MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  @h.rsrc@@H8Phh>defg v8P,hXL(t@XTpJ`abcdfh0iH`x |8Ph ( +@ ,X -p . 0 1 5 < @ A C0 EH ^` _x  C 1 2 A ^ c h8 iP h     ! " # $( %@ &X (p ) * + , - . / 00 1H 2` 3x 4 5 9 : ; <= L8MPOhPQSTU_xy(@Xp0H`x   ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x           ( 8 H X h x           ( 8P)*Tl* x2@6$9X|=D@,pHhQ.X(]af| i orx{~8ā<44č<vx  <8tHD|@ضt$xd rljzT~Z0(n\  hL %F*,/z7=C@Cx`D:DEDE8FHT IIKMdM PtTVZ(]lld knnpD\s(wy|.~h،đDdt̛| ЫxfVرF ̴6Z`<:8@ȿL"6J`jtpMUI67,bzϽڽ}o6U]"y MUIen-USDefault&Allow&Block R&emoveȀ GeneralMS Shell DlgPP,To c&reate home page tabs, type each address on its own line.P,PAC:Use &currentPC:Use de&faultPC:&Use new tab Pb Start with ta&bs from the last session Pn Start with &home pagePChange how webpages are displayed in tabs.P;&TabsPDelete temporary files, history, cookies, saved passwords, and web form information.%P Delete bro&wsing history on exitP:}&Delete...P:&SettingsP 9C&olorsPG9&LanguagesP5Fo&ntsP:Acc&essibilityP :P 8Some <A>settings</A> are managed by your system administrator.P9/P% Home pageP/ P 7 Browsing historyPAP U7 StartupP#YP | TabsPP ' AppearanceP4Ȁ [blank]MS Shell DlgP P% You can add and remove websites from this zone. All websites in this zone will use the zone's security settings.P /A&dd this website to the zone:P 9 X82&AddP Nb&Websites:P X1SysListView32Websites:PX2&RemoveP Require &server verification (https:) for all sites in this zoneP2&ClosePNativeFontCtlȀ ColorsMS Shell DlgP K Use &hover colorP {iColors%P8+N kUse &Windows colorsP*& P8<J l&Text: P8MJ m&Background: P8^J oV&isited: P8nJ nU&nvisited: P8~J pH&over:P[ SysLink<A>How to ignore preset colors</A>P.2OKPd2CancelȀ xWebsites in the Local Intranet ZoneMS Shell DlgPP"Use the settings below to define which websites are included in the local intranet zone.P"" |Automatically &detect intranet networkP-/ Include all local (intranet) sites not listed in other &zonesP-< Include all sites that bypass the &proxy serverP-I Include all &network paths (UNCs)PiZYSysLink<A>What are intranet settings?</A>Pdd2&AdvancedPd2OKPd2CancelȀ Security SettingsMS Shell DlgPSysTreeView32Tree1P 6*Takes effect after you restart your computerP%Reset custom settingsP&Reset to:!P8+@0`&Java Custom Settings...P4R&eset...P5OKP5CancelPSettingsȀ ConnectionsMS Shell DlgP lP& To set up an Internet connection, click Setup.P BSet&up0P 67SysTreeView32Dial-up connectionsP6BA&dd...PJBAdd V&PN...P^B &Remove...PrB&Settings P UNever dial a &connection P VDial &whenever a network connection is not present P WAlways dial my default c&onnectionP21Current default:PJj/NonePB.S&et defaultPB,&LAN settingsPNativeFontCtlP(LAN Settings do not apply to dial-up connections. Choose Settings above for dial-up settings.P tChoose Settings if you need to configure a proxy server for a connection.P :P 8Some <A>settings</A> are managed by your system administrator.P9/P ' Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settingsP Local Area Network (LAN) settingsP+_P{}Ȑ ProgramsMS Shell DlgPZOpening Internet ExplorerPb P"P,Choose how you open &links.!P, [%P,2 \Open Internet Explorer &tiles on the desktopP,<]SysLink<A>Make Internet Explorer the default browser.</A>PNNManage add-onsP[  PDSP,\Enable or disable browser add-ons installed in your system.P^H&Manage add-onsPv-HTML editingP7zPP,Choose the program that you want Internet Explorer to use for editing HTML files.P*2 &HTML editor:!Pi;JPNInternet programsPHPChoose the programs you want to use for other Internet services, such as e-mail.PH&Set programsPNFile associationsPBPChoose the file types that you want Internet Explorer to open by default.PHSet &associationsP :P 8Some <A>settings</A> are managed by your system administrator.P9/PAȀ SecurityMS Shell DlgP P P Select a zone to view or change security settings.LɁP,SysListView32Select a web content zone to specify its security settingsP N P&F~ (Zone Name@&i~ 'There are no websites in this zone.@&i~ +You have websites in this zone.P&Q~[blank]PIB&SitesPwkSecurity &level for this zone P5msctls_trackbar32Security level indicatorP P2 *Level nameP:) Level descriptionP Enable &Protected Mode (requires restarting Internet Explorer)XlB&Custom level...PB&Default levelPu&Reset all zones to default level"PNativeFontCtlP :P 8Some <A>settings</A> are managed by your system administrator.P9/PAȐ  AdvancedMS Shell DlgPSysTreeView32SettingsPf&Restore advanced settingsP *Takes effect after you restart your computerP :P 8Some <A>settings</A> are managed by your system administrator.P9/P SettingsP% P+Reset Internet Explorer settingsPsP<zRe&set...PResets Internet Explorer's settings to their default condition.P You should only use this if your browser is in an unusable state.PAȀAutoComplete SettingsMS Shell DlgPAutoComplete lists possible matches from entries you've typed or visited before.P~Use AutoComplete forP ) &Address barP5 Browsing &historyPA Fa&voritesPM F&eedsPY Use &Windows Search for better resultsPe Suggesting &URLsP q &FormsP } User names and &passwords on formsP A&sk me before saving passwordsPXn&Delete AutoComplete history...P]2OKP2CancelȀAutoComplete SettingsMS Shell DlgPAutoComplete lists possible matches from entries you've typed or visited before.PUse AutoComplete forP ) &Address barP5 Browsing &historyPA Fa&voritesPM F&eedsPY Use &Windows Search for better resultsPe Suggesting &URLsP q &FormsP } User names and &passwords on formsP A&sk me before saving passwordsPP&Manage PasswordsPXn&Delete AutoComplete history...P]2OKP2CancelȀwMicrosoft WalletMS Shell DlgPCb2CancelPMicrosoft Wallet provides a secure place to store private information for Internet shopping.P,VView and modify addressesPq*75&Addresses...PDOView and modify paymentsPqD74&Payments...Ȁ Feed and Web Slice SettingsMS Shell DlgP UDefault schedulePSpecify how frequently feeds and Web Slices will be downloaded. This setting is ignored for feeds that have a publisher's recommendation greater than the specified value.P7 &Automatically check feeds and Web Slices for updatesPH( &Every:!XIFtP deAdvancedPs Automatically &mark feed as read when reading a feedP &Turn on feed reading view P&Play a sound when a feed or Web Slice is found for a webpageP Play a sound when a monitored feed or Web Slice is &updatedP Turn on in page Web &Slice discoveryP~6OKP6CancelȐ FontsMS Shell DlgPThe fonts you select here are displayed on webpages and documents that do not have a specified text font.P#: &Language script:!PA!t<P3` &Webpage font:P?`A@~`Pn3` &Plain text font:Pn?`A@n~`Pe2OKP2Cancel0PNativeFontCtlPZ SysLink<A>How to ignore preset fonts</A>PAȐProxy SettingsMS Shell DlgPServersP #P*. TypePTk Proxy address to useP PortP*'. Z&HTTP:PT$x OP$ : P$ TP*9. [&Secure:PT6x QP9 : P6 UP*K. \&FTP:PTHx RPK : PH VP*]$ `So&cks:PTZx XP] : PZ YP*r ^&Use the same proxy server for all protocolsPNExceptionsP #P* Do &not use proxy server for addresses beginning with:P*PP* Use semicolons ( ; ) to separate entries.P6OKP6CancelPNativeFontCtlȐoAutomatic Configuration SettingsMS Shell DlgP&Auto-proxy URL (.JS, .JVS, or .PAC file):P uP,c Automatically configure e&very Pm)*vP,2 minutes.$P@wOnly apply auto&matic configuration settings if the file on the server has changedPjZ2OKPZ2CancelȀ Certificate AuthoritiesMS Shell DlgPIssuersPP*Trust sites, people, and publishers with credentials issued by the following Certifying Authorities.P)+2 Issuer &Type:!P)7EW@P)HfSysListView32List1Xh=&View Certificate...X=&DeleteP2ClosePAȐFontsMS Shell DlgPFont settingsP7PPRA &Proportional font:!PSP<MPdA &Fixed-width font:!PSb<NPvA Font &size:!PSt<QPA &Encoding:!XS<RPA Default encoding:PSKO(def charset here)P<SSet as &defaultP{2OKP2CancelȀ New Site CertificateMS Shell DlgPq2OKP2CancelPP*!You have been offered a new site certificate to place in your list of trusted issuers. Please select the services for which this certificate will be used.P*) Enable certificateP*;DAvailable usages: P5Gm Network &client authenticationP5Tq Network &server authenticationP5a; Secure &e-mailP5nN Software &publishingP*C&View Certificate...Ȁ Language PreferenceMS Shell DlgPLanguage PreferenceP Add the languages you use to read websites, listing in order of preference. Only add the ones you need, as some characters can be used to impersonate websites in other languages.P3d&Set Language PreferencesPFChanges to Language Preferences will take effect after restarting the browserPNativeFontCtlP ?Prefix and suffix optionsP Do not add 'www' to the beginning of typed web addressesPSpecify the suffix (for example .net) that should be added to typed web addresses when you press Ctrl + Shift + Enter.P[ Suffix:P# P .P2OKP2CancelȀAdd LanguageMS Shell DlgP0 &Language: PuP2 Use&r defined:PEPd2OKP2CancelPNativeFontCtlȀLanguage PreferenceMS Shell DlgPLanguage PreferenceP Add the languages you use to read websites, listing in order of preference. Only add the ones you need, as some characters can be used to impersonate websites in other languages.P3* &Language:P>CP>2Move &upPO2Move &downP`2Re&movePq2&Add...PNativeFontCtlP ?Prefix and suffix optionsP Do not add 'www' to the beginning of typed web addressesPSpecify the suffix (for example .net) that should be added to typed web addresses when you press Ctrl + Shift + Enter.P[ Suffix:P# P .P2OKP2CancelȀ5Delete FilesMS Shell DlgPP)Are you sure you want to delete all temporary Internet Explorer files?PK 2&YesP 2&NoPAȀSettings for foo ISPMS Shell DlgPOKAutomatic configurationPAutomatic configuration may override manual settings. To ensure the use of manual settings, disable automatic configuration.P' %&Automatically detect settingsP4 !Use automatic configuration &scriptPD!$Add&ressP>A{#PA2 Advanced&...PXH2Proxy server Pd"Use a pro&xy server for this connection (These settings will not apply to other connections).P~Addr&ess:P>|: P~Por&t: P| P|2Advan&cedP _&Bypass proxy server for local addressesPBDial-up settingsP8 &User name:PRgP8&Password:PRgP: &Domain:PRgP2Pr&opertiesP20Ad&vancedP2OKP2CancelPNativeFontCtlȀ ContentMS Shell DlgP8Family SafetyP7 P0P,}Control the Internet content that can be viewed.PJ&Family SafetyP05_Content AdvisorP@3oP:nP,;mRatings help you control the Internet content that can be viewed on this computer.P`PJY&Enable...PPJkSe&ttingsPd&CertificatesP1hPoP,pUse certificates for encrypted connections and identification.PJClear &SSL stateP`J&CertificatesPJPu&blishersP.AutoCompleteP9P*P,}AutoComplete stores previous entries on webpages and suggests matches for you.PJASett&ingsPHFeeds and Web SlicesPRP P,}#Feeds and Web Slices provide updated content from websites that can be read in Internet Explorer and other programs.PJSetti&ngsP :P 8Some <A>settings</A> are managed by your system administrator.P9/PAȀ2Advanced Dial-UpMS Shell DlgP &Disconnect when connection may no longer be neededPD2OKP{2CancelȀ AccessibilityMS Shell DlgP=FormattingP Ignore &colors specified on webpagesP# Ignore font &styles specified on webpagesP2 Ignore font si&zes specified on webpagesPI<User style sheetPV Format &documents using my style sheetPc|zS&tyle sheet:Pn|Pn2&Browse...P7C&aptionsPr2OKP2CancelPNativeFontCtlȀ Export Personal CertificatesMS Shell DlgPq2OKPq2CancelPP#Internet Explorer will now export the selected personal certificate to a file.P# Password to encrypt exported certificate with:P#) P#8Confirm password:P#C P#TFile name:P#] Ȁ tImport Personal CertificatesMS Shell DlgP^2OKP^2CancelPP$Internet Explorer will now import any personal certificates contained in a file. P$JCertificate file to import:P$( P(2&Browse...P$9gPassword:P$F ȀJMenus and Dialog BoxesMS Shell DlgPP To use the new language settings, Internet Explorer and Windows Mail need to be closed and restarted.P Close and restart Internet Explorer and Windows Mail now?P=52YesPs52NoP52CancelȀ;Menus and Dialog BoxesMS Shell DlgPP The language settings have been updated and will take effect the next time you start Internet Explorer or Windows Mail.PX&2OKȀ5Delete CookiesMS Shell DlgPP)Are you sure you want to delete all cookies in the Temporary Internet Files folder?PO 2&YesP 2&NoPAȀ PrivacyMS Shell DlgP SettingsPSelect a setting for the Internet zone. P !Lmsctls_trackbar32Privacy SliderP/ LevelP5/C level descriptionP/*P599P s7&SitesPFs7&ImportPs8Ad&vancedPs8&DefaultP :P 8Some <A>settings</A> are managed by your system administrator.P9/P% SettingsP& P3LocationP' P-Never allow websites to request your physical &locationP8,&Clear SitesP3Pop-up BlockerP;Px Turn on Pop-up &BlockerP8S&ettingsP3InPrivateP* P Disable &toolbars and extensions when InPrivate Browsing startsPAȀAdvanced Privacy SettingsMS Shell DlgPP.You can choose how cookies are handled in the Internet zone. This overrides automatic cookie handling.P"hCookies$P/&Override automatic cookie handlingPHVFirst-party Cookies PUV &Accept P`V &Block PkV &PromptP|HhThird-party Cookies P}UV A&ccept P}`V B&lock P}kV P&romptP{ Al&ways allow session cookiesP2OKP2CancelȀ" Per Site Privacy ActionsMS Shell DlgPManage SitesP P)You can specify which websites are always or never allowed to use cookies, regardless of their privacy policy.P(Type the exact address of the website you want to manage, and then click Allow or Block.P?To remove a site from the list of managed sites, select the name of the website and click the Remove button.PWd Address of &website:PbPb2&BlockPt2&AllowP_ Managed web&sites: PVSysListView32Managed websitesX2&RemoveX2Re&move allP2OKȀPop-up Blocker SettingsMS Shell DlgPExceptionsP$#P,Pop-ups are currently blocked. You can allow pop-ups from specific websites by adding the site to the list below.P+d Address of &website to allow:P5X52&AddPL Allowed &sites:APVVSysListView32Allowed sitesXV2&RemoveXh2%R&emove all...PDNotifications and blocking level:P&Play a sound when a pop-up is blocked.P)Show &Notification bar when a pop-up is blocked.P&Blocking level:!P(P *SysLink<A>Learn more about Pop-up Blocker</A>P2&CloseȐ9Delete Browsing HistoryMS Shell DlgP  P&reserve Favorites website dataPKeep cookies and temporary Internet files that enable your favorite websites to retain preferences and display faster.P *P 2 p&Temporary Internet files and website filesP<Copies of webpages, images, and media that are saved for faster viewing.P P sC&ookies and website dataPZFiles or databases stored on your computer by websites to save preferences or improve website performance.P n &HistoryPx List of websites you have visited.P ZDo&wnload HistoryP List of files you have downloaded.P &Form dataPSaved information that you have typed into forms.P &PasswordsPSaved passwords that are automatically filled in when you sign in to a website you've previously visited.P Trac&king Protection, ActiveX Filtering and Do Not Track dataPA list of websites excluded from filtering, data used by Tracking Protection to detect where sites might automatically be sharing details about your visit, and exceptions to Do Not Track requests.P :P 8SysLinkSome <A>settings</A> are managed by your system administrator.P9/P| ;&DeleteP <CancelP $fSysLink<A>About deleting browsing history</A>ȀTabbed Browsing SettingsMS Shell DlgP VTabbed BrowsingP &Warn me when closing multiple tabsP &Always switch to new tabs when they are createdP, &Show previews for individual tabs in the taskbar*P8 Enable Tab &Groups*P$D Open each new tab next to the current tabPP Open only the &first home page when Internet Explorer startsP bWhen a new tab is opened, open:!PnP 0When a pop-up is encountered: P Let &Internet Explorer decide how pop-ups should open P Always open pop-ups in a new &window P Always open pop-ups in a new &tabP 0Open links from other programs in: P A new wind&ow P A new ta&b in the current window P The &current tab or windowP * Takes effect after you restart your computerP H&Restore defaultsP~6OKP6CancelȀ5Delete HistoryMS Shell DlgPP)Are you sure you want to delete your history of visited websites?PK 2&YesP 2&NoPAȀ5Delete Form DataMS Shell DlgPP)Are you sure you want to delete previously saved form data?PK 2&YesP 2&NoPAȀ5Delete PasswordsMS Shell DlgPP)Are you sure you want to delete all previously saved form passwords?PK 2&YesP 2&NoPAȀDDelete Browsing HistoryMS Shell DlgPP)Are you sure you want to delete all Internet Explorer browsing history?P+ Also &delete files and settings stored by add-ons.P3T SysLink<A>What does this delete?</A>Pj02&YesP02&NoPA Ȁ6Warning!MS Shell DlgPP) Are you sure you want to change the settings for this zone?PI2&YesP2&NoPA ȀHWarning!MS Shell DlgPP) Are you sure you want to change the settings for this zone?P) The current security settings will put your computer at risk.PI12&YesP12&NoPA nReset Internet Explorer SettingsMS Shell DlgP Resetting Internet Explorer settingsP- Resetting user customizationsP-- Disabling browser add-onsP-< Applying default settings@-< Removing branding settingsP-K Deleting personal settingsPP-P<PKP\n SysLink<A>Why did resetting fail?</A>PY2&CloseȀ7Internet ExplorerMS Shell DlgPP(Before you can reset Internet Explorer settings, you must first close all other open windows and programs.P ( SysLink<A>Why am I getting this message?</A>P#2OKȀ#Reset Internet Explorer SettingsMS Shell DlgPP# Are you sure you want to reset all Internet Explorer settings?P#" Resetting includes:P%/P/,k Disable toolbars and add-onsP/P,c Advanced optionsP%9P/6k Default web browser settingsP9P6a Tabbed browsing settingsP%CP/@k Privacy settingsPCP@Z Pop-up settingsP%MP/Jk Security settingsP#\d Delete &personal settingsP/g*Resets home pages, search providers and Accelerators to default settings. Deletes temporary Internet files, history, cookies, web form information, ActiveX Filtering data, Tracking Protection data, Do Not Track data, and passwords.P# You must restart your computer for these changes to take effect.P$P SysLink<A>How does resetting affect my computer?</A>P2&ResetP2&CancelPAȀ Language PreferenceMS Shell DlgPLanguage PreferenceP Add the languages you use to read websites, listing in order of preference. Only add the ones you need, as some characters can be used to impersonate websites in other languages.P3* &Language:P>CP>2Move &upPO2Move &downP`2Re&movePq2&Add...P2OKP2CancelȀ GeneralMS Shell DlgPP,Delete temporary files, history, cookies, saved passwords, and web form information.P~(:}&Delete...P(:&SettingsP E9C&olorsPGE9&LanguagesPE5Fo&ntsPE:Acc&essibilityP :P 8Some <A>settings</A> are managed by your system administrator.P9/P 7 Browsing historyPA P 9' AppearanceP4>Ȁ ContentMS Shell DlgP8Family SafetyP7 P0P,}Control the Internet content that can be viewed.PJ&Family SafetyP05_Content AdvisorP@3oP:nP,;mRatings help you control the Internet content that can be viewed on this computer.P`PJY&Enable...PPJkSe&ttingsPd&CertificatesP1hPoP,pUse certificates for encrypted connections and identification.PJClear &SSL stateP`J&CertificatesPJPu&blishersP.AutoCompleteP9P*P,}AutoComplete stores previous entries on webpages and suggests matches for you.PJASett&ingsPHFeedsPRP P,}#Feeds provide updated content from websites that can be read in your browser and other programs.PJSetti&ngsP :P 8Some <A>settings</A> are managed by your system administrator.P9/PAȐ  ProgramsMS Shell DlgP NManage add-onsP  PE P,Enable or disable browser add-ons installed in your system.PH&Manage add-onsP.NInternet programsPH2P<Choose the programs you want to use for other Internet services, such as e-mail.P9H&Set programsP :P 8Some <A>settings</A> are managed by your system administrator.P9/PAȐ AdvancedMS Shell DlgPSysTreeView32SettingsPf&Restore advanced settingsP :P 8Some <A>settings</A> are managed by your system administrator.P9/P SettingsP% ȀLanguage PreferenceMS Shell DlgPLanguage PreferenceP Add the languages you use to read websites, listing in order of preference. Only add the ones you need, as some characters can be used to impersonate websites in other languages.P3dSet Language PreferencesPFChanges to Language Preferences will take effect after restarting the browserP2OKP2CancelȀ PrivacyMS Shell DlgP SettingsPP,Select a setting for the Internet zone. P +Lmsctls_trackbar32Privacy SliderP/*LevelP59C level descriptionP }7&SitesPF}7&ImportP}8Ad&vancedP}8&DefaultP$"P,Prevent most pop-up windows from appearing.P,x Turn on Pop-up &BlockerP8S&ettingsP :P 8Some <A>settings</A> are managed by your system administrator.P9/P% SettingsP3Pop-up BlockerP& P;Ȁ Feed SettingsMS Shell DlgP UDefault schedulePSpecify how frequently feeds will be downloaded. This setting is ignored for feeds that have a publisher's recommendation greater than the specified value.P7 &Automatically check feeds for updatesPH( &Every:!XIFtP d1AdvancedPs Automatically &mark feed as read when reading a feedP &Turn on feed reading viewP~6OKP6CancelȐDelete Browsing HistoryMS Shell DlgP  P&reserve Favorites website dataPKeep cookies and temporary Internet files that enable your favorite websites to retain preferences and display faster.P *P 2 p&Temporary Internet filesP<Copies of webpages, images, and media that are saved for faster viewing.P P sC&ookiesPZFiles stored on your computer by websites to save preferences such as login information.P n &HistoryPx List of websites you have visited.P ZDo&wnload HistoryP List of files you have downloaded.P &Form dataPSaved information that you have typed into forms.P &PasswordsPSaved passwords that are automatically filled in when you sign in to a website you've previously visited.P :P 8SysLinkSome <A>settings</A> are managed by your system administrator.P9/P|;&DeleteP<CancelP fSysLink<A>About deleting browsing history</A>ȀTemporary Internet FilesMS Shell DlgPInternet Explorer stores copies of webpages, images, and media for faster viewing later. PCheck for newer versions of stored pages: P% j&Every time I visit the webpage P1 eEvery time I &start Internet Explorer P= g&Automatically PI f&NeverPp<q<folder status>P{`<current folder>PXmX&Disk space to use (8-1024MB) (Recommended: 50-250MB) PX0 cPX rmsctls_updown32PNativeFontCtlPA]&Move folder...PIAView &objectsPAa&View filesPAȀHistoryMS Shell DlgPSpecify how many days Internet Explorer should save the list of websites you have visited.P|Days to &keep pages in history: P 6P msctls_updown32ȀCaches and databasesMS Shell DlgP FAllow website caches and databasesP TNotify me when a website cache or database exceeds: P( HP UMB@ 4 Current caches and databases: P 4PISysListView32Current caches and databasesP6S&Exceed limitP6N&DeletePAȐ ProgramsMS Shell DlgP NDefault web browserPR PP,Internet Explorer is not currently the default web browserPHMake &default%P,+/Tell me if &Internet Explorer is not the default web browser.P =NManage add-onsPJ  PEBP,KEnable or disable browser add-ons installed in your system.PMH&Manage add-onsPe-HTML editingP7iPpP,qChoose the program that you want Internet Explorer to use for editing HTML files.P*2 &HTML editor:!Pi;JPNInternet programsPHPChoose the programs you want to use for other Internet services, such as e-mail.PH&Set programsP :P 8Some <A>settings</A> are managed by your system administrator.P9/PAȀ GeneralMS Shell DlgPP,To add mo&re home pages, type each address on its own line.P,PC:Use &currentPC:Use de&faultPbChange how webpages are displayed in tabs.P_;&TabsPDelete temporary files, history, cookies, saved passwords, and web form information.%P Delete bro&wsing history on exitP:}&Delete...P:&SettingsP 9C&olorsPG9&LanguagesP5Fo&ntsP:Acc&essibilityP :P 8Some <A>settings</A> are managed by your system administrator.P9/P% Home pageP/ P v7 Browsing historyPAzP U TabsPYP ' AppearanceP4Ȁ^CaptionsMS Shell DlgPCustomize the font and style used for video captions on webpages.P &Ignore default caption fonts and colorsP#Sites that use their own caption display software won't be affected.P10FontP86P;0&Family:!PFPT0&Size (%):!P_Pq@Font S&tyle!P{ZPHvP{00P0ColorP=P0Font:!P P2P@Background:!P P2P@Window:!P P2P2Preview: P-PI2OKPI2CancelInternet Options 15 minutes 30 minutes1 hour4 hours1 day1 week %1!d! minutesPA,Allowed levels for this zone: Medium to High!Allowed levels for this zone: All"Allowed levels for this zone: HighPA%1s home page tabs %1 (default)$Deleting Temporary Internet Files...Deleting history...Deleting cookies...Deleting forms data...Deleting stored passwords...Delete Browsing History2Please wait while the browsing history is deleted.#Deleting SmartScreen Filter data...$Deleting Tracking Protection data...Deleting add-on data...Deleting download history...PADeleting website caches...!You cannot use the system folder.?Choose a new location for your Temporary Internet Files folder.3Items cannot be moved to shared drivers or folders.3This folder is a computer name or a special folder.Internet Options8Configure your Internet display and connection settings.Internet Options Disabl&e... &Enable...PAVThere is not enough memory to continue. Quit one or more programs, and then try again.LYou need to choose a Dial-Up Networking connection in order to use AutoDial.@This folder's path has unsupported characters. Try another path.SmallestSmallerMediumLargerLargestRA user-defined string cannot contain any of the following characters: [ ] , ; =User Defined [%1]The settings for the proxy server you've chosen to use are blank. This prevents access to the Internet. Do you want to turn off the proxy connection?Invalid Proxy ServerNoneaPlease select a value between %d and %d for how much disk space Temporary Internet Files may use.The amount of disk space currently set aside to store temporary Internet files is above the size limit. To improve performance, the size limit is now 1024 megabytes. Your temporary storage space will be reduced to this size (this might take several minutes).The recommended security level for this zone is "%s". The security level that you have chosen is lower than this. Are you sure you want to change the security level?Warning!The site name you entered is not valid. You must use a valid protocol at the beginning of the name, such as http:// or https://.Security`Sites added to this zone must use the https:// prefix. This prefix assures a secure connection.OThere was an unexpected error with your zone settings. Unable to add this site.cssStylesheets*.cssAll Files*.*0The style sheet you selected could not be found.ErrorInternet OptionsThe site you specified already exists in another zone. Please remove the site from that zone before adding it to the current zone.You have entered an invalid wildcard sequence. Examples of valid patterns: *://* http://* file:\\localsvr\share *://157.54.100-200.* Examples of invalid patterns: http://microsoft.*.com ftp://*PA %s settings!Local Area Network (LAN) Settings_Use a pro&xy server for your LAN (These settings will not apply to dial-up or VPN connections).CAre you sure you want to delete this Dial-Up Networking connection?6You have entered an invalid number of redial attempts.,You have entered an invalid redial interval.0You have entered an invalid autodisconnect time.#You do not have restart privileges.%Cannot move Temporary Internet Files.3This is inside the Temporary Internet Files folder.2Please select a folder to which you can add items.Current location: New location:- Your security settings are below the recommended level, putting your computer at an increased risk of online attack. - To change the settings, click Custom level. - To use the recommended settings, click Default level.s- Appropriate for websites that might have harmful content - Maximum safeguards - Less secure features are disabledj- Prompts before downloading potentially unsafe content - Unsigned ActiveX controls will not be downloaded- Appropriate for websites on your local network (intranet) - Most content will be run without prompting you - Unsigned ActiveX controls will not be downloaded - Same as Medium level without prompts- Minimal safeguards and warning prompts are provided - Most content is downloaded and run without prompts - All active content can run - Appropriate for sites that you absolutely trustvCustom settings. - To change the settings, click Custom level. - To use the recommended settings, click Default level.HighMedium Medium-lowLowCustomThere won't be enough space in the new location for the currently downloaded content. Please either delete these files first and try again, reduce the size of the folder, or pick another location.Windows is unable to gather information about the location you have chosen. Please select another, or verify that you have access rights to the location.Temporary Internet Files[Access to this feature has been disabled by a restriction set by your system administrator.Internet Control Panel Undefined'The SSL cache was successfully cleared.SSL Cache Cleared Successfully My ComputerLocal intranet Trusted sitesInternetRestricted sites Your Computer>This zone is for all websites that are found on your intranet.UThis zone contains websites that you trust not to damage your computer or your files.XThis zone is for Internet websites, except those listed in trusted and restricted zones.HThis zone is for websites that might damage your computer or your files.Internet!Always expand ALT text for images.Move system caret with focus/selection changesEnable Suggested Sites&Enable flip ahead with page predictionUse smooth scrollingPA?Turn on the swiping motion on Internet Explorer for the desktop5Enable FTP folder view (outside of Internet Explorer)Play sounds in webpagesPlay animations in webpages Show pictures:Use Passive FTP (for firewall and DSL modem compatibility) MultimediaBrowsing AccessibilitySecurity#Do not save encrypted pages to disk<Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closedEnable Enhanced Protected Mode* Use SSL 2.0 Use SSL 3.0 Use TLS 1.04Enable 64-bit processes for Enhanced Protected Mode*3Warn if changing between secure and not secure modeIWarn if POST submittal is redirected to a zone that does not permit posts'Warn about certificate address mismatch'Check for server certificate revocation,Check for publisher's certificate revocation+Check for signatures on downloaded programsCSend Do Not Track requests to sites you visit in Internet Explorer*Enable Strict P3P Validation*Printing"Print background colors and imagesSearch from the Address barActiveX controls and plug-ins!Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins Download signed ActiveX controls"Download unsigned ActiveX controlsJavaJava permissionsAllow Scriptlets ScriptingGInitialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scriptingPA1Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting"Access data sources across domainsActive scriptingScripting of Java appletsUser AuthenticationLogon Downloads File download Font download Miscellaneous%Drag and drop or copy and paste filesSubmit non-encrypted form data)Launching programs and files in an IFRAME>Allow dragging of content between domains into the same window?Allow dragging of content between domains into separate windowsEnablePromptDisableAdministrator approvedAnonymous logon!Prompt for user name and password3Automatic logon with current user name and password%Automatic logon only in Intranet zone Low safety Medium safetyPA High safetyCustom Disable Java HTTP settings Use HTTP 1.1&Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connectionsAlwaysNeverHoverUnderline linksPA/Display a notification about every script error!Show friendly HTTP error messagesNotify when downloads complete;Tell me if Internet Explorer is not the default web browser1Automatically check for Internet Explorer updates-Close unused folders in History and FavoritesSend URL path as UTF-8.Send UTF-8 query strings for non-Intranet URLs*Send UTF-8 query strings for Intranet URLs Show image download placeholders+Just display the results in the main window<Do not submit unknown addresses to your auto-search providerAGo to an intranet site for a single word entry in the Address barWebsite Data SettingsLUse inline AutoComplete in the Internet Explorer Address Bar and Open Dialog7Use inline AutoComplete in File Explorer and Run DialogUserdata persistence#Allow Programmatic clipboard access4Navigate windows and frames across different domains"Enable personalized favorites menuWindows will now log you off to finish moving Temporary Internet Files. Do you want to continue? (All other changes have been saved.)Log OffNDon't prompt for client certificate selection when only one certificate exists(Enable Integrated Windows Authentication'Launching applications and unsafe files6Force offscreen compositing even under Terminal Server#Allow status bar updates via scriptAllow META REFRESHEnable automatic image resizingDisplay mixed content8Enable visual styles on buttons and controls in webpages%Enable third-party browser extensions$This site is already in the %s zone.`The site you specified already exists in the %1 zone. Would you like to move it to the %2 zone?0Allow scripting of Microsoft web browser controlPA.Display enhanced security configuration dialog+Allow navigation to local files and foldersUse Pop-up BlockerBinary and script behaviorsEnable MIME SniffingHWebsites in less privileged web content zone can navigate into this zoneCAllow script-initiated windows without size or position constraints(Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls=Allow webpages to use restricted protocols for active content3Allow active content to run in files on My Computer3Allow active content from CDs to run on My Computer.High: Block all pop-ups (Ctrl+Alt to override)$Medium: Block most automatic pop-ups$Low: Allow pop-ups from secure sitesCustom>Allow previously unused ActiveX controls to run without prompt=Allow websites to open windows without address or status barsPDisplay video and animation on a webpage that does not use external media player9Only allow approved domains to use ActiveX without promptEnable XSS filter)Reset zoom level for new windows and tabs2Reset text size to medium for new windows and tabs7Use most recent order when switching tabs with Ctrl+Tab=Include local directory path when uploading files to a server?Allow websites to prompt for information using scripted windowsEnable automatic crash recovery A blank pageThe new tab pageYour first home page'Display Accelerator button on selection.Enable Caret Browsing for new windows and tabsPlay system soundsAccelerated graphics/Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering1Enable alternative codecs in HTML5 media elementsAllow ActiveX Filtering,Run antimalware software on ActiveX controls Use SPDY/3"The new tab page with my news feedAaBbYyZzLatinLatin 8@8;;8F0@aueev'D91(J)& G 5 ( >  0 @  * p  > , @   \ ?   $ F 2 A  A  . 2 / > 3  D"V|Q arB\e,gA~Ԛ-Ne{SO-NeRdNPf q (((( (((( #*"=|:   .$(--$/ ,!/!PAAaBbYyZzAaBbYyZzAaBbYyZzAaBbYyZz M@J.G,,,,,, , , 2?D9C:  "  AaBbYyZz AaBbYyZz <EZ ؖ؍ ؈؝ؑ؛ؘؐ OaKBaY b`Y`AaBbYyZzXcmp Vmp VlrQhRp\-0-N-0-c-I-V-\-Y$PABlock All CookiesHigh Medium HighMediumLowAccept All CookiesCustomm- Blocks all cookies from all websites - Cookies that are already on this computer cannot be read by websites- Blocks all cookies from websites that do not have a compact privacy policy - Blocks cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your explicit consent(- Blocks third-party cookies that do not have a compact privacy policy - Blocks third-party cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your explicit consent - Blocks first-party cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your implicit consent+- Blocks third-party cookies that do not have a compact privacy policy - Blocks third-party cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your explicit consent - Restricts first-party cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your implicit consent- Blocks third-party cookies that do not have a compact privacy policy - Restricts third-party cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your implicit consent{- Saves cookies from any website. - Cookies that are already on this computer can be read by the websites that created them- Advanced or imported settingsPrivacy Import5Your privacy settings file was successfully imported._Your privacy settings file could not be imported. It may not be a valid privacy settings file.0Internet Privacy Preferences*.xmlAll Files*.*'Select a setting for the Internet zone.[To set a standard privacy level instead of using custom settings, click the Default button.MThis site cannot be added because it is already in the Restricted sites zone.Enable SmartScreen FilterUse SmartScreen FilterInvalid DomainYou have entered an invalid domain. Domains must be in the Internet zone and must use the HTTP or HTTPS protocol. URLs beginning with xn-- must be valid IDN names. Examples of valid domains: - - - fineartschool.netDomainSetting Always Allow Always BlockDomain*Are you sure you want to remove all sites?Remove all sitesInternet ExplorerlSome of the entries in your home page tab group are not webpages. Click OK to remove unsupported entries.The number of webpages you've selected for your home page tab group exceeds the maximum supported by Internet Explorer. Click OK to remove the additional webpages.PAEnable .NET Framework setupPA - Security At RiskPA International+Send IDN server names for non-Intranet URLs'Send IDN server names for Intranet URLs,Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer) Disable script debugging (Other)AAllow software to run or install even if the signature is invalidAlways show encoded addresses+Show Notification bar for encoded addressesInternet ExplorerPABFor changes to take effect, you will need to restart your computerInternet Explorer8Enable memory protection to help mitigate online attacksPAEnable native XMLHTTP supportPAEnable DOM Storage/Block unsecured images with other mixed contentPA.NET Framework Loose XAML XPS documentsXAML browser applications (not secure) (recommended)0Your security settings put your computer at risk-Internet Explorer is the default web browser.;Internet Explorer is not currently the default web browser.PA=The current security settings will put your computer at risk.PA1The site name you entered is not a valid IDN URL. Invalid URL$Security Settings - My Computer Zone'Security Settings - Local Intranet Zone!Security Settings - Internet Zone)Security Settings - Restricted Sites Zone&Security Settings - Trusted Sites ZoneRender legacy filtersDDo you want Internet Explorer to delete this network connection? %s Disconnecting network connectionDeleting network connectionInternet Explorer was unable to delete this network connection because it is currently in use. Close the connection and try to delete it againPAReset zoom levelReset text size to mediumEnable FTP folder viewUse inline AutoCompleteWebsite File Storage Data Storage Exceed limitAllowedExcludedN/A%d MB Use TLS 1.1 Use TLS 1.2Always in Internet Explorer*Always in Internet Explorer on the desktopLet Internet Explorer decideW- Appropriate for most websites - Prompts before downloading potentially unsafe content7- Prompts before downloading potentially unsafe content- Appropriate for websites on your local network (intranet) - Most content will be run without prompting you - Same as Medium level without prompts@Load sites and content in the background to optimize performanceBopomofoBugineseCopticDeseret GlagoliticGothic Old ItalicJavaneseN'KoOl Chiki Old TurkicOsmanyaPhags-pa Sora SompengTai Le New Tai LuePATifinaghVaiPA- Appropriate for most websites - Prompts before downloading potentially unsafe content - Unsigned ActiveX controls will not be downloaded Medium-highPADefaultMonospace SerifProportional SerifMonospace Sans SerifProportional Sans SerifCasualCursive SmallcapsSolidSemitransparent TransparentNone Raised edgeDepressed edgePAOutline Drop Shadow50100150200 Font colorBackground color Window colorPA(Always record developer console messages4VS_VERSION_INFO H% H%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationVFileDescriptionInternet Control Panelx,FileVersion11.00.9600.18666 (winblue_ltsb.170415-2040)8 InternalNameINETCPL.CPL.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.HOriginalFilenameINETCPL.CPL.MUIDProductNameInternet ExplorerFProductVersion11.00.9600.18666DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGX