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built-in role provides permisssions to completely manage IP address spaces, IP address blocks, IP address subnets, IP address ranges and IP addresses.IPAM Administrator RoleThis built-in role provides all permissions that are provided by IPAM ASM Administrators and IPAM MSM Administrators role in addition to permissions to manage access scopes, access policies and logical groups.IPAM MSM Administrator RoleThis built-in role provides permissions to completely manage DHCP servers, DHCP superscopes, DHCP scopes, MAC address filters, DHCP policies, DNS zones and DNS resource records.IPAM DHCP Administrator RoleThis built-in role provides permissions required to completely manage a DHCP server, its associated DHCP scopes, MAC address filters, DHCP policies and DHCP reservations.$IP Address Record Administrator RoleThis built-in role provides permissions to manage the IP addresses including finding unallocated IP addresses, creating and deleting IP address instances.AD SiteCountry or RegionVMM DNS Suffix Device TypeIP Address StateVMM IP Pool NameIsolation MethodVMM Logical NetworkMicrosoft Server RoleManaged by ServiceService Instance Network SiteRegionRegion (Legacy)RIRType of NetworkTenant VM Network CaribbeanCentral America; ,Server Name:{0}; Scope Id:{1}!DNS Server Name:{0}; DNS Zone:{1} Failed - {0}RCommand Status Detail:- Task:{0}; Target:{1}; Command Result:{2}; Description:{3};RCommand Status Detail:- Task:{0}; Target:{1}; Command Result:{2}; Description:{3}; In ProgressAdd DHCP Failover ScopesSet Policy OptionsAdd Range to Policy"Add DHCP Scopes to DHCP SuperscopeApply ConfigurationCreate DHCP ReservationCreate DNS AAAA RecordCreate DNS A RecordCreate DNS PTR RecordCreate Exclusion RangeConfigure DHCP FailoverCreate MAC Address FilterCreate IPAM IP AddressCreate Option DefinitionCreate Reservation Option Create PolicyCreate Reservation'Create reservation related DNS settings Create ScopeCreate User ClassCreate Vendor ClassDelete Exclusion RangeDelete DHCP FailoverDelete MAC Address FilterDelete Option Definition Delete PolicyDelete Policy OptionDelete ReservationDelete Reservation Option Delete ScopeDelete DHCP Scope Policy OptionDelete Scope Option Delete DHCP Server Policy OptionDelete Server OptionDelete User ClassDelete Vendor ClassSet MAC Address FilterGet Audit Log SettingsGet DNS Registration SettingsGet Database SettingsGet DHCP Service Status$Get DNS server use recursion setting6Get DNS server forward lookup and reverse lookup zonesGet Dns service statusGet Exclusion RangeGet Option DefinitionGet Policy RangesGet Reservation OptionGet Reservation(s) Get ScopeGet Scope DNS SettingsGet Scope OptionGet Scope PoliciesGet Scope Stateless SettingsGet Scope StatisticsGet Server DNS SettingsGet Server OptionGet Server PoliciesGet Server Stateless SettingsGet Server StatisticsGet Stateless ScopesGet Stateless StatisticsGet User ClassGet Vendor ClassSet DHCP ReservationSet Reservation DNS SettingsSet DHCP Reservation optionRemove DHCP Failover ScopesRemove Ranges from Policy'Remove DHCP Scopes from DHCP Superscope'Remove DHCP Scopes From DHCP SuperscopeRename DHCP SuperscopeReplicate RelationshipReplicate ScopesReplicate ServerSet Audit Log SettingsSet DNS Registration SettingsSet DHCP Failover RelationshipSet MAC Address Filter ListSet Option Definition Set PolicySet Lease Duration Edit ReservationSet Reservation Option Set ScopeSet Scope DNS SettingsSet DHCP Scope Policy OptionSet Scope OptionSet Scope Stateless SettingsSet Server DNS SettingsSet DHCP Server Policy OptionSet Server OptionSet Server Stateless SettingsSet User ClassSet Vendor Class%Edit DHCP Failover Relationship StateEdit IPAM IP AddressNot Applicable Not Attempted Not StartedSuccess!Server Name:{0}; MAC Address:{1};7Server Name:{0}; Scope ID:{1}; Exclusion Range:{2}-{3};aPrimary DHCP Server Name:{0}; Secondary DHCP Server Name:{1}; DHCP Failover Relationship Name:{2}0DHCP Server Name:{0}; DHCP Relationship Name:{1}Server Name:{0}; IP Address:{1}1Server Name:{0}; Vendor Class:{1}; Option ID:{2};;DHCP Server name: {0}; DHCP Failover Relationship Name: {1}'DHCP Server Name: {0}; DHCP Scopes: {1}:DHCP Server Name:{0}; DHCP Scope ID:{1}; IP Address: {2};jDHCP Server Name:{0}; DHCP Scope ID:{1}; Reservation:{2}; Vendor Class:{3}; User Class:{4}; Option ID:{5};DHCP Scopes: {0}Server Name:{0}; Scope ID:{1};OServer Name:{0}; Scope ID:{1}; Vendor Class:{2}; User Class:{3}; Option ID:{4};9DHCP Server Name:{0}; DHCP Scope ID:{1}; Policy Name:{2};bDHCP Server Name:{0}; DHCP Scope ID:{1}; Policy Name:{2}; Start IP Address:{3}; End IP Address:{4}PServer Name:{0}; Scope ID:{1}; Vendor Class:{2}; Policy Name:{3}; Option ID:{4};Server Name:{0};AServer Name:{0}; Vendor Class:{1}; User Class:{2}; Option ID:{3};&DHCP Server Name:{0}; Policy Name:{1};GDHCP Server Name:{0}; Vendor Class:{1}; Policy Name:{2}; Option ID:{3};/DHCP Superscope Name:{0}; DHCP Server Name:{1}; Server Name:{0}; User Class:{1};"Server Name:{0}; Vendor Class:{1};{0} - IPAM Database Update Warning - {0} CompletedServerConfiguration5A Kerberos authentication ticket (TGT) was requested./A dynamic BOOTP address was leased to a client.'A BOOTP address was leased to a client.A lease was deleted.A lease was expired.(A new IP address was leased to a client.!A lease was released by a client. A lease was renewed by a client.$A stateless client entry was purged.@An information request message received from a stateless client.(Timeout in seconds for ARP cache entriesARP Cache Timeout-The client assumes that all subnets are localAll subnets are local+Size of boot image file in 512-octet blocksBoot File SizeTFTP boot server host nameBoot Server Host Name Bootfile Name Bootfile NameBroadcast addressBroadcast Address;Destination, mask and router IP addresses in priority orderClassless Static Routes Array of cookie servers, RFC 865Cookie Servers&DNS Domain name for client resolutionsDNS Domain Name#Array of DNS servers, by preference DNS Servers,Default TTL for client's use on outgoing DGsDefault IP Time-to-live,0=>client should use ENet V2; 1=> IEEE 802.3Ethernet Encapsulationtftp file for option extensionsExtensions Path.List of Finger servers available to the clientFinger Servers,Host name for client, RFC 1035 character set Host Name2Disable/enable IP packet forwarding on this clientIP Layer Forwarding+List of IRC servers available to the client!Internet Relay Chat (IRC) ServersArray of Imagen Impress ServersImpress ServersSend garbage octetKeepalive GarbageKeepalive timeout in secondsKeepalive Interval(Array of RFC 1179 servers, by preference LPR Servers'Client IP address lease time in secondsLease*Array of MIT_LCS UDP log servers on subnet Log ServersMTU discovery size, >= 68 MTU Option:The client should respond to subnet mask requests via ICMPMask Supplier Option7Maximum size datagram for reassembly by client; max 576Max DG Reassembly SizePath name for crash dump fileMerit Dump File>Default Router Base Metrics for Microsoft Windows 2000 Clients$Microsoft Default Router Metric BaseKOption for enabling or disabling Netbios for Microsoft Windows 2000 Clients Microsoft Disable Netbios OptionWOption for enabling or disabling Windows 2000 Clients to release DHCP lease on shutdown/Microsoft Release DHCP Lease On Shutdown Option'Mobile IP home agents in priority orderMobile IP Home Agents*Name of Network Information Service domainNIS Domain Name$The name of the client's NIS+ domainNIS+ Domain Name.A list of IP addresses indicating NIS+ servers NIS+ Servers+Addresses of NIS servers on client's subnet NIS Servers,List of NNTP servers available to the client.Network News Transport Protocol (NNTP) Servers*Addresses of Network Time Protocol servers NTP Servers.Array of name servers [IEN 116], by preference Name Servers6NetBIOS over TCP/IP NBDD address(es) in priority orderNetBIOS over TCP/IP NBDDNetBIOS over TCP/IP Scope IDNetbios Scope ID!Disable/enable nonlocal datagramsNonlocal Source Routing,List of POP3 servers available to the client#Post Office Protocol (POP3) Servers6Timeout in seconds for aging Path MTU values; RFC 1191Path MTU Aging Timeout.MTU discovery sizes, sorted by size, all >= 68Path MTU Plateau Table4The client should use ICMP for subnet mask discoveryPerform Mask Discovery1The client should solicit routers using RFC 1256.Perform Router Discovery9Destination/mask IP address pairs to filter source routesPolicy Filter Masks,Time from addr assignment to REBINDING stateRebinding (T2) Time Value.Time between addr assignment to RENEWING stateRenewal (T1) Time Value8Array of RFC 887 ResLoc Servers on subnet, by preferenceResource Location Servers4Path name for client's root disk, char set NVT ASCII Root Path&Address to use for router solicitationRouter Solicitation Address/Array of router addresses ordered by preferenceRouter,List of SMTP servers available to the client-Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) Servers,List of STDA servers available to the client.StreetTalk Directory Assistance (STDA) Servers3Destination/router address pairs, in priority orderStatic Route Option2List of StreetTalk servers available to the clientStreetTalk Servers!Subnet mask in network byte order Subnet MaskAddress of client's swap server Swap Server.TTL that client uses when sending TCP segmentsTCP Default Time-to-liveUTC offset in seconds Time Offset-Array of time server addresses, by preference Time Server5The client should negotiate use of trailers (RFC 983)Trailer Encapsulation Embedded vendor-specific optionsVendor Specific Info"NBNS Address(es) in priority orderWINS/NBNS Servers60x1 = B-node, 0x2 = P-node, 0x4 = M-node, 0x8 = H-nodeWINS/NBT Node Type+List of WWW servers available to the clientWorld Wide Web (WWW) Servers&Array of X Windows Display Mgr serversX Window System DisplayArray of X Windows font serversX Window System FontUser class for BOOTP ClientsDefault BOOTP Class8Default special user class for Restricted Access clients'Default Network Access Protection Class$User class for remote access clients'Default Routing and Remote Access ClassThis is the default user classDefault User Class This is the default vendor classDHCP Standard OptionsDMicrosoft vendor-specific options for Windows 2000 and above ClientsMicrosoft Windows 2000 Options8Microsoft vendor-specific options for Windows 98 ClientsMicrosoft Windows 98 OptionsCMicrosoft vendor-specific options applicable to all Windows ClientsMicrosoft OptionsDIPv6 Addresses of DNS recursive name servers available to the client+DNS Recursive Name Server IPv6 Address ListODomain search list used by clients to resolve hostnames with DNS, by preferenceDomain Search ListThis option specifies an upper bound for how long a client should wait before refreshing information retrieved from DHCPv6 ServerInformation Refresh Time5IPv6 Addresses of NIS servers available to the clientNIS IPv6 Address List3Domain names of NIS servers available to the clientNIS Domain List6IPv6 Addresses of NIS+ servers available to the clientNIS+ IPv6 Address List4Domain names of NIS+ servers available to the clientNIS+ Domain Name List2Domain Name of SIP servers available to the clientSIP Server Domain Name List5IPv6 addresses of SIP servers available to the clientSIP Servers IPv6 Address List6IPv6 Addresses of SNTP servers available to the clientSNTP Servers IPv6 Address ListThis is the default user classDefault User Class This is the default vendor classDHCP Standard Options5Microsoft vendor-specific options for Windows ClientsMicrosoft Windows OptionsDomain controllerDC discovery enable status!Default Provider IP Address SpaceDefault IP Address SpaceDenied DescriptionDHCPDHCP discovery enable status+Dhcp Dns Not Requesting Clients Update TypeDisabled+Discard Dns Record On Lease Deletion StatusServerDiscoveryDNSDNS discovery enable statusDns Name Protection Status'Dns Registration Credential Domain Name%Dns Registration Credential User NameDns Update TypeDomainEastern EuropeEnabledEuropean UnionAn error occurred while trying to evaluate the user permission. The evaluation will be retried when the next authorization request is being performed. {0}Authentication ConfigurationIP Address LeaseIPv6 Address LeaseEvent viewer access statusLabelIP Address Space DescriptionEnd IP AddressAddress expiry date and timeIs User Alias Valid Address assignment date and time multi-valuedNameOwner Prefix LengthProvider IP address spaceName single-valuedStart IP Address Subnet Mask User Alias User NameVLAN IDVSIDVirtualization Type5Log expiry status messages only on state transitions.,Log all expiry status messages periodically. AddressExpiryCommunication Interrupted Conflict DoneInitNoStateNormal NotReachable PartnerDownPotentialConflictRecover RecoverDone RecoverWaitResolutionInterruptedStartupUnknownhRetrieval of DHCP scope configuration data from DHCP server {0} for DHCP scope(s) {1} …….. CompletedeRetrieval of DHCP scope configuration data from DHCP server {0} for DHCP scope(s) {1} …….. FailedjRetrieval of DHCP scope configuration data from DHCP server {0} for DHCP scope(s) {1} …….. In ProgressFirewall AutomaticBy default all objects in IPAM lie under built-in Global Access Scope. All user defined Access Scopes are children of Global Access Scope.GlobalHost-IPAM IP AddressCustomerProvider{0}/{1}: {2} - {3}%{0}/{1}: {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7} IP Rewrite{0}/{1}: {2} - {3}IPv4 Address leaseIPv6 Address lease UnmanagedPrivatePublicGlobalAutoDynamicReservedStaticVIP Access ScopeAddress CategoryAssigned AddressesTotal Addresses DescriptionEnd IP AddressNetworkIs Access Scope InheritedLast Assigned DateOwnerPercentage AssignedPercentage UtilizedRIRReceived Date from RIRStart IP Address UtilizationUtilized AddressesErrorExpired Expiry Due Not expired Access Scope IP AddressAssignment Type Asset TagAssignment Date Client IDCustomer IP Address Space Description Device NameDHCP Reservation SyncDNS Host Record SyncDNS PTR Record SyncDUID Expiry Status Expiry DateForward Lookup Primary ServerForward Lookup ZoneIP RangeIAID DuplicateIs Access Scope Inherited MAC Address Network TypeOwnerProvider IP Address SpaceReservation DescriptionReservation NameReservation Scope DetailsReservation Scope NameReservation ServerReservation TypeReverse Lookup Primary ServerReverse Lookup Zone Serial Number Virtualized Access ScopeAssignment TypeAddress CategoryAssigned AddressesAssignment DateConnection-specific DNS SuffixCustomer IP Address Space DNS Servers DNS Suffixes DescriptionDHCP Scope NameDHCP Server NameDHCP Stateful AddressesDHCP Stateless AddressesEnd IP AddressExclusion RangesGateway AddressesNetworkIs Access Scope Inherited OverlappingLast Reclaim Run Time Network TypeYes, due to DHCP FailoverOwnerPercentage UtilizedProvider IP Address SpaceReserved IP AddressesStart IP Address Subnet Mask!Used for Utilization CalculationsUtilization Calculation UtilizationUtilized AddressesVirtual IP Addresses Virtualized WINS ServersBOOTPBothDHCP Access ScopePercentage UtilizedAssigned AddressesTotal AddressesCustomer IP Address Space DescriptionEnd IP AddressNetworkIs Access Scope InheritedName OverlappingOwnerProvider IP Address SpaceStart IP Address Network Type!Used for Utilization Calculations UtilizationUtilized AddressesVSID VirtualizedVLAN IDCreate FailureCreate SuccessDelete FailureDelete Success Not AttemptedReservation DeletedReservation Exists AutomaticUser Specified In ProgressIn-UseInactiveadddelete No operationNot applicable Access scope IP addressIP address blockIP address range DHCP scope DHCP serverDHCP superscopeDNS Reverse Lookup Zone DNS serverDNS forward lookup zone Access policyLACNIC Load balancer LocalhostVirtualized IP Address SpaceMS DHCPMicrosoft Servers Middle EastModifiedServiceMonitoringActivate SuperscopeAdd Scope To Superscope Create Policy#Create Policy Core on Remote Server Create ScopeCreate SuperscopeDeactivate Superscope Delete Policy Delete ScopeDelete Superscope*Get Policy DNS Settings from Remote Server,Get Policy Lease Duration from Remote Server$Get Policy Ranges from Remote Server%Set Processing Order on Remote ServerRemove Scope From SuperscopeRename Superscope(Set Policy DNS Settings on Remote Server*Set Policy Lease Duration on Remote Server Edit PolicyEdit Policy Condition!Edit Policy Core on Remote Server*Edit DHCP Policy Property on Remote ServerUpdate Scope ConfigurationUpdate Server Configuration1Network Policy Server granted access to the user.NVGRENetwork devicesNew Non-MS DHCPNon-Microsoft servers North America Not checked Not found Not StartedNPSNumber Of ActiveLeasesNumber Of Available AddressesNumber Of ScopesOceaniaOldAccess policy operationsAccess scope operationsIP address block operationsIP address operationsIP address range operationsIP address space operationsDHCP failover operationsDHCP scope operationsDHCP reservation operationsDHCP server operationsDHCP superscope operations)DNS resource record management operationsDNS zone operationsIPAM configuration operationsLogical group operationsSecret key operationsServer inventory operationsTask operationsRole operations Add serverCreate IP address spaceDelete IP address spaceEdit IP address spaceCreate IP address subnetDelete IP address subnetEdit IP address subnetIP address subnet operations+Remap IP address subnet to IP address blockAutogenerate secret keyConnect to databaseCreate access policyCreate access scopeCreate IP address blockCreate IP address rangeCreate custom fieldCreate IP addressCreate logical group Create roleCustom field operationsDelete access policyDelete access scopeDelete IP address blockDelete IP address rangeDelete custom fieldDelete discovery configurationDelete IP addressDelete logical group Delete server Delete roleEdit custom fieldFind free IP addressGeneric operations Read dataCreate host groupDelete host groupHost group operationsIP address audit queryCreate MAC address poolDelete MAC address poolEdit MAC address poolMAC address pool operations*Add, update and delete custom field values+Re-map IP address range to IP address block MoveDatabaseActivate DHCP scope!Configure predefined DHCP optionsConfigure DHCP user classConfigure DHCP vendor class!Create DHCP failover relationshipCreate DHCP scopeConfigure DHCP scope policyConfigure DHCP server policyCreate DHCP superscopeDeactivate DHCP scope!Delete DHCP failover relationshipDelete DHCP scopeDelete DHCP scope policyDelete DHCP server policyDelete DHCP superscopeEdit DHCP failover relationshipEdit DHCP scopeEdit DHCP scope optionsEdit DHCP scope policyEdit DHCP server optionsEdit DHCP server policyEdit DHCP server propertiesEdit DHCP superscopeManage DHCP MAC address filterFReplicate DHCP failover relationship (access scope agnostic operation)Create DHCP reservationsCreate or edit DHCP reservationDelete DHCP reservationEdit DHCP reservationCreate DNS resource recordsDelete DNS resource recordsReset DNS zone statusProvision IPAM serverPurge audit dataRetrieve secret keyRecompute hashReplicate scopesReplicate server'Retrieve current database configurationSave discovery configuration Schema conversion of IPAM server$Set access scope on IP address block#Edit IP address expiry log settings$Set access scope on IP address range$Set access scope on IP address space%Set access scope on IP address subnetSet global configuration state"Enable/Disable IP address trackingSet access scope on DHCP scopeSet access scope on DHCP server#Set access scope on DHCP superscopeSet access scope on DNS zoneSet task recurrence durationEdit utilization thresholds Start taskStart IPAM taskEdit access policyEdit access scopeEdit IP address blockEdit discovery configurationEdit IP addressEdit IP address rangeEdit logical groupEdit secret key Edit server Edit role-This option specifies the client FQDN setting FQDN SettingOS name OS versionOthers#[Operation: {0}, Access Scope: {1}] (Error: {0} - {1})PrinterRIPEThis rule verifies that the current database does not contain any IPv4 address range that could cause creation of an IPv4 address subnet that crosses public and private IP network boundaries. If any such range exists, then this rule fails. The default fix for this validation rule is to delete all such ranges that fail this rule.Validate IPv4 address rangesReservedRoutersRpc access status UnspecifiedServerAvailability(Server configuration data retrieval flagdeleteedit Server GuidServer IP AddressesServer manageability status Server NameModified or old flagOwnerRoles installed on serverServer role nameServer role inclusion statusDomain Controller DHCP Server IPAM Server NPS Server South America:Deletion of default or standard user class is not allowed.:Updating of default or standard user class is not allowed.LUpgrade validation failure logs for upgrade from version {0} to version {1}. Validation rule description: {0}Validation rule name: {0}9[Operation: {0}, Access Scope: {1}, Matching Policy: {2}]NoneOptimally Utilized Over UtilizedUnder UtilizedAddressUtilizationVLANVMVMM VOIP GatewayVXLANProviderNon-VirtualizedCustomer WAN optimizer Wireless APWireless controllerlSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADPBCGadefgjkfghiEcnУFѣFңFӣFԣFFFFFFFFF0F2F3F4F5F6F7FPGQGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGQGTGUGVGWGGGGGGGGGGGG@H@H@H@H@H@H@HuAHwAH0EH4EH6EH7EHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYH7ZHPHSHHHQHUHVHWHHHHHLILILILIYI]I]I]I]I]I]I]I]I]I]I]IeJeJeJeJpeJqeJreJ0mK1mK2mK3mK4mK5mKpmKqmKsmKtmKumKvmKwmKzmKmKmKmKmKmKmKmKmKqKqKqKqKqKqKqKqKqKpqKqqKsqKqKqKqKqKqKqKpKsKtKuKvKwKKKKKKZZZZ? ( V  v1_HB +  p Y RiE^wqX?&  U n )Bt[ < # N g  5  m 9Rkh{bI0O6ZsA(  , } d 2 K Ng5_x-FYr'@!:SlMf4 9sZA( EVENT_0EVENT_10;EVENT_1000EVENT_1001UEVENT_1003EVENT_1004{EVENT_10088EVENT_111EVENT_1200EVENT_1201EVENT_1202EVENT_1203EVENT_1205 EVENT_1206 EVENT_131 EVENT_140 EVENT_150 EVENT_1501EVENT_1502yEVENT_1503EVENT_1504EVENT_1505EVENT_1506EVENT_1507 EVENT_1508zEVENT_1520EVENT_1521AEVENT_1522EVENT_1523EVENT_1524EVENT_1525EVENT_1540EVENT_1541EVENT_1542EVENT_1543?EVENT_1544iEVENT_1545EVENT_1546 EVENT_1547#EVENT_1600%EVENT_1601&EVENT_1602(EVENT_1610!+EVENT_1611,EVENT_16122.EVENT_1613h/EVENT_16140EVENT_16161EVENT_1617.3EVENT_1618n4EVENT_16195EVENT_1620!7EVENT_16218EVENT_16506:EVENT_1651=EVENT_1654@EVENT_1656BEVENT_2DEVENT_2001DEVENT_2002$GEVENT_2003fHEVENT_2005MIEVENT_2200JEVENT_2202KEVENT_2203LEVENT_2204MEVENT_2501NEVENT_2502PEVENT_2630QEVENT_2631WEVENT_3WEVENT_3150XEVENT_3151VXEVENT_3152XEVENT_3153YEVENT_3160NZEVENT_3162ZEVENT_3163[EVENT_4k\EVENT_4000]EVENT_4001L^EVENT_4002_EVENT_4003`EVENT_4004MbEVENT_4005cEVENT_4006dEVENT_4007gEVENT_4010iEVENT_4011iEVENT_4012,kEVENT_4013lEVENT_4014nEVENT_4015oEVENT_4016xpEVENT_4017/qEVENT_40184rEVENT_4019sEVENT_4020tEVENT_4021tEVENT_403juEVENT_404 vEVENT_405SwEVENT_406xEVENT_4079yEVENT_408yEVENT_409|EVENT_410N~EVENT_411EVENT_414QEVENT_4400gEVENT_4500EVENT_4501=EVENT_4502EVENT_4503tEVENT_4510,EVENT_4511 EVENT_4512/EVENT_4513EVENT_4514EVENT_4515EVENT_4520ĔEVENT_4521EVENT_4522EVENT_4523"EVENT_4524EVENT_500EVENT_5011EVENT_502EVENT_503EVENT_5040EVENT_505EVENT_5051EVENT_506EVENT_507EVENT_5105[EVENT_5106EVENT_5107åEVENT_5108PEVENT_5500EVENT_5501EVENT_5502EVENT_5504EVENT_55056EVENT_5506EVENT_55076EVENT_5508EVENT_5509,EVENT_5510EVENT_55118EVENT_6000ɬEVENT_6001EVENT_6002EVENT_6003;EVENT_6004EVENT_6520NEVENT_6521EVENT_6522 EVENT_6523~EVENT_6524EVENT_6525OEVENT_6526bEVENT_6527EVENT_6530bEVENT_6531wEVENT_6532EVENT_6533EVENT_6534OEVENT_65353EVENT_6536EVENT_7050EVENT_7051 EVENT_7052YEVENT_7053EVENT_7054EVENT_7055>EVENT_7056EVENT_706EVENT_7060AEVENT_7062EVENT_707EVENT_708EVENT_709-EVENT_710EVENT_711AEVENT_712EVENT_713\EVENT_7500EVENT_75021EVENT_7503EVENT_7504dEVENT_7600EVENT_7616EVENT_7632EVENT_7633EVENT_7634EVENT_7635EVENT_7636PEVENT_7637EVENT_7638^EVENT_7639EVENT_7640EVENT_7641EVENT_7642{EVENT_7643EVENT_7644EVENT_7645EVENT_8009This event was inserted by IPAM to reset the zone status.`The DNS server could not start because it is dependent on the NTDS service which is not started.The DNS server could not open the file {0}. Check that the file exists in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory and that it contains valid data. The event data is the error code.The DNS server could not map file {0} to memory. Either close other applications that are not in use or reboot the computer to reclaim additional memory for the server to use.The DNS server could not find or open the root hints file, Cache.dns, in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory. Verify that this file is located in this directory and that it contains at least one name server (NS) resource record, indicating a root DNS server and a corresponding host (A) resource record for that server. For more information, see the online Help.The DNS server could not find or open zone file {0}. in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory. Verify that the zone file is located in this directory and that it contains valid data.The DNS server was unable to create the path for file {0} in directory {1}. The specified path is too long. Choose a different path.The DNS server could not create a thread. System may be out of resources. You might close applications not in use, restart the DNS server or reboot your computer. The event data is the error code.The DNS server could not find or open boot file {0}. This file should be called 'Boot' and be located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server could not create zone {0} specified in file {1} at line {2}. Check that the zone file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory and that it contains valid data.The DNS server encountered an unsupported 'directory' directive in the server boot file {0} at line {1}. %nAll database files must be located in the "%SystemRoot%\system32\dns" directory. The directory directive is ignored.The DNS server encountered a 'forwarders' directive in with no forwarding addresses in file {0} at line {1}. Although the DNS server will continue running it will not be able to forward unresolved queries to the forwarders. To correct the problem, in the DNS console select the server in the console tree, then from the Action menu, click Properties and click the Forwarders tab. Add IP addresses for forwarders. For more information, see "Using forwarders" in the online Help.The DNS server encountered an unknown boot option {0} in file {1} at line {2}. The option is ignored. You may want to remove it the option from the boot file which is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.NDNS server encountered missing database directory name, in file {0}, line {1}.The DNS server failed to initialize NetBIOS lookups to support WINSR for reverse lookup zones. The server will continue to run but will not attempt to perform WINS reverse lookups. This may be due to an incorrect configuration. If WINSR lookups are not required, remove WINSR records from zone data files and reload modified zones or restart the DNS server. If the DNS server should support WINSR reverse lookup, restart the server computer and verify that the WINS/NetBT configuration for TCP/IP client properties on the computer are correctly set.The DNS server could not initialize the remote procedure call (RPC) service. If it is not running, start the RPC service or reboot the computer. The event data is the error code.The DNS server could not load or initialize the plug-in DLL {0}. The event data is the error code returned by the plug-in DLL load or initialization attempt. Please correct the plug-in error that is causing this condition or remove the plug-in from the DNS server configuration.The DNS server could not parse zone file {0} for zone {1}. Check that the zone file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory and that it contains valid data.The DNS server could not parse the token "{0}" in zone file {1} at line {2}. Although the DNS server will continue to load, ignoring this token, it is recommended that you either correct the token or remove this resource record from the zone file. The zone file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server could not parse the zone file {0} at line {1}. Although the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this line, it is recommended that you either correct the line or remove it from the zone file. The zone file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server could not parse an unexpected token "{0}" in zone file {1} at line {2}. Although the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this token, it is recommended that you either correct the token or remove the resource record from the zone file, which is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server unexpected end of line, in zone file {0} at line {1}. To correct the problem, fix this line in the zone file, which is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server encountered invalid token "{0}" in zone file {1} at line {2}. Although the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this token, it is recommended that you either correct the token or remove this resource record from the zone file. The zone file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server encountered invalid class token "{0}" in zone file {1} at line {2}. Although the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this resource record (RR), it is recommended that you either correct the class of the RR to use the Internet (IN) class or remove the resource record from the zone file. The DNS server supports only the Internet (IN) class in RRs.The DNS server is ignoring an invalid resource record in zone file {0} at line {1}. %nSee the previously logged event for a description of the error. %nAlthough the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this RR, it is recommended that you investigate the error associated with this record and either correct it or remove it from the zone file.jThe DNS server encountered the unknown directive '{0}' in file {1} at line {2}. The directive was ignored.nThe DNS server encountered the unsupported directive '{0}' in file {1} at line {2}. The directive was ignored.kThe DNS server encountered the obsolete directive '{0}' in file {1} at line {2}. The directive was ignored.{The DNS server encountered the directive '{0}' in file {1} at line {2}. The directive is not yet supported and was ignored.DNSSEC signatures with key tag {0}, associated with records in zone {1}, have expired. Name resolution will fail for resolvers that require validation until new signatures are created. To create new signatures, re-sign the zone.DNSSEC signatures with key tag {0}, associated with records in zone {1}, will expire on {2} (UTC time). Once the signatures expire, name resolution will fail for resolvers that require validation until new signatures are created. To create new signatures, re-sign the zone.,The DNS server unable to create domain node.The DNS server encountered invalid domain name "{0}" in zone file {1} at line {2}. Although the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this name, it is strongly recommended that you either correct the name or remove the resource record from the zone file, which is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.5The DNS server encountered invalid domain name "{0}".The DNS server encountered domain name "{0}" exceeding maximum length. Although the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this name, it is recommended that you either correct the name or remove the resource record from the zone file, which is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server encountered an invalid "@" token "{0}" in zone file {1} at line {2}. Although the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this token, it is recommended that you either correct the token or remove the resource record from the zone file. The zone file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server encountered a name outside of the specified zone in zone file {0} at line {1}. Although the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this resource record (RR), it is recommended that you either correct the RR or remove it from the zone file, which is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server encountered an invalid name server (NS) resource record in zone file {0} at line {1}. The use of NS resource records (RR) must be at either the zone root node or be placed at at the sub-zone context within the zone for a domain being delegated away from this zone. Although the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this RR, it is recommended that you either correct the RR or remove it from the zone file. The zone file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory. For more information, see "Delegating zones" in the online Help.The DNS server encountered an invalid host (A) resource record in zone file {0} at line {1}. The use of A resource records (RRs) must be at a domain name within the zone, with the exception of glue A RRs which are used to resolve the host name specified in an NS RR also contained at the same domain node and used for a zone delegation. Although the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this RR, it is strongly recommended that you either correct this RR or remove it from the zone file. The zone file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory. For more information, see "Delegating zones" in the online Help.The DNS server encountered an unknown or unsupported resource record (RR) type {0} in zone file {1} at line {2}. Although the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this RR, it is recommended that you either correct the record type or remove this RR from the zone file. The zone file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.DNS server encountered the obsolete record type {0} in database file {1}, line {2}. %nThe record was ignored. %n %nMD or MF record types are obsolete. They should be converted to MX record type which has the format: MX %nExample: MX 10 %n %nFor more information, see the "Resource records reference" in the online Help.The DNS server encountered an invalid SOA (Start Of Authority) resource record (RR) in file {0} at line {1}. %nAn SOA record is required in every zone files and must satify the following conditions: %n 1) The SOA record must be the first record in the zone file. %n 2) The SOA record must belong to the root of the zone ("@" in zone file). %n 3) Only one SOA is allowed in the zone. %n 4) SOA records are NOT valid in root-hints (cache.dns) file. %n %nTo correct the problem modify or repair the SOA RR in zone file {0}, which can be found in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory. For more information, see the "Resource records reference" in the online Help.The DNS server encountered a resource record (RR) in the zone file {0} at line {1} for a domain name with an existing CNAME (alias) RR. Where used, CNAME RRs must be the only RR for the domain name they are used to provide an alias for. Either this RR, or the CNAME RR it conflicts with, needs to be deleted from zone file {0}, which can be found in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server encountered a CNAME (alias) resource record (RR) in zone file {0} at line {1} for a domain name with existing RRs. Where used, CNAME RRs must be the only RR for the domain name they are used to provide an alias for. Either this CNAME RR, or the one it conflicts with, needs to be deleted from zone file {0}, which can be found in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server encountered an alias (CNAME or DNAME) resource record (RR) in zone file {0} at line {1} that forms an alias loop with another alias RR in the zone. One of the alias RRs forming the loop must be removed from the zone file. The zone file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server encountered an invalid preference value "{0}" in zone file {1} at line {2}. The preference must be a valid 16-bit unsigned integer. To correct the problem, modify the preference field to a valid value. The zone file {1} is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server encountered a token "{0}" of the wrong format in zone file {1} at line {2}. Although the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this resource record (RR), it is recommended that you either correct this RR or remove it from zone file {1}, located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server encountered a text string "{0}" in zone file {1} at line {2} that exceeds the maximum permissible length. Although the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this resource record (RR), it is strongly recommended that you either correct this RR or remove it from the zone file. The zone file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server encountered an invalid IP address "{0}" in zone file {1} at line {2}. Although the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this resource record (RR), it is recommended that you either correct this RR or remove it from the zone file. The zone file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server encountered an invalid IPv6 address "{0}" in zone file {1} at line {2}. Although the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this resource record (RR), it is recommended that you either correct this RR or remove it from the zone file. The zone file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server could not find protocol "{0}" specified for the well known service (WKS) resource record (RR) in zone file {1} at line {2}. Although the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this RR, it is strongly recommended that you either correct this WKS RR or remove it from the zone file. The zone file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server could not find the service "{0}" specified for the well known service (WKS) resource record (RR) in zone file {1} at line {2}. Although the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this RR, it is recommended that you either correct this WKS RR or remove it from the zone file. The zone file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server encountered the port "{0}" specified for the well known service (WKS) resource record (RR) in zone file {1} at line {2}. This port exceeds the maximum port supported for the WKS RR. Although the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this RR, it is strongly recommended that you either correct this WKS RR or remove it from the zone file. The zone file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server encountered invalid WINS record in file {0}, line {1}. %n %nWINS records are subject to the following conditions: %n 1) WINS record must be in forward lookup zone (not in domain). %n 2) Only one WINS record may be specified in a zone file. %n 3) WINS record must belong to the zone root (the WINS record name must be the origin of the zone). If WINS lookup is desired for names in a sub-domain of the zone, then the sub-domain must be split into its own zone. %n 4) WINS record must specify at least one WINS server. %n %nThe format of a WINS record: %nWINS [LOCAL] [L] [C] [WINS IPs...] %n %nExamples (zone root assumed to be current origin): %n@ IN WINS LOCAL L1 C10 %n@ IN WINS %n %nFor more information, see "Using WINS lookup" in the online Help.The DNS server encountered an invalid WINS reverse lookup (WINSR) resource record (RR) in file {0} at line {1}. %n %nWINSR records are subject to the following conditions: %n 1) WINSR record must be in reverse lookup zone (under domain). %n 2) Only one WINSR record may be specified in a zone file. %n 3) WINSR record must belong to the zone root (the WINS record name must be the origin of the zone). %n 4) WINSR record must specify at domain for the resulting name. %n %nThe format of a WINSR record: %nWINSR [LOCAL] [L] [C] %n %nExamples (zone root assumed to be current origin): %n@ IN WINSR LOCAL L1 C10 %n@ IN WINSR %n %nFor more information, see "Using WINS lookup" in the online Help.The DNS server encountered an unknown WINS-to-DNS mapping flag {0} in file {1} at line {2}. Although the DNS server continues to load, ignoring this flag, it is recommended that you either correct the associated resource record or remove it from the zone file. The zone file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server encountered a WINS reverse lookup (WINSR) resource record (RR) without a domain specified for resulting names in zone file {0} at line {1}. This field is required for mapping names that are found in WINS reverse lookup to fully-qualfied DNS domain names. It is appended to the NetBIOS computer names resolved by NetBIOS adapter status queries. Although the DNS server will continue to load, ignoring this RR, it is recommended that you either correct the WINSR RR or disable WINS reverse lookup and/or remove the RR from the zone file. The zone file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory. For more information, see "Using WINS lookup" in the online Help.The DNS server has started.The DNS server is now booting from the registry or directory. The existing server boot file will no longer be read by the DNS server at startup. For any new zones that you add or for changes you make to zone information, you must make them using the DNS console. %nThe previous DNS server boot file has been moved to the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns\backup directory. %nTo return to using a boot file, use the DNS console and reconfigure the boot method for the server. For more information, see "To change the boot method used by the DNS server" in the online Help.The DNS server has written a new version of the boot file. Either new zones or changes to existing zone information were made through the DNS console that required the DNS server to update the information in this file. A copy of the previous boot file has been moved to the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns\backup directory.The DNS server encountered an error writing current configuration back to boot file. Verify that the current boot file contains all of the desired information. The Boot file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.The DNS server has been reconfigured to boot from a boot file. Current server and zone configuration information has been written to this file. %nTo return to booting from the registry or Active Directory, use the DNS console and reconfigure the boot method for the server. For more information, see "To change the boot method used by the DNS server" in the online Help.The DNS server could not open a registry key. Reinstall the DNS server if it was not able to be started. If the DNS server started, but couldn't load a zone, reload the zone or restart the DNS server.The DNS server could not write a registry key. The server disk could be full or corrupted or the maximum permissible size for the server registry has been reached. The DNS server will not be able to save server or zone configuration parameters to in the registry unless the problem is fixed.The DNS server could not delete a registry key. The registry is likely corrupted. The DNS server will not be able to save DNS server or zone configuration parameters in the registry unless the problem is fixed.The registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DNS\Parameters\{0} contains an invalid value or could not be read. The DNS server cannot start. You must change this value to valid data or delete it and then attempt to restart the DNS service.The DNS server has completed a scavenging cycle: %nVisited Zones = {0}, %nVisited Nodes = {1}, %nScavenged Nodes = {2}, %nScavenged Records = {3}. %n %nThis cycle took {4} seconds. %n %nThe next scavenging cycle is scheduled to run in {5} hours. %n %nThe event data will contain the error code if there was an error during the scavenging cycle.The DNS server has completed a scavenging cycle but no nodes were visited. Possible causes of this condition include: %n %n 1) No zones are configured for scavenging by this server. %n 2) A scavenging cycle was performed within the last {0} minutes. %n 3) An error occurred during scavenging. %n %nThe next scavenging cycle is scheduled to run in {1} hours. %n %nThe event data will contain the error code if there was an error during the scavenging cycle. The DNS server could not configure the network connections of this computer with the local computer's IP address as the preferred DNS server, because this computer is connected to networks with different or invalid DNS namespaces. Manual configuration of the local DNS server to perform name resolution on one or more of the namespaces is required before the preferred DNS servers of this computer should be modified. %n %nIf the network connections of this computer are not configured with the local computer's IP address as the preferred DNS server, this computer may not be able to dynamically register DC locator records in DNS. Absence of these records may prevent other Active Directory domain controllers and domain members from locating this domain controller. %n %nUser Action: %n %nEnsure that DC locator DNS records enumerated in the file %SystemRoot%\system32\config\netlogon.dns are registered on the local DNS server. If these records are not registered in DNS: %na) Add a delegation to this DNS server to parent DNS zone matching the name of the Active Directory domain OR %nb) Configure the local DNS server with appropriate root hints and forwarders (if necessary) and configure the network connections of this computer with the local computer's IP address as the preferred DNS server. Note that other computers using other DNS servers as their preferred or alternate DNS servers may not be able to locate this domain controller, unless the DNS infrastructure is properly configured.KThe DNS server successfully autoconfigured: %n%t{0} %n%t{1} %n%t{2} %n%t{3}The DNS server has shut down.9The DNS server wrote version {0} of zone {1} to file {2}.The DNS server unable to write zone file {0} for zone {1}. Most likely the server disk is full. Free some disk space and re-initiate zone write.The DNS server was unable to open file {0} for write. Most likely the file is a zone file that is already open. Close the zone file and re-initiate zone write.The DNS server encountered an error writing to file. Most likely the server disk is full. Free some disk space at the server and re-initiate zone write. The event data is the error code.The DNS server encountered an non-writeable or unknown resource record (RR) type when writing the zone database to file. The event data is applicable RR type.The DNS server encountered an unknown protocol writing a well known service (WKS) resource record to the zone file. The event data is applicable the protocol number.While writing a well known service (WKS) record to the zone file, the DNS server encountered a port number that is not associated with a known service. The event data is the port number of the unknown service.The DNS server has finished the background loading of zones. All zones are now available for DNS updates and zone transfers, as allowed by their individual zone configuration.The DNS server was unable to open Active Directory. This DNS server is configured to obtain and use information from the directory for this zone and is unable to load the zone without it. Check that the Active Directory is functioning properly and reload the zone. The event data is the error code.The DNS server was unable to open zone {0} in the Active Directory. This DNS server is configured to obtain and use information from the directory for this zone and is unable to load the zone without it. Check that the Active Directory is functioning properly and reload the zone. The event data is the error code.The DNS server was unable to add zone {0} to the Active Directory. Check that the Active Directory is available. Note that the zone will not be be added to and written to the directory unless you re-attempt adding the zone using the DNS console. The event data contains the error. For more information see "Add and Remove Zones" in the online Help.The DNS server was unable to delete zone {0} in the Active Directory. Check that the Active Directory is functioning properly. Note that this zone will not be removed from the directory unless you retry deleting of the zone using the DNS console. The event data contains the error. For more information see "Add and Remove Zones" in the online Help.The DNS server was unable to complete directory service enumeration of zone {0}. This DNS server is configured to use information obtained from Active Directory for this zone and is unable to load the zone without it. Check that the Active Directory is functioning properly and repeat enumeration of the zone. The extended error debug information (which may be empty) is "{1}". The event data contains the error.The DNS server received indication that zone {0} was deleted from the Active Directory. Since this zone was an Active Directory integrated zone, it has been deleted from the DNS server.The DNS server could not load the records for the DNS name {0} found in the Active Directory integrated zone {1}. A possible cause is that this DNS name contains character(s) not permitted by the name-checking setting on this DNS server. %n %nTo allow these records to be loaded choose the appropriate name-checking setting on the DNS server. %n %nTo delete these records from the Active Directory, first allow the DNS server to load them by changing the name-checking setting on this DNS server to allow all names. Then restart the DNS server service to cause the records to be loaded. The records will now appear in the DNS Manager and may be deleted. When the records have been deleted, restore the DNS server name-checking setting to the preferred value.The DNS server was unable to open zone {0} in the Active Directory from the application directory partition {1}. This DNS server is configured to obtain and use information from the directory for this zone and is unable to load the zone without it. Check that the Active Directory is functioning properly and reload the zone. The event data is the error code.The DNS server was unable to create a resource record for {0} in zone {1}. The Active Directory definition of this resource record is corrupt or contains an invalid DNS name. The event data contains the error.The DNS server was unable to add or write an update of domain name {0} in zone {1} to the Active Directory. Check that the Active Directory is functioning properly and add or update this domain name using the DNS console. The extended error debug information (which may be empty) is "{2}". The event data contains the error.The DNS server timed out attempting to write resource records to the Active Directory at {0}. Check that the directory is functioning properly and add or update the records using the DNS console. The event data contains the error.The DNS server is waiting for Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) to signal that the initial synchronization of the directory has been completed. The DNS server service cannot start until the initial synchronization is complete because critical DNS data might not yet be replicated onto this domain controller. If events in the AD DS event log indicate that there is a problem with DNS name resolution, consider adding the IP address of another DNS server for this domain to the DNS server list in the Internet Protocol properties of this computer. This event will be logged every two minutes until AD DS has signaled that the initial synchronization has successfully completed.The DNS server was unable to initialize Active Directory security interfaces. Check that the Active Directory is functioning properly and restart the DNS server. The event data contains the error.The DNS server has encountered a critical error from the Active Directory. Check that the Active Directory is functioning properly. The extended error debug information (which may be empty) is "{0}". The event data contains the error.The DNS server timed out attempting an Active Directory service operation on {0}. Check Active Directory to see that it is functioning properly. The event data contains the error.The DNS server was unable to load or create the DnsAdmins group. The most likely cause is that the Group Name has been changed. The DNS server will continue but for full functionality the DnsAdmins group should be repaired. The event data contains the error.The DNS server was unable to begin background loading of Active Directory-integrated zones. There may be a system resource problem. The DNS server service will now terminate. The event data contains the error.The DNS server attempted to load the Active Directory-integrated zone {0} in the background but there was an error during load. This zone will now be shut down. Correct the error and restart the DNS server service. The event data contains the error.The DNS server is now starting to load zone {0} in the background. While the zone is being loaded all DNS updates and zone transfer requests will be refused.The DNS server has completed background loading of zone {0}. The zone is now available for updates and zone transfers if allowed by the zone's configuration. It took {1} seconds to load the zone.The DNS server could not create a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) socket. Restart the DNS server or reboot the computer. The event data is the error code.The DNS server could not bind a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) socket to address {0}. The event data is the error code. An IP address of can indicate a valid "any address" configuration in which all configured IP addresses on the computer are available for use. %nRestart the DNS server or reboot the computer.The DNS server could not listen on Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) socket for address {0}. The event data is the error code. An IP address of can indicate a valid "any address" configuration in which all configured IP addresses on the computer are available for use. %nRestart the DNS server or reboot the computer.The DNS server could not create a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) socket. The event data is the error code. Restart the DNS server or reboot your computer.The DNS server could not bind a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) socket to {0}. The event data is the error code. Restart the DNS server or reboot your computer.The DNS server could not open socket for address {0}. %nVerify that this is a valid IP address for the server computer. If it is NOT valid use the Interfaces dialog under Server Properties in the DNS Manager to remove it from the list of IP interfaces. Then stop and restart the DNS server. (If this was the only IP interface on this machine and the DNS server may not have started as a result of this error. In that case remove the DNS\Parameters\ ListenAddress value in the services section of the registry and restart.) %n %nIf this is a valid IP address for this machine, make sure that no other application (e.g. another DNS server) is running that would attempt to use the DNS port. %n %nFor more information, see "DNS server log reference" in the online Help.The DNS server list of restricted interfaces contains IP addresses that are not configured for use at the server computer. %n %nUse the DNS manager server properties, interfaces dialog, to verify and reset the IP addresses the DNS server should listen on. For more information, see "To restrict a DNS server to listen only on selected addresses" in the online Help.The DNS server list of restricted interfaces does not contain a valid IP address for the server computer. The DNS server will use all IP interfaces on the machine. %n %nUse the DNS manager server properties, interfaces dialog, to verify and reset the IP addresses the DNS server should listen on. For more information, see "To restrict a DNS server to listen only on selected addresses" in the online Help.gThe DNS server has bound one or more socket pool sockets to port numbers from port exclusion range {0}. The DNS server computer currently does not have a DNS domain name. Its DNS name is a single-label host name with no domain (for example: "host" rather than ""). %n %nYou might have forgotten to configure a primary DNS domain for the server computer. %n %nBecause the DNS server has only a single-label name, all zones created will have default records (SOA and NS) created using only this single-label name for the server's host name. This can lead to incorrect and failed referrals when clients and other DNS servers use these records to locate this server by name. %n %nTo correct this problem: %n 1) Click Start, and then click Control Panel.%n 2) Open System and Maintenance , and then open System. %n 3) Click Change Settings, and then click Change. 4) Click either Domain or Workgroup, and then type the name of the domain or workgroup you want the computer to join; the domain or workgroup name will be used as your DNS domain name. %n 5) When prompted, restart the computer.%n %nAfter the computer restarts, the DNS server will attempt to fix up default records, substituting the new DNS name of this server for the old single-label name. However, you should review the zone's SOA and NS records to ensure that they now use the correct domain name of this server.The DNS server is experiencing high SOA query load. This may be caused by a large number of local client machines performing updates. Single object replication of DNS records corresponding to SOA queries is being throttled. This may delay replication of updates to this RODC DNS server, however scheduled replication will not be affected.The DNS Application Directory Partition {0} was created. The distinguished name of the root of this Directory Partition is {1}.The DNS Application Directory Partition {0} was deleted. The distinguished name of the root of this Directory Partition was {1}.The DNS added the local Active Directory to the replication scope of Application Directory Partition {0}. The distinguished name of the root of this Directory Partition is {1}.The DNS removed the local Active Directory from the replication scope of Application Directory Partition {0}. The distinguished name of the root of this Directory Partition is {1}.The DNS server was unable to connect to the domain naming FSMO {0}. No modifications to Directory Partitions are possible until the FSMO server is available for LDAP connections. The event data contains the error code.The zone {0} was not successfully saved to the new directory partition as {1} due to an error deleting the zone from the old directory partition as {2}. The DNS Server has attempted to undo the changes, but manual cleanup of the zone may be required. The event data contains the error code.\The DNS server was unable to create the built-in directory partition {0}. The error was {1}.The DNS server detected that it is not enlisted in the replication scope of the directory partition {0}. This prevents the zones that should be replicated to all DNS servers in the {1} forest from replicating to this DNS server. %n %nTo create or repair the forest-wide DNS directory partition, open the the DNS console. Right-click the applicable DNS server, and then click 'Create Default Application Directory Partitions'. Follow the instructions to create the default DNS application directory partitions. For more information, see 'To create the default DNS application directory partitions' in Help and Support. %n %nThe error was {2}.The DNS server detected that it is not enlisted in the replication scope of the directory partition {0}. This prevents the zones that should be replicated to all DNS servers in the {1} domain from replicating to this DNS server. For information on how to add a DNS server to the replication scope of an application directory partition, please see Help and Support. %n %nTo create or repair the domain-wide DNS directory partition, open the the DNS console. Right-click the applicable DNS server, and then click 'Create Default Application Directory Partitions'. Follow the instructions to create the default DNS application directory partitions. For more information, see 'To create the default DNS application directory partitions' in Help and Support. %n The error was {2}.The zone {0} was previously loaded from the directory partition {1} but another copy of the zone has been found in directory partition {2}. The DNS Server will ignore this new copy of the zone. Please resolve this conflict as soon as possible. %n %nIf an administrator has moved this zone from one directory partition to another this may be a harmless transient condition. In this case, no action is necessary. The deletion of the original copy of the zone should soon replicate to this server. %n %nIf there are two copies of this zone in two different directory partitions but this is not a transient caused by a zone move operation then one of these copies should be deleted as soon as possible to resolve this conflict. %n %nTo change the replication scope of an application directory partition containing DNS zones and for more details on storing DNS zones in the application directory partitions, please see Help and Support.The DNS server encountered error {0} building the zone list from Active Directory. The DNS server will sleep for {1} seconds and try again. This can be caused by high Active Directory load and may be a transient condition.The DNS server encountered error {0} attempting to load zone {1} from Active Directory. The DNS server will attempt to load this zone again on the next timeout cycle. This can be caused by high Active Directory load and may be a transient condition.The DNS server has deleted all records for a corrupt DNS node from Active Directory. The DNS node's distinguished name was {0}.The DNS server has detected that the application directory partition {0} is replicating onto this domain controller. DNS data will not be loaded from this new directory partition until initial replication has completed.The DNS server has detected that the application directory partition {0} has finished replicating onto this domain controller. DNS data will now be loaded from this directory partition.The DNS server has detected that the zone {0} has invalid or corrupted registry data. To correct the problem, you can delete the applicable zone subkey, located under DNS server parameters in the registry. You can then recreate the zone using the DNS console. For more information, see "Tuning advanced server parameters" and "Add and Remove Zones" in the online Help.The DNS server has detected that the zone {0} has a missing or corrupted zone type in registry data. To correct the problem, you can delete the applicable zone subkey, located under DNS server parameters in the registry. You can then recreate the zone using the DNS console. For more information, see "Tuning advanced server parameters" and "Add and Remove Zones" in the online Help.The DNS server has detected that for the primary zone {0} its has no zone file name stored in registry data. You can either update the zone file name or delete the zone and recreate it using the DNS console. To delete the applicable zone from the registry, locate its subkey under DNS server parameters in the registry. You can then recreate the zone using the DNS console. For more information, see "To change a zone file name", "Tuning advanced server parameters" and "Add and Remove Zones" in the online Help.The DNS server has detected that the secondary zone {0} has no master IP addresses in registry data. Secondary zones require at least one master server to act as a source. You can add or update the IP address for the master server for this zone using the DNS console. For more information, see "To update the master server for a secondary zone" in the online Help.The DNS server could not create zone {0} from registry data. One or more of the zone registry key values could be corrupted or the zone file is missing. Use the DNS console to replace or repair any corrupted registry key values or confirm that the zone database is available. For more information, see "Configure zone properties" in the online Help.The DNS server zone {0} has invalid or corrupted registry data for {1}. Use the DNS console to replace or repair any corrupted registry key values or confirm that the zone database is available. For more information, see the online Help.\The DNS server is using a large amount of memory. The data is the current memory allocated.The DNS server has invalid or corrupted registry parameter {0}. To correct the problem, you can delete the applicable registry value, located under DNS server parameters in the registry. You can then recreate it using the DNS console. For more information, see the online Help.The DNS server encountered invalid or corrupted forwarder parameters in registry data. %n %nTo fix the forwarders: %n%t - connect to or open this server in DNS Manager %n%t - bring up server properties %n%t - open "Forwarders" tab %n%t - reset forwarders information to desired values %n%t - click OK %n %nFor more information, see the online Help.The DNS server attempted to cache an CNAME (alias) resource record for the domain node. The operation failed, since the CNAME RR must be the only RR for its domain name.The DNS server attempted to cache an CNAME (alias) resource record (RR) for a domain name with existing RRs. The CNAME RR is ignored, since it must be the only RR for its domain name.The DNS server created CNAME (alias) loop caching CNAME resource records (RRs). The record is ignored, since CNAME loops are not allowed.The DNS server created an CNAME (alias) loop loading CNAME at {0}. One link in CNAME loop: DNS name {1} is an alias for CNAME {2}. See adjoining messages for other links in the CNAME loop.}The DNS server received a bad DNS query from {0}. The query was rejected or ignored. The event data contains the DNS packet.The DNS server encountered a bad packet from {0}. Packet processing leads beyond packet length. The event data contains the DNS packet.The DNS server received a bad TCP-based DNS message from {0}. The packet was rejected or ignored. The event data contains the DNS packet.The DNS server encountered an invalid domain name in a packet from {0}. The packet will be rejected. The event data contains the DNS packet.The DNS server encountered a domain name exceeding the maximum length in the packet from {0}. The event data contains the DNS packet.vThe DNS server encountered an invalid domain name offset in a packet from {0}. The event data contains the DNS packet.vThe DNS server encountered a name offset exceeding the packet length from {0}. The event data contains the DNS packet.|The DNS server encountered a packet name exceeding the maximum label count from {0}. The event data contains the DNS packet.The DNS server encountered an invalid DNS update message from {0}. The packet was rejected. The event data contains the DNS packet.The DNS server encountered an invalid response message from {0}. The packet was rejected. The event data contains the DNS packet.The DNS server encountered a name with a label whose length exceeds the maximum of 63 bytes from {0}. The event data contains the DNS packet.TThe DNS server started transfer of version {0} of zone {1} to the DNS server at {2}.cThe DNS server successfully completed transfer of version {0} of zone {1} to the DNS server at {2}.The transfer of version {0} of zone {1} by the DNS server was aborted by the server at {2}. To restart the transfer of the zone, you must initiate transfer at the secondary server.The DNS server received a request from {0} for a UDP-based transfer of the entire zone. The request was ignored because full zone transfers must be made using TCP.jThe DNS server received a zone transfer request from {0} for a non-existent or non-authoritative zone {1}.ZZone {0} was updated to version {1} of the zone as provided from the master server at {2}.`Zone {0} is synchronized with version {1} of the zone as provided from the master server at {2}.pA more recent version, version {0} of zone {1} was found at the DNS server at {2}. Zone transfer is in progress.Zone {0} failed zone refresh check. Unable to connect to master DNS server at {1} to receive zone transfer. Check that the zone contains correct IP address for the master server or if network failure has occurred. For more information, see "To update the master server for a secondary zone" in the online Help. If available, you can specify more than one master server in the list for this zone.Invalid response from master DNS server at {1} during attempted zone transfer of zone {0}. Check the DNS server at {1} and ensure that it is authoritative for this zone. This can be done by viewing or updating the list of authoritative servers for the zone. When using the DNS console, select zone {0} Properties at server {1} and click the Name Servers tab. If needed, you can add or update this server in the list there. As an alternative solution, you could also modify settings in the Zone Transfer tab to allow transfer of the zone to this and other DNS servers.A zone transfer request for the secondary zone {0} was refused by the master DNS server at {1}. Check the zone at the master server {1} to verify that zone transfer is enabled to this server. To do so, use the DNS console, and select master server {1} as the applicable server, then in secondary zone {0} Properties, view the settings on the Zone Transfers tab. Based on the settings you choose, make any configuration adjustments there (or possibly in the Name Servers tab) so that a zone transfer can be made to this server.Zone {0} version {1} is newer than version {2} on DNS server at {3}. The zone was not updated. %nDNS servers supplying zones for transfer must have the most recent version of the zone, based on the primary zone. If zone on remote server {3}, is in fact the most recent version of the zone, do the following at that server: %n (1) stop the DNS server, %n (2) delete the zone file (not the zone itself) and %n (3) restart the DNS server %nThe DNS server will transfer the new version and write its zone file. %nWhen deleting the zone file at server {3}, locate the file named {0}.dns in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory and delete it. An alternative solution is to delete and recreate the secondary zone at server {3}. This could be preferred if this server hosts large zones and restarting it at this time would be a consuming or costly operation.Zone {0} expired before it could obtain a successful zone transfer or update from a master server acting as its source for the zone. The zone has been shut down.During transfer of zone {0} from master at {1}, the DNS server received a resource record (RR) for domain node {2} at which an CNAME (alias) RR was already received. When used, the CNAME RR must be the only record for its domain name. The CNAME RR for {2} will be ignored.During transfer of zone {0} from master at {1}, the DNS server received a CNAME (alias) resource record (RR) for domain node {2} for which other records of that name were already received. When used, the CNAME RR must be the only record for its domain name. The CNAME RR for {2} will be ignored.During transfer of zone {0} from master at {1}, the DNS server received a CNAME (alias) resource record (RR) for domain node {2} which would form an CNAME loop if accepted and used. The CNAME RR for {2} is being ignored.The DNS server could not create a zone transfer thread. The system may be out of resources. Close any applications not in use or reboot the computer to free memory. The event data contains the error.Failed transfer of zone {0} from DNS server at {1}. The DNS server at {1} aborted or failed to complete transfer of the zone. Check the DNS server at {1} and ensure it is properly functioning and authoritative for zone {0}.The master DNS server at {1} responded to IXFR (Incremental Zone Transfer) request for zone {0} with an invalid (FORMAT ERROR) response. DNS server performance and network bandwidth will both be improved by upgrading the DNS server at {1} to a run as either a Windows 2000 or later Microsoft DNS server or another IXFR-compatible DNS server implementation.Invalid IXFR (Incremental Zone Transfer) response from master DNS server at {1} during attempted incremental transfer of zone {0}. Check the DNS server at {1}, and verify its is running as a Windows 2000 or later Microsoft DNS server or another IXFR-compatible DNS server implementation.IThe DNS server recv() function failed. The event data contains the error.MThe DNS server recvfrom() function failed. The event data contains the error.IThe DNS server send() function failed. The event data contains the error.KThe DNS server sendto() function failed. The event data contains the error.KThe DNS server select() function failed. The event data contains the error.KThe DNS server accept() function failed. The event data contains the error.^The DNS server GetQueuedCompletionStatus() function failed. The event data contains the error.The DNS server does not have a cache or other database entry for root name servers. %nEither the root hints file, cache.dns, or Active Directory must have at least one name server (NS) resource record, indicating a root DNS server and a corresponding host (A) resource record for that root DNS server. Otherwise, the DNS server will be unable to contact the root DNS server on startup and will be unable to answer queries for names outside of its own authoritative zones. To correct this problem, use the DNS console to update the server root hints. For more information, see the online Help.YThe DNS server could not connect to DNS server at {0}. The event data contains the error. The DNS server encountered a packet addressed to itself on IP address {0}. The packet is for the DNS name "{1}". The packet will be discarded. This condition usually indicates a configuration error. %n %nCheck the following areas for possible self-send configuration errors: %n 1) Forwarders list. (DNS servers should not forward to themselves). %n 2) Master lists of secondary zones. %n 3) Notify lists of primary zones. %n 4) Delegations of subzones. Must not contain NS record for this DNS server unless subzone is also on this server. %n 5) Root hints. %n %nExample of self-delegation: %n -> This DNS server is the primary for the zone %n -> The zone contains a delegation of to, %n ( NS %n -> BUT the zone is NOT on this server. %n %nNote, you should make this delegation check (with nslookup or DNS manager) both on this DNS server and on the server(s) you delegated the subzone to. It is possible that the delegation was done correctly, but that the primary DNS for the subzone, has any incorrect NS record pointing back at this server. If this incorrect NS record is cached at this server, then the self-send could result. If found, the subzone DNS server admin should remove the offending NS record. %n %nYou can use the DNS server debug logging facility to track down the cause of this problem.The DNS server is not root authoritative and no root hints were specified in the cache.dns file. %nWhere the server is not a root server, this file must specify root hints in the form of at least one name server (NS) resource record, indicating a root DNS server and a corresponding host (A) resource record for that root DNS server. Otherwise, the DNS server will be unable to contact the root DNS server on startup and will be unable to answer queries for names outside of its own authoritative zones. To correct this problem, use the DNS console to update the server root hints. For more information, see the online Help.The DNS server did not detect any zones of either primary or secondary type during initialization. It will not be authoritative for any zones, and it will run as a caching-only server until a zone is loaded manually or by Active Directory replication. For more information, see the online Help.|The DNS server has moved the AD-integrated root hint data for all DNS servers in this domain to the {0} directory partition.An administrator has changed the type and zone storage options of zone {0}. The zone is now type {1}. The zone will be stored in the zone file {2}.An administrator has changed the type and/or Active Directory location of zone {0}. The zone is now type {1}. The zone will be stored in Active Directory at {2}.uAn administrator has changed the zone storage options for zone {0}. The zone will now be stored in the zone file {1}.An administrator has moved the zone {0} to a new location in Active Directory. The zone will be stored in Active Directory at {1}.NThe DNS server failed to process a packet from {0}. The packet was discarded.The DNS server was unable to service a client request due a shortage of available memory. Close any applications not in use or reboot the computer to free memory.The DNS server could not allocate memory for resource record {0}. Close any applications not in use or reboot the computer to free memory.The DNS server could not allocate memory for the node of domain name {0}. Close any applications not in use or reboot the computer to free memory.The global query block list is a feature that prevents attacks on your network by blocking DNS queries for specific host names. This feature has caused the DNS server to fail a query with error code NAME ERROR for {0} even though data for this DNS name exists in the DNS database. Other queries in all locally authoritative zones for other names that begin with labels in the block list will also fail, but no event will be logged when further queries are blocked until the DNS server service on this computer is restarted. See product documentation for information about this feature and instructions on how to configure it.%n %nBelow is the current global query block list (this list may be truncated in this event if it is too long):%n{1}/The TrustAnchors zone could not be loaded:%n{0}The DNSSEC trust point {0} is available for DNSSEC validation. The DNSKEY records for this trust point will be refreshed to check for updates at {1}.?The DNSSEC trust point {0} is available for DNSSEC validation. The DNSSEC trust point {0} is not available for DNSSEC validation, because a valid DNSKEY record that matches the provided DS trust anchor(s) has not yet been found. An attempt to find a matching DNSKEY record will be made during the next active refresh at {1}.[The DNSSEC trust point {0} will be deleted after {1} because it has no valid trust anchors.]The DNSSEC trust point {0} has been deleted because it has no valid or revoked trust anchors.The DS record with the key tag {1} at the trust point {0} will be replaced with a DNSKEY trust anchor when a matching DNSKEY record is found during the next active refresh.qThe DNSKEY with the key tag {1} at the trust point {0} is now a valid trust anchor for use in DNSSEC validations.The trust anchor with the key tag {1} at the trust point {0} has been removed from the authoritative server without being revoked. This trust anchor is still valid for use in DNSSEC validations, but may need to be removed manually if its removal from the authoritative server was permanent.The DNSKEY with the key tag {1} at the trust point {0} has been marked as revoked by the authoritative server. This key is no longer valid for DNSSEC validations, and will be deleted then next time the server is restarted after {2}.The DNSKEY with the key tag {1} at the trust point {0} will become a trust anchor after {2}, if it is consistently present on the authoritative server.The DS record with the key tag {1} at the trust point {0} does not correspond to a valid trust anchor. The corresponding DNSKEY is not a key-signing-key (KSK) or no corresponding key could be found. The server try again to find a match at the next active refresh.EThe {2} with the key tag {1} at the trust point {0} has been deleted.The active refresh query for the DNSKEY records at the trust point {0} has failed ({1}). This query will be retried at {2}. Check that a DNS query for the DNSKEY records at the trust point succeeds.zThe active refresh query for the DNSKEY records at the trust point {0} has succeeded. This query will be repeated at {1}. The zone {0} is configured to accept updates but the A record for the primary server in the zone's SOA record is not available on this DNS server. This may indicate a configuration problem. If the address of the primary server for the zone cannot be resolved DNS clients will be unable to locate a server to accept updates for this zone. This will cause DNS clients to be unable to perform DNS updates.SlSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetOPADPADP   !"#$%@ABCDEFGLM`abcdfjkpuKquKruKsuKtuKuKuKvKvK}KKKKKKKKKKK0K1K2K3K4K5KPKQKRKSKTKUKVKWK\K]KpKqKrKsKtKuKvKwKzK{KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK0123456789....................!6٦!6HcIccccccccccccĀcŀcʀcˀc̀ccccccccccccccccccccccc‡cÇcćcŇcƇcLJcʇcˇccccccccccccccccccc c c c!c"c#c$c%c&c'c,c-cFcGcHcIcJcKcLcMcNcOcgchcicjckclcmcncoc c!c"c&c'cecccccccccccccccccc_v1H.\Es@  K b y p ) Y  ? ( m V   W p 2  '  @ ,wE^ = $ o V :Sl!2}dKJc1|B)t[kR9 e>^IsoEZ0kVA,n# U<h   6 O (C ^ylQ6o,bGa|9TnSF+{E`8R7m*)D_zcH-pU:}.; ~qVWr/J~fK0# ,EVENT_100EVENT_1000AEVENT_10000EVENT_10001NEVENT_10002EVENT_10003!EVENT_10004EVENT_10005EVENT_10006#EVENT_10007_EVENT_10008EVENT_10009EVENT_1001GEVENT_10010EVENT_10011'EVENT_10012kEVENT_10013EVENT_10014'EVENT_10015fEVENT_10016EVENT_10017EVENT_10018EVENT_10019|EVENT_1002EVENT_10020J EVENT_10021 EVENT_100226 EVENT_10023q EVENT_10024" EVENT_10025B EVENT_1003 EVENT_1004] EVENT_1005 EVENT_1006 EVENT_1007j EVENT_1008 EVENT_1009EVENT_101nEVENT_1010EVENT_1011 EVENT_1012vEVENT_1013EVENT_1016EVENT_1017.EVENT_1018EVENT_1019EVENT_102QEVENT_1020EVENT_1021EVENT_1022MEVENT_1023EVENT_1024EVENT_1025EVENT_1026EVENT_1027EVENT_1028 EVENT_1029eEVENT_103EVENT_1030 EVENT_1031qEVENT_1032EVENT_1033EVENT_1034 EVENT_1035mEVENT_1036EVENT_1037rEVENT_1038EVENT_1039IEVENT_104EVENT_1040EVENT_1041EVENT_1042EVENT_1043yEVENT_1044EVENT_1045 EVENT_1046"EVENT_1047$EVENT_1048w&EVENT_1049(EVENT_1050f)EVENT_1051)EVENT_1052.+EVENT_1053+EVENT_1054+,EVENT_1055,EVENT_1056(-EVENT_1057.EVENT_1058.EVENT_1059]/EVENT_106/EVENT_1060/EVENT_1061-0EVENT_1062}0EVENT_10630EVENT_10641EVENT_1065n1EVENT_1072EVENT_108M2EVENT_1092EVENT_1102EVENT_1113EVENT_112!4EVENT_1134EVENT_11445EVENT_11445EVENT_115n6EVENT_1167EVENT_117r7EVENT_1187EVENT_1197EVENT_120E8EVENT_1218EVENT_1228EVENT_123>9EVENT_1249EVENT_1259EVENT_126F:EVENT_127:EVENT_128:EVENT_129M;EVENT_130x;EVENT_131;EVENT_132;EVENT_133;EVENT_1338~<EVENT_1339>EVENT_134?EVENT_1340#@EVENT_1341@EVENT_1342>AEVENT_1343uAEVENT_1344AEVENT_135BEVENT_136^BEVENT_137BEVENT_1376BEVENT_13778CEVENT_138CEVENT_139aEVENT_20256aEVENT_20257 bEVENT_20258bEVENT_20259@cEVENT_20260cEVENT_20261cEVENT_20262tdEVENT_20263eEVENT_20264eEVENT_20265fEVENT_20266fEVENT_20267)gEVENT_20268gEVENT_20269ChEVENT_20270hEVENT_20271XiEVENT_20272iEVENT_20273njEVENT_20274jEVENT_20275kEVENT_20276 lEVENT_20277lEVENT_20278mEVENT_20279mEVENT_20280(nEVENT_20281nEVENT_202826oEVENT_20283oEVENT_20284JpEVENT_20285pEVENT_20286qEVENT_20287mrEVENT_20289VsEVENT_20290sEVENT_20291tEVENT_20292=uEVENT_20293uEVENT_20294OvEVENT_20295vEVENT_20296+wEVENT_20297wEVENT_20298 xEVENT_20299}xEVENT_20300xEVENT_20301[yEVENT_20302yEVENT_203039zEVENT_20304zEVENT_20305n{EVENT_20306{EVENT_20307T|EVENT_20308|EVENT_20309e}EVENT_20310}EVENT_20311}~EVENT_20312~EVENT_20313(EVENT_20314EVENT_20315EVENT_20316EVENT_70EVENT_71EVENT_72=EVENT_73eEVENT_74EVENT_75EVENT_76>EVENT_77EVENT_78EVENT_79EVENT_80EVENT_81EVENT_82gEVENT_83كEVENT_84mEVENT_85EVENT_86<EVENT_87uEVENT_88EVENT_89EVENT_90cEVENT_91EVENT_92چEVENT_939EVENT_94ÇEVENT_95EVENT_969EVENT_97kEVENT_98EVENT_99ԈOPCODE_101OPCODE_102OPCODE_103!OPCODE_1043OPCODE_105HOPCODE_106^OPCODE_107sOPCODE_108OPCODE_109OPCODE_110OPCODE_111OPCODE_112OPCODE_113OPCODE_114ljOPCODE_115ۉOPCODE_116OPCODE_117OPCODE_118OPCODE_119OPCODE_120TASK_1213TASK_122B?Scope: {0} within SuperScope: {1} for IPv4 is Activated by {2}.kThe DHCP service received the unknown option {0}, with a length of {1}. The raw option data is given below.DHCPv6 confirmation has been declined because the address was not appropriate to the link or DHCPv6 renew request has a Zero lifetime for Client Address {0}.fRenew, rebind or confirm received for IPv6 addresses {0} for which there are no active lease availableiDHCPv6 service received the unknown option {0}, with a length of {1}. The raw option data is given below.`There are no IPv6 addresses available to lease in the scope serving the network with Prefix {0}.1The DHCPv6 client, {1}, declined the address {0}.kDHCPv6 Scope serving the network with prefix {0}, is {1} percent full with only {2} IP addresses remaining.:A DHCPV6 client {0} has been deleted from DHCPV6 database.rA DHCPV6 message that was in the queue for more than 30 seconds has been dropped because it is too old to process.+An invalid DHCPV6 message has been dropped.EA DHCPV6 message that was not meant for this server has been dropped.aThe DHCP service failed to register with Service Controller. The following error occurred: %n{0}.{DHCV6 message has been dropped because it was received on a Uni-cast address and unicast support is disabled on the server.BDHCPV6 audit log file cannot be appended, Error Code returned {0}.^A DHCPV6 message has been dropped because the server is not authorized to process the message.ZThe DHCPv6 service failed to initialize the audit log. The following error occurred: %n{0}=DHCPv6 audit log file could not be backed up. Error code {0}JAThe DHCPv6 service was unable to access path specified for the audit log.ZThe DHCPv6 service failed to initialize Winsock startup. The following error occurred {0}.The DHCPv6 service has detected that it is running on a DC and has no credentials configured for use with Dynamic DNS registrations initiated by the DHCPv6 service. This is not a recommended security configuration.The DHCPv6 Server failed to receive a notification of interface list changes. Some of the interfaces will not be enabled in the DHCPv6 service.jThe DHCPv6 service failed to initialize its configuration parameters. The following error occurred: %n{0}.`The DHCP service failed to initialize its global parameters. The following error occurred: %n{0}This computer has at least one dynamically assigned IPv6 address.For reliable DHCPv6 server operation, you should use only static IPv6 addresses.VDHCPv6 service failed to initialize the database. The following error occurred: %n{0}.9The DHCPv6 service has initialized and is ready to serve.DHCPv6 Server is unable to bind to UDP port number {0} as it is used by another application. This port must be made available to DHCPv6 Server to start servicing the clients.ERROR_LAST_DHCPV6_SERVER_ERRORThe DNS registration for DHCPv6 Client IPv6 address {0} , FQDN {1} and DHCID {2} has been denied as there is probably an existing client with same FQDN already registered with DNS.bThe DHCP service failed to initialize its registry parameters. The following error occurred: %n{0}WThe DHCP service failed to initialize the database. The following error occurred: %n{0}ZThe DHCP service failed to initialize Winsock startup. The following error occurred: %n{0}VThe DHCP service failed to start as a RPC server. The following error occurred : %n{0}WThe DHCP service failed to initialize Winsock data. The following error occurred: %n{0}CThe DHCP service is shutting down due to the following error: %n{0}dThe DHCP service encountered the following error while cleaning up the pending client records: %n{0}AScope: {0} within SuperScope: {1} for IPv4 is DeActivated by {2}.VThe DHCP service encountered the following error while cleaning up the database: %n{0}kThe DHCP service issued a NACK (negative acknowledgement message) to the client, {1}, for the address, {0}./The DHCP client, {1}, declined the address {0}./The DHCP Client, {1}, released the address {0}.TThe DHCP service encountered the following error when backing up the database: %n{0}bThe DHCP service encountered the following error when backing up the registry configuration: %n{0}TThe DHCP service failed to restore the database. The following error occurred: %n{0}gThe DHCP service failed to restore the DHCP registry configuration. The following error occurred: %n{0}kScope: {0} for IPv4 is Removed in Superscope: {1} by {2}. However, the Scope exists outside the Superscope.EScope, {0}, is {1} percent full with only {2} IP addresses remaining.FThe DHCP service could not load the JET database library successfully.The DHCP service could not use the database. If this service was started for the first time after the upgrade from NT 3.51 or earlier, you need to run the utility, upg351db.exe, on the DHCP database to convert it to the new JET database format. Restart the DHCP service after you have upgraded the database.The DHCP service will now terminate because the existing database needs conversion to Windows 2000 format. The conversion via the jetconv process, has initiated. Do not reboot or stop the jetconv process. The conversion may take up to 10 minutes depending on the size of the database. Terminate DHCP now by clicking OK. This is required for the database conversion to succeed. NOTE: The DHCP service will be restarted automatically when the conversion is completed. To check conversion status, look at the Application event log for the jetconv process.-The DHCP service has initialized and is readyThe DHCP service was unable to read the BOOTP file table from the registry. The DHCP service will be unable to respond to BOOTP requests that specify the boot file name.QThe DHCP service was unable to read the global BOOTP file name from the registry.&The audit log file cannot be appended.XThe DHCP service failed to initialize the audit log. The following error occurred: %n{0}_The DHCP service was unable to ping for a new IP address. The address was leased to the client.XScope: {0} for IPv4 is Deleted in Superscope: {1} as well as Deleted permanently by {2}.OThe audit log file could not be backed up. The following error occurred: %n{0}The installed server callout .dll file has caused an exception. The exception was: %n{0}. The server has ignored this exception. All further exceptions will be ignored.The installed server callout .dll file has caused an exception. The exception was: %n{0}. The server has ignored this exception and the .dll file could not be loaded.BThe DHCP service has successfully loaded one or more callout DLLs.`The DHCP service has failed to load one or more callout DLLs. The following error occured: %n{0}|The DHCP service was unable to create or lookup the DHCP Users local group on this computer. The error code is in the data.The DHCP server was unable to create or lookup the DHCP Administrators local group on this computer. The error code is in the data.6The DHCP service has started to clean up the database.The DHCP service has cleaned up the database for unicast IP addresses -- {0} leases have been recovered and {1} records have been removed from the database.The DHCP service has cleaned up the database for multicast IP addresses -- {0} leases have expired (been marked for deletion) and {1} records have been removed from the database.Delay Time: {0} milliseconds for the OFFER message sent by Secondary Servers is Updated on Scope: {1} for IPv4 by {3}. The previous configured Delay Time was: {2} milliseconds.4The DHCP service successfully restored the database.The DHCP service is not servicing any DHCPv4 clients because none of the active network interfaces have statically configured IPv4 addresses, or there are no active interfaces.The DHCP/BINL service running on this machine has detected a server on the network. If the server does not belong to any domain, the domain is listed as empty. The IP address of the server is listed in parentheses. {0}wThe DHCP/BINL service on the local machine has determined that it is authorized to start. It is servicing clients now.The DHCP/BINL service on the local machine, belonging to the Windows Administrative domain {1}, has determined that it is authorized to start. It is servicing clients now.The DHCP/BINL service on the local machine has determined that it is not authorized to start. It has stopped servicing clients. The following are some possible reasons for this: %n%tThis machine belongs to a workgroup and has encountered another DHCP Server (belonging to a Windows Administrative Domain) servicing the same network. %n%n%tAn unexpected network error occurred.The DHCP/BINL service on the local machine, belonging to the Windows Administrative domain {1}, has determined that it is not authorized to start. It has stopped servicing clients. The following are some possible reasons for this: %n%tThis machine is part of a directory service enterprise and is not authorized in the same domain. (See help on the DHCP Service Management Tool for additional information). %n%n%tThis machine cannot reach its directory service enterprise and it has encountered another DHCP service on the network belonging to a directory service enterprise on which the local machine is not authorized. %n%n%tSome unexpected network error occurred.The DHCP/BINL service on the local machine has determined that it is authorized to start. It is servicing clients now. %nThe DHCP/BINL service has determined that the machine was recently upgraded. If the machine is intended to belong to a directory service enterprise, the DHCP service must be authorized in the directory service for it to start servicing clients. (See help on DHCP Service Management Tool for authorizing the server).The DHCP/BINL Service on the local machine, belonging to Windows Domain {1}, has determined that it is authorized to start. It is servicing clients now. It has determined that the computer was recently upgraded. It has also determined that either there is no directory service enterprise for the domain or that the computer is not authorized in the directory service. All DHCP services that belong to a directory service enterprise should be authorized in the directory service to service clients. (See help on the DHCP Service Management Tool for authorizing a DHCP service in the directory service).The DHCP/BINL service on the local machine encountered an error while trying to find the domain of the local machine. The error was: {2}.[The DHCP/BINL service on the local machine encountered a network error. The error was: {2}.The DHCP/BINL service has determined that it is not authorized to service clients on this network for the Windows domain: {1}. All DHCP services that belong to a directory service enterprise must be authorized in the directory service to service clients. (See help on the DHCP Service Management Tool for authorizing a DHCP server in the directory service).The DHCP/BINL service on this workgroup server has encountered another server with IP Address, {0}, belonging to the domain {1}.xThe DHCP/BINL service has encountered another server on this network with IP Address, {0}, belonging to the domain: {1}.iThe DHCP/BINL service on this computer is shutting down. See the previous event log messages for reasons.The DHCP service was unable to impersonate the credentials necessary for DNS registrations: %n{0}. The local system credentials is being used.The DHCP service has detected that it is running on a DC and has no credentials configured for use with Dynamic DNS registrations initiated by the DHCP service. This is not a recommended security configuration. Credentials for Dynamic DNS registrations may be configured using the command line "netsh dhcp server set dnscredentials" or via the DHCP Administrative tool.SThe DHCP service was unable to convert the temporary database to ESE format: %n{0}.gThe DHCP service failed to initialize its configuration parameters. The following error occurred: %n{0}DThe DHCP service failed to see a directory server for authorization.?Reservation: {0} for IPv4 is Configured under Scope {1} by {2}.GThe DHCP service was unable to access path specified for the audit log.NThe DHCP service was unable to access path specified for the database backups.EThe DHCP service was unable to access path specified for the databaseOThere are no IP addresses available for lease in the scope or superscope "{0}".WThere are no IP addresses available for BOOTP clients in the scope or superscope "{0}".There were some orphaned entries deleted in the configuration due to the deletion of a class or an option definition. Please recheck the server configuration.Scope: {0} for IPv6 is Enabled for DNS Dynamic updates by {1}.?Scope: {0} for IPv6 is Disabled for DNS Dynamic updates by {1}.WIP address range of scope {0} is {1} percent full with only {2} IP addresses available.xSuperScope, {0}, is {1} percent full with only {2} IP addresses remaining. This superscope has the following scopes {3} Scope: {0} for IPv6 is Updated with DNS Settings by {1}: to dynamically update DNS AAAA and PTR records on request by the DHCP Clients.oScope: {0} for IPv6 is Updated with DNS Settings by {1}: to always dynamically update DNS AAAA and PTR records.rScope: {0} for IPv6 is Enabled for DNS Settings by {1}: to discard DNS AAAA and PTR records when lease is deleted.sScope: {0} for IPv6 is Disabled for DNS Settings by {1}: to discard DNS AAAA and PTR records when lease is deleted.AName Protection setting is Enabled on Scope: {0} for IPv6 by {1}.BName Protection setting is Disabled on Scope: {0} for IPv6 by {1}.?Reservation: {0} for IPv6 is Configured under Scope {1} by {2}.Scope: {0} for IPv4 is Enabled for DNS Dynamic updates by {1}.?Scope: {0} for IPv4 is Disabled for DNS Dynamic updates by {1}.Scope: {0} for IPv4 is Updated with DNS Settings by {1}: to dynamically update DNS A and PTR records on request by the DHCP Clients .lScope: {0} for IPv4 is Updated with DNS Settings by {1}: to always dynamically update DNS A and PTR records.oScope: {0} for IPv4 is Enabled for DNS Settings by {1}: to discard DNS A and PTR records when lease is deleted.pScope: {0} for IPv4 is Disabled for DNS Settings by {1}: to discard DNS A and PTR records when lease is deleted.Scope: {0} for IPv4 is Enabled for DNS Settings by {1}: to dynamically update DNS A and PTR records for DHCP Clients that do not request updates.Scope: {0} for IPv4 is Disabled for DNS Settings by {1}: to dynamically update DNS A and PTR records for DHCP Clients that do not request updates.8Policy based assignment has been disabled for scope {0}.7Policy based assignment has been enabled for scope {0}.AName Protection setting is Enabled on Scope: {0} for IPv4 by {1}.BName Protection setting is Disabled on Scope: {0} for IPv4 by {1}.eScope: {0} for IPv4 is Updated with support type: {1} by {2}. The previous configured state was: {3}.9NAP Enforcement is Enabled on Scope: {0} for IPv4 by {1}.:NAP Enforcement is Disabled on Scope: {0} for IPv4 by {1}.]NAP Profile is configured on Scope: {0} for IPv4 with the following NAP Profile: {1} by {2}.NAP Profile is Updated on Scope: {0} for IPv4 with the following NAP Profile: {1} by {2}. The previous configured NAP Profile was: {3}.?The following NAP Profile: {0} is deleted on Scope: {1} by {2}.3Scope: {0} for Multicast IPv4 is Configured by {1}.0Scope: {0} for Multicast IPv4 is Deleted by {1}.7Scope: {0} for IPv4 is Added in Superscope: {1} by {2}..SuperScope: {0} for IPv4 is Configured by {1}.+SuperScope: {0} for IPv4 is Deleted by {1}.CreateFailoverDeleteFailoverAddFailoverScopeRemoveFailoverScopeChangeFailoverConfigFailoverStateChange TimeOutOfSyncCommUpCommDownBINDING-UPDATE BINDING-ACKCONNECT CONNECT-ACKUPDATE-REQUEST-ALLUPDATE-REQUEST UPDATE-DONESTATECONTACTMessageAuthenticationInitializeFailover DHCP FailoverPolicyӲlSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetFPADPADP   !"#@ABCDEFGLM`abcdfjkpuKquKruKsuKtuKuKvKvK}KKKKKKKKKKK0K1K2K3K4K5KPKQKRKSKTKUKVKWK\K]KpKqKrKsKtKuKvKwKzK{KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK0123456789....................!6٦!6HcIccccccccccccĀcŀcʀcˀc̀ccccccccccccccccccccccc‡cÇcćcŇcƇcLJcʇcˇccccccccccccccccccc c c c!c"c#c$c%c&c'c,c-cFcGcHcIcJcKcLcMcNcOcgchcicjckclcmcncoc c!c"c&c'cecccccccccccccccc/ tF]   w ` I 2 p ) Y   ? ( m V  ) B [ t @ ,wE^ = $ o V :Sl!2}dKJc1|B)t[kR9 e>1[FplWB-N5g/HazbG}:Up,K0f"=Xs/eJ!r<WI.d ;VqgL1t>Y#cH-~Mh2uZ?$ Wr/J~fK0#*EVENT_100EVENT_1000AEVENT_10000EVENT_10001NEVENT_10002EVENT_10003!EVENT_10004EVENT_10005EVENT_10006#EVENT_10007_EVENT_10008EVENT_10009EVENT_1001GEVENT_10010EVENT_10011'EVENT_10012kEVENT_10013EVENT_10014'EVENT_10015fEVENT_10016EVENT_10017EVENT_10018EVENT_10019|EVENT_1002EVENT_10020J EVENT_10021 EVENT_100226 EVENT_10023q EVENT_10024" EVENT_10025B EVENT_1003 EVENT_1004] EVENT_1005 EVENT_1006 EVENT_1007j EVENT_1008 EVENT_1009EVENT_101nEVENT_1010EVENT_1011 EVENT_1012vEVENT_1013EVENT_1016EVENT_1017.EVENT_1018EVENT_1019EVENT_102QEVENT_1020EVENT_1021EVENT_1022MEVENT_1023EVENT_1024EVENT_1025EVENT_1026EVENT_1027EVENT_1028 EVENT_1029eEVENT_103EVENT_1030 EVENT_1031qEVENT_1032EVENT_1033EVENT_1034 EVENT_1035mEVENT_1036EVENT_1037rEVENT_1038EVENT_1039IEVENT_104EVENT_1040EVENT_1041EVENT_1042EVENT_1043yEVENT_1044EVENT_1045 EVENT_1046"EVENT_1047$EVENT_1048w&EVENT_1049(EVENT_1050f)EVENT_1051)EVENT_1052.+EVENT_1053+EVENT_1054+,EVENT_1055,EVENT_1056(-EVENT_1057.EVENT_1058.EVENT_1059]/EVENT_106/EVENT_1060/EVENT_1061-0EVENT_1062}0EVENT_10630EVENT_10641EVENT_1065n1EVENT_1072EVENT_108M2EVENT_1092EVENT_1102EVENT_1113EVENT_112!4EVENT_1134EVENT_11445EVENT_11445EVENT_115n6EVENT_1167EVENT_119r7EVENT_1207EVENT_121,8EVENT_122y8EVENT_1238EVENT_124#9EVENT_1259EVENT_1269EVENT_127:EVENT_128w:EVENT_129:EVENT_130;EVENT_131);EVENT_132S;EVENT_133;EVENT_1338<EVENT_1339m>EVENT_134.?EVENT_1340?EVENT_1341a@EVENT_1342@EVENT_1343AEVENT_1344AEVENT_135AEVENT_136BEVENT_137GBEVENT_1376BEVENT_138CEVENT_139CEVENT_140CEVENT_141pDEVENT_142DEVENT_143(EEVENT_145lEEVENT_147EEVENT_148EEVENT_149BFEVENT_150FEVENT_151Scope: {0} for IPv6 is Enabled for DNS Dynamic updates by {1}.?Scope: {0} for IPv6 is Disabled for DNS Dynamic updates by {1}.wIP address range of a scope {0} which has policies configured is {1} percent full with only {2} IP addresses available.Scope: {0} for IPv6 is Updated with DNS Settings by {1}: to dynamically update DNS AAAA and PTR records on request by the DHCP Clients.oScope: {0} for IPv6 is Updated with DNS Settings by {1}: to always dynamically update DNS AAAA and PTR records.rScope: {0} for IPv6 is Enabled for DNS Settings by {1}: to discard DNS AAAA and PTR records when lease is deleted.sScope: {0} for IPv6 is Disabled for DNS Settings by {1}: to discard DNS AAAA and PTR records when lease is deleted.AName Protection setting is Enabled on Scope: {0} for IPv6 by {1}.BName Protection setting is Disabled on Scope: {0} for IPv6 by {1}.?Reservation: {0} for IPv6 is Configured under Scope {1} by {2}.Scope: {0} for IPv4 is Enabled for DNS Dynamic updates by {1}.?Scope: {0} for IPv4 is Disabled for DNS Dynamic updates by {1}.Scope: {0} for IPv4 is Updated with DNS Settings by {1}: to dynamically update DNS A and PTR records on request by the DHCP Clients .lScope: {0} for IPv4 is Updated with DNS Settings by {1}: to always dynamically update DNS A and PTR records.oScope: {0} for IPv4 is Enabled for DNS Settings by {1}: to discard DNS A and PTR records when lease is deleted.pScope: {0} for IPv4 is Disabled for DNS Settings by {1}: to discard DNS A and PTR records when lease is deleted.Scope: {0} for IPv4 is Enabled for DNS Settings by {1}: to dynamically update DNS A and PTR records for DHCP Clients that do not request updates.Scope: {0} for IPv4 is Disabled for DNS Settings by {1}: to dynamically update DNS A and PTR records for DHCP Clients that do not request updates.AName Protection setting is Enabled on Scope: {0} for IPv4 by {1}.BName Protection setting is Disabled on Scope: {0} for IPv4 by {1}.eScope: {0} for IPv4 is Updated with support type: {1} by {2}. The previous configured state was: {3}.9NAP Enforcement is Enabled on Scope: {0} for IPv4 by {1}.:NAP Enforcement is Disabled on Scope: {0} for IPv4 by {1}.]NAP Profile is configured on Scope: {0} for IPv4 with the following NAP Profile: {1} by {2}.NAP Profile is Updated on Scope: {0} for IPv4 with the following NAP Profile: {1} by {2}. The previous configured NAP Profile was: {3}.?The following NAP Profile: {0} is deleted on Scope: {1} by {2}.3Scope: {0} for Multicast IPv4 is Configured by {1}.0Scope: {0} for Multicast IPv4 is Deleted by {1}.7Scope: {0} for IPv4 is Added in Superscope: {1} by {2}..SuperScope: {0} for IPv4 is Configured by {1}.+SuperScope: {0} for IPv4 is Deleted by {1}.CreateFailoverDeleteFailoverAddFailoverScopeRemoveFailoverScopeChangeFailoverConfigFailoverStateChange TimeOutOfSyncCommUpCommDownBINDING-UPDATE BINDING-ACKCONNECT CONNECT-ACKUPDATE-REQUEST-ALLUPDATE-REQUEST UPDATE-DONESTATECONTACTMessageAuthenticationInitializeFailover DHCP FailoverPolicyMmlSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADP@ABCDEFGLM`abcdfjkpuKtuKvKvK}KKKKKKKKKKK0K1K2K3K4K5KPKQKRKSKTKUKVKWK\K]KpKqKrKsKtKuKvKwKzK{KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK0123456789cĀcŀcʀcˀc̀cec '  [ r  A * o X p ) Y   ? ( m V  ) B @ ,wE^ = $ o V :Sl!2}dKJc1|B)t[kR9 e>:%dOyK`6! 2u>tYWr/J~fK0#EVENT_100EVENT_1000AEVENT_10000EVENT_10001NEVENT_10002EVENT_10003!EVENT_10004EVENT_10005EVENT_10006#EVENT_10007_EVENT_10008EVENT_10009EVENT_1001GEVENT_10010EVENT_10011'EVENT_10012kEVENT_10013EVENT_10014'EVENT_10015fEVENT_10016EVENT_10017EVENT_10018EVENT_10019|EVENT_1002EVENT_10020J EVENT_10021 EVENT_100226 EVENT_10023q EVENT_10024" EVENT_10025B EVENT_1003 EVENT_1004] EVENT_1005 EVENT_1006 EVENT_1007j EVENT_1008 EVENT_1009EVENT_101nEVENT_1010EVENT_1011 EVENT_1012vEVENT_1013EVENT_1016EVENT_1017.EVENT_1018EVENT_1019EVENT_102QEVENT_1020EVENT_1021EVENT_1022MEVENT_1023EVENT_1024EVENT_1025EVENT_1026EVENT_1027EVENT_1028 EVENT_1029eEVENT_103EVENT_1030 EVENT_1031qEVENT_1032EVENT_1033EVENT_1034 EVENT_1035mEVENT_1036EVENT_1037rEVENT_1038EVENT_1039IEVENT_104EVENT_1040EVENT_1041EVENT_1042EVENT_1043yEVENT_1044EVENT_1045 EVENT_1046"EVENT_1047$EVENT_1048w&EVENT_1049(EVENT_1050f)EVENT_1051)EVENT_1052.+EVENT_1053+EVENT_1054+,EVENT_1055,EVENT_1056(-EVENT_1057.EVENT_1058.EVENT_1059]/EVENT_106/EVENT_1060/EVENT_1061-0EVENT_1062}0EVENT_10630EVENT_10641EVENT_1065n1EVENT_1072EVENT_108M2EVENT_1092EVENT_1102EVENT_1113EVENT_112!4EVENT_1134EVENT_11445EVENT_11445EVENT_115n6EVENT_1167EVENT_119r7EVENT_1207EVENT_121,8EVENT_122y8EVENT_1238EVENT_124#9EVENT_1259EVENT_1269EVENT_127:EVENT_128w:EVENT_129:EVENT_130;EVENT_131);EVENT_132S;EVENT_133;EVENT_1338<EVENT_1339m>EVENT_134.?EVENT_1340?EVENT_1344a@EVENT_135@EVENT_136@EVENT_137AEVENT_138^AEVENT_139AEVENT_140YBEVENT_141BEVENT_142BCEVENT_143CEVENT_145CEVENT_147 DEVENT_148HDEVENT_149DEVENT_150DEVENT_151EEVENT_152"FEVENT_153FEVENT_154;GEVENT_155GEVENT_156GEVENT_157MHEVENT_20035vHEVENT_20090IEVENT_20096IEVENT_20097KJEVENT_20098JEVENT_20099KEVENT_20100JLEVENT_70LEVENT_71 MEVENT_72IMEVENT_73qMEVENT_74MEVENT_75MEVENT_76JNEVENT_77NEVENT_78NEVENT_79 OEVENT_80OEVENT_81PEVENT_82sPEVENT_83PEVENT_84yQEVENT_87REVENT_88QREVENT_89REVENT_90REVENT_917SEVENT_92sSEVENT_93SEVENT_94\TEVENT_95TEVENT_96TEVENT_97UEVENT_98=UEVENT_99mU?Scope: {0} within SuperScope: {1} for IPv4 is Activated by {2}.kThe DHCP service received the unknown option {0}, with a length of {1}. The raw option data is given below.DHCPv6 confirmation has been declined because the address was not appropriate to the link or DHCPv6 renew request has a Zero lifetime for Client Address {0}.fRenew, rebind or confirm received for IPv6 addresses {0} for which there are no active lease availableiDHCPv6 service received the unknown option {0}, with a length of {1}. The raw option data is given below.`There are no IPv6 addresses available to lease in the scope serving the network with Prefix {0}.1The DHCPv6 client, {1}, declined the address {0}.kDHCPv6 Scope serving the network with prefix {0}, is {1} percent full with only {2} IP addresses remaining.:A DHCPV6 client {0} has been deleted from DHCPV6 database.rA DHCPV6 message that was in the queue for more than 30 seconds has been dropped because it is too old to process.+An invalid DHCPV6 message has been dropped.EA DHCPV6 message that was not meant for this server has been dropped.aThe DHCP service failed to register with Service Controller. The following error occurred: %n{0}.{DHCV6 message has been dropped because it was received on a Uni-cast address and unicast support is disabled on the server.BDHCPV6 audit log file cannot be appended, Error Code returned {0}.^A DHCPV6 message has been dropped because the server is not authorized to process the message.ZThe DHCPv6 service failed to initialize the audit log. The following error occurred: %n{0}=DHCPv6 audit log file could not be backed up. Error code {0}JAThe DHCPv6 service was unable to access path specified for the audit log.ZThe DHCPv6 service failed to initialize Winsock startup. The following error occurred {0}.The DHCPv6 service has detected that it is running on a DC and has no credentials configured for use with Dynamic DNS registrations initiated by the DHCPv6 service. This is not a recommended security configuration.The DHCPv6 Server failed to receive a notification of interface list changes. Some of the interfaces will not be enabled in the DHCPv6 service.jThe DHCPv6 service failed to initialize its configuration parameters. The following error occurred: %n{0}.`The DHCP service failed to initialize its global parameters. The following error occurred: %n{0}This computer has at least one dynamically assigned IPv6 address.For reliable DHCPv6 server operation, you should use only static IPv6 addresses.VDHCPv6 service failed to initialize the database. The following error occurred: %n{0}.9The DHCPv6 service has initialized and is ready to serve.DHCPv6 Server is unable to bind to UDP port number {0} as it is used by another application. This port must be made available to DHCPv6 Server to start servicing the clients.ERROR_LAST_DHCPV6_SERVER_ERRORThe DNS registration for DHCPv6 Client IPv6 address {0} , FQDN {1} and DHCID {2} has been denied as there is probably an existing client with same FQDN already registered with DNS.bThe DHCP service failed to initialize its registry parameters. The following error occurred: %n{0}WThe DHCP service failed to initialize the database. The following error occurred: %n{0}ZThe DHCP service failed to initialize Winsock startup. The following error occurred: %n{0}VThe DHCP service failed to start as a RPC server. The following error occurred : %n{0}WThe DHCP service failed to initialize Winsock data. The following error occurred: %n{0}CThe DHCP service is shutting down due to the following error: %n{0}dThe DHCP service encountered the following error while cleaning up the pending client records: %n{0}AScope: {0} within SuperScope: {1} for IPv4 is DeActivated by {2}.VThe DHCP service encountered the following error while cleaning up the database: %n{0}kThe DHCP service issued a NACK (negative acknowledgement message) to the client, {1}, for the address, {0}./The DHCP client, {1}, declined the address {0}./The DHCP Client, {1}, released the address {0}.TThe DHCP service encountered the following error when backing up the database: %n{0}bThe DHCP service encountered the following error when backing up the registry configuration: %n{0}TThe DHCP service failed to restore the database. The following error occurred: %n{0}gThe DHCP service failed to restore the DHCP registry configuration. The following error occurred: %n{0}kScope: {0} for IPv4 is Removed in Superscope: {1} by {2}. However, the Scope exists outside the Superscope.EScope, {0}, is {1} percent full with only {2} IP addresses remaining.FThe DHCP service could not load the JET database library successfully.The DHCP service could not use the database. If this service was started for the first time after the upgrade from NT 3.51 or earlier, you need to run the utility, upg351db.exe, on the DHCP database to convert it to the new JET database format. Restart the DHCP service after you have upgraded the database.The DHCP service will now terminate because the existing database needs conversion to Windows 2000 format. The conversion via the jetconv process, has initiated. Do not reboot or stop the jetconv process. The conversion may take up to 10 minutes depending on the size of the database. Terminate DHCP now by clicking OK. This is required for the database conversion to succeed. NOTE: The DHCP service will be restarted automatically when the conversion is completed. To check conversion status, look at the Application event log for the jetconv process.-The DHCP service has initialized and is readyThe DHCP service was unable to read the BOOTP file table from the registry. The DHCP service will be unable to respond to BOOTP requests that specify the boot file name.QThe DHCP service was unable to read the global BOOTP file name from the registry.&The audit log file cannot be appended.XThe DHCP service failed to initialize the audit log. The following error occurred: %n{0}_The DHCP service was unable to ping for a new IP address. The address was leased to the client.XScope: {0} for IPv4 is Deleted in Superscope: {1} as well as Deleted permanently by {2}.OThe audit log file could not be backed up. The following error occurred: %n{0}The installed server callout .dll file has caused an exception. The exception was: %n{0}. The server has ignored this exception. All further exceptions will be ignored.The installed server callout .dll file has caused an exception. The exception was: %n{0}. The server has ignored this exception and the .dll file could not be loaded.BThe DHCP service has successfully loaded one or more callout DLLs.`The DHCP service has failed to load one or more callout DLLs. The following error occured: %n{0}|The DHCP service was unable to create or lookup the DHCP Users local group on this computer. The error code is in the data.The DHCP server was unable to create or lookup the DHCP Administrators local group on this computer. The error code is in the data.6The DHCP service has started to clean up the database.The DHCP service has cleaned up the database for unicast IP addresses -- {0} leases have been recovered and {1} records have been removed from the database.The DHCP service has cleaned up the database for multicast IP addresses -- {0} leases have expired (been marked for deletion) and {1} records have been removed from the database.Delay Time: {0} milliseconds for the OFFER message sent by Secondary Servers is Updated on Scope: {1} for IPv4 by {3}. The previous configured Delay Time was: {2} milliseconds.4The DHCP service successfully restored the database.The DHCP service is not servicing any DHCPv4 clients because none of the active network interfaces have statically configured IPv4 addresses, or there are no active interfaces.The DHCP/BINL service running on this machine has detected a server on the network. If the server does not belong to any domain, the domain is listed as empty. The IP address of the server is listed in parentheses. {0}wThe DHCP/BINL service on the local machine has determined that it is authorized to start. It is servicing clients now.The DHCP/BINL service on the local machine, belonging to the Windows Administrative domain {1}, has determined that it is authorized to start. It is servicing clients now.The DHCP/BINL service on the local machine has determined that it is not authorized to start. It has stopped servicing clients. The following are some possible reasons for this: %n%tThis machine belongs to a workgroup and has encountered another DHCP Server (belonging to a Windows Administrative Domain) servicing the same network. %n%n%tAn unexpected network error occurred.The DHCP/BINL service on the local machine, belonging to the Windows Administrative domain {1}, has determined that it is not authorized to start. It has stopped servicing clients. The following are some possible reasons for this: %n%tThis machine is part of a directory service enterprise and is not authorized in the same domain. (See help on the DHCP Service Management Tool for additional information). %n%n%tThis machine cannot reach its directory service enterprise and it has encountered another DHCP service on the network belonging to a directory service enterprise on which the local machine is not authorized. %n%n%tSome unexpected network error occurred.The DHCP/BINL service on the local machine has determined that it is authorized to start. It is servicing clients now. %nThe DHCP/BINL service has determined that the machine was recently upgraded. If the machine is intended to belong to a directory service enterprise, the DHCP service must be authorized in the directory service for it to start servicing clients. (See help on DHCP Service Management Tool for authorizing the server).The DHCP/BINL Service on the local machine, belonging to Windows Domain {1}, has determined that it is authorized to start. It is servicing clients now. It has determined that the computer was recently upgraded. It has also determined that either there is no directory service enterprise for the domain or that the computer is not authorized in the directory service. All DHCP services that belong to a directory service enterprise should be authorized in the directory service to service clients. (See help on the DHCP Service Management Tool for authorizing a DHCP service in the directory service).The DHCP/BINL service on the local machine encountered an error while trying to find the domain of the local machine. The error was: {2}.[The DHCP/BINL service on the local machine encountered a network error. The error was: {2}.The DHCP/BINL service has determined that it is not authorized to service clients on this network for the Windows domain: {1}. All DHCP services that belong to a directory service enterprise must be authorized in the directory service to service clients. (See help on the DHCP Service Management Tool for authorizing a DHCP server in the directory service).The DHCP/BINL service on this workgroup server has encountered another server with IP Address, {0}, belonging to the domain {1}.xThe DHCP/BINL service has encountered another server on this network with IP Address, {0}, belonging to the domain: {1}.iThe DHCP/BINL service on this computer is shutting down. See the previous event log messages for reasons.The DHCP service was unable to impersonate the credentials necessary for DNS registrations: %n{0}. The local system credentials is being used.The DHCP service has detected that it is running on a DC and has no credentials configured for use with Dynamic DNS registrations initiated by the DHCP service. This is not a recommended security configuration. Credentials for Dynamic DNS registrations may be configured using the command line "netsh dhcp server set dnscredentials" or via the DHCP Administrative tool.SThe DHCP service was unable to convert the temporary database to ESE format: %n{0}.gThe DHCP service failed to initialize its configuration parameters. The following error occurred: %n{0}DThe DHCP service failed to see a directory server for authorization.?Reservation: {0} for IPv4 is Configured under Scope {1} by {2}.GThe DHCP service was unable to access path specified for the audit log.NThe DHCP service was unable to access path specified for the database backups.EThe DHCP service was unable to access path specified for the databaseOThere are no IP addresses available for lease in the scope or superscope "{0}".WThere are no IP addresses available for BOOTP clients in the scope or superscope "{0}".There were some orphaned entries deleted in the configuration due to the deletion of a class or an option definition. Please recheck the server configuration.Scope: {0} for IPv6 is Enabled for DNS Dynamic updates by {1}.?Scope: {0} for IPv6 is Disabled for DNS Dynamic updates by {1}.Scope: {0} for IPv6 is Updated with DNS Settings by {1}: to dynamically update DNS AAAA and PTR records on request by the DHCP Clients.oScope: {0} for IPv6 is Updated with DNS Settings by {1}: to always dynamically update DNS AAAA and PTR records.rScope: {0} for IPv6 is Enabled for DNS Settings by {1}: to discard DNS AAAA and PTR records when lease is deleted.sScope: {0} for IPv6 is Disabled for DNS Settings by {1}: to discard DNS AAAA and PTR records when lease is deleted.AName Protection setting is Enabled on Scope: {0} for IPv6 by {1}.BName Protection setting is Disabled on Scope: {0} for IPv6 by {1}.?Reservation: {0} for IPv6 is Configured under Scope {1} by {2}.Scope: {0} for IPv4 is Enabled for DNS Dynamic updates by {1}.?Scope: {0} for IPv4 is Disabled for DNS Dynamic updates by {1}.Scope: {0} for IPv4 is Updated with DNS Settings by {1}: to dynamically update DNS A and PTR records on request by the DHCP Clients .lScope: {0} for IPv4 is Updated with DNS Settings by {1}: to always dynamically update DNS A and PTR records.oScope: {0} for IPv4 is Enabled for DNS Settings by {1}: to discard DNS A and PTR records when lease is deleted.pScope: {0} for IPv4 is Disabled for DNS Settings by {1}: to discard DNS A and PTR records when lease is deleted.Scope: {0} for IPv4 is Enabled for DNS Settings by {1}: to dynamically update DNS A and PTR records for DHCP Clients that do not request updates.Scope: {0} for IPv4 is Disabled for DNS Settings by {1}: to dynamically update DNS A and PTR records for DHCP Clients that do not request updates.AName Protection setting is Enabled on Scope: {0} for IPv4 by {1}.BName Protection setting is Disabled on Scope: {0} for IPv4 by {1}.eScope: {0} for IPv4 is Updated with support type: {1} by {2}. The previous configured state was: {3}.9NAP Enforcement is Enabled on Scope: {0} for IPv4 by {1}.:NAP Enforcement is Disabled on Scope: {0} for IPv4 by {1}.]NAP Profile is configured on Scope: {0} for IPv4 with the following NAP Profile: {1} by {2}.NAP Profile is Updated on Scope: {0} for IPv4 with the following NAP Profile: {1} by {2}. The previous configured NAP Profile was: {3}.?The following NAP Profile: {0} is deleted on Scope: {1} by {2}.3Scope: {0} for Multicast IPv4 is Configured by {1}.0Scope: {0} for Multicast IPv4 is Deleted by {1}.7Scope: {0} for IPv4 is Added in Superscope: {1} by {2}..SuperScope: {0} for IPv4 is Configured by {1}.+SuperScope: {0} for IPv4 is Deleted by {1}.lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetIPADPADPqްcGR: :F~/cGm##|ك0(y#>Ʌ0oθPտUnDшII9\p3U[`3 10]+q%peCɍ4KMb;cTTseO> ɐK,\>\&UbꋑB=]nv+ݖFGZNi3st[ݔz 'fiǕrߕz礖U=b 6ZhΘN'ƙV:ӚJ`>~P̛pT'm5 ҝWl3m`ǞR:sY +4r$3Ǡ.@Pn"(jY7 s4wL2$%Xku={*o}J^:$ܦ$9e}ϨT;\Y_HĩR7C1ݪ+/|sLN*OrAL*YˊQ.T򘲳է~\߲#r7k &,O‚iG-,}cڰ崂?0@SgqDG> pębO'8cs |HTyrG_~󘋪@4)pI~ oPu/3(b':sq9< Jg-ozJrjZ%۵zh p 4GqĢxs@p-2@a+6 GlU#W`o%Rdjv! h@VO3.irHdC,9Ds?8G^N%o*i  T X /I t G `& > K '  ~ k r 0? o \`  m5  ^ _[}k}^=[gT̩kڼ%oX{#6Gvv*`  4o>}FvwpF7fg;l:WwQo[cf"Q KR{+<@|y,:E`yk? la^L!-xhkh<> \d v Z 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PIpamApiMandatoryCustomFieldsNotSpecifiedSBIpamApiMandatoryFieldNotSpecifiedDIpamApiMappingZoneNotFoundForEvent2IpamApiMaxChildrenReached:IpamApiMaxCustomFieldsReached2JIpamApiMaximumAccessScopeLevelReachedl6IpamApiMethodNotImplementedFIpamApiMonitoredEventsFailedtoFetchbIpamApiMonitoredEventsFailedtoFetchFromCollection3HIpamApiMsDhcpRangesDependentOnSubnetmdIpamApiNameCollidesWithBuiltInImportableColumnName@IpamApiNetworkDeviceNotSpecified IpamApiObjectNotFoundInDatabaseo6IpamApiObjectStateIsInvalid^IpamApiOperationDeniedDueToAccessScopeTamperingڥPIpamApiOperationNotAvailableForSelectionH4IpamApiOptionAlreadyExists^IpamApiOptionAssociatedOptionDefinitionNotFoundPIpamApiOptionAssociatedUserClassNotFoundHIpamApiOptionDefinitionAlreadyExistsENIpamApiOptionDefinitionArrayTypeChangedvhIpamApiOptionDefinitionAssociatedVendorClassNotFoundLIpamApiOptionDefinitionDataTypeChanged FIpamApiOptionDefinitionDoesNotExistH`IpamApiOptionDefinitionFailedToAddInIpamDatabaseyfIpamApiOptionDefinitionFailedToDeleteInIpamDatabasehIpamApiOptionDefinitionFailedToFetchFromIpamDatabase 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values of service instance custom field cannot be updated.DCould not get self server's network interface to reach DHCP servers.DCheck for IP address range conflicts failed. Please see the details.*Client ID is specified for an IPv6 address%Could not fetch audit logging status.8Could not fetch database configurations for dhcp server..Could not get recursion setting on DNS server.%Could not fetch zones for DNS server.%Could not get service running status.#Could not set audit logging status.The proposed block {0} conflicts with the following existing blocks - {1}. Modify the proposed IP address block so that it does not overlap with the existing block, or ensure that it is an absolute super-block or a sub-block of the existing block.hAn IP address subnet with the same network Id and prefix length already exists in this IP address space.(Custom field association already exists.0The associated custom field values do not exist.DThe name, type or origin of the built-in fields cannot be modified.OThe specified custom field name already exists. Please choose a different name., or .FInvalid metric value. Metric should be inclusively between 1 and 9999.9Monitoring event data is invalid. Please see the details.UValid Network Type parameter must be specified for the given address space parameter.5New health status is invalid. Please see the details.2Number of active leases on dhcp server is invalid.8Number of available addresses on dhcp server is invalid.+Number of scopes on dhcp server is invalid.$PowerShell return object is invalid.%An invalid parameter has been passed.ServerInfo IP Type is invalid.+Multiple server roles selected are invalid.Server role flag is invalid.'Parent zone id of this zone is invalid.}Invalid prefix length specified. For IPv4 subnet mask should be between 1-30 and for IPv6 prefix length can be between 1-127.3The provider IP address space specified is invalid.8The specified provider IP address space name is invalid.$Server RPC access status is invalid.Record id is invalid.!Invalid task repetition interval.qInvalid value of reservation description specified. Maximum length of reservation description string can be 4000.bInvalid value of reservation name specified. Maximum length of reservation name string can be 255.Address family of one or more IP addresses in reserved IP range is invalid or the reserved IP address does not belong to this range.XThe role name is invalid. It must be non empty and can have a maximum of 255 characters.Rpc access status is invalid.2The specified end address of the scope is invalid.&The specified scope prefix is invalid.4The specified start address of the scope is invalid.\Invalid value of serial number specified. Maximum length of serial number string can be 255.#Active Directory domain is invalid.&Dns server all zone health is invalid.9Time when server all zone health was modified is invalid./Server and Server Role are not properly linked.(Server Config retrieval flag is invalid.Server Description is invalid.FDistinguished name fetched for server from Global catalog is invalid.Server guid is invalid."Server name and domain is invalid.Server New Flag is invalid.Server owner is invalid.Server role is not supported.$SamAccountName of server is invalid.Server zone object is invalid.On demand retrieval of data exceeds the maximum limit of 10 servers. Please select no more than 10 servers at a time to perform this operation.2Service role running status on server is invalid.(Service status modified time is invalid.Invalid value of start IP address specified. Start IP address should lie within the specified Network ID and should be less than end IP address.]Specified Start IP address has the Host Id as all zeros. This is not allowed for IPv4 ranges.&The specified subnet delay is invalid.%The specified subnet mask is invalid.Failed to delete server from database. Please see the details.>Failed to fetch servers from database. Please see the details.Failed to add server role in database. Please see the details.CFailed to delete server role from database. Please see the details.*Failed to fetch server role from database.AFailed to update server role in database. Please see the details.#Service is not installed on server.]Failed to set access scope for the selected objects. Please see details for more information.ipamapi.resourcesenMicrosoft.Windows.Ipam.ApiCultureResources.en.resourcesMicrosoft.Windows.Ipam.DNS_6_2.en.resourcesMicrosoft.Windows.Ipam.DHCP_6_3.en.resourcesMicrosoft.Windows.Ipam.DHCP_6_2.en.resourcesMicrosoft.Windows.Ipam.DHCP_6_1.en.resourcesMicrosoft.Windows.Ipam.IpamErrorResources.en.resourcesipamapi.resources.dll YQyF!o(@$$RSA1gw:މ8e `Y>Ēe??1 3`!g-1 /%}oY5L9EC;&=oGP\dEk*+Ge+]MM M_CorDllMainmscoree.dll% @0 HX`4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%DVarFileInfo$Translation StringFileInfo040904b0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation,FileDescription >FileVersion6.3.9600.16384LInternalNameipamapi.resources.dll:LegalCopyrightCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.TOriginalFilenameipamapi.resources.dllv+ProductNameMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384@ =