MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  0@.rsrc @@(@ ?~9(@ X h x     .DlLMUIK^n4џj۞}ɝ3 MUIen-USdot3HCPA@An Ethernet cable is not properly plugged in or might be broken6The "%InterfaceName%" adapter is not working properly<A network cable is not properly plugged in or may be brokenTPlug an Ethernet cable into the network adapter "%InterfaceName%" An Ethernet cable looks like a telephone cable but with larger connectors on the ends. Plug this cable into the opening on the back or side of the computer. Make sure the other end of the cable is plugged into the router. If that does not help, try using a different cable.KThe "%InterfaceName%" is experiencing driver or hardware related problems.<Plug an Ethernet cable into this computer An Ethernet cable looks like a telephone cable but with larger connectors on the ends. Plug this cable into the opening on the back or side of the computer. Make sure the other end of the cable is plugged into the router. If that does not help, try using a different cable.PA&Troubleshoot wired LAN related issuesBPlug an Ethernet cable into the network adapter "%InterfaceName%"An Ethernet cable looks like a telephone cable but with larger connectors on the ends. Plug this cable into the opening on the back or side of the computer. Make sure the other end of the cable is plugged into the router. If that does not help, try using a different cable.*Plug an Ethernet cable into this computerwired network adapter4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationLFileDescriptionDot3 Helper Classr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)6 InternalNamedot3HC.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.FOriginalFilenamedot3HC.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGX