MZÿÿ¸@¸º´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ÑRØ•3}‹•3}‹•3}‹HÌ´‹”3}‹H̱‹”3}‹Rich•3}‹PELà!  B`›¤@øA.rsrcPB@@è€(€ @€X€p€ˆ€ € ¸ È Øð°ä ¼<ä\NœäMUIÍþÍþ°&Oúúg´E¥"t,\4iE‰2–·í?ø©Š0¼°Y§ˆ˜  MUI en-US |(  ¬ 04Ä 6tŒwy´,€€P/ƒ‰Ô/›9D Computer is booting, SAC started and initialized. Use the "ch -?" command for information about using channels. Use the "?" command for general help.  SAC>%0 lThe SAC is unavailable, it was directly unloaded. ˜The SAC will become unavailable soon. The computer is shutting down. ¨A parameter was incorrect or missing. Try the 'help' command for more details. DThread information is now ON. HThread information is now OFF. ,Paging is now ON. 0Paging is now OFF. 0Paging is now OFF. ld Dump the current kernel log. ˆf Toggle detailed or abbreviated tlist info. X? or help Display this list. œi List all IP network numbers and their IP addresses. Œi <#> <ip> <subnet> <gateway> Set IPv4 addr., subnet and gateway. dk <pid> Kill the given process. ¤l <pid> Lower the priority of a process to the lowest possible. ˜m <pid> <MB-allow> Limit the memory usage of a process to <MB-allow>. hp Toggle paging the display. „r <pid> Raise the priority of a process by one. ¤s Display the current time and date (24 hour clock used). œs mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm Set the current time and date (24 hour clock used). @t Tlist. trestart Restart the system immediately. tshutdown Shutdown the system immediately. œcrashdump Crash the system. You must have crash dump enabled. ”id Display the computer identification information. „lock Lock access to Command Prompt channels. <Failed with status 0x%%X. „Date: %%02d/%%02d/%%02d Time (GMT): %%02d:%%02d:%%02d:%%04d XSAC could not retrieve the IP Address. dSAC could not clear the existing IP Address. LSAC could not set the IP Address. ˆSAC successfully set the IP Address, subnet mask, and gateway. TSAC failed to terminate the process. \SAC successfully terminated the process. \SAC failed to lower the process priority. hSAC successfully lowered the process priority. \SAC failed to raise the process priority. dSAC successfully raised the process priority. lSAC failed to limit the available process memory. xSAC successfully limited the available process memory.  SAC cannot raise the priority of a process that was not previously lowered. lSAC cannot raise the process priority any higher. PSAC failed to shutdown the system. LSAC failed to restart the system. PSAC failed to crashdump the system. TSAC failed to retrieve the task list. „memory: %%4ld kb uptime:%%3ld %%2ld:%%02ld:%%02ld.%%03ld 0No pagefile in use. (PageFile: %%wZ œ Current Size: %%6ld kb Total Used: %%6ld kb Peak Used %%6ld kb   Memory:%%7ldK Avail:%%7ldK TotalWs:%%7ldK InRam Kernel:%%5ldK P:%%5ldK ˜ Commit:%%7ldK/%%7ldK Limit:%%7ldK Peak:%%7ldK Pool N:%%5ldK P:%%5ldK œ User Time Kernel Time Ws Faults Commit Pri Hnd Thd Pid Name   %%6ld %%8ld File Cache Ð%%3ld:%%02ld:%%02ld.%%03ld %%3ld:%%02ld:%%02ld.%%03ld%%6ld %%8ld %%7ld %%2ld %%4ld %%3ld %%4ld %%wZ t%%3ld:%%02ld:%%02ld.%%03ld %%3ld:%%02ld:%%02ld.%%03ld tpid:%%3lx pri:%%2ld Hnd:%%5ld Pf:%%7ld Ws:%%7ldK %%wZ „ tid pri Ctx Swtch StrtAddr User Time Kernel Time State ´ %%3lx %%2ld %%9ld %%p %%2ld:%%02ld:%%02ld.%%03ld %%2ld:%%02ld:%%02ld.%%03ld %%s%%s H----Press <Enter> for more---- LSAC is retrieving IP Addresses... PCould not retrieve IP Address(es). TThere are no IP Addresses available. ¤Net: %%d, Ip=%%d.%%d.%%d.%%d Subnet=%%d.%%d.%%d.%%d Gateway=%%d.%%d.%%d.%%d lDate: %%02d/%%02d/%%02d Time (GMT): %%02d:%%02d \The year is restricted from 1980 to 2099. That process has been killed and is being cleaned up by the system. ÐA duplicate process id is being cleaned up by the system. Try the command again in a few seconds. 8Net: %%d, Disconnected H Computer Name: %%ws H Computer GUID: %%ws H Processor Architecture: %%ws H Build Number: %%ws H Product: %%ws H Applied Service Pack: %%ws None%0 H Version Number: %%ws PWindows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter%0 LWindows Server 2012 R2 Embedded%0 PWindows Server 2012 R2 Enterprise%0 <Windows Server 2012 R2%0 pComputer identification information is unavailable. ˆUnrecognized command. Try the 'help' command for more details. \Error: The SAC channel cannot be closed. hError: Could not find a channel with that name. ¼Channel List (Use "ch -?" for information on using channels) # Status Channel Name ´EVENT: A new channel has been created. Use "ch -?" for channel help. Channel: %%s lEVENT: A channel has been closed. Channel: %%s Name: %%s Description: %%s Type: %%s Channel GUID: %%08lx-%%04x-%%04x-%%02x%%02x-%%02x%%02x%%02x%%02x%%02x%%02x Application Type GUID: %%08lx-%%04x-%%04x-%%02x%%02x-%%02x%%02x%%02x%%02x%%02x%%02x Press <esc><tab> for next channel. Press <esc><tab>0 to return to the SAC channel. Use any other key to view this channel.  ch Channel management commands. Use ch -? for more help. \ Time since last reboot: %%d:%%02d:%%02d TSAC preparing to restart the system. TSAC preparing to shutdown the system. ¨Error! Failed to remove channel! Please contact your system administrator. tcmd Create a Command Prompt channel. ´Timeout: Unable to launch a Command Prompt. The service responsible for launching Command Prompt channels has timed out. This may be because the service is malfunctioning or is unresponsive. tThe Command Prompt session was successfully launched. „Error: The SAC Command Console session failed to be created. 4Error: Unable to launch a Command Prompt. The service responsible for launching Command Prompt channels has not yet registered. This may be because the service is not yet started, is disabled by the administrator, is malfunctioning or is unresponsive. \EVENT: The CMD command is now available. XEVENT: The CMD command is unavailable. œEVENT: An attempt was made to close a channel but failed. Channel: %%s ¼EVENT: An attempt to close a channel failed because it is already closed. Channel: %%s „Channel management commands: ch List all channels. Status Legend: (AB) A: Channel operational status 'A' = Channel is active. 'I' = Channel is inactive. B: Channel Type 'V' = VT-UTF8 emulation. 'R' = Raw - no emulation. ch -si <#> Switch to a channel by its number. ch -sn <name> Switch to a channel by its name. ch -ci <#> Close a channel by its number. ch -cn <name> Close a channel by its name. Press <esc><tab> to select a channel. Press <esc><tab>0 to return to the SAC channel. €Error: There is no channel present at the specified index. SAC%0 LSpecial Administration Console%0 ,Command Prompt%0 dLocked access to all Command Prompt channels. lLaunching of Command Prompt channels is disabled. TThe specified subnet mask is invalid. pError, missing or invalid network interface number. TThe specified IP address is invalid. dThe specified gateway IP address is invalid. 4not yet initialized%0 lThe maximum number of channels has been reached. ,Net: %%d, Ip=%%s œ4VS_VERSION_INFO½ïþ@€%@€%?úStringFileInfoÖ040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationNFileDescriptionWindows SAC Driverr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)6 InternalNamesacdrv.sys€.LegalCopyright© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.FOriginalFilenamesacdrv.sys.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft® Windows® Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation °PADDINGX