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(Retry handling. DMiniport handling of request. <Queue-related operation. ,State transition. %1 created. Added device to %1. DumpData contains the current number of paths. Path %2 was removed from %1 due to a PnP event. The dump data contains the current number of paths. \%1 has been restored as responsive disk. %2 is attempting an operation on %1. The Type is noted in the dump data. %2 attempted an operation on %1. This has occurred %3 times in the past %4 seconds. The Type is noted in the dump data. Information Bus pThere was an error creating a device claimed by %2. Serial number for device %1 was built using VPD 0x80 information because %2 didn't provide one. DDevice instance %2 of %1 was rejected because the maximum transfer length of the underlying adapter is too low. The device will be accepted after a reboot. One or more of your multipath adapters have mismatched maximum transfer lengths. You may experience suboptimal performance with device %1. Device instance %2 of %1 was rejected because it does not support extended SRBs. The device will be accepted after a reboot. Device instance %2 of %1 was rejected because its supported address type does not match. The device will be accepted after a reboot. One or more of your multipath adapters do not support extended SRBs. You may experience suboptimal performance with device %1. %1 is currently in a degraded state. One or more paths have failed, though the process is now complete. lA Single Path Fail-Over is being attempted on %1. A Path Verification request to a device on %1 that is controlled by %2 has failed. This may indicate a Path Failure. A PnP operation was rejected, as %1 is not in a state where the request can be honoured. Requests that were queued to %1 have failed during resubmission. `Microsoft-Windows-MultipathIoControlDriver (DSM registered. 0DSM state captured. ,DSM unregistered. <Multi-path disk created. HMulti-path disk state captured. <Multi-path disk deleted. 4Real-device created. @Real-device state captured. 4Real-device deleted. @Real-device state changed. HMulti-path disk state changed. PDSM InquireDriver function called. TDSM InquireDriver function returned. PDSM CompareDevices function called. TDSM CompareDevices function returned. XDSM GetControllerInfo function called. \DSM GetControllerInfo function returned. XDSM DeviceSerialNumber function called. \DSM DeviceSerialNumber function returned. PDSM SetDeviceInfo function called. TDSM SetDeviceInfo function returned. LDSM IsPathActive function called. PDSM IsPathActive function returned. PDSM InterpretError function called. TDSM InterpretError function returned. TDSM InterpretErrorEx function called. XDSM InterpretErrorEx function returned. PDSM InvalidatePath function called. TDSM InvalidatePath function returned. HDSM PathVerify function called. LDSM PathVerify function returned. HDSM MoveDevice function called. LDSM MoveDevice function returned. PDSM RemovePending function called. TDSM RemovePending function returned. LDSM RemoveDevice function called. PDSM RemoveDevice function returned. HDSM RemovePath function called. LDSM RemovePath function returned. TDSM SrbDeviceControl function called. XDSM SrbDeviceControl function returned. PDSM SetCompletion function called. TDSM SetCompletion function returned. HDSM LBGetPath function called. LDSM LBGetPath function returned. @DSM Unload function called. DDSM Unload function returned. XDSM CategorizeRequest function called. \DSM CategorizeRequest function returned. LDSM BroadcastSrb function called. PDSM BroadcastSrb function returned. LFailOverHandler function called. PFailOverHandler function returned. TDSM InitiateFailover function called. XDSM InitiateFailover function returned. LFailOverCallback function called. PFailOverCallback function returned. LPDOTotalFailure function called. PPDOTotalFailure function returned. tReal-device did not meet device bar and was rejected. dReal-device met device bar and was accepted. xSetting device bar according to first device instance. `DSM IsAddressTypeSupported function called. dDSM IsAddressTypeSupported function returned. PDSM DeviceNotUsed function called. TDSM DeviceNotUsed function returned. xRequest servicing time taken by lower driver stack(s). @Dispatching a read request. DDispatching a write request. XCompleting an IO (read/write) request. TRetrying an IO (read/write) request. (Flush request. 4Dispatching an IOCTL. @Dispatching a WMI request. TCompleting a non-read/write request. DDispatching a power request. @Completing a power request. @Dispatching a PnP request. <Completing a PnP request. TCompleting a PnP enumeration request. TPerforming a queue-related operation. PDispatching a PassThrough request. @A fail-over on %1 occurred. lAn operation failed on %1 due to lack of memory. The internal state of %1 is inconsistent. This indicates potential failures in this support. A fail-over on %1 was attempted, however the attempt failed. The devices will be removed. `All paths have failed. %1 will be removed. Reference counts on either %1 or an object controller by it are incorrect. Removal of this object will not be possible. %1 has been marked unresponsive. This is likely because %1 is experiencing excessive timeouts on all paths. To resolve this issue, either reboot the system, or power-cycle the storage target. If the issue persists, please follow-up with disk vendor. L%2 failed to return a Path to %1. H%2 returned a bogus Path to %1. T%2 failed final initialisation on %1. l%2 supplied an invalid ID for an operation on %1. An unknown DSM supplied an invalid ID for an operation on %1. A device under %1, being controlled by %2 was removed, but the DSM failed the operation. ,MPIO_STATE_NORMAL ,MPIO_STATE_WAIT1 ,MPIO_STATE_WAIT2 0MPIO_STATE_DEGRADED ,MPIO_STATE_IN_FO 4MPIO_STATE_THROTTLED @MPIO_STATE_PENDING_FAILURE <MPIO_STATE_TOTAL_FAILURE (DsmTypeUnknown DsmType1 DsmType2 DsmType3 DsmType4 DsmType5 DsmType6 $DSM_BROADCAST (DSM_WILL_HANDLE $DSM_PATH_SET DSM_ERROR 4DSM_CONTROLLER_ACTIVE 8DSM_CONTROLLER_STANDBY 4DSM_CONTROLLER_FAILED 8DSM_CONTROLLER_NO_CNTRL $ReasonUnknown <ReasonAdapterQueryFailed (ReasonMTLTooLow 8ReasonAdapterMTLInvalid 8ReasonSRBEXNotSupported HReasonSRBEXAddressTypeMismatch (ReasonMPPTooLow 0DEVINFO_PATH_ACTIVE 0DEVINFO_PATH_FAILED @DEVINFO_PATH_REMOVE_PENDING 4DEVINFO_PATH_DSM_INIT 4VS_VERSION_INFO)G%)G%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationbFileDescriptionMultiPath Support Bus-Drivert*FileVersion6.3.9600.18217 (winblue_ltsb.160124-0053)2 InternalNamempio.sys.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.B OriginalFilenamempio.sys.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.18217DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD