MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  0BS@.rsrc @@(@`x9:     LMUIӜNB78,pپ$Fò MUIen-USdThis pipe is not available because a different interface setting has been selected for its interfaceKThe buffer's Capacity must be greater than or equal to UsbDescriptor.LengthKBecause a ProtocolCode was specified, a SubclassCode must also be specified^I/O is invalid because the app closed the device, the device was removed, or the app suspended@Buffer's Length must be exactly 8 bytes to create a setup packetTNo USB interface descriptor was found in the device's first configuration descriptorA non-null buffer must be provided to SendControlTransferOutAsync/SendControlTransferInAsync because SetupPacket's Length is non-zeroeThe buffer's Length must be greater than or equal to UsbSetupPacket.Length for a control OUT transferfThe buffer's Capacity must be greater than or equal to UsbSetupPacket.Length for a control IN transferThe interface number in the low byte of UsbSetupPacket.Index must correspond to the InterfaceNumber of an interface in UsbDevice.Configuration.UsbInterfacesMaxTransferSizeBytes property is not vaild because the current ReadOptions does not have OverrideAutomaticBufferManagement set. In this case, any transfer size is valid.A ReadOptions specifying both AllowPartialReads and OverrideAutomaticBufferManagement is not valid because OverrideAutomaticBufferManagement disables buffering.MThis is a control transfer that is not allowed to be sent from an application~FromIdAsync must be called from the foreground or from a *device* background task (DeviceUseTrigger or DeviceServicingTrigger)4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?2StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationXFileDescriptionWindows Runtime Usb DLLr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)PInternalNameWindows.Devices.Usb.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.`OriginalFilenameWindows.Devices.Usb.dll.MUIj%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD