MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Tp2036Ϸ.41RichPEdNPT"  B@` x @`p.text@B `.dataO`F@.pdata L@@.idataZ@@.rsrc r@@.reloc|@B@@@`@@@ @@``PPp`@p@`PP `P0p@@p@p0 ` @ P p P0'*+-P007@8`9:>p@ApB`FG`NNOOOzPz{Є@0@p```p`P    pNPT&xd@e@ @ 0x%8.8x - Unable to connect to BITSInvalid command out of memory has no closing quote warning: quoted string in line : contains no remote file name line : contains no local file name contains no local file name to Unicode. error converting line : extra characters after the local file name rb. , local name: remote name: file(s) read from error near line ,%I64u:%I64u%I64u:%3c' is not a valid range. '0123456789abcdef serverproxy' is not a valid credential target. It must be 'proxy' or 'server'. basicdigestntlmnegotiatepassportis not a valid credential scheme. It must be one of the following: basic digest ntlm negotiate passport %u.%u.%uAdministrative tools for the BITS service are now provided by BITS PowerShell cmdlets. BITSAdmin is deprecated and is not guaranteed to be available in future versions of Windows. (C) Copyright 2000-2006 Microsoft Corp. BITS administration utility. ] BITSADMIN version 3.0 [ The following commands are available: /HELP Prints this help /? Prints this help /UTIL /? Prints the list of utilities commands /PEERCACHING /? Prints the list of commands to manage Peercaching /CACHE /? Prints the list of cache management commands /PEERS /? Prints the list of peer management commands /LIST [/ALLUSERS] [/VERBOSE] List the jobs /MONITOR [/ALLUSERS] [/REFRESH sec] Monitors the copy manager /RESET [/ALLUSERS] Deletes all jobs in the manager /TRANSFER <job name> [type] [/PRIORITY priority] [/ACLFLAGS flags] remote_url local_name Transfers one of more files. [type] may be /DOWNLOAD or /UPLOAD; default is download Multiple URL/file pairs may be specified. Unlike most commands, <job name> may only be a name and not a GUID. /CREATE [type] <job name> Creates a job [type] may be /DOWNLOAD, /UPLOAD, or /UPLOAD-REPLY; default is download Unlike most commands, <job name> may only be a name and not a GUID. /INFO <job> [/VERBOSE] Displays information about the job /ADDFILE <job> <remote_url> <local_name> Adds a file to the job /ADDFILESET <job> <textfile> Adds multiple files to the job Each line of <textfile> lists a file's remote name and local name, separated by spaces. A line beginning with '#' is treated as a comment. Once the file set is read into memory, the contents are added to the job. /ADDFILEWITHRANGES <job> <remote_url> <local_name range_list> Like /ADDFILE, but BITS will read only selected byte ranges of the URL. range_list is a comma-delimited series of offset and length pairs. For example, 0:100,2000:100,5000:eof instructs BITS to read 100 bytes starting at offset zero, 100 bytes starting at offset 2000, and the remainder of the URL starting at offset 5000. /REPLACEREMOTEPREFIX <job> <old_prefix> <new_prefix> All files whose URL begins with <old_prefix> are changed to use <new_prefix> Note that BITS currently supports HTTP/HTTPS downloads and uploads. It also supports UNC paths and file:// paths as URLS /LISTFILES <job> Lists the files in the job /SUSPEND <job> Suspends the job /RESUME <job> Resumes the job /CANCEL <job> Cancels the job /COMPLETE <job> Completes the job /GETTYPE <job> Retrieves the job type /GETACLFLAGS <job> Retrieves the ACL propagation flags /SETACLFLAGS <job> <ACL_flags> Sets the ACL propagation flags for the job O - OWNER G - GROUP D - DACL S - SACL Examples: bitsadmin /setaclflags MyJob OGDS bitsadmin /setaclflags MyJob OGD /GETBYTESTOTAL <job> Retrieves the size of the job /GETBYTESTRANSFERRED <job> Retrieves the number of bytes transferred /GETFILESTOTAL <job> Retrieves the number of files in the job /GETFILESTRANSFERRED <job> Retrieves the number of files transferred /GETCREATIONTIME <job> Retrieves the job creation time /GETMODIFICATIONTIME <job> Retrieves the job modification time /GETCOMPLETIONTIME <job> Retrieves the job completion time /GETSTATE <job> Retrieves the job state /GETERROR <job> Retrieves detailed error information /GETOWNER <job> Retrieves the job owner /GETDISPLAYNAME <job> Retrieves the job display name /SETDISPLAYNAME <job> <display_name> Sets the job display name /GETDESCRIPTION <job> Retrieves the job description /SETDESCRIPTION <job> <description> Sets the job description /GETPRIORITY <job> Retrieves the job priority /SETPRIORITY <job> <priority> Sets the job priority Priority usage choices: FOREGROUND HIGH NORMAL LOW /GETNOTIFYFLAGS <job> Retrieves the notify flags /SETNOTIFYFLAGS <job> <notify_flags> Sets the notify flags For more help on this option, please refer to the MSDN help page for SetNotifyFlags/GETNOTIFYINTERFACE <job> Determines if notify interface is registered /GETMINRETRYDELAY <job> Retrieves the retry delay in seconds /SETMINRETRYDELAY <job> <retry_delay> Sets the retry delay in seconds /GETNOPROGRESSTIMEOUT <job> Retrieves the no progress timeout in seconds /SETNOPROGRESSTIMEOUT <job> <timeout> Sets the no progress timeout in seconds /GETMAXDOWNLOADTIME <job> Retrieves the download timeout in seconds /SETMAXDOWNLOADTIME <job> <timeout> Sets the download timeout in seconds /GETERRORCOUNT <job> Retrieves an error count for the job /SETPROXYSETTINGS <job> <usage> Sets the proxy usage usage choices: PRECONFIG - Use the owner's default Internet settings. AUTODETECT - Force autodetection of proxy. NO_PROXY - Do not use a proxy server. OVERRIDE - Use an explicit proxy list and bypass list. Must be followed by a proxy list and a proxy bypass list. NULL or "" may be used for an empty proxy bypass list. Examples: bitsadmin /setproxysettings MyJob PRECONFIG bitsadmin /setproxysettings MyJob AUTODETECT bitsadmin /setproxysettings MyJob NO_PROXY bitsadmin /setproxysettings MyJob OVERRIDE proxy1:80 "<local>" bitsadmin /setproxysettings MyJob OVERRIDE proxy1,proxy2,proxy3 NULL /GETPROXYUSAGE <job> Retrieves the proxy usage setting /GETPROXYLIST <job> Retrieves the proxy list /GETPROXYBYPASSLIST <job> Retrieves the proxy bypass list /TAKEOWNERSHIP <job> Take ownership of the job /SETNOTIFYCMDLINE <job> <program_name> [program_parameters] Sets a program to execute for notification, and optionally parameters. The program name and parameters can be NULL. IMPORTANT: if parameters are non-NULL, then the program name should be the first parameter. Examples: bitsadmin /SetNotifyCmdLine MyJob c:\winnt\system32\notepad.exe NULL bitsadmin /SetNotifyCmdLine MyJob c:\callback.exe "c:\callback.exe parm1 parm2" bitsadmin /SetNotifyCmdLine MyJob NULL NULL /GETNOTIFYCMDLINE <job> Returns the job's notification command line /SETCREDENTIALS <job> <target> <scheme> <username> <password> Adds credentials to a job. <target> may be either SERVER or PROXY <scheme> may be BASIC, DIGEST, NTLM, NEGOTIATE, or PASSPORT. /REMOVECREDENTIALS <job> <target> <scheme> Removes credentials from a job. /GETCUSTOMHEADERS <job> Gets the Custom HTTP Headers /SETCUSTOMHEADERS <job> <header1> <header2> <...> Sets the Custom HTTP Headers /GETCLIENTCERTIFICATE <job> Gets the job's Client Certificate Information /SETCLIENTCERTIFICATEBYID <job> <store_location> <store_name> <hexa-decimal_cert_id> Sets a client authentication certificate to a job. <store_location> may be 1(CURRENT_USER), 2(LOCAL_MACHINE), 3(CURRENT_SERVICE), 4(SERVICES), 5(USERS), 6(CURRENT_USER_GROUP_POLICY), 7(LOCAL_MACHINE_GROUP_POLICY) or 8(LOCAL_MACHINE_ENTERPRISE). /SETCLIENTCERTIFICATEBYNAME <job> <store_location> <store_name> <subject_name> Sets a client authentication certificate to a job. <store_location> may be 1(CURRENT_USER), 2(LOCAL_MACHINE), 3(CURRENT_SERVICE), 4(SERVICES), 5(USERS), 6(CURRENT_USER_GROUP_POLICY), 7(LOCAL_MACHINE_GROUP_POLICY) or 8(LOCAL_MACHINE_ENTERPRISE). /REMOVECLIENTCERTIFICATE <job> Removes the Client Certificate Information from the job /SETSECURITYFLAGS <job> <value> Sets the HTTP security flags for URL redirection and checks performed on the server certificate during the transfer. The value is an unsigned integer with the following interpretation for the bits in the binary representation. Enable CRL Check : Set the least significant bit Ignore invalid common name in server certificate : Set the 2nd bit from right Ignore invalid date in server certificate : Set the 3rd bit from right Ignore invalid certificate authority in server certificate : Set the 4th bit from right Ignore invalid usage of certificate : Set the 5th bit from right Redirection policy : Controlled by the 9th-11th bits from right 0,0,0 - Redirects will be automatically allowed. 0,0,1 - Remote name in the IBackgroundCopyFile interface will be updated if a redirect occurs. 0,1,0 - BITS will fail the job if a redirect occurs. Allow redirection from HTTPS to HTTP : Set the 12th bit from right /GETSECURITYFLAGS <job> Reports the HTTP security flags for URL redirection and checks performed on the server certificate during the transfer. /SETVALIDATIONSTATE <job> <file-index> <true|false> <file-index> starts from 0 Sets the content-validation state of the given file within the job. /GETVALIDATIONSTATE <job> <file-index> <file-index> starts from 0 Reports the content-validation state of the given file within the job. /GETTEMPORARYNAME <job> <file-index> <file-index> starts from 0 Reports the temporary filename of the given file within the job. The following options control peercaching of a particular job: /SETPEERCACHINGFLAGS <job> <value> Sets the flags for the job's peercaching behavior. The value is an unsigned integer with the following interpretation for the bits in the binary representation. Allow the job's data to be downloaded from a peer : Set the least significant bit Allow the job's data to be served to peers : Set the 2nd bit from right /GETPEERCACHINGFLAGS <job> Reports the flags for the job's peercaching behavior. The following options are valid for UPLOAD-REPLY jobs only: /GETREPLYFILENAME <job> Gets the path of the file containing the server reply /SETREPLYFILENAME <job> <path> Sets the path of the file containing the server reply /GETREPLYPROGRESS <job> Gets the size and progress of the server reply /GETREPLYDATA <job> Dumps the server's reply data in hex format The following options can be placed before the command: /RAWRETURN Return data more suitable for parsing /WRAP Wrap output around console (default) /NOWRAP Don't wrap output around console The /RAWRETURN option strips new line characters and formatting. It is recognized by the /CREATE and /GET* commands. Commands that take a <job> parameter will accept either a job name or a job ID GUID inside braces. BITSADMIN reports an error if a name is ambiguous. /HELP/?/UTIL/LIST/MONITOR/RESET/TRANSFER/CREATE/INFO/ADDFILE/ADDFILESET/ADDFILEWITHRANGES/REPLACEREMOTEPREFIX/LISTFILES/SUSPEND/RESUME/CANCEL/COMPLETE/GETTYPE/GETACLFLAGS/SETACLFLAGS/GETBYTESTOTAL/GETBYTESTRANSFERRED/GETFILESTOTAL/GETFILESTRANSFERRED/GETCREATIONTIME/GETMODIFICATIONTIME/GETCOMPLETIONTIME/GETSTATE/GETERROR/GETOWNER/GETDISPLAYNAME/SETDISPLAYNAME/GETDESCRIPTION/SETDESCRIPTION/GETPRIORITY/SETPRIORITY/GETNOTIFYFLAGS/SETNOTIFYFLAGS/GETNOTIFYINTERFACE/GETMINRETRYDELAY/SETMINRETRYDELAY/GETNOPROGRESSTIMEOUT/SETNOPROGRESSTIMEOUT/GETMAXDOWNLOADTIME/SETMAXDOWNLOADTIME/GETERRORCOUNT/GETPROXYUSAGE/GETPROXYLIST/GETPROXYBYPASSLIST/SETPROXYSETTINGS/TAKEOWNERSHIP/GETREPLYFILENAME/SETREPLYFILENAME/GETREPLYPROGRESS/GETREPLYDATA/GETNOTIFYCMDLINE/SETNOTIFYCMDLINE/SETCREDENTIALS/REMOVECREDENTIALS/SETPEERCACHINGFLAGS/GETPEERCACHINGFLAGS/SETCUSTOMHEADERS/GETCUSTOMHEADERS/GETCLIENTCERTIFICATE/SETCLIENTCERTIFICATEBYID/SETCLIENTCERTIFICATEBYNAME/REMOVECLIENTCERTIFICATE/SETSECURITYFLAGS/GETSECURITYFLAGS/SETVALIDATIONSTATE/GETVALIDATIONSTATE/GETTEMPORARYNAME/SETHELPERTOKENFLAGS/GETHELPERTOKENFLAGS/SETHELPERTOKEN/GETHELPERTOKENSID/GETPEERSTATS/PEERCACHING/CACHE/PEERSHeapSetInformation.OCP/RAWRETURN/WRAP/NOWRAPUnable to initialize COMÄ%zE^"{U~x`IsF4ޜeH VRQ @Pz@ޜeH VRQ}@`@n'Leq5 @`@ޜeH VRQ@0@USAGE: BITSADMIN [/RAWRETURN] [/WRAP | /NOWRAP] command G躻WFmHJ+yK6p Pf9TohE֩@@p@`@p@`@p@@p@*@q@+@q@-@(q@P0@@q@P@Pq@'@`q@@xq@p@q@`@q@@@q@@r@`@r@@(r@@8r@@Pr@@hr@P@r@@r@@r@P@r@ @s@@Hs@@ps@@s@`@s@0@s@P@s@@t@@0t@@Pt@@pt@p@t@@t@@t@p@t@0@u@@8u@@`u@@u@ @u@` @u@@ @v@P @8v@p @Xv@07@xv@@8@v@`9@v@:@v@>@w@p@0w@@Xw@@w@@w@@w@@w@@@x@@8x@0@hx@P@x@@x@@@x@@@y@@Py@@y@@y@@y@@z@p@8z@@@`z@@z@p@@z@A@z@pB@{@`F@0{@G@P{@@p{@@{@@4 Added Unable to add files to job. Unable to add files to job files to the job. Unable to get the IBackgroundCopyJob3 interface. Version 2.0 is requiredunable to read the range list. Use BITSADMIN /? for help with the format. ranges of Unable to replace the files.Success. No file matches the specified prefix. Unable to enum files in jobUnable to get file progressUnable to get file URLUnable to get local file name An exception occured while listing jobs Code:Unable to get file progress Unable to get file URL Unable to get local file name unable to get file ranges An exception occured unable to get file ranges COMPLETEDWORKING / Ranges: , length offset to eof file(s). Listed invalid file indexUnable to get the IBackgroundCopyFile3 interface. BITS version 3.0 is required.Unable to set the file's validation stateUnable to get the file's validation statefile's validation state is %liInvalid file index: -Invalid file indexUnable to get the file's temporary filename'.The temporary filename is 'Unable to suspend jobJob suspended. Unable to resume jobJob resumed. Unable to cancel jobJob canceled. Unable to complete jobJob completed. Unable to get job typeUnable to retrieve ACL flagsOGDSInvalid ACL propagation flag. Unable to set ACL flagsACL Flags set to '' Unable to get total bytes in jobUnable to get bytes transferred in jobUnable to get number of files in jobUnable to get numeber of transferred files in jobUnable to get job creation timeUnable to get job modification timeUnable to get job completion timeUnable to get errorUnable to get job stateUnable to get job ownerUnable to get job displaynameUnable to set display nameDisplay name set to Unable to set descriptionDescription set to Unable to get the IBackgroundCopyJobHttpOptions interface. Version 2.5 is requiredUnable to get Custom HTTP Request Headers(null) Unable to set Custom HTTP Request HeadersCustom HTTP Request Headers set to: Unable to get Client Certificate information from the jobNo Client Certificate is set on the job Certificate Store Location : CERT_STORE_LOCATION_CURRENT_USER Certificate Store Location : CERT_STORE_LOCATION_LOCAL_MACHINE Certificate Store Location : CERT_STORE_LOCATION_CURRENT_SERVICE Certificate Store Location : CERT_STORE_LOCATION_SERVICES Certificate Store Location : CERT_STORE_LOCATION_USERS Certificate Store Location : CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER_GROUP_POLICY Certificate Store Location : CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE_GROUP_POLICY Unknown Certificate Store Location Certificate Store Name : Certificate Hash : Failed to convert Certificate Hash Blob to Hex string. Certificate Subject Name : Unable to remove the Client Certificate from the jobRemoved the Client Certificate from the job Unable to set Client Certificate by ID\Client Certificate set to to cert hash blob. Failed to convert Unable to set Client Certificate by NameRedirects will be automatically allowed.Redirects will update the remote name in the IBackgroundCopyFile interface.BITS will fail the job if a redirect occurs.unknownHTTP security flags Enable CRL Check : Ignore invalid common name in server certificate : Ignore invalid date in server certificate : Ignore invalid certificate authority in server certificate : Ignore invalid usage of certificate : URL redirection policy : Redirection from HTTPS to HTTP allowed :Unable to set the HTTP security flagsUnable to get the HTTP security flagsThis command only works on upload jobs. The job specified is a download.Unable to get the IBackgroundCopyJob2 interface. Version 1.5 is requiredUnable to get reply file nameUnable to get reply file name /RAWRETURN should not be used with this command.The reply filename was not found.Unable to set reply file namereply file name set to progress: Unable to get reply progressUnable to get reply progress data length is Unable to get reply dataUnable to get reply data Unable to get callback command line' 'the notification command line is 'Unable to set the notification command line'. notification command line set to 'Unable to add credentialsOKUnable to remove credentialsno matching credential was found. Priority set to Unable to get notify flagsNotification flags set to Unable to get notify interfaceREGISTEREDUNREGISTEREDUnable to set new minimum retry delayMinimum retry delay set to Unable to get minimum retry delayUnable to get no progress timeoutUnable to set new no progress timeoutNo progress timeout set to Unable to get the IBackgroundCopyJob4 interface. Version 3.0 is requiredUnable to get max download timeMax download time is set to: SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\BITSMaxDownloadTimeUnable to set new max download time seconds. Max download time set to An error occured setting Max download time. Peercaching flags Enable download from peers : Enable serving to peers :Unable to get settingUnable to set' 'UNTRUSTEDMEDIUMSYSTEMPROTECTED_PROCESS0x%xunable to get thread tokenout of memoryunable to get token informationunable to check security of the current thread DISPLAY: 'GUID: TYPE: STATE: OWNER: PRIORITY: FILES: BYTES: CREATION TIME: MODIFICATION TIME: COMPLETION TIME: ACL FLAGS: NOTIFY INTERFACE: UNAVAILABLE NOTIFICATION FLAGS: RETRY DELAY: NO PROGRESS TIMEOUT: ERROR COUNT: PROXY USAGE: PROXY LIST: PROXY BYPASS LIST: DESCRIPTION: JOB FILES: NOTIFICATION COMMAND LINE: noneREPLY FILE: none ' owner MIC integrity level: owner elevated ? This job is read-only to the current CMD window because the job's mandatory . is higher than the window's level of integrity level of CUSTOM HEADERS: CLIENT CERTIFICATE INFORMATION:Certificate Store Location : CERT_STORE_LOCATION_LOCAL_MACHINE_ENTERPRISE /VERBOSEUnable to enum jobs/ALLUSERS job(s). /MONITOR will only work with the console. /REFRESH/REFRESH is missing the refresh rate. second refresh) MONITORING BACKGROUND COPY MANAGER(Unknown option ' canceled. Unable to cancel jobs canceled. out of /DYNAMIC/PRIORITY/ACLFLAGSOnly one file is permitted for uploads. Unable to create jobUnable to get the IBackgroundCopyJob5 interface. Version 5.0 is requiredUnable to enable dynamic-content downloadingUnable to set job priorityUnable to add fileUnable to set notification flagsUnable to set notification interfaceUnable to get proxy usageUnable to get proxy listUnable to get proxy bypass list/SetProxySettings must be followed by a job name or guid, then a proxy usage name Unable to set proxy settingsProxy usage set to OVERRIDE must be followed by a proxy list and a proxy bypass list proxy usage must be one of OVERRIDE, NO_PROXY, or PRECONFIG Proxy list set to Proxy bypass list set to Unable to take ownershipTook ownership of helper-token usage flags local file access : network server access :Unable to get the IBitsTokenOptions interface. Version 4 is requiredUnable to set the token usage flagsUnable to get the token usage flagsusage: sethelpertoken <jobid> or sethelpertoken <jobid> <username@domain> <password>unable to get IClientSecurity interfaceunable to set impersonation levelUnable to set the helper tokentoken set to the current userunable to create user token, error unable to impersonate user token, error token set to Unable to get the SIDthere is no helper token now.Unable to get the IBackgroundCopyFile4 interface. BITS version 3.5 is required.Unable to get stats, bytes from origin: bytes from peers: Unable to get job progressUnable to get job priorityUnable to get display nameDISPLAY: ' TYPE: %) (Transfer canceled. Unable to get job errorUnable to get error codeUnable to complete transfer. Transfer complete. TRANSFER RATE: TIME REMAINING: Unable to read console inputUnable to read job stateUnable to get guid to jobUnable to get guid to job Unable to get error URLUnable to get error file nameUnable to get error URL Unable to get error file name Unable to get error file ERROR FILE: Unable to get error code ERROR CODE: ERROR CONTEXT: DOWNLOADUPLOADUPLOAD-REPLYQUEUEDCONNECTINGTRANSFERRINGSUSPENDEDTRANSIENT_ERRORTRANSFERREDACKNOWLEDGEDCANCELLEDF=FǙꗆJŴk"WininetProxyRegistryMutexThe current user currently has the following network connection names registered (other than the default connection): There's a policy in effect that disables the storage of proxy settings per user.<none>", localsystemnetworkservicelocalserviceadvapi32.dllConvertSidToStringSidA.DEFAULTSOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet SettingsProxySettingsPerUserDefaultConnectionSettingsSoftware\Microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ConnectionsSavedLegacySettings/SETIEPROXY/GETIEPROXY/VERSION/REPAIRSERVICE/ENABLEANALYTICCHANNELThe following UTIL commands are available: /UTIL /SETIEPROXY <account> <usage> [/CONN <connection name>] Sets the Internet proxy settings for the <account> system account. Settings are applied to the default network connection, unless <connection name> is specified. account choices: LOCALSYSTEM NETWORKSERVICE LOCALSERVICE usage choices: NO_PROXY - Specify direct connection (no proxy server). AUTODETECT - Turn on autodetection of proxy. MANUAL_PROXY - Use an explicit proxy list and bypass list. Must be followed by a proxy list and a proxy bypass list. NULL or "" may be used for an empty proxy bypass list. AUTOSCRIPT - Specify a script to be executed during proxy auto discovery. Must be followed by a script URL. connection name indicates the network connection for which the new proxy settings should be applied. If not specified, the default connection will be used (usually the LAN connection). To get a list of possible connection names, use /CONN /?. Examples: bitsadmin /util /setieproxy localsystem AUTODETECT bitsadmin /util /setieproxy networkservice NO_PROXY bitsadmin /util /setieproxy localsystem MANUAL_PROXY proxy1:80 "<local>" bitsadmin /util /setieproxy localsystem MANUAL_PROXY pxy1,pxy2,pxy3 NULL bitsadmin /util /setieproxy networkservice AUTOSCRIPT http://server/get.asp bitsadmin /util /setieproxy networkservice NO_PROXY /CONN "XYZ Dialup" /UTIL /GETIEPROXY <account> [/CONN <connection name>] Retrieves the Internet proxy settings for the <account> system account. Settings refer to the default network connection, unless <connection name> is specified. account choices: LOCALSYSTEM NETWORKSERVICE LOCALSERVICE connection name indicates the network connection for which the new proxy settings should be applied. If not specified, the default connection will be used (usually the LAN connection). To get a list of possible connection names, use /CONN /?. /UTIL /VERSION [/VERBOSE] Displays the version of BITS currently active on the system. The switch /VERBOSE prints additional information useful for troubleshooting purposes. /UTIL /REPAIRSERVICE [/FORCE] Attempts to repair a malfunctioning BITS service by inspecting some of the service configuration settings. The switch /FORCE indicates that the BITS service should be deleted and re-created if repairing the settings does not clear the errors in starting the BITS service. Use this command with caution as it is not possible to revert the changes. /UTIL /ENABLEANALYTICCHANNEL TRUE/FALSE Enables/Disables the BITS Client Analytic channel Note that for /SETIEPROXY, /ENABLEANALYTICCHANNEL, and /REPAIRSERVICE commands administrator privileges are required. localsystemnetworkserviceInvalid argument: the networkservice account cannot be specified on Windows 2000 systems. localserviceInvalid argument: the localservice account cannot be specified on Invalid argument: invalid name for system account. AUTODETECT MANUAL_PROXY AUTOSCRIPT /SETIEPROXY must be followed by a system account name and a proxy usage name Error converting arguments to unicode strings. /CONNError converting argument to unicode strings. /HELP/?Invalid connection name value specified with /CONN - Unable to set Internet proxy settings set to NO_PROXY. Internet proxy settings for account ) default(connection = set to AUTODETECT. MANUAL_PROXYMANUAL_PROXY must be followed by a proxy list and a proxy bypass list AUTOSCRIPTAUTOSCRIPT must be followed by a script URL. Invalid argument: the script URL specified for AUTOSCRIPT cannot have an empty value. Proxy auto discovery script set to Internet proxy usage must be one of NO_PROXY, AUTODETECT, MANUAL_PROXY, or AUTOSCRIPT were set. Proxy usage set to Proxy list set to Windows 2000 systems do not support Internet proxy settings for service accounts. This command, even if successful, may not have an effect on BITS jobs. /GETIEPROXY must be followed by a system account name Unable to get Internet proxy settings: Current Internet proxy settings for account Proxy usage: Proxy list: Proxy bypass: Auto discovery script URL: Error checking version. Version of BITS installed on the system: File version for BITS binaries: Pending file operations: None Checking BITS main COM interfaces... ERROR - BITS configuration errors were found!! Error code SUCCESS - no BITS configuration errors were found!! /FORCEThis command cannot be executed on this version of the operating system. Cannot execute this command - BITS binaries are not present in the system. ERROR - failed to repair the BITS service. Error code Force mode was specified -- forcing the deletion and recreation of the BITS service. SUCCESS - The BITS service is functioning normally. TRUEFALSEwevtapi.dllUnable to load wevtapi.dllEvtOpenChannelConfigError Loading procedure EvtOpenChannelConfigEvtGetChannelConfigPropertyError Loading procedure EvtGetChannelConfigPropertyEvtSetChannelConfigPropertyError Loading procedure EvtSetChannelConfigPropertyEvtSaveChannelConfigError Loading procedure EvtSaveChannelConfigMicrosoft-Windows-Bits-Client/AnalyticUnable to get Microsoft-Windows-Bits-Client/Analytic channel config propertyError setting Microsoft-Windows-Bits-Client/Analytic channel config propertyError saving Microsoft-Windows-Bits-Client/Analytic channel config propertyMicrosoft-Windows-Bits-Client/Analytic Channel EnabledMicrosoft-Windows-Bits-Client/Analytic Channel DisabledMicrosoft-Windows-Bits-Client/Analytic Channel already EnabledMicrosoft-Windows-Bits-Client/Analytic Channel already Disabled/SETCONFIGURATIONFLAGS/GETCONFIGURATIONFLAGSPeercaching management commands: /PEERCACHING /SETCONFIGURATIONFLAGS <value> Sets the flags for the computer's peercaching behavior. The value is an unsigned integer with the following interpretation for the bits in the binary representation. Enable peercaching client : Set the least significant bit Enable peercaching server : Set the 2nd bit from right /PEERCACHING /GETCONFIGURATIONFLAGS Report the flags for the computer's peercaching behavior. EnablePeercachingPeercaching configuration flags:Unable to get cacheUnable to set flagsThe update was successful, but one or more flags are overridden by Group Policy. Unable to get current flags./GETLIMIT/SETLIMIT/GETEXPIRATIONTIME/SETEXPIRATIONTIME/DELETE/DELETEURL/CLEARCache management commands: /CACHE /LIST [/VERBOSE] Lists all cache entries. /CACHE /INFO recordid [/VERBOSE] Dumps a specific cache entry. /CACHE /DELETE recordid Deletes a cache entry. /CACHE /DELETEURL url Deletes all cache entries for the given URL. /CACHE /CLEAR Purges the local cache. /CACHE /GETLIMIT Retrieves the cache limit. /CACHE /SETLIMIT percent Sets the cache size limit. /CACHE /SETLIMIT -1 Sets the cache size limit to the default. /CACHE /GETEXPIRATIONTIME Retrieves the cache expiration time. /CACHE /SETEXPIRATIONTIME secs Sets the cache expiration time. /CACHE /SETEXPIRATIONTIME -1 Sets the cache expiration time to the default. Unable to get record IDUnable to get record remote nameUnable to get access timeUnable to get file modification timeUnable to get file sizeUnable to get record remote NameUnable to get file rangesID: ORIGIN URL: VALIDATED: LAST ACCESS TIME: FILE MODIFICATION TIME: FILE SIZE: RANGES: :Unable to enum recordsPeercaching server is not enabled. cache record(s). Peercaching client is not enabled. Invalid record idUnable to get peer-cache recordUnable to delete record. Unable to delete record was deleted. Record Unable to delete recordsNo matching records. Records were deleted successfully. Unable to purge cacheThe local cache was purged. Unable to get cache size % of the system volume's size Cache limit not set as the max content size group policy is enabled. Unable to set cache limit% of the volume. Cache limit set to Unable to get Maximum Content AgeUnable to set cache expiration timeCache expiration time set to Unable to open interfaceUnable to retrieve information/DISCOVERPeer list management commands: /PEERS /LIST Lists all peers. /PEERS /CLEAR Clears the peer list. /PEERS /DISCOVER Discovers peers again. Unable to open peer list peer(s). available: authenticated: Unable to clearUnable to discoverCSIDL_ADMINTOOLSCSIDL_ALTSTARTUPCSIDL_APPDATACSIDL_BITBUCKETCSIDL_COMMON_ADMINTOOLSCSIDL_COMMON_ALTSTARTUPCSIDL_COMMON_APPDATACSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORYCSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTSCSIDL_COMMON_FAVORITESCSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMSCSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENUCSIDL_COMMON_STARTUPCSIDL_COMMON_TEMPLATESCSIDL_CONTROLSCSIDL_COOKIESCSIDL_DESKTOPCSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORYCSIDL_DRIVESCSIDL_FAVORITESCSIDL_FONTSCSIDL_HISTORYCSIDL_INTERNETCSIDL_INTERNET_CACHECSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATACSIDL_MYPICTURESCSIDL_NETHOODCSIDL_NETWORKCSIDL_PERSONALCSIDL_PRINTERSCSIDL_PRINTHOODCSIDL_PROFILECSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESCSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONCSIDL_PROGRAMSCSIDL_RECENTCSIDL_SENDTOCSIDL_STARTMENUCSIDL_STARTUPCSIDL_SYSTEMCSIDL_TEMPLATESCSIDL_WINDOWSSystem\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session ManagerPendingFileRenameOperations to Setting the value of the registry key HKLM\VerifyVersionInfo has failedVerifyVersionInfoW has failedD:P(A;;GA;;;BA)(A;;GA;;;CO) (currently missing) needed for BITS state files... Creating directory Done. %CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA%\Microsoft\Network\MaxTransferRateOnScheduleMaxTransferRateOffScheduleUseSystemMaximumMaxBandwidthValidFromMaxBandwidthValidToMaxJobsPerUserMaxJobsPerMachineMaxFilesPerJobMaxRangesPerFileMaxBandwidthValidFromSecondsMaxBandwidthValidToSecondsDisablePeerCachingServerDisablePeerCachingClientMaxBandwidthServedNot installed0.9%CSIDL_SYSTEM%\qmgr.dll%CSIDL_SYSTEM%\qmgrprxy.dll1.01.21.5%CSIDL_SYSTEM%\bitsprx2.dll%CSIDL_SYSTEM%\xpob2res.dll2.0%CSIDL_SYSTEM%\bitsprx3.dll2.5%CSIDL_SYSTEM%\bitsprx4.dll3.0%CSIDL_SYSTEM%\bitsprx5.dll%CSIDL_SYSTEM%\bitsigd.dll%CSIDL_SYSTEM%\bitsperf.dllUnknown\qmgr.dll\qmgrprxy.dll\bitsprx2.dll\bitsprx3.dll\bitsprx4.dll\bitsprx5.dll\xpob2res.dll\bitsigd.dll\bitsperf.dll\qmgr.dll.muilangIdversionfile path %-40s %-9s %s %-40s %d.%d.%d.%-4d %d Is BITS secondary service DLL active: Yes No BITS secondary service DLL path: N/A : File version for . ---> Found pending RENAME operation: Found pending DELETE operation: Error: unexpected format for entry \VarFileInfo\TranslationGroup policy controls peer caching which is: Enabled. Group policy retrieval of files from peer cache: Enabled. Group policy retrieval of files from peer cache: Disabled. Group policy retrieval of files from peer cache: Undefined. Group policy serving of files as peer cache: Enabled. Group policy serving of files as peer cache: Disabled. Group policy serving of files as peer cache: Undefined. Group policy controls peer caching which is: Disabled. Group policy undefined for peer caching. Group policy limit bandwidth: Enabled. Group policy limit bandwidth: Disabled. Group policy limit bandwidth: Undefined. Group policy daytime limit: Group policy daytime limit: Undefined. Group policy daytime start: Group policy daytime start: Undefined. Group policy daytime end: Group policy daytime end: Undefined. Group policy night time limit: Group policy night time limit: Undefined. Group policy max jobs per user: Group policy max jobs per user: Undefined. Group policy max jobs per machine: Group policy max jobs per machine: Undefined. Group policy max files per job: Group policy max files per job: Undefined. Group policy max ranges per file: Group policy max ranges per file: Undefined. Group policy max bandwidth from seconds: Group policy max bandwidth from seconds: Undefined. Group policy max bandwidth to seconds: Group policy max bandwidth to seconds: Undefined. Group policy prevent from acting as server: Enabled. Group policy prevent from acting as server: Disabled. Group policy prevent from acting as server: Undefined. Group policy prevent peer caching client: Enabled. Group policy prevent peer caching client: Disabled. Group policy prevent peer caching client: Undefined. Max cache size: Max content age: Group policy max bandwidth served: Group policy max bandwidth served: Undefined. Group policy max download time: Group policy max download time: Undefined. Is BITS's maximum network bandwidth utilization policy active? NO YES kilobits/sec. Maximum network bandwidth utilization allowed is :00. Time is expressed in the system's local time zone. :00 to This limit is enforced during the time range: Kbps. At all other times the network bandwidth utilization is limited to At all other times BITS is allowed to determine the optimal network bandwidth utilization for the system. Is BITS's job inactivity timeout policy active? day(s). YES. Timeout value is %CSIDL_SYSTEM%\qmgr.dllEnableBITSMaxBandwidthMaxTransferRateOffScheduleSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\BITSUseSystemMaximumJobInactivityTimeoutSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\BITS%CSIDL_SYSTEM%\xpob2res.dllServiceDLLMaxTransferRateOnSchedule.@.@/@8/@X/@x/@/@/@/@/@MaxBandwidthValidFromMaxBandwidthValidToServiceDllSYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BITS\Parameters%SystemRoot%\System32\qmgr.dllThe value for Parameters key is correct. ServicesActiveFailed to open SCM to check for the BITS serviceBITSFailed to find BITS serviceFailed to query the configuration of the BITS serviceWill change the start type of the BITS service from Disabled to on Demand. Current BITS service dependency list: Desired dependency list: Changing settings for the BITS service... Failed to update BITS service configuration Dependencies= StartType= SERVICE_DEMAND_STARTUpdated BITS service configuration successfully: Failed to open the service controller to check for the BITS serviceFailed to get the status of the BITS servicenetsvcsSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SvchostThis change requires a reboot of the system before it is in effect. service. Service is running, trying to stop the Status of the service is Succesfully stopped the Deleting the BITS service... Failed to delete BITS service.Could not delete service -- service is already marked for deletion Could not access BITS service.BITS Service does not exist. Proceeding... Recreating the BITS service... %SystemRoot%\system32\svchost.exe -k BITSgroup%SystemRoot%\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcsRpcssSENSWmiRpcssEventSystemRpcssBackground Intelligent Transfer Service to create the BITS service... Attempt #Failed to create service. Status code: Succeeded. Transfers files in the background using idle network bandwidth. If the service is disabled, then any functions that depend on BITS, such as Windows Update or MSN Explorer will be unable to automatically download programs and other information.Failed to initialize COM. Error: %0X Attempting to instantiate BITS main interface, IBackgroundCopyManager... The BITS service will be started if not already running. Failed to instantiate BITS IBackgroundCopyManager interface. The command /UTIL /REPAIRSERVICE might help diagnose or fix the issueSUCCESS - IBackgroundCopyManager is correctly registered and can be instantiated. SUCCESS - IBackgroundCopyJob is correctly registered. Failed to query for BITS IBackgroundCopyJob2 interface (only available on BITS 1.5 and later versions)SUCCESS - IBackgroundCopyJob2 is correctly registered. Failed to query for BITS IBackgroundCopyJob3 interface (only available on BITS 2.0 and later versions)SUCCESS - IBackgroundCopyJob3 is correctly registered. Failed to query for BITS IBackgroundCopyJobHttpOptions interface (only available on BITS 2.5 and later versions)SUCCESS - IBackgroundCopyJobHttpOptions is correctly registered. Failed to query for BITS IBackgroundCopyJob4 interface (only available on BITS 3.0 and later versions)SUCCESS - IBackgroundCopyJob4 is correctly registered. Failed to instantiate BITS Manager interface...The error code ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST usually can be fixed by re-creating the BITS service. Attempting fix... The error code ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_IN_EXE usually can be fixed by repairing the entry for BITS in its service host list of participants services. Attempting fix... The error code ERROR_SERVICE_DISABLED usually can be fixed by enabling the BITS service. Attempting fix... The error code ERROR_SERVICE_DEPENDENCY_DELETED/ERROR_SERVICE_DEPENDENCY_FAIL usually can be fixed by fixing the dependency list for the BITS service. Attempting fix... Failed to get detailed error information about the service failure to start. Detailed error code retrievedThe error code ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND usually can be fixed by making sure the directory %allusersprofile%\Application Data\Microsoft\Network exists. Attempting fix... The error code ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND usually can be fixed by recreating the key 'Parameters' associated with the BITS service. Attempting fix... Probable cause: BITS in Windows 2000 is dependent on SENS and EventSystem services. If the COM+ catalog is corrupted, BITS might fail with this error code. Suggested fix: see KB article Q315296. Probable cause: Event Log service has been disabled. Suggested fix: enable the Event Log service. Probable cause: Terminal Services optional component is installed on the machine, but the  Terminal Services service has been disabled. Suggested fix: enable the Terminal Services service or uninstall the Terminal Services optional component. Analysis of the error code does not suggest a probable cause. For more information about known issues with BITS, see the KB article Q331716 'List of Known Issues for Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)' in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at You can also post BITS-related questions and comments to the newsgroup. KӑIB3(6k L\ L|ڡ|" "("@" ,!T!H"   P"0333333??ffffff??N@Y@@ @@0ACAcAACC"`#p#X""#H"BBH"AAB8"TAlA(" @@(" <@d@("??0"+:("08!8 "770" t''("%%0"% %8"$$0"..("T&\& "-- "T&85 "//h"+,("(T* "T&,. "|??@"0|3 "33 "(* "|::("x<<0"00 "l11 18"'0 "(* "+,("+4 "+5 "++("<+$7("<+>("(( "+D,("+t- "<+L+("'d7 "== "++ "0 4 "'D2 "0-@-("<+5("= > "+H4 "T&& "40D0 "+ + "+6 "))0"T&. 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