MZÿÿ¸@¸º´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ÑRØ•3}‹•3}‹•3}‹HÌ´‹”3}‹H̱‹”3}‹Rich•3}‹PELà!  L`‘@(J.rsrcPL@@È€(€@€¨€À€ Ø€ð€~€ €€8€P€‚h€ƒ€€„˜€…°€†È€à€ ø   ( 8 H X h x ˆ ˜ ¨ ¸Ð°ä€DäÄrä8`ä˜Âä\$€ äÜ-Úä¸5Ìä„=úä€C„äKˆäŒS¸äDVääMUIÍþÍþ° ¹AÕ´7 ^Õ@^‹/6CK,ìØ™.JãŠ]5@©uˆ˜  MUIen-USBinary Codec ErrorLThe binary instance deserializer cannot find rtti to decode the given buffer]The binary class deserializer cannot find rtti of the parent class to decode the given bufferPATCoercion from MI_Observable to MI_Boolean is not supported in the current version..)Mandatory parameter '%1!s!' is missing..8Parameters '%1!s!' and '%2!s!' are mutually exclusive..'The directory '%1!s!' does not exist..(The log file name is missing or empty..6The input stream provided to the log writer is NULL..;The provided log file size and time period are both zero..@The log file path '%1!s!' is too long and cannot be processed..@Failed to open the log file '%1!s!'. Reason specified: '%2!s!'.'Failed to close the log file '%1!s!'..FNo log files match the name pattern '%1!s!' in the directory '%2!s!'.AThe binary log reader failed to add files to the log file list..>The binary log reader failed to read data from the log file..OFailed to access property number %1!d! from an instance with MI_Result %2!d!..7Failed to serialize an instance with MI_Result %1!d!..9Failed to serialize class '%1!s!' with MI_Result %2!d!..6The buffer needed to serialize a class is too large..6The log writer failed to write data to the log file..2The log writer failed to update the class cache..:The buffer needed to serialize an instance is too large..-The binary serializer could not be created..+The MOF file '%1!s!' could not be opened..+The MOF file '%1!s!' could not be loaded..,The provided execution context is invalid...Could not impersonate the user, error=%1!d!..<Could not create the execution context because it is null..7Could not open the current thread token, error=%1!d!..<Could not duplicate the current thread token, error=%1!d!..MThe log file was created using an unsupported version of binary log writer..CThe log file cannot be read as one of the instances is too large..FThe performance counter name '%1!s!' is not valid or does not exist..—TDH cannot retrieve metadata for an event from provider %1!s! with EventID %2!d!. Ensure that the provider is registered with wevtutil and try again..PABThe supplied GUID '%1!s!' contains an invalid character '%2!c!'..The supplied GUID '%1!s!' contains too many characters. Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)..ŒThe supplied GUID '%1!s!' contains too few characters. Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)...The ETW session was unexpectedly terminated..EThe ETW consumer could not be created. (system error code = %1!d!)..TThe ETW event processing thread could not be created. (system error code = %1!d!)..DThe ETW session could not be started. (system error code = %1!d!)..KThe ETW event provider could not be enabled. (system error code = %1!d!)..cThe dropped event count could not be retrieved from the ETW session. (system error code = %1!d!)..DThe ETW session could not be flushed. (system error code = %1!d!)..Out of memory..)The module '%1!s!' could not be loaded..@The module '%1!s!' does not have an exported MI_Main function..7Cannot find a function '%1!s!' in the module '%2!s!'..ZSpecify -UseLatestRight or -ByPosition to disambiguate the parameter set of Join-Object..NThe result of adding an infinite duration to the infinite past is undefined..)Addition of instances is not supported..0Addition of built-in objects is not supported..9Addition to an unknown type of object is not supported..WThe result of subtracting an infinite duration from the infinite future is undefined..VThe result of subtracting the infinite future from the infinite future is undefined..RThe result of subtracting the infinite past from the infinite past is undefined..VAmbiguous subtraction: the second argument may be either an duration or a timestamp..XThe result of subtracting an infinite duration from an infinite duration is undefined..+Subtraction from arrays is not supported...Subtraction from instances is not supported..3Subtraction of built-in objects is not supported..>Subtraction from an unknown type of object is not supported..0Multiplication of timestamps is not supported../Multiplication of instances is not supported..6Multiplication of built-in objects is not supported..?Multiplication of an unknown type of object is not supported..PAAttempted to divide by zero..KThe multiplication result is a negative duration, which is not supported..XCoercion from MI_Observable to a scalar value is not supported in the current version..RCoercion from MI_Observable to an array is not supported in the current version..=A built-in function cannot be invoked with %1!d! arguments../The type of the first argument is unexpected..IThe first argument contains a literal that does not represent an array..4The initial number of array elements is incorrect..!Cannot index into a null array..VAccessing individual characters of a string is not supported in the current version..WIndexing into an object that is not an array is not supported in the current version..:Cannot convert an internal Mint object into an MI_Value..FApply-exception-to-continuation must be invoked with a continuation..9Cannot pass a pipeline argument to a built-in function..?Attempted to perform a function call on a non-callable value..Invalid parameter..:The current version does not support negative durations.."A duration cannot represent NaN.. a number. interval. timestamp.%Calling undefined function '%1!s!'..Invalid parameter '%1!s!'..GCoercion from %1!s! to %2!s! is not supported in the current version..5Non-OMI error. See inner_Error element for details..$Cannot coerce %1!s! to type %2!s!..AInvalid wildcard pattern - [%1!c!-%2!c!] range in reverse order.;Invalid wildcard pattern - missing closing square bracket.„Invalid wildcard pattern - case insensitive range [%1!c!-%2!c!] cannot cover letters and non-letters, or letters of different case.0The type of the second argument is unexpected../The ETW manifest '%1!s!' could not be loaded..2Cannot compute the average of an empty sequence..PA:Cannot compute the minimum element of an empty sequence..:Cannot compute the maximum element of an empty sequence..&Invalid value for parameter '%1!s!'..:Could not compare objects. Different number of elements..OCould not compare objects, element fields '%1!s!' and '%2!s!' differ in name..HCould not compare objects, mixed data types cannot be properly ordered.DSplit-Stream operator requires either -Count or -Duration argument.=The parameter '%1!s!' must be an interval, not a timestamp..VAn instance of type '%1!s!' cannot be serialized because it has no class definition..VSpecify -First or -Skip or -Last to disambiguate the parameter set of Select-Object..KCannot store NULL value in an array of a different type than MI_INSTANCEA.$Parameter '%1!s!' is out of range..=The parameter '%1!s!' must be a timestamp, not an interval..Inconsistent timestamp..%$null value cannot be used as a key.0Values of '%1!s!' type cannot be used as a key.TValues of '%1!s!' type are not compatible with hashing routine used for other keys.JWatch-Stream must be used with -Throughput or -InclusiveCpuTime or both..value of type '%1!s!'.value '%1!s!' of type %2!s!.;A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts %1!s!.NCannot bind parameter because parameter '%1!s!' is specified more than once..,Missing an argument for parameter '%1!s!'..'Command doesn't accept pipeline input.8Parameter '%1!s!' requires ScriptBlock as an argument..*The performance counter path is invalid..BA parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name '%1!s!'..‹The supplied GUID '%1!s!' has an invalid guid format. Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)..žThe ETW consumer could not be created since directory or filename is unreadable. (Note that only etl file format is supported.) (system error code = %1!d!)..…TDH cannot retrieve property index '%1!d!' for an event from provider %2!s! with EventID %3!d!, due to corruption or type mismatch..&Failed to open the log file '%1!s!'..%1!s!: %2!s!."Failed to copy variable '%1!s!'..IFilter '%1!s!' has unary type but size of namespaces is not equal to 1..&Listener '%1!s!' has undefined type..2Classname '%1!s!' with given key already exists...Entity with given id '%1!s!' already exists..4Instance of %1!s! with key = %2!s! already exists..'No instance of %1!s! with key = %2!s!.ä4VS_VERSION_INFO½ïþôC€%ôC€%?BStringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationŠ1FileDescriptionManagement Infrastructure binary codec componentp(FileVersion6.3.9600.17396 (winblue_r4.141007-2030)>InternalNamemibincodec.dll€.LegalCopyright© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.NOriginalFilenamemibincodec.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft® Windows® Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.17396DVarFileInfo$Translation °PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGX