MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $Rؕ3}3}3}H̴3}H̱3}Rich3}PEL!  Rp@XQ.rsrc`R@@0H p  0 @ P ` p PR<  D*28] MUI!DHIhJ<"Yϋ3 ъ237 MUI en-USeError occurred while trying to perform the above operation. Check the trace file for more informationOperation succeededCThis operation will clear the following Transaction Manager mappingDThis operation will change the following Transaction Manager mapping)No such Transaction Manager mapping found1Do you want to continue with this operation?[y/n]msdtc.exe -tmMappingSet -name <mapping name> [ [-exe <full exe name>] | [-service <service name>] | [-complusAppId <id>]] [-local | -clusterResourceName <resourceName>]3msdtc.exe -tmMappingView [* | -name <mapping name>]4msdtc.exe -tmMappingClear [* | -name <mapping name>]Operation cancelledMutual Authentication RequiredPA'Incoming Caller Authentication RequiredNo Authentication Required <Unavailable>RInvalid parameter: Please make sure parameters passed into the cmdlet are correct.sA DTC instance with the specified DtcName does not exist. Please use DTC Resource name for clustered DTC instances.)The operation failed with HRESULT: 0x%08xGThis operation requires stopping and starting DTC to apply the changes.This operation requires stopping and resetting the log file to apply the changes. This will result in all active transactions being aborted.EThe specified Log path does not exist and a new path will be created.hA log file already exists in the specified location and continuing will result in overwriting this file.0The operation is not supported on this computer.DThe Flush operation cannot be performed on an offline trace session.DThe Write operation cannot be performed on an offline trace session.5Uninstallation will remove Dtc from Windows Services.=A new installation will reset DTC configuration and log file.VAccess Denied: Please make sure you have access previleges to perform this operation.dInvalid arguments: Please make sure the path is accessible and SizeInMB is smaller than MaxSizeInMB.~Access Denied: Please make sure you have access previleges to perform this operation and DTC service can access the file path.Setting default DTC to <%s> failed (HRESULT: 0x%08x). Please make sure firewall is opened and remote client access is enabled on <%s>.JInvalid arguments: Please make sure the ServerName is a valid computernamePInvalid arguments: Please make sure the DtcResourceName is a valid Dtc Resource.lSetting default cluster DTC to <%s> failed (HRESULT: 0x%08x). Please make sure <%s> is a valid DTC Resource.SNot supported: This operation is supported only on computers in a failover cluster..A transaction does not exist for the given Id.fThe transaction cannot be forced to abort or commit because the transaction's state is not "In Doubt".'The requested operation failed with %s.'The requested operation failed with %d.BStopping Dtc will result in all active transactions being aborted.eRemoving Tm Mapping will result in the application using default Dtc as its transactions coordinator.Either the transaction is not committed or there are resource managers or subordinate DTC Transaction Managers still connected.+The transaction is not a child transaction. 88@@j@j@ pp pp|pp q q DKMPO[L l22Classic 8Failed to clean up the default DTC cluster resource setting. The default DTC cluster resource setting might be invalid. The error code returned: %1 %0 Contact = %1 was deleted successfully. Attempt to copy the new contact = %2 over it failed. The DTC configuration may be corrupted. The operation that failed must be retried. The error code returned: %3 %0 Failed to create DTC cluster resource. DTC cluster resource GUID specified = %1. The error code returned: %2 %0 `Attempt to find the drive letter or Volume Guid corresponding to the cluster DTC's dependent disk resource has failed. If the dependent disk resource does not support Volume Guid information, please configure at least one dependent disk partition with a drive letter. The error code returned: %1 %0 Attempting to change the DTC cluster resource's log file path to %1 has failed. Please verify if log path is configured to a valid dependent disk partition. The error code returned: %2 %0 (Application specified a cluster resource ID: %1, but no DTC cluster resource could be returned. Instead, the local DTC instance was returned%0 Service: %1 is still running. Attempt to cleanup the service has failed%0 Failed trying to get the state of the cluster node: %1.The error code returned: %2 %0 LMSDTC started with the following settings:%r%r Security Configuration (OFF = 0 and ON = 1):%r Allow Remote Administrator = %1,%r Network Clients = %2,%r Transaction Manager Communication: %r Allow Inbound Transactions = %3,%r Allow Outbound Transactions = %4,%r Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP) = %5,%r Enable XA Transactions = %6,%r Enable SNA LU 6.2 Transactions = %12,%r MSDTC Communications Security = %8,%r Account = %9,%r Firewall Exclusion Detected = %10%r%r Transaction Bridge Installed = %11%r Filtering Duplicate Events = %7%r%0 4DTC Shared Utility%0 TM%0 CM%0 XATM%0 Cluster%0 $MSDTC Proxy%0 A caller has attempted to register an XA resource while XA transactions are disabled. Please review the MSDTC configuration settings.%0 @An XA transaction manager has attempted to open the MSDTC XA resource while XA transactions are disabled. Please review the MSDTC configuration settings.%0 A caller has attempted to propagate a transaction to a remote system, but MSDTC network DTC access is currently disabled on machine '%1'. Please review the MS DTC configuration settings.%0 A caller has attempted to import a transaction from a remote system, but MSDTC is currently configured to disallow inbound transaction manager communication on machine '%1'. Please review the MS DTC configuration settings.%0 A caller has attempted to export a transaction to a remote system, but MSDTC is currently configured to disallow outbound transaction manager communication on machine '%1'. Please review the MS DTC configuration settings.%0 MSDTC encountered an error (HR=0x%1) while attempting to authenticate an incoming connection from system '%2'. The principal name is %3.%0 MSDTC encountered an error (HR=0x%1) while attempting to establish a secure connection with system %2.%0 MS DTC encountered an error while attempting to process a message from a connection with system '%1'. The incoming message should be from another MSDTC, but has not been authenticated as such. The principal name is '%2'.%0 HA caller has attempted to connect to a remote MSDTC on machine '%1'. The attempt failed because the remote machine is configured to disallow remote clients.%0 XThe MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the xa_rollback function for XA resource manager '%1'. This call failed with an unexpected return code (%2): File=%3 Line=%4.%0 TThe MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the xa_commit function for XA resource manager '%1'. This call failed with an unexpected return code (%2): File=%3 Line=%4.%0 PThe MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the xa_open function for XA resource manager '%1'. This call failed with an unexpected return code (%2): File=%3 Line=%4.%0 xThe MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the 'GetXaSwitch' function in the XA resource manager DLL '%1'. The call to the 'GetXaSwitch' function failed with error %2: File=%3 Line=%4.%0 The MSDTC XA Transaction Manager attempted to perform recovery with the XA resource manager DLL '%1'. The XA resource manager reported that recovery was unsuccessful (XA return code=%2).%0 DThe MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the xa_open function in the XA resource manager DLL '%1'. This call failed with a user exception: File=%2 Line=%3.%0 DThe MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the xa_close function in the XA resource manager DLL '%1'. This call failed with a user exception: File=%2 Line=%3.%0 HThe MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the xa_recover function in the XA resource manager DLL '%1'. This call failed with a user exception: File=%2 Line=%3.%0 HThe MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the xa_commit function in the XA resource manager DLL '%1'. This call failed with a user exception: File=%2 Line=%3.%0 LThe MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the xa_rollback function in the XA resource manager DLL '%1'. This call failed with a user exception: File=%2 Line=%3.%0 HThe MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the xa_prepare function in the XA resource manager DLL '%1'. This call failed with a user exception: File=%2 Line=%3.%0 LThe MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the GetXaSwitch function in the XA resource manager DLL '%1'. This call failed with a user exception: File=%2 Line=%3.%0 XThe MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the xa_prepare function for XA resource manager '%1'. This call failed with an unexpected return code (%2): File=%3 Line=%4.%0 The MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the xa_commit function with the TMONEPHASE flag set for the XA resource manager '%1'. The call to the xa_commit function failed with an unexpected return code (%2): File=%3 Line=%4.%0 The MSDTC XA Transaction Manager attempted to locate the 'GetXaSwitch' function in the XA resource manager DLL. The 'GetXaSwitch' function is missing from the XA resource manager DLL %1 : Error=%2 File=%3 Line=%4.%0 TThe MS DTC XA Transaction Manager called the xa_close function for XA resource manager '%1'. This call failed with an unexpected return code (%2): File=%3 Line=%4.%0 <Microsoft-Windows-MSDTC 2 LMicrosoft-Windows-MSDTC Client 2 4VS_VERSION_INFO @")@%?~StringFileInfoZ040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationFFileDescriptionMicrosoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Resources for Vista SP1|.FileVersion2001.12.10530.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)BInternalNamemsdtcVSp1res.dll.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.ROriginalFilenamemsdtcVSp1res.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft Windows Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGX