MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  6P @ 4.rsrc@6@@0H    0 H ` x        0 @ P ` p   p*#%'&)D, 02T28@MUIg;Ax&Kv6݀JL^ MUI fr-FRHyper-V IO Balancer VHDHyper-V IO Balancer VHDPThis counter set represents the statistics for a VHD file at the balancer level.Avg Latency (microseconds)Avg Latency (microseconds)This counter represents the average latency of an IO from being queued in the balancer to completion. This counter is updated every 4 seconds.Min Latency (microseconds)Min Latency (microseconds)This counter represents the minimum latency of an IO from being queued in the balancer to completion. This counter is updated every 4 seconds.Max Latency (microseconds)Max Latency (microseconds)This counter represents the maximum latency of an IO from being queued in the balancer to completion. This counter is updated every 4 seconds.Avg Delay (microseconds)Avg Delay (microseconds)This counter represents the average time an IO spends delayed in the balancer before being issued. This counter is updated every 4 seconds.Max Delay (microseconds)Max Delay (microseconds)This counter represents the maximum time an IO spent delayed in the balancer before being issued. This counter is updated every 4 seconds.Min Delay (microseconds)Min Delay (microseconds)This counter represents the minimum time an IO spent delayed in the balancer before being issued. This counter is updated every 4 seconds.Outstanding Read OpsOutstanding Read OpsjThis counter represents the number of outstanding read operations in the balancer that are not yet issued.PAOutstanding Write OpsOutstanding Write OpsjThis counter represents the number of outstanding write operations in the balancer that are not yet issuedOutstanding Reads Size (Bytes)Outstanding Reads Size (Bytes)nThis counter represents the total size of outstanding read operations in the balancer that are not yet issued.Outstanding Writes Size (Bytes)Outstanding Writes Size (Bytes)oThis counter represents the total size of outstanding write operations in the balancer that are not yet issued.Average Normalized IOPSAverage Normalized IOPSlThis counter represents the average normalized IOPS of this client. This counter is updated every 4 seconds.PAInternal WeightInternal Weight0Current internal weight assigned to this client.Average UtilizationAverage UtilizationAverage utilization (percent of the time that this client had at least one pending IO). This counter is updated every 4 seconds.Hyper-V IO Balancer DeviceHyper-V IO Balancer Device@This counter set represents the statistics for a storage device.AverageJobCostAverageJobCost(Estimated average cost of an IO request. AverageIoCost AverageIoCost,Estimated average cost of an 8KB IO request. OverheadCost OverheadCost'Estimated overhead cost per IO request.SeekCostSeekCost#Estimated seek cost per IO request. SectorCost SectorCost7Estimated data transfer cost per IO request per sector.PAFlowSwitchCostFlowSwitchCostEstimated flow switch cost. CostInFlight CostInFlight=Current amount of outstanding IO in cost units (nanoseconds). DelayedCost DelayedCost9Current amount of delayed IO in cost units (nanoseconds).MinCostInFlightMinCostInFlightECurrent minimum cost in flight threshold in cost units (nanoseconds).LowerThresholdLowerThresholdQCurrent lower bound for the amount of outstanding IO in cost units (nanoseconds).EstimatedCapacityEstimatedCapacityGEstimated capacity of the underlying storage device in normalized IOPS.QueueExpansionPressureQueueExpansionPressureXCurrent pressure value used to determine if the device queue length should be increased.QueueReductionPressureQueueReductionPressureXCurrent pressure value used to determine if the device queue length should be decreased.AverageQuotaUtilizationAverageQuotaUtilization)Average quota utilization for the device.AverageCostInFlightAverageCostInFlight?Average queue size for the device, in cost units (nanoseconds).NormalizedIoCostNormalizedIoCost-Stabilized average cost of an 8KB IO request.PA 44pPPPPH  0 SQM Erreur $Informations 8Microsoft-Windows-VHDMP TMicrosoft-Windows-VHDMP/Oprationnel @Microsoft-Windows-VDRVROOT XMicrosoft-Windows-VDRVROOT/Oprationnel Le VHD %1 est maintenant en ligne (mont) en tant que disque numro %2. Le VHD %1 a t retir (masqu) en tant que disque numro %2. hImpossible de monter VHD %1. tat d erreur %2. Impossible de monter VHD %1. La tentative de montage a t annule. `Impossible de %1 VHD %2. tat d erreur %3. |chec de l opration sur le VHD %2. %1 tat d erreur %3. Le suivi des modifications a t activ pour le VHD %1 (%2) avec le fichier journal %3. Le suivi des modifications a t dsactiv pour le VHD %1 (%2). Le suivi des modifications pour le VHD %1 dans le fichier journal %2 a t arrt en raison de l erreur %3. chec du vidage de l en-tte du fichier journal %1 en raison de l erreur %2. chec du vidage des tampons dans le fichier journal %1 en raison de l erreur %2. chec de l ouverture du fichier journal %1 pour le suivi en raison de l erreur %2. Des modifications hors connexion ont t dtectes pour le VHD %2. Fichier journal: %1, Heure du VHD: %4, Heure du fichier journal: %5 Le pilote de bus hte VHD est inscrit avec l numrateur racine. Le pilote de bus hte VHD n est plus inscrit avec l numrateur racine. 4chec de l criture. 4chec de la lecture. ,chec du vidage. Tchec du dchargement de l criture. Tchec du dchargement de la lecture. Xchec de l annulation du dchargement. 0chec du dmappage. PImpossible d obtenir le statut LBA. Impossible de maintenir l accs en criture durant la vrification d accs une sauvegarde rseau du disque virtuel. 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo000004B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationPFileDescriptionVHD Miniport Driverr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)4 InternalNamevhdmp.sys.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.DOriginalFilenamevhdmp.sys.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$TranslationPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDING