MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  0@.rsrc @@00H `x&     8B4D(MUI\YՕh?z-_R_h ~\i MUI en-USMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Corporation3Scans fault-tolerant volumes for latent corruptions4Scans fault-tolerant volumes for fast crash recoveryPA00dPP8 (6>XInfo Start Stop Error Warning Information LStarted checking data integrity. LCompleted data integrity checks. PDisk scan started. Disk number: %1 TDisk scan completed. Disk number: %1 `Volume scan started. Volume name: %4 (%2). Volume scan completed. Volume name: %4 (%2); bytes repaired: %11; bytes not repaired: %12; HResult: %5. Volume scan was partially completed. Volume name: %4 (%2); bytes repaired: %11; bytes not repaired: %12; HResult: %5. Files were skipped during the volume scan. Files skipped: %6; volume name: %4 (%2); first skipped file name: %8; HResult: %5. LFile data inconsistency was detected and was repaired successfully. File name: %2; range offset: %4; range length (in bytes): %5; bytes repaired: %6; status: %8. 8File data scrub operation failed. File name: %2; range offset: %4; range length (in bytes): %5; bytes repaired: %6; bytes not repaired: %7; status: %8. Volume metadata inconsistency was detected and was repaired successfully. Volume name: %2; metadata reference: %3; range offset: %4; range length (in bytes): %5; bytes repaired: %6; status: %8. xVolume metadata scrub operation failed. Volume name: %2; metadata reference: %3; range offset: %4; range length (in bytes): %5; bytes repaired: %6; bytes not repaired: %7; status: %8. File metadata inconsistency was detected and was repaired successfully. File name: %2; metadata reference: %3; range offset: %4; range length (in bytes): %5; bytes repaired: %6; status: %8. pFile metadata scrub operation failed. File name: %2; metadata reference: %3; range offset: %4; range length (in bytes): %5; bytes repaired: %6; bytes not repaired: %7; status: %8. File data inconsistency was detected and the parity repair was scheduled at the end of the task. No user action is required. File name: %2; range offset: %4; range length (in bytes): %5; bytes repaired: %6; status: %8. Volume metadata inconsistency was detected and the parity repair was scheduled at the end of the task. No user action is required. Volume name: %2; metadata reference: %3; range offset: %4; range length (in bytes): %5; bytes repaired: %6; status: %8. File metadata inconsistency was detected and the parity repair was scheduled at the end of the task. No user action is required. File name: %2; metadata reference: %3; range offset: %4; range length (in bytes): %5; bytes repaired: %6; status: %8. Parity repair completed. Volume name: %4 (%2); extent count: %5; length (in bytes): %6. Parity repair failed. Volume name: %4 (%2); extent count: %5; length (in bytes): %6; HResult: %7. 4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationZFileDescriptionData Integrity Scan Taskr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623).InternalNamediscan.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.FOriginalFilenamediscan.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD