MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  *@S@h(.rsrc0*@@(@0 H` x        PLd x"<'@.4lMUI=] -{V-:򗔅'm ~ t MUIen-US3Base schema for all native configuration providers.2Credential to use for DSC configuration providers.4File name and path on target node to copy or create.Present.File. Directory.Absent.PASHA-1.SHA-256.SHA-512. CreatedDate. ModifiedDate.IThe checksum type to use when determining whether two files are the same.Recurse all child directories.&Credential to access remote resources. Created date.Modified date. ReadOnly.Hidden.System.Archive.NotContentIndexed. Attributes for file / directory. Object size.6Get resource states based on input configuration file.*Configuration document that to be applied.7Flags passed to the providers. reserved for future use.7Test resource states based on input configuration file.6Set resource states based on input configuration file.1The sub-folders and files if this is a directory.PAuAlways compare the DestinationPath with the SourcePath. The default is false, meaning we will use cached information.JThe UserPassword property may contain a password used to access resources.>Defines how to evaluate the existence of the destination file.?A choice between File and Directory. The default value is File.+The name and path of the file to copy from.PPerform the file operation even if it will destroy content files or directories.-Configuration document that is to be applied.7Flags passed to the providers. Reserved for future use.;The current state of the specified configuration resources.#True if identical. False otherwise.TContext information that the provider can use to optimize the set. This is optional.lContext information that the provider can use to optimize the set from TestTargetResource. This is optional.5The configuration provider for files and directories.Contains a string that represents the contents of the file. To create an empty file, the string must be empty. The contents will be written and compared using UTF-8 character encoding.SUserName is the name of the user that an authorization service maps to an identity.PA'The value provided for %1 is not valid.#Please specify the key properties. /%1 and %2 cannot be specified at the same time. Relative path is not supported. 7Wild card characters are only supported for file name. %1 is a single file, which is conflicting with current configuration. Please specify %2 if you want to perform the configuration. G%1 is a single directory, which conflicts with the current value of %2.?%1 was specified, which conflicts with the current value of %2.*%1 was specified, which requires %2 or %3.(%1 is required for the current %2 value.'Copying from %1 and setting attributes.PASpecified arguments not valid. To create an empty file with this name, include the %1 property with a value of an empty string.1%1 must be accessible for current configuration. i%1 cannot be a directory for current configuration. Specify %2 if you want to perform the configuration. %1 was successfully deleted.%1 was successfully created.;The destination object was found and no action is required.Deleting the object.Setting attributes.Creating the object5Creating and writing contents and setting attributes.#The related file/directory is: %1. -The related file/directory can be: %1 or %2. JThe path cannot point to the root directory or to the root of a net share.%1 must be specified if you want to configure the destination directory recursively. Make sure that %1 is a directory and that it is accessible.M%1 is a directory and is not empty. %2 is required if you want to delete it. R%1 cannot be a directory for current configuration. Please also specify %2 or %3. An error occurs when accessing the network share with the specified credential. Please make sure the credential is correct and the network share is accessible. Note that %1 should not be specified with the local path. *An error occurred when creating the cache._Could not construct a valid path from the environment variable specified in the SourcePath %1. dCould not construct a valid path from the environment variable specified in the DestinationPath %1. ETW unregistration failed. ETW registration failed. 'Building file list without using cache.Building file list from cache.5Wildcard characters are not supported in %1 property.2SourcePath is local path, credentials are ignored.?The destination object was not found and no action is required.Copying file %1 to %2.l4VS_VERSION_INFO@#@#?StringFileInfo040904B0^CompanyNameWindows (R) Win 7 DDK provider0FileDescriptionDSC>FileVersion6.2.9200.16384HInternalNameDscCoreConfProv.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.XOriginalFilenameDscCoreConfProv.dll.muiZProductNameWindows (R) Win 7 DDK driverBProductVersion6.2.9200.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGX