MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  6Pg@4.rsrc@6@@( @Xp   /4AMUI=ѵ#!HdMd,ϷzƗ MUI en-US 00`@ @8 @ @h@@@@DPPp p< pp D % ')13\;@TFGPTdgnrw{tL!!"#$,)4**+(-t-Start Error Complete Dispatch Add Remove Information Exception Queue hA request for the USB device descriptor failed. PThe USB set address request failed. LA USB port reset request failed. xA previous instance of the USB device was not removed. The USB device returned an invalid USB configuration descriptor. |The USB device returned an invalid USB device descriptor. HUnable to access the registry. xA request for the USB configuration descriptor failed. pA request for the USB device's port status failed. |The USB device returned an invalid serial number string. dA request for the USB BOS descriptor failed. xThe USB device returned an invalid USB BOS descriptor. |A request for the Microsoft OS 2.0 descriptor set failed. The USB device returned an invalid Microsoft OS 2.0 descriptor set. A Microsoft OS 2.0 Set Alternate Enumeration command failed. Critical Error Warning Information USB Hub ,USB Hub Enumerate (USB Hub Suspend (USB Hub Resume 8USB Hub Reset Recovery lUSB Hub Query Device Relations IRP - BusRelations ,USB Hub Wait Wake $USB Hub Power <USB Hub Port Information USB Device ,USB Device Start 4USB Device Set Power DUSB Device Idle Notification 0USB Device WaitWake ,USB Hub Exception 0USB Hub Port Status <USB Device Internal Reset 8USB Hub Past Exception \USB Device IOCTL_INTERNAL_USB_RESET_PORT $USB Hub Timer $USB Hub Added (USB Hub Removed 0USB Hub Information <Start Enumeration of Port LEnumeration Port Debounce Failed ,Create PDO Failed 4IoCreateDevice Failed 4Create PnP ID Failed HEnumeration Port Reset Failure lPort Enabled but not Connected After First Reset XFirst Enumeration Port Reset Timed Out 4Create Device Failed <Initialize Device Failed HGet Descriptors Request Failed lValdiation of USB Configuration Descriptor Failed `Validation of USB Device Descriptor Failed `Request for Microsoft OS Descriptor Failed pRequest for Serial Number String Descriptor Failed 0Build PnP ID failed LDuplicate Serial Number Detected Enumeration Timed Out Waiting for Previous Instance of USB Device to be Removed `Enumeration Failed Due to Registry Failure DRetrying Enumeration of Port `Hub Disconnected During Enumeration of Port HEnumeration Debounce Completed @PDO Created for Enumeration TFirst Enumeration Port Reset Complete PEnumeration - CreateDevice Complete XSecond Enumeration Port Reset Complete XEnumeration - InitializeDevice Complete PEnumeration - SetupDevice Complete DEnumeration of Port Completed DReset Recovery of Hub Started DReset Recovery of Hub Queued HReset Recovery of Hub Completed LStarted Selective Suspend of Hub dSelective Suspend of Hub Failed to Pause Bus PCompleted Selective Suspend of Hub dStarted Resume of Hub from Selective Suspend 8Resume of Hub Completed PPropagated Resume of Hub Downstream @Resumed Port for Hub Resume LPropagated Resume of Hub Upstream USB Hub Query Device Relations (BusRelations) IRP Dispatched dUSB Hub Query Device Relations IRP Completed 8USB Hub Port Attributes LACPI USB Port Capabilities (_UPC) TACPI Physical Device Location (_PLD) pQuery for ACPI USB Port Capabilities (_UPC) Failed tQuery for ACPI Physical Device Location (_PLD) Failed ,USB Device Added 0USB Device Removed 8USB Device Information 8USB Device Description HUSB Device Start IRP Dispatched |Restart of USB Device Failed Due to Device Reset Failure Start Device Failed for USB Device Due to Registry Failure dUnable to Create Symbolic Link for USB Device @New USB Device Description HUSB Device Start IRP Completed dUSB Device Set D0 Device Power IRP Dispatched dUSB Device Set D0 Device Power IRP Completed dUSB Device Set Dx Device Power IRP Dispatched dUSB Device Set Dx Device Power IRP Completed USB Device IOCTL_INTERNAL_USB_SUBMIT_IDLE_NOTIFICATION Dispatched USB Device IOCTL_INTERNAL_USB_SUBMIT_IDLE_NOTIFICATION Completed PUSB Device Wait Wake IRP Dispatched PUSB Device Wait Wake IRP Completed DUSB Hub Wait Wake IRP Started LUSB Hub Wait Wake IRP Dispatched HUSB Hub Wait Wake IRP Completed XUSB Hub Set Dx Device Power IRP Started `USB Hub Set Dx Device Power IRP Dispatched \USB Hub Set Dx Device Power IRP Completed XUSB Hub Set D0 Device Power IRP Started `USB Hub Set D0 Device Power IRP Dispatched 0USB Hub Cold Start XUSB Hub Disconnected During Cold Start lUSB Device Disconnected During Cold Start of Hub dUSB Device Connected During Cold Start of Hub `Device Lost Power During Cold Start of Hub tUSB Device Needs to be Reset During Cold Start of Hub DUSB Hub Cold Start Completed 0USB Hub Warm Start tUSB Device Failed to Resume During Warm Start of Hub pUSB Device Requires Reset During Warm Start of Hub DUSB Hub Warm Start Completed \USB Hub Lost Power During System Suspend hUSB Hub Was Disconnected During System Suspend \USB Hub Set D0 Device Power IRP Completed `USB Hub Set Sx System Power IRP Dispatched \USB Hub Set Sx System Power IRP Completed `USB Hub Set S0 System Power IRP Dispatched \USB Hub Set S0 System Power IRP Complete <USB Hub Exception Logged @USB Hub Port Status Change 8USB Hub Timer Disabled 4USB Hub Timer Enabled 8USB Hub Timer Callback LUSB Device Internal Reset Started PUSB Device Internal Reset Completed DUSB Hub Past Exception Logged PStart IOCTL_INTERNAL_USB_RESET_PORT XComplete IOCTL_INTERNAL_USB_RESET_PORT pRequest for Microsoft OS 2.0 Descriptor Set Failed tValidation of Microsoft OS 2.0 Descriptor Set Failed 4VS_VERSION_INFOVC%VC%? StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation^FileDescriptionDefault Hub Driver for USBr)FileVersion6.3.9600.17238 (winblue_gdr.140723-2018)6 InternalNameusbhub.sys.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.FOriginalFilenameusbhub.sys.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.17238DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDING