are unreachable or misconfigured. Remove these RD Session Host servers by using the Remove-RDSessionHost cmdlet, and then try again.\nUnreachable RD Session Host servers: {0}\nMisconfigured RD Session Host servers: {1} RDSHCollectionNotFoundTryVdi=No session collection {0} was found. For virtual desktop collections, please ensure that the -VirtualDesktopName parameter is specified. # # Sessions # GetSdSessionWmiError=Failed to get user sessions from RD Connection Broker server {0}. SessionAccessDenied=Access was denied. SessionNotExist=Specified session does not exist. SessionVMNotRunning=The virtual desktop that is hosting the session is not running. HostDoesNotExist=Specified server is not reachable or does not exist. BrokerConnectError=Error connecting to RD Connection Broker server {0}. MessageSendSuccess=Message sent. MessageSendFailure=Failed to send message. SessionLogoffSuccess=User session signed out. SessionLogoffFailure=Failed to sign out from user session. SessionDisconnectSuccess=User session disconnected. SessionDisconnectFailure=Failed to disconnect user session. NoUserSessionFound=No user sessions were found matching the specified criteria. LogoffUsrSessionMsg=The user session {0} will be logged off from the server {1}. DisconUsrSessionMsg=The user session {0} will be disconnected from the server {1}. # # Virtual Desktop Collection # ErrorRetrievingCollection=Virtual desktop collection {0} was not found. ErrorWritingVDColProps=Error writing out properties for virtual desktop collection: {0}. FailedToSetDeviceRedirectionOptions=Failed to set device redirection options: {0} FailedToSetRedirectClientPrinter=Failed to set redirect client printer: {0} FailedToSetMaxMonitors=Failed to set the number of maximum monitors: {0} ExceptionDisablingUserVHD=Exception encountered while trying to disable the user profile disk: {0} FailedToGetDeviceRedirectionOptions=Failed to get device redirection options: {0} FailedToGetMaxMonitors=Failed to get the number of maximum monitors: {0} FailedToGetRedirectClientPrinter=Failed to get redirect client printer: {0} FailedToRetrieveClientProperties=Failed to retrieve client properties: {0} NoVirtualDesktopsFound=No virtual desktops were found that matched the specified criteria. '@