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Tp5@@R.rsrc`T@@0H  ( @ X pr        0 @ P ` p@.pHVz&:X,t2<647'^MUI x<[c;9< )bޚ MUI en-USTCPIP Performance DiagnosticsTCPIP Performance DiagnosticsMThis counter set measures various TCPIP activity for performance diagnostics.PA*IPv4 NBLs indicated with low-resource flag*IPv4 NBLs indicated with low-resource flaguTotal number of inbound NetBufferLists indicated from IPv4 Framing Layer to IPv4 Network Layer with low-resource flag.IPv4 NBLs/sec indicated with low-resource flag.IPv4 NBLs/sec indicated with low-resource flagmRate of inbound NetBufferLists indicated from IPv4 Framing Layer to IPv4 Network Layer with low-resource flag*IPv6 NBLs indicated with low-resource flag*IPv6 NBLs indicated with low-resource flaguTotal number of inbound NetBufferLists indicated from IPv6 Framing Layer to IPv6 Network Layer with low-resource flagPA.IPv6 NBLs/sec indicated with low-resource flag.IPv6 NBLs/sec indicated with low-resource flagmRate of inbound NetBufferLists indicated from IPv6 Framing Layer to IPv6 Network Layer with low-resource flag)IPv4 NBLs indicated without prevalidation)IPv4 NBLs indicated without prevalidationtTotal number of inbound NetBufferLists indicated from IPv4 Framing Layer to IPv4 Network Layer without prevalidation-IPv4 NBLs/sec indicated without prevalidation-IPv4 NBLs/sec indicated without prevalidationlRate of inbound NetBufferLists indicated from IPv4 Framing Layer to IPv4 Network Layer without prevalidation)IPv6 NBLs indicated without prevalidation)IPv6 NBLs indicated without prevalidationtTotal number of inbound NetBufferLists indicated from IPv6 Framing Layer to IPv6 Network Layer without prevalidationPA-IPv6 NBLs/sec indicated without prevalidation-IPv6 NBLs/sec indicated without prevalidationlRate of inbound NetBufferLists indicated from IPv6 Framing Layer to IPv6 Network Layer without prevalidation%IPv4 NBLs treated as non-prevalidated%IPv4 NBLs treated as non-prevalidatedTotal number of inbound NetBufferLists indicated to IPv4 Network Layer as prevalidated but treated as non-prevalidated consequently)IPv4 NBLs/sec treated as non-prevalidated)IPv4 NBLs/sec treated as non-prevalidated{Rate of inbound NetBufferLists indicated to IPv4 Network Layer as prevalidated but treated as non-prevalidated consequently%IPv6 NBLs treated as non-prevalidated%IPv6 NBLs treated as non-prevalidatedTotal number of inbound NetBufferLists indicated to IPv6 Network Layer as prevalidated but treated as non-prevalidated consequentlyPA)IPv6 NBLs/sec treated as non-prevalidated)IPv6 NBLs/sec treated as non-prevalidated{Rate of inbound NetBufferLists indicated to IPv6 Network Layer as prevalidated but treated as non-prevalidated consequently.IPv4 outbound NBLs not processed via fast path.IPv4 outbound NBLs not processed via fast pathdTotal number of outbound NetBufferLists that could not be processed via IPv4 Framing Layer fast path2IPv4 outbound NBLs/sec not processed via fast path2IPv4 outbound NBLs/sec not processed via fast path\Rate of outbound NetBufferLists that could not be processed via IPv4 Framing Layer fast path.IPv6 outbound NBLs not processed via fast path.IPv6 outbound NBLs not processed via fast pathdTotal number of outbound NetBufferLists that could not be processed via IPv6 Framing Layer fast pathPA2IPv6 outbound NBLs/sec not processed via fast path2IPv6 outbound NBLs/sec not processed via fast path\Rate of outbound NetBufferLists that could not be processed via IPv6 Framing Layer fast path0TCP inbound segments not processed via fast path0TCP inbound segments not processed via fast pathNTotal number of inbound TCP segments that could not be processed via fast path4TCP inbound segments/sec not processed via fast path4TCP inbound segments/sec not processed via fast pathFRate of inbound TCP segments that could not be processed via fast path2TCP connect requests fallen off loopback fast path2TCP connect requests fallen off loopback fast path~Total number of TCP connect requests which were established over normal loopback path despite loopback fast path was requested6TCP connect requests/sec fallen off loopback fast path6TCP connect requests/sec fallen off loopback fast pathvRate of TCP connect requests which were established over normal loopback path despite loopback fast path was requested1Denied connect or send requests in low-power mode1Denied connect or send requests in low-power modeTotal number of TCP connect or TCP/UDP/RAW send requests denied by the TCPIP stack because the outbound network interface was in low-power modePAMicrosoft CorporationTCP/IP Protocol Driver@This event is triggered when an IP address conflict is detected.PA440011$PP8:<d1ghXMjjtNpsOx,Q ii|C`}GNpTV<((8mpLSQM Info Stop Error Warning Information Verbose Operational TCP: endpoint %2 (Family=%3, PID=%4) created with status = %1. xTCP: Tcb %1 (local=%3 remote=%5) requested to connect. TCP: Inspect Connect has been completed on Tcb %1 with status = %2. TCP: Tcb %1 is going to output SYN with ISN = %2, RcvWnd = %3, RcvWndScale = %4. TCP: endpoint bind failed: address %2 cannot be resolved (%3). TCP: endpoint (sockaddr=%2) bind failed: port-acquisition status = %3. TCP: endpoint (sockaddr=%2) bind failed: inspection status = %3. PTCP: endpoint (sockaddr=%2) bound. PTCP: endpoint (sockaddr=%2) closed. TCP: endpoint (Family=%6 PID=%4) create failed: address family not attached. TCP: endpoint (Family=%6 PID=%4) create failed: compartment %5 not found. TCP: endpoint (Family=%6 PID=%4) create failed: inspection status %3. \TCP: endpoint (Family=%6 PID=%4) created. TCP: listener (local=%2 remote=%4) accept failed: Route lookup status = %5, TCB = %8. TCP: listener (local=%3 remote=%5) accept failed: connection insertion. Duplicate TCB = %1. TCP: listener (local=%2 remote=%4) accept failed: client rejection status = %5. TCP: listener (local=%2 remote=%4) accept completed. TCB = %8. PID = %6. TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4 PID=%6) connect failed: address family not attached. TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4 PID=%6) connect failed: compartment %7 not found. TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4 PID=%6) connect failed: inspection status = %5. TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) connect failed: route lookup status = %5. TCP: Bypass rate limiting since flag is set on path %5 (local=%2 remote=%4) TCP: Charge rate limiting quota and set rate limiting flag for path %5 (local=%2 remote=%4) lTCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) deferred. xTCP: %6 rate-limiting paths %3 backlogged connections. TCP: Release and set rate limiting flag on path %5 (local=%2 remote=%4) lTCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) released. TCP: Clear rate limiting flag on path %5 (local=%2 remote=%4) since connection is cancelled. TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) connect failed: connection cancelled. TCP: connection (local=%2 remote=%4) connect failed: connection insertion status = %5. TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) connect proceeding. TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) released due to cancel. TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) connect completed. PID = %6. TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) connect attempt failed with status = %5. TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) connect failed: connect-complete inspect status = %5. TCP: ApplySynOptions, failed to create session state with status = %5, TCB = %8. TCP: ApplySynOptions, failed to update DF with status = %5, TCB = %8. tTCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) close issued. tTCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) abort issued. |TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) abort completed. TCP: Injecting disconnect on a shutdown TCB failed. TCB = %1. \TCP: connection disconnect %3, length=%1. TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) disconnect completed. TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) shutdown initiated (%5). PID = %6. TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) connect failed: connect-request timeout expired. TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) terminating: retransmission timeout expired. TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) terminating: keep-alive timeout expired. TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) terminating: disconnect timeout expired. TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) connect failed: extended statistics status = %5. TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) connect failed: port-acquisition status = %5. |TCP: connection %4 transition from %1 to %2, SndNxt = %3. TCP: Process with PID = %1 reserved %4 ports starting at %3. TCP: Process with PID = %1 failed to reserve %4 ports starting at %3 with status = %2. TCP: Process with PID = %1 completed global port reservation of %4 ports starting at %3 with status = %2. TCP: entering SYN attack resistance mode, Syn Attacks Detected = %1. TCP: reasembly rate-limiting violated %2 times since boot. TCP: connection rate-limiting violated %4 times since boot. pTCP: land attack has dropped %5 packets since boot. TCP: low memory state detected. LowMemoryEvent =%3 LowPagedPoolEvent = %4. TCP: leaving low memory state. HighMemoryEvent = %1 HighPagedPoolEvent = %2. dTCP: address family %2 added to interface %1. lTCP: address family %2 removed from interface %1. TCP: leaving SYN attack resistance mode, Syn Attacks Detected = %1. TCP: Connection %1 %2 timer started. Scheduled to expire in %3 ms. XTCP: Connection %1 stopping %2 timer. \TCP: Connection %1 %2 timer has expired. TCP: ISB changed to %1. CWnd = %2 SndWnd = %3 SendAvailable = %4 SSThresh = %5. TCP: moving RSS indirection table index %6 from processor %1 to processor %3. TCP: connection %1: Timeout Event updated cwnd = %2 and updated ssthresh = %3. dTCP: connection %1: Rtt sample recorded %4. tTCP: connection %1: Cumulative ACK updated cwnd = %2. TCP: connection %1: Duplicate ACK updated cwnd = %2 and updated ssthresh = %3. TCP: connection %1: Sent data with number of bytes = %5 and Sequence number = %6. TCP: connection %1: Received data with number of bytes = %2. ThSeq = %3. TCP: connection %1: ECN Echo updated cwnd = %2 and updated ssthresh = %3. SndUna = %4, Mss = %5, ThAck = %6. xTCP: connection %1: Spurious timeout with SndUna = %7. TCP: connection %1: Send Retransmit round with SndUna = %6, Round = %8, SRTT = %9, RTO = %10. TCP: connection %1: Entered loss recovery phase with SndUna = %2 and SndMax = %3. TCP: connection %1: Leaving loss recovery phase with SndUna = %2 and SndMax = %3. xTCP: connection %1 entering SACK mode with SndUna = %2. xTCP: connection %1 leaving SACK mode with SndUna = %2. TCP: connection %1 entering Congestion Avoidance Phase with cwnd = %2 and ssthresh = %3. TCP: connection %1 entered BH, BH MSS %2, original MSS %3. TCP: connection %1 Exiting BH due to %4, BH mss %2, Original MSS %3. dTCP: connection %1 not entering BH due to %4. TCP: connection %1 spurious RTO detection initiated at %7. TCP: connection %1 spurious RTO detection terminated at %7. TCP: active connect failed (family=%2) connect-complete inspection failed: status = %3. \TCP: TcpReleaseIndicationList: Nbl = %1. TCP: connection %1 posted an average of %5 bytes per send. TCP: connection (local=%2 remote=%4) starting receive window auto-tuning. TCP: connection (local=%2 remote=%4) ending receive window auto-tuning. TCP: connection (local=%2 remote=%4) failed to enter auto-tuning because fine-grained RTT estimation could not be started. TCP: connection (local=%2 remote=%4) failed to enter auto-tuning because receiver bandwidth estimation could not be started. TCP: connection (local=%2 remote=%4) failed to enter auto-tuning because of receive window tuning allocation failure. TCP: connection (local=%2 remote=%4) auto-tuner adjusted receive buffer size to %5 bytes. TCP: connection %1: Rtt resiliency detection complete with Rtt sample = %4 and new SRTT = %9. TCP: connection %5: Connection State = %1, Offload State = %2. SndNxt = %3, RcvNxt = %4. NdisStatus = %6. TCP: SWS avoidance began on connection %1. Timer set for %2 ms. BytesToSend = %3, SendAvailable = %4, Cwnd = %5, MaxSndWnd = %6. `TCP: SWS avoidance ended on connection %1. TCP: connection %1 send: Beginning zero-window probing with SndUna = %2. TCP: connection %1 send: Leaving zero-window probing with SndUna = %2. tTCP: Option %2 is going to be set for connection %1. TCP: Socket Option %3 is going to be set for connection %1. `IP: Disconnecting interface %1, trace = %2. <TCPIP: Module %1 started. <TCPIP: Module %1 stopped. DTCPIP: Failure allocating %1. TCP: Global parameters updated for Address Family %1: EnablePMtuDiscovery = %2, UseRfc1122UrgentPointer = %3, DisableTaskOffload = %4, DisableTcpChimneyOffload = %5, DisableRss = %6, EnablePMtuBHDetect = %7, EcnCapability = %8, MaxDataRetransmissions = %9, KeepAliveTime = %10, KeepAliveInterval = %11, TimedWaitDelay = %12, SillyWindowTimeout = %13, FinWait2Timeout = %14, CongestionAlgorithm = %15, UseRfc1323Timestamps = %16, AutoTuningLevelLocal = %17, AutoTuningLevelGroupPolicy = %18. TCP: Connection %1 Large Send Offload, Bytes in segment = %2 and Bytes remaining = %3. \TCP: Connection %1 status changed to %2. TCP: Connection %1 status = %2, Interface = %3, PMax = %4. IP: DAD successful for IP address = %7 %9 %8 on interface = %1, protocol = %2. IP: DAD failed for IP address = %7 %9 %8 on interface = %1, protocol = %2, DL address of packet = %5. IP: DAD started for IP address = %7 %9 %8 on interface = %1, protocol = %2. TCP: listener (sockaddr=%3 PID=%5) activation failed: address family not attached. TCP: listener %1 (family=%7 PID=%5) activation failed: compartment %6 not found. Status=%4. TCP: listener %1 (family=%7 PID=%5) activation failed: inspection status=%4. TCP: listener %1 (sockaddr=%3) activation failed: inspection status=%4. TCP: listener %1 (sockaddr=%3) bind failed: port-acquisition status=%4. TCP: listener %1 (family=%7 PID=%5) bind failed: address %3 cannot be resolved (Status=%4). \TCP: listener %1 (sockaddr=%3) activated. XTCP: listener %1 (sockaddr=%3) unbound. IP: IP address = %7 %9 %8 added on interface = %1, Protocol = %2. IP: IP address = %7 %9 %8 deleted on interface = %1, Protocol = %2. Framing: Interface %1 Operational Status = %2, Operational Status Flags = %3. `Framing: NDIS pause event on interface %1. dFraming: NDIS restart event on interface %1. IP: IP address = %7 %9 %8 state changed to Preferred. Interface = %1. IP: IP address = %7 %9 %8 state changed to Non-preferred. Interface = %1. DadState = %3. 8IP: Interface %1 property change. Advertise= %2, AdvertiseDefaultRoute = %3, Forward = %4, ForwardMulticast = %5, UseNud = %6, AdvertisingEnabled = %7. IP: Route %1 created on interface %2. Protocol = %5, DestinationPrefix = %16 %18 %7 /%6, Nexthop = %17 %18 %8. IP: Route %1 deleted on interface %2, Protocol = %5, DestinationPrefix = %16 %18 %7 /%6, Nexthop = %17 %18 %8. IP: Route %1 property change. Interface = %2, Protocol = %5, DestinationPrefix = %16 %18 %7 /%6, Nexthop = %17 %18 %8. Properties: ValidLifetime = %9, PreferredLifetime = %10, Metric = %11, Loopback = %12, AutoconfigureAddress = %13, Publish = %14, Immortal = %15. IP: Neighbor unreachable. Interface %1, IP address = %5 %7 %6. IP: Neighbor reachable. Interface %1, IP address = %5 %7 %6, DlAddress = %3. TCP: CTCP DataTransferTimeout event. Connection %1, CWnd = %2, SsThresh = %3. TCP: CTCP Cumulative Ack event Connection %1, sequence = %6, CWnd = %2, DWnd = %11, BaseRtt = %12. TCP: CTCP Duplicate Ack event. Connection %1, sequence = %6, SndUna = %7, CWnd = %2, DWnd = %11, BaseRtt = %12, DupAckCount = %13. TCP: CTCP Send event. Connection %1, sequence = %6, length = %5. TCP: CTCP ECN event. Connection %1, CWnd %2, SndUna = %4, Mss = %5, DWnd = %7, BaseRtt = %8. TCP: CTCP Spurious timeout event. Connection %1, CWnd = %2, SsThresh = %3. TCP: connection %1, delivery %2, Request %3 posted for %4 bytes, flags = %5. RcvNxt = %10. TCP: connection %1 delivery %2 indicated %4 bytes accepted %6 bytes, status = %7. RcvNxt = %10. TCP: connection %1 delivery %2 satisfied %4 bytes %6 requested. IsFullySatisfied = %9. RcvNxt = %10. lTCP: connection %1 send %2 posted %3 bytes at %4. pTCP: connection %1 send transmitted %3 bytes at %4. hTCP: connection %1 send advance %3 bytes at %4. |TCP: CTcp: Connection %1 Delay window has not kicked in. tTCP: CTcp: Allocated blocks: %1; Assigned blocks: %2. TCP: CTcp: Connection %1, DWnd = %2 (Prev = %3), BaseRtt = %4, AverageRtt = %5, CWnd =%6, DiffWnd = %7, DWnd increment = %8. TCP: CTcp: Gamma Autotuning: Connection %1 Updated Gamma %2, Average backlog %3, Average backlog across LFPs %4. TCP: connection %1 SRTT measurement started (seq = %2, tick = %3). TCP: connection %1 SRTT measurement complete (tick = %3, sample = %4 ms, new srtt = %5 ms). hTCP: connection %1: SRTT measurement cancelled. UDP: endpoint %1 (LocalAddress = %5, RemoteAddress = %7) sending %2 messages and a total of %3 bytes. PID = %8. UDP: endpoint %1 (LocalAddress = %5, RemoteAddress = %7) delivering %3 bytes. PID = %8. TCP: connection %1 delivery %2 flushing %4 bytes %6 requested status = %7. TCP: Injecting receive on a shutdown TCB failed. TCB = %1. TCP: connection %1 delivery %2 injecting %4 bytes delta %6, IsUrgentDelivery = %8. xTCP: Injecting fin on a shutdown TCB failed. TCB = %1. TCP: connection %1 delivery %2 accepting %4 bytes. RcvNxt = %10. TCP: connection %1 delivery %2 delivering FIN. RcvNxt = %10. TCP: connection %1 delivery %2 pushing %4 bytes %6 requested. Delayed push = %9. TCP: Injecting fin on TCB completed. TCB = %1, Processor = %4. TCP: connection %1 delivery %2 urgent boundary completing %4 bytes %6 requested. TCP: connection %1 (local=%3 remote=%5): initiating SYN/RST validation. TCP: connection %1 (local=%3 remote=%5) connect failed: received RST. TCP: connection %1 (local=%3 remote=%5) connection terminated: received RST. TCP: connection %1 (local=%3 remote=%5) connection terminated: received SYN in state %6. TCP: connection %1 (local=%3 remote=%5) retransmitting connect attempt, RexmitCount = %7. TCP: connection %1 (local=%3 remote=%5) retransmitting data, RexmitCount = %7. pTCP: connection %1 send keep-alive at SndUna = %2. TCP: connection %1, delivery %2: delivery state changed from %3 to %4. TCP: connection %1 delivery %2 dropping data. TotalBytesEnqueued = %4. Length = %6. RcvNxt = %10. tTCP: endpoint/connection %1 acquired port number %2. TCP: connection %1 attempted to acquire weak reference on port number %2 inherited from endpoint %4. Successful = %3. TCP: endpoint/connection %1 released port number %2. WeakReference = %3. TCP: endpoint/connection %1 replaced base endpoint %4 and acquired reference to port number %2. TCP: Portpool assigned port number %2 with weak references due to port exhaustion. TCP: connection %1 BH receive ACK for full size seq. Seq = %2. IsSack = %5. TCP: connection %1 flushed SACK state at SndUna = %2. Reason: %4. xTCP: Connection %1 entering reassembly at RcvNxt = %2. tTCP: Connection %1 leaving reassembly at RcvNxt = %2. TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) terminating: Zero window probe timeout expired. TCP: connection %8 (local=%2 remote=%4) terminating: FIN-WAIT-2 timeout expired. IP: Interface rundown: Index = %1, Linkspeed = %2 bps, PhysicalMediumType = %7, IP Address = %4 %3 %6. IP: Interface Index = %1, Linkspeed changed to %2 bps, PhysicalMediumType = %7. TCP: Connection %1 flushing reassembly state at RcvNxt = %2. Reason = %4. LTCPIP: NBL %1 fell off the receive fast path, Reason: %10. Protocol = %2, Family = %3, Number of NBLs = %11. SourceAddress = %4 %12 %7. DestAddress = %5 %12 %9. XTCPIP: SendDatagram %1 fell off the send fast path, Reason: %10. Protocol = %2, Family = %3, Number of NBLs = %11. SourceAddress = %4 %12 %7. DestAddress = %5 %12 %9. <TCP: WSD - %1 Status: %2. TCP: WSD - TCB %2 will use a highly restricted window scale factor due to a %1. |TCP: WSD - Entry (%2, %3) moved from %4 to %5 due to %1. TCP: WSD - Profile: %1 State: %2 Qualified: %3 EreQualified: %4. TCP: WSD - Enabled moved from %1 to %2. Threshold moved from %3 to %4. TCPIP: Transport (Protocol %1, AddressFamily = %2) dropped %8 packet(s) with Source = %4, Destination = %6. Reason = %7. (TCPIP: Network layer (Protocol %1, AddressFamily = %2) dropped %10 packet(s). SourceAddress = %3 %11 %6. DestAddress = %4 %11 %8. Reason = %9. TCP: MPP NPP Evaluation PhysicalPages = %1 NonPagedPoolPages = %2 Current = %3 Peak = %4 Low = %5 High = %6. 8TCP: MPP: Episode started. LowNppEventState = %1 HighNppEventState = %2 EpisodeStartTick = %3 EpisodeStopTick = %4 Current = %5 Low = %6 Reentry = %7. TCP: MPP: Episode ended. LowNppEventState = %1 HighNppEventState = %2 EpisodeStartTick = %3 EpisodeStopTick = %4 Reentry = %5. tTCP: MPP: Epoch %1 started. LowNppEventState = %2 HighNppEventState = %3 EpochStartTick = %4 EpochStopTick = %5 SynDropRate = %6 -> %7 TcbKillRate = %8 -> %9 CurrentWatermark = %10. DTCP: MPP: Epoch %1 ended. LowNppEventState = %2 HighNppEventState = %3 EpochStartTick = %4 EpochStopTick = %5 SynDropRate = %6 TcbKillRate = %7 Current = %8. TCP: Connection %1 restarting Cwnd. Old Cwnd = %2, New Cwnd = %3, Processor = %4, CurrentTick = %5, IdleTick = %6, Rto = %7. TCP: Connection %1 adjust InitalCwnd. Cwnd = %2, New Initial Cwnd = %3 MSS. |TCP: Connection %1 committed TemplateType = %2. MinRto=%3 msec, EnableCwndRestart = %4, InitialCwnd = %5 MSS, CongestionAlgorithm=%6, MaxDataRetransmissions=%7, DelayedAckTicks=%8 msec. TCP: Connection %1 template changed. New template=%2. Context=%3. TCP: connection %1: End of a round, SndRound = %2, Bytes sent = %3. Bytes marked = %4, ThAck = %5, updated EcnAlpha = %6. TCP: interface %1: RSC state changed, IPV4 State = %2, IPV4 Failure Reason = %3, IPV6 State = %4, IPV6 Failure Reason = %5. (TCP: connection %1: RSC SCU received. CoalescedSegCount = %2, DupAckCount = %3, RscTcpTimestampDelta = %4, HeaderFlags = %5, EcnCePresent = %6. lTCPIP: TCB %1 does not take fast path, Cause: %2. TCP: Connection %1 send queue is idle. Cwnd = %2, Processor = %4, CurrentTick = %5, IdleTick = %6. dRSS: %3 notification for %2 on interface %1. TRSS: %4 notification for adapter %1. LRSS: %4 reference on adapter %1. RSS: adapter %1 with capabilities %2 and %4 receive queues. RSS: adapter %1 processor group %2 maximum processors %3 processor affinity %4. pRSS: assigning processor %2 from adapter %3 to %1. hRSS: unassigning processor %2 from adapter %1. RSS: adapter %1 reassigning indirection entry %2 from processor %3 to %4. RSS: adapter %1 removing processor %2 from its indirection table. PRSS: adapter %1 changing %2 to %3. PRSS: Failed to %2 on IfIndex %1: %3 |RSS: bind completed successfully for %2 on interface %1. lRSS: bind completed successfully for adapter %1. HRSS: adapter %1 not supported. RSS: adapter %1 indirection table initialized on group %4 with processor set %5. xRSS: Rundown: interface %1 with adapter %2 at port %3. RSS: Rundown: adapter %1 hash info %2 maximum processors %3 group %4 affinity %5 active processors %6 active mode: %7. HRSS: interface %1 support: %2. NDKPI Create CQ: RequestContext %6 Adapter %1 CqDepth %2 CqNotificationContext %3 AffinityMask %4 AffinityGroup %5 NDKPI Create Completion: RequestContext %1 Status %2 (%4) %5 %3 XNDKPI Close %2: RequestContext %3 %2 %1 hNDKPI Close Completion: RequestContext %1 (%2) pNDKPI Resize CQ: RequestContext %3 CQ %1 CqDepth %2 NDKPI Request Completion: RequestContext %1 Status %2 (%3) 8NDKPI Arm CQ: CQ %1 %2 NDKPI Result %6/%7: CQ %1 RequestContext %5 Status %2 BytesTransferred %3 QpContext %4 |NDKPI Create MR: RequestContext %3 PD %1 FastRegister %2 0NDKPI Flush: QP %1 NDKPI Send (SGE %8/%6): RequestContext %2 QP %1 SGE %3/%4/%5 Flags %7 NDKPI Receive (SGE %8/%6): RequestContext %2 QP %1 SGE %3/%4/%5 NDKPI Register MR: RequestContext %5 MR %1 MDL %2 Length %3 Flags %4 dNDKPI Deregister MR: RequestContext %2 MR %1 NDKPI Initialize FastRegister MR: RequestContext %4 MR %1 AdapterPageCount %2 RemoteAccess %3 NDKPI Modify SRQ: RequestContext %4 SRQ %1 SrqDepth %2 NotifyThreshold %3 NDKPI Connect: RequestContext %9 Connector %1 QP %2 SrcAddress %4 DestAddress %6 IRD %7 ORD %8 PrivateDataLength %11 NDKPI Connect: RequestContext %9 Connector %1 QP %2 SharedEndpoint %10 DestAddress %6 IRD %7 ORD %8 PrivateDataLength %11 NDKPI CompleteConnect: RequestContext %3 Connector %1 DisconnectEventContext %2 NDKPI Accept: RequestContext %6 Connector %1 QP %2 IRD %3 ORD %4 PrivateDataLength %7 DisconnectEventContext %5 lNDKPI Disconnect: RequestContext %2 Connector %1 xNDKPI Listen: RequestContext %4 Listener %1 Address %3 \NDKPI Create MW: RequestContext %2 PD %1 @NDKPI Create SRQ: RequestContext %8 PD %1 SrqDepth %2 MaxReceiveRequestSge %3 NotifyThreshold %4 SrqNotificationContext %5 AffinityMask %6 AffinityGroup %7 hNDKPI Create QP: RequestContext %9 PD %1 ReceiveCQ %2 InitiatorCQ %3 QPContext %4 ReceiveQueueDepth %5 InitiatorQueueDepth %6 MaxReceiveRequestSge %7 MaxInitiatorRequestSge %8 NDKPI Create QP: RequestContext %9 PD %1 ReceiveCQ %2 InitiatorCQ %3 SRQ %10 QPContext %4 InitiatorQueueDepth %6 MaxInitiatorRequestSge %8 dNDKPI Create PD: RequestContext %2 Adapter %1 NDKPI Create SharedEndpoint: RequestContext %4 Adapter %1 Address %3 tNDKPI Create Connector: RequestContext %2 Adapter %1 NDKPI Create Listener: RequestContext %3 Adapter %1 ConnectEventContext %2 NDKPI Build LAM: RequestContext %4 Adapter %1 MDL %2 Length %3 LAMBuffer %5 LAMBufferSize %6 `NDKPI Release LAM: Adapter %1 LAMBuffer %2 NDKPI CQ Notification Callback: CqNotificationContext %1 CqStatus %2 NDKPI SRQ Notification Callback: SrqNotificationContext %1 SrqStatus %2 NDKPI Disconnect Event Callback: DisconnectEventContext %1 NDKPI Connect Event Callback: ConnectEventContext %1 Connector %2 LNDKPI Got %3 Token %4 from %2 %1 PNDKPI Got %3 Address %5 from %2 %1 `NDKPI %3 Address query failure %4 on %2 %1 |NDKPI Reject: Connector %1 PrivateDataLength %2 Status %3 NDKPI Get Connect Data: Connector %1 IRD %2 ORD %3 PrivateDataLength %4 Status %5 NDKPI Work Request Inline Failure: RequestContext %2 QP %1 Status %3 NDKPI Bind: RequestContext %2 QP %1 MR %3 MW %4 VirtualAddress %5 Length %6 Flags %7 NDKPI FastRegister: RequestContext %2 QP %1 MR %3 AdapterPageCount %4 AdapterPageArray %5 FBO %6 Length %7 BaseVirtualAddress %8 Flags %9 |NDKPI Invalidate: RequestContext %2 QP %1 %4 %3 Flags %5 NDKPI Read (SGE %8/%6): RequestContext %2 QP %1 SGE %3/%4/%5 RemoteAddress %9 RemoteToken %10 Flags %7 NDKPI Write (SGE %8/%6): RequestContext %2 QP %1 SGE %3/%4/%5 RemoteAddress %9 RemoteToken %10 Flags %7 NDKPI SRQ Receive (SGE %8/%6): RequestContext %2 SRQ %1 SGE %3/%4/%5 NDKPI SRQ Work Request Inline Failure: RequestContext %2 SRQ %1 Status %3 NDKPI Open Adapter: InterfaceIndex %1 Adapter %2 Status %3 XNDKPI Close Adapter (Enter): Adapter %1 XNDKPI Close Adapter (Exit): Adapter %1 TCP: connection %1 (local=%3 remote=%5) exists. State = %6. PID = %7. NDKPI Interface Event: InterfaceIndex %1, NDK-Operational %3, %2 (%4) 8Network adapter Luid %1 received a wake packet matching pattern %2. Protocol: %8. Destination MAC address: %5. Source: %6 : %9, Destination: %7 : %10. 8Network adapter Luid %1 received a wake packet matching pattern %2. Protocol: %9. Destination MAC address: %5. Source: %7 : %10, Destination %8 : %11. dTCP: Connection %1: Silent Mode %2 Context %3 TCP: Connection %1 notification channel request. NcmContext = %2, TCB State = %3, PID = %4, IsLoopback = %5, Status = %7. TCP: Connection %1 query notification channel status request. NcmContext = %2, PID = %4, Channel Status = %6, Status = %7. TCP: Connection %1 notification channel request processed. NcmContext = %2, PID = %3, Status = %4 PushNotificationId = %5. <TCP: Connection %1 notification channel signal event. NcmContext = %2, PID = %3, RcvNxt = %4, Delivered Data = %5, Indicated Data = %6, FinalEvent = %7. TCP: Connection %1 notification channel detached. NcmContext = %2, TCB State = %3. TCP: Connection %1 notification channel unlinked. TCB State = %3. TCP: Connection %1 notification channel wake pattern plumbing. SystemReserved = %2, Wake-on-Lan Handle = %3, Status = %4. TCP: Connection %1 notification channel wake pattern deplumbing. Wake-on-Lan Handle = %3, Status = %4. TCPIP: Interface index %1 wake pattern properties. AOAC capable = %2, Bitmap pattern supported = %3, ARP/ND offload supported = %4, IP address = %9 %11 %10 wake ready = %5, pattern priority = %6, interface medium = %7, Status = %12. NDKPI Control CQ Interrupt Moderation: CQ %1 Interval %2 Count %3 Status %4 TCP: Connection %1 notification channel request processing. IsRedirected = %2, WfpFailure = %3, Status = %4, WaitStatus = %5, Local IP address = %7 %9 %8, Remote IP address = %10 %9 %11 Local Port = %12, Remote Port = %13. PIP: IP address lifetime = %4 %6 %5 on interface = %1, protocol = %2, CurrentTime = %7 Old BaseTime = %8 Old ValidTime = %9 New BaseTime = %11 New ValidTime = %12. PTCP: Repartition event %1 (%2) %5. `%1 %2 on processor %3 at Tick= %4 Time= %5. %1 rescheduled by processor %2 for processor %3 at %4 from %5 to %6. |%1 fired on processor %2 at Tick= %3, scheduled for = %4. \IP: Connecting interface %1, trace = %2. IP: Limited link connectivity set on interface %1, trace = %2. IP: Limited link connectivity reset on interface %1, trace = %2. IP: Neighbor with IpAddress = %3 DlAddress = %5 on Interface = %1 changed state from %6 to %7 due to Event = %8. IP: %5 on Interface = %1 from SourceIpAddress = %3 for TargetIpAddress = %4. IP: Source address %2 is preferred over %3 for destination %4 Rule = %5.%6. IP: Address pair (%2, %3) is preferred over (%4, %5) by SortOptions = %6, Rule = %7 %8.%9. NDKPI ResultEx %6/%7: CQ %1 RequestContext %5 Status %2 BytesTransferred %3 QpContext %4 Type %8 TypeSpecific %9 NDKPI SendInvalidate (SGE %8/%6): RequestContext %2 QP %1 SGE %3/%4/%5 RemoteToken %9 Flags %7 TCP: connection %1: Cumulative Ack event, SeqNo = %5, BytesAcked = %4, CWnd = %2, SndWnd =%3. TCP: connection %1: CTCP Cumulative Ack event, SeqNo = %5, BytesAcked = %4, CWnd = %2, SndWnd =%3. TCP: connection %1: TCP Send event, SeqNo = %5, BytesSent = %4, CWnd = %2, SndWnd = %3, SRtt = %6, RttVar = %7, RTO = %8. TCP: connection %1: TCP CTCP Send event, SeqNo = %5, BytesSent = %4, CWnd = %2, SndWnd = %3, SRtt = %6, RttVar = %7, RTO = %8. UDP: Endpoint %1 notification channel request. NcmContext = %2, Endpoint State = %3, PID = %4, IsLoopback = %5, Status = %7. $UDP: Endpoint %1 query notification channel status request. NcmContext = %2, Endpoint State = %3, PID = %4, Channel Status = %6, Status = %7. UDP: Endpoint %1 notification channel request processed. NcmContext = %2, PID = %3, Status = %4 PushNotificationId = %5. UDP: Endpoint %1 notification channel signal event. NcmContext = %2, PID = %3, Delivered Data = %4 FinalEvent = %5. UDP: Endpoint %1 notification channel detached. NcmContext = %2, Endpoint State = %3. UDP: Endpoint %1 notification channel unlinked. Endpoint State = %3. UDP: Endpoint %1 notification channel request processing. Local IP address = %3 %5 %4, Local Port = %6. TCP: connection %1: Rtt sample recorded %2 SRTT %4 RttVar %3. TCP: connection %1: Rtt resiliency detection complete with Rtt sample = %2 and new SRTT = %4. TCP: connection %1: Duplicate ACK updated cwnd = %2 and updated ssthresh = %3 DupAckCount = %4 SndUna = %5. TCP: CTCP Duplicate Ack event. Connection %1, SndUna = %5, CWnd = %2, DupAckCount = %4. lTCP: connection %1: Spurious timeout at Seq = %2. TCP: connection %1 spurious RTO detection initiated at %2. TCP: connection %1 spurious RTO detection terminated at %2. TCP: connection %1: Send Retransmit round with SndUna = %2, Round = %3, SRTT = %4, RTO = %5. TCP: Connection %1 Summary: DataBytesOut %2 DataBytesIn %3 DataSegmentsOut %4 DataSegmentsIn %5 SegmentsOut %6 SegmentsIn %7 NonRecovDa \ %8 NonRecovDaEpisodes %9 DupAcksIn %10 BytesRetrans %11 Timeouts %12 SpuriousRtoDetections %13 FastRetran %14 MaxSsthresh %15 MaxSsCwnd %16 \ MaxCaCwnd %17 SndLimTransRwin %18 SndLimTimeRwin %19 SndLimBytesRwin %20 SndLimTransCwnd %21 SndLimTimeCwnd %22 SndLimBytesCwnd %23 \ SndLimTransSnd %24 SndLimTimeSnd %25 SndLimBytesSnd %26. HTCPIP: Message %1 %2 %3 %4 %5. TCP: Connection %1 SACK updated SndUna %2 SndMax %3 SackCount %4 SackBytes %5 SackInFlight %6 SackIsLost %7. TCP: TCB %1 Requires address based pattern = %2 LocalPort = %3 RtcPortRange = [%4, %5] Status = %6. TCP: Rtc Port Range Assignment. Allocated = %1, Port = %2. TCPIP has failed a %1 request from %4 to %6 on endpoint %2 owned by process %8 with %7 since network interface %9 is in low-power mode. IP: Interface configuration updated on interface %1 property %2 value %3 event %4. TCP connection tuple inserted- TCB: %1 LocalAddress: %3 RemoteAddress: %5 TCP connection tuple removed- TCB/TWTCB: %1 LocalAddress: %3 RemoteAddress: %5 TCP port selection deferred for outbound connect- LocalAddress: %2 TCP: endpoint (PID=%4 ProcessSeqNum=%7) create failed: access denied. UDP: endpoint (PID=%3 ProcessSeqNum=%6) create failed: access denied. TCP: Connection %1 %2 timer started. Scheduled to expire in %3 ms. Processor %4: LastInterruptTime %5 100-ns ticks; LastMicrosecondCount %6 msec; CachedKQPCValue %7 ticks; CachedFrequencyValue %8. UDP: endpoint (family=%5 pid=%3) create failed: address family not attached. UDP: endpoint %1 (family=%5 pid=%3) create failed: compartment %4 not found. dUDP: endpoint %1 (family=%5 pid=%3) created. UDP: endpoint %1 (family=%5 pid=%3) create failed: inspection status = %2 Disabled Enabled FALSE TRUE  T(Ignore IPv4 address), IPv6 address = TUnknown (Header corrupt / not parsed) ICMP IGMP TCP UDP ROUTING FRAGMENT GRE ESP AH ICMPV6 Unknown Operational $Unoperational Unknown Dormant IPV4 IPV6 ClosedState ListenState $SynSentState $SynRcvdState ,EstablishedState $FinWait1State $FinWait2State (CloseWaitState $ClosingState $LastAckState $TimeWaitState HTcpConnectionOffloadStateInHost PTcpConnectionOffloadStateOffloaded (RetransmitTimer $ConnectTimer DelAckTimer PushTimer (KeepAliveTimer (DisconnectTimer SwsTimer 0ReassemblyRateTimer 8SynOrRstValidationTimer <TCP_OFFLOAD_NO_PREFERENCE <TCP_OFFLOAD_NOT_PREFERRED 4TCP_OFFLOAD_PREFERRED $TCP_KEEPALIVE TCP_MAXSEG TCP_MAXRT TCP_STDURG TCP_NOURG TCP_ATMARK ,TCP_NOSYNRETRIES (TCP_TIMESTAMPS 8TCP_OFFLOAD_PREFERENCE <TCP_CONGESTION_ALGORITHM ,TCP_DELAY_FIN_ACK SO_DEBUG $SO_ACCEPTCONN $SO_REUSEADDR $SO_KEEPALIVE $SO_DONTROUTE $SO_BROADCAST (SO_USELOOPBACK SO_LINGER $SO_OOBINLINE SO_SNDBUF SO_RCVBUF 4SO_CONDITIONAL_ACCEPT (SO_PAUSE_ACCEPT ,SO_COMPARTMENT_ID ,SO_RANDOMIZE_PORT 0SO_PORT_SCALABILITY NldsInvalid $NldsTentative $NldsDuplicate (NldsDeprecated Indicate Pend Satisfy DNdisPhysicalMediumUnspecified DNdisPhysicalMediumWirelessLan DNdisPhysicalMediumCableModem @NdisPhysicalMediumPhoneLine 4NdisPhysicalMediumDSL 8NdisPhysicalMedium1394 DNdisPhysicalMediumWirelessWan HNdisPhysicalMediumNative802_11 @NdisPhysicalMediumBluetooth DNdisPhysicalMediumInfiniband 8NdisPhysicalMediumWiMax 8NdisPhysicalMedium802_3 8NdisPhysicalMedium802_5 8NdisPhysicalMediumIrda @NdisPhysicalMediumWiredWAN LIP checksum offload not computed LTCP checksum offload not computed LUDP checksum offload not computed THeader not aligned on 4-byte boundary ,IP fragmentation DSource address is not unicast PDestination address is not unicast TEthernet and IP header not contiguous 0IP options present $ESP over UDP dLack contiguous space for upper layer headers 0WFP filters present 8Nexthop is unavailable hPath has been invalidated due to policy change xDHCP assigned IP address' promiscuous count is non-zero xECN codepoint has not been negotiated for this traffic HSession state is not compatible 0TCP options present PUDP IPv6 checksum absent in packet PPacket is for a loopback interface LFailed to allocate the WSD cache PFailure initializing PnP work queue PFailed to get persistent parameters HRejected persistent parameters ,qualified profile 4qualified destination Dsample collection completion 4idle time expiration allocation 0new sample request 4configuration change Idle ProbingWs ProbeWait ,ProbingWithoutWs RecordWait $EreQualified Qualified <Destination is multicast ,Header is invalid 0Checksum is invalid LTransport endpoint was not found 4Connected path error 0Session state error 0Bad source address 4Not locally destined 4Protocol unreachable ,Port unreachable Bad length ,Malformed Header 0No route available $Beyond scope (Inspection drop 8Too many decapsulations @Administratively prohibited 0Hop limit exceeded 0Address unreachable 4Fragment MTU exceeded 8Buffer Length Exceeded @Address Resolution Timeout @Address Resolution Failure $IPsec failure <Extension Headers Failure 0Allocation Failure Default NewReno CcmCtcp CcmDctcp 8TcpTemplateTypeInternet <TcpTemplateTypeDatacenter 4TcpTemplateTypeCompat HTcpTemplateTypeDatacenterCustom DTcpTemplateTypeInternetCustom 8TcpTemplateTypeDefault <TcpTemplateTypeAutomatic No Failure Unknown $System Policy 4NIC Capacity Reached 4System Low On Memory HWFP driver / Stream inspection 8Weak Host Model Enabled 0Forwarding Enabled 0Hardware capability <NDIS filter/NIC property tLoopback fast path socket option not set on both ends lFilter policy existed for the loopback connection IPv4 IPv6 unbind bind port change none $receive hash $receive scale enabled disabled removing adding Hcomplete binding initialization Dcomplete port initialization <enumerate interface ports 4query port link state @query port interface index 4query interface ports @query port RSS capabilities 4get usable processors <query port driver version Xquery port RSS processor configuration Dset receive scale parameters @set receive hash parameters 8update interface ports $not available available 0available on ports 4global configuration active mode $Bind Adapter 8Unbind Adapter (begin) 4Unbind Adapter (end) ,NetEvent Restart 0NetEvent Power-down ,NetEvent Power-up 0NetEvent NDK-enable 4NetEvent NDK-disable @NetEvent NDK usage stopped PIndicate new NDK interface arrival HIndicate NDK interface removal XIndicate NDK operational status change Undefined Adapter QP CQ MR MW PD (SharedEndpoint Connector Listener SRQ Max Async Inline Local Remote Privileged Local Remote $NotifyErrors NotifyAny (NotifySolicited Invalid 8Software Slot allocated 8Hardware Slot allocated $Policy error $system error Enabled 4Send request dropped (Receive dropped @Disconnect request dropped $Reset dropped 0WFP API No Failure DWFP API WasRedirectedToProxy PWFP API RegisterForExitingEndpoint HWFP API ClassifiableFieldGetAf XWFP API ClassifiableFieldGetAfPostWait TWFP API ClassifiableFieldGetLocalPort XWFP API ClassifiableFieldGetRemotePort \WFP API ClassifiableFieldGetLocalAddress \WFP API ClassifiableFieldGetRemoteAddress $Processor Add 0Power Source Change AC DC $DC Short Term Unknown 0is stopping timers 0has stopped timers 4is locking partitions 4has locked partitions 8is unlocking partitions 8has unlocked partitions 0is starting timers 0has started timers is starting is complete IP TCP leaving S0 entering S0 Unreachable Incomplete Probe Delay Stale Reachable Permanent Maximum Map Configure 8TlSuspectsReachability 8TlConfirmsReachability 8NaConfirmsReachability ,ProbeReachability (DadSolicitation $NewDlAddress TriggerNud Resolve Timeout DSending neighbor solicitation HReceived neighbor solicitation HSending neighbor advertisement HReceived neighbor advertisement @Sending router solicitation DReceived router solicitation DSending router advertisement DReceived router advertisement Receive 4ReceiveAndInvalidate Send $FastRegister Bind Invalidate Read Write $Not Activated Activated TCP connect TCP send UDP send RAW send DReceived Router Advertisement (AdminConfigured (NetworkProperty 4VS_VERSION_INFOSP%SP%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationDFileDescriptionTCP/IP Drivert*FileVersion6.3.9600.20563 (winblue_ltsb.220807-1700)4 InternalNametcpip.sys.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.DOriginalFilenametcpip.sys.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.20563DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDING