MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  0J@.rsrc @@@X  (@XW*0Hp`0x0000000 080P0h00000000(0@0X0p0000071 B1 C10 F1H G1` H1x I1 J1 K1 L1 M1 N1 O1 P18 Q1P R1h V1 W1 Y1 Z1 [1 ^1 _1 a1( b1@ c1X d1p f1 g1 h1 i1 j1 k1 n1 o10 q1H r1` s1x v1 w1 x1 y1 z1 {1 |1 }18 ~1P 1h 1 1 1 ?  (@Xp 0H`x !+, :8;P<h=?@A~(@Xp0H` x_eT 8*P+h,-0~( @4XPph           0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p  /@0@357r,9;r\=0>>h@hCEE<$G(NUZ ^j`aeFtwyX}H&px:Z,@<RbPH<>|x`<\v 46lT\2,F><tD  T:4v4 <" '*.017@;>AD0FL^Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgP Select the services that you want to enable on this server.P  &VPN accessP &Dial-up accessP, D&emand-dial connections ( used for branch office routing )P= N&ATPN &LAN routingȀGeneric Add DialogMS Shell DlgP ]This routing protocol runs on the interface that you select below.P^I&nterface:U@P \SysListView32List1P2OKP2CancelD̐vMS Shell DlgHV&DetailsPVSysListView32List1Pa2&ParametersP=a2R&esetPsa2&RefreshPa2ClosePA Ȁ ZAdd/Remove ParametersMS Shell DlgP]&Hidden parameters:P]hPn,AA&dd ->Pn=A<- &RemoveP2OKP2CancelPnkARe&store DefaultsP]Display&ed parameters:P]hP,2M&ove UpP=2Mo&ve DownPHD̐eMS Shell DlgHP&DetailsPPSysListView32List1PU2&ParametersP8U2R&esetPnU2&RefreshPU2ClosePAȀ_MS Shell DlgP!o7SysAnimate32Animate2PJ2CancelP>Service ControlMS Shell DlgP( (PPAȀJInterface ConnectionMS Shell DlgP?Interface:PM P?Status:PMP!?Time elapsed:PM!PT52Cancel Ȁ Interface CredentialsMS Shell DlgPType the credentials that this interface uses when it connects to a remote router.P!U&User name:PbP3U&Domain:Pb0PEU&Password:PbBPWUC&onfirm password:PbTP lPw2OKPw2Cancel ȀoNetwork ConnectionMS Shell DlgPP)C&User name:PO&P;C&Password:PO8PPPkZ2OKPZ2CancelȀJConnectingMS Shell DlgPConnecting to: PPT52Cancel ȀIRefresh RateMS Shell DlgP q&Refresh every (seconds): P(P,Pk42OKP42CancelȀ%Port StatusMS Shell DlgP >&Device:B!PI6P<Condition:PI P'2Line bps:PB',0P~'#Duration:P'B0P5StatisticsPB*Bytes in:P>B00P{B9Bytes out:PB09,999,999,999PX7ErrorsPf(CRC:PBf,0Ps+Time-out:PBs,0P/Alignment:PB,0P{f8Framing:Pf-0P{sDHardware overruns:Ps&0P{=Buffer overruns:P-0PENetwork registrationPJIP address:PcPJIPv6 Prefix:PcPJIPv6 address:PcP!2 R&efreshPW2 &ResetP2 Di&sconnectP2ClosePAȀ)StatusMS Shell DlgP NC&onnection:B!P[6P,Duration:P:[0P&6StatisticsP4(Bytes in:PA400PA.Frames in:PEA,0PNHCompression in:PXN0P~45Bytes out:P400P~A:Frames out:PA,0P~NUCompression out:PN0Pa7ErrorsPo-CRC:PEo, 0P|-Time-out:PE|,!0P-Alignment:PE,"0P~o<Framing:Po,#0P~|EHardware overruns:P|$$0P~<Buffer overruns:P,%0PDNetwork registrationPJIP address:Pd&PJIPX address:Pd'PJNetBEUI name:Pd(P!2)R&efreshPW2*&ResetP2+&DisconnectP2ClosePA@HIPv4MS Shell Dlg$P Ena&ble IPv4 ForwardingP!uIPv4 address assignmentP,This server can assign IPv4 addresses by using: $P8 Dy&namic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) $PD &Static address poolHR)&IPList PR)SysListView32List1PO2A&dd...P2&Edit...P2&RemovePUse the following adapter to obtain DHCP, DNS, and WINS addresses for dial-up clients.P(Ada&pter:!P3dP{ Enable broad&cast name resolutionPA@H IPXMS Shell Dlg$P All&ow IPX-based remote clients to dial in to this server$P Allo&w dial-in clients to access the entire networkP(rIPX network number assignmentP7Assign numbers: $PD A&utomatically $PQ I&n the following range:Pf&From:P9c(Pxf&To:Pc($Pz U&se the same network number for all IPX clients$P Allow re&mote clients to request IPX node number@HNetBEUIMS Shell Dlg$P Allo&w NetBEUI based remote access clients to access: $P &This computer only $P! Th&e entire networkPADevicesMS Shell DlgPRouting and Remote Access (RRAS) uses the devices listed below. PSysListView32List1P<&Configure...@@HGeneralMS Shell DlgPP( Routing and Remote AccessP"P*Enable this computer as a:$P9 IPv&4 Router $PF &Local area network (LAN) routing only $PS LA&N and demand-dial routingP`$Pd IPv&6 Router $Pq L&ocal area network (LAN) routing only $P~ LAN and &demand-dial routingP$P IPv4 R&emote access server$P IPv6 Re&mote access serverHH$SecurityMS Shell Dlg@*VC&Repair SettingsP!Aut&hentication provider:!P+4P*<Co&nfigure...P@dA&uthentication Methods...P The Authentication provider validates credentials for remote access clients and demand-dial routers.PWThe accounting provider maintains a log of connection requests and sessions.PpAcc&ounting provider:!Pz*Py<&Configure...@/ (Because Network Policy Server (NPS) is installed, you must use it to configure authentication and accounting providers. To configure authentication and accounting providers, create or modify connection request policies.P +@*The connection request policy used for authentication and accounting configuration is corrupted.@hiddendummyP"The custom IPsec policy specifies a preshared key for L2TP/IKEv2 connections. The Routing and Remote Access service should be started to set this option. IKEv2 initiators configured to authenticate this server using certificate will not be able to connect.PAllow custom IPsec policy for &L2TP/IKEv2 connectionP3Preshared &Key:P @,."Either install Network Policy Server (NPS) and restore the connection request policy manually, or click Repair Settings to restore the connection request policy by using Windows Accounting and Windows Authentication.P lH .&BlankP .P>SSL Certificate Binding:P Select the certificate the Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) server should use to bind with SSL (Web Listener)P/ /Use H&TTPP%C&ertificate:C!P7s60P21&ViewPA ȀEAP MethodsMS Shell DlgPThe Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) extends the authentication methods available for Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connections.PEAP methods are configured through remote access policies. This server has the following EAP methods installed.P5&Methods:P?{P2OK ȀRADIUS AuthenticationMS Shell DlgPThe following RADIUS servers are queried in order from the highest to the lowest score. P SysListView32List1PU2 &Add...P2 &Edit...P3 &RemovePP2OKP2Cancel ȀAdd RADIUS ServerMS Shell DlgP R&Server name:P^PRShared secret:P^`P2C&hange...P.R&Time-out (seconds): P^+(Pz+ msctls_updown32Spin1P@RI&nitial score:P^=(Pz= msctls_updown32Spin2PRR&Port: P^O($Pf &Always use message authenticatorPP2OKP2Cancel ȀAdd RADIUS ServerMS Shell DlgP R&Server name:P^PRShared secret:P^`P2C&hange...P.R&Time-out (seconds): P^+(Pz+ msctls_updown32Spin1P@RI&nitial score:P^=(P{< msctls_updown32Spin2PRR&Port: P^O($Pd Sen&d RADIUS Accounting On and Accounting Off messagesPP2OKP2CancelPPPMS Shell DlgPThis server can use the following Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) options. Remote access policies determine which settings are used for an individual connection.$P& &&Multilink connections$P3 'Dy&namic bandwidth control using BAP or BACP$PA (&Link control protocol (LCP) extensions$PN )&Software compressionPA ȀQChange SecretMS Shell DlgP N&New secret:Pgf1PVC&onfirm new secret:Pgf2P1Pe<2OKP<2Cancel Ȁ Configure Device - MS Shell DlgPYou can use this device for remote access requests or demand-dial connections.$P X&Remote access connections (inbound only)$P& Y&Demand-dial routing connections (inbound and outbound)$P1 ZDemand-dial r&outing connections (outbound only)PJ_&Phone number for this device:PGS[P\`You can set a maximum port limit for a device that supports multiple ports.Pn?^&Maximum ports: PJk(\Pfk ]msctls_updown32Spin1PP2OKP2Cancel@$@gMS Shell DlgPServer type:$P c&Local area network (LAN) routers only$P! dL&AN and demand-dial routers$P. eR&emote access servers@$@gMS Shell DlgP&Find servers running: @POlSysListView32List1P2m&Clear AllP#2n&Select AllPA Ȁ Add ServerMS Shell DlgPAdd the following server: $P w&This computer $P" xT&he following computer: $PA z&All Routing and Remote Access computers $Pl y&Browse Active DirectoryPNDomain name:P-{PXvP~P2OK@2NextP2CancelLoggingMS Shell DlgPSelect the event types you want logged: $P Log &errors only $P" Log errors and &warnings $P/ L&og all events $P< &Do not log any events$PQLog additional &Routing and Remote Access information (used for debugging)PlTo view the information contained in these logs, open the %windir%\tracing directory.PA ȀJNew IP TunnelMS Shell DlgPI&nterface name:PPe42OKP42CancelP)Ȁ Authentication MethodsMS Shell DlgPThe server authenticates remote systems by using the selected methods in the order shown below.$P E&xtensible authentication protocol (EAP)PFE&AP Methods...$PB &Microsoft encrypted authentication version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)$PO Micro&soft encrypted authentication (MS-CHAP)$P\ &Encrypted authentication (CHAP)$Pi U&nencrypted password (PAP)Pz Unauthenticated access$P Allo&w remote systems to connect without authenticationP2OKP2CancelP,Select the EAP option if you are using Network Access Protection (NAP). Use NPS to configure all other NAP settings.Ȁ Authentication MethodsMS Shell DlgPThe server authenticates remote systems by using the selected methods in the order shown below.$P E&xtensible authentication protocol (EAP)$PB &Microsoft encrypted authentication version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)$PO &Encrypted authentication (CHAP)$P\ U&nencrypted password (PAP)$Pi A&llow machine certificate authentication for IKEv2Pz Unauthenticated access$P Allo&w remote systems to connect without authenticationP2OKP2CancelP,Select the EAP option if you are using Network Access Protection (NAP). Use NPS to configure all other NAP settings.Ȁ New RRAS Install Wizard ParametersMS Shell DlgPNew RRAS Install Wizard ParametersP p Is the snapin running locally?P (w Is DNS on the private interface?P 5| Is DHCP on the private interface?P B Is the machine a member of a domain?P O Is SharedAccess (ICS) already running?P i6 Number of NICS:POf(P>Protocols InstalledP  IPP  IPXP;2OKȐ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Welcome to the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardPs'This wizard helps you set up your server so that you can connect to other networks and allow connections from remote clients.PsFTo continue, click Next.Ȑ >Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell Dlg %P &Remote access (dial-up or VPN) %P%! N&etwork address translation (NAT) %P> &Virtual private network (VPN) access and NAT %P] &Secure connection between two private networks %Pw &Custom configurationP Allow remote clients to connect to this server through either a dial-up connection or a secure virtual private network (VPN) Internet connection.P 0Allow internal clients to connect to the Internet using one public IP address.P HAllow remote clients to connect to this server through the Internet and local clients to connect to the Internet using a single public IP address.P hConnect this network to a remote network, such as a branch office.P Select any combination of the features available in Routing and Remote Access. PAȐ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Cannot ContinueP'This wizard cannot continue because Internet connection sharing (ICS) and/or Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) is already enabled on this computer.Ps'.+PFRemove ICS/ICF from the shared connection, and then run this wizard again.P]To close this wizard, click Finish.PAȐ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Cannot ContinueP'5This wizard cannot continue because Internet connection sharing (ICS) and/or Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) is already enabled on %s.PeTo close this wizard, click Finish.Ps'.+PF0Log on to %s locally as an administrator, remove ICS/ICF from the shared connection, and then run this wizard again.Ȑ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Cannot ContinueP'This wizard cannot continue because Internet Protocol (IP) is not installed on this server.Ps'.+P>Install IP from the Network Connections folder, and then run this wizard again.PWTo close this wizard and display Help about installing IP, click Finish.Ȑ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Cannot ContinueP'5This wizard cannot continue because Internet Protocol (IP) is not installed on %s.P]To close this wizard, click Finish.Ps'.+P>0Log on to %s locally as an administrator, install IP from the Network Connections folder, and then run this wizard again.PAȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell Dlg $P $Set up &Internet connection sharing (ICS) %PA %Set up a &router with the Network Address Translation (NAT) routing protocolP!Select this option to connect a single network (for example, a small office or a home network) to the Internet.P NSelect this option when you have multiple network connections or when you need routing protocols or demand-dial connections.PSelect a setup method based on the complexity of your network.@!.  ICS cannot be configured on Advanced Server or Datacenter ServerȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell Dlg $P +&Use this public interface to connect to the Internet: $PJ (Create a new &demand-dial interface to the InternetP! Network &Interfaces:P!0"SysListView32List1P!VA demand-dial interface is activated when a client uses the Internet. Select this option if this server connects with a modem or by using the Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. The Demand-Dial Interface Wizard will start at the end of this wizard.Pt  &Enable security on the selected interface by setting up Basic Firewall.P!~Basic Firewall prevents unauthorized users from gaining access to this server through the Internet.PAȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgP Select the interface for the network that will have access to the Internet.PNetwork &Interfaces:P7"SysListView32List1PUIf your network has both a NAT server and multiple private interfaces, you should configure DHCP on all private segments.PAȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Cannot ContinuePNTo close this wizard, click Finish.Ps'.+P'$This wizard cannot continue because no network connections were detected on this server. Shut down this computer and install a network adapter, and then run this wizard again.PAȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPWindows didn't detect name and address services (DNS and DHCP) on this network. How do you want to obtain these services? $P C&Enable basic name and address services $P: D&I will set up name and address services laterP!#Routing and Remote Access assigns addresses automatically and forwards name resolution requests to a DNS server on the Internet.P!FChoose this option if you have set up the Active Directory on your network, or if you have DHCP or DNS servers in your network.PAȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPWhen you click Next, this wizard will start the Routing and Remote Access service and then start the Demand-Dial Interface Wizard.PTo start Routing and Remote Access and the Demand Dial Interface wizard, click Next.Ȁ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Completing the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardPs#You have successfully completed the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup wizard.Ps8 Summary:PqrTo close this wizard, click Finish.PrD<Ps(To enable servers to respond to Internet requests, configure port mappings and update your firewall.Ȁ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Completing the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardPs!You have successfully completed the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup wizard.Ps(To enable servers to respond to Internet requests, configure port mappings and update your firewall.PtTo close this wizard, click Finish.Ps6 Summary:PtB?Ȁ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPsCannot CompletePsTo close this wizard, click Finish.P'77The Demand-Dial Interface Wizard did not complete successfully because of the following problem: %sPs'.+PsU2Routing and Remote Access will not work properly until you set up a demand-dial interface, so the Routing and Remote Access Service has been stopped and disabled.Ȁ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Cannot ContinueP'This wizard cannot continue because the required protocols are not available on this server.P]To close this wizard and display Help about installing protocols, click Finish.Pr'.+P>Add the required protocols from the Network Connections folder, and then run this wizard again.PAȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Cannot ContinueP'%This wizard cannot continue because the required protocols are not available on %s. Add the required protocols, and then run this wizard again.PmTo close this wizard, click Finish.PN0To add protocols, log on to %s as an administrator and then open the Network Connections folder.Ps'.+PAȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPRemote clients must be assigned to one network for addressing, dial-up access, and other purposes. Select the appropriate network connection from the list below.PNetwork &Interfaces:P!7"SysListView32List1PAȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell Dlg $P& &&Yes, I want to exit the wizard to adjust my configuration $P3'&No, I am configuring a standalone server without access to a network, or I am using another protocol to access the network.PWindows has not detected the IP protocol on any network adapter. Remote access clients will not be able to access your network using the IP protocol.PDo you want to exit the wizard to add an adapter or to enable IP?PAȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Cannot ContinuePs'.+PNTo close this wizard, click Finish.P'"This wizard cannot continue because no network connections were detected on this server. Shut down this computer and install a network adapter, and then run this wizard again.PAȀ>Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgP&Address ranges: P!A"SysListView32List1Pe2(Ne&w...Pe3)&Edit...Pe2*&DeletePEnter the address ranges (static pools) that you want to use. This server will assign all of the addresses in the first range before continuing to the next.Ȁ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell Dlg $PG 'N&o, use Routing and Remote Access to authenticate connection requests $PT &&Yes, set up this server to work with a RADIUS serverP2Although Routing and Remote Access can authenticate connection requests, large networks that include multiple remote access servers often use a RADIUS server for central authentication.PIf you are using a RADIUS server on your network, you can set up this server to forward authentication requests to the RADIUS server.P7Do you want to set up this server to work with a RADIUS server?PAȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Completing the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardPs'You have successfully configured this server as a remote access server.Pp To close this wizard, click Finish.Pt< Summary:PrJ<Ȁ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Cannot ContinuePeTo close this wizard, click Finish.Ps'.+P'!This wizard cannot continue because there are not enough network connections. A VPN server must have at least one permanent network connection. PNShut down this computer and install additional network adapters, and then run this wizard again.Ȑ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Cannot ContinueP'This wizard cannot continue because Internet Protocol (IP) is not installed on this server.PVTo close this wizard and display Help about installing IP, click Finish.Ps'.+P>Install IP from the Network Connections folder, and then run this wizard again.PAȐ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Cannot ContinueP'5This wizard cannot continue because Internet Protocol (IP) is not installed on %s.Ps'.+PeTo close this wizard, click Finish.P>"0Log on to %s locally as an administrator, install IP from the Network Connections folder, and then run this wizard again.PAȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPAȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPAȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPMacintosh users can connect to the server by using name and password authentication or the Guest account. To allow use of the Guest account, you must allow unauthenticated access to this server.P%If you allow unauthenticated access to this server, non-Macintosh clients can also access it without presenting credentials such as user name and password.P. +P6 #&Allow unauthenticated access for all remote clientsȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgP , Select the network interface that connects this server to the Internet.PNet&work interfaces:P:"SysListView32List1P_ P)jȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPNetwork &interfacesP!7"SysListView32List1PVPN clients must be assigned to one network for addressing, dial-in access, and other purposes. Select the appropriate network connection from the list below.Ȁ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell Dlg $P &&Automatically $P2 '&From a specified range of addressesP How do you want IP addresses to be assigned to remote clients?P!If you use a DHCP server to assign addresses, confirm that it is configured properly. If you do not use a DHCP server, this server will generate the addresses.PAȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPEnter the primary and alternate RADIUS servers that this server will use for remote authentication and accounting.PL&Primary RADIUS server:PvEP,R&Alternate RADIUS server:Pv)FP@Type the shared secret (password) that is used to contact these RADIUS servers.PR/&Shared secret:PvOGȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Completing the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardPr"You have successfully completed the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard.Pr|To close this wizard, click Finish.Pr7"Summary:PrBD PrBefore clients can connect, user accounts must be added locally or through Active Directory.Ȁ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Cannot ContinueP'This wizard cannot continue because the required protocols are not available on this server.Ps'.+P^To close this wizard and display Help about installing protocols, click Finish.P>Add the required protocols from the Network Connections folder, and then run this wizard again.PAȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Cannot ContinueP'5This wizard cannot continue because the required protocols are not available on %s. Add the required protocols, and then run this wizard again.PlTo close this wizard, click Finish.PN0To add protocols, log on to %s as an administrator and then open the Network Connections folder.Ps'.+PAȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell Dlg $P &&Yes $P- 'N&oPDo you want to use demand-dial connections to access remote networks?PZ  You can set up demand-dial connections after this wizard finishes.Ȁ =Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Completing the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardPs' You have successfully set up this server as a router.Ps]To close this wizard, click Finish.Psh Before using this router:P}tEnsure that all interfaces have addressesP}Install and set up routing protocols on each interfacePs2hPst3hPs4 Summary:Ps?Ȁ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Completing the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardPs'You have successfully completed the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard.Ps To close this wizard, click Finish.Ps@ Summary:PskYou chose to create a new demand-dial interface. After you finish this wizard, the New Demand-Dial Interface Wizard will start.PsKȀ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Completing the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardPs<hSummary of selections:Ps& You have successfully completed the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup wizard.PsGM PsAfter you close this wizard, configure the selected services in the Routing and Remote Access console.PrTo close this wizard, click Finish.PA Ȁ |Add Static Address PoolMS Shell DlgPType a starting IP address and either an ending IP address or the number of addresses in the range.P"V&Start IP address:Pf PRSysIPAddress32P5S&End IP address:Pf2PSSysIPAddress32PH[&Number of addresses:PfEDTPg2OKPg2CancelP\Ȁ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPRouting and Remote Access will provide an address to any computer on your network which requests one. These addresses will be selected from the range defined below.P9Network Address:PQF8255.255.255.255P$1Network Mask:PQ%F9255.255.255.255P4This address range was generated from the IP address of your network adapter. You can change the address range by defining a new static address for this network adapter through the Network Connections Folder.PSClick Next if the address range is acceptable. Click Cancel if you wish to exit the wizard in order to define a new static address.Ȁ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Completing the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardPs$You have successfully completed the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard.PoTo close this wizard, click Finish.Pr9|Summary:PrD? PrBefore clients can connect, user accounts must be added locally or through Active Directory.Ȁ=Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardMS Shell DlgPs Completing the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup WizardPs#You have successfully completed the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard.Ps8 Summary:PqrTo close this wizard, click Finish.PrD<PsBefore clients can connect, user accounts must be added locally or through Active Directory.@HIPv6MS Shell Dlg$P Ena&ble IPv6 Forwarding$P Enable &Default Route AdvertisementP-IPv6 prefix assignmentP8This server assigns the following IPv6 prefix:PD Rmsctls_netaddressPUse the following adapter to obtain DHCP, DNS addresses for IKEv2 clients.P(Ada&pter:!P3d Ȁ kAdd Static Prefix PoolMS Shell DlgPType a starting IPv6 prefix.PQ&Start IPv6 prefix:PdRmsctls_netaddressP+Q&End IPv6 prefix:Pd(Smsctls_netaddressP?R&Number of prefixes:Pd<DTPW2OKPW2CancelPRPRouting and Remote AccessMS Shell DlgPd Start the serviceP The Routing and Remote Access service is ready to use.Pn<2Start serviceP<2CancelȀ#Port StatusMS Shell DlgP >&Device:B!PI6P<Condition:PI P'2Line bps:PB',0P~'#Duration:P'B0P5StatisticsPB*Bytes in:P>B00P{B9Bytes out:PB09,999,999,999PX7ErrorsPf(CRC:PBf,0Ps+Time-out:PBs,0P/Alignment:PB,0P{f8Framing:Pf-0P{sDHardware overruns:Ps&0P{=Buffer overruns:P-0P2Network registrationPJIP address:PcPJIPv6 address:PcP!2 R&efreshPW2 &ResetP2 Di&sconnectP2ClosePAȀ'StatusMS Shell DlgP NC&onnection:B!P[6P,Duration:P:[0P&6StatisticsP4(Bytes in:PA400PA.Frames in:PEA,0PNHCompression in:PXN0P~45Bytes out:P400P~A:Frames out:PA,0P~NUCompression out:PN0Pa7ErrorsPo-CRC:PEo, 0P|-Time-out:PE|,!0P-Alignment:PE,"0P~o<Framing:Po,#0P~|EHardware overruns:P|$$0P~<Buffer overruns:P,%0P2Network registrationPJIP address:Pd&PJIPv6 address:PdP!2)R&efreshPW2*&ResetP2+&DisconnectP2ClosePA@HIKEv2MS Shell DlgP IKEv2 client connection controlsPq &Idle time-out (minutes) P+P msctls_updown32Spin1P, Network &Outage Time (minutes) P)+P) msctls_updown32Spin2PC Security Association(SA) expiration controlPR Security Association e&xpiration time (minutes) PP+PP msctls_updown32Spin3Pc Security Association &data size limit (MB) P`+P` msctls_updown32Spin4PAȀlNRouting and Remote AccessMS Shell DlgP92OKP92HelpPI Routing and Remote AccessRouting Server:Routing and Remote AccessRouting Domain:Routing and Remote AccessMicrosoft Corporation 5.2.0000.0Remote Access Clients (%1!d!)Routing Admin - Server: %sRouting Admin - Domain: %sRouting Admin - %sNetwork InterfacesLAN and Demand Dial InterfacesTypePAStatusConnection State %1 secondsRouting and Remote AccessRemote Access ClientsPorts%1 (%2)\Use Routing and Remote Access to configure and manage the Routing and Remote Access service.%1RADIUS configuration object %1 (local)Routing and Remote AccessAdd RADIUS ServerEdit RADIUS ServerRADIUS AuthenticationRADIUS Accounting<None>Routing and Remote AccessRouting and Remote AccessGEnables multi-protocol LAN-to-LAN, LAN-to-WAN, virtual private network (VPN), and network address translation (NAT) routing services for clients and servers on this network. If this service is stopped, these services will be unavailable. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to startRouting and Remote Access Server NameState Ports in usePA Total portsUp time (days:hrs:mins)Routing and Remote AccessStatusAdapters Server Status?&Start Starts Routing and Remote Access for the selected server=St&op Stops Routing and Remote Access for the selected serverL&Refresh Updates the information in the current view for the selected server0&Add Server... Adds a server for administrationRemove Server from &console iDi&sable Routing and Remote Access Stops Routing and Remote Access and removes the previous configurationGRe&build Server List Rebuilds the previous Active Directory server listKRe&move from Directory... Removes the selected server from Active DirectoryOWindows cannot display the domain view query dialog because of a network error. UnavailablePA VPN accessDial-up accessNot ConfiguredAccess is denied.Demand-dial connectionsI&Enable DirectAccess... Launches the RAS to DirectAccess Migration WizardRemote Access Management Device NameDial-out HoursConfigure Device - %1?Routing Configuration Files (*.mpr)|*.mpr|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| Not Available%1 (%2)Microsoft Windows NTW %1 %2Microsoft Windows NTS %1 %2 %1 Server %2 %1 Pro %2RRAS Server type Build numberAllow RAS to select adapterRASServer Initial Score%1 (unconfigured)Name not found$Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family%1\%2 %1\<Unknown>StoppedStartingStoppingStartedResumingPausingPaused Unknown state<No internet connection>NATand basic firewall LAN routingVPN clients connect to the following public interface: %1 VPN clients are assigned the following network for addressing: %2. Client connections are accepted and authenticated using: %3'remote access policies for this external RADIUS server.VPN clients connect to the following public interface: %1 RAS and VPN clients are assigned the following network for addressing: %2. Client connections are accepted and authenticated using: %3Configured NAT%1 for the following Internet interface: %2 Clients on the local-area network will be assigned IP addresses from the following range: Network address: %3; network mask: %4 and a basic firewallConfigured NAT%1 for the following Internet interface: %2 NAT relies on external DNS and DHCP servers. Confirm that these services are configured properly. User NameDurationNumber of PortsNon-operational Disconnected Calling back ListeningAuthenticating Authenticated InitializingUnknown%1 at computer %2$All Remote Access users in %1 domainAll Remote Access users on %1the local computer/Configured NAT%1 for the following Internet interface:%2 Clients on the local-area network will be assigned IP addresses from the following range:network address:; network mask NAT relies on external DNS and DHCP servers. Confirm that these services are configured properly.Configured NAT%1 for the following Internet interface:%2 NAT relies on external DNS and DHCP servers. Confirm that these services are configured properly.NameDeviceCommentStatusNameNumber of PortsUsed ByRASRouting RAS/RoutingNoneUnknownTypeUsed ByActiveInactiveActive (dialout)TCP/IPIPXNetBEUI$Welcome to Routing and Remote AccessRouting and Remote Access provides integrated multiprotocol routing, remote access, and virtual private network (VPN) capabilities. RTo add a Routing and Remote Access server, on the Action menu, click Add Server. .Configure the Routing and Remote Access ServerpTo set up Routing and Remote Access, on the Action menu, click Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access. PA108PA Configuration_You can enable any of the following combinations of services, or you can customize this server. Internet Connection Server SetupYou can create a basic Internet connection with limited administrative control, or a more complex Internet connection with full administrative control.NAT Internet Connection{You can select an existing interface or create a new demand-dial interface for client computers to connect to the Internet.Network SelectionAYou can select the network that will have shared Internet access.%Name and Address Translation Services/You can enable basic name and address services.Ready to Apply Selections<Routing and Remote Access is ready to apply your selections.Remote Access Server Setup_You can use a basic configuration or more advanced options to set up this remote access server.Remote Client ProtocolsQThe protocols required for remote client access must be available on this server.PAMacintosh Guest AuthenticationWYou can allow remote Macintosh users to connect to this server using the Guest account.Network SelectionGYou can assign remote clients to the network that you want them to use.Verify Network Connections9Please ensure that you have a connection to your network.Address Range AssignmentcYou can specify the address ranges that this server will use to assign addresses to remote clients.IP Address AssignmentGYou can select the method for assigning IP addresses to remote clients.Address Range AssignmentcYou can specify the address ranges that this server will use to assign addresses to remote clients.'Managing Multiple Remote Access Servers;You can manage all of your remote access servers centrally.RADIUS Server SelectionZYou can specify the RADIUS servers that you want to use for authentication and accounting.PARemote Client ProtocolsGThe protocols required for VPN access must be available on this server.Macintosh Guest AuthenticationWYou can allow remote Macintosh users to connect to this server using the Guest account.VPN ConnectionrTo enable VPN clients to connect to this server, at least one network interface must be connected to the Internet.Network SelectionKYou can assign remote VPN clients to the network that you want them to use.IP Address AssignmentGYou can select the method for assigning IP addresses to remote clients.IP Address AssignmentGYou can select the method for assigning IP addresses to remote clients.Address Range AssignmentcYou can specify the address ranges that this server will use to assign addresses to remote clients.'Managing Multiple Remote Access ServersConnection requests can be authenticated locally or forwarded to a Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) server for authentication.RADIUS Server SelectionZYou can specify the RADIUS servers that you want to use for authentication and accounting.Routed ProtocolsDThe protocols required for routing must be available on this server.IP Address AssignmentGYou can select the method for assigning IP addresses to remote clients.Address Range AssignmentcYou can specify the address ranges that this server will use to assign addresses to remote clients.Demand-Dial ConnectionsDDemand-dial connections allow you to route data to a remote network.Address Assignment Range:Windows has defined a range of addresses for your network.12PAName Description IP Address %s (DHCP)FromToNumber IP AddressMask%s%s Routers or Remote Access ServersGeneralAdvancedRouter Query Error6You must enter a valid name of at least %1 characters.failure with code 0x%1!08x!%!cn Object ClassRRAS AttributeiThe Routing and Remote Access administration dictionary cannot be read. The following error occurred: %s PANextOKPPlease wait while the Routing and Remote Access service finishes initialization.The %1 server did not recognize your user name or password. Make sure your user name is correct, and then type it and your password again.Completing InitializationNew IPv4 Address RangeEdit IPv4 Address RangeNew IPv6 Prefix RangeEdit IPv6 Prefix RangePAModemX25ISDNSerial Frame RelayATMSONETSw56PAPPTPL2TPIrDAParallelPPPoEOther IPv6 Prefix Prefix Length Remote Access Logging & Policies Launch NPSVPN TypeClient AddressServer AddressAuthentication TypeEncryption TypeUnknownPA CertificateEAPPAPCHAP MS CHAP V2IPsec: ESP DES-56IPsec: ESP 3DESIPsec: AES 128IPsec: AES 256-IPsec: AES 192MPPE 56MPPE 40MPPE 128None<Empty Subject Name>DefaultPAINew Demand-dial &Interface... Creates a demand-dial interface for routing<Use the De&mand-dial Interface Wizard Use Demand-dial wizardK&Set Credentials... Sets credentials for the selected demand-dial interface+C&onnect Connects the demand-dial interface1D&isconnect Disconnects the demand-dial interface)&Enable Activates a demand-dial interface.Dis&able Deactivates the demand-dial interfacei&Unreachability Reason... Displays information about unsuccessful connection to the demand-dial interface@New &Demand-dial Interface... Create a new demand dial interface!Select C&olumns... Select columns6Re&fresh Rate... Sets the refresh rate for all servers3Auto &Refresh Updates all the servers automaticallyA&Status... Displays the connection status for the selected server9&Disconnect Disconnects the selected user from the server4&Status... Displays the status for the selected portK&Disconnect Disconnects the user connected to selected port from the server$Select C&olumns... Configure columns/Refresh Get the latest status from the servers.jSe&t IP Demand-dial Filters Adds, removes or modifies the IP filter for the selected demand-dial interfacem&Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access Configures Routing and Remote Access for the selected server2Test Query Get the latest status from the servers.\Dia&l-out Hours Specifies the number of hours the demand-dial interface can be used each day?Pa&use Pauses Routing and Remote Access for the selected serverAResu&me Resumes Routing and Remote Access for the selected serverCR&estart Restarts Routing and Remote Access for the selected serverTEST - New Install Wizard nSet IPv&6 Demand-dial Filters Adds, removes or modifies the IPv6 filter for the selected demand-dial interfacePAzTo continue, you must enable Routing and Remote Access on this interface. Do you want to start Routing and Remote Access?7Are you sure you want to remove the selected interface?You did not type a password for this interface. Do you want to remove the password? To remove the password for the interface, click Yes. To leave the password unchanged, click No.-Do you want to continue sending in %1 domain?-Do you want to continue sending on server %1?wRouting and Remote Access is currently running. Before installing, you must stop this service. Do you want to continue?yYou must stop the Routing and Remote Access service before loading a new configuration. Do you want to stop the service?mIf you remove the selected interface, the active connections will be disconnected. Do you want to continue?`The Routing and Remote Access service has been disabled. Do you want to re-enable and start it?You must select an interface.$Restarting Routing and Remote AccessGPlease wait while the Routing and Remote Access service on %1 restarts.bThe interface cannot be added remotely. Check the installation of the router administration tool.The interface phone book entry cannot be edited remotely. Check the installation of the router administration tool. This step will be skipped.This router is currently configured for LAN routing only. Enable demand-dial by reinstalling before adding demand-dial interfaces.}The Routing and Remote Access service is not running. You cannot add and configure interfaces unless the service is running."A phonebook entry cannot be added:An error occurred while deleting the interface. Make sure the Routing and Remote Access service is running and that you have the necessary permissions and access to the computer.The interface is disconnected.8An error occurred during connection of the interface. %1PA The following error occurred: %15The credentials for the interface cannot be saved: %1`The Password and Confirm Password fields do not match. Enter the same characters in both fields./An error occurred during communication with %s.AYou do not have sufficient permissions to complete the operation.The network path was not found. The connection attempt failed. To add a demand-dial interface, you must enable demand-dial routing on this server. To enable demand-dial routing, on the General tab of the server properties, select the LAN and demand-dial routing option.4An error occurred while initializing the dialog: %11No message was entered. Do you want to continue?\The list of RAS servers in this domain cannot be retrieved. The following error occurred: %1(No RAS servers were found in the domain.CThe following error occurred during the connection to server %1: %2KThe following error occurred during connection enumeration on server %1: %2Enter the IP address. %s to %s5There are no installed router protocols to configure.4There is nothing to configure for this EAP provider.Encryption is not available. Either Microsoft Encrypted Authentication (MS-CHAP) or Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) must be selected. Note: If EAP is used, at least one of the methods must support encryption.^The server is configured to allow non-authenticated users. This is a potential security risk.QTo use a new authentication provider, you must restart Routing and Remote Access.MTo use a new accounting provider, you must restart Routing and Remote Access.Enter a valid server name.DThe secrets entered in New secret and Confirm new secret must match.You must enter the old secret.PASIP must be installed for this interface before you can set up a demand-dial filter.=The changes will not take effect until the computer restarts.uThe IP address and subnet mask entered are not compatible. Confirm that both addresses are correct before continuing.Invalid The QueryValue call failed : %s.*The EAP provider name cannot be found: %1.>The number of available ports must be between %1!d! and %2!d!.%The port information cannot be saved.The most likely cause of this error is that the DCOM server is not registered or has been deleted. Reregister the Rrasprxy.dll (run Regsvr32 Rrasprxy.dll) and check that Remrras.exe is located in the same folder as Rrasprxy.dll.:Port information was not saved for the following devices: You must restart the server to increase the number of ports available to PPTP. To save your changes and restart the server, click Yes. To restart later, click No.PAWThe Routing and Remote Access service cannot be stopped. Installation cannot continue.fYou can try to stop the router service manually by typing "net stop RemoteAccess" at the command line.wRouting and Remote Access cannot be started because of the following error. Please see event log for more information:wRouting and Remote Access cannot be stopped because of the following error. Please see event log for more information:wRouting and Remote Access cannot be removed because of the following error. Please see event log for more information:yRouting and Remote Access cannot be installed because of the following error. Please see event log for more information::PPTP does not allow the number of ports to be set to zero./To create a demand-dial interface, at least one port must be enabled for routing. To enable routing on a specific port, right-click the Ports node and select Properties. Select a port and click Configure. In the Configure Device dialog box, select Demand-dial routing connections (inbound and outbound).DCOM cannot launch the remote server (Remrras.exe). Check the launch and access permissions of Remrras.exe on the target computer (use Dcomcnfg.exe).lIf you disable Remote Access on this device, it may disconnect active connections. Do you want to continue?gIf you disable Routing on this device, it may disconnect active connections. Do you want to continue?You are attempting to reduce the number of ports on this device. If the new number of ports is less than the total number of outgoing and incoming connections, you may disconnect active connections. Do you want to continue?This server has not been set up for routing. In the Routing and Remote Access console, right-click the server name, and select Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access.&Specify a valid range of IP addresses.(No authentication methods were selected.You made a change to the NetBEUI configuration. The Routing and Remote Access service must be restarted for the changes to take effect. Do you want the service on %s to be restarted now?PAnThis computer is being restarted by the administrator. Please save all your files and close any open programs.EInstallation of the Routing and Remote Access service failed because:Windows was unable to add this computer to the list of valid remote access servers in the Active Directory. Before you can use this computer as a remote access server, the domain administrator must complete this task.qYou made changes to the router configuration that require the router to be restarted. Would you like to continue?You must specify what functions you want the Routing and Remote Access service to perform (LAN routing, Demand-dial routing, or Remote Access).,The network address entered is not complete.YThe local IP address for this tunnel is invalid or incomplete. Enter a valid IP address.ZThe remote IP address for this tunnel is invalid or incomplete. Enter a valid IP address.+You must enter a valid name for the tunnel.UYou must restart the server in order to change the number of ports available to PPTP.8The IP address for radius server %1 cannot be retrieved.,The radius server %1 is already on the list.An error occurred.The network cannot be accessed.~The Remote Access and Routing service did not start because of the following error. Check the event log for more information:tThe Remote Access and Routing service did not start for an unknown reason. Check the event log for more information.HWindows NT 4.0 Remote Access and Routing configuration is not available.L%1!d! is not a valid initial score. Specify a value between %2!d! and %3!d!.@You do not have the required permissions to view the properties.You selected one or more authentication methods. To ensure that each method is correctly configured for the remote access, policy, and domain levels, follow the step-by-step procedures in Help. Do you want to view the corresponding Help topic?OThe To network number must be greater than or equal to the From network number.You are disabling the router and removing its configuration. To re-enable the router, you will have to reconfigure it. Do you want to continue?0This computer name was not found on the network.VThe Routing and Remote Access service cannot be paused because of the following error.WThe Routing and Remote Access service cannot be resumed because of the following error.Non-server computer0You can only access ports properties on servers running Windows 2000 server family and servers running Windows Server 2003. To configure the ports for a server running Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, on the Services tab of the Network Neighborhood property page, edit the Routing and Remote Access Properties.iYou must restart the Routing and Remote Access service before the new RADIUS parameters will take effect.Windows has either detected a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server on your private network, or has found a static Domain Name System (DNS) server address assigned to the network adapter for your private network, or both. This wizard will continue to set up your server as an Internet connection server, but you must configure the DCHP and DNS servers correctly in order for this server to function properly.You have chosen to have this remote access server automatically assign client IP addresses, or assign them from a DHCP server. However, the network connection for this server is configured to have a static IP address. If you want this server to assign IP addresses automatically or from a DHCP server, you must ensure that the server's static address is compatible with the addresses assigned to remote clients.tThe address range entered is too small. The range must contain at least two addresses. Enter a valid address range.5The address pool is empty. Add a valid address pool.5The start address is invalid. Enter a valid address.3The end address is invalid. Enter a valid address.^The address range includes a 127.X.X.X address, this is invalid. Enter a valid address range.gThe address range is not in the normal range ( - Enter a valid address range.uThis address range overlaps another address range in the address pool. Please enter a non-overlapping address range.Windows cannot contact the RADIUS server "%1". Click OK to keep the server name that you typed or click Cancel to retype the server name.)A VPN server requires that IP is enabled.You must restart the server to increase the number of ports available to L2TP. To save your changes and restart the server, click Yes. To restart later, click No.UYou must restart the server in order to change the number of ports available to L2TP.Set up Internet connection sharing from the Network and Dial-up Connections folder. To display Help about Internet connection sharing, click OK. To return to the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup wizard, click Cancel.To connect a single network to the Internet, log on to %s locally as an administrator, and then set up Internet connection sharing from the Network Connections folder.Set up a basic remote access server by making an incoming network connection in the Network Connections folder. To display Help about making an incoming network connection, click OK. To return to the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup wizard, click Cancel.=To configure a basic remote access server, log on to %s locally as an administrator. Open the Network Connections folder and double-click the Make New Connection icon. In the Network Connection wizard, select Accept Incoming Connections. To return to the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup wizard, click Cancel.To connect to the Internet, set up a default route after you finish this wizard. For Help about setting up a default route to the Internet, click Help.aThe operation timed out. The Routing and Remote Access service may not have been restarted on %1.The Routing and Remote Access service may not have been restarted because the following error occurred when trying to query the service status.You have chosen to have this virtual private network server automatically assign client IP addresses, or assign them from a DHCP server. However, the network connection for this server is configured to have a static IP address. If you want this server to assign IP addresses automatically or from a DHCP server, you must ensure that the server's static address is compatible with the addresses assigned to dial-in clients.To support the relaying of DHCP messages from remote access clients, you must configure the properties of the DHCP Relay Agent with the IP address of your DHCP server. JRouting and Remote Access cannot verify that the currently configured Remote Access Policy on this server matches the default Remote Access Policy. Please check the Remote Access Policies configured on this server to make sure that they are appropriate. The following error occurred: The remote access policy could not be found.Routing and Remote Access cannot verify that the default Remote Access Policy matches the settings for the server. The following error occurred: @No RADIUS servers specified. Enter the name of a RADIUS server.Less than two network interfaces were detected on this machine. For standard VPN server configuration at least two network interfaces need to be installed. Please use the custom configuration path instead.Remote Registry service is required to configure a machine. Currently, the Remote Registry service is not running on machine %1.8Would you like to configure authentication provider: %1?4Would you like to configure accounting provider: %1?~If you choose to allow custom IPsec policy, preshared key is required. Enter a preshared key and then save the configuration.3The start prefix is invalid. Enter a valid prefix.1The end prefix is invalid. Enter a valid prefix..The prefix is invalid. Enter a valid prefix.PAeTo enable custom IPsec policy for L2TP/IKEv2 connections, you must restart Routing and Remote Access.You are disabling custom IPsec policy for L2TP/IKEv2 connections. Verify that machine certificate, also known as computer certificate, is installed for L2TP/IKEv2 connections to succeed. Note: If the machine certificate is newly installed, you must restart Routing and Remote Access.You must restart the server to increase the number of ports available to SSTP. To save your changes and restart the server, click Yes. To restart later, click No.UYou must restart the server in order to change the number of ports available to SSTP.=Remote Access Service is unable to enable Routing and Remote Access for the probable reason like: unable to open ports for Routing and Remote Access in Windows Firewall service. In this case RAS may not accept vpn connections. User Action: Manually open the port of Routing and Remote Access in the windows firewall.BRemote Access Service is unable to enable Routing and Remote Access for the probable reason like: exceptions in API to check the status of windows firewall service. In this case RAS may not accept vpn connections. User Action: Manually open the port of Routing and Remote Access in the windows firewall if it is running.XThe IKEv2 Idle time-out value must be in the range 5 to 2879 minutes(less than 48 hours)EThe IKEv2 Network Outage Time must be in the range 2 to 32767 minutesiThe IKEv2 Security Association expiration time must be in the range 5 to 2879 minutes(less than 48 hours)PARThe IKEv2 Security Association data size limit must be in the range 1 to 32767 MBsYou must restart the server to increase the number of ports available to IKEv2. To save your changes and restart the server, click Yes. To restart later, click No.VYou must restart the server in order to change the number of ports available to IKEv2.-The certificate used for Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) is different than the certificate bound to the SSL (web listner, HTTP.sys). Configure SSTP to use the default certificate or the certificate bound to SSL. You can configure web server application to use the same certificate used by SSTPzThe certificate used for Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) is missing. You must configure a new certificate for SSTPBThere was a problem in launching the 'Enable DirectAccess' Wizard.DirectAccess is enabled on this machine, but there was a problem in retrieving the internet and intranet facing interfaces used by DirectAccess. Please make sure to select the interfaces in the following pages as used by DirectAccess.There was an error in determining whether DirectAccess is enabled on this server. If DirectAccess is enabled on this machine, please make sure to select the interfaces in the following pages as used by DirectAccess.SSTP is using the same certificate that is used by DirectAccess for IP-HTTPS. You should use the server role management console to modify the IP-HTTPS certificate in case you wish to change the certificate to be used by SSTP. If you proceed with changing the certificate, DirectAccess clients may not be able to connect to the server using the IP-HTTPS interface. Are you sure you wish to continue?There was an error in determining whether DirectAccess is enabled on this server. If DirectAccess is enabled on this machine, the interfaces, IP address assignment, RADIUS servers, and SSTP certificate settings should be modified from the server role management console.WRouting and Remote Access Usage: mmc.exe rrasmgmt.msc [/ComputerName <Computer Name>].UnknownClient Home Router Demand-dial DedicatedInternalLoopbackUnknown Connected Connecting Disconnected UnreachableUnknownEnabledDisabledUnknownUpDownTestingUnknownNon-operational Unreachable Disconnected Connecting Connected OperationalUnknownEnabledDisabledSelect Interface I&nterfaces:AThis routing manager runs on the interface that you select below.PANew Interface for %1BThis routing protocol runs on the interface that you select below.New Routing Protocol&Routing protocols:?Click the routing protocol that you want to add, then click OK.Tunnel1/The following name is unavailable: index %1!d!.e The Routing and Remote Access service did not load the interface. Check the event log for details. d All devices are busy. There are no ports available for the interface to establish a connection. " The interface has been disabled. ,The last connection attempt failed because: PA The router service is paused. Q The Routing and Remote Access service is not running on the specified computer. An unspecified error occurred. 4No new router interfaces are available for addition.?No additional routing protocols are available for installation.Y%1 from %2 must be removed before %3 from %4 can be installed. Do you want to remove it?+ The protocol cannot be removed because: DAn error occurred during the loading of protocol information for %1.rThe most likely cause of this error is that the file Rrasprxy.dll is not registered. Run "regsvr32 Rrasprxy.dll".vAn error occurred during the loading of protocol information for %1. Windows cannot retrieve the information from %1.The remote DCOM server on %1 cannot be found. Make sure that the DCOM server on %1 is registered. Run "regsvr32 Rrasprxy.dll" and check that Remrras.exe is in the same folder as Rrasprxy.dll.5 The network device is not connected to the network. W The network device cannot connect at this time due to the dial-out hours restriction. N%1 from %2 is already installed on the computer. Do you want to reinstall %1?PA$You must select at least one column.RefreshSelect columns... DescriptionDetails,Windows cannot locate the Loghours.dll file.Windows cannot run properly because it cannot find the loghours API in the Loghours.dll file. You might need to reinstall or restore Windows. To find out how to restore Windows using the emergency repair disk or the Recovery Console, or to find out how to reinstall Windows, see Help.PA>The subnet mask is not valid. Enter a contiguous subnet mask.iThe IP address and the subnet mask entered are not compatible. Enter compatible values before continuing.]The IP address is not valid. The IP address must be in the range ( - IP address is not valid. IP addresses cannot be in the 127.X.X.X range.IThe IP address is not valid. The IP address cannot equal the subnet mask. %1!s!%2!s!The registry call failed. Confirm that your maximum registry size has not been exceeded and that you have sufficient permissions to perform this operation.The registry open of "%s" failed. Confirm that your maximum registry size has not been exceeded and that you have sufficient permissions to perform this operation.The registry create of "%s" failed. Confirm that your maximum registry size has not been exceeded and that you have sufficient permissions to perform this operation.The registry set value of "%s" failed. Confirm that your maximum registry size has not been exceeded and that you have sufficient permissions to perform this operation.%s%1 %2KAdditional information is available : Error code: %1 Error parameter: %2%1 (%2)-Please wait while the %2 service on %1 stops..Please wait while the %2 service on %1 starts.An error occurred while trying to start the %2 service on %1. For more information about the error, see Event Viewer. (Right-click the My Computer icon on your Windows desktop, and then click Manage. In the Computer Management console, click Event Viewer.)An error occurred while trying to stop the %2 service on %1. For more information about the error, see Event Viewer. (Right-click the My Computer icon on your Windows desktop, and then click Manage. In the Computer Management console, click Event Viewer.)An error occurred.jThere is not enough memory available to open this dialog box. Close some applications, and then try again.4The IP address is invalid. Enter a valid IP address. Stopping %1 Starting %1 Octet %1!d!PARRAS Server VPN (PPTP)RRAS Server VPN (L2TP)RRAS IP Security (IKE)RRAS Server VPN (NAT)PA(Routing and Remote Access AdministrationNATPARouting and Remote Access\Use Routing and Remote Access to configure and manage the Routing and Remote Access service.The preshared key that is being changed/removed is currently in use. Restart Routing and Remote Access for this change to take effect.2Illegal Character. You can only type number here.IThe list of servers for this domain/workgroup is not currently available.DNS style domain names (for example are not supported. Please enter a NetBIOS domain name (for example Microsoft).Custom ConfigurationjWhen this wizard closes, you can configure the selected services in the Routing and Remote Access console. Remote AccessGYou can set up this server to receive both dial-up and VPN connections.0You must select at least one option to continue.GCreated a secure connection between this network and a private network.RAS clients are assigned to the following network for addressing: %1. Client connections are accepted and authenticated using: %2sICF (Internet Connection Firewall) is currently enabled on %s. To configure RRAS, please disable ICF and try again.rICS (Internet Connection Sharing) is currently enabled on %s. To configure RRAS, please disable ICS and try again.Incoming connections are currently enabled on %1. Before you can configure Routing and Remote Access on %2,you must open Network Connections and delete Incoming Connections.9Configured NAT%1 for the following Internet interface:%2.H&Enable security on the selected interface by setting up Basic Firewall.O&Enable security on the selected interface by setting up static packet filters.cBasic Firewall prevents unauthorized users from gaining access to this server through the Internet.jStatic packet filters allow only VPN traffic to gain access to this server through the selected interface.<Routing and Remote Access has created a default connection request policy called Microsoft Routing and Remote Access Service Policy. To ensure that this new policy does not conflict with existing Network Policy Server (NPS) connection request policies, open the NPS console and verify that it is configured properly. Restricted UnrestrictedTemporarily unrestrictedNot NAP-capableStatusPA(Use Windows authentication for all usersBecause Network Policy Server (NPS) is installed, you must use it to configure authentication and accounting providers. To configure authentication and accounting providers, create or modify connection request policies.Routing and Remote Access could not repair the authentication and accounting providers settings. To repair the settings, install Network Policy Server (NPS)and restore the connection request policy manually.HThe authentication and accounting providers settings have been repaired. A Connection request policy named %1 will be created in the NPS database. The policy has Windows authentication and Windows accounting.N %1 and %2 Remote RADIUS Server groups will be created in the NPS database. A connection request policy named %1 will be created in the NPS database. The policy uses the Authentication and Accounting Servers groups.: Network Address Translation (NAT) cannot start when Windows Firewall(WF)/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service is running. Windows Firewall(WF)/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service will be disabled when you finish the wizard. This is not enabled again when Routing and Remote Access is disabled later.The Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing service is enabled for %s. Click Start, click Administrative Tools, click Services, and search for the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing service. Make sure that the status for this service is Stopped and that the startup type is Disabled, and then try again. You must be an administrator in order to complete these steps.HThe Windows Firewall service is enabled for %s. Click Start, click Administrative Tools, click Services, and search for the Windows Firewall service. Make sure that the status for this service is Stopped and that the startup type is Disabled, and then try again. You must be an administrator in order to complete these steps.DormantPASSTPIKEv2PA4VS_VERSION_INFO@%@%?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationj!FileDescriptionRouting and Remote Access Snapinr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)8 InternalNamemprsnap.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.HOriginalFilenamemprsnap.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation <!--The following was created with scratch HTML.--> <HTML> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <TITLE>Routing and RAS</TITLE> <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> /* Style sheet optimized for IE4x - Last updated 01/16/01 RWF */ body { color: #000000; background: #FFFFFF; font-size: 70%; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Sans Serif; margin-left: 0em; padding-left: 1.5em; } a:link, a:visited { color: #0000FF; text-decoration:underline;} a:active, a:hover { color: #FF0000; cursor:hand; text-decoration:underline;} /* Puts a little more breathing room above related topics link. - AMS*/ a.#reltopics { position:relative; top:1em; } h1 { font-size: 125%; margin-bottom: .5em; clear:both; width: 85%; } h2 { font-size: 110%; margin-top: 1.5em; margin-bottom: .5em; clear:both; } h3 { font-size: 100%; margin-top: 1.2em; margin-bottom: .5em; clear:both; } h4 { font-size: 100%; margin-top: 1.2em; margin-bottom: .5em; clear:both; } h5 { font-size: 100%; margin-top: 1.2em; margin-bottom: .5em; clear:both; } p { margin-top: .6em; margin-bottom: .6em; } ol { margin-top: .5em; margin-bottom: 0em; margin-left: 2.1em; padding-left: 0em; margin-right:2.1em; } ul { margin-top: .6em; margin-bottom: 0em; list-style-type: disc; margin-left: 1.5em; padding-left: 0em; margin-right: 1.5em; } li { margin-bottom: .7em; clear:both; } dd { margin-bottom: 0em; margin-left: 1.5em; } /* for defined terms, follow the Document Conventions listing in the Microsoft Manual of Style: */ /* Keywords, functions, and anything else the user must enter exactly as shown are bold--add font-weight: bold; to the dt tag */ /* Variables, book titles, and placeholders the user must provide are italic--add font-style: italic; to the dt tag */ /* pre-defined arguments are bold and italic--add font-weight: bold; and font-style: italic; to the dt tag */ dt { margin-top: 1em; } pre { margin-top: .5em; margin-bottom: .5em; } code { font-family: Courier New; font-size: 1.1em; } table { font-size: 100%; margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; } th { text-align: left; background: #DDDDDD; vertical-align: bottom; padding: .2em; padding-left: .45em; padding-right: .5em;} tr { vertical-align: top; } td { background: #EEEEEE; vertical-align: top; padding: .2em; padding-left: .45em; padding-right: .5em;} /**** extended class styles ************************/ /* */ /* add comment tags to disable the style */ p.indent { margin-left: 1.3em; } /* used to indent text for notes and warnings; use this instead of the blockquote tag */ p.indent2 { margin-left: 3.5em; } /* used to indent text a second level under the first indent */ P.indentGray { color: #666666; } /* used in quad-method procedures */ p.procLabel { font-size: 100%; font-weight: bold; clear: both; width: 85%; margin-top: 2em; } p.uatshoot { font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: -.5em; margin-top: 1em; } /***********************************************/ /* these class styles are used for the expanding and collapsing text files (expand function in shared.js) */ #expand {margin-bottom: 0.6em; margin-left: 0em; margin-right: 0em;} a:link.expandToggle, a:visited.expandToggle {color:#000000; font-weight: bold; text-decoration:none;} a:hover.expandToggle, a:active.expandToggle {color:#0000FF;} img.expand { border: none; margin-right: 0.5em; width:.8em;} div.expand { margin-left: 1.5em; margin-right: 1.5em;margin-bottom: 1em; display:none;} /***********************************************/ /* this class for expand collapse appearing in a table */ table.uatshoot {background-color: #FFFFFF; width: 90%; } table.uatshoot td { padding: 0px 0px 0px 5px; } a:link.uatshoot, a:visited.uatshoot {color:#000000; font-weight: normal; text-decoration:none;} a:hover.uatshoot, a:active.uatshoot {color:#0000FF; text-decoration: none; } /*******************************************/ /* these classes are for thumbnail art */ a:link img.thumbnail {border-color: #0000FF;} a:active img.thumbnail { border-color: #FF0000;} a:hover img.thumbnail {border-color: #FF0000;} img.thumbnail {vertical-align: top; margin-left: 0; width:90; border-width:1;} div.thumbnail {float:left; width: 105; margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: -0.3em; clear: both; } /*********************************************/ /* this class style is used for the navigation tree in MMC */ p.navTree { margin-top: .2em; } ul.navTree { list-style-type: none; } li.branch { margin-top: -.5em; margin-bottom: .6em;} a.where {} /* use for the expand <a> tag */ /***************************************************************/ /* these class styles are used for <span> tags simulating buttons & their div */ #buttonMenu { padding: 0.5em 0.3em 0.1em 0.3em; padding-left:6px; border-bottom: thin solid #999999; background: #BBBBBB; vertical-align:top; z-index:2; visibility:visible; left:0; top:0; text-align:left; margin:0 1em 0 0; position:absolute; width: 100%; } a:link.button, a:visited.button, span.button { border-top-color: #EEEEEE ; border-left-color: #EEEEEE ; border-bottom-color: #666666 ; border-right-color: #666666 ; background-color: #DDDDDD ; color:#0000FF; text-decoration: none; text-align: center; font-weight: bold ; height:1.5em; width:17px; cursor:hand; border-style: solid; border-width: 1; } a:active.button, a:hover.button { border-top-color: #666666 ; border-left-color: #666666 ; border-bottom-color: #EEEEEE ; border-right-color: #EEEEEE; background-color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; text-align: center; font-weight: bold ; height:1.5em; width:17px; cursor:hand; border-style: solid; border-width: 1; } /* The following span is used to display items that have no entries - AMS */ span.buttoninactive {background: #C0C0C0; border: 1 solid #eeeeee; height: 1.4em; width: 1.4em; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; color: #808080; vertical-align:top; cursor: default; } #list { padding:.4em 0.3em 100% 0.3em; overflow:auto; line-height:0.4em; height:100%; width: 100%; z-index:1; left:0; top:0; text-align:left; margin:0; position:absolute; margin-left:1em; line-height:100%; } p.marker { font-weight:bold; margin-top: 2em; color:#000000; font-size:110%; } /************************************************/ /* class styles reserved for mouseover/mouseout DHTML */ .cold {} .hot {} /**********************************************************************/ /* ID styles reserved for <a> tags calling OCX's within HTML Help by creating OBJECTS */ #wPopup {} a:link#wPopup, a:visited#wPopup {color: #006600;} a:hover#wPopup, a:active#wPopup {color: #FF0000;} img.popup {border: none; margin-right: 0.5em; vertical-align:middle;} #shortcut {} img.shortcut {border: none; margin-right: 0.5em; vertical-align:middle;} #specLoc {} #altLoc {} p.note,p.tip, p.important, p.caution, p.warning { font-weight:bold; clear:both; margin-top:1em; margin-bottom:-.25em; } img.alert {border:none;} /* for icon images - note, tip, important, caution, warning*/ /************************************************/ /* styles used to modify the appearance of XML popups */ DIV.XMLPopup { height: 100%; width: 100%; border: solid; border-width:1px; background-color: #FFFFCC; } DIV.PopTerm { font-weight: bold; margin-left: 1em; margin-top: .75em; margin-right: 1em; } DIV.PopDef { line-height: 1.25em; margin-left: 1em; margin-top: .25em; margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; } DIV.PopSeeAlso { margin-left: 0em; margin-top: .5em; margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1.25em; } DIV.PopDef UL { margin-left: 1.45em; line-height: 1.25em; } /************************************************/ /* Styles for listed-out/hard-coded links for Related Topics with page GIF */ p.#relTopics { font-weight:bold; margin-top: 2em;} img.relTopics { border: none; } p.relTopics { margin-left: 1.5em; margin-top: -1.7em; margin-bottom: .5em;} /***********************************/ /* Style for print only functionality used with external URL link coUA_print.css*/ span.printonly {display:none } /***********************************/ /* Styles for checklists */ .userData {behavior:url(#default#userdata); } /*sets persistance*/ #checklist {width:100%; text-align:left; margin:0.3em 0em;} #checklist li {text-indent:0.2em;} /*********************************/ /* these classes are for previous next navigation */ a:hover.navbar, a:active.navbar {} /* text in nav */ a:link.navbar, a:visited.navbar {} #nav { left:0; top:0px; text-align:left; margin:0; position:absolute; padding-bottom: 1px; padding-top: 3px; padding-right:6px; padding-left:5px; align:top; visibility:hidden; z-index:1; } #text { left:0; top:0px; /*text-align:left;*/ /*Commented out because it was causing a problem with BI-DI. Remove style if no ill effects are found from commenting it out. - 5/28/99 AMS */ margin:0; position:absolute; padding:10px; overflow:auto; height:100%; z-index:1; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; background-attachment:fixed; } /***************************************************/ /* STYLES USED IN THE WEB DELIVERABLE ONLY */ /***********************************/ /* links */ #wPopupWeb {} a:link#wPopupWeb {color: #006600;} a:hover#wPopupWeb {color: #FF0000;} a:active#wPopupWeb {color: #FF0000;} a:visited#wPopupWeb {color: #006600;} #shortcutWeb {} #specLocWeb {} #relTopicsWeb {} #altLocWeb {} /***********************************/ /* popups */ div.popup { visibility:hidden; z-index:3; position:absolute; top:200; left:200; width:250; padding:6px; background-color:#FFFFCC; border-style: solid; border-width: 1; border-color: #666666; } /***********************************/ /* Added the following DIV 12/20/00 to incorporate branding GIF (currently Windows Flag) to designate material in HSS as Microsoft (as opposed to OEM material. This style also required WIDTH tags on H1 and WIDTH and Margin-Top tags on P.Proclabel. - AMS*/ DIV.UAbrand { direction: RTL; margin-top:-.25em; margin-right: -.25em; margin-bottom: -3em; } </STYLE> <script language=javascript> function OnClickHelp(sUrl) { window.showHelp(sUrl); } </script> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1><ID id="IDConfigTitle">Routing and Remote Access Is Configured on This Server</ID></H1> <P><ID id=IDConfigDesc>This server has already been configured using the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard. To make changes to the current configuration, select an item in the console tree, and then on the Action menu, click Properties.</ID></P> <P><ID id="IDConfigDesc2">For more information about setting up a Routing and Remote Access, deployment scenarios, and troubleshooting, see <A id=IDConfigDesc3 href="javascript:OnClickHelp('ms-its:rras.chm::/Html/c9004bab-0dff-4c0c-8212-fb03f0eb364e.htm');">Routing and Remote Access Help</A>.</ID></P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> </BODY> </HTML> Routing and RAS

Multi-tenant S2S VPN is enabled on This Server

Using this UI, you can not view/modify the Routing and Remote Access server configuration since multi-tenant S2S VPN is enabled.

Use RemoteAccess PowerShell cmdlets for viewing/modifying the RRAS configuraton.

P Routing and RAS

Routing and Remote Access Is Configured on This Server

This server has already been configured using the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard. To make changes to the current configuration, select an item in the console tree, and then on the Action menu, click Properties.



! IP address assignment, RADIUS server, and SSTP certificate settings should be changed from the server role management console. Changes to these settings that you make from this snap-in will be overwritten when you apply the management console settings.
PAD Routing and RAS

Routing and Remote Access Is Configured on This Server

This server has already been configured using the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard. To make changes to the current configuration, select an item in the console tree, and then on the Action menu, click Properties.



Enable DirectAccess on this Server

You are currently using only VPN for providing remote access to your clients. You can use rich remote access experience based on DirectAccess by enabling DirectAccess on this server. Using DirectAccess, your domain-joined clients can seamlessly connect to your corporate network. To enable DirectAccess on this server, you can run the "Enable DirectAccess" wizard by selecting the "Enable DirectAccess..." option on the action pane on the right or on right-clicking the machine node on the left.

P Routing and RAS

Configure the Routing and Remote Access Server

To set up Routing and Remote Access, on the Action menu, click Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access.



<!--The following was created with scratch HTML.--> <HTML> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" ""> <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <TITLE>Routing and RAS</TITLE> <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> /* Style sheet optimized for IE4x - Last updated 01/16/01 RWF */ body { color: #000000; background: #FFFFFF; font-size: 70%; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Sans Serif; margin-left: 0em; padding-left: 1.5em; } a:link, a:visited { color: #0000FF; text-decoration:underline;} a:active, a:hover { color: #FF0000; cursor:hand; text-decoration:underline;} /* Puts a little more breathing room above related topics link. - AMS*/ a.#reltopics { position:relative; top:1em; } h1 { font-size: 125%; margin-bottom: .5em; clear:both; width: 85%; } h2 { font-size: 110%; margin-top: 1.5em; margin-bottom: .5em; clear:both; } h3 { font-size: 100%; margin-top: 1.2em; margin-bottom: .5em; clear:both; } h4 { font-size: 100%; margin-top: 1.2em; margin-bottom: .5em; clear:both; } h5 { font-size: 100%; margin-top: 1.2em; margin-bottom: .5em; clear:both; } p { margin-top: .6em; margin-bottom: .6em; } ol { margin-top: .5em; margin-bottom: 0em; margin-left: 2.1em; padding-left: 0em; margin-right:2.1em; } ul { margin-top: .6em; margin-bottom: 0em; list-style-type: disc; margin-left: 1.5em; padding-left: 0em; margin-right: 1.5em; } li { margin-bottom: .7em; clear:both; } dd { margin-bottom: 0em; margin-left: 1.5em; } /* for defined terms, follow the Document Conventions listing in the Microsoft Manual of Style: */ /* Keywords, functions, and anything else the user must enter exactly as shown are bold--add font-weight: bold; to the dt tag */ /* Variables, book titles, and placeholders the user must provide are italic--add font-style: italic; to the dt tag */ /* pre-defined arguments are bold and italic--add font-weight: bold; and font-style: italic; to the dt tag */ dt { margin-top: 1em; } pre { margin-top: .5em; margin-bottom: .5em; } code { font-family: Courier New; font-size: 1.1em; } table { font-size: 100%; margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; } th { text-align: left; background: #DDDDDD; vertical-align: bottom; padding: .2em; padding-left: .45em; padding-right: .5em;} tr { vertical-align: top; } td { background: #EEEEEE; vertical-align: top; padding: .2em; padding-left: .45em; padding-right: .5em;} /**** extended class styles ************************/ /* */ /* add comment tags to disable the style */ p.indent { margin-left: 1.3em; } /* used to indent text for notes and warnings; use this instead of the blockquote tag */ p.indent2 { margin-left: 3.5em; } /* used to indent text a second level under the first indent */ P.indentGray { color: #666666; } /* used in quad-method procedures */ p.procLabel { font-size: 100%; font-weight: bold; clear: both; width: 85%; margin-top: 2em; } p.uatshoot { font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: -.5em; margin-top: 1em; } /***********************************************/ /* these class styles are used for the expanding and collapsing text files (expand function in shared.js) */ #expand {margin-bottom: 0.6em; margin-left: 0em; margin-right: 0em;} a:link.expandToggle, a:visited.expandToggle {color:#000000; font-weight: bold; text-decoration:none;} a:hover.expandToggle, a:active.expandToggle {color:#0000FF;} img.expand { border: none; margin-right: 0.5em; width:.8em;} div.expand { margin-left: 1.5em; margin-right: 1.5em;margin-bottom: 1em; display:none;} /***********************************************/ /* this class for expand collapse appearing in a table */ table.uatshoot {background-color: #FFFFFF; width: 90%; } table.uatshoot td { padding: 0px 0px 0px 5px; } a:link.uatshoot, a:visited.uatshoot {color:#000000; font-weight: normal; text-decoration:none;} a:hover.uatshoot, a:active.uatshoot {color:#0000FF; text-decoration: none; } /*******************************************/ /* these classes are for thumbnail art */ a:link img.thumbnail {border-color: #0000FF;} a:active img.thumbnail { border-color: #FF0000;} a:hover img.thumbnail {border-color: #FF0000;} img.thumbnail {vertical-align: top; margin-left: 0; width:90; border-width:1;} div.thumbnail {float:left; width: 105; margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: -0.3em; clear: both; } /*********************************************/ /* this class style is used for the navigation tree in MMC */ p.navTree { margin-top: .2em; } ul.navTree { list-style-type: none; } li.branch { margin-top: -.5em; margin-bottom: .6em;} a.where {} /* use for the expand <a> tag */ /***************************************************************/ /* these class styles are used for <span> tags simulating buttons & their div */ #buttonMenu { padding: 0.5em 0.3em 0.1em 0.3em; padding-left:6px; border-bottom: thin solid #999999; background: #BBBBBB; vertical-align:top; z-index:2; visibility:visible; left:0; top:0; text-align:left; margin:0 1em 0 0; position:absolute; width: 100%; } a:link.button, a:visited.button, span.button { border-top-color: #EEEEEE ; border-left-color: #EEEEEE ; border-bottom-color: #666666 ; border-right-color: #666666 ; background-color: #DDDDDD ; color:#0000FF; text-decoration: none; text-align: center; font-weight: bold ; height:1.5em; width:17px; cursor:hand; border-style: solid; border-width: 1; } a:active.button, a:hover.button { border-top-color: #666666 ; border-left-color: #666666 ; border-bottom-color: #EEEEEE ; border-right-color: #EEEEEE; background-color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; text-align: center; font-weight: bold ; height:1.5em; width:17px; cursor:hand; border-style: solid; border-width: 1; } /* The following span is used to display items that have no entries - AMS */ span.buttoninactive {background: #C0C0C0; border: 1 solid #eeeeee; height: 1.4em; width: 1.4em; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; color: #808080; vertical-align:top; cursor: default; } #list { padding:.4em 0.3em 100% 0.3em; overflow:auto; line-height:0.4em; height:100%; width: 100%; z-index:1; left:0; top:0; text-align:left; margin:0; position:absolute; margin-left:1em; line-height:100%; } p.marker { font-weight:bold; margin-top: 2em; color:#000000; font-size:110%; } /************************************************/ /* class styles reserved for mouseover/mouseout DHTML */ .cold {} .hot {} /**********************************************************************/ /* ID styles reserved for <a> tags calling OCX's within HTML Help by creating OBJECTS */ #wPopup {} a:link#wPopup, a:visited#wPopup {color: #006600;} a:hover#wPopup, a:active#wPopup {color: #FF0000;} img.popup {border: none; margin-right: 0.5em; vertical-align:middle;} #shortcut {} img.shortcut {border: none; margin-right: 0.5em; vertical-align:middle;} #specLoc {} #altLoc {} p.note,p.tip, p.important, p.caution, p.warning { font-weight:bold; clear:both; margin-top:1em; margin-bottom:-.25em; } img.alert {border:none;} /* for icon images - note, tip, important, caution, warning*/ /************************************************/ /* styles used to modify the appearance of XML popups */ DIV.XMLPopup { height: 100%; width: 100%; border: solid; border-width:1px; background-color: #FFFFCC; } DIV.PopTerm { font-weight: bold; margin-left: 1em; margin-top: .75em; margin-right: 1em; } DIV.PopDef { line-height: 1.25em; margin-left: 1em; margin-top: .25em; margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; } DIV.PopSeeAlso { margin-left: 0em; margin-top: .5em; margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1.25em; } DIV.PopDef UL { margin-left: 1.45em; line-height: 1.25em; } /************************************************/ /* Styles for listed-out/hard-coded links for Related Topics with page GIF */ p.#relTopics { font-weight:bold; margin-top: 2em;} img.relTopics { border: none; } p.relTopics { margin-left: 1.5em; margin-top: -1.7em; margin-bottom: .5em;} /***********************************/ /* Style for print only functionality used with external URL link coUA_print.css*/ span.printonly {display:none } /***********************************/ /* Styles for checklists */ .userData {behavior:url(#default#userdata); } /*sets persistance*/ #checklist {width:100%; text-align:left; margin:0.3em 0em;} #checklist li {text-indent:0.2em;} /*********************************/ /* these classes are for previous next navigation */ a:hover.navbar, a:active.navbar {} /* text in nav */ a:link.navbar, a:visited.navbar {} #nav { left:0; top:0px; text-align:left; margin:0; position:absolute; padding-bottom: 1px; padding-top: 3px; padding-right:6px; padding-left:5px; align:top; visibility:hidden; z-index:1; } #text { left:0; top:0px; /*text-align:left;*/ /*Commented out because it was causing a problem with BI-DI. Remove style if no ill effects are found from commenting it out. - 5/28/99 AMS */ margin:0; position:absolute; padding:10px; overflow:auto; height:100%; z-index:1; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; background-attachment:fixed; } /***************************************************/ /* STYLES USED IN THE WEB DELIVERABLE ONLY */ /***********************************/ /* links */ #wPopupWeb {} a:link#wPopupWeb {color: #006600;} a:hover#wPopupWeb {color: #FF0000;} a:active#wPopupWeb {color: #FF0000;} a:visited#wPopupWeb {color: #006600;} #shortcutWeb {} #specLocWeb {} #relTopicsWeb {} #altLocWeb {} /***********************************/ /* popups */ div.popup { visibility:hidden; z-index:3; position:absolute; top:200; left:200; width:250; padding:6px; background-color:#FFFFCC; border-style: solid; border-width: 1; border-color: #666666; } DIV.UAbrand { direction: RTL; margin-top:-.25em; margin-right: -.25em; margin-bottom: -3em; } </STYLE> <script language=javascript> function OnClickHelp(sUrl) { window.showHelp(sUrl); } </script> </HEAD> <BODY> <P><ID id=IDConfigDesc>To configure remote access logging or network policies (formerly named remote access policies), right-click the Remote Access Logging and Policies node.</ID></P> <P><ID id="IDConfigDesc2">For more information about setting up a Network Policy Server (NPS), or about deploying and troubleshooting remote access network policies, see <A id=IDConfigDesc3 href="javascript:OnClickHelp('ms-its:radius.chm::/Html/d80d8fd1-388f-49e1-8b32-855cf8fda137.htm');">NPS Help</A>.</ID></P> <P><ID id="IDConfigDesc2">To remotely configure Internet Authentication Service (IAS) for prior Windows versions such as Windows Server 2003, see Terminal Server Help.</ID></P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> </BODY> </HTML>  Routing and RAS

Welcome to Routing and Remote Access

Routing and Remote Access provides secure remote access to private networks.

Use Routing and remote access to configure the following:

• A secure connection between two private networks.

• A Virtual Private Network (VPN) gateway.

• A Dial-up remote access server.

• Network address translation (NAT).

• LAN routing.

• A basic firewall.

To add a Routing and Remote Access server, on the Action menu, click Add Server.