MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  .@?8@4-.rsrc0.@@0H  (@X p       Hn89|MUIK354{U/UY# ;= MUI en-USComplianceExtensions6Analysis results database for exporting not found: %1.,Error opening analysis results database: %1.Error reading analysis table.PA"Error reading configuration table. Exporting System Access section.&Error exporting System Access section.Exporting Auditing section.!Error exporting Auditing section.#Exporting Restricted Groups section*Error Exporting Restricted Groups section."Exporting Registry Values section.(Error exporting Registry Values section.Exporting User Rights section.$Error exporting User Rights section.Exporting Kerberos section.!Error exporting Kerberos section.$Exporting Registry Security section.*Error exporting Registry Security section. Exporting File Security section.PA&Error exporting File Security section..Error transforming XML policy into INF stream.'Transformed XML policy into INF stream.Error saving INF stream to %1.Saved the inf stream to %1.@Error performing analysis using '%1' template and '%2' database."Analyzed '%1' using '%2' database.+Error exporting results from '%1' database.Exported results from database.Error loading policy. Error loading transform file %1.*Error performing transformation operation.Exporting Services section.!Error exporting Services section.PA7Error processing policy. No template defined in policy.Importing templates.>Error importing the security template '%1' into '%2' database.7Imported the security template '%1' into '%2' database..Error performing analysis using '%1' database.(Analyzed the system using '%1' database.&Error opening Service Control Manager. 00PPdo|xD dP,167`Start Stop Error Warning Information hMicrosoft-Windows-Security-Configuration-Wizard Microsoft-Windows-Security-Configuration-Wizard/Diagnostic Microsoft-Windows-Security-Configuration-Wizard/Operational PPreprocessing started service scan. TPreprocessing finished service scan. DPreprocessing started merge. DPreprocessing finished merge. DPreprocessing started roles. DPreprocessing finished roles. DPreprocessing started tasks. DPreprocessing finished tasks. TPreprocessing started active sockets. XPreprocessing finished active sockets. XPreprocessing started custom function. XPreprocessing finished custom function. XAudit extension started configuration. XAudit extension finished configuration. LAudit extension started rollback. PAudit extension finished rollback. LAudit extension started analysis. PAudit extension finished analysis. PAudit extension started transform. PAudit extension finished transform. \Service extension started configuration. \Service extension finished configuration. PService extension started rollback. TService extension finished rollback. PService extension started analysis. TService extension finished analysis. TService extension started transform. TService extension finished transform. \Registry extension started configuration. `Registry extension finished configuration. TRegistry extension started rollback. TRegistry extension finished rollback. TRegistry extension started analysis. TRegistry extension finished analysis. TRegistry extension started transform. XRegistry extension finished transform. TSCE extension started configuration. TSCE extension finished configuration. HSCE extension started rollback. LSCE extension finished rollback. HSCE extension started analysis. LSCE extension finished analysis. LSCE extension started transform. LSCE extension finished transform. \Firewall extension started configuration. `Firewall extension finished configuration. TFirewall extension started rollback. TFirewall extension finished rollback. TFirewall extension started analysis. TFirewall extension finished analysis. TFirewall extension started transform. XFirewall extension finished transform. DSCW started to launch the UI. HSCW finished to launch the UI. TSCW Viewer started to launch the UI. TSCW Viewer finished to launch the UI. dSCW started to execute the specific command. dSCW finished to execute the specific command. Configuration succeeded.%n%nFor further information see %1. |Configuration failed.%n%nFor further information see %1. xRollback succeeded.%n%nFor further information see %1. pRollback failed.%n%nFor further information see %1. Rollback generation succeeded.%n%nThe generated rollback file is %1. %n%nFor further information see %2. Rollback generation failed.%n%nFor further information see %1. The machine is not in compliance with the analyzed SCW policy. %nMachine Name: %1 %nAnalysis Extension: %2 @An SCW analysis operation was performed, but a specific SCW analysis extension failed to complete successfully. %nMachine Name: %1 %nAnalysis Extension: %2 |4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation@ FileDescriptionSeVA Moduler)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)*InternalNameSeVA.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.B OriginalFilenameSeVA.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD