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They may only appear at the top level or directly inside a function body.1The use of a keyword for an identifier is invalid>The use of a future reserved word for an identifier is invalidoThe use of a future reserved word for an identifier is invalid. The identifier name is reserved in strict mode.'Setter functions must have one argumentLet/Const redeclarationConst must be initialized.Const and let must be declared inside of blockAssignment to constJavaScript compilation errorJavaScript runtime errorUnknown runtime errorPACannot assign to 'this'Number expectedFunction expected"Cannot assign to a function resultCannot index objectString expectedDate object expectedObject expected$Invalid left-hand side in assignmentUndefined identifierBoolean expected&Can't execute code from a freed scriptObject member expectedVBArray expectedJavaScript object expectedEnumerator object expected"Regular Expression object expected"Syntax error in regular expressionUnexpected quantifier"Expected ']' in regular expression"Expected ')' in regular expressionInvalid range in character setException thrown and not caught/Function does not have a valid prototype objectPA3The URI to be encoded contains an invalid character-The URI to be decoded is not a valid encoding/The number of fractional digits is out of rangeThe precision is out of range"Array or arguments object expected.Array length must be a finite positive integer6Array length must be assigned a finite positive numberArray object expected2Circular reference in value argument not supportedInvalid replacer argument Argument list too large to applyRedeclaration of const propertyPACyclic __proto__ valueObject member not configurable!Variable undefined in strict mode_Accessing the 'caller' property of a function or arguments object is not allowed in strict modeTAccessing the 'callee' property of an arguments object is not allowed in strict mode@Assignment to read-only properties is not allowed in strict mode2Cannot create property for a non-extensible objectObject expectedObject expectedObject expectedObject expectedFunction expectedFunction expected/Property cannot have both accessors and a value'this' is null or undefinedObject expectedPAFunction expectedString expectedBoolean expected Date expectedNumber expectedVBArray expectedJavaScript object expectedEnumerator object expectedRegExp object expectedInvalid function argumentObject expectedJavaScript object expectedFunction expectedVBArray expectedObject expectedObject expectedPAInvalid 'length' property"Array or arguments object expectedInvalid OperandInvalid OperandInvalid property descriptor0Cannot define property: object is not extensible)Cannot redefine non-configurable property#Cannot modify non-writable property0Cannot modify property: 'length' is not writableCannot define property+Typed array constructor argument is invalid"'this' is not a typed array object/Invalid offset/length when creating typed array6Invalid begin/end value in typed array subarray method!Invalid source in typed array set'this' is not a DataView objectInvalid arguments in DataView8DataView operation access beyond specified buffer lengthInvalid arguments in DataViewinvalid function signatureinvalid property signatureinvalid input parameter typeinvalid ouput parameterNAccessing the 'arguments' property of a function is not allowed in strict modeInspectable Object expected)Could not convert argument to type 'char')Could not convert argument to type 'GUID'IInspectable expectedDCould not convert object to struct: object missing expected property Unknown type&Function called with too few argumentsType is not constructibleMCould not convert value to PropertyValue: Type not supported by PropertyValueKCould not convert value to IInspectable: Type not supported by IInspectableSCould not convert Date to Windows.Foundation.DateTime: value outside of valid rangeTCould not convert value to Windows.Foundation.TimeSpan: value outside of valid range5Invalid access to already released Inspectable Object2Cannot release already released Inspectable Object"'this' is not of the expected type/Illegal length and size specified for the arrayJAn unexpected failure occurred while trying to obtain metadata informationUse before declaration7Cannot re-initialize 'this', object already initialized>Cannot initialize 'this' because it is a non-extensible object"'this' is not of the expected type'key' is not an object&Option value is outside of valid rangeObject or string expectedPA%This can't be used in a new statementLocale is not well-formedCurrency code is invalidCurrency code was not specified Invalid DateIntl is not available.PA9Status is 'error', but getResults did not return an error?Missing or invalid status parameter passed to completed handler?Missing or invalid sender parameter passed to completed handlerPA;Function evaluation is disabled while debugging native codeTEvaluation of the JavaScript expression is not supported while debugging native codePAArrayBuffer object expectedPAInfinity -InfinityPA.Object doesn't support property or method '%s'-Argument to the function '%s' is not optionalPA'%s' is not a number'%s' is not a function'%s' is not an indexable object'%s' is not a string'%s' is not a date object'%s' is null or not an objectPACannot assign to '%s''%s' is undefined'%s' is not a booleanCannot delete '%s''%s' is not a VBArray'%s' is not a JavaScript object '%s' is not an enumerator object''%s' is not a regular expression object&%s is not an Array or arguments object%s is not an Array objectP'%s' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'true' on this objectQ'%s' attribute on the property descriptor cannot be set to 'false' on this objectRedeclaration of const '%s'PA4Calling delete on '%s' is not allowed in strict mode:Unable to set property '%s' of undefined or null reference:Unable to get property '%s' of undefined or null reference=Unable to delete property '%s' of undefined or null referenceWUnable to access property '%s': type 'VarDate' does not support user-defined properties7The value of the property '%s' is not a Function objectJThe value of the property '%s' is null or undefined, not a Function object%s: 'this' is null or undefined%s: 'this' is not an ObjectPA#%s: 'this' is not a Function object!%s: 'this' is not a String object"%s: 'this' is not a Boolean object%s: 'this' is not a Date object!%s: 'this' is not a Number object"%s: 'this' is not a VBArray object%%s: 'this' is not a JavaScript object&%s: 'this' is not an Enumerator object!%s: 'this' is not a RegExp object%s: invalid argument%s: argument is not an Object'%s: argument is not a JavaScript object%%s: argument is not a Function object$%s: argument is not a VBArray object!%s: argument is null or undefined-%s: argument is not an Object and is not nullPA4%s: argument does not have a valid 'length' property&%s: Array or arguments object expected(Invalid operand to '%s': Object expected*Invalid operand to '%s': Function expected$Invalid descriptor for property '%s'5Cannot define property '%s': object is not extensible.Cannot redefine non-configurable property '%s'(Cannot modify non-writable property '%s'5Cannot modify property '%s': 'length' is not writableCannot define property '%s'PA8Required argument %s in DataView method is not specified+DataView constructor argument %s is invalid?The function '%s' has an invalid signature and cannot be calledAThe property '%s' has an invalid signature and cannot be accessed|The runtimeclass %s that has Windows.Foundation.IPropertyValue as default interface is not supported as input parameter type{The object with interface Windows.Foundation.IPropertyValue that has runtimeclass name %s is not supported as out parameter'%s: 'this' is not an Inspectable Object-%s: could not convert argument to type 'char'-%s: could not convert argument to type 'GUID'2%s: could not convert return value to IInspectableICould not convert object to struct: object missing expected property '%s'Type '%s' not found*%s: function called with too few arguments%s: type is not constructibleKCould not convert value to PropertyValue: %s not supported by PropertyValueICould not convert value to IInspectable: %s not supported by IInspectableD%s: The Inspectable object 'this' is released and cannot be accessed"'this' is not of expected type: %sN%s: an unexpected failure occurred while trying to obtain metadata informationKCannot initialize '%s' object: 'this' is already initialized as '%s' object7Cannot initialize '%s' object: 'this' is not extensible%s: 'this' is not a %s object%s: 'key' is not an objectBOption value '%s' for '%s' is outside of valid range. Expected: %s%s is not an object or a string"Function '%s' is not a constructorLocale '%s' is not well-formedCurrency code '%s' is invalidPA%s is not an ArrayBuffer&Can't execute code from a freed scriptDThe specified date is not available in the current locale's calendar004PPpмInfo Start Stop Information ,Microsoft-JScript Interpreted JIT JITLoopBody 4VS_VERSION_INFO B% B%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationPFileDescriptionMicrosoft JScriptv+FileVersion11.00.9600.17031 (winblue_gdr.140221-1952): InternalNamejscript9.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.JOriginalFilenamejscript9.dll.muiDProductNameInternet ExplorerFProductVersion11.00.9600.17031DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD