This schema defines attributes and simpleTypes that can be referenced from any other part of MAML. Describes the type of media file format. Describes the type of alert. Describes the development language for a specific part of a document. Describes the attached content with a unique ID/GUID/URI to reference for purposes such as sharing and hyperlinking. Provides a set of attributes for identifying and marking content for sharing and conditional filtering. Describes one or more conditions for a particular part of a document. Use conditions to filter the parts of a document that appear in the final output. Each condition can be based on user state or computer state. For example, a step in a procedure does not appear if the user is not logged on as an administrator; a link appears only if a particular peripheral device is installed. Specify conditions in URI notation. Specifies the content fragment that replaces the parent element at presentation time. An empty reference cannot be defined for a content fragment. Actual content is always used as a placeholder, the required content fragment replaces the placeholder at presentation time. Specifies one or more subsequent elements to replace when the parent element consists of multiple root elements. The first element always uses the value of the replaceWith attribute; subsequent elements use the value of the conditionalDelete attribute. Includes the common attributes, allows character data and the notLocalizable element. This type includes the common attributes and allows integer data. Intended for creating empty elements without attributes. There is no schema type for empty. Identifies a span of text that should not be localized.