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ՁT w@Ll 4>D" zN߭N!+zjyJY4LN MOFDATAMUI en-US HTTP Service HTTP ServiceSet of HTTP service countersCurrentUrisCachedCurrentUrisCached3Total number of URIs currently cached by the kernelTotalUrisCachedTotalUrisCached>Total number of URIs added to the kernel since service startup UriCacheHits UriCacheHits:Total number of successful lookups in the kernel URI cachePAUriCacheMissesUriCacheMisses<Total number of unsuccessful lookups in the kernel URI cacheUriCacheFlushesUriCacheFlushesTTotal number of kernel URI cache flushes (complete or partial) since service startupTotalFlushedUrisTotalFlushedUris[Total number of URIs that have been removed from the kernel URI cache since service startupHTTP Service Url GroupsHTTP Service Url Groups"Set of URL Group-specific countersPA BytesSentRate BytesSentRate2Rate of sending data by HTTP service for this siteBytesReceivedRateBytesReceivedRate3Rate of received data by HTTP service for this siteBytesTransferredRateBytesTransferredRateQRate of total bytes transferred (sent and received) by HTTP service for this siteCurrentConnectionsCurrentConnections7Number of current connections established for this sitePAMaxConnectionsMaxConnectionsBMaximum number of concurrent connections established for this siteConnectionAttemptsConnectionAttempts>Rate at which connection attempts are being made for this site GetRequests GetRequests8Rate at which GET method requests are made for this site HeadRequests HeadRequests9Rate at which HEAD method requests are made for this sitePA AllRequests AllRequests0Total number of HTTP requests made for this siteHTTP Service Request QueuesHTTP Service Request QueuesSet of request queue countersCurrentQueueSizeCurrentQueueSizeNumber of requests in the queueMaxQueueItemAgeMaxQueueItemAge&Age of the oldest request in the queue ArrivalRate ArrivalRate0Rate at which requests are arriving in the queue RejectionRate RejectionRate2Rate at which requests are rejected from the queueRejectedRequestsRejectedRequests0Total number of requests rejected from the queue CacheHitRate CacheHitRate Rate of cache hits for the queueHTTPThis service implements the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.0Troubleshoot server-side web connectivity issues ** 88 44 0/0 10?0B0g0l33:@:@:@:@PPpp4p pl::;;(  !)`!+5<8DPBF]HJ WLYYZ::[::c::h::8lmtFlagged on all HTTP events dealing with service setup Flagged on all HTTP events dealing with request processing |Flagged on all HTTP events dealing with response handling lFlagged on all HTTP events dealing with endpoints tFlagged on all HTTP events occurring on a connection lFlagged on all HTTP events dealing with URI cache pFlagged on all HTTP events triggered on a URL group |Flagged on all HTTP events triggered on a server session xFlagged on all HTTP events triggered on a request queue tFlagged on all HTTP events handling SSL interactions Flagged on all HTTP events handling authentication (SSPI) and authentication cache Flagged on all HTTP events dealing with error log activities Flagged on all HTTP events setting/resetting/triggering timeouts Flagged on all HTTP events dealing with global driver settings \Flagged on all HTTP events in thread pool LFlagged on all HTTP transactions Flagged on all HTTP events dealing with potential personally identifiable information Classic SQM RecvReq Parse Deliver RecvResp $RecvRespLast RecvBody $RecvBodyLast $FastRespLast FastResp $CachedAndSend FastSend ZeroSend SndError $LastSndError $SrvdFrmCache ,CachedNotModified ResvUrl ConnConnect ConnClose ConnCleanup $ChgUrlGrpProp $ChgSrvSesProp (ChgReqQueueProp AddUrl RemUrl RemAllUrls (AddedCacheEntry 0AddCacheEntryFailed $FlushedCache $SslConnEvent 4SslInitiateHandshake 4SslHandshakeComplete DSslInititateSslRcvClientCert 8SslRcvClientCertFailed (SslRcvdRawData 0SslDlvrdStreamData 0SslAcceptStreamData (ReadIpListEntry (CreatedSslCred $SendComplete SspiCall 0AuthCacheEntryAdded 0AuthCacheEntryFreed ConnIdAssgn (QosFlowSetReset 0LoggingConfigFailed $LoggingConfig 0LogFileCreateFailed $LogFileCreate $LogFileWrite 0ParseRequestFailed $ConnTimedOut <SslEndpointCreationFailed (SslDisconnEvent $SslDisconnReq $SslUnsealMsg 8SslQueryConnInfoFailed <SslEndpointConfigNotFound SslAsc SslSealMsg (RequestRejected ,RequestCancelled ,HotAddProcFailed 0HotAddProcSucceeded 4UserResponseFlowInit 8CachedResponseFlowInit (FlowInitFailed ,SetConnectionFlow TRequestAssociatedToConfigurationFlow 4ConnectionFlowFailed <ResponseRangeProcessingOK 0BeginBuildingSlices 4SendSliceCacheContent <CachedSlicesMatchContent 0MergeSlicesToCache 0FlatCacheRangeSend 4ChannelBindAscParams <ServiceBindCheckComplete <ChannelBindConfigCapture DChannelBindPerResponseConfig 4UsePolicyBasedQoSFlow 0ThreadPoolExtension ThreadReady (ThreadPoolTrim ThreadGone SniParsed 0InitiateOpaqueMode 4EndpointAutoGenerated DAutoGeneratedEndpointDeleted 8SslEndpointConfigFound Stop Reservation for namespace identified by URL prefix %2 was successfully added. Reservation for namespace identified by URL prefix %2 was successfully deleted. Unable to convert all entries on IP Listen-Only list. Driver will listen on all available interfaces. Error Warning Information 8HTTP Request Trace Task 4HTTP Setup Trace Task @HTTP Connection Trace Task XHTTP Configuration Property Trace Task HHTTP Authentication Trace Task 0HTTP SSL Trace Task 4HTTP Cache Trace Task 8HTTP Logging Trace Task 8HTTP Timeout Trace Task LHTTP Driver Global Settings Task ,HTTP Thread Pool The host %2 has gone down as a result of the change in the IP Listen-Only list. The host %2 has come up as a result of the change in the IP Listen-Only list. tSSL Certificate Settings deleted for endpoint : %2 . SSL Certificate Settings created by an admin process for endpoint : %2 . DMicrosoft-Windows-HttpService 4HTTP Service Channel <Microsoft-Windows-HttpLog ,HTTP Log Channel @Microsoft-Windows-HttpEvent System Request received (request ID %1) on connection (connection ID %2) from remote address %4. Parsed request (request pointer %1, method %2) with URI %3. Delivered request to server application (request pointer %1, request ID %2, site ID %3) from request queue %4 for URI %5 with status %6. PServer application passed response (request ID %1, connection ID %2, method %4, header length %5, number of entity chunks %6, cache policy %7) with status code %3. Server application passed the last response (corresponding to request ID %1). Server application passed entity body for request ID %1 (connection ID %2). Server application passed the last entity body for request ID %1. PServer application passed response (request ID %1, connection ID %2, method %4, header length %5, number of entity chunks %6, cache policy %7) with status code %3. Server application passed the last response (corresponding to request ID %1). Response ready for send (corresponding to request ID %1) with status code %2. Cached the response (corresponding to request ID %1) with status code %2. Response to be sent. Queued last response (corresponding to request ID %1) for sending. Status code is %2. Response sent (corresponding to request ID %1) with status code %2. If disconnect is required, a TCP FIN has been sent. Error occurred while sending the last response (corresponding to request ID %1) with status code %2. A TCP Reset has been sent. Error %3 occurred while sending (corresponding to request ID %1). A TCP Reset will be sent. Response (request pointer %1, site ID %2, number of bytes %3) queued for sending from the cache. Response (request pointer %1, site ID %2, number of bytes %3) queued for sending with status code 304 (cache not modified). \Attempted to reserve URL (%1). Status %2. xSuccessfully read the IP listen list for IP address %1. SSL credentials for IP address and port %3 successfully created. New connection created (local IP address %3 and remote address %5). Connection ID (%2) assigned to connection and request (request ID %1) will be parsed. Client closed the connection (connection pointer %1). Status of whether closed by TCP Reset: %2. LConnection (connection pointer %1) cleanup started due to either the sending of a TCP Reset, receiving of a TCP Reset, or after the mutual exchange of TCP Fins. `Successfully added entry (URI %1) to cache. |Failed to add an entry (URI %1) to the cache. Status: %2. XFlushed entry (URI %1) from the cache. tAttempted to set URL group property: %1. Status: %2. |Attempted to set server session property: %1. Status: %2. |Attempted to set request queue property: %1. Status: %2. |Attempted to add URL (%2) to URL group (%1). Status: %3. TRemoved URL (%2) from URL group (%1). PRemoved all URLs from URL group %1. @Initiating SSL connection. <Initiating SSL handshake. \SSL handshake completed with status: %1. Server application is attempting to receive the SSL client certificate, which will be provided if available. If the client certificate is not available, a renegotiation will be initiated. Attempt by server application to receive client certificate failed with status: %1. \Raw SSL data is available for processing. hDecrypted SSL data is available for processing. TPassed plaintext data for encryption. Attempt (on connection ID %1) to authenticate client completed. Authentication type %2. Security status: %3. Attempted to add entry to the %2 authentication cache. Status: %4. |Entry successfully removed from the authentication cache. Successfully associated QoS flow with connection (connection ID %1). Bandwidth throttled to: %2 Bytes per second. Failed to configure the %2 logging (directory %4), Status: %1. pSuccessfully configured %2 logging (directory %5). dFailed to create %2 log file %5. Status: %1. \Successfully created new %2 log file %5. XEntry has been written to %3 log file. Parsing of request (request ID %2) failed due to reason: %3. Request may not be compliant with HTTP/1.1. tHTTP timer %3 expired. The connection will be reset. Failed to acquire handle for SSL credentials. Failure will be event logged. Security status: %2. SSL connection will be disconnected as initiated by the client. SSL connection will be disconnected as initiated by the server application. Status: %2. |Attempt to decrypt SSL data failed. Security status: %2. Query for SSL connection parameters failed. Security status: %2. Connection will be reset. Cannot find SSL endpoint for inbound connection for local IP address and port %3. Attempt to perform SSL handshake failed. Security status: %2. |Attempt to encrypt SSL data failed. Security status: %2. pRequest (request ID %1) rejected due to reason: %2. Server application canceled the processing of its request (request ID %1). Http.sys failed to process CPU hot-add. Processor number: %1, reason: %2, status: %3. Hot-add information: Current UxNumberOfProcessors: %1, comment: %2. Initialized QoS flow: FlowHandle %1, bandwidth %2, peak bandwidth %3, burst size %4 QoS flow initialization failed: bandwidth %1, peak bandwidth %2, burst size %3, status %4 `Setting flow: Connection %1, FlowHandle %2 hAssign to Configuration QoS Flow: FlowHandle %1 [re]Setting QoS Flow failed: Connection %1, FlowHandle %2, status %3 Response range processing done. Req. %1, response content size %2, ranges %3 (%4-%5, %6-%7,...) Begin building slices. Req. %1, slices %2 (%3,%4,...), ranges %5 (%6-%7, %8-%9,...) Send cached slices. Req. %1, CacheEntry %2, slices %3 (%4,%5,...), ranges %6 (%7-%8, %9-%10,...) Cached slices match content. Req. %1, CacheEntry %2, slices %3 (%4,%5,...), ranges %6 (%7-%8, %9-%10,...) Merge slices to cache. CacheEntry %1, slices to merge %2, slices to cache %3 Sending range from flat cache entry. CacheEntry %1, range %2-%3 Channel bind ASC parameters: connection %1, buffers %2, flags %3 Service bind check done. Connection %1, Context %2-%3, status %4, target %5 Captured channel bind config. Hardening %1, flags %2, service count %3 `Channel bind response config overwrites %1 hPolicy-Based QoS: Connection %1, FlowHandle %2 xThread pool extension. Pool type: %1, active pools: %2. Thread ready. Pool type: %1, active pools: %2, thread count: %3 pThread pool trim. Pool type: %1, active pools: %2. Thread gone. Pool type: %1, active pools: %2, thread count: %3 dSNI parsed for connection: %1 with status: %2 PRequest %1 has initated opaque mode HEndpoint auto-generated for %2 XDeleted auto-generated endpoint for %2 Inbound connection for IP: %3, SNI: %4. SSL endpoint found: %5 $Response (request pointer %1, corresponding to request ID %4, site ID %2, number of bytes %3, encoding %5) queued for sending from the cache. Response (request pointer %1, site ID %2, number of bytes %3, encoding %5) queued for sending with status code 304 (cache not modified). tSSL credentials for endpoint %2 successfully created. |Successfully added entry (URI %1) to cache (Encoding %7). Failed to add an entry (URI %1) to the cache. Status: %2. Encoding: %3. 4HTTP transaction log Unable to create log file %2. Make sure that the logging directory is correct and this computer has write access to that directory. PUnable to create the log file for site W3SVC%2. Make sure that the logging directory for the site is correct and this computer has write access to that directory. 4Unable to write to the log file %2 for site W3SVC%3. Disk may be full. If this is a network path, make sure that network connectivity is not broken. 8Unable to create the centralized binary log file. Make sure that the logging directory is correct and this computer has write access to that directory. 8Unable to write to the centralized binary log file %2. Disk may be full. If this is a network path, make sure that network connectivity is not broken. Unable to bind to the underlying transport for %2. The IP Listen-Only list may contain a reference to an interface which may not exist on this machine. The data field contains the error number. Owner of the log file or directory %2 is invalid. This could be because another user has already created the log file or the directory. An error occurred while initializing namespace reservations. The error status code is contained within the returned data. 4An error occured while initializing namespace reservation identified by URL prefix %2. The error status code is contained within the returned data. Unable to create the error log file. Make sure that the error logging directory is correct. Unable to write to the error log file. Disk may be full. The data field contains the error number. Error logging configuration failed. The data field contains the error number. Unable to convert IP Listen-Only list entry %2. The data field contains the error number. Unable to initialize the security package %2 for server side authentication. The data field contains the error number. 4Unable to create the centralized W3C log file. Make sure that the logging directory is correct and this computer has write access to that directory. 0Unable to write to the centralized W3C log file %2. Disk may be full. If this is a network path, make sure that network connectivity is not broken. An error occurred while using SSL configuration for endpoint %2. The error status code is contained within the returned data. Http.sys failed to process a CPU hot-add event. Status: %2 . W3C IIS NCSA Binary Site Centralized (ResponseLogging $ErrorLogging 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationPFileDescriptionHTTP Protocol Stackr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)2 InternalNamehttp.sys.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.B OriginalFilenamehttp.sys.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD