MZ’’ø@øŗ“ Ķ!øLĶ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ŃRŲ•3}‹•3}‹•3}‹HĢ“‹”3}‹HĢ±‹”3}‹Rich•3}‹PELą!  üJX@üū.rsrcü@@ €8€P€h€€ˆ€ €dø€2eŠ€fč€g€h€i0€jH€k`€lx€m€nØ€oĄ€pŲ€qš€r€s €t8€uP€wh€x€€y˜€˜°€™Č€šą€›ų€œ€(€ž@€ŸX€ p€”ˆ€¢ €£ø€¤Š€„耦€¬€­0€®H€Æ`€°x€±€²Ø€³Ą€“Ų€µš€¶€· €ø8€ĄP€Įh€Ņ €€Ó ˜€Ō °€Õ Č€Ö ą€× ų€Ų €Ł (€Ś @€Ū X€Ü p€Ż ˆ€Ž  €ß ø€Š€ č ų     (  8  H  X  h  x  ˆ  ˜  Ø  ø  Č  Ų  č  ų      (  8  H  X  h  x  ˆ  ˜  Ø  ø  Č  Ų  č  ų      (  8  H  X  h  x  ˆ  ˜  Ø  ø  Č  Ų  č  ų      (  8  H  X  h  x  ˆ  ˜  Ø  ø  Č  Ų  č  ų   ČäčdäLøä"4ä8&’äĢ+fä400äd4*ä;ä @ŌätCģä`HŽäšLœäŒO@äĢR,äųWä]śäb¬ä°eNäiRäTi¶ä kHäTonäÄqäŌt¬ä€w ä y<äÜ}€ä\øä€Üäš‚øä؆¢äLŠŒäŲŒ¼ä”¢ä8“¶äš•¦ä˜™ 䤜¬äPŸ äp”øä(„z䤧Xäü©ŗäø­Ąäx°ōälµņä`øB䤼ę䌾žä,ĀœäČĆ~äHĒ¤äģČ$äĻlä|Ó*äØÕvä Öxä˜ŻŽä(ģää īÄäŠņ>äö”䤜ā䈬ä4ĪäųäMUIĶžĶžČ āɅtÓTŸ‡w6įƒEU:yæƒ#»8żm›ˆ˜ø MUIen-USø &Mail...¹ &News...€ŗ &Directory Service...’’ŠȀ KßInternet Accounts Segoe UIœ@P ņ¢ęSysListView32AccountsPD“’’‚Set up new e-mail accounts or newsgroup subscriptions by clicking Add. To make changes, export, or remove an account or subscription, select it first.P%?ć’’€&Add...P7?ä’’€&RemovePI?å’’€&PropertiesP[?ģ’’€Set as &DefaultPm?č’’€&Import...P?é’’€&Export...P ?ł’’€&Set Order...PŹ?’’€ClosePÅ=µ’’‚’’@Ą@ ×General Segoe UIP0 ’’‚News AccountP: ¢”’’‚P¢’’‚’’eP(“„’’‚Type the name by which you would like to refer to this server. For example: "Work" or "Microsoft News Server".€P/Ķ Ń’’PC4£’’‚User InformationP@Fœ¤’’‚PQ#¦’’‚&Name:€PEO— ķ’’Pa*§’’‚&Organization:€PE_— ī’’Pq1Ø’’‚E-&mail address:€PEo— ļ’’P0©’’‚Repl&y address:€PE— š’’ P“Õ ’’€&Include this account when checking for new messages’’@Ą@ ×Advanced Segoe UIP? ’’‚Server Port NumberPI –”’’‚P<“’’‚&News (NNTP):€ Pf ×’’P%Æ Ų’’€This &server requires a secure connection (SSL)P¦6ö’’€Use &DefaultP64¢’’‚Server TimeoutsPA9œ£’’‚PCµ’’‚ShortPbC¶’’‚LongP#B< Łmsctls_trackbar32P}C_Ś’’‚PU(¤’’‚DescriptionsP4XØ„’’‚Pai Ū’’€Use n&ewsgroup descriptionsPs¦’’‚PostingP!v»§’’‚P€ ń’’€&Break apart messages larger than€ P“/ ņ’’¶P®~ ómsctls_updown32PŁ!’’’‚KBPĶ &’’€Ignore news sending format and post &using: P$ '’’€&HTML P«/ (’’€&Plain TextPA’’@Ą@ ×Connection Segoe UIP“’’‚’’fP ¼’’‚Please specify the type of connection you use to read news.P%µ’’‚ConnectionP.®¶’’‚ P'Ķ ū’’€Connect using my &local area network (LAN) P5Ķ ż’’€&Connect using my phone line PCĶ ü’’€I establish my Internet connection &manuallyPU·’’‚ModemP$Xøø’’‚PaĶž’’‚&Use the following Dial-Up Networking connection:!Pm§<’’’…P}2’’€&Properties...PE}2’’€Ad&d...P“Õ ’’€Automatically connect to this &serverPA’’@Ą@ ×General Segoe UIP2 ’’‚Mail AccountP< §”’’‚P’’‚’’dP*²„’’‚Type the name by which you would like to refer to these servers. For example: "Work" or "Windows Mail".€P/Ķ Ń’’PC<£’’‚User InformationPFGŸ¤’’‚PQ#“’’‚&Name:€PEO— ķ’’Pa2µ’’‚&Organization:€PE_— ī’’Pq9¶’’‚E-&mail address:€PEo— ļ’’P0·’’‚Repl&y address:€PE— š’’ P“Õ ā’’€&Include this account when receiving mail or synchronizing’’@Ą@ ×Advanced Segoe UIPI ’’‚Server Port NumbersPS ’”’’‚PL“’’‚&Outgoing mail (SMTP):€ Pf ō’’P%Ķ ė’’€This server re&quires a secure connection (SSL)P4L’’‚&Incoming mail (POP3):€ Pf2 õ’’PBĶ ź’’€This server requires a secure &connection (SSL)P¦6ö’’€&Use DefaultsPS<¢’’‚Server TimeoutsP@W£’’‚P`µ’’‚ShortPc`¶’’‚LongP#_< Łmsctls_trackbar32P‚`ZŚ’’‚Pr¤’’‚SendingP&u¶„’’‚P ń’’€&Break apart messages larger than€ P“~/ ņ’’¶P®} ómsctls_updown32Pŀ!’’’‚KBP“ ¦’’‚DeliveryP$—ø§’’‚PŸĶ ō’’€&Leave a copy of messages on serverP®d õ’’€&Remove from server after€ Px­% ö’’6P”¬ ÷msctls_updown32P¢Æ: ÷’’‚day(s)P¼Å ų’’€Re&move from server when deleted from 'Deleted Items'PA’’@Ą@ ×Servers Segoe UIPD ’’‚Server InformationPM ™”’’‚P^’’‚&My incoming mail server is aPq$ ’’P™’’‚server.P%K’’‚&Incoming mail (POP3):€P\#€ ź’’P5K“’’‚O&utgoing mail (SMTP):€P\3€ ė’’PGJ¢’’‚Incoming Mail ServerPPJ£’’‚PUKŻ’’‚E-mail usern&ame:€ƒP\S€ Õ’’Pe2Ž’’‚&Password: P\c€ Ö’’P\s€ )’’€Remember pass&wordP€Ķ Ō’’€Log on using &Secure Password AuthenticationP’J¤’’‚Outgoing Mail ServerPR•„’’‚P ‘ » ’’€My ser&ver requires authenticationP¦ž6¼ ’’€S&ettings...’’@Ą@ ×Server Segoe UIPD ’’‚Server InformationPM –”’’‚P4¢’’‚Server &name:€PRŠ Ü’’P#Ķ š’’€This server requires me to &log onP32Ż’’‚A&ccount name:€PR1Š Õ’’PC2Ž’’‚&Password: PRAŠ Ö’’PRQŠ )’’€Remember pass&wordP^Å Ō’’€Log on using &Secure Password Authentication’’@Ą@ćÖGeneral Segoe UIPT ’’‚Directory Service AccountP^ ~”’’‚P¢’’‚’’gP*²„’’‚Type the name by which you would like to refer to this server. For example, "Work Directory" or "Microsoft Directory Server".€P/Ķ ń’’PC:£’’‚Server InformationPDF˜¤’’‚PR/“’’‚Server &name:€PXO„ ļ’’P_Ķ š’’€This server requires me to &log onPo8Ż’’‚A&ccount name:€PXm„ Õ’’P8Ž’’‚&Password: PX}„ Ö’’PÅ Ō’’€Log on using &Secure Password AuthenticationPŸÕ ’’€Chec&k names against this server when sending mail’’@Ą@ ×Advanced Segoe UIP? ’’‚Server Port NumberPI “”’’‚PS“’’‚Directory service (&LDAP):€ Pf ż’’P¦6ö’’€Use &DefaultP%¼ Ų’’€This &server requires a secure connection (SSL)P6¢’’‚SearchP!:»£’’‚PB‹µ’’‚Search &timeout:PO¶’’‚ShortP+N< Łmsctls_trackbar32PiO·’’‚LongPOLŚ’’‚P^‹ø’’‚&Maximum number of matches to return:€ P²[* ’’¶PŃ[  msctls_updown32Pm<¹’’‚Search &base:€PVk† ’’P{¼ ’’€&Use simple search filterPA’’ĄȀė–Directory Services Order Segoe UIPŻ“’’‚&If you have chosen to check names against one or more directory services, the directory services will be checked in the list below.P§^śSysListView32P²2ū’’€Move &UpP²-2ü’’€Move &DownP|Żµ’’‚P|2’’€OKP²2’’€Cancel’’ĄČ€ ć‚Outgoing Mail Server Segoe UIP: ’’‚Logon InformationPC ™”’’‚ PĶ Ņ’’€&Use same settings as my incoming mail server P!Ą Ó’’€L&og on usingP1FŻ’’‚&E-mail username:€ƒPS/‰ Õ’’PA2Ž’’‚&Password: PS?‰ Ö’’PSO‰ )’’€Remember pass&wordP\Å Ō’’€Log on using &Secure Password AuthenticationPtn2’’€OKPŖn2’’€Cancel’’ĄČ€ ×Security Segoe UIP¤/7’’€&Select...€PB0[ ’’P@¢’’‚Signing certificatePI ‘£’’‚PĶ¦’’‚Select the signing certificate below. This will determine the digital ID used when signing messages with this account.P¤y7ż’’€Se&lect...€PB{[ ž’’PJQ§’’‚Encrypting preferencesP\MØ’’‚PXĶŖ’’‚Select the encryption certificate and algorithm. These are included with your digitally signed messages so others can send encrypted mail to you with these settings.P2.¬’’‚&Certificate:P|.­’’‚C&ertificate:P”.«’’‚Algorithm:!PB’[<ü’’…P’’‚’’ĄČ€ rInternet Accounts Segoe UIP’’‚P,Ų"“’’‚You have changed your e-mail address so that it no longer matches the e-mail address of your digital ID. In order to send secure messages, these e-mail addresses must match. To correct this situation, you can:P.F’’€Change &AddressPT,²µ’’‚Changes your e-mail address to be the same as the digital ID's e-mail address.PDF’’€&Pick Digital IDPTC²¶’’‚Allows you to pick a new digital ID which matches your new e-mail address or remove the current digital ID.PZF’’€CancelPTY²·’’‚Returns to editing your e-mail address.PA’’ĄČ€ ×Connection Segoe UIP“’’‚’’fP ¼’’‚Please specify the type of connection you use to read news.P%µ’’‚ConnectionP0"¬¶’’‚ P+Ķ ū’’€Connect using my &local area network (LAN) PGĶ ż’’€Connect using &my phone line PUĶ ü’’€&Connect using Internet Explorer's or a 3rd party dialerP9Å ’’€Connect &via modem if the LAN is not availablePg·’’‚ModemP$jøø’’‚PsĶž’’‚&Use the following Dial-Up Networking connection:!P§<’’’…P2’’€&Properties...PE2’’€Ad&d...P„Õ ’’€Automatically connect to this &serverPA’’@Ą@ ×IMAP Segoe UIP ’’‚FoldersP ¼”’’‚P>“’’‚Root &folder path:€PZ‚ ’’P#Ķ ’’€&Check for new messages in all foldersP57¢’’‚Special FoldersP:9¢£’’‚PA– ’’€&Store special folders on IMAP serverPQ>’’‚S&ent Items path:€PZO‚ ’’Pa> ’’‚&Drafts path:€PZ_‚ !’’PqD"’’‚De&leted Items path:€PZo‚ #’’P>*’’‚&Junk path:€PZ‚ +’’’’@Ą@ ×Connection Segoe UIP% ’’‚ConnectionP/ ­”’’‚P¢’’‚’’fP(“£’’‚If this account requires you to connect using a LAN or a specific dial-up connection, you may override your default Internet Explorer connection setting.P/Ķ ’’€Always connect to this account &using:@ “’’‚Select Connection!P=§<’’’…PM2’’€&Settings...PMM2’’€Ad&d...PA’’ÄȐōhSetup Account Segoe UIPA’’ĄČ€e¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIPÆ“’’‚What type of account would you like to add?@P)Žd SysListView32P ‰Č½ SysLink<A>What information do I need to set up my account?</A>PA’’@Ą@ ×Windows Live ID Segoe UIPH ’’‚Windows Live ID InformationP> ž”’’‚PČ£’’‚Save your Windows Live ID information to sign in automatically, or turn off Windows Live ID if you prefer. P.× b ’’€Never use Community features that require Windows Live ID P<Ķ c ’’€Prompt for Windows Live ID settings when needed PJĶ d ’’€Save Windows Live ID settingsPZCf ’’‚Windows Live ID &E-mail:€PZX‚ ` ’’P\f~k ’’‚( ’’‚&Password: PZt‚ a ’’’’ÄĄe¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP ’’‚An Internet mail program is installed on your computer. Internet mail allows you to receive and send e-mail messages.P Ź’’‚P?”’’‚Do you want to set up an Internet mail account now? PN: ˆ’’€&Yes P]9 ‰’’€N&oPA’’ĄČ€e¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP ’’‚The Internet Connection Wizard has detected previously installed e-mail software. You can have your Internet mail account settings imported, so you can continue to use them with your new mail program. P  ¶’’€&Create a new Internet mail account P/ ·’’€&Use an existing Internet mail account”P!=¾:¹’’ƒ’’ĄČ€e¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP ’’‚The Internet Connection Wizard has detected the following installed e-mail software. You can have your Internet Mail account settings imported, so you can continue to use them with your new mail program.P »”’’‚&Select the e-mail client to import:”P*¾:¹’’ƒ’’ĄČ€e¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP ’’‚You have selected an Internet Mail program for which you have more than one account. Select the account that you want to import from the list below.P¼”’’‚Import this &account:”P"¾:¹’’ƒ’’ĄČ€e¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP ’’‚The Internet Connection Wizard detected the following settings:PI”’’‚Your name:€P…£ Õ’’PI¢’’‚E-mail address:€P…£ Ś’’P,I£’’‚Outgoing mail server:€P…*£ Ū’’P9I¤’’‚Incoming mail server:€P…7£ Ż’’PFI’’’’‚E-mail username:€P…D£ Ö’’PSI¦’’‚Connection:€P…Q£ Ž’’Pd§’’‚Do you wish to change these settings? Psd »’’€&Change settings P‚d ¼’’€&Accept settings’’ÄĄe¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP(Ź’’‚ P0Ę ¶’’€&Create a new Internet mail account P?Ę ·’’€&Use an existing Internet mail account”P!M¾:¹’’ƒ’’ÄĄe¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP,2µSysLinkP ’’‚’’ÄĄe¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP ’’‚When you send e-mail, your name will appear in the From field of the outgoing message. Type your name as you would like it to appear.P))< ”’’‚&Display name:€Pl(² Š’’Pl8Ŗ¢’’‚For example: John SmithP‡Č ķSysLink<A>Where can I find my e-mail account information?</A>’’ÄĄe¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIPŹ’’‚Your e-mail address is the address other people use to send e-mail messages to you. Pö ˜’’€I &already have an e-mail address that I'd like to use. PY‘ ™’’€I'd like to &sign up for a new account from:P))C  ’’‚&E-mail address:€Pl(² ‹’’Pl8Ŗ”’’‚For example:!P¬XrBš’’…P‡Č ķSysLink<A>Where can I find my e-mail account information?</A>’’ÄĄ e¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP',<µSysLinkP‘ ’’‚Incoming e-mail &server type:!P<(²’’…Pi“’’‚My &HTTP mail service provider is !P…VB³’’…P'Ęń’’‚&Incoming e-mail server name:€P5ä Œ’’PTĘģ’’‚&Outgoing e-mail server (SMTP) name:€Paä Ž’’Pw‘ » ’’€Outgoing ser&ver requires authenticationP‡Č ķSysLink<A>Where can I find my e-mail server information?</A>PA’’ÄĄe¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIPGĪ’’‚E-mail usern&ame:€Pp· >’’P>GĻ’’‚&Password: Pp<· ?’’PpLw )’’€Remember pass&wordP ’’‚Type the account name and password your Internet service provider has given you.Ps(“Ń’’‚For example:’’ÄĄe¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP SysAnimate32P(  ’’‚Please wait while we download the settings needed to send and receive e-mail.P(8üœ’’‚Contacting e-mail provider...Pd  ›’’‚The e-mail server may be able to provide the settings needed in order to send and receive e-mail. If these settings are found, we will automatically configure the server settings. Press the Skip button if you would like to skip this step.’’ÄĄe¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP  ’’‚The settings downloaded from the server indicate that Windows Mail does not work with %ls. However, %ls does support sending and receiving e-mail at the following web site:P(8üž’’‚%lsPd  Ÿ’’‚Click Next if you want to configure the setting manually.PA’’ÄĄe¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP   ’’‚The settings downloaded from the server indicate that Windows Mail does not work with %ls. However, you can find more information about accessing %ls e-mail at the following web site:P(8ü”’’‚%lsPd  ¢’’‚Click Next if you want to configure the setting manually.PA’’ÄĄ e¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP ’’‚Click Next to download the settings need to configure your e-mail client.P#  ”’’‚The settings will be downloaded from the following servers:PZ  §’’‚P1‚¢’’‚Primary Servers:P«1‚£’’‚Secondary Servers:P9‚©’’‚PA‚Ŗ’’‚PI‚«’’‚P«9‚¬’’‚P«A‚­’’‚P«I‚®’’‚P Ø’’€Skip downloading the settings and configure manually.PA’’ĄČ€e¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP ’’‚The Internet Connection Wizard has detected previously installed news software. You can have your Internet news account settings imported, so you can continue to use them with your new news program. P  ¶’’€&Create a new Internet news account P/ ·’’€&Use an existing Internet news account”P!=¾:¹’’ƒ’’ĄČ€e¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP ’’‚The Internet Connection Wizard has detected the following installed Newsgroup software. You can have your Internet News account settings imported, so you can continue to use them with your new News program.P »”’’‚&Select the news client to import:”P*¾:¹’’ƒ’’ĄČ€e¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP ’’‚You have selected an Internet News program for which you have more than one account. Select the account that you want to import from the list below.P¼”’’‚Import this &account:”P"¾:¹’’ƒ’’ĄČ€e¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP ’’‚The Internet Connection Wizard detected the following settings:PI”’’‚Your name:€P…£ Õ’’PI¢’’‚E-mail address:€P…£ Ś’’P,I£’’‚News server:€P…*£ Ż’’P9I¤’’‚Account name:€P…7£ Ö’’PFI„’’‚Connection:€P…D£ Ž’’PWƦ’’‚Do you wish to change these settings? Pfd »’’€&Change settings Pud ¼’’€&Accept settings’’ÄĄe¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP ’’‚When you post a message to a newsgroup or send an e-mail message, your display name will appear in the From field. Type your name as you would like it to appear.PC ”’’‚&Display name:€P~Ŗ Š’’P~)Ŗ¢’’‚For example: John SmithPA’’ÄĄe¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIPŹ’’‚People can reply to your news messages by sending you an e-mail message at the address below--or they may post another news message.PC  ’’‚&E-mail address:€P~Ŗ ‹’’P~)Ŗ”’’‚For example:’’ÄĄe¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP ’’‚Type the name of the Internet news (NNTP) server your Internet service provider has given you.P`”’’‚Ne&ws (NNTP) server:€P"Ę Œ’’P7¢’’‚If your Internet service provider has informed you that you must log on to your news (NNTP) server and has provided you with an NNTP account name and password, then select the check box below.PVĘ “’’€My news server requires me to &log onPA’’ĄČ€šInternet Connection Wizard Segoe UIPā ’’‚This newsgroup software had been configured to access more than one news server. You can import one of these accounts at a time. Select the server whose configuration you want to import.P&H”’’‚&Select server account:”P4ā-¹’’ƒP>j2’’€OKP€j2’’€Cancel’’ÄĄ e¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIPŹ’’‚Windows Mail offers Community features for this newsgroup server. If you would like to enter and save your Windows Live ID email address and password, you won't need to enter the information later each time when it is needed. P-Č b ’’€&Never use Community features that require Windows Live ID P<Č c ’’€Enter my Windows Live ID information when I &need it PKČ d ’’€Enter my Windows Live ID information and &save itP\C f ’’‚&E-mail:€PdZ¶ ` ’’PdiŖh ’’‚For example: someone@hotmail.comPzCg ’’‚&Password: Pdx· a ’’’’ÄĄe¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP SysAnimate32P(  ’’‚Please wait while we determine if this server supports Communities features.P(8üœ’’‚Contacting news server...Pd  ›’’‚The news server may support Communities features to enhance the newsgroup experience. Press the Skip button if you would like to skip this step.PA’’ÄĄe¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP ’’‚Type the name of the Internet directory (LDAP) server your Internet service provider or system administrator has given you.Pg”’’‚&Internet directory (LDAP) server:€P‹ Œ’’P-¢’’‚If your Internet service provider or system administrator has informed you that they require you to log on to your LDAP server and has provided you with an LDAP account name and password, select the check box below.PLĘ “’’€My LDAP server requires me to &log onPA’’ÄĄe¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIPGĪ’’‚&Account name:€Pq· >’’P'GĻ’’‚&Password: Pq%· ?’’P ’’‚Type the LDAP account name and password your Internet service provider has given you.PA’’ÄĄe¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP ’’‚Your e-mail program checks the e-mail addresses of your message recipients using one or more directory service address lists.P”’’‚Using a directory service to check the e-mail addresses of your message recipients may slow down the performance of your e-mail program.P/¢’’‚Do you want to check addresses using this directory service? P>, Ó’’€&Yes PM( Ō’’€N&oPA’’ÄĄe¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP"č’’‚P4é’’‚P ī’’€Do not download my e-mail at this timeP ļ’’€Do not download my e-mail and folders at this time’’ÄĄe¬Internet Connection Wizard Segoe UIP ’’‚Please specify the type of connection you will use for this account. Pµ ū’’€Connect using my &local area network (LAN) Pµ ż’’€Connect using &my phone line P.µ ü’’€&Connect using Internet Explorer's or a 3rd party dialerP!=ņž’’‚&Use the following Dial-Up Networking connection:!P!GØZ’’’…P!Z2’’€&Properties...PZZ2’’€A&dd...PAAccount ConnectionLocal Area Network Dial-Up: %s Using dialer1Are you sure you want to delete the '%s' Account?Internet AccountsFAn error occurred while attempting to set this account as the default.RPlease choose which Dial-Up Networking connection should be used with this server.LAN/Dial-Up: %s9Please specify the type of connection you use for e-mail.°A connection cannot be added at this time because Dial-Up Networking is not installed. You must either install Dial-Up Networking or choose the LAN or manual connection method.HTo install Dialup Networking, use the Add/Remove Programs control panel.Mail Account PropertiesNews Account Properties$Directory Service Account Properties!Please enter a valid LDAP server.!Please enter a valid NNTP server.Please enter your name.!Please enter a valid SMTP server.!Please enter a valid POP3 server.!Please enter a valid IMAP server.bThe specified NNTP server does not appear to be a valid server name, do you want to use it anyway?bThe specified POP3 server does not appear to be a valid server name, do you want to use it anyway?bThe specified SMTP server does not appear to be a valid server name, do you want to use it anyway?bThe specified IMAP server does not appear to be a valid server name, do you want to use it anyway?$Please enter a valid e-mail address.bThe specified LDAP server does not appear to be a valid server name, do you want to use it anyway? %d seconds1 minute %d minutes1Please enter a friendly name. It cannot be empty.-Please enter a port number greater than zero.WThe specified e-mail address does not appear to be valid, do you want to use it anyway?POP3IMAP&Incoming mail (POP3):&Incoming mail (IMAP):Delivery3Please enter a removal time between 1 and 100 days.?Please enter a size to break messages between 16 and 16,000 KB.PATypemailnewsdirectory service (default)MailPANewsDirectory ServiceAllYThe specified reply-to address does not appear to be valid, do you want to use it anyway?FPlease enter a maximum number of matches to return between 1 and 9999.OAn account already exists with this name. Please enter a unique friendly name. %s Properties<Please enter your account name for logging onto this server.Internet Connection WizardĮIf your Internet service provider requires you to use Secure Password Authentication (SPA) to access your mail account, select the 'Log On Using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)' check box.ĮIf your Internet service provider requires you to use Secure Password Authentication (SPA) to access your news account, select the 'Log On Using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)' check box.ĮIf your Internet service provider requires you to use Secure Password Authentication (SPA) to access your LDAP account, select the 'Log On Using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)' check box.New Mail AccountNew News AccountNew Directory Service Account;Your Internet mail account contains the settings you use to send and receive e-mail. You can either create a new Internet mail account, or, if one has already been created on your computer, you can choose to use it instead. If you choose to use an existing account, you can change its settings later in this wizard.NYour Internet news account contains the settings you use to read and interact with Internet newsgroups. You can either create a new Internet news account, or, if one has already been created on your computer, you can choose to use it instead. If you choose to use an existing account, you can change its settings later in this wizard. Windows Mail no longer supports the HTTP servers used by Hotmail and other web-based e-mail providers. You can select a different server type, set up a different e-mail account by clicking the Back button or <A>see other options for accessing your web-based email</A>įWindows Mail no longer supports the HTTP servers used by Hotmail and other web-based e-mail providers. Click the Back button to set up a different e-mail account, or <A>see other options for accessing your web-based email</A>,ŲWindows Mail doesn't support web-based e-mail accounts such as Hotmail accounts. <A HREF=""> What other options are available for accessing my web-based e-mail account?</A>$To successfully set up your Internet mail account, you must have already signed up for an e-mail account with an Internet service provider and obtained important connection information. If you are missing any information the wizard asks you to provide, contact your Internet service provider.]Are you sure you want to exit the wizard? The new Internet account has not been created yet.PA Mail Account News Account(logon using SPA)(logon not required)CYou must enter an e-mail address before you can choose a digital ID!Select Default Account Digital IDAPlease choose the digital ID to use when sending secure messages.ĒThe digital ID you have chosen for this account does not match the e-mail address on the account. Please choose a new digital ID, change the e-mail address, or disable digital IDs for this account.= for new messages in all folders$&Check for New Messages in the Inbox6Please enter a non-blank path for your special folder. Sent ItemsDrafts Deleted Items!Set Up Your Internet Mail AccountInternet Mail Account Your NameInternet E-mail AddressSet up e-mail serversInternet Mail LogonInternet News Server NameInternet News Server LogonInternet News E-mail AddressInternet Directory Server NameInternet Directory Server LogonCheck E-mail AddressesSetting up Internet MailSelect Internet Mail ClientMultiple Internet Mail AccountsConfirm SettingsSetting up Internet NewsSelect Internet News ClientMultiple Internet News AccountsRoot Folder PathCongratulationsInternet Mail ConnectionInternet News ConnectionInformation About HTTP E-mailPA Any AvailableHTTP&Internet Account Files (*.iaf)|*.iaf||Import Internet Account.iafExport Internet AccountMThe import did not complete because an account with that name already exists.6The import did not complete because an error occurred.9You are now ready to register with the service you chose.?Click Finish to go to the sign-up page for your chosen service.UYou have successfully entered all of the information required to set up your account.%To save these settings, click Finish.\The folder name 'Inbox' is reserved. Please select a different name for your special folder.4Please select unique names for your special folders.Mail SignatureNews Signature%&Incoming mail (POP3 or IMAP) server:wIMAP special folder names cannot contain the characters '/', '\' or '.'. Please choose a different special folder name.+Are you sure you want to cancel the wizard?Setup %.100s AccountUThe specified account name does not appear to be valid. Do you want to use it anyway?'Automatically Configure E-mail Settings<A HREF="%ls">%ls</A>&Skip‡<A HREF="%ls">Click Here</A> to send and receive e-mail from their web page. Click Next if you want to configure the setting manually.m<A HREF="%ls">Click Here</A> to open the web page. Click Next if you want to configure the setting manually.Connecting to %sDownloading settings from %sPAPrivacy Information: Your e-mail address will be updated to the primary server to get the correct settings. If the primary servers can not provide the settings, your e-mail's domain name ("%ls") will be uploaded to the secondary servers to get the settings. (default)Remove Internet Account/Internet Community News Windows Live ID Sign-In.Please enter a password (up to 16 characters).lThe e-mail address you entered is too long. Please enter an e-mail address with a maximum of 255 characters.Select Account TypeE-mail AccountNewsgroup AccountDirectory Service Junk E-mailXAn error occurred while reading the new account information. No changes have been made.0Checking for Communities features on News ServerEThe import did not complete because the server type is not supported.>To save these settings and download your e-mail, click Finish.WTo save these settings and download your e-mail folder list and messages, click Finish.PAų4VS_VERSION_INFO½ļž@€%@€%?XStringFileInfo4040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation‚-FileDescriptionMicrosoft Internet Account Manager Resourcesr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)8 InternalNameACCTRES.DLL€.LegalCopyright© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.HOriginalFilenameACCTRES.DLL.MUIj%ProductNameMicrosoft® Windows® Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384(OleSelfRegisterDVarFileInfo$Translation °PADD