MZÿÿ¸@¸º´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ÑRØ•3}‹•3}‹•3}‹HÌ´‹”3}‹H̱‹”3}‹Rich•3}‹PELà!  ´ÐU%@P³.rsrcÀ´@@è€(€ @€X€p€ˆ€ € ¸ È Øð°ä À­ä`¿ðäMUIÍþÍþ°b÷üˆ‘ØȲEVå@²™´¶¼¸8áA‹ša)Xµˆ˜  MUI en-US1100<PPxppÄ¡p¡pl)#p,#p´¨°ˆ°t–°°d@ °¸°,F¾°Å°PPÈ°Ý°(T,°d°˜`аà°0|4°7°Ø…9°>°¨‡ °¢° ‹ª°­°h´°¸°€—(#°2#°hŸŒ#°–#°£ð#°û#°T¨U$°U$°°­$Response Time Info Start Stop Error Warning Information @The role plugin load task. DThe role plugin unload task. pThe role plugin Registration information load task. @The command execution task. DServer manager startup task. PServer manager initialization task. 0Load settings task. ,Navigation task. DServer manager shutdown task DServer manager refresh task. HServer manager exception task. <Automation job execution. PPost deployment configuration task. hThe call into deployment plugin functionality. TThe user interaction with the wizard. HLoad persisted automation jobs. $Node access. HAdd-_InternalWindowsRole task. <Get-WindowsFeature task. <Add-WindowsFeature task. @Remove-WindowsFeature task. <Initialize log file task. dMicrosoft-Windows-ServerManager-MultiMachine Application Admin Operational Debug @Refresh scheduler started. @Refresh scheduler stopped.. `Start of filtering out in-progress refresh. \End of filtering out in-progress refresh. 8Short circuit refresh. tStart of triggering refresh job. Server: %1. Job: %2. pEnd of triggering refresh job. Server: %1. Job: %2. LError received from refresh job. ¨Child job completed. Command: %2, Target: %3, State: %4, Proxy Instance ID: %1 ¨Parent job completed. Command: %2, Target: %3, State: %4, Proxy Instance ID: %1 °Start of request for refresh. Source: %1. Categories: %2. Servers: %3. Session: %4 ¬End of request for refresh. Source: %1. Categories: %2. Servers: %3. Session: %4 DTask '%1' execution started. HTask '%1' execution completed. DError during processing data. HStart of decoding BPA results. DEnd of decoding BPA results. TError during decoding of BPA results. TStart of updating Bpa result records. PEnd of updating Bpa result records. pShort circuting of updating of Bpa result records. dError during updating of Bpa result records. TTriggered Bpa results updated event. PStart of decoding service statuses. LEnd of decoding service statuses. `Error during decoding of service statuses. PStart of updating services records. LEnd of updating services records. lShort circuting of updating of services records. `Error during updating of services records. LTriggered services updated event. PPlugin load started for Role Id %1. PPlugin load stopped for Role Id %1. TPlugin load failed for Role Id %1. %2 TPlugin unload started for Role Id %1. TPlugin unload stopped for Role Id %1. XPlugin unload failed for Role Id %1. %2 `Plugin registration information is loaded. |Plugin registration information failed to load. Error: %1 @ARW launch command started. DARW launch command completed. @Add server command started. DAdd server command completed. \The requested server %1 is already added. „Add server command failed while adding server %1, failure: %2 DFull refresh command started. HFull refresh command completed. XStarted initializing service provider. \Completed initializing service provider. 4Boot loader started. 8Boot loader completed. €Boot loader can't find the service provider list, Error: %1 XFailed to load user settings, Error: %1 <Main window initialized. dMain window initialization failed, Error: %1  Failed to change the navigation item %1 of type %2, attached descriptor: %3 pNavigation service selection changed. New item: %1 8Server manager started HServer manager shutdown started PServer manager shutdown failure: %1 HSaving server list failure: %1 hServer manager automation shutdown failure: %1 pServer manager plugin manager shutdown failure: %1 pServer manager exception. Source: %1. Exception: %2 ˆStart of decoding performance counter threshold alerts results. ˆStop of decoding performance counter threshold alerts results. Error during decoding performance counter threshold alerts results. ŒStart of data update to performance counter threshold alert data. ŒStop of data update to performance counter threshold alert data. ”Error during data update to performance counter threshold alert data. œTriggered performance counter threshold alert data results updated event. xStart of decoding performance counter samples results. tStop of decoding performance counter samples results. €Error during decoding performance counter samples results. |Start of data update to performance counter sample data. xStop of data update to performance counter sample data. „Error during data update to performance counter sample data. ŒTriggered performance counter sample data results updated event. €Start job of diagnostics data collect (process snapshots). |Stop job of diagnostics data collect (process snapshots). ˆError in a job of diagnostics data collect (process snapshots). „Start of data update to diagnostics data (process snapshots). „Stop of data update to diagnostics data (process snapshots). ŒError during data update to diagnostics data (process snapshots). DStart of time change filter. @Stop of time change filter. LError during time change filter. LStart job of time change filter. HStop job of time change filter. TError in a job of time change filter. dStart of data update for time change filter. `Stop of data update for time change filter. lError during data update for time change filter. ˆJob refresh error. Server name: %1. Job name: %2. Exception: %3 8Splash screen started. 8Splash screen stopped. @Server list loading failed. LServer manager shutdown stopped. @User settings save started. @User settings save stopped. ˆAutomation job history. Server = %1. Job = %3. TimeElapsed = %4  Automation job history. Server = %1. Job = %3. TimeElapsed = %4. Error = %6 |Group of inventory refresh jobs has finished. Session: %4 ˆError encountered while attempting to load an advanced tool: %1 TDataStore persistence: starting load TDataStore persistence: load error %1 TDataStore persistence: load finished TDataStore persistence: starting save TDataStore persistence: save error: %1 TDataStore persistence: save finished LInventory data update failed. %1. lLaunched BPA scan on machine %1, BPA Model Ids %2 hBpa Scan launch failed for server %1, error: %2 tStart of enable job of performance counter collector. tStop of enable job of performance counter collector. tFailed enabling of performance counter collector. %1. „Bpa include or exclude launch failed for server %1, error: %2 XError while launching command '%1' : %2 ”Failed to close the post deployment configuration task. %1, Stack: %2 hCreated the post deployment task. %1. Source=%2 lCompleted the post deployment task. %1. Source=%2 ÔFailed to create the post deployment configuration task. Id: %1, Server: %2, Source: %3, Message: %4 ¨Unknown type of failure to refresh data. Server: %1. MessageID: %2. Message: %3 XRoles and features discovered on %1: %2 tRoles and features requiring configuration on %1: %2 ŒSkipping Server Manager auto refresh. The desktop is not active. ÈSkipping loading the navigation item for a plugin that is not initialized. Role: %1. Status: %2 hShell plugin icon not found. Role: %1. Icon: %2 ˆParent role not found. Server: %1. Feature ID: %2. Role ID: %3. String pool has been scanned. Total: %1, Removed: %2, Elapsed: %3. XAutomation job query started. Owner: %1 tAutomation job query result. Owner: %1. Job count: %2 tAutomation job query completed. Owner: %1. Error: %2 ¼Automation job created. Owner: %1, Command: %2, Target: %3, Tracked: %4. Rehydrated: %5. dAutomation job creation failed with error: %1  Exception reported to refresh data. Server: %1. MessageID: %2. Message: %3 ÌException reported to data collection. Server: %1. OperationName: %2. MessageID: %3. Message: %4 |Automation job started. Command: %2, Target: %3, Guid: %1  Automation job state changed. Command: %2, Target: %3, State: %4, Guid: %1 Automation job error data added. Error: %6, Command: %3, Target: %4, ID: %1, Parent: %2, Message: %7, Action: %8, Exception: %5 ¤Automation job output data added. Command: %3, Target: %4, ID: %1, Parent; %2 ÔAutomation job progress data added. Percent complete: %5, Command: %3, Target: %4, ID: %1, Parent: %2 ¼Automation job error data added. Warning: %5, Command: %3, Target: %4, ID: %1, Parent: %2 °Data processing time. Command: %3, Milliseconds: %5, Target: %4, ID: %1, Parent; %2 ÀLengthy data processing time. Command: %3, Milliseconds: %5, Target: %4, ID: %1, Parent; %2 pError setting main window focus with the handle. %1 PError writing the window handle. %1 XFile mapping initialization failed. %1 `Error shutting down the kernel service. %1 LCEIP/WER launch command started. PCEIP/WER launch command completed. DCEIP/WER plugin load started. HCEIP/WER plugin load completed. @Connection to M3P starting. DConnection to M3P completed. ˆCredentials set for connections to machines: %1. User name = %2 œRefresh session started. Source: %1. Categories: %2. Servers: %3. Id: %4 LRefresh session completed. Id: %1 xCredentials loaded from the cred store: User name = %1 ˜Error loading credentials from the cred store. User name: %1. Error: %2 pCredentials saved to the cred store: User name = %1 ”Error saving credentials to the cred store. User name: %1. Error: %2 xCredentials deleted from the cred store: User name = %1 œError deleting credentials from the cred store. User name: %1. Error: %2 \Local server properties refresh started. `Local server properties refresh completed. `Error accessing local server properties. %1 PCompleted services modification job |Launching wizard from automation job started. Command: %1 €Launching wizard from automation job completed. Command: %1 ˆStarting WinRM service status check. Status: %1, Exception: %2 ˆCompleted WinRM service status check. Status: %1, Exception: %2 €Refresh item completed. Server: %1, Session Item Count: %2 „Error cleaning up credentials from the cred store. Error: %1 lCluster query item added. Server: %1, Cluster: %2 dCluster query item data received. Server: %1 hNew cluster nodes added to session. Servers: %1 ŒCluster query item completed. Server: %1, Session Item Count: %2 hRefresh item session create started. Server: %1 „Refresh item session create completed. Server: %1, Error: %2 hRefresh item session close started. Server: %1 €Refresh item session close completed. Server: %1, Error: %2 „Refresh item invocation started. Server: %1, Method name: %2 „Refresh item enumeration started. Server: %1, Class name: %2 ŒRefresh item data received. Server: %1, Method or class name: %2 ˜Refresh item operation completed. Server: %1, Method or class name: %2 ¤Refresh item operation error. Server: %1, Method or class name: %2, Error: %3 |Creating new session. Server: %1, Protocol: %2, User: %3 ŒEnumerate instances started. Server: %1, Namespace: %2, Class: %3 Enumerate instances completed. Server: %1, Namespace: %2, Class: %3  Enumerate instances error. Server: %1, Namespace: %2, Class: %3, Error: %5 ˜Enumerate instances data received. Server: %1, Namespace: %2, Class: %3 ˜Invoke method started. Server: %1, Namespace: %2, Class: %3, Method: %4 œInvoke method completed. Server: %1, Namespace: %2, Class: %3, Method: %4 ¬Invoke method error. Server: %1, Namespace: %2, Class: %3, Method: %4, Error: %6 ¤Invoke method data received. Server: %1, Namespace: %2, Class: %3, Method: %4 Invoke method non-terminating error received. Server: %1, Namespace: %2, Class: %3, Method: %4, Error Code: %6, Error Message: %7 àInvoke method message received. Server: %1, Namespace: %2, Class: %3, Method: %4, Channel: %6, Message: %7 DDisconnect from M3P starting. HDisconnect from M3P completed. dServer data processer start. Server name: %1 `Server data processer stop. Server name: %1 dServer data processor failed. Server name: %1 °Server data processor on next start. Server name: %1, Parameter name: %2, Data: %3 ¬Server data processor on next stop. Server name: %1, Parameter name: %2, Data: %3 dFeature data processer start. Server name: %1 dFeature data processer stop. Server name: %1 hFeature data processor failed. Server name: %1 œFeature data processor on next start. Server name: %1, Parameter name: %2 œFeature data processor on next stop. Server name: %1, Parameter name: %2 \BPA data processer start. Server name: %1 \BPA data processer stop. Server name: %1 `BPA data processor failed. Server name: %1 ”BPA data processor on next start. Server name: %1, Parameter name: %2 ”BPA data processor on next stop. Server name: %1, Parameter name: %2 dEvents data processer start. Server name: %1 `Events data processer stop. Server name: %1 dEvents data processor failed. Server name: %1 œEvents data processor on next start. Server name: %1, Parameter name: %2 ˜Events data processor on next stop. Server name: %1, Parameter name: %2 |Performance counter data processer start. Server name: %1 |Performance counter data processer stop. Server name: %1 €Performance counter data processor failed. Server name: %1 ´Performance counter data processor on next start. Server name: %1, Parameter name: %2 ´Performance counter data processor on next stop. Server name: %1, Parameter name: %2 hServices data processer start. Server name: %1 dServices data processer stop. Server name: %1 hServices data processor failed. Server name: %1  Services data processor on next start. Server name: %1, Parameter name: %2 œServices data processor on next stop. Server name: %1, Parameter name: %2 pServers tile view update start. Name: %1, Count: %2 pServers tile view update stop. Name: %1, Count: %2 tFeatures tile view update start. Name: %1, Count: %2 pFeatures tile view update stop. Name: %1, Count: %2 hBPA tile view update start. Name: %1, Count: %2 hBPA tile view update stop. Name: %1, Count: %2 pEvents tile view update start. Name: %1, Count: %2 lEvents tile view update stop. Name: %1, Count: %2 xPerformance tile view update start. Name: %1, Count: %2 xPerformance tile view update stop. Name: %1, Count: %2 tServices tile view update start. Name: %1, Count: %2 pServices tile view update stop. Name: %1, Count: %2 |Servers thumbnail view update start. Name: %1, Count: %2 xServers thumbnail view update stop. Name: %1, Count: %2 |Timestamp thumbnail view update start. Name: %1, Time: %2 |Timestamp thumbnail view update stop. Name: %1, Time: %2 tBPA thumbnail view update start. Name: %1, Count: %2 pBPA thumbnail view update stop. Name: %1, Count: %2 xEvents thumbnail view update start. Name: %1, Count: %2 xEvents thumbnail view update stop. Name: %1, Count: %2 „Performance thumbnail view update start. Name: %1, Count: %2 €Performance thumbnail view update stop. Name: %1, Count: %2 |Services thumbnail view update start. Name: %1, Count: %2 |Services thumbnail view update stop. Name: %1, Count: %2 ˆManageability thumbnail view update start. Name: %1, Count: %2 „Manageability thumbnail view update stop. Name: %1, Count: %2 ´Async job creation started. Command: %2, Target: %3, State: %4, Proxy Instance ID: %1 lDeployment Wizard is launched. Target Server: %1 hDeployment Wizard is closed. Target Server: %1 ˆDeployment Wizard repository loading start. Target Server: %1 ¨Deployment Wizard repository loading completed. Target Server: %1. Status: %2 ÀDeployment Wizard repository loading completed and repository is empty. Target Server: %1 Deployment Wizard installation type changed. InstallationType: %1 œDeployment Wizard component selected. ComponentId: %1. Display Name: %2  Deployment Wizard component unselected. ComponentId: %1. Display Name: %2  Deployment Wizard component selection cancelled through dependency dialog. xDeployment Wizard target server collection has changed. dDeployment Wizard page enter. Page title: %1 `Deployment Wizard page exit. Page title: %1 tDeployment Wizard cancel requested. Target Server: %1 ”Deployment Wizard commit action started. Target Server: %1, Job: %2 ÄDeployment Wizard commit action completed. Target Server: %1. Job: %2. Status: %3. Reason %4 ¼Deployment Wizard component selection step completed. ComponentId: %1. Display Name: %2 ´Deployment Wizard component unselection completed. ComponentId: %1. Display Name: %2 hDeployment plugin loading started. RoleId: %1 „Deployment plugin loading completed. RoleId: %1. Status: %2 pDeployment component pages added. ComponentId: %1 tDeployment component pages removed. ComponentId: %1 ˆDeployment configuration data export started. File location: %1 ŒDeployment configuration data export completed. File location: %1 ˆPre-requisite check started for component with ComponentId: %1 ¤Pre-requisite check completed for component with ComponentId: %1, Status: %2 „Pre-uninstall step started for component with ComponentId: %1  Pre-uninstall step completed for component with ComponentId: %1, Status: %2 PAdd-_InternalWindowsRole workflow entered. If this event is not followed by event 4001 or 4002, the workflow either failed, was cancelled, or is still in progress. TargetComputer:%1, ServerComponentNames: %2, Remove: %3, PathToVhdFile: %4, PermitReboot: %5, Source: %6, DeleteComponents: %7 HAdd-_InternalWindowsRole workflow ended, TargetComputer:%1, RequestState:%2, RebootRequired: %3, ErrorMessage: %4, ErrorId: %5, ErrorCategory: %6, Warning: %7 ÄAdd-_InternalWindowsRole workflow reported an error installing or removing the requested component(s), TargetComputer:%1, RequestState:%2, RebootRequired: %3, ErrorMessage: %4, ErrorId: %5, ErrorCategory: %6, Warning: %7 ¼Add-_InternalWindowsRole workflow launching install/remove operation. If this event is not followed by event 4011, the workflow either failed, was cancelled, or is still in progress. TargetComputer:%1, RequestGuid: %2 èAdd-_InternalWindowsRole workflow launched install/remove operation, TargetComputer:%1, RequestGuid: %2, RequestState:%3, RebootRequired: %4, ProgressTicks: %5, TotalTicks: %6, ErrorMessage: %7, ErrorId: %8, ErrorCategory: %9, Warning: %10 ¤Add-_InternalWindowsRole workflow polling for completion. If this event is not followed by event 4013, the workflow either failed, was cancelled, or is still in progress. TargetComputer:%1, RequestGuid: %2 ÐAdd-_InternalWindowsRole workflow polled for completion, TargetComputer:%1, RequestGuid: %2, RequestState:%3, RebootRequired: %4, ProgressTicks: %5, TotalTicks: %6, ErrorMessage: %7, ErrorId: %8, ErrorCategory: %9, Warning: %10 lAdd-_InternalWindowsRole workflow has determined that the target computer should be restarted, and is checking whether it has already been restarted. If this event is not followed by event 4021, the workflow either failed, was cancelled, or is still in progress. TargetComputer:%1, InitialLastBootTime: %2 ðAdd-_InternalWindowsRole workflow has determined that the target computer should be restarted, and finished checking whether it has already been restarted. TargetComputer:%1, InitialLastBootTime: %2, CurrentLastBootTime:%3, AlreadyRebooted:%4 °Add-_InternalWindowsRole workflow is requesting restart of the target computer. If this event is not followed by event 4023, the workflow either failed, was cancelled, or is still in progress. TargetComputer:%1 ÌAdd-_InternalWindowsRole workflow has requested restart of the target computer. TargetComputer:%1 Add-_InternalWindowsRole workflow failed to restart the target computer within the timeout period and will exit. TargetComputer:%1 PGet-WindowsFeature cmdlet started. €Get-WindowsFeature cmdlet ended, Guid: %1, Components: %2. PGetServerComponent method started. dGetServerComponent method ended with Success. hGetServerComponent method returned InProgress. `GetServerComponent method returned Failed. PGetEnumerationState method started. hGetEnumerationState method ended with Success. hGetEnumerationState method returned InProgress. `GetEnumerationState method returned Failed. \Get Windows feature failed with Error: %1 PAdd-WindowsFeature cmdlet started. |Add-WindowsFeature cmdlet ended. Guid: %1, Components %2. PAddServerComponent method started. dAddServerComponent method ended with Success. hAddServerComponent method returned InProgress. `AddServerComponent method returned Failed. |GetAlterationState method for Add-WindowsFeature started. xGetAlterationState method for Add-WindowsFeature ended. ”GetAlterationState method for Add-WindowsFeature returned InProgress. ŒGetAlterationState method for Add-WindowsFeature returned Failed. hMutual Exclusion conflict detected during add. TRemove-WindowsFeature cmdlet started. „Remove-WindowsFeature cmdlet ended. Guid: %1, Components: %2. TRemoveServerComponent method started. lRemoveServerComponent method ended with Success. lRemoveServerComponent method returned InProgress. dRemoveServerComponent method returned Failed. „GetAlterationState method for Remove-WindowsFeature started. €GetAlterationState method for Remove-WindowsFeature ended. œGetAlterationState method for Remove-WindowsFeature returned InProgress. ”GetAlterationState method for Remove-WindowsFeature returned Failed. dRemove Windows feature failed with Error: %1 \Add Windows feature failed with Error: %1 %1 ð4VS_VERSION_INFO½ïþ@€%@€%?NStringFileInfo*040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation’5FileDescriptionMicrosoft ® Windows ® Server Manager Instrumentationr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)>InternalNameSrvMgrInst.dll€.LegalCopyright© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.NOriginalFilenameSrvMgrInst.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft® Windows® Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation °PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDING