MZ’’ø@øŗ“ Ķ!øLĶ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ŃRŲ•3}‹•3}‹•3}‹HĢ“‹”3}‹HĢ±‹”3}‹Rich•3}‹PELą!  ¦Ą«@h„.rsrc°¦@@( €8€P€ €8€`€x€,€-Ø€.Ą€/Ų€0š€1€2 €38€fP€gh€h€€i˜€,°€-Č€.ą€/ų€0€1(€2@€3X€4p€‘ˆ€’ €“ø€ėŠ€#耀€0€ H€ `€ x€€Ø€Ą€Ų€Aš€C€D €E8€FP€Gh€H€€I˜€J°€~Č€ą€„ų€‡€ˆ(€Ń@€ÕX€Öp€īˆ€ļ €ūø€Š€č€€€0€ H X h x ˆ ˜ Ø ø Č Ų č ų     (  8  H  X  h  x  ˆ  ˜  Ø  ø  Č  Ų  č  ų      (  8  H  X  h  x  ˆ  ˜  Ø  ø  Č  Ų  č  ų      (  8  H  X  h  x  ˆ  ˜  Ø  ø  Č  Ų  č  ų     0Čäų$äläˆtäü\äX \ä“!˜äL#Tä #8äŲ#`ä8%Čä'$ä$)tä˜,äœ.šä80®äč2ĄäØ5>äč8Ņä¼<hä$AŲäüBģäčE`äHIŗ äSœä ZHäč_äa,ä0a:äla`äĢb(äōb$ädä8hDä|hxäōkä p ä,qZäˆqdäģqüäčrøä uä¼xāä }ä؂č䐊¶äH‘"äl”€äģ• äŒ–Ōä`š0䐛Ōädœäō źäą”xäX¤ąä8„Dä|„䄦†ä §ä¬¢ä“±“äMUIĶžĶžČ!dU{Öæɑ[“;¹6I—‚œļcd,ōUā”-yˆ˜ø MUIen-USR&un&End Task’’’’Cu&t&Copy’’’’&DeleteRena&me’’’’€P&ropertiesR&un€&End Scheduled Task€&File`Ne&wa€&Scheduled TaskpArrange &Icons0by &Name2by Ne&xt Run Time3by &Last Run Time4by Last &Result1by &Schedule6€by &Creator€&PastepArrange &Icons0by &Name2by Ne&xt Run Time3by &Last Run Time4by Last &Result1by &Schedule6€by &Creator€&PasteAdva&nced‘&Stop Using Task Scheduler’&Pause Task Scheduler–&Notify Me of Missed Tasks•A&T Service Account“&View Log—€View &Hidden TasksĮ&Move HereĀ&Copy Here€Cancel €&Open’’Ą ȐŪRSet PasswordMS Shell DlgP 1ė’’‚&Password: ƒP^ oź’’P ":ģ’’‚&Confirm password: P^oé’’P/:2’’€OKPz:2’’€Cancel’’ĄČģbSet Account InformationMS Shell DlgP - ļ’’‚R&un as:€Pq nš’’P $1ń’’‚&Password: ƒPq o󒒁P 5:ņ’’‚&Confirm password: Pq2oō’’P4K2’’€OKP…K2’’€Cancel’’ĄČ€ ŗoAT Service Account ConfigurationMS Shell Dlg P D d’’€&System Account P 3< e’’€&This Account:€PF2i f’’PD(g’’‚&Password: PFCi h’’PR(i’’‚&Confirm Password: PFTi j’’P}2’’€OKP}2’’€Cancel’’Ą Ȁū™Select MonthsMS Shell DlgP) Ī’’€&JanuaryP++ Ļ’’€&FebruaryP<$ Š’’€&MarchPM Ń’’€&AprilP^ Ņ’’€Ma&yPo Ó’’€J&uneP• Ō’’€Ju&lyP•+& Õ’’€Au&gustP•<2 Ö’’€&SeptemberP•M) ×’’€&OctoberP•^1 Ų’’€&NovemberP•o1 Ł’’€&DecemberP9„2’’€OKP„2’’€CancelP°Ķ’’‚Please select the months you would like the task to run.’’Ą€ ‰MS Shell DlgPZ”’’’’‚This wizard helps you schedule a task for Windows to perform.PZ”’’’’‚You select the program you want Windows to run, and then schedule it for a convenient time.PZ.”’’’’‚Click Next to continue.PA’’Ą€‰MS Shell DlgPZŖ’’’’‚&Click the program you want Windows to run.ƒPZ¹QéSysListView32Custom1Pįr2ź’’€B&rowse...PZuė’’‚To see more programs, click Browse.PA’’Ą€ ‡MS Shell DlgPZ®’’’’‚You have successfully scheduled the following task:PZ é’’‚Pk ź’’‚PZ"p’’’’‚Windows will perform this task:PZ-­ė’’‚ PZR°ķ’’€Open &advanced properties for this task when I click Finish.PZlÆ’’’’‚Click Finish to add this task to your Windows schedule.PA’’Ą€ ‰MS Shell DlgPZ„’’’’‚&Type a name for this task. The task name can be the same name as the program name.€PZ¬ é’’PZ*7’’’’‚Perform this task: PZ78 ź’’€&Daily PZC8 ė’’€&Weekly PZO8 ģ’’€&Monthly PZ[J ķ’’€&One time only PZgm ī’’€When my computer &starts PZsM ļ’’€When I &log on’’Ą€ ‰MS Shell DlgPZ¬’’’’‚Select the time and day you want this task to start.PZ ,’’’’‚Start &time: PZ@ „SysDateTimePick32Custom1PZ-’’’’‚Perform this task: PZ:8 é’’€Every D&ay PZF8 ź’’€&Weekdays PZR) ė’’€&Every€ ƒPˆQ ķ’’·PœP ģmsctls_updown32Spin1PÆS ī’’‚daysPZg/’’’’‚Start &date:PZq@ …SysDateTimePick32Custom1PA’’Ą€ ‰MS Shell DlgPZŸ’’’’‚Select the time and day you want this task to start.PZ ’’’’‚Start &time: PZ@ „SysDateTimePick32Custom1PZ.’’’’‚&Every€ Pv, ģ’’·P, ķmsctls_updown32Spin1P›.ī’’‚weeksPZAt’’’’‚Select the day(s) of the week below:PZN) ļ’’€&MondayPZ\+ š’’€Tuesda&yPZj6 ń’’€&WednesdayPœN/ ņ’’€T&hursdayPœ\/ ó’’€&FridayPœj/ ō’’€&SaturdayPœx/ õ’’€S&undayPA’’Ą€ ‰MS Shell DlgPZŸ’’’’‚Select the time and day you want this task to start. PZ@ „SysDateTimePick32Custom1 PZ. ė’’€&Day PZ> ī’’€T&he€ ƒP|- ģ’’7P–, ķmsctls_updown32Spin2#P}<<8ļ’’…!Pæ<<Eš’’…PZRA’’’’‚Of the month(s):PZa ó’’€&JanPZp ō’’€&FebPZ õ’’€&MarP†a ö’’€&AprP†p ÷’’€Ma&yP† ų’’€J&unP²a ł’’€Ju&lP²p ś’’€Au&gP² ū’’€&SepPÜa ü’’€&OctPÜp ż’’€No&vPÜ ž’’€D&ecPZ -’’’’‚Start &time:’’Ą€ ‰MS Shell DlgPZ«’’’’‚Select the time and day you want this task to start. PZ@ „SysDateTimePick32Custom1PZ2*’’’’‚Start &date:PZ<@ …SysDateTimePick32Custom1PZ1’’’’‚Start &time:’’Ą€ ‰MS Shell DlgPZ¬’’’’‚Enter the name and password of a user. The task will run as if it were started by that user.PZ"J’’’’‚Enter the user n&ame:€P© ] é’’PZ5E’’’’‚Enter the &password: P©3] ź’’PZHF’’’’‚&Confirm password: P©F] ė’’PZ[¬’’’’‚If a password is not entered, scheduled tasks might not run.’’ĄČżŚTaskMS Shell DlgPō’’‚P% ² r’’‚task nameP"ļ’’’’‚P-, u’’‚&Run:€P=*ŗv’’PĮ<5w’’€&Browse...PV) ‚’’‚S&tart in:€P=Rŗƒ’’Pf$s’’‚&Comments:„P=dŗ t’’P‹ļ’’’’‚P–- z’’‚R&un as:€P=“]{’’X£“Sč’’€&Set password...P¾¾ „’’€Run only if &logged onPĖ¾ €’’€&Enabled (scheduled task runs at specified time)’’ĄČ€/żŚScheduleMS Shell DlgPō’’‚P% Ķ!’’‚Text!P ļBœ’’…PŒ2ž’’€&NewPĆ2Ÿ’’€&DeleteP1ļ’’’’‚P:A ’’’’‚&Schedule Task:!PELFš’’…PX:9 ’’’’‚S&tart time: PXED›SysDateTimePick32P”D4 ’’€Ad&vanced...PYļ'„’’€Schedule Task DailyPj ¦’’‚&Every€ P*h,§’’¶PMh Ømsctls_updown32P\j ©’’‚day(s)PYļTÆ’’€Schedule Task WeeklyPj °’’‚&Every€ Ph*±’’¶P>g ²msctls_updown32Spin1PQj, ³’’‚week(s) on:P€j0 “’’€MonP€v0 µ’’€TueP€‚0 ¶’’€WedP€Ž0 ·’’€ThuP€š0 ø’’€FriP¶j0 ¹’’€SatP¶v0 ŗ’’€SunPūYļQĆ’’€Schedule Task Monthly Pj Ä’’€Da&y P| Č’’€Th&e€ ƒP#hÅ’’¶P9h Ęmsctls_updown32Spin1PDkF Ē’’‚of the month(s)!P#{4BÉ’’…!P\{EXŹ’’…P¤}6 Ė’’‚of the month(s)P“<Ģ’’€Select &MonthsPõYļ)į’’€Schedule Task OncePi- ā’’‚&Run on:PQh‚ćSysDateTimePick32PļYļ'ä’’€Schedule Task When IdlePłjz å’’‚&When the computer has been idle for:€ Pzhę’’¶Pxh ēmsctls_updown32P j" č’’‚minute(s)$PĖēŒ’’€Show m&ultiple schedules.PA’’ĄČ€żŚSettingsMS Shell DlgPī,—’’€Scheduled Task CompletedPą ‹’’€&Delete the task if it is not scheduled to run again.P![ ’’€S&top the task if it runs for:P•! ü’’‚&hour(s)€ Pm% Ž’’¶P‡ msctls_updown32Spin1PŌ! ż’’‚&minute(s).€ P¬% ’’¶PĘ ‘msctls_updown32Spin1P8īY•’’€Idle TimePBĻ ‡’’€&Only start the task if the computer has been idle for at least:PHR" –’’‚m&inute(s)€ PQ% “’’¶P9R ”msctls_updown32Spin1PcÓ’’’‚If the computer has not been idle that long, retry for up to:PHo" £’’‚mi&nute(s)€ Po% ™’’¶P9o ¢msctls_updown32Spin2PĻ ˆ’’€Stop the task if the computer &ceases to be idle.P—ī>˜’’€Power ManagementP£Ü ‰’’€Don't start the task if the computer is running on &batteries.P³Ü Š’’€Stop the task if batter&y mode begins.PĆÜ ¤’’€&Wake the computer to run this task.’’Ą Ȁń„Advanced Schedule OptionsMS Shell DlgP 3 ģ’’‚&Start Date:Pf ‚ķSysDateTimePick32P 3 ž’’€&End Date:Pf‚ņSysDateTimePick32P 3ßVū’’€P28 ī’’€&Repeat taskPB’’’‚E&very:€ P-?+ ļ’’¶PM? šmsctls_updown32Spin1!P^??)ń’’…PU’’‚Until: P-T) ō’’€&Time: P-e* õ’’€&Duration: P^RA öSysDateTimePick32Pˆgü’’‚&hour(s)€ P^d' ÷’’¶Pze ųmsctls_updown32Spin1PĒgż’’‚&minute(s)€ P e$ ł’’¶P¹f śmsctls_updown32Spin1P-w© ó’’€If the task is still running, st&op it at this time.P‚2’’€OKP·2’’€CancelWaiting for next scheduled runRunning SuspendedLast run AbortedTask has not yet runError, unable to run taskError from last runNormal Idle (lowest)PAName Next Run Time Last Run Time Last ResultScheduleStatusCreator&Stop Using Task Scheduler&Start Using Task Scheduler&Pause Task Scheduler&Continue Task SchedulerHighTask/The properties for this item are not available. Task FolderRunningTask not scheduledNeverDisabledAt system startup At user logonTrigger disabledCopy of xThe service is currently stopped. No tasks will run unless the service is started. Do you want to start the service now?|The service is currently paused. No tasks will run unless the service is continued. Do you want to continue the service now?%The service is starting. Please wait.Multiple schedule timesMissedCould not startVThe scheduled task did not run because an incorrect password or user name was entered.LThe scheduled task did not run because no user account password was entered.PARealtime (highest) MS Shell Dlg18Select a Program2You will be able to choose the program to scheduleSchedule the TaskNGive your task a name and select how often you would like to perform this taskScheduling a Task(You have chosen to schedule a task daily)You have chosen to schedule a task weekly*You have chosen to schedule a task monthly'You have chosen to schedule a task once8Enter the name and password to use when running the task ApplicationVersionScheduled Task WizardAThe task name may not contain the characters <, >, :, /, \, or |.ProgramsSelect Program to ScheduleCA task with the name %s already exists. Do you want to replace it?QUnable to delete the existing task %s. Choose a different name for the new task.tThe day of the month to run is set to 31. This day is not valid for the month(s) selected, so the task will not run.jThe day of the month to run is set to 30, but the only selected month is February. The task will not run.Add Scheduled Task_The new task has been created, but may not run because the account information could not be set!The new task could not be created **Multiple tasks selected**PADailyWeeklyMonthlyevery every other every third every fourth every fifth every sixth every twelfthhoursminutesfirstsecondthirdfourthlastTask Scheduler Run when idleRun at system startupRun at power resumeAt %s'Every %1!s! %2!s! from %3!s! to %4!s!%0.%1!s! %2!s!, starting %3!s! and ending %4!s!%0%1!s! %2!s!, starting %3!s!%0hour(s) minute(s)Created by NetScheduleJobAdd. "%1" (%2) %3 %4 ** WARNING ** %5"%1" (%2) %3 %4 ** ERROR ** %5"%1" (%2) Started %3 %4 "%1" (%2) Finished %3 %4 %5b"%1" (%2) Started %3 %4 Started indirectly, through a shortcut; task finish will not be logged. Unable to start task Result: %1(%2). 'Unable to find a message for exit code %1!s! on %2!s!%0 every %d days every day, every %s of every week"every %1!s! of every %2!s! weeks%0on day %d of every monthon day %1!s! of %2!s!%0#on the %1!s! %2!s! of every month%0on the %1!s! %2!s! of %3!s!%0PAon %1!s! %2!s!%0on the %1!s! %2!s! of %3!s!%0.Every %1!s! %2!s! from %3!s! for %4!s! %5!s!%0(Trigger has not been set to valid valueson day %d, etc. of every monthon day %1!s!, etc. of %2!s!%0ERROR: zThe Task Scheduler service should not be run from the command line! Use the Scheduled Tasks folder to control the service.BOnly one instance of the Task Scheduler service can run at a time!1281Run at user logonInvalid working directory.7The run was not started because the system was not idleMThe scheduled run was not started because the system was running on batteries-"Task Scheduler Service" %1 %2 ** Error ** %3PA"Task Scheduler Service"  Started at %1 %2  Exited at %1 %2 ;A critical error prevents the Task Scheduler from starting!.Verify that the directory exists and try again£The task was terminated. This action was initiated either by an administrator or by the Task Scheduler service (because, for example, the computer is now non idle)UThe task was forced to close since its execution time exceeded the configured maximum(The task completed with an exit code of * %1. The specific error is: %2: %3 %4. % %1. The specific error is: %2: %3 %1. %2.  %1. &%1. The specific error is: %2: %3 %4. "%1. The specific error is: %2: %3 %1. %2. %1. 0x%08x!(Unable to find an error message)?Try using the Task page Browse button to locate the applicationGVerify that the task's Run-as name and password are valid and try againeThe attempt to log on to the account associated with the task failed, therefore, the task did not runZThe attempt to log on to the AT security account failed; therefore, the AT job did not runFile access is denied2Only Administrators may access files of this type.“The attempt to retrieve account information for the specified task failed; therefore, the task did not run. Either an error occurred, or no account information existed for the taskbThe attempt to retrieve AT security account information failed; therefore, the AT job did not run.0A failure occurred during service initializationNAn error has occurred that will negatively affect the operation of the serviceGAn error has occurred, but it will not prevent the service from running(A reinstallation may correct the problem*Close all applications and restart WindowsAIf this error persists, please contact your network administratorEClose some applications and try again. It may help to restart Windows]You may want to go to the Settings page and increase the "Stop the scheduled task after" timeUnable to load task&Unable to determine the task exit codeUnable to delete the taskUnable to update the task4Make sure that the Task Scheduler Service is running Paused at %1 %2  Continued at %1 %2 ø Some tasks may not have executed at their scheduled times between %1 %2 and %3 %4, either because the Task Scheduler Service was not running, or because the computer was hibernating. ÖSome tasks did not execute at their scheduled times because the Task Scheduler Service was not running. You can view the list of missed tasks, and attempt to run them again, from within the Scheduled Tasks folder.Task Scheduler ServicePAActivates the task Terminates the task=Removes the selected items and copies them onto the ClipboardVCopies the selected items to the Clipboard. Use Paste to put them in the new location.DInserts the items you have copied or cut into the selected location.Deletes the selected items.Renames the selected item..Displays the properties of the selected items.!Opens the Create New Task Wizard.PA"Sorts items alphabetically by Name&Sorts items alphabetically by ScheduleSorts by Next Run TimeSorts by Last Run TimeSorts by Last Exit Code%Sorts items alphabetically by Creator(Contains commands for creating new itemsCreates a new empty task2Displays advanced menu options for Task Scheduler.MQuits the Task Scheduler service. None of the scheduled programs will be run.UWhen paused, temporarily prevents Task Scheduler from running all scheduled programs.DDisplays a log of the programs that Task Scheduler has run recently.)Displays Task Scheduler's version number.2Sets account information for all AT Service tasks.GWhen checked, Task Scheduler will notify you of tasks that did not run. Toggles display of hidden tasks.IStarts the Task Scheduler service so that scheduled programs will be run.?When continued, Task Scheduler will run all scheduled programs. New Task.job New Queue.que When idle8[ ***** Most recent entry is above this line ***** ] FAn error has occurred while attempting to set task account information?Corruption was detected in the Task Scheduler security database*Ensure the account name specified is valid{As a result, the account information for each task in the Tasks folder has been invalidated and will need to be respecified=You do not have permission to perform the requested operationEnsure the Task Scheduler Service is running, then try again. You can start the service from the Advanced menu in the Scheduled Tasks folder9Verify that the task's parameters are valid and try again Task ObjectScheduled TasksVTask Scheduler was unable to open a connection to the Task Scheduler security databasePAOCan not find log viewer %s. Please ensure the viewer name and path are correct.Unable to query service status.Unable to stop the service.Unable to pause the service.Unable to continue the service<The Schedule service seems to be hung. Do you want to retry?-%s is not a valid task/queue object extension%s has invalid dataUnable to start the service2Unable to determine AT Service account informationBuild version 1.00OnceSundayMondayTuesday WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayexe:Programs*.exe;*.pif;*.com;*.bat;*.cmdAll Files (*.*)*.*PABrowseAt System StartupAt Logon<Task not scheduled>PA.The end date must be later than the start date9The duration must be greater than the repetition interval6An unrecoverable error has occured. Unable to continue,The passwords do not match. Please try againMInsufficient memory to continue. Please close some applications and try again"General page initialization failed#Schedule page initialization failed#Settings page initialization failed1The number in 'Every _ day(s)' must be at least 12The number in 'Every _ week(s)' must be at least 1*The day of the month cannot be less than 1.The day of the month cannot be greater than 318Invalid weekly task. Ensure one or more days are checkedPA;Invalid monthly task. Ensure one or more months are checked)The system cannot find the file specifiedAccess is deniedHThe time in 'Stop the task if it runs for _' should be greater than zero¦An error has occurred attempting to retrieve task account information. You may continue editing the task object, but will be unable to change task account information9No account name specified. Please specify an account name­Cannot find a file named '%s'. Try using the Browse button on the Tasks page to locate the application. Application parameters may only appear in the 'Parameters' control.LThe day of the month specified does not occur in any of the months specified-The repetition interval cannot be less than 1PA“4VS_VERSION_INFO½ļž@€%@€%?StringFileInfoī040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationbFileDescriptionTask Scheduler interface DLLr)FileVersion6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)<InternalNameTaskScheduler€.LegalCopyright© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.FOriginalFilenamemstask.dll.muij%ProductNameMicrosoft® Windows® Operating SystemBProductVersion6.3.9600.16384DVarFileInfo$Translation °PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGX