MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  (@@x'.rsrc0(@@0Hefg i8nPohp~    0 @ P ` p      hx \hL t!$# 0& 1l3H3MUIp*$oRlmʾ6t-glEF- MUIen-USȀ=Add Standard TCP/IP Printer Port Segoe UIPcPrinter Name or IP &Address:P{P/a&Port Name:P{,P Ȁ=Welcome Segoe UIPs Welcome to the Add Standard TCP/IP Printer Port WizardPs(6This wizard helps you add a port for a network printer. Before continuing be sure that: 1. The device is turned on. 2. The network is connected and configured. PsTo continue, click Next.Ȁ =Summary Segoe UIPs(You have selected a port with the following characteristics.PsDLSNMP:PsQLProtocol:Ps^LDevice:PskLPort Name:PDm PQm P^m Pkm PsxLAdapter Type:Pxm Ps Completing the Add Standard TCP/IP Printer Port WizardPsTo complete this wizard, click Finish.Ȁ=Settings Segoe UIP/QP[/3Device Type!P@gA Pj- &Standard Pz' &CustomP@y2S&ettings...ȀPort Settings Segoe UIP S&Port Name:Pu PdPrinter Name or IP &Address:PuP+Protocol P16 &Raw P7 &LPRPKRaw SettingsP V6Port &Number:P[UPk+LPR SettingsP v0&Queue Name:P[uP i LPR &Byte Counting EnabledP8P U &SNMP Status EnabledPJ&Community Name:P[PESNMP &Device Index:P[Ȁ=Settings Segoe UIP-DPL.<Device Port!P#fXȀ=Detecting TCP/IP Printer Port Segoe UIP.Detecting the TCP/IP port... Windows will automatically move to the next page when the detection is done.P>3 SysAnimate32Animate1PA&Configure Standard TCP/IP Port MonitorGlobal Settings Port Settings'Add Standard TCP/IP Printer Port WizardFThe address is not valid. Please enter a valid address and try again.ErrorBThe port name is not valid. Enter a valid port name and try again.@A port with that name already exists. Choose another port name."Error loading the Tcp Mib library.YesNoRAWLPRPortUnlisted Device9The port number is not valid. Enter a valid port number.The Queue Name is not valid. The Community Name is not valid.The Device Index is not valid.Add port+For which device do you want to add a port?$Additional port information required#The device could not be identified.The device is not found on the network. Be sure that: 1. The device is turned on. 2. The network is connected. 3. The device is properly configured. 4. The address on the previous page is correct. If you think the address is not correct, click Back to return to the previous page. Then correct the address and perform another search on the network. If you are sure the address is correct, select the device type below.The selected device has multiple ports. Choose the port from the given list. If the port you want to use is not in the list then go back to the previous page and make sure that the information that you entered is correct.>The detected device is of unknown type. Be sure that: 1. The device is properly configured. 2. The address on the previous page is correct. Either correct the address and perform another search on the network by returning to the previous wizard page or select the device type if you are sure the address is correct.2Error loading the Standard TCP/IP Monitor library.7Error loading the windows print spooler driver library.7There was an error displaying the system error message.MEnter the Printer Name or IP address, and a port name for the desired device. Verdana Bold12$Additional port information requiredThe device has multiple Ports.Detecting TCP/IP portRWindows is detecting the TCP/IP port and will move to the next page when finished.PAGeneric Network Card4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?"StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationp$FileDescriptionStandard TCP/IP Port Monitor UI DLLr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623): InternalNametcpmonui.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.JOriginalFilenametcpmonui.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGX