This schema definition defines common hierarchy types for the Content Studio Schema. This schema is part of the base layer.
Describes the content model for the reusableContent content type. A typical reusableContent topic consists of a collection of content that can be shared among multiple documents. Each entry has a unique ID, which facilitates linking. An entry can contain a wide variety of content, ranging from a string to an entire section of a document.
Provides a general container for any MAML content. This content must be in the MAML namespace and conform to the rules specified in the schema. Strict validation is performed on MAML parts.
Contains a block of data that defines a Help behavior. The helpBehavior element allows authors to extend standard help behaviors with custom code in the form of .NET assemblies.
Specifies a qualified name identifying the assembly to be called.
Specifies the name of the assembly.
Identifies the name of the helpBehavior object to invoke the method on.
Specifies the name of the class to invoke.
Specifies the name of the assembly method to call, if any.
Name of the assembly method to call.
Defines a list of parameters to pass to the target behavior.
Allows the inclusion of XML fragments from any other namespace.
Describes the attached content with a unique ID/GUID/URI to reference for purposes such as sharing and hyperlinking.
Specifies the class of helpBehavior.
Specifies the type of content for the document.
Describes a section within a document. The section element supports recursion (in other words, an instance of a section element can have one or more section elements as children). The section element defines the hierarchy of sections within a topic through nesting. Each section corresponds to a heading level in the final, rendered document. For example, the top section is equivalent to the first heading level and a child section of that element would be the second level.
Contains a collection of section elements. The sections element encloses the major body of the document.
Describes a span of authored content.
Describes a collection of links, typically used for the "Related Topics" section of a document. The purpose of this element is to provide links to topics that may be of further interest to the user.
Describes copyright information for a document.