MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  `p1@<^.rsrc``@@0Hh(e@X p!"#$%&'(0)H*`9x:;<=>?@ 8 P ` p             0 @ P ` p    d %L&d' +2T;AG`LHPHSvSHU(0Y _`eUsage: CertReq -? CertReq [-v] -? CertReq [-Command] -? )String conversion failed -- out of memoryPA IncompleteErrorDeniedIssuedIssued out of bandPendingRevoked??? Certificate not issued (%ls) %ls(Certificate request is pending: %ls (%x)Certificate Request ProcessorDecodeFile returned %lsConfigGetConfig returned %ls Description: Missing filename parameter Options: &No Certification Authorities availableCertificate List/List Enrollment Registration Agent certificates Open Inf File-Inf Files (*.inf)|*.inf|All Files (*.*)|*.*||inf,Do you wish to overwrite the following file?PKCS #7 (*.p7b)|*.p7b|X.509 Certificate (*.cer; *.crt; *.der)|*.cer;*.crt;*.der|Full Response (*.rsp)|*.rsp|All Files (*.*)|*.*||p7bSave Certificate RequestId: %uCertificate ListPA Select certificate to be renewedCertificate ListSelect signing certificate CertReq [-%1] [Options] [RequestFileIn [CertFileOut [CertChainFileOut [FullResponseFileOut]]]] Submit a request to a Certification Authority. -%2 AttributeString -%3 -%24 PolicyServer -%5 ConfigString -%25 -%26 -%27 ClientCertId -%28 UserName -%29 Password -%6 -%9 -%14 -%30 -%34 CertReq -%1 [Options] RequestId [CertFileOut [CertChainFileOut [FullResponseFileOut]]] Retrieve a response to a previous request from a Certification Authority. -%3 -%24 PolicyServer -%5 ConfigString -%25 -%26 -%27 ClientCertId -%28 UserName -%29 Password -%6 -%9 -%14 CertReq -%1 [Options] [RequestFileIn [PolicyFileIn [RequestFileOut [PKCS10FileOut]]]] Construct a cross certification or qualified subordination request from an existing CA certificate or from an existing request. -%2 AttributeString -%3 -%4 CertId -%24 PolicyServer -%25 -%26 -%27 ClientCertId -%28 UserName -%29 Password -%33 Pin -%20 -%22 -%23 HashAlgorithm CertReq -%1 [Options] [RequestFileIn [RequestFileOut]] Sign a certificate request with an enrollment agent or qualified subordination signing certificate. -%3 -%4 CertId -%24 PolicyServer -%25 -%26 -%27 ClientCertId -%28 UserName -%29 Password -%33 Pin -%6 -%20 -%23 HashAlgorithm m CertReq -%1 [Options] [PolicyFileIn [RequestFileOut]] Create a new request as directed by PolicyFileIn -%2 AttributeString -%3 -%4 CertId -%24 PolicyServer -%5 ConfigString -%25 -%26 -%27 ClientCertId -%28 UserName -%29 Password -%33 Pin -%15 -%16 -%21 ExchangeCertFile CertReq -%1 [Options] [CertChainFileIn | FullResponseFileIn | CertFileIn] Accept and install a response to a previous new request. ! -%15 -%16 -%33 Pin :%17 Force ICertRequest::Submit to determine encoding type PA,%2 AttributeString Request attribute string <%3 Output files in binary format instead of Base64- encoded i%4 CertId Specify signing certificate by common name, serial number, or by sha-1 key or certificate hash %5 ConfigString Server\CertificationAuthority or for an https: connection: Enrollment Server URL or use a single minus sign (-) for local machine CA 6%6 Include CRLs in CertChainFileOut or RequestFileOut *%7 Force existing files to be overwritten $%8 Suppress all interactive dialogs /%9 Use RPC instead of a DCOM server connection %%10 Display full response properties %11 Display this usage message :%15 Use the Current User context for accepting a response ;%16 Use the Local Machine context for accepting a response %12 Use version 1 interfaces 0%13 Use IDispatch instead of COM native methods critical non-criticalPASave Full ResponsecerUnreferenced INF sections:H%14 Use the Key Service to submit the request from Local System context 4Template not found. Do you wish to continue anyway?Administrator permissions are needed to use the selected options. Use an administrator command prompt to complete these tasks.Too many arguments Command LineCommand StatusCommand SucceededB CertReq -%1 [Options] Start the Enroll-On-Behalf-Of wizard. > CertReq -%1 [Options] Enroll for multiple certificates.  -%15 -%16 y CertReq -%1 [Options] TemplateName CertReq -%1 -%4 CertId [Options] %18 [%19] Enroll for or renew a certificate. 7 -%24 PolicyServer -%15 -%16 -%33 Pin 3 CertReq -%1 [Options] Start Auto-Enroll U/I. PA -%10 -%15 -%16 5 CertReq -%1 [Options] Create a custom request.  -%15 -%16 5User context template conflicts with machine context.5Machine context template conflicts with user context.Expected %1 argumentMissing argument operand for %1Unexpected argument: %1Unknown argument: %1Conflicting commands: %1Missing RequestId argumentMissing input filenameMissing output filenameDisabledF%20 Do not filter signing certificate selection by Enhanced Key Usage i%21 ExchangeCertFile File containing the CA encryption certificate to be used to archive the private key PAOpen File dialog error: %wsSave File dialog error: %wsSearching for private key...Signing with temporary key&%22 Use alternate signature algorithm 3%23 HashAlgorithm Use the specified hash algorithm R%24 PolicyServer Policy Server URL or Id or use an asterisk (*) to select via U/I Enrollment Policy Server ListSelect Policy ServerDefaultCertification Authority ListSelect Certification AuthorityCertificate ListIssued CertificateCertificate List(Select client authentication certificatePA[%30 Submit a renewal request on behalf of the subject identified in the signing certificate Serial NumberKey Container NameRequestId: "%ws" AnonymousKerberos CertificateUsernameRenewalUnknown&%31 Write redirected output in Unicode %32 Write output file in Unicode+%34 Don't process key attestation challenge!Certificate Created and InstalledCertificate CreatedRequest CreatedTransaction IdKey Id Friendly Name ThumbprintPAUserAuthenticated SessionSmartcard Logon Basic EFS AdministratorEFS Recovery Agent Code SigningTrust List SigningComputerDomain Controller Web ServerKDCRoot Certification Authority#Subordinate Certification AuthorityEnrollment AgentSmartcard UserUser Signature OnlydThe value for the following key is incorrect in the INF file. It should be a non-zero numeric value.IPSecmThe value for RenewalValidityPeriodUnits is incorrect in CAPolicy.inf. It should be a non-zero numeric value.IPSec (Offline request)The value for RenewalValidityPeriod is incorrect in CAPolicy.inf. It should be one of the following: Years, Months, Weeks or Days (in English).Router (Offline request)reqOpen Request FileRequest Files (*.req; *.txt; *.cmc; *.der)|*.req;*.txt;*.cmc;*.der|Certificate Files(*.cer; *.crt; *.der)|*.cer;*.crt;*.der|All Files (*.*)|*.*||Please enter a computer name.7Please make sure there is a running CA on the computer.There is no matched CA on the computer. This might be caused by the computer being offline. Please contact the system administrator or select a different CA.@Cannot ping the selected CA. Please make sure the CA is running.+Exchange Enrollment Agent (Offline request) Exchange UserExchange Signature OnlyeThere are no published CAs available. Please contact the system administrator or select a CA by name.Enrollment Agent (Computer)Save Request FileCEP Encryption Built PolicyPolicy ElementPolicy Statement Extension!Policy inf missing section or keyOpened Policy infCannot open Policy infBeginEnd Manage CAIssue and Manage CertificatesManage Audit LogsBackup and RestoreReadRequest CertificatesPAClosed Policy inf Message BoxThe value for RenewalValidityPeriod is incorrect in unattended answer file. It should be one of the following: Years, Months, Weeks or Days (in English).Key Recovery Agent CA Exchange Cross Certification Authority Domain Controller AuthenticationDirectory Email Replication/ You have configured this Web client to forward requests to an enterprise CA. If the CA is using the enterprise default policy module, this computer must have delegation enabled and use Kerberos authentication. To enable delegation, see 'Allow computer accounts to be trusted for delegation' help topic.KThe Web client cannot be configured to forward requests to the selected CA.sThe value for the following key is incorrect in the INF file. It should be a boolean value (Yes/No/True/False/0/1).Workstation AuthenticationRAS and IAS Server Low AssuranceMedium AssuranceHigh AssuranceOCSP Response SigningKerberos AuthenticationPAKey recovery agentDirectory e-mail replication'Cross-certified certification authorityCertification authority (CA)ComputerUserUnknownActive Directory KRAActive Directory AIALogged on user Local systemusername/password certificatewindows integrated anonymousunknowncredential is privatePA4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation@ FileDescriptionCertReq.exer)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)8 InternalNameCertReq.exe.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.HOriginalFilenameCertReq.exe.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADD