MZÿÿ¸@¸º´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ÑRØ•3}‹•3}‹•3}‹HÌ´‹”3}‹H̱‹”3}‹Rich•3}‹PELà!  n€ŽÃ@,m.rsrcpn@@è€(€ @€X€p€ˆ€ € ¸ È Øð°ä ÌgälyÀäMUIÍþÍþ°=%¬'@¼ «{çÒì$_d&!—ÆE»ØZÅÒˆ˜  MUI en-US00<PPPp p´pp¤pp´(p(pø2p5p,PpPp¨Ì° °P°°Ä ° °¨ °. °°0° 0°œ0°0° "0°0° % 0°!0°”&#0°)0°X'@°@°4)P°P°ì6P°P°`7`°`°Ä8`°`°89€°\€°<°°Pf ° °ÜfInfo Error Warning Information Verbose Deployment ,AddRemoveServers QuickStart 8VDI Collection Creation $Provisioning Pool Export $VDI Recreate VDI Add VMs (VDI delete VMs 8VDI Collection Deletion <VDI collection properties User Vhd <RDSH Collection Creation ,Add Servers RDSH 0Remove Servers RDSH 8Delete Collection- RDSH @Collection Properties- RDSH Publishing $UnPublishing 4Deployment Properties pConfiguring Connection Broker for High Availability Adding or removing Connection Broker from High Availability cluster <Auto active server switch @Manual active server switch $Miscellaneous Application Debug Admin Operational Analytic LScenario based deployment started HSelected Pool Server List : %1 <Validation error: %1 : %2 dValidation success for selected servers : %1 XSelected %1 as Connection Broker server @No Connection Broker exists 0Selected option: %1 0Selected %1 for %2 HValidation failed on server: %1 `Scenario based deployment cmdlet submitted `Scenario based deployment cmdlet Completed PScenario based deployment Completed L%1 role installaion started on %2 h%1 role installaion Failed on %2 with Error %3 P%1 role installaion completed on %2 H%1 Configuration Started on %2 d%1 Configuration Failed on %2 With Error: %3 L%1 Configuration Completed on %2 0%1: Reboot started 4%1: Reboot Completed ,%1: Reboot Failed XQuick Deployment: Selected Server = %1 pQuick Deployment: Selected VHD Share Location = %1 <Add Server wizard started DRemove Server wizard started P%1: %2 collection creation started d%1: Creation request submitted. VM Count: %2 XExporting %1 on host %2 to location %3 ŒExporting of virtual desktop %1 to location %2 failed. Reason: %3 Exporting of virtual desktop %1 on host %2 to location %3 completed D%1: Pool %2 creation started X%1: Pool %2 creation failed. Reason: %3 H%1: Pool %2 creation completed t%1: Saving reference virtual desktop details started ˆ%1: Saving reference virtual desktop details failed. Reason: %2 %1: Saving reference virtual desktop details completed. Details: %2 %1: Submitted provisioning job. JobGUID = %2. ProvisioningXML = %3 X%1: Provisioning job failed. Reason: %2 T%1: Provisioning job %2 completed. %3 8%1: Enabling user disk \%1: Enabling user disk failed. Reason: %2 L%1: Enabling user disk completed L%1: Collection creation completed p%1: virtual desktop %2 creation failed. Reason: %3 T%1: Started collection recreate - %2 8%1: Recreate completed. l%1: Started Adding virtual desktops. VM Count: %2 X%1: Adding virtual desktops completed. p%1: Started deleting virtual desktops. VM Count: %2 \%1: Deleting virtual desktops completed. T%1: Provisioning job %2 completed. %3 l%1: Adding virtual desktop %2 failed. Reason: %3 P%1: %2 collection deletion started L%1: collection deletion completed D%1: Pool %2 deletion started X%1: Pool %2 deletion failed. Reason: %3 T%1: Adding Vms, %2, to collection. `%1: Updating %2 section properties started t%1: Updating %2 section properties failed. Reason: %3 d%1: Updating %2 section properties completed H%1: Disabling user disk started `%1: Disabling user disk failed. Reason: %2 L%1: Disabling user disk completed H%1: Updating user disk started \%1: Updating user disk failed. Reason: %2 L%1: Updating user disk completed hStarted RDSH Collection creation with name: %1 4Validation error: %1 8Collection Details - %1 TSession Collection %1 Creation Failed ¸Collection %1 Creation - Not all servers added/configured. Failed Server: %2 Error: %3 dCollection Creation - User VHD is not enabled ˆCollection Creation - RDSH with name: %1 completed successfully LCollection Creation - No machines shown in machine picker  either server not present in machine pool or all RDSH servers in a deployment are part of collection lStarted adding servers %1 to collection %2 - RDSH <RDSH - Server Details: %1 hAdd servers Job to collection failed. Error-%1 Not all servers added/configured. Failed Server: %1 with error: %2 €Adding RDSH server %1 to collection- completed successfully \Adding server to collection  No machines shown in machine picker  either server not present in machine pool or all RDSH servers in a deployment are part of collection pStarted Removing servers %1 from RDSH Collection %2 |Not all servers removed. Failed Server: %1 with error: %2 xRemove Servers Job from Collection failed with error %1 dRemoving Server %1 from collection completed `Started RDSH Collection: %1 delete started ,Deleting Pool %1 TDeleting Pool %1 failed with error %2 @Deleting Pool completed %1 0Removing Servers %1 XRemoving Server %1 Failed with error %2 DRemoving Servers Completed %1 PRDSH Collection %1 delete completed xPublishing started for RDSH Collection for RemoteApp %1 |Unpublishing started for RDSH Collection for RemoteApp %1 |Publishing Completed for RDSH Collection for RemoteApp %1 €Unpublishing Completed for RDSH Collection for RemoteApp %1 xPublishing started for VDI Collection for RemoteApp %1 |Unpublishing started for VDI Collection for RemoteApp %1 |Publishing Completed for VDI Collection for RemoteApp %1 €Unpublishing Completed for VDI Collection for RemoteApp %1 `Publishing Failed for RDSH Collection - %1 dUnpublishing Failed for RDSH Collection - %1 \Publishing Failed for VDI Collection - %1 \Unpublishing Failed for VDI Collection %1 @VDI Publishing Details - %1 DVDI Unpublishing Details - %1 DRDSH Publishing Details - %1 HRDSH Unpublishing Details - %1 tPublishing Application will unpublish remote desktop \Firewall Opened in VM for Publishing: %1 tFirewall Closed successfully in VM for Publishing: %1 dFirewall Open in VM for Publishing failed: %1 lFirewall close in VM after Publishing failed: %1 ¼Started updating RDSH publishing properties General,paratmeter,user assignment, FTA etc.. ¨Started updating VDI publishing properties General, user assignment, FTA etc.. ÀCompleted updating RDSH publishing properties General,paratmeter,user assignment, FTA etc.. ÀCompleted updating VDI publishing properties General,paratmeter,user assignment, FTA etc.. \VDI RemoteApp Property Update Details: %1 `RDSH RemoteApp Property Update Details: %1 \VDI RemoteApp Property Update Failed: %1 \RDSH RemoteApp Property Update Failed: %1 pVDI RemoteApp Property Update Validation Error: %1 pRDSH RemoteApp Property Update Validation Error: %1 tProperty page: %1 update failed: due to Exception %2 PNot all properties configured %1 %2 dStarted updating deployment properties for %1 HDeployment Property details %1 hDeployment Property updated successfully for %1 tStarted updating property- %1 - on RDSH collection %2 TRDSH Collection Property details - %1 ˜RDSH Collection Property %1 update on collection %2 failed on server %3 ¼RDSH Collection Property - Not all properties configured. Failed Property: %1, Error: %2 lRDSH Collection Property %1 updated successfully lRDSH Collection Property updated successfully.%1 \RDSH Collection Property update failed.%1 @HA configuration - Started \Following validation error occurred - %1 àCalling HA workflow with - Database connection string: %1, Client Access Name: %2, Database Folder Path: %3 PDatabase reachable check - Started TDatabase reachable check - Failed: %1 PDatabase reachable check - Success @Database Creation - Started HDatabase Creation - Failed: %1 @Database Creation - Success DDatabase migration - Started HDatabase migration - Failed: %1 DDatabase migration - Success LRestarting RDMS service - Started TRestarting RDMS service - Failed: %1 LRestarting RDMS service - Success TSetting RDMS active server - Started XSetting RDMS active server - Failed: %1 TSetting RDMS active server - Success TSetting Client Access Name - Started XSetting Client Access Name - Failed: %1 TSetting Client Access Name - Success pStoring Database Connection String in DB - Started tStoring Database Connection String in DB - Failed: %1 pStoring Database Connection String in DB - Success `Storing Database File Path in DB - Started dStoring Database File Path in DB - Failed: %1 `Storing Database File Path in DB - Success `Storing Client Access Name in DB - Started dStoring Client Access Name in DB - Failed: %1 `Storing Client Access Name in DB - Success xStoring High Availability Brokers List in DB - Started |Storing High Availability Brokers List in DB - Failed: %1 xStoring High Availability Brokers List in DB - Success „Updating workspace id on Current Management Server - Started ˆUpdating workspace id on Current Management Server - Failed: %1 „Updating workspace id on Current Management Server - Success xUpdating workspace id on Web Access Server %1 - Started €Updating workspace id on Web Access Server %1 - Failed: %2 xUpdating workspace id on Web Access Server %1 - Success DHA configuration - Completed xAdding new Connection Broker %1 to HA cluster - Started 4Role deploy - Started <Role deploy - Failed: %1 4Role deploy - Success ”Verifying whether newly being added server has joined nodes - Started œVerifying whether newly being added server has joined nodes - Failed: %1 ”Verifying whether newly being added server has joined nodes - Success pReading Client Access Name from Database - Started tReading Client Access Name from Database - Failed: %1 pReading Client Access Name from Database - Success ˆReading High Availability Brokers list from Database - Started ŒReading High Availability Brokers list from Database - Failed: %1 ˆReading High Availability Brokers list from Database - Success €Reading Database Connection String from Database - Started „Reading Database Connection String from Database - Failed: %1 €Reading Database Connection String from Database - Success ˆVerify whether the RDMS is already part of HA cluster - Started Verify whether the RDMS is already part of HA cluster - Failed: %1 ˆVerify whether the RDMS is already part of HA cluster - Success Checking whether all servers in deployment are reachable - Started ”Checking whether all servers in deployment are reachable - Failed: %1 Checking whether all servers in deployment are reachable - Success €Updating session directory location on server %1 - Started „Updating session directory location on server %1 - Failed: %2 €Updating session directory location on server %1 - Success ôUpdating every RDSH/RDVH/RDWA/RDMS server in the deployment with new set of High Availability Brokers List - Started øUpdating every RDSH/RDVH/RDWA/RDMS server in the deployment with new set of High Availability Brokers List - Completed |Adding new Connection Broker %1 to HA cluster - Completed xRemoving Connection Broker %1 from HA cluster - Started xVerifying deployment health for the server %1 - Started €Verifying deployment health for the server %1 - Failed: %2 xVerifying deployment health for the server %1 - Success  Chekcing whether the Connection Broker is part of the deployment - Started ¤Chekcing whether the Connection Broker is part of the deployment - Failed: %1  Chekcing whether the Connection Broker is part of the deployment - Success ”Removing Network Service from RDS Management Servers group - Started ˜Removing Network Service from RDS Management Servers group - Failed: %1 ”Removing Network Service from RDS Management Servers group - Success @Unjoining node %1 - Started HUnjoining node %1 - Failed: %2 @Unjoining node %1 - Success €Setting Database Connection String to NULL on %1 - Started „Setting Database Connection String to NULL on %1 - Failed: %2 €Setting Database Connection String to NULL on %1 - Success |Removing Connection Broker %1 from HA cluster - Completed hActive RDMS auto switch from %1 to %2 - Started hActive RDMS auto switch from %1 to %2 - Failed lActive RDMS auto switch from %1 to %2 - Succeeded lActive RDMS manual switch from %1 to %2 - Started øRDMS server %1 is not in healthy state. One or more required services (rdms,tscpubrpc,tssdis) are not in running state. Active RDMS manual switch from %1 to %2 - Failed. The current active server might be too busy to release the ownership token. pActive RDMS manual switch from %1 to %2 - Succeeded ,Started %1 on %2 01% on %2 failed %3 0Completed %1 on %2 ,Component %1: %2 ,Component %1: %2 ,Component %1: %2 lFailed to remove %1 from group %2 on computer %3 À4VS_VERSION_INFO½ïþ@€%@€%?StringFileInfoú040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationj!FileDescriptionMicrosoft ® Rdms Instrumentationr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623): InternalNameRdmsInst.dll€.LegalCopyright© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.JOriginalFilenameRdmsInst.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft® Windows® Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation °PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD