MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  @D.rsrc@@8Ph @Xp0H`x &,-39: ;8<P=h>?@9 ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x       lH (z 028;>AxE"H8LN>Od\P2S@VHW([aDchjP l"0mnnoNPMUI8NKPWF[~-P0WAM| MUI en-US@0MS Shell DlgPmsctls_progress32P!Please wait for this operation to finish.PAiThe selected cryptographic service provider (CSP) is not installed. Select a different CSP and try again.hThe selected provider is not valid for this certificate template. Select a valid provider and try again.VThe selected provider conflicts with the provider specified in the private key object.This key storage cryptographic service provider (KSP) cannot be used because a legacy cryptographic service provider (CSP) is required. Select a legacy CSP and try again.The selected cryptographic service provider (CSP) cannot be used because a cryptography next generation (CNG) provider is required. Select a CNG provider and try again.dThis provider will not be used. Since no provider was specified, the default provider was selected.HA valid certification authority (CA) cannot be located. Try again later.+A certificate request could not be created.YA certification authority that can issue the requested certificate type is not available.KA certification authority (CA) was not selected. Select a CA and try again.NThe certificate request could not be submitted to the certification authority.LThe certificate request is pending and must be approved by an administrator._An issued certificate could not be retrieved from the certification authority. Try again later.*The requested certificate has been issued.dA certificate issued by the certification authority cannot be installed. Contact your administrator.BThe system could not determine if you can access this certificate.PThe requested certificate cannot be issued by this certification authority (CA).]The certificate for the certification authority (CA) could not be retrieved. Try again later.^The certification authority is not trusted by the client computer. Contact your administrator.ZYou do not have permission to request certificates from this certification authority (CA).ZInformation about available certificates cannot be obtained at this time. Try again later.IInformation about available certificates cannot be obtained at this time.ZInformation about available certificates cannot be obtained at this time. Try again later.EThis type of certificate has already been installed on your computer.<You do not have permission to view this type of certificate.?You do not have permission to request this type of certificate.:This type of certificate can be issued only to a computer.6This type of certificate can be issued only to a user.FUser interaction is required. Please submit the requested information.^A smart card reader has not been installed. Please install a smart card reader and try again.YUser interaction is not allowed for this type of certificate. Contact your administrator.User input is not allowed.pA valid request agent certificate cannot be located. Obtain a valid request agent certificate before proceeding.MMultiple request agent signatures are not permitted on a certificate request.AA certificate could not be issued by the certification authority.Web Access ConfirmationSThe selected provider is not available. Select an available provider and try again.+A certificate request could not be created.A valid certification authority (CA) configured to issue certificates based on this template cannot be located, or the CA does not support this operation, or the CA is not trusted.dA certificate issued by the certification authority cannot be installed. Contact your administrator.PAWThe encryption certificate for the certification authority (CA) could not be retrieved.#A private key could not be created.XThe selected algorithm conflicts with the algorithm specified by the private key object.BThe selected algorithm is not valid for this certificate template.Algorithm not supported.bThe selected provider s type conflicts with the provider type specified in the private key object.Unknown algorithm(The selected algorithm is not available..Can not find a valid CSP in the local machine.LThe selected algorithm does not support the required private key operations..An enrollment policy server cannot be located.This Web site is attempting to perform a digital certificate operation on your behalf: %1 You should only allow known Web sites to perform digital certificate operations on your behalf. Do you want to allow this operation?PAX509 AttributeX509 Attribute CollectionCryptographic Attribute"Cryptographic Attribute Collection Csp AlgorithmCsp Algorithm CollectionCsp InformationCsp Information Collection Csp StatusCsp Status CollectionX509 Attribute ExtensionsX509 Extension Key Usage!X509 Extension Enhanced Key Usage*X509 Extension Basic Constraint CollectionX509 EnrollmentX509 Enrollment CollectionX509 ExtensionX509 Extension CollectionObjectIdObjectId CollectionX509 Private KeyCertificate PropertyCertificate Property Collection"Certificate Property Friendly Name Certificate Property DescriptionX509 Public Key#X509 CertificateRequest CertificateX509 CertificateRequest CmcX509 CertificateRequest Pkcs10X509 CertificateRequest Pkcs7Signer CertificatePASigner Certificate CollectionX509 Enrollment StatusX500 Distinguished NamePrivateBinary ConverterName Value PairName Value Pair Collection CA StatusCA Status CollectionAlternative NameAlternative Name Collection X509 Extension Alternative NamesX509 Extension TemplateX509 Extension Template NameCertificate PolicyCertificate Policy CollectionPolicy QualifierPolicy Qualifier CollectionSmime CapabilitySmime Capability CollectionX509 Attribute ArchivekeyX509 Attribute ArchivekeyhashX509 Attribute ClientIdX509 Attribute Csp ProviderX509 Attribute OS Version"X509 Attribute Renewal Certificate&X509 Extension Authoritykey Identifier#X509 Extension Certificate Policies&X509 Extension MS Application Policies!X509 Extension Smime Capabilities%X509 Extension Subject Key Identifier-Certificate Property Key Provider InformationPACertificate Property SHA-1 HashCertificate Property Archived Certificate Property Auto-EnrollCertificate Property Backed-UpCertificate Property Renewal&Certificate Property Archived Key Hash'Certificate Property Request OriginatorCertificate Property EnrollmentX509 Signature Information!X509 Enrollment Web Class FactoryInsert smart card. Enter PIN. Local Machine Intranet Zone Trusted ZonePA Internet ZoneUntrusted ZoneX509 Certificate TemplateX509 Certificate TemplatesCertification AuthorityCertification Authorities3X509 Certificate Enrollment Policy Active Directory.X509 Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service CEP Status CEP StatusesX509 Enrollment HelperX509 Machine Enrollment Factory%X509 Certificate Template AD Writable&X509 Certificate Revocation List Entry(X509 Certificate Revocation List Entries X509 Certificate Revocation ListPAX509 Endorsement Key!Certificate Attestation ChallengeX509 Device Enrollment-%2An Enrollment Agent certificate is required%%2Enrolling for the user certificate.%2Enrolling for: %1%2Renewing for: %1'%2A signing certificate is required: %1 Encryption SignatureUnknown Algorithm#%2Retrieving pended certificate: %1There is insufficient space on the smart card or storage device to create a new certificate and private key. Please contact your administrator.PA"Active Directory Enrollment PolicyZThe system could not determine if this certificate authority (CA) is in renewal only mode.]The certificate authority (CA) is in renewal only mode and can only process renewal requests.[The system could not determine the authentication type for this certificate authority (CA).bThe certificate authority (CA) supports anonymous authentication only when renewing a certificate.The request ID is %1.PATAn error occurred while obtaining certificate enrollment policy. Url: %1 Error: %2LAn error occurred while enrolling for a certificate.%3%4 Url: %1 Error: %20Obtaining certificate enrollment policy from: %1$Enrolling for a certificate from: %1Connecting to: %1Storing credentials for: %1'%n%nTPM specific attestation error: %1.PAUserAuthenticated SessionSmartcard Logon Basic EFS AdministratorEFS Recovery Agent Code SigningTrust List SigningComputerDomain Controller Web ServerKDCRoot Certification Authority#Subordinate Certification AuthorityEnrollment AgentSmartcard UserUser Signature OnlydThe value for the following key is incorrect in the INF file. It should be a non-zero numeric value.IPSecmThe value for RenewalValidityPeriodUnits is incorrect in CAPolicy.inf. It should be a non-zero numeric value.IPSec (Offline request)The value for RenewalValidityPeriod is incorrect in CAPolicy.inf. It should be one of the following: Years, Months, Weeks or Days (in English).Router (Offline request)reqOpen Request FileRequest Files (*.req; *.txt; *.cmc; *.der)|*.req;*.txt;*.cmc;*.der|Certificate Files(*.cer; *.crt; *.der)|*.cer;*.crt;*.der|All Files (*.*)|*.*||Please enter a computer name.7Please make sure there is a running CA on the computer.There is no matched CA on the computer. This might be caused by the computer being offline. Please contact the system administrator or select a different CA.@Cannot ping the selected CA. Please make sure the CA is running.+Exchange Enrollment Agent (Offline request) Exchange UserExchange Signature OnlyeThere are no published CAs available. Please contact the system administrator or select a CA by name.Enrollment Agent (Computer)Save Request FileCEP Encryption Built PolicyPolicy ElementPolicy Statement Extension!Policy inf missing section or keyOpened Policy infCannot open Policy infBeginEnd Manage CAIssue and Manage CertificatesManage Audit LogsBackup and RestoreReadRequest CertificatesPAClosed Policy inf Message BoxThe value for RenewalValidityPeriod is incorrect in unattended answer file. It should be one of the following: Years, Months, Weeks or Days (in English).Key Recovery Agent CA Exchange Cross Certification Authority Domain Controller AuthenticationDirectory Email Replication/ You have configured this Web client to forward requests to an enterprise CA. If the CA is using the enterprise default policy module, this computer must have delegation enabled and use Kerberos authentication. To enable delegation, see 'Allow computer accounts to be trusted for delegation' help topic.KThe Web client cannot be configured to forward requests to the selected CA.sThe value for the following key is incorrect in the INF file. It should be a boolean value (Yes/No/True/False/0/1).Workstation AuthenticationRAS and IAS Server Low AssuranceMedium AssuranceHigh AssuranceOCSP Response SigningKerberos AuthenticationPAKey recovery agentDirectory e-mail replication'Cross-certified certification authorityCertification authority (CA)ComputerUserUnknownActive Directory KRAActive Directory AIALogged on user Local systemusername/password certificatewindows integrated anonymousunknowncredential is privatePA5Certificate Enrollment - Username/Password Credential/Certificate Enrollment - Certificate Credential%1 is attempting to install a certificate to the shared user certificate store, which will not be deleted after uninstalling the app. Do you want to allow it?AllowDenyPA ZZZZx88ZBZB ZB ZBZBZB4ZBZB( ZBZB ZBZB ZB!ZBX )ZB)ZB8ZB8ZBQQ Z ZZZZZ &Z&Z*Z,Z.Z0Z$2Z7Z\9ZDZ@$FZUZ-`==|>>ZZ8F Z Z,G Z Z,HZZI#Z$Z J-Z-ZNCertificate enrollment for %1 received a %2 certificate with request ID %4 from %3 when retrieving pending requests. 0Certificate enrollment for %1 attempted to enroll for a %2 certificate with request ID %4 from certification authority %3. The request is pending. (Certificate enrollment for %1 attempted to renew a %2 certificate with request ID %4 from certification authority %3. The request is pending. Classic 0Certificate enrollment for %1 could not access local resources or retrieve %2 certificate template information (%3). Enrollment was not performed. Certificate enrollment for %1 could not find any valid certificate templates. Enrollment was not performed. 8Certificate enrollment for %1 archived or deleted, from the Personal certificate store, certificates that have expired, or been revoked or superseded. Certificate enrollment for %1 successfully received a %2 certificate with request ID %4 from certification authority %3. Certificate enrollment for %1 successfully renewed a %2 certificate with request ID %4 from certification authority %3. Certificate enrollment for %1 failed to update the %2 certificate in the Personal certificate store due to one of the following: %n %tCannot find %2 certificate template from Active Directory.%n %tEnrollment access to this template is not allowed. |Certificate enrollment for %1 was cancelled by the user. Certificate enrollment for %1 was cancelled by the user when requesting a %2 certificate. Certificate enrollment for %1 attempted to retrieve a %2 certificate from %3. The certificate request is still pending. 0Certificate enrollment for %1 deleted certificates that have expired, or have been revoked or superseded from the user object in Active Directory. DTo prevent simultaneous renewal or enrollment from another computer, certificate enrollment for %1 to renew or enroll for a %2 certificate has been skipped. Certificate enrollment for %1 for the template %2 was not performed because this template has been superseded. Error Warning Information Certificate enrollment for %1 could not find a certification authority in the enterprise. Enrollment was not performed. (Certificate enrollment for %1 failed to retrieve certificate template information from the Active Directory (%2). Enrollment was not performed. DCertificate enrollment for %1 failed to enroll for a %2 certificate from certification authority %3 (%4). Another certification authority will be contacted. 8Certificate enrollment for %1 failed to renew a %2 certificate from certification authority %3 (%4). Another certification authority will be contacted. ,Certificate enrollment for %1 cannot enroll or renew %2 certificate because user interaction is required on the %2 template in Active Directory. Certificate enrollment for %1 for the %2 template must be performed by using the machine context. Certificate enrollment for %1 failed to find a smart card reader for the %2 template. Enrollment will not be performed. Certificate enrollment for %1 failed to open the user interface (%2). Certificate enrollment for %1 could not enroll for a %2 certificate. Read or enrollment access is not allowed for this template. $Certificate enrollment for %1 could not enroll for a %2 certificate. A valid certification authority cannot be found to issue this template. Certificate enrollment for %1 could not enroll for a %2 certificate. Signature requirements for the certificate cannot be met. Certificate enrollment for %1 failed to install the certificate response for a %2 certificate with request ID %3 (%4). Certificate enrollment for %1 for the %2 certificate must be performed under the user context. The CA certificate for %3 is not trusted. Certificate enrollment for %1 for a %2 certificate failed. Certificate enrollment for %1 failed to retrieve a %2 certificate from certification authority %3 with request ID %4, and the error returned from the server is %5. Another certification authority will be contacted. |Certificate enrollment for %1 failed to retrieve a pending %2 certificate with request ID %4 from certification authority %3 (%5). The enrollment process will be attempted again later. Certificate enrollment for %1 for the %2 template could not find specified CSPs on the local machine. Enrollment will not be performed. The "%2" provider was not loaded because initialization failed. The "%3" algorithm for the "%2" provider was not loaded because initialization failed. Could not determine the signature algorithm for %2 to sign an enrollment request. Could not find a registered public key algorithm OID for %2 for an enrollment request. Could not find a registered signature algorithm OID for %1 and %2 to sign an enrollment request. Could not encode signature parameters for a %2 signature for an enrollment request. Enrollment Policy Server %2 returned an error when retrieving templates for %1: %3 Certificate enrollment for %1 successfully load policy from policy server %2 ,Certificate enrollment for %1 is successfully authenticated by policy server %2 using authentication mechanism %5 (Credential: %4). Policy Id: %3 4Certificate enrollment for %1 is successfully authenticated by enrollment server %2 using authentication mechanism %5 (Credential: %4). Policy Id: %3 Certificate enrollment for %1 failed to load policy from policy servers with ID %2 (%3) Certificate enrollment for %1 failed in authentication to policy servers with ID %2 (%3) Certificate enrollment for %1 failed because no valid policy can be obtained from policy servers with ID %2 Certificate enrollment for %1 failed in adding credential to Vault for %2 (%3) Certificate enrollment for %1 failed because the loaded policy from the policy server %2 is invalid (%3) Certificate auto enrollment for %1 cannot be done because the policy server %2 turns it off. Certificate enrollment for %1 failed to load policy from policy server %2 with ID %3 (%4) $Certificate enrollment for %1 failed in authentication to policy server %2 with ID %3 (%6). Authentication mechanism was %5 (Credential: %4) 4Certificate enrollment for %1 failed in authentication to enrollment server %2 (%6). Policy Id: %3. Authentication mechanism was %5 (Credential: %4) Certificate enrollment for %1 cannot enroll from user configured enrollment policy server since it is disabled by group policy Certificate enrollment for %1 sent a request for template %2 to a ROBO certificate enrollment server %3 Certificate enrollment for %1 sent a request for template %2 to a ANONYMOUS certificate enrollment server %3 0Certificate enrollment for %1 cannot enroll for a %2 certificate because the certificate enrollment server %3 is ROBO and only renewal is supported <Certificate enrollment for %1 cannot enroll for a %2 certificate because the certificate enrollment server %3 is ANONYMOUS and only renewal is supported HCertificate enrollment for %1 failed in authentication to all urls for enrollment server associated with policy id: %2 (%4). Failed to enroll for template: %3 Certificate enrollment for %1 cannot find a credential that meets the selection criteria for url %2 with id %3 (%4) The credential for URL %2 has been updated from certificate (%4) to certificate (%3) in context %1 \Certificate enrollment for %1 for the %2 template could not perform attestation due to an error with the cryptographic hardware using the provider: %3. Request Id: %4.%5 xMicrosoft-Windows-CertificateServicesClient-CertEnroll Application Microsoft-Windows-CertificateServicesClient-Lifecycle-System Microsoft-Windows-CertificateServicesClient-Lifecycle-User A certificate has been replaced. Please refer to the "Details" section for more information. A certificate has expired. Please refer to the "Details" section for more information. A certificate is about to expire. Please refer to the "Details" section for more information. A certificate has been deleted. Please refer to the "Details" section for more information. A certificate has been archived. Please refer to the "Details" section for more information. A new certificate has been installed. Please refer to the "Details" section for more information. A certificate has been exported. Please refer to the "Details" section for more information. A certificate has been associated with its private key. Please refer to the "Details" section for more information. A certificate could not be associated with its private key. Please refer to the "Details" section for more information. Certificate enrollment for %1 could not find a valid certificate template to match %2. Enrollment was not performed. Certificate enrollment for %1 was denied by %3 when retrieving the pending request for a %2 certificate with request ID %4. Certificate enrollment for %1 failed to enroll for a %2 certificate with request ID %4 from %3 (%5). Certificate enrollment for %1 failed to renew a %2 certificate with request ID %4 from %3 (%6). The certificate which failed to renew is %5 Certificate enrollment for %1 detected that the DNS name in the %2 certificate does not match the DNS name of the local computer. A new enrollment for a %2 certificate will be attempted in %3 hours. HCertificate enrollment for %1 detected that the DNS name in the %2 certificate does not match the DNS name of the local computer. No more enrollments for %2 certificates will be attempted until the current certificate is revoked or expires because the same error has occurred %3 times. Certificate enrollment for %1 failed to create an enrollment request for a %2 certificate (%3). 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?RStringFileInfo.040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationCFileDescriptionMicrosoft Active Directory Certificate Services Enrollment Clientr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)6 InternalNameCertEnroll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.> OriginalFilenameCertEnrollj%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD