MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  .@x@|-.rsrc0.@@(@  8Ph,-    ( 8 H X h x    t$$T4#@'|+V/3l5(:TMUIoKel'I4%|J@ MUIen-US4Please specify a volume to perform the operation on.The given path is invalid.<An operation is already in progress on the specified volume./Starting operations on this volume is disabled.AThe engine is shutting down. Starting new operations is disabled.An unspecified error occurred.-An invalid command line option was specified.%The operation completed successfully.The operation was cancelled.0The operation failed with an unrecognized error.Invoking %1!s! on %2!s!... ' Total fragmented space = %1!d!%% Pre-Optimization Report:AnalysisDefragmentationFree Space ConsolidationBoot OptimizationUnknown OperationMicrosoft Drive Optimizer` Description: Optimizes and defragments files on local volumes to improve system performance. Syntax: H defrag <volumes> | /C | /E <volumes> [<task(s)>] [/H] [/M | [/U] [/V]] @ Where <task(s)> is omitted (traditional defrag), or as follows: /A | [/D] [/K] [/L] | /O | /X ; Or, to track an operation already in progress on a volume: defrag <volume> /T% Movable files and folders = %1!d!% Unmovable files and folders = %1!d!% Fragmented files = %1!d!% Total file fragments = %1!d!1 Average fragments per file = %1!d!%2!c!%3!02d!% Fragmented folders = %1!d!% Total folder fragments = %1!d! Files: Folders:% Total folders = %1!d! Free space:% Free space count = %1!d!% Average free space size = %1!s!% Largest free space size = %1!s!TBGBMBKBbytesPA% Volume size = %1!s!% Cluster size = %1!s!% Used space = %1!s!% Free space = %1!s! Fragmentation: Volume Information: Master File Table (MFT):% MFT size = %1!s!% MFT record count = %1!d!' MFT usage = %1!d!%%% Total MFT fragments = %1!d!4 It is recommended that you defragment this volume., You do not need to defragment this volume."Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corp.Tracking operation on %1!s!... analysisdefragmentationfree space consolidationboot optimization%1!s!: %2!d!%% complete...Cancelling operation...%1!s!: 100%% complete. Performing pass %1!d!: ConsolidationEvictionTBoot optimization could not run because some required registry settings are missing.=Boot optimization could not run because it has been disabled.ABoot optimization could not complete due to a lack of disk space.1Boot optimization must be run on the boot volume.WBoot optimization could not run because the prefetch layout file is missing or invalid. Examples:  defrag C: /U /V defrag C: D: /M defrag C:\mountpoint /A /U defrag /C /H /V Parameters:  Value Description Shrink_Drive Optimizer could not complete the requested operation because the system is out of memory.lDrive Optimizer could not complete the requested operation because access was denied to a required resource.X Note: File fragments larger than 64MB are not included in the fragmentation statistics.retrimslab consolidation Allocation Units:PA% Slab count = %1!d!% Slab size = %1!s!% Slab alignment = %1!s!% In-use slabs = %1!d! Retrim:% Backed allocations = %1!d!% Allocations trimmed = %1!d!% Total space trimmed = %1!s! Slab Consolidation:% Potential purgable slabs = %1!d!% Slabs pinned unmovable = %1!d!% Successfully purged slabs = %1!d!% Recovered space = %1!s!I Slab consolidation was skipped because there were few evictable slabs. Slab AnalysisSlab EnumerationPASlab ConsolidationRetrim' Space efficiency = %1!d!%%tier optimizationTier Optimization# Storage Tier Optimization Report:3 %% I/Os Serviced from SSD SSD Tier Size Required %1!d!%% %2!s! %3!s!m * Current size of the faster (SSD) tier: %1!s! Percent of total I/Os serviced from the SSD tier: %2!d!%%M Size of files pinned to the SSD tier: %1!s! Percent of total I/Os: %2!d!%%M Size of files pinned to the HDD tier: %1!s! Percent of total I/Os: %2!d!%%/ /A Perform analysis on the specified volumes. * /C Perform the operation on all volumes. A /E Perform the operation on all volumes except those specified. ; /H Run the operation at normal priority (default is low). PAD /M Run the operation on each volume in parallel in the background. D /T Track an operation already in progress on the specified volume. 7 /U Print the progress of the operation on the screen. B /V Print verbose output containing the fragmentation statistics. ? /X Perform free space consolidation on the specified volumes. 9 /K Perform slab consolidation on the specified volumes. - /L Perform retrim on the specified volumes. 9 /O Perform the proper optimization for each media type. 6 /D Perform traditional defrag (this is the default). 9 /G Optimize the storage tiers on the specified volumes. T4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0@CompanyNameMicrosoft Corp.ZFileDescriptionDisk Defragmenter Moduler)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)6 InternalNameDefrag.EXERLegalCopyright 2013 Microsoft Corp.FOriginalFilenameDefrag.EXE.MUIPProductNameWindows Drive OptimizerBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD