MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  @H.rsrc@@0H I ?@0AHB`CxDEFGH^_ `8~Ph(@Xp0H`x 8Ph(@Xp    0 H ` x              0  @  P  `  p                        0  @  P  `  p                        0  @  P  `  p                        0  @  P  `  p                      0 @ P ` p   pD D"X"p#l#$d%p%&h''(H)LT)X)*+,,p-\.L//01,2r2`33p<4(55xT6<7789| :(;t;<=T>>d@?p?P@``@@AxB`CCDpE`FLGGH`ILJDKKL\MdNOP^`PQnQ0RfRVMUIY:n2]{(|(\t)o MUI en-USStorage Spaces TierStorage Spaces TierStorage Spaces Write CacheStorage Spaces Write CacheqThe Storage Spaces Tier performance object consists of counters that show information about Storage Spaces tiers.The Storage Spaces Write Cache performance object consists of counters that show information about Storage Spaces write caches.Tier Reads/secTier Reads/secAvg. Tier sec/ReadAvg. Tier sec/ReadAvg. Tier Read Queue LengthAvg. Tier Read Queue LengthTier Read Bytes/secTier Read Bytes/secAvg. Tier Bytes/ReadAvg. Tier Bytes/ReadTier Writes/secTier Writes/secAvg. Tier sec/WriteAvg. Tier sec/WriteAvg. Tier Write Queue LengthAvg. Tier Write Queue LengthTier Write Bytes/secTier Write Bytes/secAvg. Tier Bytes/WriteAvg. Tier Bytes/WriteCurrent Tier Queue LengthCurrent Tier Queue LengthTier Transfers/secTier Transfers/secAvg. Tier sec/TransferAvg. Tier sec/TransferAvg. Tier Queue LengthAvg. Tier Queue LengthTier Transfer Bytes/secTier Transfer Bytes/secAvg. Tier Bytes/TransferAvg. Tier Bytes/Transfer Tier Reads Tier Reads Tier Writes Tier WritesTier TransfersTier Transfers-The number of reads from the tier per second.5The average number of seconds per read from the tier.5The average number of concurrent reads from the tier.2The number of bytes read from the tier per second.PA3The average number of bytes per read from the tier.PA,The number of writes to the tier per second.4The average number of seconds per write to the tier.4The average number of concurrent writes to the tier.3The number of bytes written to the tier per second.2The average number of bytes per write to the tier.PA4The number of concurrent transfers from/to the tier.4The number of transfers from/to the tier per second.<The average number of seconds per transfer from/to the tier.<The average number of concurrent transfers from/to the tier.<The number of bytes transferred from/to the tier per second.:The average number of bytes per transfer from/to the tier."The number of reads from the tier. The number of write to the tier.)The number of transfers from/to the tier.PACache Writes/secCache Writes/secCache Write Bytes/secCache Write Bytes/secAvg. Cache Bytes/WriteAvg. Cache Bytes/WriteCache Overwrites/secCache Overwrites/secCache Overwrite Bytes/secCache Overwrite Bytes/secAvg. Cache Bytes/OverwriteAvg. Cache Bytes/OverwriteCache Evicts/secCache Evicts/secCache Evict Bytes/secCache Evict Bytes/secAvg. Cache Bytes/EvictAvg. Cache Bytes/EvictCurrent Destage Queue LengthCurrent Destage Queue LengthDestage Operations/secDestage Operations/secAvg. Destage sec/OperationAvg. Destage sec/OperationAvg. Destage Queue LengthAvg. Destage Queue Length Destage Optimized Operations/sec Destage Optimized Operations/secDestage Evicts/secDestage Evicts/secAvg. Destage Evicts/OperationAvg. Destage Evicts/OperationDestage Evict Bytes/secDestage Evict Bytes/secAvg. Destage Bytes/EvictAvg. Destage Bytes/Evict"Avg. Destage Evict Bytes/Operation"Avg. Destage Evict Bytes/OperationDestage Transfers/secDestage Transfers/sec Avg. Destage Transfers/Operation Avg. Destage Transfers/OperationAvg. Destage Transfers/EvictAvg. Destage Transfers/EvictDestage Transfer Bytes/secDestage Transfer Bytes/secAvg. Destage Bytes/TransferAvg. Destage Bytes/Transfer%Avg. Destage Transfer Bytes/Operation%Avg. Destage Transfer Bytes/Operation Bytes Cached Bytes CachedBytes ReservedBytes ReservedBytes ReclaimableBytes Reclaimable Bytes Used Bytes Used Cache Size Cache Size Cache Writes Cache WritesCache OverwritesCache Overwrites Cache Evicts Cache EvictsDestage OperationsDestage OperationsDestage EvictsDestage EvictsDestage TransfersDestage Transfers-The number of writes to the cache per second.4The number of bytes written to the cache per second.PA3The average number of bytes per write to the cache.1The number of overwrites to the cache per second.8The number of bytes overwritten to the cache per second.7The average number of bytes per overwrite to the cache.2The number of evictions from the cache per second.PA6The number of bytes evicted from the cache per second.8The average number of bytes per eviction from the cache./The number of concurrent operations by destage.PA/The number of operations by destage per second.7The average number of seconds per operation by destage.7The average number of concurrent operations by destage.PA9The number of optimized operations by destage per second..The number of evictions by destage per second.PA9The average number of evictions per operation by destage.PA2The number of bytes evicted by destage per second.4The average number of bytes per eviction by destage.=The average number of bytes evicted per operation by destage..The number of transfers by destage per second.PA9The average number of transfers per operation by destage.PA8The average number of transfers per eviction by destage.6The number of bytes transferred by destage per second.4The average number of bytes per transfer by destage.AThe average number of bytes transferred per operation by destage.2The amount of data in bytes residing in the cache.PA6The amount of metadata in bytes residing in the cache.HThe amount of space in bytes taken in the cache waiting to be reclaimed.0The amount of space in bytes taken in the cache.The size in bytes of the cache.PA"The number of writes to the cache.&The number of overwrites to the cache.'The number of evictions from the cache.PA$The number of operations by destage.#The number of evictions by destage.PA#The number of transfers by destage.PA 00PPddfh,3'591CPP1(QInfo Error Warning Information Physical drive %1 failed to read the configuration or returned corrupt data for storage pool %2. As a result the in-memory configuration may not be the most recent copy of configuration. Return Code: %3 ,Majority of the physical disks of storage pool %1 failed a configuration update, which caused the pool to go into a failed state. Return Code: %2 The capacity consumption of the storage pool %1 has exceeded the threshold limit set on the pool. Return Code: %2 The capacity consumption of the storage pool %1 is now below the threshold limit set on the pool. Return Code: %2 $Windows was unable to read the disk header for physical disk %1. If you know the disk is still usable, then resetting the disk health by using command line or GUI may clear this failure condition and enable you to reassign the disk to its storage pool. Return Code: %2 XPhysical drive %1 has invalid meta-data. Resetting the health status, using command line or GUI, might bring the physical drive to the primordial pool. Return Code: %2 Physical disk %1 has invalid meta-data. Resetting the health status, using command line or GUI, might resolve the issue. Return Code: %2 @ Physical disk %1 failed an IO operation. Return Code: %2. Additional related events may be found in the System event log for Disk %3. %n %nThis disk may need to be replaced. To view its reliability counters, run this command in PowerShell: %nGet-PhysicalDisk | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "%1" } | Get-StorageReliabilityCounter %n %nThis disk may be located using the following information: %n %nDrive Manufacturer: %4 %nDrive Model Number: %5 %nDrive Serial Number: %6 %n %nMore information can be obtained using this PowerShell command: %nGet-PhysicalDisk | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "%1" } %n %nIf this disk is in an enclosure, it may be located using the following information: %n %nEnclosure Manufacturer: %7 %nEnclosure Model Number: %8 %nEnclosure Serial Number: %9 %nEnclosure Slot: %10 %n %nIt may also be located by running this command in PowerShell: %nGet-PhysicalDisk | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "%1" } | Enable-PhysicalDiskIndication Physical disk %1 is reporting an impending failure. Sense Code (KEY ASC/ASCQ): %2 %3/%4. Additional related events may be found in the System event log for Disk %5. %n %nThis disk may need to be replaced. To view its reliability counters, run this command in PowerShell: %nGet-PhysicalDisk | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "%1" } | Get-StorageReliabilityCounter %n %nThis disk may be located using the following information: %n %nDrive Manufacturer: %6 %nDrive Model Number: %7 %nDrive Serial Number: %8 %n %nMore information can be obtained using this PowerShell command: %nGet-PhysicalDisk | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "%1" } %n %nIf this disk is in an enclosure, it may be located using the following information: %n %nEnclosure Manufacturer: %9 %nEnclosure Model Number: %10 %nEnclosure Serial Number: %11 %nEnclosure Slot: %12 %n %nIt may also be located by running this command in PowerShell: %nGet-PhysicalDisk | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "%1" } | Enable-PhysicalDiskIndication PWindows lost communication with physical disk %1. This can occur if a cable failed or was disconnected, or if the disk itself failed. %n %nThis disk may be located using the following information: %n %nDrive Manufacturer: %2 %nDrive Model Number: %3 %nDrive Serial Number: %4 %n %nIf this disk is in an enclosure, it may be located using the following information: %n %nEnclosure Manufacturer: %5 %nEnclosure Model Number: %6 %nEnclosure Serial Number: %7 %nEnclosure Slot: %8 %n %nMore information can be obtained using this PowerShell command: %nGet-PhysicalDisk | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "%1" } %n %nTo view the virtual disks affected, run this command in PowerShell: %nGet-PhysicalDisk | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "%1" } | Get-VirtualDisk PPhysical disk %1 was auto-retired. Physical disk %1 failed to read the configuration or returned corrupt data for virtual disk %2. As a result the in-memory configuration may not be the most recent copy of configuration. Return Code: %3 @All pool disks failed to read the configuration or returned corrupt data for virtual disk %1. As a result the virtual disk will not attach. Return Code: %2 dMajority of the pool disks hosting space meta-data for virtual disk %1 failed a space meta-data update, which caused the storage pool to go in failed state. Return Code: %2 Drives hosting data for virtual disk %1 have failed or are missing. As a result, no copy of data is available. Return Code: %2 <The virtual disk %1 is in a degraded state. This can happen when a physical disk hosting the virtual disk fails, is disconnected, or experiences a write error. %n %nWindows will attempt to repair the virtual disk. No action is needed at this time. HVirtual disk %1 is now healthy. The attempt to map, or allocate more storage for, the virtual disk %1 has failed. This is because there was a write failure involved in the updating the virtual disk metadata. Return Code: %2 The attempt to unmap or trim the virtual disk %1 has failed. Return Code: %2 Virtual disk %1 was detached due to an unexpected error. Return Code: %2 0The attempt to allocate more storage for the virtual disk %1 has failed. %n %nCheck the available capacity of the virutual disk; you may need to add additional %nphysical capacity to the pool. %n %nOnce you have resolved the condition listed above, %nyou can online the disk by using the following commands in PowerShell: %n %nGet-VirtualDisk | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "%1" } | Get-Disk | Set-Disk -IsReadOnly $false %nGet-VirtualDisk | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "%1" } | Get-Disk | Set-Disk -IsOffline $false Virtual disk %1 requires a data integrity scan. %n %nData on the disk is out-of-sync and a data integrity scan is required. %nTo start the scan, run the following command: %n %nGet-ScheduledTask -TaskName "Data Integrity Scan for Crash Recovery" | Start-ScheduledTask %n %nOnce you have resolved the condition listed above, %nyou can online the disk by using the following commands in PowerShell: %n %nGet-VirtualDisk | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "%1" } | Get-Disk | Set-Disk -IsReadOnly $false %nGet-VirtualDisk | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "%1" } | Get-Disk | Set-Disk -IsOffline $false <Virtual disk %1 has failed a write operation to all its copies. %n %nYou can online the disk by using the following commands in PowerShell: %n %nGet-VirtualDisk | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "%1" } | Get-Disk | Set-Disk -IsReadOnly $false %nGet-VirtualDisk | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "%1" } | Get-Disk | Set-Disk -IsOffline $false Virtual disk %1 could not be repaired because there is not enough free space in the storage pool. %n %nReplace any failed or disconnected physical disks. The virtual disk will then be repaired automatically or you can repair it by running this command in PowerShell: %nGet-VirtualDisk | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "%1" } | Repair-VirtualDisk A path to storage enclosure %1 has been detected. The number of available paths is %2. %nThis enclosure may be located using the following information: %n %nManufacturer: %3 %nModel Number: %4 %nSerial Number: %5 %nFirmware Version: %6 %n %nIt may also be located by running this command in PowerShell: %nGet-StorageEnclosure | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "%1" } A path to storage enclosure %1 has been removed. The number of remaining paths is %2. %nThis enclosure may be located using the following information: %n %nManufacturer: %3 %nModel Number: %4 %nSerial Number: %5 %nFirmware Version: %6 The health of storage enclosure %1 has changed from %2 to %3. %nThis enclosure may be located using the following information: %n %nManufacturer: %4 %nModel Number: %5 %nSerial Number: %6 %nFirmware Version: %7 %n %nIt may also be located by running this command in PowerShell: %nGet-StorageEnclosure | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "%1" } tA storage enclosure failed to initialize. Return Code: %1. %nThis enclosure may be located using the following information: %n %nManufacturer: %2 %nModel Number: %3 %nSerial Number: %4 %nFirmware Version: %5 ,For internal use. 0Operation started. 4Operation completed. Unknown Unhealthy Warning Healthy $SpacePrepare SpaceFlush SpaceDsm TaskPrepare SpanIo RaidRead RaidWrite (RaidRegenerate RaidScrub RaidRepair (RaidDestageRead ,RaidDestageWrite RaidReplay $Raid1ReadUnit ,Raid1PrepareWrite ,Raid1WriteCopies $Raid5ReadUnit ,Raid5Reconstruct (Raid5WriteUnit 0Raid5WriteMultiple ,Raid5WriteParity DrtRead DrtWrite LogRead LogWrite 26 Normal NoRecovery Recover Repair Writeback Log LogMetadata LogData LogDataScan LogParity $LogParityScan $LogCheckpoint LogBitmap Idle Ready Running Paused Abandoned Complete 4VS_VERSION_INFO&P%&P%?StringFileInfo000004B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationTFileDescriptionStorage Spaces Driver1FileVersion6.3.9600.20518 (winblue_ltsb_escrow.220728-1709)<InternalNamespaceport.sys.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.LOriginalFilenamespaceport.sys.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.20518DVarFileInfo$TranslationPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGX