MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  L`@tK.rsrcPL@@0H 9:(;@<X=p>?@ABCDE0rH`x            0 @ P ` p  ` 0^ '8,h2J5<8BXFLNjPWMUIQzYz!L{=w PK0g0kIrHM MUI en-US Corrupt MBRCorrupt Partition TableCorrupt Boot SectorCorrupt Volume MetaDataNo OS InstalledMissing Boot ManagerMissing OS LoaderCorrupt Boot ConfigurationMissing System FileCorrupt System File2Your computer's registry file has become corrupted2Your computer's registry file has become corruptedUnknown Bugcheck Driver HangBad Driver InstalledBad Memory (RAM) InstalledBad Hotfix or Patch InstalledCorrupt Disk SectorImproper System File ACLsBad Firmware InstalledDisk metadata repairPartition table repairBoot sector repairFile system repair (chkdsk) File repair$Boot configuration data store repairSystem RestoreDriver DisableAccess control repairRegistry roll backFormat partition My Safe Docs My Safe DocsStarted but not completed%Completed successfully. Error code = Failed. Error code = CancelledPreBootManagerPA BootManagerOSLoaderPreFSPostFS>An error on the hard disk is preventing Windows from starting.>An error on the hard disk is preventing Windows from starting.>An error on the hard disk is preventing Windows from starting.>An error on the hard disk is preventing Windows from starting.8An operating system could not be found on the hard disk.>Files required to start Windows are either missing or corrupt.>Files required to start Windows are either missing or corrupt.>Files required to start Windows are either missing or corrupt.>Files required to start Windows are either missing or corrupt.>Files required to start Windows are either missing or corrupt.>Files required to start Windows are either missing or corrupt.>Files required to start Windows are either missing or corrupt.GStartup Repair has tried but cannot determine the cause of the problem.KIncompatible software on this computer is preventing Windows from starting.KIncompatible software on this computer is preventing Windows from starting.MAn error with random access memory (RAM) is preventing Windows from starting.KIncompatible software on this computer is preventing Windows from starting.>An error on the hard disk is preventing Windows from starting.>Files required to start Windows are either missing or corrupt.KIncompatible software on this computer is preventing Windows from starting.MBR is corrupt.&Partition table is corrupt on disk %s.1Boot sector for system disk partition is corrupt.!System volume on disk is corrupt.No OS files found on disk.#Boot manager is missing or corrupt.&Boot manager failed to find OS loader.Boot configuration is corrupt.!Boot critical file %s is missing.!Boot critical file %s is corrupt.System registry is corrupt.Registry is corrupt.EUnknown bugcheck %x. Parameters = 0x%I64x, 0x%I64x, 0x%I64x, 0x%I64x.1Driver %s is preventing the system from starting.SA recent driver installation or upgrade may be preventing the system from starting.Bad hardware memory (RAM)./A patch is preventing the system from starting.'A bad disk sector was found on file %s.0ACLs on file %s are not proper. Old value = 0x%xFailed to launch the tool.Root Cause Found: Root cause found: Result: Repair action: Repair action: Test Performed: Result: =Bugcheck %x. Parameters = 0x%I64x, 0x%I64x, 0x%I64x, 0x%I64x.No System Partition;The partition table does not have a valid System Partition.;The partition table does not have a valid System Partition.[Startup Repair has tried several times but still cannot determine the cause of the problem.[Startup Repair has tried several times but still cannot determine the cause of the problem.[Startup Repair has tried several times but still cannot determine the cause of the problem.RA hard disk could not be found. If a hard disk is installed, it is not responding.RA hard disk could not be found. If a hard disk is installed, it is not responding.RA hard disk could not be found. If a hard disk is installed, it is not responding.Name: ---------------------------Disk metadata testBoot manager diagnosisTarget OS testVolume content checkWindows boot log diagnosisBoot status testBugcheck analysisRAM testFirmware installation log testFile system test (chkdsk)Binary file integrity testAccess control testPending Audit failureHSecurity settings on this computer are preventing Windows from starting.HSecurity settings on this computer are preventing Windows from starting.PA/Unrecognized system partition file system type.>An error on the hard disk is preventing Windows from starting.1System partition has an unknown file system type.No boot failure.Try restarting the computer again. If the problem continues, contact your system administrator or support technician, or refer to the documentation that came with the computer.6Boot status indicates that the OS booted successfully.Failure during setup.It appears that Windows did not install properly. If you cannot continue Windows setup upon restart, please contact a support professional.#Failure while setup is in progress.Setup state check%Change Crash On Audit Failure setting Bad hard disk>An error on the hard disk is preventing Windows from starting.Internal state checkZSystem Disk = %s Windows directory = %s AutoChk Run = %u Number of root causes = %u Low disk spaceRInsufficient free disk space on this computer is preventing Windows from starting.RInsufficient free disk space on this computer is preventing Windows from starting.Disk failure diagnosisMemory diagnosticsEvent log diagnosis#Software installation log diagnosis8Startup Repair cannot repair this computer automatically=Sending more information can help Microsoft create solutions.1Send information about this problem (recommended) Don't sendOS version mismatchEStartup Repair cannot diagnose this system because it is incompatible@The operating system version is incompatible with Startup Repair ACPI FailureJIncompatible computer firmware (BIOS) is preventing Windows from starting.ACPI Error = 0x%x.!Boot manager generic failure 0x%xOS loader generic failure 0x%xIncompatible Boot Sector Code>An error on the hard disk is preventing Windows from starting.6Boot sector code for system disk partition is corrupt.Boot sector repair(Several boot critical files are corrupt.'System files integrity check and repairRegistry hives testTime taken = %u ms#Last successful boot time: %s (GMT)Number of repair attempts: %u'Startup Repair diagnosis and repair logSession detailsSystem disk test#Startup Repair version is disabled.PAKStartup Repair is incompatible with currently installed updates to Windows.KStartup Repair is incompatible with currently installed updates to Windows.)Unspecified system configuration changes.JUnspecified changes to system configuration might have caused the problem.JUnspecified changes to system configuration might have caused the problem.Fallback diagnosisCheck for updates_The computer hard disk is encrypted using BitLocker Drive Encryption and could not be unlocked._The computer hard disk is encrypted using BitLocker Drive Encryption and could not be unlocked._The computer hard disk is encrypted using BitLocker Drive Encryption and could not be unlocked.System boot log diagnosisCorrupt boot manager>Files required to start Windows are either missing or corrupt.Boot manager is corrupt.WIMBoot configuration test/WIMboot configuration data has become corrupted?Files required to enable WIMBoot are either missing or corrupt.5The WIMBoot overlay file is either missing or corrupt"WIMBoot configuration data restorePAMemory test results reportedWindows Memory DiagnosticuThe results of running the Windows Memory Diagnostic were submitted to Microsoft for analysis and product improvementRange of memory size Launch type Schedule typeCompletion type Test type Failed testsNumber of bad pagesTest duration in secondsPAMPLtPPlPPThe Windows Memory Diagnostic tested the computer's memory and detected no errors LThe Windows Memory Diagnostic tested the computer's memory and detected hardware errors. To identify and repair these problems, contact the computer manufacturer The Windows Memory Diagnostic was canceled during execution The Windows Memory Diagnostic could not complete its tests of the computer's memory The Windows Memory Diagnostic tested the computer's memory and detected no errors LThe Windows Memory Diagnostic tested the computer's memory and detected hardware errors. To identify and repair these problems, contact the computer manufacturer Error Information `Microsoft-Windows-MemoryDiagnostics-Results System lMicrosoft-Windows-MemoryDiagnostics-Results/Debug LWindows Memory Diagnostic results 4VS_VERSION_INFOB%B%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationfFileDescriptionWindows Diagnosis and Recoveryr)FileVersion6.3.9600.17031 (winblue_gdr.140221-1952)8 InternalNameRelPost.exe.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.HOriginalFilenameRelPost.exe.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.17031DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD