MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  4PJ@`2.rsrc@4@@0H(@Xp     0 @ P ` p         \\,"$^),4-Z-4.1 d<>tMUIAGx̹w8Ϸ 1 b_|S MUIen-USȀ YVolume RevertMS Shell DlgP2CancelX2Revert NowP+7 /Volume Label:Pm 2P+7 0Drive Letter:Pm/ 3P+&7 1Shadow Copy:Pm& 4P+<#!When you click Revert Now, all changes to files and folders on this volume made after the selected shadow copy time will be permanently lost.P+]#The revert operation cannot be undone. Once the revert operation is started, it cannot be canceled.P+~ 5Check here if you want to revert this volume.P 6ȀShadow CopiesMS Shell DlgPSysLinkShadow copies allow users to view the contents of shared folders as the contents existed at previous points in time. For information on Shadow Copies, <A>click here</A>.P(Select a &volume:P2:SysListView32List1P p8&EnablePUp8&DisablePp8&Settings...PnS&hadow copies of selected volume P8SysListView32List2P8&Create NowP8Delete &NowP8&Revert... PStaticPmsctls_progress32PStaticP/ȀSettingsMS Shell DlgP?&Volume:PP#dStorage areaP/ (&Located on this volume:C!P9.P9<&Details...PR<Maximum size: PJR8 &No limit PJ^8 &Use limit: P[YPZ msctls_updown32Spin1P^MBPqNote: You need at least 300MB free space to create a shadow copy.P<ScheduleP<S&chedule...P Note: The default schedule creates two shadow copies per day. Avoid creating shadow copies more frequently than once per hour.P>2OKP2CancelȀ DetailsMS Shell DlgP&Storage volume:PP#&Details:P-<SysListView32List1PpFFree disk space:POpFPFTotal disk space:POFPc2OKȀ,Enable Shadow CopiesMS Shell DlgP'P.If you enable shadow copies, Windows will use the default schedule and settings, and create a shadow copy of the selected volume(s) now.PImportant: The default settings are not appropriate for servers that have high I/O load. For heavily used servers, you should manually configure shadow copies and place the storage area on a volume that will not be shadow copied.P=SysLinkFor more information about shadow copies, <A>click here</A>.PPDo you want to enable shadow copies?Pg &Do not show this message againPX|2&YesP|2&NoPAȀvDisable Shadow CopiesMS Shell DlgP'P.7If you disable shadow copies, existing shadow copies and settings for the selected volume(s) will be permanently deleted. Do you want to disable shadow copies?PH &Do not show this message againPBa2&YesPa2&NoPA Shadow CopiesConfigure Shado&w Copies...Configure shadow copiesPAVolume Next Run TimeSharesUsedPAAvailable Shadow CopiesVolumeUsed Maximum Size%s %s%1 on %2DisabledNo limit%1 Error %2!u!: %3%1 Error 0x%2!x!: %3Initialization failed.?Failed to retrieve volumes that are eligible for shadow copies.(No volume is eligible for shadow copies.,Volume %s is not eligible for shadow copies.,Failed to create a shadow copy of volume %s.,Failed to delete shadow copies of volume %s.IFailed to locate scheduled tasks for creating shadow copies of volume %s.LFailed to create a default schedule for creating shadow copies of volume %s.<Failed to remove the storage area association for volume %s.7Failed to initialize the Settings dialog for volume %s./Failed to change the storage area maximum size..Failed to create the storage area association.6Failed to initialize the Details dialog for volume %s.(Failed to show the schedule information.ZPlease enter a numerical value that is at least %I64uMB for the storage area maximum size.UThe specified storage area association was not found. The settings dialog is closing.VThe specified storage area association already exists. The settings dialog is closing.rFailed to save the schedule information. Changes on schedule is being discarded. Please re-configure the schedule.The volume %s is too small to contain a storage area. Please click the Settings button and pick a storage area location before you enable shadow copies of this volume. Failed to remove the storage area association for volume %s. This error can happen when you disable shadow copies while a backup is running. You should disable shadow copies again when the backup has completed in order to remove the shadow copy storage association.Reverting this shadow copy will cause you to permanently lose all changes made to volume %s since the shadow copy was created. Significant amounts of data may be lost. Are you sure you want to revert this shadow copy?PA&Failed to initiate revert of volume %sReverting volume %s ...%s (Reverting...)eA volume that contains operating system files or resides on a cluster shared disk cannot be reverted.CNote: You need at least %I64uMB free space to create a shadow copy.VSSUI9Are you sure you want to delete the selected shadow copy?t4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation6FileDescriptionVSS UIr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623),InternalNamevssui.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.DOriginalFilenamevssui.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDING