MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  @.rsrc@@0H  8Ph   ( @Xp34 0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p P Tt &&<.P5L;AHLO&tUJUh(V"LW.|[<\^`>hnLkMUI7Msq8M#s۲s0<' ߜ| MUI en-US-Per Processor Network Interface Card Activity-Per Processor Network Interface Card ActivityThe Per Processor Network Interface Card Activity counter set measures network activity of a network interface card per processor.DPCs Queued/secDPCs Queued/secDPCs Queued/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which NDIS queued a Deferred Procedure Call (DPC) for an interface.Interrupts/secInterrupts/secInterrupts/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which NDIS received and serviced hardware interrupts for an interface.Receive Indications/secReceive Indications/secReceive Indications/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which NDIS received a receive indication call from an interface.PAReturn Packet Calls/secReturn Packet Calls/secReturn Packet Calls/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the stack returned received packets to an interface.Received Packets/secReceived Packets/secrReceived Packets/sec is the average rate, in packets per second, at which NDIS received packets from an interface.Returned Packets/secReturned Packets/sec~Returned Packets/sec is the average rate, in packets per second, at which the stack returned received packets to an interface.Send Request Calls/secSend Request Calls/sec}Send Request Calls/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the stack requested a transmit on an interface.Send Complete Calls/secSend Complete Calls/secSend Complete Calls/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which NDIS received a transmit-complete notification from an interface.Sent Packets/secSent Packets/secuSent Packets/sec is the average rate, in packets per second, at which the stack requested a transmit on an interface.Sent Complete Packets/secSent Complete Packets/secSent Complete Packets/sec is the average rate, in packets per second, at which NDIS received a transmit-complete notification from an interface.#Build Scatter Gather List Calls/sec#Build Scatter Gather List Calls/secBuild Scatter Gather List Calls/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which NDIS received a request from an interface to build a scatter gather DMA list.PA&RSS Indirection Table Change Calls/sec&RSS Indirection Table Change Calls/secRSS Indirection Table Change Calls/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the stack submitted a request to change the RSS indirection table of an interface.$Low Resource Receive Indications/sec$Low Resource Receive Indications/secLow Resource Receive Indications/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which NDIS received a receive indication call from an interface with low receive resources.!Low Resource Received Packets/sec!Low Resource Received Packets/secLow Resource Received Packets/sec is the average rate, in packets per second, at which NDIS received packets from an interface with low receive resources.#Tcp Offload Receive Indications/sec#Tcp Offload Receive Indications/secTcp Offload Receive Indications/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which NDIS received a TCP offload receive indication call from a network interface.PA"Tcp Offload Send Request Calls/sec"Tcp Offload Send Request Calls/secTcp Offload Send Request Calls/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the TCP/IP protocol requested a TCP offload transmission on a network interface.Tcp Offload Receive bytes/secTcp Offload Receive bytes/secTcp Offload Receive bytes/sec is the average rate, in bytes per second, at which data was delivered by a network interface using the TCP offload receive indication call.Tcp Offload Send bytes/secTcp Offload Send bytes/secTcp Offload Send bytes/sec is the average rate, in bytes per second, at which data was delivered to a network interface using the TCP offload send request call.%Per Processor Network Activity Cycles%Per Processor Network Activity CyclesThe Per Processor Network Activity Cycles counter set measures processor cycles due to network activity of an interface on each processor.PAInterrupt DPC Cycles/secInterrupt DPC Cycles/secInterrupt DPC Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which NDIS processed a Deferred Procedure Call (DPC) for an interface.Interrupt Cycles/secInterrupt Cycles/sec}Interrupt Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which NDIS processed hardware interrupts for an interface."NDIS Receive Indication Cycles/sec"NDIS Receive Indication Cycles/secNDIS Receive Indication Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which NDIS processed a receive indication call from an interface.#Stack Receive Indication Cycles/sec#Stack Receive Indication Cycles/secStack Receive Indication Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which the stack processed a receive indication call from an interface.NDIS Return Packet Cycles/secNDIS Return Packet Cycles/secNDIS Return Packet Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which NDIS processed returning received packets to an interface.!Miniport Return Packet Cycles/sec!Miniport Return Packet Cycles/secMiniport Return Packet Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which an interface processed returning received packets.NDIS Send Cycles/secNDIS Send Cycles/secNDIS Send Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which NDIS processed transmit requests from the stack for an interface.Miniport Send Cycles/secMiniport Send Cycles/secyMiniport Send Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which an interface processed transmitting packets.PANDIS Send Complete Cycles/secNDIS Send Complete Cycles/secNDIS Send Complete Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which NDIS processed transmit-complete notifications from an interface.Build Scatter Gather Cycles/secBuild Scatter Gather Cycles/secBuild Scatter Gather Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which NDIS processed building Scatter Gather DMA lists for an interface.,Miniport RSS Indirection Table Change Cycles,Miniport RSS Indirection Table Change CyclesMiniport RSS Indirection Table Change Cycles is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which an interface processed changing the RSS indirection table.Stack Send Complete Cycles/secStack Send Complete Cycles/secStack Send Complete Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which the stack processed transmit-complete notifications from an interface.PAPassive Return Packet Calls/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the stack returned received packets to an interface while at PASSIVE_LEVEL.Passive Return Packet Calls/secPassive Return Packet Calls/secPassive Returned Packets/secPassive Returned Packets/secPassive Returned Packets/sec is the average rate, in packets per second, at which the stack returned received packets to an interface while at PASSIVE_LEVEL.Passive Send Request Calls/secPassive Send Request Calls/secPassive Send Request Calls/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the stack requested a transmit on an interface while at PASSIVE_LEVEL.Passive Sent Packets/secPassive Sent Packets/secPassive Sent Packets/sec is the average rate, in packets per second, at which the stack requested a transmit on an interface while at PASSIVE_LEVEL.PADPCs Queued on Other CPUs/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the miniport queued a DPC on one CPU from a different CPU.DPCs Queued on Other CPUs/secDPCs Queued on Other CPUs/secoInterrupt DPC Latency Cycles/sec is the amount of time, in cycles per second, between an interrupt and its DPC. Interrupt DPC Latency Cycles/sec Interrupt DPC Latency Cycles/secDPCs Deferred/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which DPCs are deferred from executing immediately to avoid starving usermode threads.DPCs Deferred/secDPCs Deferred/secPackets Coalesced/sec is the average rate, in packets per second, at which NDIS received packets that were subjected to coalescing by a network interface before interrupting the host CPU.Packets Coalesced/secPAPackets Coalesced/secPANDIS System DriverNDIS System Driver RDMA Activity RDMA ActivitygThe RDMA Activity counter set measures RDMA activity on a NetworkDirect-capable network interface card.PARDMA Initiated ConnectionsRDMA Initiated Connections<Number of outbound RDMA connections established successfullyRDMA Accepted ConnectionsRDMA Accepted Connections;Number of inbound RDMA connections established successfullyRDMA Failed Connection AttemptsRDMA Failed Connection Attempts>Number of inbound and outbound failed RDMA connection attemptsRDMA Connection ErrorsRDMA Connection ErrorsNumber of successfully established RDMA connections on which an error occurred before being disconnected by local or remote clientPARDMA Active ConnectionsRDMA Active Connections!Number of active RDMA connectionsPARDMA Completion Queue ErrorsRDMA Completion Queue Errors;Number of RDMA completion queues that went into error stateRDMA Inbound Bytes/secRDMA Inbound Bytes/sec:Bytes/sec received at layer 2 for all inbound RDMA trafficRDMA Outbound Bytes/secRDMA Outbound Bytes/sec7Bytes/sec sent at layer 2 for all outbound RDMA trafficRDMA Inbound Frames/secRDMA Inbound Frames/sec;Frames/sec received at layer 2 for all inbound RDMA trafficRDMA Outbound Frames/secRDMA Outbound Frames/sec8Frames/sec sent at layer 2 for all outbound RDMA trafficPA(Physical Network Interface Card Activity(Physical Network Interface Card ActivitydThe Physical Network Interface Card Activity counter set measures events on a physical network card.Device Power StateDevice Power State4Device Power State is the current power state of the network interface card. Power state 0 is the active operating state, while power state 3 is the device's lowest power state. Intermediate states 1 and 2 are device-specific sleep states. For example, a USB NIC uses power state 2 to allow remote-wakeup. % Time Suspended (Instantaneous) % Time Suspended (Instantaneous)% Time Suspended (Instantaneous) measures the amount of time that the network interface card is in a low-power suspended state. The percentage is calculated over the duration of the sample interval.% Time Suspended (Lifetime)% Time Suspended (Lifetime)% Time Suspended (Lifetime) measures the amount of time that the network interface card is in a low-power suspended state. The percentage is calculated over the entire lifetime of the network card.PA Low Power Transitions (Lifetime) Low Power Transitions (Lifetime)Low Power Transitions (Lifetime) measures the number of successful low-power transitions over the lifetime of the network interface card. The counter includes only transitions from the active high-power state to a low-power state.PAM(M(44800H00PPpp<'''3'p 5'B'<D'|'8''/<(F(1H(L(9P(S(;ad@>?p@жADMiniport %4, %1, had event %5 SQM Info Start Stop Start State End State $Closed State Open State $Connect State $Listen State ,Association State 4Authentication State ,Established State Error Warning Information Verbose Request PnP Init Bind Power WMI Interface Port WorkItem Indication SendM Protocol Log ,ReceiveThrottling ,Refcount rundown 8Microsoft-Windows-NDIS PMicrosoft-Windows-NDIS/Operational LMicrosoft-Windows-NDIS/Diagnostic System LAborting Request %4 on Filter %5 PAborting Request %4 on Miniport %5 8Add Device Miniport %1 4Add Device Failed %1 0Add PnP Device: %1 PAllocate Adapter Channel Failed %1 Initialize Binding - Protocol: %4, Adapter: %1, Result: %5 PMiniport %1, Calling miniport reset HFilter %1, Aborting Request %4 `Miniport %1, Successfully canceled wake irp LMiniport %1, Aborting Request %4 Miniport %1, Failed to set the new information on the miniport hCompartment change notification, compartment %1 Interface change notification, interface IfType %1, NetLuid index %2 XNetwork change notification, network %1 hRequest Clearing Processing Request Miniport %1 PProtocol %4 is closing Miniport %1 PCompleting Request %4 to Filter %1 @Miniport %1, WaitWakeIrp %4 TMiniport %1, activating default port XMiniport %1, deactivating default port \Failed to deregister interface IfBlock %3 DevicePowerStateChange Miniport %1, Going to device state %5 hDispatch PnP Irp Miniport %1, MinorFunction: %4 hDispatch WMI Irp Miniport %1, MinorFunction %4 Miniport %1, Failed to execute WMI method (%6) on the miniport LFailed to indicate filter arrival xMiniport %1, Filter %4 changed media type from %7 to %8 PFilter Registration Failed %1 - %2 LFailed to indicate filter removal PFailed to indicate adapter removal hMiniport %1, InitializeAdapter status - %4 (%5) hMiniport %1, InitializeAdapter error - %4 (%5) TCould not read Bind/Export for %4: %1 tMiniport %1, Not a system state! Type: %4. State: %5. |IoSetDeviceInterfaceState failed: Miniport %1, Status %4 <IoWMIWriteEvent failed %1 \DeviceObject %3, IRP_MN_SET_POWER failed! xKeeping the fake handlers on Filter %1, State flags %4 |Keeping the fake handlers on Miniport %1, State flags %4 LOpen %3 is already getting unbind ,Miniport %1 is %4 Miniport %1 - MiniportInitialize handler failed, Status %4 LMiniport %1, Ethernet Address %4 DMiniport %1, DeviceState[%5] TMiniport %1, Powering up the Miniport xMiniport %1, SystemPowerState[%4] DevicePowerState[%5] DMiniport %1, SystemState[%5] \Failed to restart miniport %1. Status %4 8Error querying %4 : %5 Failing open because the miniport is not started, Miniport %1, Open %4 TPort Activation Failed Miniport %1 %4 hMiniport %1, Disabling wake-up on the miniport dMiniport %1, Failed to power the device down Miniport %1, failed to power down but we are not able to reinitialize it. HMiniport %1, Halt the miniport Miniport %1, System is either entering hibernate or shutting down. hDeviceObject %1, Going to system power state %2 HMiniport %1 is not started yet. DMiniport %1 is being removed Miniport %1, MagicPacket and pattern match are not enabled. tMiniport %1, Place legacy or PM disabled device in D3 `Miniport %1, SystemState %4, DeviceState %5 @Miniport %1, shutting down pMiniport %1, Device power wake is not enabled (%4) LMiniport %1, Waking up the device 0BIND (%1) %2 to %3 0UNBIND(%1) %2 to %3 |Miniport %1, IRP_MN_QUERY_PNP_DEVICE_STATE device failed pMiniport %1, Bus Driver returned %4 for QueryPower. pMiniport %1, Bus Driver returned %4 for QueryPower. |Miniport %1, failed power Oid %5, Set = %6 with error %4 TndisReferenceProtocolByName failed %1 dMiniport %1 failed to register for interrupts DriverObject %3, Miniport Driver should register both a DirectRequest and CancelDirectRequest handler or neither one `SendPacketCompleteToOpen Open %1, Packet %2 DndisSetEnableWakeUp Completed SetMiniportEthMulticastList Failed Miniport %1, Request %6 SetMiniportRSSCaps Failed Miniport %1, Request %6, Status %4 SetOpenEthAddDeleteMulticast Failed, Miniport = %1, Open = %6, Status = %4 tSetOpenEthMulticastList failed - Miniport %1, Open %6 XSetOpenFunctional - Invalid media type \SetOpenGroupAddress - Invalid media type hSetOpenRSSCaps: Miniport %1, Open %6, Status %4 `Miniport %1, Going to system power state %5 Transport %4 failed the PnP event: %5 for Miniport %1 with Status %6 Miniport %1, This version of NDIS does not support Arcnet, FDDI, IP1394, or Token Ring %1, %2 tMiniport %1, Wake irp was complete due to wake event WaitWakeIrpFailed Miniport %1, WAIT_WAKE irp failed or cancelled. Status %4 HMiniport %1 woke up the system. `Error Log Entry : Miniport %1 (%4) Error %5 0Aborting Request %4 XPort Deactivation Failed Miniport %1 %4 Miniport %1, PoRequestPowerIrp for device state returned %4 HMiniport %1, failed query power `DevicePowerOn failed Miniport %1, status %4 hPower policy - Unable to enter requested state lMiniport %1: Request %4, bComplete %5, Status %6 TCompleting Request %4 to Miniport %1 @Filter %1 entering state %2 Miniport %1, NDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_CONNECT, Flags: %4, PnpFlags %5, DevicePowerState %6 Miniport %1, NDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_DISCONNECT, Flags: %4, PnpFlags %5, DevicePowerState %6 Miniport %1, NDIS_STATUS_OPER_STATUS, OperationalStatus: %4, OperationalStatusFlags: %5 Miniport %1, NDIS_STATUS_OPER_STATUS, OperationalStatus: %4, OperationalStatusFlags: %5 |Miniport %1, NDIS_STATUS_NETWORK_CHANGE, Change Type: %4 HDPC/OtherDispatchRoutine Start DDPC/OtherDispatchRoutine End HQueued Receive Indication Start DQueued Receive Indication End 0Miniport %1 on processor %2 has an RST limit change from %5 to %6 NBLs per indication (NumNbls: %3, Duration: %4, Individual: %7, Cummulative: %8) The network adapter is idle and can be suspended now.%nInterface Luid: %1 The network adapter declined to enter a suspended state.%nInterface Luid: %1%nStatus code: %2 The network adapter must be resumed.%nInterface Luid: %1%nResume reason: %2 NIC Active state is acquired.%nInterface Luid: %1%nComponent ID: %2%nComponent Ref Count: %3%nInterface Ref Count: %4 NIC Active state is released.%nInterface Luid: %1%nComponent ID: %2%nComponent Ref Count: %3%nInterface Ref Count: %4 The network adapter indicated a wake signal.%nInterface Luid: %1%nWake reason: %2 Working power state is requested for network adapter. %nInterface Luid: %3 Working power request is completed for network adapter. %nInterface Luid: %3 %nStatus: %4 Low power state is requested for network adapter. %nInterface Luid: %3 Low power request is completed for network adapter. %nInterface Luid: %3 %nStatus: %4 Wait/Wake IRP is completed for network adapter. %nInterface Luid: %3 hFilter %1 entering state %2 (FriendlyName: %7) @Entering Connected Standby `Exiting Connected Standby. Duration %1 sec. |Miniport %2: CS active %3 seconds, %4 power transitions. lComponent %2: CS active %3 seconds, Miniport %1. dRefcount rundown for miniport %3 will follow Refcount rundown for miniport %1: component %2 has refcount %3 Refcount rundown for miniport %1: stop flags %2%nRundown complete 8Power transition for Miniport %2 in CS (%3 to %4). %3 traffic (In-Out): Unicast Packets (%5-%6), Multicast Packets (%7-%8), Broadcast Packets (%9-%10). PError: %1 Location: %2 Context: %3 TWarning: %1 Location: %2 Context: %3 TTransitioned to State: %1 Context: %2 TUpdated Context: %1 Update Reason: %2 SourceAddress: %1 SourcePort: %2 DestinationAddress: %3 DestinationPort: %4 Protocol: %5 ReferenceContext: %6 Interface Guid: %1 IfIndex: %2 Interface Luid: %3 ReferenceContext: %4 ,InitializeHandler XError creating Ndis Supported Oid List LWOL not possible on this miniport `Error creating the Ethernet filter database dError creating the Token Ring filter database XError creating the NULL filter database pError creating the NULL bottom most filter database HIoWMIRegistrationControl failed XIoRegisterDeviceClassAssociation failed \ndisIfUpdateInterfaceOnInitialize failed 8ndisQueryOidList failed 4IRP_MN_QUERY_ALL_DATA DIRP_MN_QUERY_SINGLE_INSTANCE DIRP_MN_CHANGE_SINGLE_INSTANCE <IRP_MN_CHANGE_SINGLE_ITEM 4IRP_MN_ENABLE_EVENTS 4IRP_MN_DISABLE_EVENTS <IRP_MN_ENABLE_COLLECTION <IRP_MN_DISABLE_COLLECTION (IRP_MN_REGINFO 4IRP_MN_EXECUTE_METHOD ,IRP_MN_REGINFO_EX 0IRP_MN_START_DEVICE @IRP_MN_QUERY_REMOVE_DEVICE 4IRP_MN_REMOVE_DEVICE @IRP_MN_CANCEL_REMOVE_DEVICE 0IRP_MN_STOP_DEVICE <IRP_MN_QUERY_STOP_DEVICE <IRP_MN_CANCEL_STOP_DEVICE DIRP_MN_QUERY_DEVICE_RELATIONS 8IRP_MN_QUERY_INTERFACE <IRP_MN_QUERY_CAPABILITIES 8IRP_MN_QUERY_RESOURCES PIRP_MN_QUERY_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS <IRP_MN_QUERY_DEVICE_TEXT PIRP_MN_FILTER_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS 0IRP_MN_READ_CONFIG 0IRP_MN_WRITE_CONFIG $IRP_MN_EJECT (IRP_MN_SET_LOCK (IRP_MN_QUERY_ID DIRP_MN_QUERY_PNP_DEVICE_STATE DIRP_MN_QUERY_BUS_INFORMATION LIRP_MN_DEVICE_USAGE_NOTIFICATION 8IRP_MN_SURPRISE_REMOVAL Halting (Reset Requested $Reset Pending dSendNetBufferListsCompleteHandler is invalid XReceiveNetBufferListsHandler is invalid TOidRequestCompleteHandler is invalid (NULL Port List linvalid port activation request for default port Ldefault port is already activated ,port is not found Hport is not in allocated state dinvalid deactivation request for default port Pdefault port is already deactivated Hport is not in activated state XFilter Driver version number is invalid hFilter Driver is missing the required Handlers Filter Driver should either register both a Request and RequestComplete Handler or neither of them Filter Driver can only register Cancel Request handler when registering the Request Handler Filter Driver should either register both a DirectRequest and DirectRequestComplete Handler or neither of them Filter Driver can only register Cancel Direct Request handler when registering the Direct request Handler Filter Driver can only register Cancel Send handler when registering the Send Handler LFilter Driver names are too long <OID_GEN_MAXIMUM_LOOKAHEAD @OID_GEN_MAXIMUM_FRAME_SIZE 0OID_GEN_MAC_OPTIONS DOID_GEN_MAXIMUM_SEND_PACKETS @OID_802_3_PERMANENT_ADDRESS <OID_802_3_CURRENT_ADDRESS @OID_802_3_MAXIMUM_LIST_SIZE @OID_802_5_PERMANENT_ADDRESS <OID_802_5_CURRENT_ADDRESS <OID_WAN_PERMANENT_ADDRESS 8OID_WAN_CURRENT_ADDRESS ,OID_PNP_SET_POWER 0OID_PNP_QUERY_POWER Detached Attaching Paused Restarting Running Pausing Detaching UP DOWN TESTING UNKNOWN DORMANT NOT_PRESENT ,LOWER_LAYER_DOWN 4PossibleNetworkChange 8DefinitelyNetworkChange DNetworkChangeFromMediaConnect dThe system is preparing to remove the device 8The device was removed PThe device was unexpectedly removed `The system is preparing to stop the device 8The device was stopped \The system is entering a low-power state LThe NIC is entering a quiet state `The miniport is performing a PNP operation |Power save operations are not started yet on the miniport `The miniport has encountered a fatal error dThe driver must process a network OID request XThe network stack must pause operation XThe network stack must resume operation <The driver must be reset lThe driver must process a PnP event notification LThe driver must check for errors dThe driver must process a Direct OID request `The driver must cancel a Direct OID request \The driver must transmit network packets XThe driver must cancel network packets The driver must complete the processing of received network packets Unspecified (Incoming Packet ,Media Disconnect $Media Connect HNetwork List Offload Discovery 0AP Association Lost 0GTK Handshake Error 84-Way Handshake Request HWiFi Direct Invitation Request (Register State SMS Receive $USSD Receive (Vendor Specific 4Unspecified Component TCPIP RS DHCPv4 DHCPv6 $Wireless LAN $Wireless WAN WCM NCSI Test EAP SIM TCPIP OID TCPIP Data TCPIP DAD Geolocation Unknown Dx_SystemSleep: NDIS is requesting a low device power state because the system is going to a low power state Dx_NicQuiet: NDIS is requesting a low device power state due to Connected Standby Dx_SSIdle: NDIS is requesting a low device power state because the NIC is idle Dx_D3DTimeout: NDIS is requesting a low device power state because the NIC is disconnected D0_SystemResume: NDIS is requesting a working device power state due to a system resume 8D0_NicActive: NDIS is requesting device working power state due for maintaining connectivity during Connected Standby or due to Connected Standby exit D0_AoAcWake: NDIS is requesting that the device return to the operational power state because the device has indicated a wake signal D0_SSResume: NDIS is requesting that the device return to the operational power state because the NIC is no longer idle D0_D3DCancel: NDIS is requesting that the device return to the operational power state because the D3-on-disconnect has been disabled D0_D3DWake: NDIS is requesting that the device return to the operational power state because the NIC has indicated a wake (D0_D3DResume: NDIS is requesting that the device return to the operational power state because NDIS needed to interact with the miniport driver D0_Complete: The device's bus is ready to return the device to an operational power state D0_SSComplete: The device's bus is ready to return the device to an operational power state Dx_Complete: The device's bus has acknowledged the low-power state Dx_SSComplete: The device's bus has acknowledged the low-power state 0D0_AoAcSurpriseWake: NDIS is requesting that the device return to the operational power state because the miniport driver indicated a surprise wake DeviceAdded: NDIS has successfully processed the enumeration of the miniport's hardware node DeviceStart: The PNP subsystem has requested that NDIS start the device DeviceQueryRemove: The PNP subsystem has requested that NDIS prepare to remove this device DeviceCancelRemove: The PNP subsystem has canceled a remove request DeviceRemove: The PNP subsystem has requested that NDIS remove the device DeviceSurpriseRemoval: The PNP subsystem has indicated that the device was not enumerated by its bus anymore DeviceQueryStop: The PNP subsystem has requested that NDIS prepare to stop the device DeviceCancelStop: The PNP subsystem has canceled a pending stop request DeviceStop: The PNP subsystem has requested that NDIS stop the miniport device MiniportInitialized: NDIS has successfully initialized the miniport adapter dMiniportHalted: NDIS has halted the miniport dMiniportPaused: NDIS has paused the miniport MiniportRestarted: NDIS has successfully restarted (unpaused) the miniport MiniportPmInitialized: NDIS has successfully initialized the miniport adapter Fatal error: The miniport has entered an error state due to a user request |Fatal error: The miniport has detected an internal error tFatal error: The IM miniport has failed to initialize Fatal error: The miniport has failed to start by returning an error code from MiniportRestart Fatal error: The miniport has failed a power transition to operational power Fatal error: The miniport has failed a power transition to low power 8DOWN_NOT_AUTHENTICATED <DOWN_NOT_MEDIA_CONNECTED (DORMANT_PAUSED ,DORMANT_LOW_POWER 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?&StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation.FileDescriptionNetwork Driver Interface Specification (NDIS)r)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)2 InternalNameNDIS.SYS.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.B OriginalFilenameNDIS.SYS.MUIj%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGX