MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  @.rsrc@@ 0H 0H`x         (f #0MUI4r3Md_%'~.:(^e-F(i MUI en-USSMB Client SharesSMB Client SharesThis counter set displays information about server shares that are being accessed by the client using SMB protocol version 2 or higher.Read Bytes/secRead Bytes/sec7The rate at which bytes are being read from this share.Write Bytes/secWrite Bytes/sec8The rate at which bytes are being written to this share.Read Requests/secRead Requests/sec=The rate at which read requests are being sent to this share.PAWrite Requests/secWrite Requests/sec>The rate at which write requests are being sent to this share.Avg. Bytes/ReadAvg. Bytes/Read-The average number of bytes per read request.Avg. Bytes/WriteAvg. Bytes/Write.The average number of bytes per write request. Avg. sec/Read Avg. sec/Read^The average latency between the time a read request is sent and when its response is received.PAAvg. sec/WriteAvg. sec/Write_The average latency between the time a write request is sent and when its response is received.Data Bytes/secData Bytes/sec@The rate at which bytes are being read or written to this share.Data Requests/secData Requests/secFThe rate at which read or write requests are being sent to this share.Avg. Data Bytes/RequestAvg. Data Bytes/Request6The average number of bytes per read or write request.PAAvg. sec/Data RequestAvg. sec/Data RequestgThe average latency between the time a read or write request is sent and when its response is received.Current Data Queue LengthCurrent Data Queue LengthGThe current number of read or write requests outstanding on this share.Avg. Read Queue LengthAvg. Read Queue LengthDThe average number of read requests that were queued for this share.Avg. Write Queue LengthAvg. Write Queue LengthEThe average number of write requests that were queued for this share.PAAvg. Data Queue LengthAvg. Data Queue LengthSThe average number of both read and write requests that were queued for this share.Metadata Requests/secMetadata Requests/secAThe rate at which metadata requests are being sent to this share.Credit Stalls/secCredit Stalls/secWThe number of requests per second delayed based on insufficient credits for this share.PA#00 0000PP,eel--@!N!NXuuuu8 uvvv %w,w wwxwwww0ww!PxQx&SxSx\+Yxbx-xxFyyX"y"yo$y(y`p@@ww̅UxXxcxexxxDxx8IInfo $Server Error $Cached Error LInitialize Security Context Error <Security Signature Error Start State End State Error Warning Information Verbose @Microsoft-Windows-SMBClient lMicrosoft-Windows-SMBClient/HelperClassDiagnostic lMicrosoft-Windows-SMBClient/ObjectStateDiagnostic XMicrosoft-Windows-SMBClient/Operational \Microsoft-Windows-SMBClient/XPerfAnalytic XMicrosoft-Windows-SMBClient/Diagnostic \Microsoft-Windows-SMBClient/Connectivity TMicrosoft-Windows-SMBClient/Security lCreate SrvCall Error: %1 Location: %2 Context: %3 lSession Setup Error: %1 Location: %2 Context: %3 hTree Connect Error: %1 Location: %2 Context: %3 pCreate VNetRoot Error: %1 Location: %2 Context: %3 hCreate File Error: %1 Location: %2 Context: %3 @Packet Fragment (%2 bytes) TTransitioned to State: %1 Context: %2 SMB exchange suspended: RxContext %1 Exchange %2 ListHead %3 SMB exchange resumed: RxContext %1 Exchange %2 ExchangeState %3 ExchangeStatus %4 0SMB buffer context suspended: BufferCtxt %1 Exchange %2 MidCharge %3 Window %4 CurrentWindowLimit %5 ThrottlingWindowLimit %6 CurrentWindowSize %7 ,SMB buffer context resumed: BufferCtxt %1 Exchange %2 MidCharge %3 Window %4 CurrentWindowLimit %5 ThrottlingWindowLimit %6 CurrentWindowSize %7 lSMB Mid window blocked: Window %1 HungSession %2 8SMB rechunk multi-credit request: BufferCtxt %1 Exchange %2 MidCharge %3 Window %4 CurrentWindowLimit %5 ThrottlingWindowLimit %6 CurrentWindowSize %7 hSMB initialize Mid window: Server %2 Window %3 DSMB Mid window state: Window %1 CurrentWindowSize %2 CurrentWindowLimit %3 ThrottlingWindowLimit %4 OldestPendingMid %5 NextAvailableMid %6 CreditsGranted %7 dSMB teardown Mid window: Server %2 Window %3 lSMB copy data completion: Status %1 VcEndpoint %2 dSMB send completion: Status %1 VcEndpoint %2 tWSK connect: SocketAddress %2 VcEndpoint %3 Socket %4 |WSK connect completion: VcEndpoint %1 Socket %2 Status %3 WSK send: VcEndpoint %1 Socket %2 SendMdl %3 SendLength %4 WSK send completion: VcEndpoint %1 Socket %2 SendMdl %3 SendLength %4 Status %5 WSK receive: VcEndpoint %1 Socket %2 ReceiveMdl %3 ReceiveLength %4 WSK receive completion: VcEndpoint %1 Socket %2 ReceiveMdl %3 ReceiveLength %4 Status %5 pSMB session expired: SessionEntry %1 ServerName %3 tSMB 3 part SPN reauth: SessionEntry %1 ServiceName %3 dSMB reconnect durable open: Fcb %1 SrvOpen %2 LSMB defer open: Fcb %1 SrvOpen %2 PSMB undefer open: Fcb %1 SrvOpen %2 SMB send[%1]: [%2] (Mid/Sid/Tid) (%3/%4/%5) MidCharge %6 Creds %7 SendLengh %8 VcEndpoint %9 SMB receive: [%1] (Mid/Sid/Tid) (%2/%4/%5) Creds %6 Status %7 VcEndpoint %8 SMB receive interim: [%1] (Mid/AsyncId/Sid/Tid) (%2/%3/%4/%5) Creds %6 Status %7 VcEndpoint %8 SMB receive async: [%1] (AsyncId/Sid/Tid) (%3/%4/%5) Creds %6 Status %7 VcEndpoint %8 <SMB registry key: %1 = %2 SMB update file info cache: RxContext %1 Fcb %2 FileName %4 SMB fetch file info cache: RxContext %1 Fcb %2 FileName %4 Status %5 SMB invalidate file info cache: RxContext %1 Fcb %2 FileName %4 SMB update file not found cache: RxContext %1 Fcb %2 FileName %4 SMB fetch file not found cache: RxContext %1 Fcb %2 FileName %4 Result %5 SMB invalidate file not found cache: RxContext %1 Fcb %2 FileName %4 xSMB populate dir cache: RxContext %1 Fcb %2 DirName %4 SMB fetch dir cache: RxContext %1 Fcb %2 FileName %4 Status %5 Session %1 to %6 transitioned from [%2] to [%3] with Status %4 Share connection %1 to %6 transitioned from [%2] to [%3] with Status %4 Open handle %1 to %10%12 transitioned from [%5] to [%6] with Status %7 Failed to open a persistent handle.%n%nError: %7%n%nFileId: %2:%3%nCreateGUID: %4%nPath: %10%12%n%nReason: %8%n%nGuidance:%nA persistent handle allows transparent failover on Windows File Server clusters. This event has many causes and does not always indicate an issue with SMB. Review online documentation for troubleshooting information. An invalid FSCTL_QUERY_NETWORK_INTERFACE_INFO response was sent by the server %2 The client failed to connect to the server %2 from the local IP address %4 to the remote IP address %6 over TCP transport. Error: %7 The client failed to connect to the server %2 from the local IP address %4 to the remote IP address %6 over RDMA transport. Error: %7 The client connected to the server %2 from the local IP address %4 to the remote IP address %6 over TCP transport successfully The client connected to the server %2 from the local IP address %4 to the remote IP address %6 over RDMA transport successfully DThe server name cannot be resolved.%n%nError: %2%n%nServer name: %4%n%nGuidance:%nThe client cannot resolve the server address in DNS or WINS. This issue often manifests immediately after joining a computer to the domain, when the client's DNS registration may not yet have propagated to all DNS servers. You should also expect this event at system startup on a DNS server (such as a domain controller) that points to itself for the primary DNS. You should validate the DNS client settings on this computer using IPCONFIG /ALL and NSLOOKUP. P%1.%n%nError: %2%n%nServer name: %4 PThe network connection failed.%n%nError: %2%n%nServer name: %4%nServer address: %6%nConnection type: %7%n%nGuidance:%nThis indicates a problem with the underlying network or transport, such as with TCP/IP, and not with SMB. A firewall that blocks port 445 or 5445 can also cause this issue. A request timed out because there was no response from the server.%n%nServer name: %6%nSession ID:%3%nTree ID:%4%nMessage ID:%2%nCommand: %1%n%nGuidance:%nThe server is responding over TCP but not over SMB. Ensure the Server service is running and responsive, and the disks do not have high per-IO latency, which makes the disks appear unresponsive to SMB. Also, ensure the server is responsive overall and not paused; for instance, make sure you can log on to it. Added a TCP/IP transport interface.%n%nName: %2%nInterfaceIndex: %3%n%nGuidance:%nA TCP/IP binding was added to the specified network adapter for the SMB client. The SMB client can now send and receive SMB traffic on this network adapter using TCP/IP. You should expect this event when a computer restarts or when a previously disabled network adaptor is re-enabled. No user action is required. tDeleted a TCP/IP transport interface.%n%nName: %2%nInterfaceIndex: %3%n%nGuidance:%nA TCP/IP binding was removed from the specified network adapter for the SMB client. You should expect this event when a computer shuts down or when a previously enabled network adaptor is disabled. No user action is required. Added a TDI transport interface.%n%nName: %2%n%nGuidance:%nA TDI (NetBIOS) binding was added to the specified network adapter for the SMB client. The SMB client can now send and receive SMB traffic on this network adapter using TDI. You should expect this event when a computer restarts or when a previously disabled network adaptor is re-enabled. No user action is required. TDeleted a TDI transport interface.%n%nName: %2%n%nGuidance:%nA TDI (NetBIOS) binding was removed from the specified network adapter for the SMB client. You should expect this event when a computer shuts down or when a previously enabled network adaptor is disabled. No user action is required. TWitness registration has completed.%n%nStatus: %1%n%nCluster share name: %4%nCluster share type: %2%nFile server cluster address: %6%n%nGuidance:%nThe client successfully registered with the SMB Witness through RPC using TCP (port 135, then an endpoint port above 1023). No action is required. Witness deregistration has completed.%n%nStatus: %1%n%nCluster share name: %4%nCluster share type: %2%n%nGuidance:%nThe client successfully de-registered with the SMB Witness through RPC using TCP (port 135, then an endpoint port above 1023). No action is required. The server failed the negotiate request.%n%nError: %2%n%nServer name: %4%n%nGuidance:%nThe server does not support any dialect that the client is trying to negotiate, such as the client has SMB2/SMB3 disabled and the server has SMB1 disabled. 0Close request failed.%n%nError: %2%n%nPath: %4%6%n%nGuidance:%nA persistent handle (Continuous Availability) or a resilient handle failed to close. TRDMA interfaces are available but the client failed to connect to the server over RDMA transport.%n%nServer name: %2%n%nGuidance:%nBoth client and server have RDMA (SMB Direct) adaptors but there was a problem with the connection and the client had to fall back to using TCP/IP SMB (non-RDMA). DA request on persistent/resilient handle failed because the handle was invalid or it exceeded the timeout.%n%nStatus: %7%n%nType: %1%nPath: %4%6%nRestart count: %2%n%nGuidance:%nAfter retrying a request on a Continuously Available (Persistent) handle or a Resilient handle, the client was unable to reconnect the handle. This event is the result of a handle recovery failure. Review other events for more details. LThe SMB Multichannel registry value is not configured with default settings.%n%nDefault Registry Value:%n[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters]%n"DisableMultiChannel"=dword:0%nConfigured Registry Value:%n[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters]%n"DisableMultiChannel"=dword:%2%n%nGuidance:%nYou can configure SMB Multichannel on the client using the Windows PowerShell cmdlet Set-SmbClientConfiguration. Disabling SMB client multichannel support is not a recommended configuration, as it can lead to degraded performance and decreased reliability if one channel or network path fails. The SMB 3 and SMB 2 driver is not configured with the default start type.%n%nDefault Start Type: DEMAND_START%nConfigured Start Type: DISABLED%n%nGuidance:%nYou should expect this event when disabling SMB2/SMB3 for the client using SC.EXE or editing the Windows registry. Microsoft does not recommend disabling SMB2/SMB3. Disabling SMB2/SMB3 prevents use of features such as SMB Transparent Failover, SMB Scale Out, SMB Multichannel, SMB Direct (RDMA), SMB Encryption, VSS for SMB file shares, and SMB Directory Leasing. SMB provides alternative troubleshooting workarounds to disabling SMB2/SMB3 in most cases. hThe client supports SMB Direct (RDMA) and SMB Signing is in use.%n%nShare name: %2%n%nGuidance:%nFor optimal SMB Direct performance, you can disable SMB Signing. This configuration is less secure and you should only consider this configuration on trustworthy private networks with strict access control. The client supports SMB Direct (RDMA) and SMB Encryption is in use.%n%nShare name: %2%n%nGuidance:%nFor optimal SMB Direct performance, you can disable SMB Encryption on the server for shares accessed by this client. This configuration is less secure and you should only consider this configuration on trustworthy private networks with strict access control. %1.%n%nError: %2%n%nSecurity status: %3%nUser name: %10%nLogon ID: %4%nSerrver name: %6 %1.%n%nError: %2%n%nSecurity status: %3%nUser name: %10%nLogon ID: %4%nServer name: %6%nPrincipal name: %8 pThe outbound authentication failed using a network token.%n%nError: %2%n%nServer name: %4%n%nGuidance:%nThis typically indicates that delegation must be configured for a Kerberos double-hop scenario. If delegation is configured, confirm that the services are configured correctly on the middle-tier server. The LmCompatibilityLevel value is different from the default.%n%nConfigured LM Compatibility Level: %2%nDefault LM Compatibility Level: 3%n%nGuidance:%nLAN Manager (LM) authentication is the protocol used to authenticate Windows clients for network operations. This includes joining a domain, accessing network resources, and authenticating users or computers. This determines which challenge/response authentication protocol is negotiated between the client and the server computers. Specifically, the LM authentication level determines which authentication protocols the client will try to negotiate or the server will accept. The value set for LmCompatibilityLevel determines which challenge/response authentication protocol is used for network logons. This value affects the level of authentication protocol that clients use, the level of session security negotiated, and the level of authentication accepted by servers.%n%nValue (Setting) - Description%n%n0 (Send LM & NTLM responses) - Clients use LM and NTLM authentication and never use NTLMv2 session security. Domain controllers accept LM, NTLM, and NTLMv2 authentication.%n%n1 (Send LM & NTLM - use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated) - Clients use LM and NTLM authentication, and use NTLMv2 session security if the server supports it. Domain controllers accept LM, NTLM, and NTLMv2 authentication.%n%n2 (Send NTLM response only) - Clients use NTLM authentication only and use NTLMv2 session security if the server supports it. Domain controllers accept LM, NTLM, and NTLMv2 authentication.%n%n3 (Send NTLM v2 response only) - Clients use NTLMv2 authentication only and use NTLMv2 session security if the server supports it. Domain controllers accept LM, NTLM, and NTLMv2 authentication.%n%n4 (Send NTLMv2 response only/refuse LM) - Clients use NTLMv2 authentication only and use NTLMv2 session security if the server supports it. Domain controllers refuse LM and accept only NTLM and NTLMv2 authentication.%n%n5 (Send NTLM v2 response only/refuse LM & NTLM) - Clients use NTLMv2 authentication only and use NTLMv2 session security if the server supports it. Domain controllers refuse LM and NTLM and accept only NTLMv2 authentication.%n%nIncompatibly configured LmCompatibility levels between a client and server (such as 0 on a client and 5 on a server) prevent access to the server. Non-Microsoft clients and servers also provide these configuration settings. The SMB client failed to connect to the share.%n%nError: %2%n%nPath: %4%6 The negotiate validation failed.%n%nFrom negotiate response:%nDialect: %1%nSecurityMode: %2%nCapabilities: %3%nServerGuid: %4%n%nFrom FSCTL_VALIDATE_NEGOTIATE_INFO response:%nDialect: %5%nSecurityMode: %6%nCapabilities: %7%nServerGuid: %8%n%nGuidance:%nThe client successfully negotiated SMB dialect, security mode, capabilities and server GUID with the server, but the validation of these values then failed after connecting to a share. This may be due to a "man-in-the-middle" compromise attempt. LThe signing validation failed.%n%nError:%7%n%nServer name: %6%nSession ID:%3%nTree ID:%4%nMessage ID:%2%nCommand: %1%n%nGuidance:%nThis error indicates that SMB messages are being modified in transit across the network from the server to the client. This may be due to the session ending on the server, a problem with the network, a problem with a third-party SMB server, or a "man-in-the-middle" compromise attempt. The client received an unencrypted message when encryption was expected.%n%nServer name: %6%nSession ID:%3%nTree ID:%4%nMessage ID:%2%nCommand: %1%n%nGuidance:%nThis error indicates that SMB messages are being modified in transit across the network from the server to the client. This may be due to the session ending on the server, a problem with the network, a problem with a third-party SMB server, or a "man-in-the-middle" compromise attempt. Failed to decrypt an encrypted SMB message.%n%nError:%7%n%nServer name: %6%nSession ID:%3%n%nGuidance:%nThe client received an encrypted SMB message but cannot decrypt the data. This typically means that the communication came from a previous session that no longer exists. The encryption header may also have been damaged or tampered with on the network between the client and server. pThe SMB Signing registry value is not configured with default settings.%n%nDefault Registry Value:%n[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters]%n"EnableSecuritySignature"=dword:1%nConfigured Registry Value:%n[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters]%n"EnableSecuritySignature"=dword:0%n%nGuidance:%nEven though you can disable, enable, or require SMB Signing, the negotiation rules changed starting with SMB2 and not all combinations operate like SMB1.%n%nThe effective behavior for SMB2/SMB3 is:%nClient Required and Server Required = Signed%nClient Not Required and Server Required = Signed%nServer Required and Client Not Required = Signed%nServer Not Required and Client Not Required = Not Signed%n%nWhen requiring SMB Encryption, SMB Signing is not used, regardless of settings. SMB Encryption implicitly provides the same integrity guarantees as SMB Signing. ,Packet (%4 bytes) @Failed to reconnect a persistent handle.%n%nError: %7%n%nFileId: %2:%3%nCreateGUID: %4%nPath: %10%12%n%nReason: %8%n%nPrevious reconnect error: %13%nPrevious reconnect reason: %14%n%nGuidance:%nA persistent handle allows transparent failover on Windows File Server clusters. This event has many causes and does not always indicate an issue with SMB. Review online documentation for troubleshooting information. Failed to reconnect a resilient handle.%n%nError: %7%n%nFileId: %2:%3%nPath: %10%12%n%nReason: %8.%n%nPrevious reconnect error: %13%nPrevious reconnect reason: %14%n%nGuidance:%nA resilient handle provides guarantees to applications requesting it. This event has many causes and does not always indicate an issue with SMB. Review online documentation for troubleshooting information. The client lost its session to the server.%n%nError: %1%n%nServer name: %5%nSession ID: %2%n%nGuidance:%nIf the server is a Windows Failover Cluster file server, then this message occurs when the file share moves between cluster nodes. There should also be an anti-event 30806 indicating the session to the server was re-established. If the server is not a failover cluster, it is likely that the server was previously online, but it is now inaccessible over the network. ,The client re-established its session to the server.%n%nServer name: %5%nServer address: %7%nSession ID: %2%n%nGuidance:%nYou should expect this event if there was a previous event 30805, but the client successfully resumed the cached connection before the timeout expired. The connection to the share was lost.%n%nError: %1%n%nShare name: %5%nSession ID: %2%nTree ID: %3%n%nGuidance:%nIf the server is a Windows Failover Cluster file server, then this message occurs when the file share moves between cluster nodes. There should also be an anti-event 30808 indicating the session to the server was re-established. If the server is not a failover cluster, it is likely that the server was previously online, but it is now inaccessible over the network. <The connection to the share was re-established.%n%nShare name: %5%nServer address: %7%nSession ID: %2%nTree ID: %3%n%nGuidance:%nYou should expect this event if there was a previous event 30807, but the client successfully resumed the cached connection before the timeout expired. xThe SMB client received a request to move to a different node on a file server cluster.%n%nFile server cluster name: %4%nNew file server cluster address: %6%n%nGuidance:%nContinuous Availability (Transparent Failover) is in use and the client computer is going to move to a different node after an SMB witness request over RPC using TCP (first contacting port 135, then contacting an endpoint port above 1023). No user action is required. lThe SMB client successfully moved to a different node on a file server cluster.%n%nFile server cluster name: %4%n New file server cluster address: %6%n%nGuidance:%nContinuous Availability (Transparent Failover) is in use and the client computer successfully moved to a different node after an SMB witness request over RPC using TCP (first contacting port 135, then contacting an endpoint port above 1023). No user action is required. dThe SMB client failed to move to a different node on a file server cluster.%n%nError: %1%n%nFile server cluster name: %4%n%nGuidance:%nContinuous Availability (Transparent Failover) is in use and the client computer failed to move to a different node after an SMB witness request over RPC using TCP (first contacting port 135, then contacting an endpoint port above 1023). The attempt to connect to the destination server failed, which is typically due to a network configuration issue. For example, this issue may occur if the destination node's IP address cannot be resolved, if the destination node is behind a firewall, or if there is no network route from the client to the node. The handle was created without persistence.%n%nFile ID: %2:%3%nCreateGUID: %4%nPath: %10%12%n%nGuidance:%nThe server supports Continuous Availability (persistent handles) and the request to create the handle succeeded. However, the server did not grant persistence. You should verify that the Resume Key Filter is running on the server and is attached to the target volume. dThe server does not support multichannel.%n%nServer name: %2%n%nGuidance:%nThe client attempted to use SMB Multichannel, but an administrator has disabled multichannel support on the server. This may also be a non-Microsoft file server that does not support multichannel or has multichannel disabled. You can enable SMB Multichannel on the server using this Windows PowerShell cmdlet: Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableMultiChannel:$true. This event does not apply to the multichannel settings of SMB client, which are controlled by the Set-SmbClientConfiguration Windows PowerShell cmdlet. Enabling or disabling client multichannel support does not affect server multichannel support. TThe client cannot connect to the server due to a multichannel constraint registry setting.%n%nServer name: %2%n%nGuidance:%nThe client attempted to use SMB Multichannel, but an administrator has configured multichannel support to prevent multichannel on the client. You can configure SMB Multichannel on the client using the Windows PowerShell cmdlets: New-SmbMultichannelConstraint and Remove-SmbMultichannelConstraint. Active $Disconnected Suspended <Construction in progress 4Recovery in progress 8Disconnect in progress <Invalidation in progress Invalid Deleted Tdi Wsk Rdma @The reason is not specified PThe server name cannot be resolved @Set socket security failed lThe connection attempt failed with an IPSec error pThe connection attempt failed with a network error HThe negotiate validation failed \Disconnected because the exchange expired Disconnected because there was a network disconnect indication The connect attempt failed because the unreachable server cache contains the destination server name lAn attempt to acquire a credential handle failed pAn attempt to initialize a security context failed \The server failed a session setup request `The server denied the share connect request `The validate negotiate FSCTL request failed HFailed to reconnect the handle TThe server denied the create request XThe request was canceled by the client lThe connection object was suspended by the client Negotiate $Session setup Logoff $Tree connect (Tree disconnect Create Close Flush Read Write Lock Ioctl Cancel Echo (Query directory $Change notify Query info Set info $Oplock break Create Close Read Write ,Query information (Set information Query EA Set EA $Flush buffers <Query volume information 8Set volume information ,Directory control 0File system control (Device control 8Internal device control $Lock control Cleanup (Query security $Set security 8Query quota information 4Set quota information 0Internal probe I/O Symmetric Asymmetric 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationVFileDescriptionWindows NT SMB Minirdrr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)6 InternalNameMRxSmb.sys.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.FOriginalFilenameMRXSMB.Sys.MUIj%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD