MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $WLLLGLLELLFLLCLLLLZLLALLDLLRichLPEdSPT"  @ ` SpF@TCP.texth `.datax@.pdataT@@@.idataP@@.rsrcFpH@@.reloc@Bp@D@D@@@DD`p00PSPT"TDT80@е@\specializeProvisioningAccountDataUnsecureJoinMachinePasswordJoinDomainJoinWorkgroupCredentialsDomainUsernamePasswordMachineObjectOUDebugJoinDebugJoinOnlyOnThisErrorTimeoutPeriodInMinutes%windir%\Panther\UnattendGC\UnattendedJoinDCLocator.etlUnattendedJoinDCLocator%s: Provision computer account%s: Domain: %s%s: Machine:%s%s: MachineOU:%s%s: The operation will target the DC: %s%s: Will reuse any existing account (password will be reset)%s: Will fallback to pre-ldap provisioning algorithm%s: Provisioning blob will be saved to a file %s%s: Using default machine account password%s: Warning! Skipping account conflict search per request%s: Will return base64 encoded metadata blob%s: Offline domain join requested%s: Provisioning blob will be read from a file %s%s: WindowsPath specified:%s%s: Dumping a provisioning blob from a file: %s%s: Provisioning blob will be placed in the registry to allow setup testing%s: Test mode - actual join will not be performed%s: Encoded provision data received:%s%s: Allowing ODJ on local running OS per override switch /LOCALOS%s: CertTemplate:%s%s: PolicyNames:%s%s: PolicyPaths:%s%s: Will include root Certificate Authority certificates%s: NetbiosName:%s%s: DynamicSite:%s%s: PersistentSite:%s%s: PrimaryDSDomain:%sSoftware\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersionUnattendSettingsMicrosoft-Windows-UnattendedJoinIdentificationSoftware\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\UnattendSettings\Microsoft-Windows-UnattendedJoin\IdentificationUnattended Join%s: PROVISIONDATA could not be base64 decoded%s: Failed to pack the provisioning data%s: Processing offline domain join%s: %s data could not be base64 decoded%s: Failed to determine the local Windows installation path: %d%s: Offline domain join failed: %d%s: Offline domain join request completed successfully.%s: Loading provision data from file: %s%s: Failed to load provision data from file: %s: %d%s: Invalid input parameter combination%s: Failed to request offline domain join%s: Loading input parameters...%s: Failed to open registry key [%s]: 0x%xtrue%s: Passing %s requires explicitly setting %s%s: Passing %s or setting %s requires: %s, %s, and %s must be NULLsecret not loggedNULL%s: %s = [%s]%s: At least one of JoinWorkgroup/JoinDomain must be specified: 0x%xUnknown%s: Failed to load all required input parameters, error occured processing [%s]: 0x%x%s: Checking that auto start services have started.%s: or more are not...waiting for auto start services...%s: Calling DsGetDcName for %s...%s: DsGetDcName failed: 0x%x, last error is 0x%x, will retry in %d seconds...%s: DsGetDcName returned [%s]%ws\%ws%s: Constructed domain parameter [%s]TestMode enabled, Orchestrate* API errors ignored - %s: %sOrchestrateStartSystemServices failed: 0x%x, last error is 0x%x0Setting timeout period to default, user specified value of: %s minutes is out of range (5-60)Setting timeout period to user specified value of: %s minutes%s: Joining workgroup [%s]...%s: NetJoinDomain attempt failed because account exists: 0x%x, will try to reuse existing account...%s: NetJoinDomain attempt failed because Win8 DC required: 0x%x, will try to find a Win8 DC...%s: NetJoinDomain attempt failed: 0x%x, will retry in %d seconds...%s: NetJoinDomain succeeded!%s: NetJoinDomain failed error code is [%d]%s: UjDebugManageIPCConnect: server name %ws too long - error out \IPC$\\%ws%ws%ws%s: NetUseDel on %ws failed with %d %s: NetUseDel with force on %ws failed with %d %s: NetUseAdd to %ws returned %lu %s: NetUseAdd bad parameter is %lu %s: Trying add to %ws using NULL Session %s: NullSession NetUseAdd to %ws returned %lu %s: %s requires that JoinDomain be set.%s: DebugJoin invoked...%s: DsGetDcName test failed: 0x%x, last error is 0x%x, breaking if debugger attached...%s: NetUseDel test failed: 0x%x, last error is 0x%x, breaking if debugger attached...%s: NetUseAdd test failed: 0x%x, last error is 0x%x, breaking if debugger attached...%s: UjStartDCLocatorTraceSession: ExpandEnvironmentStringsW failed for %ws, last error is 0x%x%s: UjStartDCLocatorTraceSession: LocalAlloc failed for buffer size %d%s: UjStartDCLocatorTraceSession: StartTraceW failed with error 0x%x%s: UjStartDCLocatorTraceSession: EnableTrace failed with error 0x%x%s: Enabled DC Locator ETW tracing. Log file: %ws%s: UjStopDCLocatorTraceSession: LocalAlloc failed for buffer size %d%s: UjStopDCLocatorTraceSession: ControlTraceW (EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL_STOP) failed with error 0x%xDebugJoin unattend directive is being ignored due to not running under a Kernel debugger session .OCP.%u%s: BeginDebug mode: Will break on error: %s configuredDebug mode: Breaking to debugger on%s error: %d%s: Unable to join; gdwError = 0x%x%s: Exit, returning 0x%x%wsFT\Oo1ɵ[-Message 0x%x not found. Error %d. %ws%wsCan't retrieve message string %d (0x%x), error %d.** Cannot load string resource %d, error %d: ** %ls WdsSetupLogInitWdsSetupLogDestroyWdsSetupLogMessageAWdsSetupLogMessageWConstructPartialMsgVAConstructPartialMsgVWCurrentIP%windir%\Panther\UnattendGCwdscore.dll<unknown>[%S] %SUnattendLogWVbase\ntsetup\lib\unattendlog\src\unattendlog.cppD\\?\UNCCreatePath: Unable to create [%s]; GLE = 0x%xCreatePath: Unable to create parent directory for [%s]; GLE = 0x%x%s%s%sGlobal\OOBE_MACHINE_NAME_DONEGlobal\SC_AutoStartCompleteOrchestrateStartSystemServices: Timed out waiting for autostart services to start; timeout = %d ms.OrchestrateStartSystemServices: Unknown error occurred while waiting for services to start; hr = 0x%xOrchestrateStartSystemServices: Timed out while waiting for SCM to create autostart-done event; timeout = %d ms.OrchestrateStartSystemServices: Unable to create/open event that signals autostart services have started; hr = 0x%xOrchestrateStartSystemServices: Unable to set event to trigger start of autostart services; hr = 0x%xOrchestrateStartSystemServices: Unable to create/open event to trigger start of autostart services; hr = 0x%x HLAVnadvapi32.dllapi-ms-win-eventing-provider-l1-1-0.dllEventWriteEventRegisterEventUnregisterڹ_>Ob<u>?456789:;<=  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123@S@H@5RSDS.BCϞ=,djoin.pdbH(H uw/ H xZH(VH(HGHtGH dZH(cVLD$LL$ SVWH 3HBHH= Gx5HZLL$XHH3 xHH;wu@<3@<3HtH _^[LD$LL$ SUVWH(H3HHB H=Gx5HZLL$hHHӋC xHH;wuf,_f,_Htf/H(_^][H\$UVWH@3HH\$0E3E3@D$(fD$pD$ \$x? 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All rights reserved.< OriginalFilenamedjoin.exej%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.17415DVarFileInfo$Translation @@@@*Usage: djoin.exe [/OPTIONS] /PROVISION - Provision a computer account in the domain /DOMAIN <Name> - <Name> of the domain to join /MACHINE <Name> - Host <Name> of the computer joining the domain /MACHINEOU <OU> - Optional <OU> where the account is created /DCNAME <DC> - Optional <DC> to target for account creation /REUSE - Reuse any existing account (password will be reset) /SAVEFILE <FilePath> - Save provisioning data to a file at <FilePath> /NOSEARCH - Skip account conflict detection, requires DCNAME (faster) /DOWNLEVEL - Support using a Windows Server 2008 DC or earlier /PRINTBLOB - Return base64 encoded metadata blob for an answer file /DEFPWD - Use default machine account password (not recommended) /ROOTCACERTS - Opt. include root Certificate Authority certificates. /CERTTEMPLATE <Name> - Optional <Name> of machine certificate template. Includes root Certificate Authority certificates. /POLICYNAMES <Name(s)> - Opt. semicolon-separated list of policy names. Each name is the displayName of the GPO in AD. /POLICYPATHS <Path(s)> - Opt. semicolon-separated list of policy paths. Each path is a path to a registry policy file. /NETBIOS <Name> - Opt. Netbios <Name> of the computer joining the domain. /PSITE <Name> - Opt. <Name> of persistent site to put the computer joining the domain in. /DSITE <Name> - Opt. <Name> of dynamic site to initially put the computer joining the domain in. /PRIMARYDNS <Name> - Opt. <Name> of primary DNS domain of the computer joining the domain. /REQUESTODJ - Request offline domain join at next boot /LOADFILE <FilePath> - <FilePath> specified previously via /SAVEFILE /WINDOWSPATH <Path> - <Path> to the Windows directory in an offline image /LOCALOS - Allows /WINDOWSPATH to specify the locally running OS. This command must be run as a local Administrator. This option requires a reboot for changes to be applied. Examples: To provision a computer account in the domain: djoin.exe /PROVISION /DOMAIN <DomainName> /MACHINE <MachineName> /SAVEFILE <FilePath> Note: Other parameters are optional To request the local machine to perform an offline domain join: djoin.exe /REQUESTODJ /LOADFILE <FilePath> /WINDOWSPATH <Path> Note: Other parameters are optional ( Advanced options: /DUMP <FilePath> - Dump a provisioning blob's contents from <FilePath> /PROVISION - Provision a computer account in the domain /PRIMEREG - Stores blob in local registry, re-run djoin.exe to simulate setup. Then reboot to complete the ODJ. This option requires that you are running as an administrator. /REQUESTODJ - Request offline domain join at next boot /PRIMEREG - Stores blob in local registry, re-run djoin.exe to simulate setup. Then reboot to complete the ODJ. This option requires that you are running as an administrator. /PROVISIONDATA - Output from a previous PROVISION invocation /TEST - Test mode, NetJoinDomain is not actually called /FORCEERROR - Test mode only, NetJoinDomain failure simulated 0 DomainDnsPolicy: Name: %1!wZ! DnsDomainName: %2!wZ! DnsForestName: %3!wZ! DomainGuid: %4!s! Sid: %5!s! T DcInfo: DomainControllerName: %1!s! DomainControllerAddress: %2!s! DomainControllerAddressType: 0x%3!x! DomainGuid: %4!s! DomainName: %5!s! DnsForestName: %6!s! Flags: 0x%7!x! DcSiteName: %8!s! ClientSiteName: %9!s! d Blob version: %1!d! Blob size: %2!d!  lpDomain: %1!s! lpMachineName: %2!s! lpMachinePassword: <omitted> , Options: 0x0 4 Unknown version! hFailed to open the registry key %1!s!: 0x%2!x!. lFailed to create the registry key %1!s!: 0x%2!x!. Successfully stored the encoded provisioning blob in [%1!s!] beneath [HKLM\\%2!s!]. xSuccessfully provisioned [%1!s!] in the domain [%2!s!]. Failed to provision [%1!s!] in the domain [%2!s!]: 0x%3!x!. 4TESTMODE, decoding... hThe PROVISIONDATA value is not valid: 0x%1!x!. \The base64 blob was decoded, unpacking... xThe PROVISIONDATA value could not be unpacked: 0x%1!x!. `The blob decoded successfully. Printing... Failed to save provisioning data to the file [%1!s!]: 0x%2!x!. tProvisioning data was saved successfully to [%1!s!]. Loading provisioning data from the following file: [%1!s!]. Failed to load provisioning data from the file [%1!s!]: 0x%2!x!. 8Base64 decoding blob... The decoded value from the file [%1!s!] is not valid: 0x%2!x!. tThe provisioning data could not be unpacked: 0x%1!x!. tFailed to create the registry value [%1!s!]: 0x%2!x!. /REQUESTODJ operates on a Windows image. Supply a path to this image via /WINDOWSPATH. Loading provisioning data from the following file: [%1!s!]. pThe provisioning data could not be loaded: 0x%1!x!. Failed to prime provisioning data in the registry: 0x%1!x!. Provisioning data is primed in the registry, Run djoin.exe again to simulate setup. dThe provisioning data is not valid: 0x%1!x!. xThe PROVISIONDATA value could not be unpacked: 0x%1!x!. This operating system is configured as a domain controller. The operation is not supported. hA reboot is required for changes to be applied. Failed to load provision data from the file [%1!s!]: 0x%2!x! h Computer provisioning completed successfully. H Provisioning the computer... /PRIMEREG operates on the local registry. Therefore /WINDOWSPATH is an invalid parameter in combination with /PRIMEREG. $/REQUESTODJ only operates on an offline (not running) Windows image by default. The path supplied [%1!s!] is the current running Windows installation. To override the default behavior and target the currently running local operating system also specify /LOCALOS. HThe operation is not supported. Invalid input parameter combination. PROVISION requires DOMAIN, MACHINE and SAVEFILE: 0x%1!x!. It may be necessary to specify /REUSE when running djoin.exe again with the same machine name. Computer provisioning failed: 0x%1!x!. dProvisioning string (%1!ul! bytes): %2!s! p The offline domain join request failed: 0x%1!x!. The offline domain join request completed. [TESTMODE - Dumping blob] p The provisioning request completed successfully. The simulated setup offline domain join request failed: 0x%1!x!.  Simulated setup offline domain join request completed successfully. A reboot is required for changes to be applied. ( Options: $ %1!s! /LOCALOS operates on the local registry, this OS is configured as a domain controller. The operation is not supported. /LOCALOS specified but the current OS does not support domain join functionality. |/DSITE and /PSITE may not be specified at the same time. ?AdvHelp ProvisionDomainMachine MachineOUDCNameReuse DownlevelSaveFileDefPwdNoSearch PrintBlob RequestODJLoadFile WindowsPathDumpPrimeRegTest ForceError ProvisionDataLocalOS CertTemplate PolicyNames PolicyPaths RootCACertsNetbiosDSitePSite PrimaryDNSY;QOLH@@k59 MUI MUI en-US08ؠ@0@ (HhȠ(Hh (8@XpТ(0H`Уأ 08HP`hpȤP