MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  Vp@T.rsrc`V@@8P  (@Xp !"#$0&H`xe         ( 8 H X h x   xTP #$@()-0\59XT:XY@]MUIװ.uKTvFC-%Vs MUI en-US Offline FilesThe Offline Files service performs maintenance activities on the Offline Files cache, responds to user logon and logoff events, implements the internals of the public API, and dispatches interesting events to those interested in Offline Files activities and changes in cache state.Offline Files DriverDAllows network files to be used while the local computer is offline.StableFileOnClient_DirOnServerFileOnClient_NoServerCopyDirOnClient_FileOnServerPADirOnClient_FileChangedOnServerDirOnClient_NoServerCopy FileCreatedOnClient_NoServerCopy'FileCreatedOnClient_FileChangedOnServer&FileCreatedOnClient_DirChangedOnServer FileCreatedOnClient_FileOnServerFileCreatedOnClient_DirOnServer#FileCreatedOnClient_DeletedOnServer#FileChangedOnClient_ChangedOnServerFileChangedOnClient_DirOnServer&FileChangedOnClient_DirChangedOnServer#FileChangedOnClient_DeletedOnServer"FileSparseOnClient_ChangedOnServer"FileSparseOnClient_DeletedOnServerFileSparseOnClient_DirOnServer%FileSparseOnClient_DirChangedOnServerDirCreatedOnClient_NoServerCopyDirCreatedOnClient_DirOnServerDirCreatedOnClient_FileOnServer&DirCreatedOnClient_FileChangedOnServer%DirCreatedOnClient_DirChangedOnServer"DirCreatedOnClient_DeletedOnServerDirChangedOnClient_FileOnServer&DirChangedOnClient_FileChangedOnServer"DirChangedOnClient_ChangedOnServer"DirChangedOnClient_DeletedOnServerNoClientCopy_FileOnServerNoClientCopy_DirOnServer NoClientCopy_FileChangedOnServerNoClientCopy_DirChangedOnServerDeletedOnClient_FileOnServerDeletedOnClient_DirOnServerPA#DeletedOnClient_FileChangedOnServer"DeletedOnClient_DirChangedOnServerFileSparseOnClientFileChangedOnClientFileRenamedOnClientDirSparseOnClientDirChangedOnClientDirRenamedOnClientFileChangedOnServerFileRenamedOnServerFileDeletedOnServerDirChangedOnServerDirRenamedOnServerDirDeletedOnServer+FileReplacedAndDeletedOnClient_FileOnServer2FileReplacedAndDeletedOnClient_FileChangedOnServer*FileReplacedAndDeletedOnClient_DirOnServer1FileReplacedAndDeletedOnClient_DirChangedOnServerPAPin item'Create server copy and sync from client'Create client copy and sync from serverSync client copy to serverSync server copy to clientCopy client copy to pathCopy server copy to pathDelete client copyDelete server copy"Encrypt or unencrypt item in cachePin directory treeSync server directory to client$Sync client directory tree to serverDelete client directory treeDelete server directory tree,Encrypt or unencrypt directory tree in cachePA Offline Files Offline Files&Performance counters for Offline FilesBytes ReceivedBytes Received(Bytes synchronized from server to clientBytes TransmittedBytes Transmitted(Bytes synchronized from client to serverBytes Transmitted/secBytes Transmitted/sec/Bytes synchronized per second, client to serverBytes Received/secBytes Received/sec/Bytes synchronized per second, server to clientClient Side CachingClient Side CachingJPerformance counters for SMB BranchCache for reduced bandwidth consumptionSMB BranchCache Bytes RequestedSMB BranchCache Bytes Requested Bytes requested from BranchCacheSMB BranchCache Bytes ReceivedSMB BranchCache Bytes ReceivedBytes received from BranchCacheSMB BranchCache Bytes PublishedSMB BranchCache Bytes Published#Bytes published back to BranchCache+SMB BranchCache Bytes Requested From Server+SMB BranchCache Bytes Requested From Server<Bytes not found in BranchCache and retrieved from the server SMB BranchCache Hashes Requested SMB BranchCache Hashes Requested@Count of hash requests sent to the server for BranchCache lookupSMB BranchCache Hashes ReceivedSMB BranchCache Hashes ReceivedYCount of hash requests successfully receieved back from the server for BranchCache lookup#SMB BranchCache Hash Bytes Received#SMB BranchCache Hash Bytes ReceivedTBytes of hash data successfully received back from the server for BranchCache lookupPrefetch Operations QueuedPrefetch Operations QueuedKCount of prefetch operations queued to retrieve or publish BranchCache dataPrefetch Bytes Read From CachePrefetch Bytes Read From CacheKBytes read by the BranchCache prefetcher service from the Client Side CachePAPrefetch Bytes Read From ServerPrefetch Bytes Read From Server8Bytes read by the BranchCache prefetcher from the server!Application Bytes Read From Cache!Application Bytes Read From CacheJTransparently cached bytes read by applications from the Client Side Cache"Application Bytes Read From Server"Application Bytes Read From Server?Transparently cached bytes read by applications from the server/Application Bytes Read From Server (Not Cached)/Application Bytes Read From Server (Not Cached)\Transparently cached bytes read by applications from the server and not cached by the clientPA%1 (%2 v%3!d!)%4 %1 (%2 v*)%3   |00PP  ( ( pThe Offline Files driver (csc.sys) is not running. ,Background agent @Online/offline transitions <Cached item state changes ,User logon/logoff <Service startup/shutdown ,Settings activity (Cache item sync <Cache item sync conflicts LEncryption/unencryption of cache (Background sync LBlocked excluded file extensions (SMB BranchCache Info Error Warning Information HMicrosoft-Windows-OfflineFiles System `Microsoft-Windows-OfflineFiles/Operational XMicrosoft-Windows-OfflineFiles/Analytic TMicrosoft-Windows-OfflineFiles/Debug XMicrosoft-Windows-OfflineFiles/SyncLog LMicrosoft-Windows-BranchCacheSMB dMicrosoft-Windows-BranchCacheSMB/Operational \Microsoft-Windows-BranchCacheSMB/Analytic hThe Offline Files service started successfully. \The Offline Files service is terminating. The Offline Files service is waiting for all running tasks to complete. \The Offline Files service has terminated. The Offline Files service received a STOP or SHUTDOWN control from the Service Control Manager. The service will now stop. dUser logon detected%nAccount: %1%nSession: %2 hUser logoff detected%nAccount: %1%nSession: %2 8Path disconnected.%n%1 4Path reconnected.%n%1 Offline Files configuration is being controlled by Group Policy. DOffline Files configuration is being controlled by WMI configuration classes Win32_OfflineFilesUserConfiguration and Win32_OfflineFilesMachineConfiguration. `Background agent failed startup, error = %1 hBackground Synchronization failed on %n%n%1%n%n lBackground Synchronization executed successfully. Background Synchronization has started on %n%n%1%n%n as client has not synced for %2 minutes. Path %1 transitioned to slow link with latency = %2 and bandwidth = %3%n pPath %1 transitioned to online with latency = %2%n Background Synchronization failed for %2 files on %n%n%1%n%n Path %1 transitioned to slow link mode so the user will work offline with background synchronization of the data to the file server. The administrator has configured this path to work offline regardless of the network performance. Path %1 failed to transition to slow link mode due to an open handle on %2. Path %1 failed to transition to slow link mode due to an open handle. Sync info for %1%nOnly the server copy exists.%n%10%nSee details for more information. Sync info for %1%nOnly the client copy exists.%n%12%nSee details for more information. Sync info for %1%nBoth client and server copies exist.%n%17%nSee details for more information. Sync info for %1%nServer copy exists, client copy deleted.%n%13%nSee details for more information. Sync info for %1%nServer copy exists, client copy replaced then deleted.%n%10\%nSee details for more information. XSync succeeded.%n%n%1%n%nOperation: %2 hSync failed.%n%n%1%n%nOperation: %2%nResult: %4 tCreation of new excluded file type %n%1 was blocked. Rename of file %1 to file %2 was blocked. The source and/or target file name is an excluded file type. SMB BranchCache was enabled with min hash version %1 and max hash version %2. DSMB BranchCache was disabled. dSMB BranchCache prefetch began for file %n%1. SMB BranchCache prefetch ended for file %n%1 (content handle %2) with an expected result of %3. %n%4 SMB BranchCache prefetch ended for file %n%1 (content handle %2) with an unexpected result of %3. %n%4 A summary of the Client Side Caching counters has been generated. The counter list can be found in the event details. dSMB BranchCache prefetch close handle began. SMB BranchCache prefetch closed %1 handle(s) with remaining %2 open handle(s) with an expected result of %3. %n%4 SMB BranchCache prefetch closed %1 handle(s) with remaining %2 open handle(s) with an unexpected result of %3. %n%4 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationHFileDescriptionCSC Service DLLr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)6 InternalNamecscsvc.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.FOriginalFilenamecscsvc.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation Schema for Offline Files Synchronization Conflict Store. Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation PAPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD